
TheMusoHey robert_ancell. How was your trip?00:06
robert_ancellTheMuso, hey, it was good00:31
* TheMuso sighs. More people emailing me about their audio problems, and not either filing a bug, or pointing me to the bug.00:35
* RAOF enjoys a perk of working from his brother's place - there's an espresso machine, and someone to drive it!02:22
robert_ancellpitti, can you look at bug 551460 and let through the queue if looks good02:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 551460 in gnome-doc-utils "Update to 0.20.0" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55146002:47
TheMusoRAOF: heh03:01
=== oubiwann` is now known as oubiwann
robert_ancellpitti, also, please look at bug 18954305:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 189543 in d-feet "d-feet crashed with AttributeError in cursor_changed_handler()" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18954305:11
pittiGood morning07:03
pittirobert_ancell: gnome-doc-utils isn't in the queue; was it already accepted?07:04
pittirobert_ancell: there's no changelog for g-doc-u 0.2.0; would you mind attaching one, for checking FF and regression potential?07:06
robert_ancellpitti, couldn't upload g-d-u, is in bzr07:08
pittirobert_ancell: oh, 0.19.5 > 0.20.0 is just .po file updates?07:09
pittirobert_ancell: ok, will sponsor and shepherd through07:09
robert_ancellpitti, just confirming07:09
robert_ancellThe git patch is the important component07:10
pittirobert_ancell: ok, thanks07:12
pittirobert_ancell: d-feet> three uploads within one hour? :-)07:15
pittianyway, accepted07:15
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=== almaisan is now known as al-maisan
robert_ancellpitti, heh.  I thought I'd see what the other bugs were and added that one, then decided there was a second bug in d-feet to fix :)07:20
raofI'd like to get a bunch of X guys and kernel guys in a room at the same time at UDS, because kernel modesetting has moved quite a lot of X into the kernel and we need to work out how best to handle bugs, tracking upstream, etc.  The way to make this happen would be to write a blueprint, yes?07:35
=== raof is now known as RAOF
baptistemmthanks robert_ancell for fixing 18954307:40
baptistemmrobert_ancell, would you consider fixing previous ubuntu releases?07:40
robert_ancellbaptistemm, does it affect existing releases?  Isn't apport generally turned off?07:42
pittiyes, it shouldn't matter in stables07:51
baptistemmyeah, I was trying but nothing appears except in the term in which is started d-feet07:51
didrocksgood morning08:21
RAOFGood morning didrocks.08:22
didrockshey RAOF :)08:23
* RAOF always expects “morning” to tab-autocomplete; it never does :)08:23
pittibonjour didrocks08:33
pittihey RAOF08:33
RAOFHowdie pitti08:33
didrockspitti: Guten Morgen pitti. You are well settled in Munich this week?08:33
pittididrocks: no, I'm still in DD; Netti arrived safely, though08:34
pittiher first day of the internship today :)08:34
* pitti looking forward to her call this evening08:34
didrocksgood luck to her :)08:34
seb128hey pitti didrocks08:34
pittibonjour seb12808:34
didrocksgood morning seb128, enjoyed the week-end?08:34
seb128didrocks, yes! you?08:34
didrocksseb128: yes, sunny one. I even got sunburned at the restaurant :)08:35
seb128like to sit in the sun while eating? ;-)08:36
* pitti had a great weekend as well08:36
pittinice birthday party, a go-kart race with my family and friends08:37
pittiand yesterday was marvellous weather, I walked for two hours08:37
didrocksseb128: when you didn't see a real sunny day for a long time. Yes! :)08:37
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:57
didrocksgood morning chrisccoulson & huats08:59
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks, how are you?08:59
huatsmorning chrisccoulson and didrocks08:59
chrisccoulsonhey huats08:59
didrockschrisccoulson: I'm good, thanks. busy week for me beginning but it will be ok :) and you?09:01
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm ok too thanks09:01
chrisccoulsonstill trying to fix gjs, with no success yet09:01
pittihey chrisccoulson09:12
chrisccoulsonhey pitti, how are you?09:13
pittichrisccoulson: I'm great, thanks! had a marvellous weekend09:13
chrisccoulsonexcellent :)09:13
seb128pitti, can we still sneak changes in today?09:18
seb128pitti, ted sent updates to fix the messaging menu duplicating items09:18
pittiseb128: only very safe and urgent ones, RC builds will start soon09:18
pittiplease coordinate in #ubuntu-release09:19
didrockspitti: universe isn't in freeze, there is just an archive admin manual push, right?09:19
seb128pitti, hum k09:19
seb128pitti, and after RC?09:19
pittididrocks: it's also in freeze, but not bound so much by CD builds09:19
seb128pitti, what about the lpi change?09:20
