
humphreybcso what happened at the Quickshot meeting?06:01
humphreybcI'll check the logs soon*06:01
IlyaHaykinsonis it just me, or are the fonts at http://test.ubuntu-manual.org totally screwed-up?06:36
humphreybcjust you :)06:44
humphreybcwhat browser?06:44
IlyaHaykinsonFF, Chrome07:17
IlyaHaykinsonon two different computers07:17
IlyaHaykinsonfont looks like crap.07:17
IlyaHaykinson(on Vista, and on Win7)07:18
IlyaHaykinsoni think the problem is font-family:dejavu sans condensed, sans, verdana,arial;07:18
IlyaHaykinsonthis means that since i don't have dejavu, i'll get the (default) sans font07:18
IlyaHaykinsonwe should a) try switching the order to dejavu sans condensed, verdana, arial, sans07:19
IlyaHaykinsonb) switch to using Cufon for all header text, so that we can deliver the fonts in DejaVu regardless of whether the user has it or not07:19
IlyaHaykinsoni'll see if i can play with that tomorrow evening.07:20
nisshhwatched into the wild last night, was a good movie08:24
nisshhdownloading green zone now\08:28
thorwilgood morning!08:38
thorwilgodbyk: sounds like inkscape will be able to embed fonts in pdf at some point: https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/437567/comments/1008:39
manualbotLaunchpad bug 437567 in inkscape "PDF Save As dialog 'convert text to paths' option is confusing" [Medium,Confirmed]08:39
* humphreybc doesn't think brass band drumming is for him11:15
humphreybcis there anything I need to do?11:25
humphreybcnope? Makes my job easy then... lol11:40
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humphreybchey c7p!13:53
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nisshhanyone here use voip14:57
nisshhim considering getting it14:58
humphreybcisn't voip just skype?15:29
humphreybcor is it something more special15:29
nisshhhumphreybc: no voip as in voip from your isp15:42
nisshhhumphreybc: plus skype is a VOIP CLIENT not voip itself15:46
nisshhhumphreybc: i thought you couldnt use voip by itself, dont you have to pay an isp to have it?15:46
humphreybcno idea15:47
humphreybcI use skype, don't pay no one15:47
nisshhdo you have a voip modem or anything?15:47
* humphreybc wonders why his RAM usage keeps going up, even though he only has 3 programs open... 2.2 GB now15:47
nisshhhumphreybc: you must have a memory leak, hehe15:47
humphreybcyeah, probably15:47
humphreybci'll have to reboot at some point15:48
humphreybcwhat command gives the uptime?15:48
nisshhhmmmm, maybe its just aussies that have to pay, stupid isp15:48
nisshhthe word uptime i believe15:48
humphreybcthat would make sense15:48
nisshhlol, yep15:48
humphreybc1 day, 17 hours15:48
humphreybcpretty average15:48
nisshhhmmm thats not that long15:49
nisshhcheck your running processes15:49
humphreybcit's weird, coz my running processes aren't using much memory15:49
humphreybcafter this episode of American Dad finishes i'll kill all open processes and see what the idle usage is15:49
nisshhooooh a phantom process15:50
nisshhhmmmmm im going to have to do some more research on voip i think15:51
nisshhomfg, voip in au is not exactly simple, i can go with wired, naked, skype, isp paid, voip provider, new router, voip modem, voip handset...16:01
nisshhholy shit its too much for me to think about at midnight16:02
nisshhhumphreybc: with skype dont you have to pay to make calls still16:03
humphreybcnope you dont16:04
nisshhhmmmm, thats what it says in some of the articles i found16:04
nisshhit says you need to register an account and deposit "credit" to make calls16:04
nisshhwtf, now im confused16:05
ubuntujenkinsnisshh: skype to skype calls are free, but moblies and land lines are free. thats how it works in the uk16:08
nisshhubuntujenkins: yea, it says on the skype website, skyp to skype is free but to landline and mobile its not16:09
ubuntujenkinsfair enough, i guess you are thinking of landline a well then16:10
nisshhwell yea i was planning on using voip to call mobiles non-local16:11
nisshhalthough it still looks cheaper than landline calls16:11
nisshhubuntujenkins: thanks for the help16:11
ubuntujenkinsok i didn't do much16:12
ubuntujenkinsanyone out there? how are we all?19:44
ubuntujenkinsyou all right dutchie ?19:47
dutchieyeah, fine19:47
