
nigelbI'll be talking to dholbach later today to make a list of things-to-do before Patch Day.01:23
nigelbpersia, due to the overwhelming lack of participation for review leads, I guess we'll both have to fill up the remaining hours :/01:45
persiaFine by me :)01:45
nigelbI'll make a last ditch recruitment effort on the last week of the month01:45
nigelbif that doesn't work, bunk work, and live in front of the computer for 49 hours01:46
ajmitchnigelb: that sounds like a fun option, be sure to have plenty of caffeine on hand01:58
nigelbajmitch, that was just an exaggeration.  I'll probably do only 8 hours at a time01:59
ajmitch8 hours on, sleep for 1 hour, back to the computer?02:00
nigelbajmitch, persia will be around too :)02:00
* ajmitch would help out if he knew what he was doing :)02:01
nigelboh yaay!02:01
nigelbyou need to know https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReviewersTeam/GettingInvolved02:01
nigelbyou need to know how bug (and patch) upstreaming and ubuntu development (making debdiff, etc)02:02
nigelbIf you do, please sign up https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PatchDay02:02
ajmitchyeah, it's the more recent things like working with bzr branches that I need to read up on02:03
ajmitchit'd be over a thursday/friday for me02:04
* ajmitch wonders if someone will make up some greasemonkey scripts for handling these tags02:04
ajmitchanyway, must go out for lunch, back soon02:04
dholbachgood morning08:22
nigelbdholbach, in another 1.5 hours?12:26
ibuclawhey nigelb - what's up?12:27
nigelbheya ibuclaw :)12:27
hyperair1.5h? what's going on?12:28
nigelbhyperair, call12:28
hyperairnigelb: call?12:28
nigelbhyperair, yeah12:29
* hyperair doesn't understand12:29
nigelbcall, skype, talk12:29
hyperairoh that12:29
ibuclawnigelb, ooh, fun times12:30
* ibuclaw is on the pcmanfm changelog yay!12:30
nigelbibuclaw, oooh12:30
ibuclawnot sure if it is in the main repos yet.12:32
nigelbibuclaw, http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/p/pcmanfm/pcmanfm_0.5.2+svn20091029-1ubuntu3/changelog12:33
nigelbIain Bucław?12:33
ibuclawyepo =)12:33
ibuclawshame that one polish character isn't ascii12:34
ibuclawhave been using just plain 'Buclaw' for the updates I push for gdc12:35
ibuclawnigelb, http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/g/gdc-4.3/gdc-4.3_1.046-4.3.4-3ubuntu1/changelog12:36
nigelbw00t w00t lots of gdc entries :)12:37
ibuclawlots of work have been put into it. =)12:38
ibuclawnigelb, afterall ... I *am* the maintainer of the package.12:38
ibuclawnigelb, http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gdc-4.3.html12:42
\vishheya , who's up for making a depdiff of this > http://bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=13611412:42
\vishits for a bug in the review list for Bug #11193912:42
ubot3Malone bug 111939 in metacity "Not possible to alt-tab during a drag-and-drop operation" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11193912:42
nigelbibuclaw, wow :)12:42
nigelb\vish, I can make a debdiff (I made once) can test?12:42
* nigelb did ask \vish to test some time back too!12:43
\vishnigelb:  test ? how?12:43
nigelb\vish, I'll push it onto a ppa and you have to update your metacity to that one12:43
ibuclawnigelb, don't ask how it happened ... I just asked nhandler and he suggested that I email doko about it. One thing led to another and he is now sponsoring me (or keeping a watchful eye, I'm not sure which)12:43
\vishah righto..12:43
nigelbibuclaw, its so totally totally cool :)12:44
nigelb\vish, 20 mins tops12:44
\vishbah everything is a bit of a mess in my system , there is a memory swap leak and i'm not able to do things :s12:44
\vishnigelb: neat12:44
dholbachnigelb: yep12:49
nigelbdholbach, :)12:50
nhandleribuclaw: I'm glad to see that worked out for you12:57
nigelbbdrung, thank you :)12:59
nigelbre: patch day12:59
bdrungyou're welcome :)12:59
\vishnigelbabu: hmm , i think bdrung had commented for a debdiff a long time ... we[I] could have done that a long time ago :s13:16
\vishdone the testing i mean ;p13:16
bdrung\vish: which bug?13:17
\vishbdmurray:  Bug #11193913:17
ubot3Malone bug 111939 in metacity "Not possible to alt-tab during a drag-and-drop operation" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11193913:17
\vishoops bdrung ^13:17
\vishbdrung: seems nigelbabu had the debdiff done a while back and was just waiting for testing13:18
nigelbabu\vish, I did a debdiff some time back13:21
nigelbabubut the package got updated13:21
=== \vish is now known as vish
nigelbabuvish, thank you.  the \ was getting tough13:38