pittiseb128: possibly; we certainly rebuild CDs again09:20
pittiseb128: so it's probably best if you just upload, so that it's in the queue for review09:20
pittiseb128: lpi change> that'll go in, of course; I think it's a good time to upload it, to have it in the queue now09:20
pittiseb128: perhaps you can upload lpi right now?09:20
didrockspitti: ok, will push a nautilus-action update. People pointed that the new release got some regression with a lot of script. Upstream fixed it09:20
seb128pitti, uploaded09:24
tseliotpitti: do you think my fix for bug #562226 can be included before the final release?09:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562226 in jockey "[LUCID] 'Hardware Drivers' showing all drivers as active" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56222609:30
pittitseliot: if you think that the change is safe, please upload, and we'll review it from the queue09:33
tseliotpitti: will do, thanks09:33
ZdraHow do I know in the code if the indicator applet is on the panel?09:38
ZdraI would like to fix rhythmbox made unusable by that indicator patch09:39
seb128would be easier for you to make your own build with the configure option set to false for it09:40
geserwhat's the solution to make the binary debs build from gir-repository installable again? they have a versioned depends on gir1.0-gtk-2.0 build from gir-repository but gir1.0-gtk-2.0 got replaced with the one build from gtk+2.009:40
seb128geser, example?09:40
geserPackage gir1.0-wnck-1.0 version 0.6.5-5ubuntu1 has an unmet dep:09:40
geser Depends: gir1.0-gtk-2.0 (= 0.6.5-5ubuntu1)09:40
seb128geser, drop the version from the depends?09:41
seb128geser, I can do that if you want09:41
seb128let me look09:41
Zdraseb128, does that mean there is no way to now at run time? or you just don't know?09:46
Zdraseb128, I would like to not have to keep my own build for that detail...09:46
Zdracould benefit everyone if I just make it run-time as empathy does09:47
seb128Zdra, I don't know and people who know are u.s based and sleeping09:47
Zdraseb128, do you have a name I could ping later?09:47
Zdrathanks :)09:48
seb128you can try asking on #ayatana too09:48
tseliotpitti: uploaded09:51
geserseb128: looks like removing the gir1.0-gtk-2.0 package from debian/control.in and adding gir1.0-gtk-2.0 to build-depends is enough to fix those broken dependencies09:59
seb128geser, I've uploaded a change without gir1.0-gtk-2.0 a minute ago10:00
seb128geser, I didn't do the build-depends change though10:00
seb128geser, thanks for raising the issue and looking at the fix too ;-)10:04
pittitseliot: accepted10:08
tseliotpitti: thanks10:09
seb128ok, email backlog from the weekend cleaned before lunch11:22
chrisccoulsonyay seb128 \o/11:31
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?11:31
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, not too bad thanks. how are you?11:31
ograwho reverted gcalctool to the sane UI ?11:31
* ogra wants to know so he can pay that person a beer in bussels11:32
seb128ogra, I raised the issue with robert_ancell and he agreed to use the previous one for lucid11:32
ograso two beers then :)11:32
seb128ogra, the new one is a rewritte but he didn't get everything he wanted done ready11:32
seb128ogra, ;-)11:32
ograreally makes my life easier to be able to quickly convert hex to dec. in arm land everything is in hex11:33
seb128I like being able to do base conversions in an easy way too11:34
ograwell, there is always printf but its way easier to do it in the calculator11:34
hyperairseb128: could you take a look at bug #565418, please?11:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565418 in nautilus-share "Sync nautilus-share (main) 0.7.2-13 from Debian Unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56541811:48
hyperairsync request with two bugfixes11:48
hyperairseb128: bug #564506 as well, please. banshee-community-extensions won't build until that is fixed in indicator-application.11:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564506 in banshee-community-extensions "libappindicator-cil-dev's .pc file points to the wrong place" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56450611:49
loolHmm just noticed this today, /usr/bin/gnome-video-thumbnailer: broken symbolic link to `/etc/alternatives/gnome-video-thumbnailer'11:51
seb128lool, we dropped those alternatives years ago no?11:51
seb128hyperair, the libappindicator you will need slangasek to ack, the binary rename now doesn't seem something that will go in11:52
loolI just checked, and the thumbnailing works fine11:52
loolseb128: perhaps we failed removing them on upgrade?11:52
loolI see /var/lib/dpkg/info/totem.preinst:        update-alternatives --quiet --remove-all gnome-video-thumbnailer || true11:53
loolRunning this snippet manually fixes it for me11:54
