
slangasekso... someone's throwing back armel build failures until they stick?00:01
ScottKslangasek: lamont threw back the entire stack last night.00:01
Laneylamont did a mass give-back las... yeah00:01
slangasekit's been more than once00:01
slangasekI've gotten two mails each for all my failed uploads in the past two days00:01
ScottKHmmm.  I don't think so.00:02
ScottKI only got one.00:02
slangasekah; then maybe a subset00:02
ScottKOne for the original failure and another for the give back or two extras?00:03
slangasekthe original failure was months ago - I got two build attempts of, e.g., 'imview' in the past two days00:03
ScottKslangasek: Would you please source accept ibid from New.  The LP U/I is being unhelpful.00:03
slangasekis it unhappy because 'ibid' is a substring of 'python-pyfribidi'?00:04
ScottKI don't think so.00:04
ScottKI get a "you are not allowed here" error.00:04
ScottKIt happens every now and then, usually for reasons that aren't clear.00:04
ScottKOne known cause is if a package I try to accept fixes a private bug I don't have access too, but that's not he case ehre.00:05
ScottKhere even00:05
slangasekheh, wacky00:06
doko_slangasek: now uploaded all packages which are statically linked according to the package name/description00:12
ScottKslangasek: A couple more syncs when you have a moment: http://paste.debian.net/69637/  We also want the new ipplan (0.92a), but I think it's still in incoming (see 565781)00:18
slangasekwe'll see how many of those we get to; I'll definitely be leaving some space in the build queue for emergency blocker builds00:18
slangasekScottK: ok, will look00:18
cjwatsonslangasek: yes, both gfxboot-theme-ubuntu and d-i I think00:28
* cjwatson goes for a late-night poke at those00:29
cjwatson"There are 142 file requests on the export queue".  Hmm00:29
cjwatsontomorrow morning would be inconvenient, right?00:30
slangasekyeah. can you give me instructions I could follow to do it myself tonight?00:31
cjwatsonnah, I'll just stay up a bit00:33
cjwatsonnot quite sleepy yet anyway00:33
cjwatsonmy scripts are a bit finicky ...00:33
cjwatsonhave been up late looking over the rather ... unusual state of UK politics at the moment :)00:35
slangasekxserver-xorg-video-geode reviewed, follow-up question sent to Q-FUNK00:38
slangasekoh?  what's the unusual part?00:38
cjwatsonthird party (the one I happen to support) surging by something like 15% in at least some polls00:38
slangasekoh, huh00:39
cjwatsonless in others but it appears to be statistically significant across the board00:39
cjwatsoninteresting times ahead given that we have an election right before UDS :)00:39
slangasekhurray for free TV exposure00:39
cjwatsonwhich I'll have to proxy-vote in, boo00:39
cjwatsonah, here come the translation tarball mails00:40
cjwatsonhaven't made any traction yet on sbeattie's worrying partitioning bug, btw - I'll have to attack that tomorrow and possibly fix it post-rc :-/00:40
cjwatsonI followed through all the maths in the code and couldn't find an error00:41
* slangasek nods00:41
cjwatsonoh, meep, and I promised Mark I'd change the CD boot splash branding00:41
cjwatsonso I mentioned in the release meeting that the design team had asked to blank the splash screen, as they were upset about the distortion evident on some systems (gfxboot doesn't know about widescreen etc.)00:42
cjwatsonI was alarmed about getting rid of the bottom icons (the rebus for "press a key") and clarified with Mark on Friday evening00:42
slangasek"blank the splash screen" - urk, hadn't understood that from the meeting00:43
cjwatsonhe wants the logo gone from the CD boot splash (i.e. gfxboot - plymouth stays as it is) but is fine with the icons remaining00:43
cjwatsonI'll mail ubuntu-doc, they're bound to have screenshotted it but it should be very easy to redo00:44
slangasekyes, with gimp and the rectangle tool ;)00:44
cjwatsonnot really happy about this being announced two weweks out, but at least it is easy to deal with00:44
cjwatsonooh, cute transliteration of Xubuntu in Bulgarian00:45
cjwatson-msgstr "^Инсталиране на Xubuntu"00:45
cjwatson+msgstr "^Инсталиране на Ксубунту"00:45
cjwatsonnice digraph00:45
slangasekthey could've just gone with Chubuntu... :)00:46
ScottKYou could ask Mark to review the time zone map again if you're short on last minute crises.00:46
* cjwatson remembers he needs to update the d-i translations first, *then* regenerate gfxboot-theme-ubuntu's font00:47
cjwatsonordering ...00:47
cjwatsonone of these days I'll document all this00:47
* cjwatson wonders if he should remove the Kubuntu splash too00:49
cjwatsonI'm thinking just the one that was explicitly requested, i.e. Ubuntu00:49
cjwatsonbut that requires a g-t-u code change00:50
ScottKThere's an open bug about updating it for Kubuntu to match the new branding, so going away would solve that.00:51
cjwatsonRiddell already dealt with that bug though00:59
ScottKOh, OK.01:01
Riddellcjwatson: the Kubuntu splash is different though because we still have the menu items showing01:05
cjwatsonoh that's right, you aren't using the hidden-timeout mode01:06
cjwatsonMythbuntu is though01:06
cjwatsonI can probably come up with a plan01:07
Riddellconsulting on hidden-timeout with seele is still on my todo, guess it'll roll over to UDS01:08
cjwatsonno rush from my end01:10
cjwatsonok, that worked fine01:22
cjwatsonRiddell: to some extent, making it not a crazy hack for maverick is on hold until I decide whether to throw the whole lot away and move to grub01:29
cjwatsonslangasek: I've uploaded all the translation changes etc.; I've also committed and deployed the debian-cd changes for the CD splash thing on the basis that they're a no-op without gfxboot-theme-ubuntu 0.9.901:43
cjwatsonslangasek: I'm going to go to bed shortly, so if you need to back anything out or fix anything or whatever, everything's in bzr01:44
* cjwatson looks at his mirror job and wonders idly if mrpt-doc is really useful enough to justify its enormous size01:45
cjwatsonsort of looks like a "Debian maintainer has too much bandwidth" case01:46
cjwatsonanyone know what happened to language-pack-gv{,-base}, and why the gnome language packs for gv exist without them?01:49
cjwatsonnot in NEW ...01:49
slangaseknope - just pinged ArneGoetje and pitti on -devel about it01:50
slangasekcjwatson: what do these build/Makefile changes have to do with amd64/netboot-xen?  looks like a miscommit to me...02:21
slangasekcjwatson: n/m, found02:22
stgraberslangasek: Edubuntu is failing to build due to issues with the -gv langpacks. Poked ArneGoetje about it and it seems like the language pack itself was removed from the archive but not the -gnome and -support with both still depending on the langpack and so making our build to fail.02:27
stgraber(as we install all -gnome, -kde, -base and -support in the live environment)02:28
slangasekstgraber: already sorted on #ubuntu-devel; next builds will succeed02:28
stgraberok ;) I guess my laptop isn't up to date then as it still shows -support and -gnome in the archive :)02:28
