
VinceNGood Evening everyone04:34
VinceNpersia : I ran the latest CD.  The fans seemed to work ok so I went ahead and installed it.  Bad idea.  They work but only intermittently it seems.  I'm still trying to see a rhyme or reason too it.  That being said I want to say congrats to you guys.  Lucid is VERY nicely done otherwise from what I can see04:35
VinceNI also did some more research, There looks like there might be a firmware update to the laptop that might fix the issue but the update is supposed to be run from inside a windows environment.  There is a DOS bootable CD that supposedly works that someone put up but iI'm hesitant to try it as if I bork the firmware update my laptop is pretty much hosed.04:37
persiaI'm sorry to hear your issue isn't perfectly addressed.  Good luck with the firmware update.04:51
* hyperair heard of a windows livecd or other, but it isn't free, or legally free, in any case.04:55
Sarvattapw: regarding the multibyte EC problems, look familiar? - https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15749 fix is released upstream06:22
ubot3bugzilla.kernel.org bug 15749 in EC "bisected 2.6.34-rc3+git EC regression - can't boot after fix from bug #14667" [High,Closed: code_fix] 06:22
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apwSarvatt, that is indeed equivalent to the fix we had homed in on.  and would be in lucid now if the macbook pro tester didn't have other unrelated but simultaneously appearing issues which masked its success08:40
RAOFapw: Good morning.08:43
apwRAOF, anything exciting occuring in your world?09:00
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Sleep_WalkerAceLan: please, is kexec broken in 2.6.28-araneo?12:29
Sleep_Walkerwhat 'araneo' means? it's kernel branch for some set of devices?12:55
AnAntHello, can I build the kernel package (linux) using pbuilder ?13:40
amitkAnAnt: we only support debuild13:40
AnAntamitk: that doesn't necessarily mean that the answer to my question is 'no', right ?13:42
amitkAnAnt: right, I just don't know how and why I would use pbuilder.13:43
AnAntok, thanks13:43
hyperairamitk: build-depends!13:43
AnAntas for why, because I don't want to install -dev packages on my system13:43
AnAnthyperair: exactly13:43
hyperairAnAnt: you do realize how thin the build-depends of a kernel are, right?13:43
hyperairBuild-Depends: dpkg (>= 1.13.19), debhelper (>= 3), gawk13:44
AnAnthyperair: no I didn't know actually, I just saw stuff that aren't on my system13:44
AnAnthyperair: binutils-dev, libelf-dev13:44
hyperairAnAnt: heh? i don't remember needing those..13:44
AnAnthyperair: http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/lucid/linux13:44
AnAntI look at {a,i}dep: lines13:45
hyperairAnAnt: maybe something changed. i use make-kpkg. don't need any of those =p13:45
apwhyperair, they are new for the perf tools13:55
tgardnerapw, hmm, mumble ain't gonna work too well unless I can find a microphone 14:03
apwtgardner, heh yeah its not the most useful without that14:05
apwthough with push to talk many people use it with a lid mike14:05
apwone of your dells prolly has one of those14:06
hyperairapw: perf tools?14:08
hyperairapw: what perf tools?14:08
apwthe kernel source has started to carry tightly coupled tools like perf14:09
apwso we now have a new linux-tools package which carries these version locked tools14:09
hyperairoh interesting14:09
apwprogress progress14:13
achiangugh, last night, i suggested a workaround for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/53237414:14
ubot3Malone bug 532374 in oem-priority "Lenovo Thinkpads with Core i5 and i7 suspend/resume (with kernel oops) once then fail horribly on next suspend" [Critical,In progress] 14:14
achiangdidn't work though because i was looking at an upstream tree, not the ubuntu tree14:14
achiangi suspect backporting d7f0eea9 will resolve the issue14:14
apwachiang, that just adds a command line option for sci something somtthing, doesn't add any blacklists14:16
achiangapw: well, right -- i wanted to verify it actually helped before adding a quirk14:17
apwdamn these machines are a mess14:17
achiangapw: let me forward you a mail from jerone that suggests it is the correct workaround ; i guess i'm sniffing about for a way to do a test kernel for these folks to try to see if it helps14:19
apwachiang, the bug is currently closed against linux, cause lenovo thinks the issue is their bios?14:26
achiangapw: yes, the issue is a BIOS bug, but windows works because it essentially does that sci_force_enable quirk. it would be nice if our kernel did that too so people wouldn't be forced to upgrade BIOS14:28
apwwindows is such a pain, if only we didn't have to overlap with it14:29
apw'it works with windows' makes me want to scream14:29
achiangbe that as it may, that is the de facto standard for Linux/ACPI14:29
apwnominally you can't have a defacto standard where there is an actual published standard14:30
apwall you can have is compiant or _broken_ bioses14:30
achiangwell, that is de facto vs de jure. ;)14:30
achiangapw: on a more practical note, upstream Linux/ACPI including maintainer explicitly state windows bug-for-bug compatibility is the policy. so in that sense, ubuntu shouldn't deviate from upstream14:31
