
* slangasek wonders if anyone wants to fix hdf5 on armel00:06
* persia looks at the log00:11
persiaslangasek: Am I reading correctly that *sed* segfaulted?00:12
slangasekpersia: it probably segfaulted when running ./H5detect, *after* running the sed to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH00:13
persiaHrm.  Do you have any input information that would help track down the issue?00:14
slangasekpersia: no, all I know is that this is the root of all the build failure mails I'm getting the last two days :)00:20
joaopintoKeybuk, about the "/dev/somehwere" case, can't you just introduce a delay on mountall when there is an error ? to allow for plymouth to start before seding the prompt ?00:20
persiaThat's a charitable explanation that doesn't blame lamont and I for brute-force approaches.  Thanks :)00:20
persiaAnyway, emulated build is running now.00:21
joaopintoKeybuk, I guess a few seconds delay when there is a mount error would not hurt :)00:21
slangasekjoaopinto: hackish; we should just fix plymouth instead00:22
joaopintoslangasek, right, but right now a typo on fstab will render systems unbootable :P00:22
persiaWhat should plymouth do in that case?  Isn't it not even running at that point?00:22
slangasekpersia: no, plymouth is running before mountall00:23
persiaEven when plymouth isn't in initramfs?00:23
slangasekthe issue is that messages sent *to* plymouth by mountall, before plymouth show-splash is called, are lost00:23
slangasekyes - *plymouth* is running, only the splash screen isn't00:23
persiaAha.  I have an improved understanding.00:23
slangasekbecause the splash screen depends on video device -> udev -> virtual-filesystems -> mountall00:23
joaopintohow does the mountall <-> python protocol work ? mountalls waits for an answer to the S/M prompt ?00:24
joaopintoops, s/python/plymouth00:24
slangasekit continues other processing, but has an event loop to check for an answer to that prompt00:25
joaopintoqueuing the prompt until the splash is available is not an option ?00:26
slangasekof course it is; but that queuing should be done within plymouth00:27
slangasekbecause mountall doesn't know, and shouldn't know, when the splash is available00:27
slangasekhence - "we should just fix plymouth instead"00:27
joaopintook :)00:27
rojanuEverytime a user logs in title bars on apps are missing, they appear after I select normal from Visual effect.  I am using nVidia 195.36.1500:31
rojanuAny ideas how to fix it permanently?00:31
slangasekjdstrand, mdeslaur: what was your bug number for the "nouveau only gives 16-bit fb" issue?  I think bug #565936 is a duplicate00:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565936 in plymouth "Plymouth text theme appears when booting Lucid CD, doesn't fill the screen" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56593600:42
slangasektjaalton: reviewed xorg-server - sorry, this changeset is too large for this stage; can we just cherry-pick the xorg.conf.d part?  (that part makes sense to me to take, because it saves us having to carry config file clean-up code for 2 years)00:48
slangasekjdstrand, mdeslaur: found it, bug #55414300:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554143 in plymouth "text logo theme used instead of graphical with radeon 7500 (single video output, pseudocolor fb)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55414300:50
slangasekoh, that was radeon, not nouveau, doh00:51
slangasektjaalton: "drop 05-evdev.conf, this moved to the server" - should this have some sort of versioned depends or breaks somewhere, to ensure a smooth upgrade?00:56
slangasektjaalton: given that there are no upgrade guards in here, and given that it's a move from /usr/lib to /usr/share (I thought it was a move from /etc/X11 to /usr/share - sorry for misunderstanding), I think this is pretty high-risk for the benefit - I'd like to see versioned relationships set here to ensure partial upgrades work smoothly, and once we *have* that, I think the motivation for getting this in before lucid final is diminished -01:01
slangasek... probably just be deferred to maverick01:01
slangasekArneGoetje, pitti: we're missing language-pack-gv-base, breaks DVD builds due to presence of language-pack-gnome-gv01:04
ArneGoetjeslangasek: ok, will upload the -gv langpacks only01:55
slangasekArneGoetje: ok, thanks - the other langpack changes you had were just roll-ups, not any particular bugfixes?01:56
ArneGoetjeslangasek: I'm not sure if there are bugfixes inside, but I guess they can wait for the final export...01:57
slangasekalright; I believe that's best at this point01:57
slangasekArneGoetje: though if the fix for bug #565180 is in your current export, language-pack-kde-de is probably a good one to have uploaded before final01:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565180 in language-pack-kde-de "Translation error in Launchpad changes (KMail/kdepim)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56518001:58
slangasek(if not, then we'll wait for the final export)01:58
ArneGoetjeslangasek: if it's 'Fix Committed', then it's likely that fix is in this export01:59
ArneGoetjeslangasek: however, as we have versioned dependencies in the langpacks, I will need to upload all -de langpacks02:02
slangasekArneGoetje: that would be fine02:02
ArneGoetjeslangasek: ok, will upload now02:03
ArneGoetjeslangasek: hmm... -gv has not been translated enough, so there is no language-pack-gv-base... only the -gnome package exists... I guess we should block that one then.02:05
ArneGoetjeslangasek: eh... that package is empty... hwo could that happen? So, please remove it from the archive.02:07
slangasekcan do02:07