seb128lool, it worked for me but I can see that going wrong, I hate alternative for this reason ;-)11:54
seb128they keep creating random issues11:54
ograthey keep you from getting jobless ... think positive :)11:54
loolSame for totem11:54
loolso it's a bug in the totem preinst: configure isn't a valid action for preinst, upgrade is11:55
seb128hyperair, in fact I can't approve either of those, I'm not in approver for main exceptions11:57
hyperairseb128: it's low-impact, at the very east.11:58
seb128well, as said I'm the wrong person to talk to11:58
seb128try slangasek11:58
hyperairokay, thanks11:58
loolseb128: I dont feel this is worth a totem upload, but is it ok if I stage it to lp:~ubuntu-desktop/totem/ubuntu ?11:58
lool(committed to Debian)11:58
seb128lool, yes syre11:59
seb128lool, thanks11:59
seb128lunch time bbl12:00
didrockschrisccoulson: not tested today but with Friday's image, Flash returning "no plugin available" when trying to download one. Known issue?12:17
asacdidrocks: yes. search for pfs in about:config12:59
asacreplace 10.04 with 9.10 to get results12:59
asac(plugin db needs refresh)12:59
didrocksasac: ok, a fix is uploaded for RC? (just wanted to ensure :))13:04
asacdidrocks: its not an upload. the db is a webservice. we will refresh it before RC, yes.13:04
didrocksasac: oh ok, great :)13:06
didrockspitti: if you have a sec at looking the nautilus-actions upload. I guess we should take the new version as it fixes an upstream issue which broke a tons of action scripts13:15
seb128didrocks, it's in the queue they will come to it13:15
seb128didrocks, it's in universe so no hurry13:16
pittididrocks: yes, we'll get to that; we needed to build the main packages first to kick off CD builds13:16
seb128pitti, http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/pool/main/g/glib2.0/13:16
seb128pitti, still no glib ddeb :-(13:16
didrocksseb128: pitti: thanks13:16
seb128pitti, I think either the server collector or the pkgbinary magic is buggy now13:16
pittiseb128: but this time we should still have the .ddebs if they were built at all; hang on13:16
didrocksseb128: sure, not knowning that the main queue was not acked yet (I didn't have close look at this process previously) :)13:17
seb128pitti, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/44409721/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.glib2.0_2.24.0-0ubuntu2_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz suggests they were not13:17
seb128didrocks, ? you should have received an email saying that your upload is waiting13:17
seb128didrocks, universe changes have until next week to go in I think13:18
pittiseb128: uh, the test suite failed on that, is that expected?13:18
seb128pitti, where?13:18
pittiseb128: in that very build log13:19
seb128"dpkg-deb: building package `libglib2.0-0' in `../libglib2.0-0_2.24.0-0ubuntu2_i386.deb'.13:19
seb128INFO: Disabling pkgsanitychecks for udeb13:19
seb128pitti, it detects the udeb as not udeb13:19
seb128and build a ddeb for the udeb13:20
seb128reversed logic somewhere?13:20
pittiright, it seems to be a bug in pkg-create-dbgsym itself, not in the ddeb-retriever scripts13:20
seb128pitti, the testsuite is racy that's "known"13:20
seb128that's why it doesn't break the build13:21
didrocksseb128: ok, after RC, changes in universe are still considered. Just what I wanted to know. Thanks :)13:21
seb128didrocks, you didn't read the ubuntu-devel-announce emails ;-)13:22
pittiseb128: the udeb is ignored in the first invocation, but not in the dh_strip -plibglib2.0-udeb one apparently13:22
seb128pitti, do you want me to open a bug about this?13:23
didrocksseb128: I read it, but nothing it told about universe :-p13:23
pittiseb128: please do; I'm afraid I can't fix it right now13:23
seb128pitti, that's ok, totally understable, maybe we will have a chance between rc and luci13:23
seb128didrocks, ok, I'm too lazy to look into my emails now but I read one from slangasek I think with freeze lines13:24
didrocksseb128: sure, "During the freeze, all uploads to main must be approved by a member of the13:24
didrocksrelease team"13:24
seb128didrocks, the one I read had a date for universe which was around one week later13:25
didrocksand archives in freeze, but nothing telling the process for universe package (just that you get the mail "waiting") :)13:25
seb128i "25 april" or something13:25
didrocksoh? let me check13:25
seb128that was some days ago but I'm not sure where I read it now13:25
seb128pitti, thanks ;-)13:25
pittide rien13:26
seb128didrocks, see you don't read u-d-a I knew it :p13:26
didrocksok, I obviously overlooked this one. Thanks pitti & seb128 :)13:26
* didrocks hides for that one and read13:26