apwwell de facto has "without being officially established in it"14:31
apwthen they really should just turn on that bit no?14:32
apwif thats what doze does14:32
achiangwell, they do, but as a quirk... i mean -- you're right -- official standard says, "that's BIOS's job, not OSPM" so i think it would be dangerous to categorically turn it on all the time, punishing the BIOSes you point out that *are* compliant14:33
apwif the definition is "it must be on on return" then its not clear we can get it wrong14:34
apwseems lucid only has quirks for HP for this issue14:35
achiangthat bit is owned by BIOS, not the OS, so it's dangerous for the kernel to set that bit unconditionally14:36
achiangunless it's for a known broken platform14:36
achiangat least that's the impression i got from reading the comment added by the commit i named above14:37
apwthough the description says it _must_ be on on resume, so it not being would mean we should set it to my eye14:37
achianghm, i see quirks for mac platforms in lucid14:38
apwthere are other quirks in the table, not all for that one item14:39
achiang        .callback = init_set_sci_en_on_resume,14:39
achiang        .ident = "Apple MacBook 1,1",14:39
apwoh not really old old old macs yes14:39
achiangam i looking at the wrong tree?14:39
apwtrust macs to be broken, they are more broken than windows boxes mostly14:40
apwachiang, anyhow if i am reading this right that command line patch is the next one against that file so it should apply triviallu14:41
achiangapw: nod, i'm trying to convince someone here to make that patch and do a test kernel. i don't want to overstep my bounds since i'm on the OEM team, not platform14:42
apwoverstep your bounds?  slap it on and build it, its a community distro14:43
apwits not like most of us have anything to test it with14:43
achiangheh, ok. guess i need to go figure out how to build / release a kernel the ubuntu way. i'm a new hire too and just ramping up on process here. ;)14:44
apwheh i could do it for you, but its a good learning experience14:44
apwall my resources are tied up building other things right now, its a busy time14:45
achiangsure, ok14:45
achiangapw: do you still consider https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile to be accurate?14:46
tgardnerachiang, start here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelMaintenance14:47
achiangah, ok14:47
tgardnerachiang, we also have a meta page with links to lots of topics: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam14:48
* achiang bookmarks14:48
achiangthanks tgardner 14:48
* apw suspect you will find many inaccuracies that we can no longer see for doing it too much14:49
tgardnerachiang, feel free to correct said inaccuracies14:49
apwachiang, feel obligated to fix them :)14:49
achiangproject creep! ;)14:50
achiangbut ok, will do. ;)14:50
crazybytejjohansen, hello. may i take up a bit of your time?16:55
jjohansencrazybyte: sure16:55
crazybytejjohansen, i read your comment on the oops related issue. what is strange is that those oopses happened sometime before suspend and now i'm on the lucid kernel and i'm running it since yesterday after several suspend/wake up cycles without any issue.16:58
jjohansencrazybyte: ? Maybe I misinterpreted what you said but I thought the crashes were coming post suspend16:59
crazybytejjohansen, mostly16:59
crazybytethat is what i observed16:59
crazybytebut when i started having those issues i remember that sometime they happened before suspend17:00
crazybytebut then i was using the karmic kernel17:00
crazybytenow they happened after wake ups17:00
crazybyteuntil yesterday17:00
crazybytenothing since than17:00
jjohansenhrrmm, that doesn't really make sense, did you run an update?17:01
crazybyteno. at least not in the case of the kernel because it's the main lucid kernel installed in karmic so i can't update it by usual means17:02
crazybytejjohansen, i will keep my eye on this because it's pretty strange17:03
crazybytealso could you have a suggestion how to find out what resides at that particular address when the oops happens17:03
crazybytei'm very curios about what is there when they happen because the addresses repeat themselves sometimes17:04
jjohansencrazybyte: hrmm, well you can look at /proc/<pid>/maps17:05
jjohansenand also the boot messages17:06
crazybytejjohansen, could ksymoops help me better somehow i didn't thought of?17:06
jjohansencrazybyte: hrmm I can't see what more you are going to get from ksymoops17:08
crazybytei see17:09
apwmost oops addresses are kernel side and so only vagely categorisable into a few simple categories17:09
jjohansencrazybyte: well it might if you can hit it right after the oops, and use /proc/kallsyms but since these are freezes I don't see that happening17:10
loolhey folks19:10
loolMy kernel is doing stuff but I dont know what19:10
looland my machine is dying under background IO load19:10
loolI tried sudo perf top, iotop, regular top, and can't tell what's happening19:10
loolsee bug #54942819:10