slangasekArneGoetje: done02:08
ArneGoetjeslangasek: thanks...02:08
ArneGoetjeslangasek: -de uploaded02:11
slangasekthanks :)02:11
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psusicjwatson, you asked me to do some testing on the slow down caused by the dpkg sync changes... I have completed them.  Time to upgrade with packages already downloaded to disk going from a clean beta 2 install to current goes from 6m21s to 11m15s when switching from -ubuntu3 to -ubuntu4 of dpkg02:56
chrisccoulsonoh, so dpkg _is_ slower now then03:03
chrisccoulsoni thought i'd noticed that again03:03
psusiyea... -ubuntu4 apparently went back to syncing, but only after unpacking all files in a package... so not quite as bad, but still bad when upgrading many packages03:03
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure if my issue is only with dpkg, but my laptop is unusable whilst installing/upgrading packages atm03:04
chrisccoulsonthe cursor freezes for some ~30s at a time03:04
psusitry downgrading to -ubuntu3?03:05
chrisccoulsoni might do, but in the morning now03:06
chrisccoulsonit's getting late ;)03:06
persiaslangasek: I can't replicate the hdf5 build failure: it builds fine for me.  So unless you can find someone who *can* replicate it, I think you'll have issues getting the FTBFS cleared.03:34
slangasekpersia: doh03:34
slangasekpersia: well, thanks for looking03:35
persiahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/418278/ for the curious03:35
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slangasekmdke: still "today" as an ETA? :)04:54
tjaaltonslangasek: now that evdev.conf is shipped with the server it means that it's always available, meaning that mouse & kbd works even with partial upgrades05:30
tjaaltonslangasek: the drivers {build-,}depend on the new xserver too05:31
persiatjaalton: But what happens if one *only* upgrades the server, and doesn't upgrade anything else?  Isn't there a conflict with the old version of the file?05:31
tjaaltonpersia: no, the old one is ignored05:31
persiaAnd they are in different locations?05:31
slangaseknot a conflict, but everything except evdev gets ignored, yeah05:31
tjaaltonthough it gets more hairy if the server version isnt' bumped05:34
ccheneyslangasek: ok, sorry didn't see your message until now05:34
persiatjaalton: But don't the new drivers depend on the new server version?05:34
tjaaltonpersia: they would, but no point in getting them then05:35
tjaalton(bdeps on the new upstream version)05:35
persiaRight, so really there's no combination of upgrades that dpkg will accept in which anything breaks?05:36
tjaaltonwell, the deps could be relaxed to match our xserver version, though that needs some of the packaging changes from xserver to support xinputver etc05:37
tjaaltonwith that in place, yes, nothing should break too horribly05:38
tjaaltonslangasek: so just getting that xorg.conf.d patch means that either keep /usr/lib in the search path and ship the current drivers (ugly, but working), or migrate the drivers05:40
slangasekmy concern is that there are a lot of packages to coordinate, and the change has fairly low impact on the user; but failing to get the packages all built in time for RC (due to any of a number of possible reasons, not limited to bugs in the packages) would have a *high* impact, because the out-of-date driver packages would be installing their files to the old search path05:42
slangasekthat, plus the fact that partial upgrades are possible that would cause the user's devices (other than evdev) to stop working as intended05:43
slangasekthe server could declare Breaks: on the old versions of the drivers to address this - but at this point, we're close enough to the time when we need to start ISO mastering that it's just too risky05:43
slangasekbryceh, apw: bug #566379 is a regression for an i855 user introduced when disabling KMS by default05:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566379 in linux "Cannot boot past Plymouth with kernel 2.6.32-21 in normal mode" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56637905:44
slangasektjaalton: sorry - if I'd have been able to review this for you last night and gotten a new server upload done then, it would've been possible; now we're just out of time05:45
slangasekccheney: no worries - it only took me two uploads to get it right ;)05:45
slangasekccheney: but you may want to look at why OOo bzr was out-of-date wrt the packaging branch - I haven't committed my changes there for the two uploads because I thought you might want to investigate that first and get it in-sync05:46
tjaaltonslangasek: alright05:46
tjaaltonslangasek: hmm, actually re-adding /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d to the search path should cover your concerns, but I'll rest my case :)06:24
pittiGood morning07:03
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mdkeslangasek: test build hadn't finished by the time I went to bed. Tested now and am uploading07:35
slangasekmdke: ack, thanks07:36
mdkeslangasek: that's for ubuntu-docs. Will it be ok if gnome-user-docs follows this evening?07:37
slangasekmdke: that's rather late for inclusion on the RC images.  is there something I can do to help it get done sooner?07:38
mdkeslangasek: I need to update the translations from Rosetta. I'll see what I can get done now but I would have thought that inclusion on RC isn't absolutely essential07:41
slangasekmdke: what's essential is to change as little as possible between RC and final; the standard checklist at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseProcess calls for these packages to be uploaded prior to RC...07:43