\vishseb128: hi.. Bug 513036  and Bug #488784 have been fixed upstream , we need to pick the fixes or...13:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 513036 in f-spot "Film strip's highlighted thumbnail is difficult to distinguish" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51303613:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 488784 in f-spot ""Import tags" category sounds like an action" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48878413:27
=== \vish is now known as vish
seb128vish, "or" yes13:27
seb128vish, lucid is hard frozen for rc now and we will not do UI or string changes now13:28
seb128vish, next cycle13:28
vishah ok. , got it13:28
vishseb128: 513036 doesnt need string change13:28
seb128I said "UI or string"13:29
seb128it's an UI change13:29
seb128and not the sort of bugs we fix now anyway13:29
seb128we will limit changes to things which break lucid hard or installer bugs13:30
seb128we might consider such bug fixes in a stable update if we really want those but that will be after lucid13:30
vishseb128: hmm , its a minor change would could that a breaking UI ,just makes the highlight visible , but anyways thanks for clearing that :)13:30
seb128stable update anyway13:30
visheerr.. would count that as breaking UI *13:30
seb128as said we need to focus on real issues now, not on minor polish changes13:30
vishsure , np13:31
vishargh! that would be "wouldnt" but bleh..   having more typing errors than usual ;p13:32
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks, it seems asac already answered your question ;)13:35
didrockschrisccoulson: yeah ;)13:36
seb128pitti, bug #56660213:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566602 in pkg-create-dbgsym "build debug variant for the udeb and not the library" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56660213:37
pittiseb128: merci13:37
seb128pitti, de rien13:37
vishchrisccoulson: regarding Bug #549798  , does this refer to the tracker search icon, we get when we "Add to panel" > Search for files , does tracker use a -panel icon and is it just waiting for an icon?13:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549798 in ubuntu-mono "tracker needs a monochrome notification icon" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54979813:40
chrisccoulsonvish - i really wouldn't worry about that for this cycle13:41
chrisccoulsonnobody cares about the current version of tracker in the archive ;)13:41
chrisccoulsonnext cycle maybe ;)13:41
vishchrisccoulson: nah , not this cycle.. ;)  but i think it wouldnt get fixed unless it is in the right project :)13:41
chrisccoulsonvish - i think the tray icon would need a new icon name, but nobody will do the work for that with the current version13:42
vishchrisccoulson: right., thanks13:43
glatzorservus mvo!14:13
mvohey glatzor14:13
seb128hey glatzor14:13
glatzorhey seb128!14:14
=== cjohnston is now known as cjohnston|uds
=== cjohnston|uds is now known as cjohnston
glatzorhello mpt14:30
mptHey glatzor! Long time no see14:31
glatzormpt, indeed. hope you are fine?14:31
mptyep, hard at work designing Ubuntu Software Center v314:31
glatzormpt, have you already worked on the design of dependency confirmation dialogs?14:32
glatzormpt, e.g. I want to install xterm and it requires the installation of libxterm1 and the removal of the conflicting package uterm14:34
nigelbabuThe fix for bug 33288 has been comitted upstream.  Is it too late to get it into lucid?14:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 33288 in poppler "Evince doesn't handle columns properly" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3328814:34
glatzorglatzor, I am currently working on dependency handling inside aptdaemon itself. so software center would not have to care about.14:35
glatzormpt, the new code also takes queued transactions into account14:35
glatzormpt, so I would like to add a confirmation dialog to the aptdaemon gtk widgets.14:36
glatzormpt, sorry I have to leave. See you later!14:36
mptglatzor, ok, I'll mail you about it14:38
nigelbabudidrocks, can you make a call on the poppler bug?14:42
didrocksnigelbabu: sure, let me have a look if we want it now are in a SRU14:45
nigelbabuyou want the commit?14:45
didrocksnigelbabu: is it linked in upstream bug?14:46
nigelbabuno, upsteam comitted a makeshift patch14:46
nigelbabubut didn't close the bug since it can still be improved14:46
didrocksnigelbabu: looking at it14:47
nigelbabuand one more link, the upstream bug http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=318814:47
ubottuFreedesktop bug 3188 in general "Pasting tables cells in strange order" [Normal,New]14:47
didrocks(yeah, it's linked from the launchpad bug)14:48
nigelbabuoh yeah, sorry.  Forgot that :)14:48
seb128rickspencer3, hello14:51
rickspencer3good morning seb12814:51