stgraberslangasek: can you trigger a rebuild once the archive is clean, either later tonight or tomorrow as our 20100419 build already failed ?02:29
slangasek-gnome was removed 20 minutes ago, so the change won't be published for another hour; -support only suggests: the language pack, not depends02:30
slangasek"later tonight", yes - I'll be starting the RC mastering tonight02:30
stgraberI guess langpacks really were the biggest source of build failure for Edubuntu this cycle (though shortly followed by my LTSP live environment ;)). Seems like it's hard to have all the langpacks installed at the same time ...02:32
ScottKslangasek: Next layer of perl MIR bugs is done.  Would you please pre-promote libexception-class-perl libb-keywords-per perltidy libreadonly-perl libreadonly-xs-perl libpod-spell-perl libfile-which-perl libstring-format-perl libfile-homedir-perl02:35
slangasekScottK: done02:36
ScottKWe'll know in ~70 minutes if that was it.02:37
ScottKEvery single one of that batch had an existing MIR that just had to be resurrected.02:37
ScottKslangasek: Two more under that stuck.  MIRs resurrected for libclass-data-inheritable-perl libdevel-stacktrace-perl - would you please pre-promote those too?04:30
ScottKThanks.  With that, I think I'm off to bed.04:30
slangasekok, 'night04:31
slangasekdoko__: are syncs to the partner repo actually possible?04:56
pittiScottK: ugh, so many new perl MIRs? the fun thing is, you submitted a ton of MIRs which aren't necessary according to http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt, but c-m has two perl modules which don't have MIRs..07:13
aramorning all07:14
pittihey ara, how are you?07:17
arahey pitti, a bit sleepy, but doing fine :-)07:17
arapitti, yourself?07:17
pittiara: I'm great, thanks; had a really nice weekend07:18
arapitti, nice :)07:18
pittigo-kart race and big party on Saturday, and enjoying the nice sun yesterday07:18
arapitti, wow, it sounds like a really nice weekend07:19
slangasekpitti: they're all necessary, component-mismatches just doesn't show them because I've been pre-promoting in order to get builds done07:21
pittislangasek: ah, thanks07:21
slangasekand it looks like we're *still* missing two more, for libperl-critic-perl build-deps, sigh07:21
pittislangasek: I just added tasks for them07:22
pittiI'll review them together with the other bunch07:22
slangasekScottK: did you find out what we're meant to do with kde-l10n-sv?07:25
slangasekFWIW, ISO mastering will be ready to start after the next publishing cycle (had to fix a d-i FTBFS on i386, I had demoted -generic-pae udebs because of component-mismatches, oops)07:26
pittislangasek: the -gv langpacks are sorted out now?07:28
slangasekyep, seems they were empty - removed at ArneGoetje's request07:28
slangasekwe really ought to have a mountall upload for bug #553290 before RC, but a) we need to back out the change for bug #559761 from bzr unless Keybuk has come up with a fix for the bug in my plymouth patch that this tickles, b) I don't know if he's gotten any other feedback on his ppa test except for mine, or if he's expecting any07:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553290 in mountall "Loops on mount failure when Plymouth not running" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55329007:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559761 in mountall "mountall needs to flush plymouth message queue before emitting upstart events" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55976107:30
slangasekpitti: what's your gut feeling on taking ttf-takao-pgothic in for RC?  I can have it uploaded within the hour, if you're willing to push it through NEW07:42
pittislangasek: I thought that would also require a package split in ttf-vlgothic?07:43
pittislangasek: I'm fine for a quick NEWing if you still want to push it through07:43
slangasekpitti: ttf-vlgothic is a different font; takao-gothic is the new one that ArneGoetje says we should be using in its place07:44
pittiah, right07:44
pittislangasek: that'd be great, this would complete this bug/spec07:45
slangasekpitti: ttf-takao uploaded07:55
pittislangasek: ok, should hit the queue in 2 mins, will review then07:58
slangasekif we do take the ttf-takao switch, that means another round of metapackage uploads, which "buys" us another publishing cycle before ISO mastering begins08:06
slangasekso I'm going to look at getting mountall fixed in that window08:06
slangasekpitti: and the vlgothic -> takao-pgothic switch saves us 600k packed, 1.5M unpacked; which appears to be enough to let us seed ttf-khmeros-core (220k), and fully complete the spec.  Is that ok with you?08:08
* ogra wonders why his ubiquity changes dont show up in the changelog for 2.2.1808:13
ograugh, they dont even show up in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk/changes08:15
* ogra wonders why ... i'm sure i pushed08:15
ograargh ... /me glares at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ogra/ubiquity/trunk and curses08:17
ograoh noes ... i pushed to an old branch08:17
ograslangasek, i'm ashamed to ask, but is there any chance to get http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ogra/ubiquity/trunk/revision/4081 merged before release ?08:18
pittislangasek: absolutely, yes08:18
* ogra feels really dumb now08:18
pittislangasek: ttf-takao source-NEWed08:19
slangasekogra: ehm, so current ubiquity can't actually install omap?08:19
* pitti will watch builds and binary-NEW08:19
ograslangasek, yes, d-i should be able to though since the last rebuild08:19
ogra(havent tested yet)08:19
slangasekogra: ok; please commit that change to the right branch, and upload it now08:19
ograslangasek, thanks a lot ... thats really embarassing08:20
slangasek"now" meaning "within the next 20 minutes"08:20
ograyes, ding it now08:20
ograsigh, if LP would stop timing out on me that would help08:22
slangasekpitti: thanks for the source NEW - I've also uploaded mountall, the changes are Keybuk's and I've already reviewed and tested them myself, but I would prefer another set of eyeballs if you don't mind08:23
ograslangasek, meh, i know why my branch setup was wrong, i apparently cant upload to ubiquity trunk (though i'm in the installer team for d-i casper etc)08:23
* ogra wonders ifg cjwatson is awake to approve him for the right team08:24
slangasekin the meantime, please upload08:24
slangasekand push a merge request in parallel08:24
ograok, i need to fiddles with the changelog first, one sec.08:25
ogracrap ... there is an additional change from ev in the trunk branch08:28
ografor bug #563309 apparently08:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563309 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashes on manual disc setup" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56330908:28
ograi guess i need to talk to ev first :/08:29
ogralooks safe but i dont want to upload without his approval08:29
slangasekplease just upload your fix, then08:30
pittislangasek: takao binNEWed (to main)08:30
slangasekwe can sort out the paperwork afterwards08:30
slangasekpitti: thanks08:30
