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showardshoward is here for motu-reception meeting16:05
BlackZshoward: there's a meeting?16:09
BlackZah, yes, you're right16:10
RoAkSoAxshoward, i guess nobody else is around just yet16:11
BlackZwasn't it at 15:00 UTC ?16:11
BlackZhuats: ping16:13
huatsI am here16:13
BlackZhuats: wasn't the meeting at 15:00 UTC?16:14
BlackZas I can read in the e-mail16:14
huats it was16:14
huatsand it is crazyness here :)16:14
huatsgive me  5 minutes16:14
huatssorry showard...16:14
BlackZhuats: sure16:14
BlackZno problem16:14
huatsI am here16:17
huatsBlackZ, RoAkSoAx, showard sorry I am late16:18
huatsI am ready to begin16:18
RoAkSoAxhuats, its ok, we all understand :)16:18
huatsso you are now all members of the mailing list16:19
showardhey np, I can stay as long i can, but I may have to leave abruptly (sorry in advance!)16:19
huatsI have added you yesterday16:19
huatsshoward, no pb16:19
huatsyou should have all received an notice of that16:20
huatsif it is not the case check your spam filter :)16:20
RoAkSoAxhuats, i dont think I have16:20
huatsBlackZ, showard have you seen it ?16:20
BlackZhuats: yeah16:20
RoAkSoAxhuats, its gone already :S16:21
BlackZhuats: which is the mailing list?16:21
RoAkSoAxhuats, its gone already)16:21
showardI don't think I got anything, don't see anything in the spam16:22
BlackZhuats: wait a moment16:22
RoAkSoAxhuats, i was thinking, wouldn't it be easier to just use the ML of the launchpad team?16:22
RoAkSoAxwhenever someone sends a message we can review it and approve it16:23
huatsRoAkSoAx, the thing is that so far the mailing list is not private16:23
huatsand this is something needs to be private16:23
BlackZhuats: I have just received an e-mail from you: "You should have been subscribed to the mailing list now."16:23
BlackZbut anything from motu-mentoring-reception@reponses.net16:23
huatswe already had in the past mentors saying : I don't want this mentee...16:23
huatsthat is why I think we should keep that privatly16:24
showardahh ok, that makes sense16:24
BlackZI'm agree with huats16:24
huatsand the mailing list is on LP is not private yet16:25
RoAkSoAxhuats, ok16:25
huats(we need to see that with jcastro one day, but I wanted to talk with you before doing anything related to the mentoring)16:25
huatsI have sent you right now an email on the mailing list please let me know if you receive it16:27
RoAkSoAxhuats, i haven't (and I've had problems with that email for ages)16:28
huatsRoAkSoAx, which email you mean ?16:29
BlackZhuats: not yet16:29
showardnot yet16:29
RoAkSoAxhuats, the ML16:29
huatsRoAkSoAx, but it is working :(16:29
huatsI have received it :(16:30
BlackZhuats: so that's strange16:30
BlackZI don't think it's a server-related problem16:30
RoAkSoAxhuats, weird :S :/16:30
huatswell I'll figure that later16:30
huatslet's focus on the meeting a bit16:30
BlackZyeah, can we start it?16:31
huatsshoward, I think your email was great16:33
huatsit sums up very well the idea16:33
RoAkSoAxhuats, nevermind i just got it at @ubuntu-pe.org16:35
showardme too16:35
huatsok great16:35
huatsthey were bloked somewhere :(16:35
BlackZI haven't16:36
RoAkSoAxok so, we now have the wikipage that i'd sugggest we should use from now on to track the agenda of every meeting16:37
BlackZRoAkSoAx: yeah, that'd be great16:38
huatsit's great indeed !16:38
RoAkSoAxok, any new discussion item?16:39
showardShould we go over the points in my email?16:39
huatsshoward, go ahead16:40
RoAkSoAxshoward, lets start with tracking new mentings in bugs. I give a +1 to your approach16:41
huatsRoAkSoAx, I agree too16:42
showard(OK RoAK), going down the list in order to make sure we don't get ahead of ourselves: Do we agree on the "overall" goal of motu-reception16:42
showardwe're the coordination point between a pool of mentors and potential developers. Should we drop the "MOTU" from our name?16:43
huatsI agree on the goal16:44
RoAkSoAx+1 with the goal.16:44
BlackZsure, +1 from me too16:44
huatsshoward, I think MOTU is still widely 'know'16:44
huatsI'd be in favor of keeping it16:44
showardok, we can keep the name - but realistically we are for all developers, not just "motu"16:44