slangasekmdke: if we *have* to pull it in post-RC, we will, but I'd certainly prefer to have it before07:44
mdkeslangasek: ok, I'll give you a shout in 30 mins or so07:45
slangasekmdke: ok - if I can be of any help with the Rosetta importing, I'd be happy to do so07:46
mdkethanks. I've started it off now07:46
mdkerobert_ancell: legend, thanks07:59
robert_ancellmdke, np :)07:59
joaopintogood morning08:00
mdkeslangasek: ok, I've pushed the changes to ~ubuntu-core-doc/gnome-user-docs/lucid and started a test build - will let you know how it goes08:16
slangasekmdke: cheers!08:16
dholbachgood morning08:22
joaopintoslangasek, was discussing this with KeyBuck yesterday, imho the recovery mode should not trigger mountall, recovery mode was useless to troubleshoot the hang cause08:27
joaopintomounting all configured systems is not a trivial operation, one of those that you might want to recover from08:29
slangasekjoaopinto: that's a different level of recovery than the recovery mode menu we've used to date, though; the recovery menu requires /usr to be mounted, and that may be a separate fs08:32
slangasekjoaopinto: I agree that this mountall bug makes it awkward, but it's not realistic to revisit such a fundamental design decision for lucid08:33
joaopintook, well, I am most used to UNIX single user modes for recovery, kernel loaded, root fs mounted, init started, and a shell08:35
joaopintosomeone using a /usr on a different partition should know how to manually mount it :)08:35
mdkeslangasek: ok, that's uploading now. Sorry I didn't get it done when I said I would08:36
slangasekmdke: 'sok, we're still in the game :)08:36
slangasekmdke: thanks for the quick turnaround this morning!08:36
mdkeslangasek: :)08:44
pittislangasek: I have two more keymap fixes for stuck keys for udev; however, these (and similar future fixes) require a slight reorganization (well, really just a renaming) of the maps files: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/0003-keymap-Unite-laptop-models-needing-common-volume-key.patch - is that okay for you for lucid final? (two rules additions will go on top of that for two laptop models)08:47
pittislangasek: (this will unfortunately produce some autoconf file noise)08:48
mantienaHi all09:11
slangasekmvo: bug #566453> which part of this is the warning that you consider a bug?09:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566453 in plymouth "plymouth-theme-fade-in warns on removal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56645309:20
mvoslangasek: feel free to close if the warnings do not matter, it just appreard in the auto-install-tester log09:23
mvoslangasek: and user may be confused/scared by it, but its low priority anyway, just wanted to  record it for later09:24
slangasekmvo: would moving the update-alternatives call to the prerm fix the warning?09:25
mvoslangasek: I think it will,09:26
slangasekmvo: ok - could you comment that in the bug so we don't forget?09:29
mvoslangasek: will do, thanks09:29
joaopintomvo, question about the motivation for the binary.changelog, is it possible for a source package to generate binaries with random versions ?09:33
mvojoaopinto: yes, take gcc-defaults as a example09:33
mvojoaopinto: there is a small number of packages that do that09:33
mvojoaopinto: but those tend to be important09:33
pittijames_w: I upload a new kerneloops with disabling it by default now09:34
joaopintohum, I am puzzled how that plays with binary.changes files09:35
joaopintobecause you have a single "Version:" field, which I suppose it's related to the binaries, not to the source09:35
mvojoaopinto: the version in the changelog refers to the source changelog09:37
mvojoaopinto: (if that is what you mean, not sure I understand the question)09:37
pittimdke: we want to disable the "Report a bug" menu item for the final release (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-bug-management); would that touch documentation?09:37
joaopintomvo, right, I am trying to figure where do you relate a source version X, with a binary version Y, I mean at a control level, without relying on the Files list09:38
james_wpitti: thanks!09:39
pittijames_w: (I used lp:ubuntu/kerneloops, is that right?)09:39
joaopintomvo, well, I will check gcc-defaults to save your time :)09:39
james_wpitti: yup09:39
mvojoaopinto: yeah, do that, its a good example, its justing substvars for it09:39
joaopintoanyone aware of an ext4 change that might result in a major performance hit on ext4 writes ? I mean from karmic to lucid09:44
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SwedeMikejoaopinto: the disk io scheduler was changed a bit., could affect that.09:44
joaopintoSwedeMike, hum I got such a penalty that I had to force barrier=0 on my ext mounts09:45
joaopintoa debootstrap was taking 10x more than it previosly did09:46
SwedeMikeand you were running with barriers in karmic as well?09:46
joaopintoI didn't touched barriers there, actually I jut became aware of barriers after noticing this problem now09:46
joaopintoSwedeMike, was that changed early on the development cycle or a short time ago ?09:47
SwedeMikethat was in 2.6.32 so should have been all the way in lucid09:48
slangasekseb128: libdbusmenu/indicator-messages> are there more uploads pending from this quarter?  It's only by luck that we haven't started RC ISO mastering yet09:48
SwedeMikejoaopinto: http://lwn.net/Articles/352863/09:49
directhexjoaopinto, dlr-languages does the binary-version-mangling trick09:49
pittislangasek: from this quarter> if there's still room, http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/hotplug/udev.git;a=commitdiff;h=db57bdda04e20667f510262d045c2af6fe335931 falls under that category; it would make SRUing keymap fixes a bit easier, since these would avoid file renames09:49