pittislangasek: heh, you beat me to committing the seed change by a couple of secs :)08:36
slangasekwhoo I won \o/08:37
slangasekok, afk for a bit08:39
ograslangasek, uploaded08:45
slangasekpitti: do you think you can review mountall?08:58
slangasekI have the publisher on manual so we can grab the rest of these fixes in a single publisher run08:58
pittislangasek: I don't quite understand the "Don't run fsck while there's an uncleared error on the filesystem" part09:16
pittiare those uncleared errors only set by fsck itself? (i. e. it runs the first time, but then avoids a loop)09:16
pittii. e. would an unclean shutdown not count as an "uncleared error"?09:17
slangasekhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/501801/comments/8 is the explanation, I believe09:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 501801 in mountall "Infinite-loops in fsck when booting with damaged /" [High,Fix committed]09:17
evpitti, slangasek: I've uploaded a fix for bug 563309 as ubiquity 2.2.19 in case we have enough time to squeeze it in.09:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563309 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashes on manual disc setup" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56330909:17
slangasekev: midair collision - ogra already uploaded a 2.2.19 containing the changes to support armel+omap, but he didn't have commit rights on the branch and wasn't sure enough of your change to upload it himself09:18
slangasekev: can you merge and reupload as .20?09:18
evslangasek: will do09:18
slangasekblah, metapackage updates take too long09:19
wgrantslangasek: Why? because the task changes take two cycles to propogate?09:21
pittislangasek: so if you are sure about the fsck thing, it looks fine to me otherwise09:21
slangasekwgrant: because downloading package files from the canonical<heehee> source takes too long09:22
slangasekpitti: I haven't personally vetted that code, but Keybuk is confident in it, and user feedback indicates that it fixes the worst problems...09:22
pittiok, thanks09:22
pittislangasek: I can take a -meta update/upload if you want me to?09:23
pittislangasek: which one are you currently building?09:23
slangasekpitti: I have all but one of them done now09:24
slangasek(also, I'm hand-hacking a bit since ttf-takao-pgothic binaries aren't really in the archive yet)09:24
* pitti thought ttf-takao would need to get published first09:24
pittiah, heh :)09:24
evslangasek: done09:25
pittislangasek: for the "disable file a bug menu entry", "disable apport" and "disable kerneloops" changes, should we do them after RC? or for RC? (in the past we did them right after)09:26
slangasekpitti: I seem to always be eager to change apport before you, both disabling and enabling. :)  I'm ok with doing it after RC if you think that's best09:28
pittislangasek: oh, I'm fine with doing the uploads now09:30
pittiwe have enough crash reports now, anyway :)09:30
pittiin fact I'd prefer disabling it in the RC as well09:30
pittislangasek: launchpad-integration change is uploaded now; having that in the RC would be nice09:31
slangasekI'll review that and ubiquity, you can review *-meta :)09:32
pittisince that's the first time that we do that change09:32
* pitti prepares apport and kerneloops uploads09:32
pittislangasek: apport and kerneloops uploaded09:36
slangasekpitti: you say this lpi change isn't one we've made previously at release?  Do we have to worry about this invalidating documentations?09:37
* pitti checks with mdke09:37
slangaseknetbook-meta is the last09:38
pittiI'm at it09:38
james_wI'm on a-a duty today, what is it worth me looking at?09:39
pittioh, NBS already looks quite good09:40
pittijames_w: if you have some minutes, getting that to 0 would be awesome09:40
slangasekjames_w: there are some sourceful new packages that I guess need to be decided09:40
james_wpitti: doko says he is watching the java one, and I can't get a sensible answer on how to handle sugar09:40
slangasekjames_w: and components-mismatches still has some stuff that needs hunted down & beaten with the MIR-stick09:41
james_wdo we want any syncs today?09:41
pittijames_w: it looks like sugar is at 0.88 now?09:41
james_wpitti: yeah, but due to something to do with xpcom they couldn't upload the 0.88 browser, so that's stuck at 0.8609:42
cjwatsonso what's the current vs. desired state of ubiquity?09:43
* cjwatson has read scrollback09:43
slangasekat least AFAIK :)09:43
cjwatsonah, I missed the bit where ev uploaded09:43
cjwatsonev: except bzr doesn't reflect this yet ... missing debcommit -r push?09:44
evcjwatson: fixed09:44
pittislangasek: so, after the ubiquity/meta/apport/etc. bits are in, we'll build images for testing; after that, should we review/accept further safe and small fixes for tomorrow's dailies, or do you plan that today's images are the RC ones? (barring critical installer fixes, etc.)09:46
slangasekhmm, seems that ubuntu-docs normally takes >2h to build, boo09:46
slangasekin that case, we should do a publisher run as soon as the -meta builds are up, then another when ubuntu-docs is up09:47
pittilet's hope that the current security build isn't OO.o :)09:47
slangasekpitti: I prefer that today's be the RC ones, barring critical fixes09:47
pittislangasek: ack; so should we discourage people from uploading stuff now?09:47
pittithere's still a bunch of fixes; some of them  might go in right after RC, of course09:47
* pitti refers to the recent dbusmenu/indicator uploads, and similar09:48
slangasekcf. my last message on #-devel09:48
slangasekI certainly prefer that anything we *know* is going in be done before RC09:48
slangasekand we have time for these, they'll still get done building before ubuntu-docs AFAICS09:49
slangasekI'm reviewing indicator-messages, if you or cjwatson wants to take libdbusmenu09:49
mvowhat are the chances for getting software-center 2.0.2 in ? a small change, but helps performance a lot09:49
slangasekmvo: 100% ;)09:49
mvomail old, nevermind, its in already09:49
pittislangasek: taking libdbusmenu09:49
* mvo takes a cup of tea 09:49
james_whttp://paste.ubuntu.com/418478/ are todays syncs. the only one to main is the first, which apparently brings a ftbfs fix, ok to sync? (they all have ffe approval)09:50
pittijames_w: hm, libgda4 is 4.0.4 -> 4.0.809:52
pittilibgda4 isn't on the CD images, but certainly on the DVD09:53
james_wand apparently builds a gir package now09:53
pittijames_w: was that the "would be nice to get back in sync" category, or does it fix critical bugs?09:53
james_wbug 53737909:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537379 in libgda4 "Sync libgda4 4.0.8-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53737909:54
james_wclaims that it is important09:54
james_woh, I've just seen the instruction to wait :-/09:55
james_wand pychecker was actually in main before it was removed09:57
pitti^ jockey was a trivial and obvious patch, accepted10:06
slangasekhmm, think I beat you to that one :)10:07
pittislangasek: ah, seems you did :)10:07