didrocksnigelbabu: ok, I'm in favor including that patch. It will be a huge improvment. Looking at upstream comment, it solves most of the cases (there are still corner cases not fixed) and they integrated it but leave the upstream bug opened for further work on those corner cases. Testing it now.14:56
didrockshey rickspencer314:56
rickspencer3hi didrocks14:56
nigelbabudidrocks, if you dont have time, let me know.  I'll get a debdiff for ya :)14:56
didrocksnigelbabu: it's ok, should be quickly integrated :)14:56
nigelbabudidrocks, awesome.  thank you.  (one patch down, 1800 to go)14:57
didrocksnigelbabu: heh :-)14:57
didrocksnigelbabu: thanks for pinging people about those ;)14:57
nigelbabudidrocks, :)14:58
pittihey rickspencer3, how are you?15:03
rickspencer3hi pitti15:04
rickspencer3been online 10 minutes, and already super busy :/15:05
rickspencer3pitti, how are you?15:05
seb128rickspencer3, welcome to monday morning right? ;-)15:05
nigelbabuthe assigning bugs to Desktop Team is gone right?15:06
rickspencer3seb128, exactly!15:06
seb128rickspencer3, I sometime start by catching up a bit with emails etc before starting on IRC, after weekend is too crazy otherwise15:06
seb128nigelbabu, yes15:06
didrocksnigelbabu: well, the code changed a lot from the tip compared to the commit: functions renamed/added/removed. Not sure that including it is safe enough :/15:07
nigelbabuseb128, thank you15:07
pittirickspencer3: I'm great, thanks! had a nice weekend with a great birthday party and go-kart race, and a long walk on Sunday15:07
nigelbabudidrocks, oh15:07
nigelbabudidrocks, holding off till Lucid?15:08
nigelbabugrr maverick15:09
didrocksnigelbabu: that would be wise, unfortunately (it's not like refreshing the patch is just 10 lines to adapt, we get huge changes to make).15:09
nigelbabudidrocks, hm.  Can you comment on the bug about it?  lots of people expecting it.  Also, I'll try to get it into a ppa so people can use it15:10
didrocksnigelbabu: (looking at the commit in git, not the patch attached to the bug report of couse)15:11
didrocksnigelbabu: sure15:11
didrocksnigelbabu: the patch depends maybe on previous commit. Having a simple look first15:12
nigelbabuyeah, there is quite a bit of delta between our version and current git code15:12
* kenvandine is having trouble saying maverick... i keep saying lucid +1 :)15:13
* nigelbabu too15:14
pittihey kenvandine, how are you?15:15
kenvandinetesting suspend bugs in gwibber and desktopcouch :)15:16
kenvandinefun stuff15:16
kenvandinepitti, and you?15:16
pittiI'm great, thanks15:16
* kenvandine is tired... moving furniture and painting all weekend :/15:16
kenvandinebut our new floors look awesome :-D15:17
=== MikeB is now known as Technoviking
nigelbabudidrocks, also, metacity has a big with a patch.  bug 111939.  fix in my ppa.  vish is testing now.15:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 111939 in metacity "Not possible to alt-tab during a drag-and-drop operation" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11193915:32
didrocksnigelbabu: ok, keep me posted. I'm building the other patch15:33
nigelbabudidrocks, great :)15:35
didrocksnigelbabu: looks good, pushing the plopper change if pitti can give an ack (fixing selection in pdf, bug #33288, fix backported from upstream)15:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 33288 in poppler "Evince doesn't handle columns properly" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3328815:43
nigelbabudidrocks, woo! you folks rock! :)15:44
didrocksnigelbabu: you rock at triaging those patch an particularly noticing upstream commited this one ;)15:44
nigelbabuI'm subscribed to a lot of upstream bug reports :)15:44
didrocks(I remember to hate this bug in 2007 when making my final internship report…) and even later for copy/paste everything in pdf…15:45
nigelbabudidrocks, no wonder you're so excited at fixing :D15:47
didrockswell, TBH, I need it less today than during my studies, but still good to be nice for people needing it :)15:48
didrocks(and at our party, we get a lot of complains by not specially skilled people because of that)15:48
nigelbabuah :)15:50
nigelbabudidrocks, the metacity patch seems to be not working though fedora seems to have shipped it and its working perfectly there15:55
didrocksnigelbabu: well, in any case, the issue is the same in compiz. I would say, don't bother for lucid so (fixing compiz would have been more interesting as it's our default)15:57
nigelbabudidrocks, oh okay :)15:58
pittididrocks: not for RC though, unless we need a respin for something else16:06
didrockspitti: ok, keeping it hot for a SRU, so?16:07
pittididrocks: or right after RC16:07
didrockspitti: ok, adding a recall on my TODO. Thanks16:07
nigelbabudidrocks, the metacity thing works.  vish was testing with compiz :D16:07
