
CIA-3debian-installer: cjwatson * r1290 ubuntu/ (57 files in 2 dirs): Update help text translations from Launchpad.01:03
superm1ev, is there a particular reason that usb-creator appends noprompt to the default kernel command line?  wouldn't the users still want to remove the usb disk so it wasn't booted off the next time?05:53
CIA-3ubiquity: ogra * r4095 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog debian/control scripts/install.py): add support for omap bootloader installation08:33
CIA-3ubiquity: ogra * r4096 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.2.1908:33
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4096 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog debian/control scripts/install.py): Merge with ogra's branch for ubiquity
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4097 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.2.2009:44
evhrm, "Try Ubuntu" on a USB disk with persistence enabled takes quite a bit as a update-initramfs trigger runs for console-setup, but I suppose that's unavoidable/desirable.10:24
xivulonev on the forum the only issue worth investigating seems to be: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9140185&postcount=110 (no root)11:00
xivulondavmor2, any issue on your side I should be aware of?11:09
davmor2xivulon: not that I'm aware of I'll be doing some testing latter though so I'll keep you in the loop with that11:10
dmarkeycjwatson: change freeze on 10.04 yet? :)11:24
cjwatsondmarkey: yep11:30
dmarkeycjwatson: ah i was just kidding. Anyway i'd just like to thank you for all your time/support in trying to get xen support in 10.04!11:37
evCan someone spot-check this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/418527/12:30
everm, perhaps I should've been less open given the time of day.  cjwatson, do you have a minute to look that over?  No rush, but perhaps we can sneak it onto the RC.12:38
rgreeningev: ping13:08
rgreeningev: bug 566390 seems important. Format button should be disabled if partition is not FAT and set the NEEDS_FORMAT.. yes?13:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566390 in usb-creator "USBCreatorProcessException FAT vs any other format" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56639013:09
cjwatsonev: I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that; it seems like "you answered a question a bit differently, so we'll nuke your data" which worries me13:16
cjwatsonev: maybe this should just be an explicit error?13:16
cjwatsonbut early enough to allow better recovery13:16
evrgreening: do you mean the Install button?  In the case of the partition being something other than FAT, their only recourse is to erase the disk.13:41
evcjwatson: I'm not convinced it should be an error, given that its our combination of having ecryptfs copied to their system and then removed that's causing the bug in the first place.13:42
rgreeningI think the bug indicates that the Make Startup Disk button is enabled, even though the partition isnt of correct type.13:42
rgreeningev: ^13:42
evrgreening: right, that's what I mean13:42
evyou said "format button should be disabled"13:43
rgreeningmy bad13:43
cjwatsonev: well, maybe, but removing their .ecryptfs while keeping the rest of their home directory seems like it could well be undesired, too13:44
cjwatsonsince that may essentially render their home directory contents useless13:45
evyeah, you're right13:45
everror it is13:45
cjwatsonit seems like a sort of "we can't deal with this situation yet" error13:45
cjwatsonas in not technically a real error but ...13:45
evI don't suppose there's a nice utility to un-ecryptfs a home directory?  Not for us to use, but to point the user at in this situation.13:47
evkirkland`: ?13:47
evah, google is my friend13:48
CIA-3usb-creator: evand * r303 usb-creator/ (debian/changelog usbcreator/frontends/gtk/frontend.py):14:05
CIA-3usb-creator: Continue evaluting whether or not a partition can be used even if14:05
CIA-3usb-creator: there is no source present (LP: #566390).14:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566390 in usb-creator "USBCreatorProcessException FAT vs any other format" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56639014:05
ev^ rgreening that fixes it for me in the GTK frontend14:05
rgreeningthanks ev. I'll have a look14:07
evcjwatson: oo, perhaps I'm trying to be too clever for my own good, but what if we solve this by forcing the encrypted home option in user-setup when / or /home is not marked to be formatted but ~/.ecryptfs is present.14:12
cjwatsonthat's another option, sure - if anything else is going to give another error anyway ...14:13
cjwatsonI wonder whether it would confuse people more or less.  I'm not sure14:13
rgreeningev: that enables the Make Startup Disk even is SOURCE_IMG is not available or selected. It shouldn't enabled the Make Startup Disk (install button) technically...14:18
rgreeningits close though... :P14:19
evdamn :)14:19
evsorry, I rushed that one14:19
rgreeningnp. thats what you have me for ;)14:19
evcjwatson: talked with mpt about it, he thinks the radio button approach is acceptable, for what it's worth14:19
evrgreening: :D14:19
evthis does mean that we'll be mounting what will be / and (optionally) /home, which is a bit disgusting, but I cannot think of a more elegant approach14:20
evmounting in user-setup, that is14:20
evcjwatson: sorry about chatting with mpt offline, I need to be more cognisant of the fact that it doesn't give you an equal voice in the conversation14:23
=== kirkland` is now known as kirkland
evnevermind the comment about mounting them in user-setup, I'll do it in partman-target and pass it through debconf.14:35
rgreeningev: just testing that bug further and I cannot reproduce the situation with 0.2.22 as user claims with either gtk or kde version.. strange14:41