ograev, cjwatson sorry for the mess, i wasnt aware i had no commit rights to ubiquity/trunk and didnt check where my bzr push went last week10:07
evogra: no worries at all10:08
ograi was under the assumption that being allowed to push to d-i would also allow me to push to ubiquity ... but that seem to be different teams10:08
ogra(and i forgot that i had set up the ubiquity branch differently last year)10:08
evyeah, d-i is maintained by core-dev10:09
evat any rate, you're in ~ubuntu-installer now :)10:09
ograi'll do better next time, now that i know that :)10:09
ograyeah, thaks a lot :)10:09
ogra*thanks too10:09
evsure thing10:09
slangasekmight be useful if someone could bump build scores on xubuntu-meta10:09
slangasekwell, that took a bit longer than intended, but metapackages should all be accepted in ~10 min (for amd64/armel/i386), then I'll fire off the publisher10:17
slangasekpublisher running10:26
doko__slangasek: yes, cjwatson did sync it last time10:42
slangasekdoko__: I thought that when he synced it, he broke the archive... :)10:43
slangasekcjwatson: ^^ does syncing to partner work now?10:43
cjwatsonerr, I had to file several bugs as a result and it was generally a right mess10:46
cjwatsonwe sort of got it working eventually10:46
cjwatsonI think at least some of the bugs have been fixed10:46
cjwatsonbut I would not recommend trying it outside of a relaxed environment, i.e. not 1.5 weeks before release :)10:46
cjwatsonbest just upload the same source package10:46
doko__ok, I'll upload it manually10:50
ograslangasek, bug 563618 has properly tested code now that actually sets the rtc/system clock on boot to work around the infinite reboots with no rtc battery10:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563618 in util-linux "Ignoring a broken clock results in infinite reboots; not ignoring results in fsck failure; no solution to this problem" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56361810:56
slangasekogra: ok; I'll take a look later today10:57
ograsweet, thanks10:57
ograindeed you can only set the clock to rubbish anyway, but with that script we set it to at least usable rubbish :)10:58
ograted tso agreed to fix fsck for us to completely ignore timestamps if teh e2fsck.conf override is set but that will surely take until maverick or maverick+110:59
slangasek*-meta published.  Waiting for synaptic to build before publishing the tasks and starting the ISOs11:16
slangasekas well as ubiquity/armel, it seems11:17
ograsweet !11:17
* ogra is just testing netinst d-i ... bein very excited 11:17
slangasekaah!  why did the OOo/armel build just restart?11:37
slangaseklamont: is OOo killing armel buildds?11:38
pittithe buildd?11:38
slangaseknow on satinash; but I thought that's where it was before, too11:38
lamontslangasek: crabapple was not the build11:38
lamonthubbard is another question11:39
* ogra sees a lot of 404's for security.ubuntu.com in his installation test log, isnt it time we enable that ? 11:41
pittiogra: they should have existed for months11:42
pittiand in fact they did11:42
pitti(with empty Packages.gz, of course)11:42
ograweird, probably not for armel11:42
pittiright, just i386/amd6411:43
pittiogra: seems they are on http://ports.ubuntu.com/dists/lucid-security/main/11:43
pittifor armel11:43
ograthen our sources.lists are wrong11:44
ograprobably on all arches, i havent done any non-omap tests for about four weeks now11:45
lamontslangasek: hubbard was last seen building wordnet 1:3.0-2211:45
slangasekpitti: ehm, that seems pretty critical to have fixed for RC11:47
cjwatsonpretty sure that apt-setup selects ports.ubuntu.com on non-x86 architectures11:47
cjwatsonfor security11:47
cjwatsonif it doesn't, I need an installation log with DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer11:48
cjwatsonogra: ^-11:48
ogracjwatson, will do  one after i fifnshed this install test (and actually check what ends up in the installed system)11:49
hyperairslangasek: got a minute? Bug #56450611:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564506 in banshee-community-extensions "libappindicator-cil-dev's .pc file points to the wrong place" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56450611:58
hyperairit's got a binary rename, but it's pretty low-impact, considering the only rdep of the renamed binary currently FTBFS, and is waiting for the new name.11:59
hyperairnot to mention that the current version of the said binary package in the archive is broken pretty spectacularly.12:00
slangasekhyperair: why do the -cil and -cil-dev packages not have consistent names?12:03
doko__any reason not to accept llvm-gcc-4.2? only builds on i386/amd64, 20min build time12:07
slangasekhyperair: and why was the banshee-community-extensions package uploaded to build-depend on packages that haven't been accepted yet for lucid and might yet not be...?12:09
slangasekdoko__: no specific reason, just haven't looked yet12:09
hyperairslangasek: because the previous version didn't build either.12:09
hyperairslangasek: and because the previous version of indicator-application was broken pretty spectacularly12:10
hyperairslangasek: as for the naming, the -cil version contains the ABI version, the -cil-dev contains the API version12:10
hyperairslangasek: it's standard across all the CLI libraries in the archive.12:11
slangasekwell, blah12:11
slangasekit's also not, AFAICS, relevant to the problem that's supposed to be getting solved in that bug12:11
hyperairslangasek: er. the bug wasn't complete -- there were more problems than i realized.12:11
hyperairslangasek: one of the duplicates complains about the library not getting into the GAC, for example.12:12
slangasekthe package may have problems, but I don't see how the package renames have anything to do with fixing the critical issues12:12
hyperairslangasek: well it was a CLI policy violation.12:13
hyperairslangasek: directhex decided to fix everything altogether in the patch.12:13
hyperairyay directhex12:14
slangasekhyperair, directhex: I'd like to see an indicator-application upload with just the minimal changes necessary to make the package functional; at this stage I could care less about whether it conforms with policies on package names12:17
slangasekthat will mean another upload of banshee-community-extensions to fix the build-deps back12:17
* hyperair sighs12:17
hyperairslangasek: but is there a reason to be this resistant about a binary rename of a package that has no other rdeps?12:18
slangasekhyperair: because packages from this source are on the CDs, and the window for changes to those packages is much smaller than for universe12:19
hyperairah right. the CDs. i forgot.12:20
ograogra@beagle:~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list|grep security|grep main12:21
ogradeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-security main restricted12:21
ogradeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-security main restricted12:21
* ogra does an install with DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer12:22
directhexthere are 4 major bugs in the package, ignoring the policy problems - everything in debian/rules , and the pcfile patch12:22