seb128slangasek, no, that is the remaining issue I knew about from dxteam09:50
SwedeMikejoaopinto: my bad, that wasnt io scheduler, that was cpu scheduler09:50
seb128slangasek, ted sent updates my way during the weekend09:50
slangasekseb128: yep - I see he even linked the branch; if I had been paying closer attention, perhaps I could've had those sponsored in before today :/09:51
seb128slangasek, you think they can still go in RC or better after RC now?09:51
slangasekseb128: before RC09:52
slangasekalways before, if there's a choice ;)09:52
slangasekpitti: udev> can you get that uploaded now, and I'll figure out what to do with it once it's there?09:53
pittislangasek: yup09:53
joaopintoSwedeMike, thanks anyway :)09:54
joaopintodirecthex, checking, tks09:55
seb128slangasek, pitti: if,when you review gir-repository consider the newer of the 2 uploads, the was a missing build-depends in the first one, the update drop the gtk gir since that's built by the gtk source now10:03
slangasekseb128: pre-emptively dropped the first one from the queue10:04
seb128slangasek, thanks10:04
pittislangasek: udev uploaded and tested10:08
pittislangasek: I'm going to look at the pm-utils suspend blacklisting now (bug 526354); but I want to test this carefully, so it might be for post-RC or for the next RC spin10:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526354 in pm-utils "[Dell Studio 1537] temperature sensors and fan stop working following suspend/resume" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52635410:11
slangasekpitti: right, sounds good10:12
jibelmvo, could you please review and upload 565816 ? thanks10:16
mvojibel: yes10:27
mvojibel: thanks, merged and uploaded. there appears to be another small issue in the branch, when I double click on something uninstalled it gets marked for install, when I doulbe click again, it does not change status, I think that used to be different (i.e. double click again would unmark again)10:34
pittislangasek: pm-utils uploaded (admittedly a nasty solution, but let's hope it only has to last for some two weeks)10:57
mdzara: I think the "150" figure for Xubuntu testers is misleading, e.g. somehow I am a member of this team through some indirect membership :-)10:58
aramdz, :)10:59
aramdz, I sent the email to xubuntu-devel as well, it might be a better audience10:59
james_wby my reading emacs22 shouldn't be on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt as auctex has emacs23 | emacs 22 and it just seems to be depending on itself then. Can anyone see otherwise?11:00
aramdz, found it. ubuntu core -> xubuntu devel -> xubuntu team -> xubuntu testers11:02
slangasekjames_w: nope, that one I'd been skipping because I was pretty sure it was just an accounting problem11:02
aramdz, lost in a chain of indirect membership11:02
james_wslangasek: any idea why we had an upload a few hours ago that LP seems to be attributing to katie?11:03
slangasekjames_w: urk, no11:03
aramdz, indirect membership are a bit useless in some cases; I would like to be able to use the Contact Team Members feature without spamming people not interested in testing Xubuntu11:03
james_wI can't see a bug for the sync either11:03
james_wslangasek: ah, it was a promotion a few hours ago, the sync was a while ago11:04
mdzara: I agree, we get too much spam as a result of nested teams11:04
slangasekjames_w: ah :)11:04
mdzin part because teams are (ab)used for ACL purposes11:04
mantienacjwatson: hi, can you tell me if there are any plans to update ubiquity translations from launchpad before final lucid release? Yesterday O11:04
aramdz, yes. I will file a wishlist bug against launchpad to have the opportunity to "Contact this team's DIRECT members"11:05
mantienaYesterday I've fixed some important Lithuanian translations errors in ubiquity-debconf translation - our translation leader introduced some bugs 10 days ago :(11:06
aramdz, sorry for the noise11:06
mdzara, just remember to specify the problem, not only the proposed solution, since they may have a better idea for how to fix it :-)11:07
aramdz, will do ;-)11:07
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mantiena-baltixMaybe someone could tell me if Evan Dandrea will be here?11:11
james_wccheney: openoffice.org-common depends on xfonts-mathml. Do you know if it needs ttf-lyx that the latter recommends?11:12
DavieyScottK: bug #566497 is looking valid.. Fresh install of clamav didn't give me a logroate.d/*clam* file.. If it's being too verbose or not i don't know, but there isn't any way i can see it's being rotated.11:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566497 in clamav "logging waaaaaaaay to much (7gb too much)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56649711:19
cjwatsonmantiena-baltix: ev updated them yesterday11:19
cjwatsonmantiena-baltix: isn't this the second release where we've had last-minute Lithuanian updates?11:19
cjwatsonmaybe I don't mean yesterday, looks like Friday - after the non-langpack deadline anyway11:20
slangasekIIRC it was gfxboot last time that needed a last-minute update, yeah11:23
mantiena-baltixcjwatson: yes, this is the second, last one was Ubuntu 9.04 ;)11:29
cjwatsonmantiena-baltix: it's possible there'll be an upload after RC to cover installer bugs that come up from ISO testing, and in that event there'll probably be a translation update too11:30
cjwatsonbut I can't guarantee it11:30
mantiena-baltixcjwatson: our translation leader accidentally introduced some translation errors just 10 days ago - that's why nobody noticed and didn't fixed these errors :(11:31