didrocksTBH, not sure if this is that useful as compiz doesn't have that. Maybe good for +1 if not integrated in metacity trunk16:08
vishdidrocks: it would be worth uploading it for lucid though ;)  hint hint.. LTS16:08
nigelbabuits not in metacity trunk :/16:09
didrocksnigelbabu: do we have some upstream comment on that?16:09
didrocksvish: you have to keep in mind that fixing something can broke something else more importan16:09
nigelbabudidrocks, upstream seems to have stopped commenting on this bug16:09
vishdidrocks: mclasen commented it and mentions it works16:09
nigelbabuthought mclasen commented and its shipped in fedora too16:09
didrocksvish: nigelbabu: ok, so after RC with the plopper update16:10
didrocksnigelbabu: can you ping me on Friday for that ^16:10
didrocksI'm building it to ensure having it tested for a few days16:10
vishdidrocks: and it does work , they have had it for a few releases , and the comment was from mclasen so i guess it is safe :)16:11
nigelbabudidrocks, yes.  err.. poppler or metacity16:11
vishdamn you compiz! ,why wont you work ;p16:11
mclasenvish: dangerous assumption :-)16:11
didrocksnigelbabu: metacity's one as it's your debdiff (did you attach it in the bug report?)16:11
nigelbabudidrocks, attaching.16:11
didrocksmclasen: do you think this one can have bad side effects?16:12
mclasenI don't know what patch is being discussed16:12
didrocksnigelbabu: pointers to fedora's commit?16:12
nigelbabugnome bug 13505616:13
ubottuGnome bug 135056 in general "Alt-Tab doesn't work during drag-and-drop (nor does workspace switch, etc.)" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13505616:13
nigelbabumclasen, ^16:13
nigelbabudidrocks, hunting16:13
ftamvo, hi, what do i need to do to make the ubuntu software center show "chromium" when a user searches for "chrome" or "google chrome"?? (like apt-cache search already does)16:18
mvofta: on a call right now, I can have a look in a bit, could you send me a quikc mail?16:21
ftamvo, sure16:21
nigelbabumclasen, do you know at what point fedora integrated the metacity patch?16:23
nigelbabuI'm lost in CVS16:23
mclasennigelbabu: not sure, probably F1216:26
asacdidrocks: so you say the settings package would be neeeded to sort the maximus/focus issue?16:26
ccheneybryceh: is there a reason xinerama seems to be enabled at all times now, is it ubuntu specific or was that changed by xorg at some point?16:26
mclasennigelbabu: running the shell here atm, so can't verify if it still works16:26
nigelbabumclasen, ah.  No problem.  I'll hunt through CVS :)16:26
didrocksasac: no, from the log, I wasn't convinced it was fixing it. You told me that you wanted to get a try with them IIRC.16:26
ftamvo, n-m, just upgraded and it seems to work now (i changed the package description a few days ago in lucid and all ppas)..16:27
asacdidrocks: i wanted to try, but more for getting this a standalone thing (which i didnt consider high prio)16:27
asacdidrocks: what the settings package name exactly?16:28
Nafaigood morning!16:29
didrocksasac: ok. For the record, the other bug (not giving focus to the app) isn't a maximus one but a n-l-efl one. I think the two bugs are really linked.16:29
didrocksasac: should be ubuntu-netbook-default-settings16:29
asacdidrocks: what could be the reason for not getting focus? a timestamp thing?16:29
didrockshey Nafai16:29
Nafaihey didrocks16:30
didrocksasac: didn't investigate but that can be the case, right. Just tested n-l-efl without maximus and seeing that most of the time, the focus wasn't given to the launched app. timestamp can be one of the issue16:30
asacinteresting. i never saw it without maximus ... let me try again16:31
nigelbabudidrocks, I give up.  I can't find a fedora commit (I have no clue how to look)16:32
didrocksasac: tried with Friday's iso16:32
didrocksnigelbabu: no pb :)16:32
didrocksasac: chmod 0 maximus to ensure16:34
didrocks(didn't tried that, maybe it was respawn, but not maximized)16:34
didrocksasac: confirmed, having it again with no maximus16:36
asacdidrocks: terminal?16:38
asacor what app are you using to check this?16:38
didrocksasac: terminal, take screenshot, calculator…16:38
didrocksgedit as well16:38
didrocks(I'm on the 2D session)16:38
didrocksmaybe it's less noticeable on arm as the CPU is slower16:38
didrocksand we have a race somewhere…16:39
jcastrokenvandine, I have no agenda or issues, you need me at your call?16:39
kenvandinejcastro, nope16:42
jcastroI love to be not needed16:42
brycehccheney, it's not ubuntu-specific, and not something I've heard before16:48
ccheneybryceh: xdpyinfo on all my boxes (2 lucid, 2 karmic) have xinerama in xdpyinfo even though i am not using multiple heads, all of the systems have cards that are capable of doing that though16:50
