
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from guest)00:35
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))00:36
txwikingerwhat is #ubuntu-ops-monitor?00:56
tsimpsontxwikinger: it a monitor channel for the FloodBots00:58
tsimpsonthere is not for #kubuntu too00:59
txwikingerah ok00:59
tsimpson"not" there means "one", go figure01:03
persiaCommon thinko, really.01:03
macopersia: ping?01:40
macoBrimstones in #ubuntu... for some reason was talking about drugs and i told him to stay on topic and im wondering if theres enough off topicness thatthe next OT comment gets a kick01:40
Flannelmaco: If you don't, I will.01:41
macook then01:41
persiamaco: I'm not the best person to ask: I rarely even idle in #ubuntu, but I believe that failure-to-comply-with-op-guidance is usually grounds for kick.01:42
FlannelHmm, Brimstone isn't Barnabas.01:44
macono its two different B-people01:45
FlannelMhmm, I yelled at the one after the away comments from the other.01:45
FlannelNah, just didn't notice there were two B names that look the same01:46
FlannelBarnabas hadn't said anything in a while, so he wasn't even on my radar01:46
* elky reads the reddragon exchange.02:16
elkyBut, you know, /here/ is the uber hostile channel, right?02:16
macoand this is why i said i shouldnt be a -ot op. havent the patience the current ops do02:35
nhandler-OT really is different than other channels02:37
IdleOnelast night was interesting with the drunken Brit02:43
IdleOneseems that is a Sat night thing for him02:44
macodrunken brit? sounds like some portion of UDS...02:44
IdleOnemaco Paddy somesuch02:44
IdleOneI believe he is from UK02:45
nhandlerAh, good old Paddy02:48
macouk actually, not britain03:17
maco(northern ireland)03:17
* txwikinger is wondering about those drive-by questioners03:20
txwikingerasking a question and leave within a minute :D03:20
IdleOnetxwikinger: they have no patience03:22
IdleOneI blame click and go OS'es03:22
txwikingerIdleOne: hehe.. or ADHD03:22
IdleOnethat too03:23
IdleOneI remember compiling eggdrop years ago and being told to go get a pizza :)03:24
* txwikinger wrote his first bios by burning each single byte per hand03:25
txwikinger..unto an eprom03:26
IdleOnebodi aka hiexpo. I banned you yesterday because I asked you to stay on topic, then a second time because you were ban evading04:05
IdleOnenow you are ban evading again04:05
IdleOneI should ban you again04:06
IdleOneSo what should I do now?04:06
bodiIdleOne, i was on topic though i was tring to help that girl get a wifi card that would work for her04:06
IdleOnebodi: she had no intention of spending more money and I understand that you were trying to help but it would of been better to take it private or to #hardware04:07
bodibut i atmit i was wrong for blowing up04:07
bodiok i will do that from now on was not tring to cause any havok04:08
IdleOneNow I am stuck with having to decide if I should ban you again but I doubt it will make a difference because you will just eveda again04:08
IdleOneso I am asking you nicely to please follow the rules of ubuntu irc channels04:08
bodiok i will04:08
IdleOneyou know them, you have seen us post links to them often enough04:08
IdleOneI will remove the ban04:09
bodii know i just blew up and should not have andenforcethe rules my self u know that04:09
IdleOneI do, that is why I am lifting the ban04:09
bodiok thanks04:10
IdleOnethank you04:10
bodi yep and sorry04:10
IdleOneno worries04:10
IdleOne:) ban is lifted04:10
IdleOneuse you nick04:10
bodiok gonna log in right now04:11
IdleOnenow get out of here before I kick you again :P04:11
IdleOnegreetings h00k04:14
Flanneltechhelper1: What is your bot doing?05:09
techhelper1that is all05:09
Flanneltechhelper1: What does that mean?05:09
techhelper1Relay from here to another network05:09
Flanneltechhelper1: Which other network?05:09
techhelper1but i am working on it to be a 1 way05:09
Flanneland for what purpose?05:09
techhelper1not recieve back to here05:09
