
doctormohi Nono01:45
DiegoTcping pleia202:04
pleia2DiegoTc: hey02:04
DiegoTchi pleia202:05
DiegoTcpleia2, there is going to be another ubuntu user days?02:05
pleia2DiegoTc: yep, join us in #ubuntu-classroom-backstage :)02:05
pleia2if you'd like, we're actually talking about it now02:05
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DiegoTcping pleia216:10
DiegoTcping cjohnston  and pleia219:40
pleia2hey DiegoTc19:41
DiegoTchi pleia219:41
DiegoTcpleia2: Want to comment you something, I was talking with some guys from latimamerica about the creation of an ubuntu-learning team (spanish version)19:42
DiegoTcthis way we will try to use the benefits of the team into spanish19:42
pleia2which part of the learning team? We're now doing three things: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning19:43
DiegoTcright now we have planned to be encharge of the organization of the open week, USD, UDW19:43
pleia2ah, so the Classroom stuff19:43
pleia2I think a spanish version sounds great19:44
DiegoTcpleia2: yeap it would be the Community Teaching (classroom stuff)19:44
pleia2we're doing most of the organizing for that in #ubuntu-classroom-backstage19:44
DiegoTcthis way we will take advantage of this events for the spanish guys :D19:44
pleia2yeah, I gave PabloRubianes contacts for each of open week, dev week, etc people19:45
pleia2he was asking in -beginners-team this morning19:45
DiegoTcyeap I wrote to them19:45
DiegoTcPablo nows about this plan19:46
DiegoTcpleia2: so when we have created the wiki,lp team and the others things we can add the link to the learning wiki and this way the community will know about it19:46
DiegoTcthanks pleia2  for your time19:48
doctormoDiegoTc: Don't forget to stay involved here, this is the hub for learnign activities, just so different groups can learn from each other.19:48
DiegoTcdoctormo: yeap here you learn great stuffs :D19:48
doctormopleia2: Did you get a chance to look at my debian packaging diagram?19:49
pleia2DiegoTc: maybe put the page together and have us take a look so we put it in the right part of the project? I think your idea is really better suited at wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom rather than linked directly on Learning19:51
pleia2but I'm not completely sure19:51
pleia2doctormo: nope :\19:51
pleia2doctormo: link?19:51
doctormopleia2: http://imagebin.ca/view/MOGt_Tw.html19:53
pleia2who is the audience/19:54
doctormoSo far I'm collecting thoughts19:59
doctormoEventually though it should make it's way into some sort of quick visual guide for the packing impaired19:59
doctormopleia2: This is what I basically want to do: http://imagebin.ca/view/79p58iGb.html20:34
pleia2doctormo: have you seen some of the others that exist diagramming this?20:35
pleia2I think there is another one out there too20:36
* pleia2 digs through notes20:36
doctormopleia2: Holy smoke! see that diagram, it'd casperise any rookie20:42
pleia2oh yes, yours is much simpler and has a different target :)20:42
doctormoProvoking understanding and documenting are different20:45
doctormoI keep on trying to tell people this20:45
doctormoYou need lies, little lies, that don't always tell the whole truth20:45
doctormoBut enough to get going and let the reader digg further.20:45
pleia2oh sure, I wasn't suggesting this was a replacement for yours, I was just exposing you to current ones in case there was anything you felt you needed to incorporate20:45
* pleia2 giggles @ http://mysite.verizon.net/kevin.mark/newdebian2.png20:46
pleia2if you really want their head to explode!20:46
doctormoOh yes, I saw that one20:50
doctormoScottK was explaining how dificult it is to find people to educate about deb packaging, because the skills are HARD and the similification almost imposible.20:51
doctormo(I wanted to add: "to programmers maybe") :-P20:51
pleia2honestly most packagers only need to know a snapshot of the process to be successful20:52
pleia2it's impossible to know everything anyway, so it's terribly overwhelming at first, you just need to understand that you won't become an expert over night, do your best, and ask the right questions when you need to20:52
* pleia2 asks DDs tough questions, and most of them can't answer most of the time and have to dig up docs :)20:53
pleia2I really thought I was stupid for a while WRT debian packaging, turns out it's just *really hard and complicated* and everyone has trouble20:53
pleia2once I realized this I was much happier :)20:53
pleia2(hint: don't compare yourself to westby or watson from day one, or year 3, they are masters)20:54
doctormoI gave up on understanding it when I realised hardly anyone else knew either20:56
pleia2I wouldn't say I gave up, but I did stop beating my head against the wall and let the knowledge trickle in rather than being so agressive about it20:56
doctormoAh well, I gave up on active persuite, I assumed the know how would come to me in the fullness of time.21:49
doctormopleia2: http://divajutta.com/doctormo/learning/deb.pdf22:13
pleia2doctormo: looks good so far, but it's sad that the diagram still looks so complicated at first glance22:37
pleia2I might use something even simpler for the contents page22:39

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