evrgreening: start usb-creator without a disk plugged in, then plug it in before or after you select a source image14:42
rgreeningev: ok. I'll try that ( I have the stick inserted and part mounted)14:42
rgreeningev: It only occurs if you mount the partition manually outside creator (at least in the gtk one). I'll verify in kde one.14:44
evno, it occurred for me without manually mounting it14:44
rgreeninghmm... ok, I couldn't get that to occur.14:45
rgreeningas Free Space was not showing anything and therefore part was unavailable. Could it be that the Gnome Desktop auto mounted it for you?14:46
rgreeningKDE doesnt automount14:46
rgreeningby default14:46
rgreeningso, its a bug... triggered if outside app automounts the partition14:46
rgreeningev: I can confirm behaviour now based on this in both apps. I'll try and update your fix now.14:47
rgreeningev: got it. will upload now14:48
rgreeningafter testing gtk frontend of course (kde on works correctly now)14:52
rgreeningev: ok, I can make the kde one work as expected. hell if I can get the gtk one to work.14:55
rgreeningev: I think its cause you do not start with Make Startup Disk set to disabled (which should be the correct default). Thats what KDE frontend does.14:57
evrgreening: okay, I'll look into it once I'm done with this encrypted home bug14:57
rgreeningnp ev. I'll keep poking at it. I'll upload the kde fix in the mean time14:58
evrgreening: by upload do you mean commit?14:58
evokay, cool14:58
cjwatsonev: forcing the radio button?  it's OK to me15:11
cjwatsonby me15:11
cjwatsonmichaelforrest: FYI, I discussed the splash screen with sabdfl, and he said to me that he only wants the text/logo blanked but doesn't want the bottom icons removed15:11
cjwatsonmichaelforrest: so I implemented that last night15:11
michaelforrestcjwatson: ok thanks15:14
CIA-3usb-creator: rgreening * r304 trunk/usbcreator/frontends/kde/frontend.py:15:28
CIA-3usb-creator: Update check in kde frontend which verifies we CAN_USE selected partition and if not15:28
CIA-3usb-creator: tell user it needs formatting.15:28
rgreeningev: can you review that change? It works for KDE frontend, but similar does not under gtk one. dunno why.15:29
evyes, once I'm done with this encrypted home stuff15:29
rgreeningev: oh, and needed to add back the msg about requiring format.15:29
evwhoa, why?15:30
rgreeningyou'll see when you look at the diff15:30
evominous, but okay :)15:30
rgreeningmakes complete ui sense15:30
rgreeningotherwise user doesn't know why the make startup button is still disabled15:30
evyeah, I'm really, really keen on not re-enabling that in Lucid given how poorly it functioned previously and how far into the freeze we are.  They'll find the format button quickly enough.15:35
evbut I'll look at the patch when I get a chance15:35
rgreeningev: yeah, I only enabled the 'label' per-se.15:38
rgreeningto allow the user some reason why or what to do next.15:38
rgreeningev: will you setup a UI review session for usb-creator for UDS. I think we really need to look at this.15:39
rgreeningfrom a usability perspective.. maybe we can get seele to join/assist.15:40
evcjwatson: entirely untested, but does this look okay in principal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/418636/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/418637/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/418638/15:48
evmm, I should probably handle that question not existing in partman-target15:49
cjwatsonev: we're going to mount those partitions anyway, so why not do the check after doing so?15:49
cjwatsonoh, because ubiquity isn't ordered that way :-(15:49
cjwatsonyes, seems OK in principle15:51
evokay, cool.  I'll start testing it then15:51
* cjwatson tries to work out why grub-installer/bootdev's translation isn't being used16:46
cjwatsonoh argh, it was due to a string change I didn't record in my usual place for end-of-cycle translation updates17:18
* cjwatson dives down rabbit-hole of broken cron jobs17:29
CIA-3partman-target: evand * r793 ubuntu/ (3 files in 2 dirs):17:59
CIA-3partman-target: Notify user-setup that there is an encrypted home partition present17:59
CIA-3partman-target: (LP: #566552).17:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566552 in ubiquity "Installing over ecryptfs-enabled system causes remove_extras to fail." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56655217:59
CIA-3user-setup: evand * r220 ubuntu/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Allow forcing the encrypted home option (LP: #566552).17:59
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4098 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/ubi-usersetup.py): Honor user-setup/force-encrypt-home (LP: #566552).18:00
sweezefor https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/565047 , what's the best way of building an install image w/ xhci (usb 3.0) support?  -- or are there other approaches I should be trying?18:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565047 in casper "Unable to install on HP Envy 15 laptop" [Undecided,New]18:20
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
evso I've tested the encrypted home fix by touching /target/home/evan/.ecryptfs.  I've set up a VM with a real encrypted home install on it to test tonight/tomorrow and I'll give the alternate CD a go with that as well.18:46
evsweeze: attaching /casper.log from the initramfs might help get to the bottom of your bug: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingCasper#casper and kernel log files18:48
sweezeev:  doesn't appear to be any way to get casper.log off the machine:  usb key not showing up in /dev/sd*, and no network....18:49
sweezeok, managed to get casper.log & dmesg log off the machine through the built in SD-cart slot, updated bug with those logs20:58

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