vishwell any screenshot involving this > https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2010-April/014704.html19:59
trijntjeHi all, I have a question about making the screenshots for the manual. I want to use the live-cd, but that's has 400MB of updates (with translations). Will those translations be active when I install the updates or do I have to restart before they work?20:00
vishthe boot screen has changed , err , minimilized rather20:00
ubuntujenkinsthanks for the heads up vish  I had seen it we are not effected20:02
ubuntujenkinstrijntje: you would need to download them everytime you run the live cd. how ever you don't need to reboot for them to take effect you may have to log out and then back in again. If you take all the screenshots now i can check them all when you are done and see if any need redoing to save you having to do them again20:03
ubuntujenkins*another time20:04
trijntjeubuntujenkins: Wont I be able to see for myself if any translations are missing when using quickshot?20:05
ubuntujenkinsyes you would and you only need to update the language you are doing. What i ment, was that i would check if you had screenshot the wrong thing by mistake20:06
trijntjeAh I see, ill be off to take the screenshots now, cu later20:10
ubuntujenkinslater o/20:10
trijntjeubuntujenkins, I'm on the live-cd now, I set the language and logged in and out (twice) but the whole system is still in English20:27
ubuntujenkinswhat lanaguge are you trying to set?20:27
ubuntujenkinshow did you set it?20:27
trijntjesystem -> administration -> language support20:28
ubuntujenkinswhen you choose the quickshot user on the log in screen (before you enter the password) in the bottom left choose Dutch20:28
trijntjethanks, ill try that20:29
ubuntujenkinsno problem that should work20:29
ubuntujenkinsplease say it works?20:32
trijntje_quickshubuntujenkins, well the language does. But how can I get it to ask the username for the new system without messing with my partitions20:40
ubuntujenkinsput a flash drive in?20:40
ubuntujenkinsexternal hard disk20:40
ubuntujenkinswhen you do full screen ones please close irc20:41
trijntje_quickshill go and find one, this is harder than I thought20:42
ubuntujenkinsthats the manuals fault not quickshot :P20:42
trijntje_quickshhehe, i'm not blaming anyone20:43
* dutchie pokes godbyk for general latex help again20:46
* godbyk wakes up and glances at his irc client20:46
godbykwhat's up?20:46
dutchieto get texdoc, do I run "sudo tlmgr install texdoc"?20:46
godbykdutchie: looks like it20:47
dutchiesee, I'm learning20:47
godbykyou can also try 'tlmgr search texdoc' and 'tlmgr show texdoc' to get more info on it.20:47
godbyk(it's almost like apt-get.)20:48
godbykdutchie: you should just give in and install all 2.5 GB and be done with it. ;-)20:48
dutchiecould do20:49
dutchiebut this is only a little 16G ssd20:49
godbykah, bummer.20:49
dutchie/dev/sda1              15G  9.2G  4.2G  69% /20:49
godbykdo it anyway.. just turn it into an ubuntu-manual-only workstation. :)20:49
dutchienot since my main lappy psu exploded20:51
dutchiein fairness I don't do a lot non-latex stuff on here now20:51
godbykthat stinks.  my computers are getting pretty old and I'd really like to buy new ones, but that involves having money which involves having a job which is probably dependent upon my finishing this degree which, in turn, means I should write a dissertation soon. :-/20:54
dutchiewhich requires non-broken computers, which brings us back to the start20:56
ubuntujenkinstrijntje: ping20:58
* dutchie will be embarking upon a maths degree in october20:58
godbykdutchie: graduate school?20:59
dutchieoxford university undergraduate21:00
ubuntujenkinsnice :-) well done21:00
dutchiestill got to get the offer :)21:01
dutchiewhich is the exact reason I should not be on IRC right now21:01
godbykwell, see, you'll need a good latex installation for that maths program. :-)21:01
dutchiewell, the maths coursework I am writing now21:02
trijntjeubuntujenkins: pong21:02
ubuntujenkinsare you familier with gconf-editor ?21:02
ubuntujenkinstrijntje: in gconf-editor can you go apps/metacity/general folder, select the button_layout item, and change the value there to close,minimize,maximize: please ?21:04
ubuntujenkinssorry it should be close,minimize,maximize:menu21:05