RoAkSoAxshoward, yes we should keep MOTU, since due to archive reorganization, MOTU will be for those unseeded packages16:44
showardor are we just for motu16:45
huatsWe are for developpers16:45
BlackZI'd say to keep the name surely - agree with huats16:45
huatsand since MOTU is one of that steps...16:45
showardok, name can stay - but we are for all developers. I think MOTU will be taken out of the "steps" and become one of the ways a developer can join16:46
ScottKOne of the points in the last UDS discussion about future of MOTU was that all development teams should be responsible for new developers, not just MOTU.16:46
showardYes ,what ScottK said - that's why I think we should not be just motu - but the contact point for all teams16:46
showardand to distribute it16:46
huatsso how would you name it : Ubuntu Developpers Mentoring Reception  ?16:47
RoAkSoAxhuats, Ubuntu Development Mentoring Reception16:48
showardSure, the Ubuntu Developers Mentoring Program (we are the reception for it). This is a change from before, since we'd have to get the other teams on board as well (we'll need mentors from each team to be responsible for training their members)16:48
huatsOK then for me16:49
RoAkSoAxwhat we can do is use the general mentoring for MOTU and specific mentoring for any of the teams16:49
showardwhile anyone can do "general" training, individual teams will be responsible for the "senior" training of their own members16:49
showardexactly roak16:49
showardMOTU can also be one of the senior teams16:50
BlackZagree, that's ok16:50
RoAkSoAxok so I think that's the way we should go then16:51
showardOk, we'll put these ideas up on the wiki page to to make sure we keep track of it16:51
BlackZhuats: we should rename the mailing list then16:51
showardhauts: how involved would you like to be, because we can take over admin stuff if you just want to "consult" since you have the experience16:52
huatsshoward, I'd like to be involved16:52
huatsbut I have no idea how much I can spend...16:52
showard(I sometimes rope people into doing things they don't want to - just want to make sure!)16:52
huatsbut count on me for that16:53
ScottKshoward: Don't be shy, roping people into things they don't want to do is an essential element of open source management.16:53
showardbefore getting new email addresses, we should work out the details of what the program will look like and have some potential team people look it over before changing addresses. I think16:54
showardScottK: ha, good advice16:54
BlackZshoward: sure, for now we can keep it16:54
showardIf mentors and teams say it won't work, we'd have to change our thinking16:54
showardOk, moving on: Work flow16:55
showard-interested person contacts reception16:55
showard-reception acknowledges contact16:55
showard-reception organizes or points mentees to "general" training16:55
showard(packaging training sessions) classes with all new junior level16:55
showardmembers that need it (connects mentees and whoever is running the16:55
showardgeneral training)16:55
showard-pair mentees with "general" mentors16:55
showard-when a mentee is ready reception connects individual with the team16:55
showardthey are interested in.16:55
showardI think it's pretty basic and exactly what we said last time, does that make sense? Any comments?16:56
huatsshoward, indeed that matches what we said16:57
showardok, hauts: what's it like getting mentors, is it easy - are there enough?16:57
huatsshoward, it is not that easy usually16:58
huatswe were always at the gap16:58
huatsbut it was OK16:58
huatsnow we should see how it goes with the new teams16:58
RoAkSoAxhuats, i think we should keep tracking of mentors by having "Available mentors in US TImezones", "No Mentors Available in Europe timezones"16:59
showardWhat if we only need a few mentors to actually be on IRC for the packaging training, and the rest are by email or by appointment on IRC (kind of how bug control does it)16:59
huatsshoward, I would prefer to avoid appointment on IRC, since I would encourage the usage of #ubuntu-motu17:00
huatsRoAkSoAx, It is need to have the timezone for any mentors and mentees17:00