directhexobviously the values in the patch i sent would need to be reverted back to incorrect locations, if the package naming is ruled out12:22
slangasekdirecthex: do you think the risk is greater if making those location reverts?12:24
directhexslangasek, i think the tying together of API, ABI, install location and package names, within policy, was as a direct result of pain elsewhere when dealing with partial changes, and leading to big long painful Conflicts: and Replaces: dances12:25
directhexslangasek, my personal stance with canonical's bindings has been to go for unstable api/abi packaging, which is simpler & unversioned throughout, and a "safer" option for libs in flux. but i was overruled with libu1, and i simply play the hand i'm dealt12:26
directhexslangasek, the only changes which really have any potential to impact the packages on the CD are the changes to debian/rules, and those need to happen ANYWAY12:27
directhex(hint: as i understand CDBS, the one bit which *does* change the CD contents is the DEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS_libappindicator0 which should really be there anyway)12:28
slangasekdirecthex: OTOH, your patch *adds* the Conflicts/Replaces, which should be a one-time thing and shouldn't be any easier or harder if we do it now, or in maverick12:28
directhextrue. question is whether it's ever likely to need backporting12:29
directhexsince backporting from valid to invalid policy will add burden12:29
slangasekthe shlibdeps change may fix a bug, I don't know; if so, it's not a particularly serious bug, but I'll allow that change either way because the impact of getting it wrong is also roughly 012:31
hyperairmakeshlibs, not shlibdeps12:34
ograwohoo ... flash-kernel works in d-i12:38
directhexhyperair, do you have time to strip out the renames from my debdiff? i need to pop to the bank12:40
slangasekdirecthex, hyperair: alternatively, if you've extensively tested this out-of-archive and can assure me that there will be *zero* need for further uploads of indicator-application for lucid, I can see my way to taking the rename12:41
hyperairi'm not sure about *zero* need for further uploads.. we'd have to ask tedg about whether he has any further issues.12:44
directhexi tested the lib installed and could be built against as expected, i didn't rebuild b-c-e but can do that now12:46
directhexhm...  Depends: banshee (>= 1.6.0), banshee-extensions-common (= 1.6.0-1ubuntu4), libappindicator0.0-cil (>= 0.0.19), libglib2.0-cil (>= 2.12.9), libgtk2.0-cil (>= 2.12.9), libmono-addins0.2-cil (>= 0.4), libmono-corlib2.0-cil (>=, libnotify0.4-cil (>= 0.4.0~r2998)12:56
directhexthere we go, picking up the dependencies properly now, that's a good thing12:56
directhexyep, appindicator in banshee, working fine. just how nature intended12:57
slangasekdirecthex, hyperair: so you're happy that if I accept this, any new issues that turn up are ones we'll be able to live with for release?12:58
hyperairslangasek: yes.12:58
slangasekif so, please get it uploaded and I'll accept it after RC13:00
hyperairseb128: ^^13:02
directhexhang on, i just want to double-check apt's handling of the conflicts13:02
directhexyep, looks fine13:04
slangasekcjwatson, pitti: so my rune for triggering ISO builds contingent on a package publishing has been properly scriptified now - cdimage/bin/wait-for-package13:07
slangasek(could use better documentation, still...)13:08
pittiah, wait-for-package <package>_<version>13:08
pittisweet, thanks13:08
slangasekyeah, it really just passes that to zgrep13:11
stgraberslangasek: did you trigger that new edubuntu build ?13:13
cjwatsonslangasek: neat13:14
slangasekstgraber: I'm doing the big batch of ISO builds now; it'll be a few hours yet before it reaches edubuntu in the queue13:15
cjwatsonslangasek: could do with mirroring build-image-set's semaphore handling around anonftpsync though - as it is it looks unsafe against parallel builds13:17
cjwatsonmaybe even just bail out if it ever notices that another build is running13:18
slangasekisn't that a problem in anonftpsync itself, then?13:18
cjwatsondepends where you think the locking ought to live :)13:19
slangasekright :)13:19
cjwatsonat the moment, the practice is to do it outside anonftpsync13:19
cjwatsonI don't object to moving it if that makes more sense; I think I did it outside because I picked up anonftpsync from elsewhere13:19
cjwatsonso I think I was regarding it as basically a contributed tool13:20
slangasekbuild-image-set's semaphore still has the bug where a universe sync and a main sync in parallel can leave an inconsistent universe tree, right?13:20
cjwatsonthere's only one lock - I think it's more complicated than that but I forget the details13:21
cjwatsonsorry :(13:21
slangasekI think it's: main sync grabs the lock; universe build sees the lock so assumes it doesn't need to sync anything; lock clears, main is up-to-date but the Releases file isn't13:22
cjwatsonthat does sound plausible13:23
slangasekxserver-xorg-input-vmmouse> reviewed, if we have to respin RC for any reason, please accept this13:50
slangasekjames_w: do you have any more information about this sugar xpcom issue?  if the new version has an unsupportable xulrunner dep, then I guess the thing to do is to just drop the old package13:56
james_wslangasek: I don't. lfaroane and ChrisCoulson know what's going on I think13:56
=== kirkland` is now known as kirkland
ogracjwatson, bug 56663914:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566639 in apt-setup "omap install ends up with security.ubuntu.com urls in sources.list after install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56663914:27
slangaseklamont: what's the state of the acorn?14:27
slangasekogra: is it only reproducible with omap?14:28
lamontslangasek: theoretically, it's full of love for livecd builds14:28
ograslangasek, i'll ask one of my team members to try to reproduce under imx51/dove14:28
slangaseklamont: so should I point some of these RC builds over there?14:29
lamontslangasek: is there something I should look at on it?14:29
lamontslangasek: feel free14:29
lamontit's all yours now14:29
lamontwell, I do plan to abuse it a little bit for a bootstrap of yet another universe package, but...14:29
lamontshouldn't be any real impact to livecd builds14:29
jdstrandI'm wondering if bug #521298 should really remain unmilestoned with no Importance set. so far 62 people have said they are affected by the bug...14:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 521298 in plymouth "could not write byte broken pipe" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52129814:37
ograslangasek, not reproducable on imx51 apparently14:38
slangasekogra: were both install tests done with the same kind of media?14:38
ograyou mean imx vs omap ?14:38
ograi dont think so though it shows up for me in both omap installs (to SD as well as to USB) while imx can only install to USB14:39
slangasekI mean the /install /media14:40
ograah, i dont hink the guys actually test d-i based installs14:40
ograplars, ^^^ ?14:40