ccheneybryceh: its not a problem except that OOo refuses to full screen on a xinerama setup due to what they claim are bugs16:51
brycehccheney, I know upstream is in process of getting xinerama working again, on top of xrandr16:52
ccheneybryceh: ok16:53
brycehccheney, what we have in lucid is not capable of this yet, but perhaps some of the underlying work is there and so they're loading the xinerama module now?16:53
ccheneybryceh: maybe so, but it also showing up for karmic so not sure about that part16:53
brycehccheney, anyway, sounds like ooo needs to detect xinerama some different way16:53
ccheneybryceh: full screen on OOo worked for slides until compiz also stopped doing its workaround which got me to the point of finding out OOo doesn't enable it due to seeing xinerama16:54
ccheneybryceh: how do you detect if xinerama is actually being used instead of just loaded as extension?16:54
ccheneybryceh: ok16:55
mptmvo, will you switch Update Manager back to using aptdaemon for Maverick?17:21
chrisccoulsonperformance really sucks on my laptop at the minute :-/17:23
james_wwhoah, nautilus just decided to forkbomb me17:24
james_wnot reproducible now though17:25
didrockschrisccoulson: dpkg fsync()?17:25
chrisccoulsondidrocks - i thought that, but this is sucking even without dpkg. although, when i did an update at the weekend, it did take ages (about 45 minutes), and i couldn't use my laptop at all during that time17:26
chrisccoulsonthe mouse cursor kept stuttering and pausing17:26
chrisccoulsonmy mouse cursor pauses at even the slightest disk access now (eg, opening gedit or something)17:27
jpdschrisccoulson: I have the same issue with postgres and dpkg.17:37
chrisccoulsonjpds - yeah, dpkg is definately a real bug killer on my laptop at the moment, but i'm not sure it's my only issue17:37
chrisccoulsoni have to just leave it when i install something now17:37
pittichrisccoulson: I have the same since a few days ago17:44
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, there's definately something wrong. even pbuilder cleaning up after a build is very painful now :(17:45
chrisccoulsoni shall try booting an older kernel in a minute17:45
Sarvatt13 minutes 58 seconds to build x11proto-core on a PPA, over 13 of that was just updating the few essential files for the buildd17:46
pittiduring a make -2 my computer went to load 6.7 and was barely usable17:46
Sarvatt(takes about 30 seconds to compile on an atom cpu)17:46
mvompt yes17:46
chrisccoulsoni'm glad i'm not the only one with a slow computer now ;)17:46
chrisccoulsonalthough that's not good17:46
chrisccoulsonpitti - here's the output of cat /proc/loadavg for me:17:47
chrisccoulson2.78 4.44 4.3317:47
pitti$ cat /proc/loadavg17:48
pitti0.46 0.33 0.27 1/287 364417:48
pittinot sure what the last two are17:48
pittichrisccoulson: but I just went back from dinner, and the computer was idle17:48
chrisccoulsonpitti - those are the numbers i normally expect to see on mine when working normally17:49
chrisccoulsoni've never seen 4.33 before17:49
* jpds found http://www.linuxinsight.com/proc_loadavg.html17:51
pittisudo time dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/openoffice.org-common_1%3a3.2.0-7ubuntu3_all.deb17:54
pitti-> 64 s17:54
pittisudo time /home/dchroot/karmic/usr/bin/dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/openoffice.org-common_1%3a3.2.0-7ubuntu3_all.deb17:54
pitti-> 21 s17:54
pittiseems the fsync stuff takes quite some time, and it bumps the load severely17:54
chrisccoulsonquite a difference there then17:54
arandRegarding Bug #33288, is it possible to still shove the fix there into Lucid, now when it has been pushed into git? And would this be a reasonable changelog for that purpose: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/418707/ ?17:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 33288 in poppler "Evince doesn't handle columns properly" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3328817:55
pittichrisccoulson: did you only notice it during package updates? or on other occasions?17:55
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'm noticing mostly in package updates, but my laptop feels generally sluggish any time I try to do any disk access now17:55
pittichrisccoulson: difference> oo.o-common has 5 triggers, so the actual unpack time with karmic dpkg felt like < 10 s17:55
Sarvattpitti: sorry to bug you but do you have any insight on this bug? -dbg and -dbgsym are both broken for the archive xserver's, and only -dbgsym works for mesa - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pkg-create-dbgsym/+bug/56241818:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562418 in xorg-server "xserver-xorg-core-dbg debug symbols mismatch" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:02
pittiSarvatt: I'll have a look later on (I'm on the phone right now)18:04