showardyes, using #ubuntu-motu is better - this might be a better question hauts: what do the mentors do?17:01
huatsbut showard once again it is just my idea (even if I know that ScottK will second me for the usage of ubuntu-motu)17:01
showard(I meant by appointment on #ubuntu-motu)17:01
BlackZhuats: I'd suggest to do a "calendar" when the mentee assigned is available, and say there when they aren't available17:02
huatsshoward, well a mentor is here to introduce the way of thinking that is used on Ubuntu17:02
huatsand to tell them : ok you are going to work on Kde for that stuff, then talk to ScottK17:02
huatsalso to lift the various questions mentees might have...17:03
huatssometimes people are afraid of speaking on IRC17:03
showardok, so it's not so much teaching technical skills but instead instroducing to a community17:03
huatson a public channel17:03
RoAkSoAxhuats, yeah but I'd prefer to send that mentee with enough knowledge to already start working on stuff without having the specific mentor to teach the basics of packaging17:03
huatswell the technicals basics would be covered by the sessions :)17:04
huatsotherwise that depends a lot of the mentee17:04
ScottKHonestly if you have people who can't ask questions on IRC in a channel, they aren't going to work out.17:05
ScottKYou're better off finding out sooner rather than later.17:05
RoAkSoAxScottK, +117:05
ScottKUbuntu IRC channels are very friendly and by working on private, you damage the new contributor's integration into the community.17:05
ScottKAlso mentors aren't perfect.17:06
ScottKIf they are working with their mentees in public, if they make a mistake it can be immediately corrected.17:06
ScottKAlso other people in the channel learn from the discussion.17:06
BlackZagree with ScottK17:06
showardOk, IRC should be an important part of mentoring then17:06
ScottKReally I think that private mentoring should be extremely rare and highly discouraged.17:06
ScottKIt's not consistent with our cultures and values as an open project.17:07
ScottKI have said in the past and continue to believe we're better off with no formal mentoring process than one that works in private.17:08
huatsScottK, I'd see the mentoring like someone who is following your steps a bit17:08
huatslike a prefered referal17:08
huatsbut not someone who is here to answer all you questions17:08
showardOk, so formall mentoring should be done in public, IRC - I agree17:09
showardMoving on to the next point: mentee tracking implimentation17:09
showardI think earlier people liked the idea of LP bugs for mentees, but what do you think of this small change to what I wrote in the email:17:10
RoAkSoAxsorry guys but I have to run.17:10
showardok, we can stop here17:10
huatsRoAkSoAx, ok17:11
huatsshoward, as you like17:11
huatsmay be you can expose your idea and RoAkSoAx will comment them on the minutes ?17:11
showardah sorry17:12
showardThis is the example from the email:project owned by motu-reception17:12
showardwhere each applicant is a bug report (DM way)17:12
showardLP example:17:12
showardMentee files a bug against a project owned by motu-reception. This can17:12
showardbe private (why is it private, what private information is there?)17:12
showard-"NEW" = unprocessed17:12
showard-"Incomplete" = needs to attend a packaging training session17:12
showard-"Complete"=currently in the "general" mentorship program17:12
showard-"Triaged"=currently in the "specialized" mentorship program17:12
showard-"Fix Released"=done with program17:12
showard-"Won't fix"=lost contact with, not in program17:12
showard-"Assigned to"=mentor17:12
showardWhat if "complete" means that they are qualified for "general" training17:13
showardand then we can tell mentors to "shop" through the list of "complete" unassigned or "triaged" unassigned bugs17:13
showardto see if there are people they recognize from sponsoring packages, etc - then assign themselvs to the bug17:14
DavieyWould motu-reception be compulsory, or is it an extra method to help people into the team?  Ie, can the exisiting method still be used?17:15