mantiena-baltixsome of these errors are just mistypes - for example "idegta" instead of "įdiegta", but in lithuanian word "idegta" means burned, while įdiegta"11:33
mantiena-baltixmeans installed11:33
mantiena-baltixSo, currently Lithuanian users see this text in ubiquity "step 7": Your new operating system will now be burned with the following settings !!!11:35
proppydoko__: thanks a lot for #56013511:38
joaopintomantiena-baltix, burned looks cool :D11:38
aramdz, bug 56653611:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566536 in launchpad-registry "Contact this team's members shouldn't spam indirect members" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56653611:38
joaopintoUbuntu on fire :)11:38
cjwatsonmantiena-baltix: well, sorry, but I can't help the timelines.  We'll do what we can if there's another opportunity, but if there isn't another opportunity then you may be stuck with it11:42
ScottKDaviey: OK.  Thanks.  I'll look into it.  There were some changes in how logging works in the last upload.11:48
DavieyScottK: Yeah, i had a quick look.. pretty confusing how the logrotate file gets generated! :)11:56
ScottKDaviey: Can you join #debian-clamav on OFTC?11:56
DavieyScottK: My initial thought is that $LogFile is NULL.11:56
DavieyScottK: done11:58
looldoko__: Would it make sense to sync gcc-4.5 over to lucid?13:03
doko__lool: ??? late April joke ???13:03
looldoko__: Hmm no, in universe?13:08
looldoko__: I didn't find mcuh regression potential and thought this might be useful13:09
doko__lool: no, overwrites all shared libs13:10
doko__lool: use gcc-snapshot13:10
looldoko__: Ah, I thought gcc-defaults was masking all of that13:10
loolbut indeed, does not13:10
looldoko__: So nm  :)13:10
doko__or the ubuntu-toolchain/test PPA13:10
doko__lool: but you can try to convince slangasek ;)13:11
looltss :)13:11
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slangasekpitti: bug #526354 - your pm-utils fix worked ;P13:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526354 in linux "[Dell Studio 1537] temperature sensors and fan stop working following suspend/resume" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52635413:30
pittislangasek: right, that's what I meant with "ugly" :/13:31
pittislangasek: hiding the option in the session menu would require code changes in upower unfortunately13:31
* slangasek nods13:31
pittiit doesn't call pm-is-supported, but reads /sys/power/state and greps for "mem"; nothing in between to hook into :?13:31
dholbachchrisccoulson: happy birthday! :)13:35
chrisccoulsonthanks dholbach :)13:35
pittichrisccoulson: ooh, happy birthday!13:35
didrockshappy birthday chrisccoulson13:36
chrisccoulsonthanks everyone :)13:36
seb128chrisccoulson, happy birthday! ;-)13:37
mvohappy birthday chrisccoulson13:42
nigelbabuchrisccoulson, wow, birthday!  Happy Birthday!13:43
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slangasekchrisccoulson: hi, james_w tells me you might know something about the problems with updating sugar-browse-activity to 0.88?13:57
slangasekchrisccoulson: oh, and happy birthday :)13:57
chrisccoulsonslangasek - thanks :)13:58
james_woh happy birthday chrisccoulson13:58
chrisccoulsonyes, sugar-browse-activity needs python-xpcom, which isn't packaged anywhere yet13:58
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jhernandezanyone knows where and when is generated /etc/fstab during installation, and if it is a file from a template or it is generated on-the-fly??14:53
seb128slangasek, pitti: do you prefer small fixes to still go in the lucid queue for after RC approval or to be changed in SRU updates now?14:58
slangasekseb128: is "small" a measure of their impact, or their diff size? :)14:58
smoserslangasek, with keybuk not around, i will beg to you for a couple thoughts if you don't mind.14:59
smoserbug 56501814:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565018 in cloud-init "instance is not reachable via ssh" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56501814:59
seb128slangasek, things like the change on bug #47509014:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 475090 in gdm "Karmic, Lucid: /etc/gdm/Xsession fails to source ~/.xsessionrc or apply ~/.Xresources" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47509014:59
smoserslangasek, can you come up with any reason as to why one (or more) jobs set to start on 'filesystems' would correctly start, but one would not15:00
smoser(this is hard to reproduce, somewhere like 2% maybe or less)15:01
seb128slangasek, or http://git.collabora.co.uk/?p=papyon.git;a=commitdiff;h=5f9e7e0da5a89b80190087022a633eca7f7f2d8e15:02
seb128slangasek, ie changes which are small in code change and limited risk but not fixing bugs which need to be fixed in lucid (ie things which can be sru-ed without issue)15:03
smoserbut the log i captured shows no evidence of this job ever being started, and the debug output occurs at the very top of 'cloud-init-cfg' that is execed from the job15:03
slangasekseb128: I would say SRU for the first; I don't understand the impact of the second, but if you say it doesn't need to be fixed for final, Ithink SRU is best for that too15:03
seb128slangasek, the second will lead to a telepathy-butterfly crash when receiving some messages from buggy clients15:04
seb128slangasek, ok, I will start to put some sru material fixes in my upload queue and ping you if I've a fix which I think might be worth trying to get in lucid proper rather than a sru15:05
seb128slangasek, thanks15:05
cjwatsonjhernandez: on the fly; the core is in partman-target15:16
cjwatsonjhernandez: though there's a partial template involved15:16