ograand even more rarely netinst images14:41
plarsogra: the netinst images usually get tested at each milestone, but not the d-i (currently server) images14:42
slangasekyes, these are variables to be eliminated before drawing conclusions about it not being reproducible on imx5114:42
ogra(netinst is d-i too :) )14:42
slangasekplars: tested, but does this bug manifest w/ netinst?14:42
plarsogra: the install I'm looking at where I don't see the bug is netbook install, not netinst14:43
ograslangasek, well, i'll test -server now and once omap netbook is respun i'll test that one too and comment on the bug14:43
ograso i'll at least know if the install media has any influence ... but i rather suspect that apt-setup is missing some kind of subarch thing14:44
ograoh, heh14:48
ogra# Awful Ubuntu-specific hack. *-security suites for ports architectures14:49
ogra# aren't available on security.ubuntu.com, only on ports.ubuntu.com14:49
ogra        db_get mirror/$protocol/hostname14:49
ogra        if [ "$RET" = ports.ubuntu.com ]; then14:49
ograi was using my local mirror for the netinst14:49
ograso thats just a weakness in the matching14:49
* ogra comments in the bug14:50
ograi guess that code should better use archdetect but i'm not sure what drawbacks that would imply14:53
jdstrand08:37 < jdstrand> I'm wondering if bug #521298 should really remain unmilestoned with no Importance set. so far 62 people have said they are affected by the bug...14:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 521298 in plymouth "could not write byte broken pipe" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52129814:58
jdstrandslangasek: this was recently moved back to plymouth ^14:58
slangasekjdstrand: I'm afraid I have no clue about that bug; Keybuk marked it 'triaged', but hasn't explained what the bug is, so there's only value in milestoning it if he's going to have time to work on it15:00
* ogra just saw the too on his beagle install 15:00
jdstrandslangasek: perhaps, but I can tell you from first hand experience that it makes the boot experience look very unprofessional15:01
* ogra clocks the me too link15:01
ogra*clicks even15:01
ograjdstrand, ++15:01
ograi thought it was armel specific since i hadnt seen it before15:02
jdstrandogra: I think it is anything that uses the plymouth text theme15:02
jdstrandI've seen it on at least 2 i386 boxes15:02
ograi dont run x86 boxes with text theme anywhere that would indeed explain it15:03
jdstrandI'm blessed with old hardware :)15:03
ograheh, i'm cursed with new but powerless ARM hardware :)15:03
slangasekjdstrand: oh; can you put that in the bug description/title that it's easily reproducible with the text theme?  If I can reproduce it, maybe we can get some traction on it for release, yes15:06
jdstrandslangasek: ok15:06
cjwatsonslangasek: I can reproduce it in a VM any time, but I have not been able to get any traction on stracing it15:12
cjwatsonslangasek: i.e. when I tried to strace plymouthd to find out if that was what was causing it, boot hung15:13
cjwatsonslangasek: if you'd like somebody with some basic familiarity with plymouth to be teleoperated, I can oblige15:13
slangasekheh, ok15:13
cjwatsonslangasek: but FWIW all I did was a server install in kvm15:13
cjwatsonit doesn't quite reproduce every time, but often enough (at least one in two for me)15:14
jdstrandinteresting, latest plymouth on my T42 (ie, one of the machines that I've seen the bug on), recently started using plymouth-logo, with less than desirable results: number of colors seems to have defaulted to something far too low-- the 'fade in' of the logo is all wrong (bright greens, etc). shutdown has a similar but different look...15:32
slangasekjdstrand: do you have the wrong version of the plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo package installed?15:35
jdstrandslangasek: I just dist-upgraded, let me get the version15:35
jdstrandslangasek: ^ that is true for all packages seen with 'dpkg -l|grep plymouth'15:36
jdstrandslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/418633/15:36
slangasekjdstrand: what's cat /proc/fb?15:37
jdstrandshould be radeonfb... let me check15:37
jdstrand$ cat /proc/fb15:37
jdstrand0 radeondrmfb15:37
jdstrandslangasek: you may recall that this was the system that has 32MB of ram on a radeon 7500, and the text theme was the default for a while15:38
slangasekjdstrand: that'll be a kernel bug, then15:38
slangasekand indeed, it'll be a new kernel bug, then15:38
jdstrandit now switched over to logo15:38
jdstrandfor a second before gdm comes up (X starting I guess), it looks pretty15:39
slangasekbug #56447115:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564471 in linux "Lucid: garbled video at boot on IBM X31 (radeon 7000)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56447115:39
* ogra wonders if during initramfs it possibly overrides with vga16fb15:39
jdstrandslangasek: that is it exactly-- and that is true on boot and shutdown (unsurprisingly)15:40
slangasekjdstrand: confirm it, pester the kernel team? :)15:40
jdstrandslangasek: though, I need KMS on this laptop (as you may also recall ;)15:41
jdstrandapw: fyi ^ (bug #564471)15:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564471 in linux "Lucid: garbled video at boot on radeon 7xxx cards" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56447115:46
apwslangasek, a new kernel bug ... we didn't enable kms on anything recently that i know of?15:49
slangasekapw: new relative to Apr 2, I believe15:49
apwthe bug says it was the removal of 915.modeset=1 was the reason15:50
slangasekapw: not bug #56447115:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564471 in linux "Lucid: garbled video at boot on IBM X31 (radeon 7000)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56447115:50
jdstrandthat would be odd-- 915 is intel-- these are radeon15:50
apwfrom the /etc/modprobe.d/radeon-kms.conf ...15:50
apwsorry radeon.modeset=115:51
apwright file, wrong option name15:51
apwbut in theory all we did was went from 'enabled' to 'enabled' ...15:51
apwgiven its reported enabled15:52
jdstrand(please keep it enabled for my radeon 7500 ;)15:52
slangasekapw: oh; ignore that bit of the bug description (or edit away, if you like) - I don't think the regression that user saw has anything at all to do with radeon-kms.conf, they probably also rebooted to a new kernel at the same time and didn't notice15:53
jdstrandslangasek: I can say that a couple (few?) weeks ago we saw in bug #554143 that it was plymouth's detection that downgraded the 7500 to the text theme15:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554143 in plymouth "text logo theme used instead of graphical with radeon 7500 (single video output, pseudocolor fb)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55414315:53
apwif anything the bug comments imply we now enable kms where we did not before, or plymouth did not use it15:53
slangasekjdstrand: plymouth hasn't gained any support for 16-bit framebuffers in the meantime15:54
apwhrm, does that mean that plymouth is miss useing the framebuffer15:54