techhelper1Bridge the ubuntu community across multiple networks05:10
techhelper1just need to work the kinks out like the topic and stuff05:10
Flanneltechhelper1: Im not sure how one-way communication counts as a bridge.05:10
techhelper1well you saw how it works05:10
Flanneltechhelper1: and I'm not comfortable with that sort of bot, even if it is one way, being present05:10
techhelper1if i can disable that topic thing and other msg'ing features05:11
FlannelThis is the official Ubuntu community, the members on the other IRC network are welcome to come here, and encouraged.05:12
FlannelOne large community is a lot stronger than many fragmented ones, a lot more support is possible, and of higher quality05:12
techhelper1i am confused in the 1st place05:12
techhelper1you aren't even op in the channel05:12
Flanneltechhelper1: Yes, I am.05:13
techhelper1now you are05:13
techhelper1well i guess the relay is a no05:13
techhelper1i just fixed it so it is 1 way05:15
techhelper1you don't see from geekshed05:15
Flanneltechhelper1: Again, I'm not comfortable with even a one-way bot like that.05:15
techhelper1why don't you extend your stuff across multiple networks05:15
Flanneltechhelper1: I strongly encourage the Ubuntu community over there to come stop by the official channels and such here.05:15
techhelper1then they would have to get use to freenode05:16
techhelper1which is a bigger network to the novice users that where i am05:16
FlannelThat's correct.  Freenode is the network the official Ubuntu channels are on05:16
Flanneltechhelper1: If you're just in the Ubuntu channels, its not important how large the rest of the network is.05:17
techhelper1i am suprised that you don't have your own network05:18
techhelper1for all of this05:19
techhelper1since this is large05:19
FlannelHmm, I guess that's him purposefully leaving.05:20
persiaIs the bot policy documented anywhere?05:20
FlannelIRC guidelines05:20
ikoniait is also documented on the bots page06:27
ikoniano unofficial bots06:27
elkypersia, it's also Freenode policy to ask channel ops before joining your bots to them, so. i'm not sure how many layers we need for common courtesy06:59
persiaI certainly don't mean to dispute the bots policy.  It just makes me more careful about the bot that is part of the corporate clients that back this nick.07:39
tsimpsonas long as a bot is silent, we generally have no issues07:49
tsimpson*and doesn't produce public logs, a-la irseek07:49
persiaYeah.  I don't send automated messages except in /queries, and under special circumstances, and only excerpt logs are public (and only in a transient manner, due to being sent over unencrypted SMTP under special circumstances).  But still, best I'm careful :)07:52
elkytsimpson, its not so much that we "have no issues", but rather we'd have to actively hunt them out and it's not worth it.07:55
elkybecause one of our rules is that you abide by the freenode rules, and the freenode rules say to ask before joining the bot.07:56
dholbachgood morning08:22
* jussi pipes up with a "happy birthday" for wgrant :)11:40
jussioh wait... its on wednesday...11:44
jussistupid facebook.11:44
wgrantHeh, yes, Facebook is good at being confusing.11:52
wgrantThanks :)11:52
bazhang<Paladine> can someone give me the link to the irc council meeting agenda please14:05
ikoniagive it him14:05
bazhangdont have it.14:05
ikoniaahh Pici is already there14:05
PiciI give it him14:06
h00kbazhang: you beat me14:35
h00kSo, if we do have an #ubuntu-release-party channel, when would that open, also who op's that?15:13
elky72-48hrs before the release15:14
PiciIts on the next ircc agenda.15:14
h00kalright, cool,15:15
PiciRather, its on the agenda to discuss who will be the ops there, we gave it out to all ubuntu members last time, and it was a mess.15:15
h00kah, alright15:15