cjwatsonjhernandez: what do you want to know?15:16
jhernandezthx for your response cjwatson15:16
jhernandezubiquity (or another package) creates a cdrom's line in fstab15:17
cjwatsonnot any more in lucid15:17
jhernandezi have pcs without cdrom15:18
slangaseksmoser: what job does the 'generating public/private rsa key pair'?15:18
smoserthe job listed there.15:19
smoser(comment 4)15:19
smoseras far as I can tell, it just doesn't run15:19
jhernandezthx, cjwatson15:19
cjwatsonthough I'm not aware that it ever created those on systems without CD drives; but it doesn't matter if it did, since that code is gone now15:20
jhernandezi have my answers in the link above15:20
cjwatson(i.e. I'm not going to debug it if it did create them on a system without a CD drive)15:20
jhernandezlot of thanks15:21
slangaseksmoser: have you done the test with the upstart debugging turned on?15:24
smoseri've been trying to get one15:24
smoseras, yeah, i want that too15:25
smoserand my scripts had some bugs so they failed to catch console output the couple times when the other stars were alignged15:26
ccheneyjames_w: probably from what the description of xfonts-mathml itself says15:32
ccheneyjames_w: " You will also need to install the packages: otf-stix (STIX fonts) and ttf-lyx (TeX's Computer Modern fonts) to view MathML properly.15:32
james_wccheney: yes, but it's talking about browsers, so I wondered if it was the same15:33
ccheneyjames_w: oh, hmm i'm not sure i can dig around some more and see15:33
james_was it stands we have to promote the whole of lyx to satisfy it15:33
ccheneyjames_w: eh, why?15:39
ccheneyjames_w: ttf-lyx doesn't depend on anything other than defoma15:39
james_wccheney: xfonts-mathml recommends ttf-lyx which is in the lyx source package15:39
ccheneythere are lots of instances of binary packages that are split between main and universe, or did you mean it requires the source to be in main too?15:40
slangasekccheney: yes, the source15:40
slangasekMIRs are done on a sourceful basis; so all the review for main-worthiness has to be done up front15:41
ccheneythe person who filed the bug in debian seemed to indicate that probably xfonts-mathml is enough for OOo15:41
ccheneywhich is already in main so we can probably safely ignore the ttf-lyx15:42
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mvoccheney: hi, bad news. the OOo pre-depends are still causing some grief bug #566584 and bug #51672715:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566584 in apt "unpack/configure order violation triggered by OOo pre-depends" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56658415:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516727 in openoffice.org "breaks dist-upgrade: E: Couldn't configure pre-depend openoffice.org-core for openoffice.org-filter-binfilter, probably a dependency cycle." [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51672715:46
ccheneymvo: the pre-depends was already fixed back to the way it used to be, can we just fix apt already? :)15:47
mvoccheney: well, that may not be feasible for -final, I would prefer a isolated workaround at this point than to change the apt ordering code15:49
ccheneymvo: if i understand what you wrote in that bug report i need to remove the apt workaround in OOo to make it work for libgstreamer0.10-0 but then it fails later in the same upgrade cycle on something else for similar reasons?15:50
ccheneyoh nm i saw the add libxml2 to openoffice.org-evolution, not sure how i missed that15:51
ccheneybut you said it still doesn't fix the upgrade?15:51
mvoccheney: correct, I'm looking at it currently in a VM, but I have no real good idea yet. one obvious fix is to get rid of the pre-depends entirely, but as I understand _rene_ they are needed15:51
mvoccheney: the other is to remove ooo-evolution, -emailmerge, -filter-binfilter on upgrade15:52
ccheneythe pre-deps as they were before the apt workarounds were needed15:52
mvoand add them again afterwards15:52
mvobut all is very not-cool15:52
ccheneythats probably workable too but only would work assuming the people upgrading were following proper procedure :)15:52
ccheneysounds like apt's pre-depends resolver is totally broken15:53
mvowell, I would say "totally broken" given that it works as it is currently since a couple of year, but definietly broken when confronted with a pre-depdns line like the one from OOo15:54
ccheneywell it was initially rather simple unless i misunderstand it15:55
ccheneyjust: openoffice.org-core (>= 1:3.1.0-2), debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0, procps15:55
dholbachccheney: I'm sure mvo would love to see patches to fix it ;-)15:55
ccheneyi guess the debconf part could have been complicated but it got confused on the openoffice.org-core part :)15:55
ccheneyso is it an issue with versioned pre-depends?15:55
ccheneydholbach: hmm yea maybe i will have time to hack on it during maverick cycle15:56
mvoccheney: right, its openoffice.org-core  that ships a long list of depends15:56
mvoccheney: I don't think its the versionizing15:57
* ccheney wonders if its an interaction with installing recommends by default15:57
ccheneymvo: i see something that might be causing it to be upset15:58
cjwatsonthe extensive Conflicts in OOo seem likely to cause difficulties15:59
ccheneymvo: the first depends in openoffice.org-common is: openoffice.org-style-default | openoffice.org-style  which has to be satisified by a virtual package15:59
ccheneycjwatson: oh16:00
cjwatsonI haven't traced it, but that would be my first guess for any problem involving Pre-Depends when there isn't an obvious straightforward Pre-Depends loop16:01