* kenvandine does a little dance... got a patch to desktopcouch that makes it work after suspend and hibernate :-D18:06
arandnigelbabu: Ah, just read the backlog, seems like the poppler change was already discussed, would it make much sense for me to make a debdiff proper for Lucid?18:12
nigelbabuarand, didrocks is already taking care of it :)18:13
didrocksarand: I have a working package, just wait for post-RC to upload it18:13
aranddidrocks: Ah, okay, great to see the fix in Lucid! As far as I can tell, there haven't been any reports of problems from people using the patch from my ppa (including myself), but then again, I don't know how many that actually is.18:18
didrocksarand: a lot of people have been testing that upstream too, so it seems to be good :)18:18
rickspencer3bug #46521618:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 465216 in desktopcouch "desktopcouch-service crashed with RuntimeError in find_port__linux()" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46521618:22
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
seb128Sarvatt, pitti: I'm wondering if we should just clean all the -dbg18:27
seb128not this cycle though ;-)18:27
seb128everybody should be use the dbgsym they are standard18:28
pittigood night everyone18:29
pitticu tomorrow18:29
seb128'night pitti18:29
kenvandinegood night pitti18:29
chrisccoulsongood night pitti18:30
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
* kenvandine lunches18:40
* Nafai does teh lunch18:52
didrockswell, I'll call it day. See you tomorrow19:11
chrisccoulsongood night didrocks19:11
didrocksthanks, you too chrisccoulson19:11
didrockswaow, we got a very motivated person writing a lot on OneConf blueprint (setting up a wiki page, and so on) from my proposal. I even never speak with him :)21:47
didrocks(yeah, I know, I told goodbye but finally was back :))21:47
seb128didrocks, good morning21:51
didrocksseb128: heh :)21:51
didrocksif I slept, I should worry about my mind state and tireness for the next 12 hours :)21:52
chrisccoulsongood evening everyone21:56
NafaiHey chrisccoulson21:58
chrisccoulsonhey Nafai, how are you?22:00
NafaiPretty good22:01
NafaiYou're in the UK, right?22:01
chrisccoulsonNafai - i am22:02
Nafaistill got a lot of ash and stuff in the air where you are?22:02
chrisccoulsontbh, i've not really noticed anything different ;)22:02
chrisccoulsonother than there being no flights anywhere, you can't really tell the difference22:03
chrisccoulsonand i can't see any ash on my car, but, then again, it's so dirty that you'd never notice it!22:04
Nafaiyeah, probably could say the same about mine :)22:04
kenvandinemine is covered in pollen22:04
kenvandinehate that stuff!22:04
chrisccoulsonmine will probably never get a clean or service again. i'm scrapping it before UDS ;)22:05
NafaiI filled up my gas tank for the first time since February this weekend22:05
NafaiIt's nice to not have to drive every day :)22:05
chrisccoulsonyeah, i've not filled mine up since march. i think i've used about a gallon22:06
Nafaikenvandine: allergies?22:07
kenvandineNafai, nah... but it makes such a mess!22:16
* Nafai nods22:16
chrisccoulsoni hate pollen because it gives me hay fever ;)22:20
chrisccoulsonNafai - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8631144.stm ;)22:27
chrisccoulsoni'm starting to think i'd have been better off getting a train to UDS22:27
* Nafai reads22:27
NafaiHeck, I'm wondering if I'll even get there22:27
NafaiIs there a train that goes over the channel?22:28
chrisccoulsonNafai - yeah, but i'd have to get to london first22:29
chrisccoulsonbut that's not a problem really22:29
* Nafai nods22:29
=== pochu_ is now known as pochu
czajkowskichrisccoulson: mailed the travel agent to see what they are advising? I hear the eurostar is rather full at present and the prices have shot up23:09
jjardonDo somebody know if there is a PPA with unstable Glib/GTK+ releases?23:10
raofGood morning, desktoppers!23:35
NafaiHey raof!23:36
=== raof is now known as RAOF
NafaiI was going to ask why you became diminutive? :)23:36
RAOFBecause this particular smuxi backend hasn't been set up correctly.23:37
RAOFAnd the server with my regular smuxi instance is currently in a box, in a shipping container, somewhere between Sydney and Hobart.23:38
NafaiI played with smuxi once, looked interesting23:38
NafaiMoving to Hobart?23:38
RAOFYup.  Currently sitting in my brother's flat in South Hobart.23:42
TheMusoRAOF: Nice to see you have your node connection up and running. Good to hear you won the broadband lottery.23:42
TheMusoRAOF: ah right, not your own connection yet.23:42
RAOFTheMuso: My node connection should go up next Tuesday.23:43
TheMusoRAOF: cool.23:43

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