jdstrandslangasek: yeah, which is why I was surprised to see a presumably 24/32 bit image shoved into the 16 bit color scheme15:55
slangasekso if it's now showing up with the graphical splash, either the kernel is now exporting a truecolor fb, or it's writing to a vgafb; and cat /proc/fb kinda rules out the latter15:55
slangasekapw: no, it means the framebuffer is wrong ;)15:55
apwjdstrand, so i need you to boot back to a previous kernel and prove its a kernel change which triggered it, and let me know which one :)15:56
jdstrandapw: k15:56
* jdstrand wonders why he seems to hit all these boot issues...15:56
jdstrandslangasek: does this look right: http://paste.ubuntu.com/418644/15:57
apwyou have a heap of junk for a laptop ?  :)15:57
jdstrandapw: dude... uncool15:57
slangasekjdstrand: yep15:57
jdstrandhey-- the T42 was quite a nice laptop back in the day15:58
apwheh i had one of those, and it was never a nice laptop15:58
jdstrandreally? it always work well for me-- I rarely if ever had to do anything to get it to work with Ubuntu15:58
jdstrandof course, I chose the radeon 7500 specifically cause I didn't want a proprietary driver...15:59
apwjdstrand, mine exploded in the end15:59
jdstrandmy wife still has one and it is going strong15:59
apwjdstrand, i can't tell from this bug if the thing is fine once plymouth is done or not15:59
jdstrandI don't use mine as much, but it still works great (barring the recently fixed radeon/KMS bug and this plymouth thingie)16:00
jdstrandapw: it is only the boot splash before X kicks in that is affected. everything else seems ok. but let me double check that16:00
apwok then i'd be interestied in knowing what your previous kernel was16:01
jdstrand18 uses the text logo16:01
jdstrand(for boot-- shutdown uses logo)16:02
apwdo you have -19 ?16:02
jdstrandbooting into it now16:02
jdstranderr-- 18 and 19 use the text theme on boot, logo on shutdown16:02
apwjdstrand, ok that makes little sense then, for -21 to differ there16:04
slangasekjdstrand: please make sure to use an up-to-date initramfs for these comparisons16:04
apwyeah if you rebuild the -18 initramfs i suspect it may break16:04
slangaseki.e., if you have cryptsetup installed, plymouth is in the initramfs, and you'll have an old version in the initramfs for the old kernel16:04
ScottKThe quassel upload is not needed until after RC.  It just converts patches we have into a nice release number.16:04
* jdstrand reboots again16:05
jdstrandapw, slangasek: ok, after booting into 19, doing update-initramfs -u -k 2.6.32-19-generic and rebooting into it: degraded logo theme on boot and shutdown16:09
jdstrandI'm afraid of 18 based on apw's comment16:10
apwno i meant i suspected you would transfer the issue into it16:11
slangasekjdstrand: you get the strange colormap with -19?16:11
jdstrandslangasek: yes (what I meant by 'degraded')16:12
slangasekhmm; and -19 was the one present at the time we last discussed this16:12
slangaseklet me double-check the upstream plymouth changes - I don't remember anything about this16:12
apwjdstrand, is plymouth actually in your initramfs?16:13
jdstrandslangasek: yes -- bug #554143 shows me as having 2.6.32-19-generic16:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554143 in plymouth "text logo theme used instead of graphical with radeon 7500 (single video output, pseudocolor fb)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55414316:13
jdstrandapw: well, I would assume so-- I am using splash and get the degraded logo. what do you want me to check specifically?16:13
slangasekoh, I know what the difference is16:13
ScottKpitti: re all those perl module MIRs - I don't have an opinion on if the entire mess needs to be in Main or not.  I was just trying to get it what was in main was buidable/installable.16:13
apwjdstrand, i didn't think plymouth was in there16:14
slangasekjdstrand: plymouth 0.8.2 switched us to using the drm renderer unconditionally on radeon, where before we used drm only for multi-head displays16:14
slangasekso this is a plymouth/libdrm/kernel issue16:14
jdstrandwell, while I sould prefer the logo theme over the text, it is less than optimal atm :)16:15
apwso either plymout doesn't grob the frambuffer, or the framebuffer is not right in the kernel16:15
apwjdstrand, what does VT1 look like once X starts?16:15
jdstrandapw: normal-- login prompt16:15
apwjdstrand, you are just being limited in your interpretation of pretty16:15
jdstrandtbh-- a black screen until gdm comes up with no text would be beautiful at this point16:16
apwyou just need more drugs to fully apprecaite the green16:17
jdstrandie, if 'quiet' was really quiet, and lose splash16:17
apwslangasek, so whats our next step16:18
jdstrandslangasek: how do I force text logo in .21? update-alternatives --config default.plymouth didn't do it for me (or maybe there is more I need to do)16:18
slangasekapw: assign the bug back to plymouth; the drm renderer isn't checking bpp16:18
jdstrandI keep saying 'text logo'...16:18
jdstrandtext *theme*16:18
slangasek(just verified the code)16:18
slangasekjdstrand: boot with plymouth:splash=text16:18
jdstrandslangasek: k, thanks16:18
apwslangasek, will do16:19
apwslangasek, done16:20
jdstrandslangasek: that didn't do it-- related to the drm issue?16:20
slangasekjdstrand: hmm, sec16:20
pittiScottK: sure, no problem; I didn't want to shoot the messenger, thanks for sorting this ot16:20
slangasekjdstrand: really should've worked - is the text theme in your initrd?16:22
jdstrandslangasek: looks like it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/418660/16:27
* jdstrand tries again16:28
slangasekjdstrand: oh - plymouth:splash=ubuntu-text16:28
slangasek'text' doesn't work because it's looking for text/text.plymouth16:28
jdstrandthat didn't work either. let me super double check I didn't mistype it16:28
jdstrandslangasek: should I lose 'splash'?16:29
slangasekjdstrand: no16:29
jdstrandslangasek: sorry, no. that didn't work16:30
jdstrandI even said it out loud to myself 'plymouth' 'colon' 'splash' 'equals' 'ubuntu-text'16:30
jdstrandmy screen just faded to white16:31
jdstrandand didn't get to the gdm screen16:31
slangasekjdstrand: what was the filter on that pastebin?16:31
jdstrandfind . -name "*plymouth*"16:32
slangasekis /lib/plymouth/ubuntu-text.so also in the initrd?16:32
jdstrandslangasek: yes16:35
jdstrand(I had to reboot to get to a usable system)16:35
jdstrandslangasek: do you want my initrd?16:40
slangasekjdstrand: don't think it'll help; I'm missing something, but I have no clue what ATM16:41
jdstrandslangasek: ok. well I wanted to test/comment more on the Broken pipe bug, but it'll have to wait until I can boot using the text theme (obviously)16:42
slangasekheh, right16:43
ScottKslangasek: FTBFS fix ^^^16:56
NCommanderslangasek: on the arm FTBFS of libgphoto2, is it acceptable if we drop doxygen from the build-deps so configure disables generating documentation? The package builds probably, it just appears that our buildds suck16:56
slangasekNCommander: is the doxygen documentation currently shipped somewhere?16:57