ccheneycjwatson: ok16:01
cjwatsonmvo is probably much further along than I am in tracing it so probably no point in me trying to figure out exactly where it is :)16:02
mvocjwatson: :) its a nightmare16:02
* ccheney hopes i can get some of those dropped by debian after the next debian release16:03
ccheneyslangasek: should i go ahead and do the new upload with updated pre-depends on wait for arm to build?16:04
slangasekccheney: no need to wait before uploading; is this expected to go in before RC though?16:05
ccheneyslangasek: depends on if mvo thinks its important to make the RC for testing purposes I guess16:06
ccheneymvo: ^ ?16:06
mvo(on the phone atm, sorry)16:09
highvoltageslangasek: hi! I'm not sure if stgraber pinged you about it already, but if there's resources available for it could you fire up another edubuntu build?16:11
slangasekhighvoltage: you two need to talk to each other more :)16:15
slangasekhighvoltage: edubuntu DVD is currently spinning16:15
highvoltageslangasek: heh, thanks16:16
stgraberslangasek: going to be fixed soon, he'll be moving from a continent away from me to the same office and the desk next to mine ;) That should avoid that kind of issues ;)16:20
slangasekstgraber: hah :)16:22
slangasekArneGoetje: ttf-takao* are all in main for you; you said language-support-fonts-ja should be changed to depend on them?16:35
Damascenehello, any progress on the desktop recording problem?16:43
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ArneGoetjeslangasek: yep16:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305286 in ffmpeg "fails to playback ogv produced by recordmydesktop" [Medium,Confirmed]16:44
popeyDamascene: have you seen the comments on the bug?16:45
Damasceneyeah. have you seen me new one?16:45
popeyDamascene: I suspect Reinhard is the only person who can do much about it16:46
Damasceneis it right that record my desktop uses theora not ffmpeg?16:46
popeyunless someone volunteers to do a bisect on all the changes in ffmpeg svn16:46
popeyDamascene: rmd doesn't need ffmpeg16:47
DamasceneI see. only the recent ffmpeg could fix the rmd bug by converting16:47
popeyits not a bug in rmd16:48
popeyits a bug in ffmpeg16:48
slangasekivoks: why is bug #562832 only 'medium'?16:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562832 in drbd8 "module drbd8 update kernel from 2.6.32-16 to 2.6.32-20" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56283216:49
Damascenepopey, if rmd doesn't use ffmpeg how come it's a bug in it?16:50
popeyDamascene: its explained in the bug. rmd uses a newer version of the theora codec. the ffmpeg in ubuntu doesn't support those new features, but newer ffmpeg does. So it's a bug in the current version of ffmpeg shipped in ubuntu16:51
popeyDamascene: however there are a _lot_ of changes between the version of ffmpeg in ubuntu and the version in upstream, and it's too late in the cycle for lucid to pull in a very new ffmpeg, so Reinhard has asked if someone could figure out the exact patch which fixes the problem16:53
slangasekivoks: (if it's only medium, it seems like it should be moved to SRU; if it's really high - such as if it makes it impossible to use the driver at all - then we can push it and respin server)16:53
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Damascenebut that wont help with the youtube problem. google should fix their system16:55
slangasekDaviey, superm1: are we ok with a respin of mythbuntu RC candidates to take this mythplugins library fix?16:56
superm1slangasek, yes16:56
slangaseksuperm1: thanks, accepted16:57
slangasekbryceh, apw: bug #565415 is probably the same as bug #56637917:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565415 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Can't boot after latest kernel image and plymouth update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56541517:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566379 in linux "[i855] X doesn't start with kernel 2.6.32-21 unless passing i915.modeset=1" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56637917:05
brycehslangasek ok17:08
ccheneymvo: still on phone?17:11
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jibelmvo, thanks looking at the double click thing.17:27
ivoksslangasek: it can be uploaded post release17:27
slangasekivoks: well, it's currently in the upload queue; if it doesn't have a critical impact on the package, I'll reject that upload17:28
ivoksslangasek: driver is usable unless you install a package on kernel you won't be using17:28
ivoksslangasek: i wouldn't mind if it goes trough SRU, so it's your call17:29
slangasekivoks: ok, rejecting from the freeze queue, thanks17:29
ivoksslangasek: np17:30
mvojibel: thanks!17:46
mvoccheney: so, given that we have no clear solution I don't think we can block RC for it, if anything I would upload a new update-manager that blacklists currentl openoffice.org-evolution until a workaround/fix is found17:48
mvoccheney: uploading with a revert of the pre-dep changes will just break it in a different way17:48
ccheneymvo: ok17:52
ccheneyslangasek: see ^ :)17:52
ccheneyif any major problems show up wrt OOo feel free to call me if you can't reach me on irc :)17:53
ccheneyi should be around on irc most of the time i awake though17:54
slangasekok :)17:54
mvoI will investigate more when I'm back, but I need to leave for now17:54
slangasekhighvoltage, stgraber: edubuntu up, posted17:55
YokoZarIs backslash special cased at all inside translations for .desktop files?17:55
stgraberslangasek: yeah !17:58
hdonmy capslock light never turns on when i'm in a VT18:05
hdonalso switching to a VT from X doesn't update my capslock/numlock/scrollock lights18:06