ubot3Malone bug 549428 in apparmor "Triggers permanent high i/o load after upgrade" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54942819:10
loolI get this regularly, but not daily19:10
loolI will have to reboot the system pretty soon given that it's almost unusable now; anything I can do?19:11
loolI don't know whether that's expected, but cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/64/vma returns19:12
loolcat: /sys/kernel/debug/dri/64/vma: Cannot allocate memory19:12
loolsudo cat i915_ringbuffer_data19:13
loolcat: i915_ringbuffer_data: Ne peut allouer de la mémoire19:13
loolthat sounds bad19:13
smbAt least like something went crazy requesting memory19:13
looloddly, meminfo lists plenty of cached stuff19:14
loolOh I know19:14
loolSo I'm using ecryptfs19:14
looland I use unison in the background19:14
loolEvery so many days, this starts happening19:14
loolI bet it's not giving back some memory to the OS19:14
loolsmb: How could I track memory down?19:14
loolhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/418779/ < meminfo19:15
loolCached:          2492220 kB19:15
smbMaybe one could keep tracking memory allocation while running19:15
smbapparently you cannot even look right now19:15
loolsmb: Well my system still runs for some rason19:15
smbA high cached value is normal19:15
loolI suspect the background load is swapping19:15
loolExcept I dont have any hmm19:16
loolsmb: Yes, but I mean this should be reclaimable to allocate memory19:16
loolsmb: I would expect that if my kernel used all available mem, this value would be small19:16
loolVmallocTotal:   34359738367 kB19:16
loolVmallocChunk:   34359353372 kB19:16
loolthat's.... too much19:17
loolI don't have 34 TB of vm19:17
loolHmm apparently that's normal19:17
loolit matches another host19:17
loolprobably some addressable range19:18
smbI would believe so19:20
smblool, The thing is that you seem to be unable to start new tasks which sounds like shortage of allocable memory19:24
loolsmb: I can actually start other tasks19:25
loolCould at least19:25
loolsmb: I could open an xterm for instance19:25
loolalbeit slowly19:25
smbI wonder whether iotop could help here or whther it only will show that swapper is on  duty19:29
AnAntI am downloading linux source package19:37
AnAntI wanted to know which file should I edit if I wanted to change the configuration for the -generic package 19:38
smbAnAnt, Depends a bit. The linux-source package is not that useful19:39
smbAnAnt, apt-get source linux-image-... or git is more useful19:39
AnAntsmb: well the source package for linux-image-... is linux19:40
smbAnAnt, In that case it is in debian.master/config/(i386|amd64)/config.generic19:40
smbAnAnt, Unfortunately the is also a package called linux-source19:41
smbwhich is only the general parts without the debian directories19:41
AnAntlinux-source was in dapper19:41
AnAntaccording to:http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=sourcenames&keywords=linux-source19:42
smbAnAnt, In Dapper the source package was named linux source. But later linux (as the source package) also creates a binary package called linux-source19:44
smbIts a bit confusing and often people get tricked into installing the architecture independend binary package because it has source in its name. Thats why I usually try to make sure that you have the real source package19:46
AnAntwhich is 'linux' , right ?19:46
smbJust looked, the flavour package seems to be config.flavour.generic now19:47
smberr I mean the config file19:47
smbBut its a stacked approach you got a top level config.ubuntu.common a config.i386(or amd64).common19:49
smband the flavour specic19:49
AnAntwhere's that ?19:49
smbAnAnt, You will find everything when you descent into debian.master/config19:50
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peterzapw: can you fix this messed up kernel-list@ubuntu to not send bounces for each msg?20:08
peterzapw: or educate folks to not cross post to lkml20:09
achianganyone have a lenovo x201 and can send me dmidecode | grep Version ?20:09
apwpeterz, bah sorry man ...20:51
apwi'll get my cluebat out20:51
peterzapw: thanks mate! :-)20:52
kyanardag_hi, i'm using Karmic right now and I noticed at http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/  kernel version 2.6.34.rc3 is available. If I download and install .deb file for linux-source will I be good to go with that kernel version? (no compiling, no configuring, no boot-image generating)21:05
kyanardag_also, i added the kernel-ppa repository by sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kernel-ppa/ppa but i get error "Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/kernel-ppa/ppa/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found"21:14
aboganikyanardag_: No it is generally used to try bugs against the latest linux kernel version so 1) It isn't tested at all by us 2) It don't contains Ubuntu patches 3) We don't provide any type of support on it.21:15
aboganikyanardag_: AFAIK It isn't available in PPA you should click and install from kernel.ubuntu.com.21:16
kyanardag_abogani, i see.. it's just vanilla kernel? thanks..21:17
aboganikyanardag_: Exactly.21:17
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