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-ops to: Welcome to the home of the Ubuntu IRC Team operators | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam | This channel is for operator/abuse questions in the IRC Team domain only | LoCo channel discussion/issues to #ubuntu-irc | Please exit the channel once your issue is dealt with. | We reserve the right to remove idlers from the channel | Channel is logged | Next IRCC meeting: Sunday 25 April 18:00
Picieh, close enough.15:17
Piciwow.  I don't think I've seen such a blantant homework question before.15:28
geniiYeah it's depressing how lazy some people can be.15:30
h00kWhat was the question?15:31
Picih00k: Just this: http://img208.imageshack.us/i/ques3.png/15:31
txwikingerthe question is incomplete15:53
geniiIt doesn't tell you the nature of the networking problem for instance15:57
PiciThe default gateway is incorrectly set.15:57
Picimost likely anyway.15:57
* genii ponders x.x.x.0 as a destination15:58
h00kit could be a trick question, maybe the computer is a laptop and they're trying to access the internets with the power out.16:01
h00ktherefore the gateway will be down, the laptop is running on battery16:01
gordare you guys actually trying to do that guys homework? ;)16:03
* txwikinger only comments, does not do any homework16:05
jussioh yay, an ANZAC day meeting16:33
ubottuIn #ubuntu-artwork, vish said: !publicyet is reply Everytime someone asks if the font has been released to the public yet or when it will be released , Mark Shuttleworth delays the release by 1 week!"19:08
geniiAnd so it begins.19:09
* charlie-tca hands genii more coffee19:09
geniicharlie-tca: Thanks, needed one!19:09
* genii hands out Ubuntu cupcakes19:09
* charlie-tca thanks genii19:09
ubottunope. Lucid is due 29th April. More info closer to the date.19:11
jpdsNo, you probably won't get more info than that.19:12
jussijpds: yes you will. soon we will add info about  -release-party19:12
ikoniamay I suggest brining my council agenda item forward then as the current meeting is just 4 days before release19:14
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:38
mneptokubottu: alot is <reply>Do you like to hug alot? - http://bit.ly/aVDMTo19:39
ubottuI'll remember that, mneptok19:39
* mneptok pats the Pythonpile19:39
ikoniado we really need that factoid ?19:41
gordpeople saying alot annoys me, mainly because it looks like they misspelled my last name20:00
PiciThat would be annoying.20:00
gordbut it takes me about 0.5 seconds to forget about it so I guess I don't care20:01
PiciHrm... now that I've thought about it for a few minutes, we probably should be telling people to wait for medibuntu to come back up.20:15
PiciThe bug listed on lp says that they have no idea if these mirrors are up to date at all.20:16
gordoh dear is it still down? i'm guessing the canonical IS team doesn't deal with that server20:17
PiciRight, its not Canonical's resposibility.20:17
ikoniaI don't see the point in mediabuntu to be honest20:17
gordikonia, decss ;)20:18
jpdsPici: Not My Problemâ„¢.20:19
Picijpds: I know20:19
Picibug #56581020:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565810 in medibuntu "packages.medibuntu.org not available" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56581020:20
gordwe should just install a small bittorrent client on all machines that want decss, then transfer that decss file around that way. sure it sounds like overkill but its just as silly20:23
h00kgord: similarly (to your previous comment about 'alot'), I don't like when people say 'hook' instead of h00k20:51
gordhook: okay!20:52
mneptokDeCSS is a shell script away on Ubuntu20:56
PiciThat shell script downloads from medibuntu.20:57
h00kgord: see, I didn't see that. and I refuse to put it on hilight :(20:58
mneptokgord: you fell for that h00k, line and sinker21:00
gordis anyone else secretly hoping a troll called peter_pan shows up and h00k has to remove them?21:42
h00koh man, that would be epic.21:42
knome7nick peter_pan21:42
ubottuarand called the ops in #ubuntu (DeluxeP)22:59
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