cjwatsonyes, known casualty of fixing a different bug18:06
cjwatsonbug 42570418:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 425704 in console-setup "[karmic server] Capslock don't turn on LED" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42570418:07
cjwatson(esp. comment 6)18:07
Davieypitti: Sorry for the delay with the mysql bug, i missed the bug update you did this morning.  Is it valid concern that those who are upgrading that explicitly installed 5.0 won't have an upgrade path?18:13
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ScottKDaviey: In general people should have the unversioned metapackages installed so they should get upgraded.18:14
DavieyScottK: I agree, but googling --> "apt-get install mysql-server-5.0" ubuntu <-- returns a non-trivial amount of results.18:17
ScottKLive by the Google, die by the Google.18:18
DavieyLive by Ubuntu mailing lists, die by ubuntu mailing lists18:18
ScottKThat too.18:18
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cjwatsonsbeattie: debug instructions in bug 558382 now; TIA18:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558382 in partman-base "Partitioner throws "Unable to satisfy all constraints" when trying to use previously created partitions" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55838218:30
sbeattiecjwatson: thanks. I've tried to recreate it, but am not having any luck reproducing it.18:31
seb128slangasek, pitti: if you have a chance to accept gtk2-engine-murrine before lucid please do it fixes a crasher collecting duplicates18:32
cjwatsonI've seen other scattered reports so I don't think it's isolated18:32
cjwatsonit may depend on exact partition sizes18:32
cjwatsonbut it's in my "a bit scared to release with this" category18:33
* YokoZar didn't think it was possible for gedit to have an error on saving that causes you to lose most of your work18:33
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smoserhggdh, ping when you're around19:14
loolkirkland: around?19:19
loolkirkland: my laptop is dying under kernel load, I suspect it might be ecryptfs related; is there a way to look at where memory is going?19:20
* lool really needs to reboot now19:21
loolkirkland: So I suspect there's a resource leak somewhere; I'm unison-ing 1 GB of data every 5 minutes and after some days, my laptop grinds to a halt19:23
loolkirkland: I rebooted now thought19:23
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ccheneyin looking into why OOo didn't build on sparc it appears to not have built because glib2.0 didn't because someone blacklisted it or something similarly odd21:14
ccheney"no really, you do not get to build glib2.0 here."21:14
ccheneywhats that mean?21:15
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mdkepitti: sounds fine21:37
seb128slangasek, I just uploaded an openoffice.org-dictionaries update, resyncing a debian bug fix revision, let me know if that seems ok for lucid otherwise I will reupload with one one fix from there for the thesaurus install21:46
ccheneyseb128: oh you pulled it in? i was just waiting for it to get mirrored by debian, thanks! :)21:48
seb128ccheney, why do you wait for it to be mirror when it's on incoming.debian.org? we can't sync anyway since we have changes!21:49
ccheneyseb128: was going to use grab-merge to do it, i thought it wouldn't be more than an hour or so before i could run that21:50
ccheneyiirc debian pulses a few times a day21:50
seb128ok, I looked at that because I had a discussion with the debian maintainer about my previous change there and he let me know there was some thesaurus breakage so I synced that change21:51
seb128let's see now if it slangasek thinks it's ok for lucid21:51
ccheneyseb128: ok thanks21:51
ccheneyseb128: look like the german fix in the new version is also useful, so hopefully we can just pull the whole thing21:51
cjwatsonccheney: lamont did that - glib2.0 builds have been killing the sparc buildds21:52
cjwatson(I don't know the details)21:52
ccheneycjwatson: ah ok21:52
seb128there is a bug about glib21:52
seb128the testsuite is taking the sparc builder down for some reason21:52
ccheneyok, thanks for the information21:53
lamontccheney: the glib2.0 build was causing the buildd to crash, and the manner was such that it just moved to the next buildd and killed it.22:00
lamontand then people kept giving it back after I killed it with prejudice (rm -rf glib2.0-* mid build), so I raised it some more22:01
cody-somervilleapachelogger, You and Alessandro forgot to update the bzr branch for the xscreensaver package.22:05
ccheneylamont: makes sense :)22:05
apacheloggercody-somerville: sync'd, thanks :)22:08
lamontccheney: 'faure' is the machine you want to play on, fwiw22:08
cody-somervilleapachelogger, thanks! :)22:08
lamontit was more the automated duck shoot that I was getting annoyed at22:08
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LLStarksmdz, is the place to ask about ubuntu-release team decisions?23:42
LLStarksmark said the new ubuntu-sounds theme won't get into lucid unless you guys give the go ahead23:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539169 in ubuntu-sounds "[FFe] Create "light" sound theme for Lucid" [Undecided,New]23:44
LLStarksthere's a new theme readdy to go23:44
elleucaanother late minute bug for lucid: #56690923:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566909 in empathy "Offline contacts not showed by default" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:57
TheMusoLLStarks: Has Mark given the new theme the o23:59
* TheMuso reads the bug23:59

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