showardAfter packaging trainging (when a mentee goes to "complete"), they can do merges, syncs, small fixes, FTBFS, rebuilds, etc. -- and "build" a reputation for themselves, then get picked by a mentee17:15
showardNot compulsory17:15
huatsDaviey, nothing is compulsory17:15
Davieyshoward: thanks.17:15
Davieyhuats: well no, but i mean't - would they have to do this process to join motu.. Breathing isn't compulsory :)17:16
huatsRemember to ask you not to breah for a while next time we cross :)17:16
showardMy concern is finding enough mentors, and if you can let people shop around - someone might do it that might not have normally if the recognize someone that they sponsored17:16
showardDaviey: you can still join motu normally17:17
huatsshoward, I am not very confortable with the idea of letting the mentors pick the mentee17:17
huatsactually we were quite strict in avoiding people from the same country or the same mother language17:17
huatsto push people to use english17:17
huatsand I think it is something to persue17:18
showardok, that makes sense - we can think about it over the week17:18
BlackZagree with huats17:18
showardIn that case we can summarize what we said today on the wiki, and come up with an agenda for next week17:19
BlackZok, something to discuss again? can we stop here?17:22
showardThanks all, i'll post it on the wiki and send an email for you all to check it out (and next weeks agenda)17:22
showardI think we can stop here17:22
BlackZOK, thanks all17:22
showardhave a good week!17:22
BlackZshoward: thanks, you too! :)17:23
huatsthanks guys !17:26
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jdstrandhi all!18:07
mdeslaurhi jdstrand, jjohansen18:08
mdeslaurand everyone else! :)18:08
* kees joins from laggy tmobile network along train route :)18:09
mdeslauroh, hehe, hi kees!18:09
jdstrandah cool18:09
keesheya!  :)18:09
mdeslaurkees: Can you hear me now?18:09
jdstrandkees: do you usually do a #startmeeting?18:09
keesjdstrand: I haven't, no, but we probably should18:09
MootBotMeeting started at 12:09. The chair is jdstrand.18:09
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:09
keesregardless, I shouldn't chair since the next tunnel will drop me.  ;)18:10
jdstrandI'm chair cause kees is on vacation! :P18:10
jdstrandkees: since you are here, why don't you go first?18:10
mdeslaurjdstrand: do you feel powerful with all those commands at your disposal? :)18:10
jdstrandI would, if I knew what to do with them :P18:10
keeslet's see.  I'm hoping to do more ISO testing, work our release checklist, and look for low-hanging fruit18:11
keessince that took 2 minutes to send over the network, I will stop there.  :P18:12
mdeslaurok, my turn18:12
mdeslaurI'm on triage this week18:12
jdstrandkees: thanks :)18:12
mdeslaurand will probably release ffmpeg updates todat18:12
mdeslaurI'll do some iso testing, and will pick something from the CVE list18:13
mdeslaurI'm done18:13
jdstrandI plan to fix an irssi upstream regression today (small), then publish netpbm and kdebase-workspace (for kdm)18:14
jdstrandI imagine the kdm testing will take a little while, so it might not go out until tomorrow18:15
jdstrandthen ISO testing and install audits18:15
jdstrand(install audits got pushed back again, due to updates/vacations/etc)18:15
jdstrandI think we should all make a concerted effort to make sure lucid is up to date and accurate in UCT18:16
jdstrand(it's one of our unspoken release tasks)18:16
jdstrandother than that, I'm done18:16
mdeslaurI'll take a look at that also18:16
jdstrandmdeslaur: cool thanks-- I fixed a few things last week, but didn't get a chance to focus on it18:18
jdstrandanything else?18:18
mdeslaurjdstrand: not from me18:18
jdstrandany questions for the security team?18:18
mdeslaurwe also welcome complaints and/or donuts18:19
jdstrands#complaints and/or ##18:19
jdstrandok. thanks everyone!18:19
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:19.18:19
ScottKDon't forget some self congratuatlions about Ubuntu Server admins not shooting themselves in the head over clamav last week.18:20
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afterlastangelso, when will it begin?21:04
stk_we are waiting here :-)21:05
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