slangasekthere's no arch: all -doc package16:57
NCommanderslangasek: its shipped in the -dev part of the package if memory serves.16:57
slangasekplease only drop the build-dep on armel, then16:58
NCommanderslangasek: that was my plan. I rather fix it so we have an arch all docs package, but the root canal needed to libgphoto2's configure scripts probably would be a bit excessive for an upload this late16:58
slangasekScottK: accepted, thanks!16:59
ograNCommander, err16:59
ograNCommander, i thought there was a request that the arch all stuff shuldnt be built on armel for gphoto, didnt you work on that ?16:59
slangasekNCommander: why would any root canal be needed?  Making an arch: all -doc package would only require splitting it up in the debian/rules install or binary target16:59
slangasekNCommander: though, in this case I think just dropping the docs for armel is best17:00
slangasekdue to the time17:00
ScottKWhat's the deal with OOo on armel?  I see it got restarted again.17:10
slangasekdon't know17:10
jdstrandslangasek: do you need a bug for the text theme issue?17:11
slangaseklamont: did you find out anything about that OOo restart?17:11
slangasekjdstrand: might as well - btw, if you want to switch to text semi-permanently, just remove plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo...17:11
jdstrandslangasek: I was afraid of doing that, since I got that weird white fade-out, but I'll try17:12
ScottKI'd appreciate it if someone could throw http://paste.debian.net/69754/ at mass-sync.py.17:18
slangasekjdstrand: har; weird bug in the commandline parsing, 'plymouth:splash=ubuntu-text' doesn't work when it's the last option on the boot line17:25
jdstrandslangasek: oh heh17:29
jdstrandslangasek: let me reinstall plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo and try again17:29
jdstrandslangasek: btw, that is bug #56676217:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566762 in plymouth "can no longer use text theme" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56676217:30
doko__slangasek: please accept the sun-java6 package, the previous one does contain undistributable stuff17:39
slangasekcjwatson: are you still able to reproduce bug #521298?  jdstrand and I appear to have both been trying, I haven't been able to and AIUI jdstrand hasn't either17:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 521298 in plymouth "could not write byte broken pipe" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52129817:39
slangasekdoko__: done17:40
jdstrandslangasek: I saw a very brief flash of text once, but after 7 reboots the Broken pipe seems gone. shutdown is another story (see comment #44 in bug #52129817:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 521298 in plymouth "could not write byte broken pipe" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52129817:41
* slangasek nods17:42
cjwatsonslangasek: I'll give it another go shortly17:42
slangasekthe general problem of text being shown over the text-mode splash screen isn't likely to get fixed before final17:42
jdstrandogra: you might be interested in ^17:42
slangasekshutdown messages, etc.17:43
jdstrandslangasek: would it be possible to add a newline after the dots?17:43
jdstrandslangasek: I think it would look more acceptable with it17:43
jdstrandI wonder if I am not seeing it now cause ureadahead is up to date...17:44
jdstrand(the Broken byte issue)17:44
cjwatsondo you see it if you switch to tty7 after booting?17:45
slangasekI'm guessing that was an effect of one of the mountall / plymouth bugs that were recently fixed17:45
cjwatsonbecause when I was seeing it I was doing oem-config stuff, which tends to land on tty7 in between things17:45
jdstrandcjwatson: when should I go to tty7? gdm is there at present...17:45
cjwatsonoh, server installs I'm talking about17:45
cjwatsoneasier to see there17:46
jdstrandcjwatson: right, I was seeing it on desktop until recently17:46
cjwatsonyeah, but why not use the easy reproduction case :)17:46
cjwatsonI saw it in desktop OEM installs17:46
* jdstrand nods17:46
cjwatsonwhich flick to tty7 between ubiquity-dm and gdm17:46
jdstrandit only ever bothered my on my laptop :P17:46
cjwatsonbut that's hopeless for actual debugging17:46
jdstrandI can crank up a VM to see17:47
cjwatsonI think I did see it rather less with plymouth 0.8.217:47
cjwatsonI'm doing a server install now to check17:47
lamontslangasek: the one where someone external to crabapple reset it?  yeah.  I know what happened there17:50
slangaseklamont: does knowing what happened mean we can be assured of it not happening again? :)17:51
lamontwell... it would be very very beneficial to our future selves if the armel machines were actually server-class hardware, instead of naked boards with stuff plugged into them17:52
slangasekplars, GrueMaster: ETA 1h30 for arm netbook images17:58
GrueMasterRoger that.17:59
slangasekcjwatson, pitti: ^^ I don't expect I'll manage to be around at that time to post those, so if someone could post them to the ISO tracker when they're done, that'd be groovy17:59
ograjdstrand, i cant confirm because i'm continually reinstalling my beagleboard :) i'll check once i have an install that will persist longer than 20min ;)18:00
GrueMasterslangasek: Why the respin?  It looks like there was an image already for today.18:00
slangasekGrueMaster: because these are the candidate images for RC18:00
slangasekubuntu, kubuntu DVDs will also show up in the next few hours; I'll post them after my nap if no one beats me to it18:03
ScottKslangasek: ^^^ rebuild FTBFS fix.  Fine to wait for after RC.18:08
* slangasek nods18:09
ScottKslangasek: Any chance of getting my sync's done from earlier today? http://paste.debian.net/69754/18:13
* slangasek drops off for a bit18:25
pittislangasek: sorry, I need to leave for Taekwondo as well now, but I can have another look when I'm back in ~ 3 hours18:29
ubottunope. Lucid is due 29th April. More info closer to the date.19:03
facundobatistaHi all20:26
facundobatistaslangasek, ping20:27
GrueMasterHave the arm images (imx51 & dove) finished building?  Would like to start downloading them so I can test this afternoon.20:37
facundobatistaslangasek, ping, I have this proposal that should get into Lucid (it's from early March):20:44
facundobatistaslangasek, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~facundo/ubuntu/lucid/pyinotify/fix-path-overlap/+merge/2126620:45
facundobatistaslangasek, without it, pyinotify lies about the path where some MOVE_SELFs happen, which is critical for all the software using it (Ubuntu One between them)20:45
facundobatistaslangasek, kenvandine already sponsored it20:46
GrueMasterSomeone please update iso.qa.ubuntu.com with the ubuntu arm images asap so I can start uploading test info.23:01
cjwatsonGrueMaster: one moment23:16
cjwatsonGrueMaster: done23:18
cjwatsonslangasek: ^-23:18
cjwatsonslangasek: hm, so I indeed can't reproduce the EPIPE errors on a fresh install.  Maybe the case I was hitting got fixed23:47

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