
dholbachgood morning08:22
highvoltagegood morning dholbach12:48
highvoltage(shes, that was a few hours ago already)12:48
highvoltagegood afternoon then :)12:48
dholbachhey highvoltage12:50
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* hexmode sighs17:53
hexmodeczajkowski: how did the meeting go?17:53
dholbachhexmode: we haven't started yet :)17:54
hexmodeoh! I took the UTC time for the BST time17:55
czajkowskidholbach: ello17:55
dholbachheya czajkowski :)17:55
czajkowskiebel: highvoltage ping18:00
xdataphi everybody18:00
czajkowskiokie dokie lets get cracking as I know some folks are at work and others are due to finish18:01
ebelwait, there's a -ngo meeting?18:01
dholbachmeeting time18:01
czajkowskiebel: aye now :)18:01
czajkowskiAGENDA: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NGO/Meeting18:02
czajkowskiSo firstly: Slogan to be picked and updated where?18:03
czajkowskiback in october we asked folks for suggestions for our slogan to sum us up better and they left comments on the blog18:03
czajkowskibut we never chose one18:03
czajkowskiany thoughts?18:03
dholbachdid we do some kind of poll?18:03
dholbachor vote in the last meeting?18:03
czajkowskidholbach: nope :(18:04
dholbachthe comments on that blog post point toward just one slogan18:04
dholbachbut we can just do a poll18:05
czajkowski*nods* could do aye18:05
dholbachis the other slogans on that blog post everything we had?18:05
dholbachif so I can take an action to set up the poll tomorrow and announce it on the list18:05
dholbachso we can finally sort it out, update our docs and blog about it18:05
dholbachrock on18:05
czajkowskieveryone ok wit that?18:06
Pendulumsounds good to me :)18:06
czajkowskiso on our blueprint from the UDS session we had a topic on packaging, any update on this ?18:06
dholbachno, unfortunately not18:07
dholbachthere's a big bunch of ideas what should be packaged18:07
dholbachbut they all turned out to be quite big projects18:07
dholbachthe people who committed to helping out with it were also quite busy with lots of other things18:07
dholbachthis needs some kind of review18:07
dholbachso we can see how to do better18:08
dholbachmaybe a session at UDS?18:08
czajkowskithat might be an idea, as I for one am rather clueless in this area18:09
jussi+1 to a UDS session18:09
* dholbach takes a note to get jono to schedule it :D18:09
dholbachsorry, I don't have more updates on this18:09
czajkowskiwhich brings me onto next item - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-lucid-ngo18:09
czajkowskiwas the last NGO blueprint, which was rather hit and miss18:10
czajkowskihow about we set one up for UDS-M and set down some goals and ideas what we want to work on and have it sent to the ML before UDS and before the session so we have an idea as to what we'd like to get done ?18:10
czajkowskiPendulum: would you give me a hand setting this up and drawing it up ?18:10
jussiI think we need to focus on getting more NGO's involved. Once we have that, then we can figure out what they really need.18:10
czajkowskijussi: aye18:11
xdatapI agree with jussi in this, we need more NGOs involved18:11
czajkowskiPendulum: and I worked on http://etherpad.com/o88AS3gMQe if anyone has any ideas please add them to this18:11
xdatapetherpad is really cool! I didn't know it before18:12
* czajkowski hugs etherpad 18:12
czajkowskiis there anything that we should be oooking into or following up on?18:12
czajkowskiebel: any thoughts ?18:12
Pendulumczajkowski: yep, will help :)18:12
czajkowskigrand so myself and Pendulum will draw up a BP and add some ideas to it and send to the ML to get some input BEFORE UDS18:13
dholbachBP? big plan? :)18:13
xdatapczajkowski: added to favorites, I will check it later18:13
jussiczajkowski: perhaps compile a list of NGO's in certain areas and maintain whoch ones have been contacted?18:13
czajkowskiBlue print18:13
czajkowskijussi: so break down NGOs into categories?18:14
jussiczajkowski: I was thinking geographically18:14
jussibut categories could work also18:14
jussibut also so we dont get 10 people contacting the same ngo18:14
czajkowskijussi: ok want to work on that with me ?18:14
jussiczajkowski: unlikely Ill have time prior to UDS, but during and after, sure.18:15
xdatapabout this, I have an update18:15
highvoltageczajkowski: pong18:16
highvoltage(sorry dinner ran a bit late)18:16
czajkowskixdatap: sure18:16
czajkowskihighvoltage: tis ok your item is last on the list18:16
xdatapin the Italian LoCo we're going to start a mailing to NGOs for asking if they use ubuntu and free software and proposing an interview18:16
czajkowskixdatap: o good idea18:16
xdatapmlazzari2 and Claudinux_ will help me in this18:17
* ebel scans etherpad18:17
jussiczajkowski: xdatap excellent idea. Using the locos here is brilliant. Perhaps we can put together a standard set of questions?18:17
xdatapwe will provide more details during the work and hopefully some result before UDS18:17
czajkowskixdatap: sounds good18:17
czajkowskihighvoltage: you wanted to have more regular meetings18:18