ubuntujenkinsRed_HamsterX: ping21:06
trijntjeubuntujenkins: ok, what should that do?21:06
ubuntujenkinsit will move the buttons to the new order and save me some work21:07
ubuntujenkinsdon't worry if you can't use gconf-editor21:07
trijntjeubuntujenkins: done21:08
ubuntujenkinsthanks the order should look like http://screenshots.ubuntu-manual.org/data/01-confirmation@el@1271495324.png21:09
ubuntujenkinsi can fix the ones you have done so far21:10
trijntjeubuntujenkins: correct, except I also have something in the right upper corner21:10
ubuntujenkinshang on i am not 100% that it is ment to be there, let me just set up a new user and check21:11
ubuntujenkinssorry thats my fault just delete the menu bit from it21:13
ubuntujenkinsthansk trijntje saves me some time21:13
trijntjeok, no problem, ill remove the menu bit21:16
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: ping21:29
godbykubuntujenkins: pong21:29
ubuntujenkinsfor quickshot and the server and the entering your password and -mail to get a hash code would we tie that to the program or the user account?21:30
trijntjepff, cant get evolution to ask for my password21:44
ubuntujenkinstrijntje: have you set it up right, go edit > preferences  choose the account and click edit ....21:45
ubuntujenkinson the sending and recving e-mails is ssl encription set? and server requires authentication ticked?21:46
trijntjeubuntujenkins: yes21:49
ubuntujenkinswhat server settings do you haev?21:49
trijntjereceiving: server imap.gmail.com, SSL + password21:52
trijntjesending:smtp.gmail.com, ticked requires login, SSL, PLAIN21:53
ubuntujenkinshmm that should work21:54
ubuntujenkinshas the user name got @googlemail.com after it?21:54
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: http://imagebin.org/93637 its very rough and only three windows but what are your thoughts?21:54
trijntjeubuntujenkins: it works now after the 10th restart, I dont know why21:55
ubuntujenkinsok strange21:55
godbykubuntujenkins: can we get screenshots of each of the existing quickshot windows and dialogs?21:57
godbykthen we can lay out the current workflow and see what steps we can simplify and what we'll need to add for the new features we want to implement.21:57
ubuntujenkinsI can do, I would like to try an keep all the windows the same size this time.21:58
trijntjeWhen is the deadline for the screenshots? I'd like the time to fix some translations that appear in the screenshots22:01
ubuntujenkinstrijntje: rc ideally but, when ever you like if you upload more it will update them22:02
trijntjeok, that should be enough time22:03
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: please check you gmail account i have sent you some screenshots22:13
godbykubuntujenkins: nothing yet.22:16
ubuntujenkinsI sent it at 22.13, strage22:17
godbykubuntujenkins: ah, here it is. just showed up22:17
ubuntujenkinsits a bit of a mess this release, all a bit rushed22:19
godbykI understand.  We'll be making it awesome for this next release. :)22:21
ubuntujenkinsso what are your thoughts?22:24
trijntjewell i'm off, thanks for your help ubuntujenkins, ill do some more screenshots tomorrow22:26
ubuntujenkinsno problem trijntje, see you tomorrow22:26
ubuntujenkinsyou will be glad to know they are all ok22:26
trijntjethats good to hear, quickshot is pretty cool22:27
ubuntujenkinstrijntje: it will be amazing next release22:27
trijntjeI'm sure, its so young and already easy to use22:29
trijntjecu later22:30
dutchiedid we bother with a slogan in the end?22:53
ubuntujenkinswe couldn't decide someone was going to mail the list22:53
dutchielooks like the blog post is just called "The Ubuntu Manual" then, unless someone can think of a better title22:54
ubuntujenkinsi can't think of anything,22:59
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: would you like to have a chat tomorrow on your thoughts for the qui? I will try and expand on my thoughts.23:01
godbykubuntujenkins: sure!23:02
godbykI'll take a look at the current screens and the features we want to add and see what I can come up with, too.23:02
ubuntujenkinscool, talk tomorrow, night23:02
ubuntujenkinsnight all23:03
godbykg'night, ubuntujenkins23:03

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