
Gryllidahello, the !proxies factoid ends with FIXME word, is this ok?09:19
ubottu"Proxies" are services acting as intermediate agents in various sorts of Internet connections. Examples are TOR, !apt-proxy, and HTTP proxies (such as "squid"). It is possible to install and use Ubuntu via some proxy connections: see FIXME09:20
elkythat is slightly odd.10:25
jussielky: ?10:50
jussi!search fixme10:51
ubottuFound: proxies10:51
jussiahh well10:51
jussiI guess we got to fix it then...10:51
ubottuproxies has no aliases - added by LjL on 2007-12-11 16:24:10 - last edited by Pici on 2008-10-08 19:06:5610:52
jussiI blame Pici! :D10:52
elkyIt's clearly so commonly used...10:55
tsimpson!botclone > MichealH11:29
ubottuMichealH, please see my private message11:29
MichealHHey guys is nit ok to create a IRC channel with the #ubuntu namespace? I want it to be #ubuntuforums-cafe to represent that part of the forums12:12
MichealHCan anyone guide me?12:15
topylithe ubuntuforums-* namespace is governed by the ubuntu irc council. #ubuntuforums is a core channel for the ubuntu project12:18
MichealHSo would it be ok12:18
topylithe need for #ubuntuforums-* subchannels should be assessed by the forum staff, and they should discuss it with the irc council12:18
topylijust my own quick evaluation, with my council hat loosely on12:19
topyliin other words, no it is not ok to just go about creating channels in our namespace12:20
tsimpsonhe asked if it ok to create the channel, >3 hours _after_ creating it...12:23
tsimpsonoh, it's dropped now12:24
DJonestsimpson: Just noticed I had a message from MichealH "11:33 < MichealH> Just checked with tsimpson I cant have ubottu could you add ukbot to my channel? The channel is #ubuntuforums-cafe12:26
DJonesI see you've said the channels dropped anyway12:27
topyliwe do have documentation on creating channels, but he was too busy for me to link :(12:27
topylii should change my nick to slowtopyli so that people will give me more time12:28
tsimpsonyeah, he asked me "How do I add ubottu to my channel?" just before asking you12:28
tsimpsonmy answer was simply "you can't" :)12:28
tsimpson(then I went into more detail)12:28
topylithat's why you rock. you get the message out up front :)12:29
tsimpsonseems less and less people have patience these days12:31
jussitsimpson: tell me about it12:38
topylibut make it quick!12:38
jussiThing is, before creating #ubuntuforums-$anything we should be consulting the forums council12:38
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erUSULAcePreshaw: hi18:04
erUSULsoz? why¿?18:06
AcePreshawfor the lagg18:07
AcePreshawso wats sup18:10
erUSULnot much; this is a quiet channel :)18:10
ubot2jussi called the ops in #ubuntu-il ()18:11
erUSULjussi enforce your irc council superpowers  ;=)18:12
AcePreshawubot2 love u18:13
ubot2Factoid 'love u' not found18:13
ubottunope. Lucid is due 29th April. More info closer to the date.19:03
vishhmm , what happened to the old factoid :(19:03
vish..release delayed by 1hr19:04
nhaineshaha :)19:04
vishwell , we are considering adding something similar for -artwork , a lot of people keep popping by and asking for the fonts :D19:05
vishhmm , sent a request for a  !publicyet factoid , could someone add it :)19:09
vishor if it is !outyet too would be good ;)19:10
nhainesvish: say, how are those fonts coming along, anyway?19:21
nhainesjust kidding.  I don't want the fonts anyway, I just want some nice SVGs.19:21
vishnhaines: i dont know though ;)  only the canonical folks know19:21
nhainesvish: sure, I was just teasing.  I'm following along too.  A little annoyed, but I try to be annoyed at the right people.  ;)19:24
vishnhaines: nearly once every two days someone asks about the fonts..and they wont be released any time soon , will take more than a month or 219:25
nhainesvish: oh, I thought they'd be available at launch.  :(  Well, I know t he *full* font won't be available until maverick is out.19:26
vishnhaines: definitely for sure not before or at the time of Lucid19:26
nhainesvish: the font itself is highly overrated.  I don't think anyone realizes it's ujst "ubnt" and now with extra "k".  :)19:27
vishnhaines: well , the loco and other teams have a wide range of letters and they want for those as well ;)19:28
nhainesvish: sure, well, that'll take more time.  ;)19:34
nhainesI wish it had been announced more prominently than sabdfl's blog.19:34
h00knhaines: where did you see that the full font won't be out until MM?19:36
nhainesh00k: at markshuttleworth.org, i think it was.19:38
vishnhaines: i wonder who can be a more prominent figure than sabdfl ;)19:40
h00knhaines: ah, it says 'widely used in 10.10' but doesn't say it'll be released them19:40
h00knhaines: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/30819:40
vishh00k: well , not any time soon either , the main fonts arent even the final19:41
vishthey can change they are still WIPs19:41
h00kvish: not yet! I wonder if it'll get added19:42
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