xdatapjussi: yes, great idea. common question would help a lot18:18
czajkowskiI think this would be benefical to all18:18
highvoltageyep, how about we have an ngo-meeting once a month? say this time?18:18
czajkowskixdatap: how about you and I work on some common questions??18:18
highvoltagemaybe at some point we can introduce another alternate one for people who can't make this timezone18:18
xdatapczajkowski: sound good18:18
czajkowskihighvoltage: this time suits me does it suit everyone??18:18
highvoltagebut afaik this time works well for at least most european/american people18:18
* dholbach nods18:19
* hexmode reads etherpad18:19
hexmodeI'm on the Debian PHP team... what is needed?18:19
jussiPeoples, I need to sdisappear. Sorry. Ill try be in and out, but wont be at the keyboard a lot from now on18:19
czajkowskiso 3rd Monday of the month at 6pm ??18:19
ebelthis timezone includes most of southern americas and africa, i.e. a lot of places ngos work....18:19
czajkowskihexmode: ohh I do know we needed php stuff packaged!18:19
czajkowskioff hand I don't know :(18:19
highvoltageczajkowski: well this one is 5pm utc, but I guess 6pm will be better for americans coming back from lunch18:20
dholbachhexmode: we can have a chat outside the meeting :)18:20
xdatapbut 6pm is dinner time in CET18:20
czajkowskihighvoltage: this is 6pm UTC+118:20
hexmodeI think this time works.  1pm on the east coast, 10am on west coast18:21
highvoltageczajkowski: ok18:21
czajkowskiok that coveres the topics,18:21
czajkowskidoes anyone have anything else they need to bring up?18:21
* hexmode raises his hand18:21
czajkowskihexmode: shoot :)18:21
hexmodeczajkowski: did you get my overview of the Directory blueprints?18:22
highvoltagewow short meeting, I guess it will get longer each time18:22
czajkowskihexmode: no..18:22
czajkowskihighvoltage: aye18:22
hexmodemanagment of systems is needed to for large org adoption18:22
czajkowskihexmode: was it mail, I always reply to mails18:22
hexmodeok, I thought I did... I'll send it after this18:22
highvoltageczajkowski: will you add the -ngo meetings to the fridge calendar so that it will appear on the UWN letters?18:23
czajkowskihighvoltage: I will indeed18:23
dholbachthanks so much for getting the meeting going again18:23
czajkowskiright so in summary18:23
czajkowskiDaniel to send out poll to sort out slogan18:23
czajkowskiLaura and pen to work on BP and send to ML before UDS18:23
czajkowskiDaniel to poke jono re UDS session18:23
czajkowskilaura and jussi to work on splitting up NGOs into groups18:23
czajkowskixdatap> mlazzari2 and Claudinux_  Italian LoCo working on NGO interviews in Italy18:23
czajkowskiLaura and xdap to come up with common questions for NGO interviews18:23
czajkowskiRegular meeting on the 3rd Monday of the month at 6pm - laura add to fridge18:23
czajkowskidholbach and hexmode to talk re PHP and debian packaging18:23
dholbachczajkowski: on it18:23
czajkowskiok hopefully with more regular meetings we'll be more productuve and we can get back on track18:24
xdatapgreat! czajkowski is the best meeting manager of the universe18:24
* czajkowski hugs you all 18:24
* dholbach hugs czajkowski back18:24
* dholbach hugs you all18:25
* xdatap hugs all18:25
* highvoltage bends under group pressure and also hugs all18:25
czajkowskihighvoltage: sort our your passport yet?18:26
highvoltageczajkowski: no, I'm extremely frustrated about it18:26
czajkowskioh feck18:26
highvoltageczajkowski: I asked the canadian embassy to send back my passport so long so that I can at least apply for  a belgian visa18:26
highvoltageczajkowski: at least a visa to europe only takes 5 days so if I can get it back soon enough I could still maske UDS18:27
* txwikinger thinks everybody needs to go by train anyway :D18:28
czajkowskiI may need to get a boat18:28
txwikingerczajkowski: ferry :)18:28
highvoltagetxwikinger: if the volcanos have their way you won't have a choice :)18:29
txwikingerYeah.. the are getting that stuff even in St. John's  now18:29
highvoltageczajkowski: maybe I'll go work in ireland or something one day and get residency or something so that I don't always have to jump through so many loops for visas :)18:30
czajkowskihighvoltage: I alternative between my irish passport and uk one18:30
txwikingerhighvoltage: Yes .. if you have residency in one EU country you can go anywhere18:30
* txwikinger would always prefer the Irish one18:31
czajkowskieither or I don't mind18:31
* txwikinger safely escaped from the UK ;p18:32
xdatapi'm leaving. Bye everybody!18:32
czajkowskixdatap: bye18:32
czajkowskixdatap: ohhh18:32
czajkowskixdatap: one of our speakers is stuck in ireland and cant get back to italy18:33
xdatapczajkowski: tomorrow for working on common question, ok?18:33
czajkowskixdatap: sounds like a plan18:33
mlazzari2hello to all ciao...18:33
xdatapczajkowski: lucky him :)18:33
* txwikinger knows some peeps that got stranded in Italy18:34
xdatapi have to go. bye!18:35

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