vishnigelbabu: damn! will change back ;p13:39
vishsome problem with nm , keeps dropping my signal :s13:39
nigelbabuits going to rain cats and dogs out here.  I hope power doesn't go out13:40
nigelbabuvish, do you have FFE for this?13:41
vishnigelbabu: i dont think we need an FFE for that , probably a stable release update will do13:42
nigelbabuvish, we do, its not a bug fix13:42
vishnigelbabu: i would consider it a bug though.. ;)13:43
vishnigelbabu: anyway , irrespective of when it is getting fixed , we need a debdiff ;)13:44
nigelbabutrue.  getting13:44
nigelbabuthat was a productive talk :)14:19
=== cjohnston is now known as cjohnston|uds
=== cjohnston|uds is now known as cjohnston
vish^ cjohnston in a timemachine  ;p ?14:30
cjohnstonsetting it up so its ready14:30
vishcjohnston: you are at the hotel now getting it ready or.. just setting the nick?14:30
cjohnstonjust the nick...14:31
cjohnstonI'm in ~50 channels on this connection.. so im setting up another irssi for uds14:31
cjohnstonmake it a little easier14:31
cjohnstonim trying to figure out how i set this one up tho to match it.. easier said than done14:34
nigelbabuvish, built on ppa.  pleaes test and let me know15:24
vishhmm , let me restart session15:38
* vish brb15:38
nigelbabuvish, works?15:40
vishnigelbabu: oddly no :(  did it work for you on karmic?15:41
nigelbabuI didn't test on karmic15:41
vishi still can alt+tab while dragging15:41
nigelbabusure you have the PPA version installed?15:41
vishnigelbabu: it was only metacity and metacity common right?15:42
vishhmm , wait there is libmetacity-private0 , installed that one too , let me try a session restart15:44
vishnigelbabu: no go :(15:46
nigelbabuaw :(15:46
vishodd that mclasen mentions it works perfectly in fedora :s15:47
nigelbabuyeah, extremely :)15:47
vishheh , lets blame sabdfl on this one too ;p15:47
vishnigelbabu: check if it works in karmic..15:48
nigelbabuvish, checking15:48
keffie_jayxhey nigelbabu, just read dholbach post15:50
* vish brb15:50
nigelbabukeffie_jayx, great, so you want to help us reviewing and also translating right?15:50
keffie_jayxI have only done one review but the process is quite simple. Can one help out after the 5th of may ?15:50
nigelbabukeffie_jayx, you can help out at any point. the 5th may is only a day to get lots of people engaged.15:51
nigelbabuI hope to have everyone review at least one patch per day :)15:51
nigelbabukeffie_jayx, you want to translate immediately or after May 5?15:52
keffie_jayxgreat. I am getting some of the people in my city going with the little things I know about ubuntu development and patch reviewing has been suggested as a simple starting point15:52
keffie_jayxnigelbabu: I could help now15:52
dholbachkeffie_jayx: nigelbabu and I were hoping to factor in some feedback into the page before may 5th, so it might make sense to have a look at the page again closer to the time15:52
nigelbabuthat's great.  I've been hoping to have patch review be the simple start point15:52
dholbachbut I epxect "just additions" like more examples and stuff15:53
nigelbabukeffie_jayx, if you're starting now, just be subscribed to the page, so you can be alerted when we make changes15:53
dholbachthis is going to be awesome15:53
dholbachI just know it15:53
nigelbabukeffie_jayx, thank you for helping.  any help at any point, let me know.  will be glad to help :)15:54
keffie_jayxlet me subscribe to the wiki and also see if I can remember some of the process15:54
qensedholbach: Will Mergimus be discussed during the UDS? I'm attending and I saw you have two blueprints on the patch review initiative. I've offered nigelbabu my help with writing Mergimus and I was wondering what session would be best for me to attend.15:54
nigelbabukeffie_jayx, also, any feedback on the process is very much welcome :)15:55
dholbachqense: Mergimus is no requirement for following the process outlined on the wiki15:55
keffie_jayxnigelbabu: the process intends to be simple, However, Ihave a knack for running into brickwalls ... ain't that right dholbach?15:56
dholbachqense: but we can sure discuss it15:56
* dholbach hugs keffie_jayx15:56
keffie_jayxnigelbabu: will do15:56
nigelbabuAwesome!  Thank you.15:56
qensedholbach: OK. I'll see it then.15:57
qenseThere is already some code, but it doesn't do much yet. :)15:57
dholbachqense: right15:57
nigelbabuvish, ahhh15:57
nigelbabuvish, compiz is our default.  Did you change to metacity15:57
dholbachif mergimus can make the task of getting the source, applying the patch correctly, etc etc it can be part of the task15:57
dholbachthe thing is that the process requires the web browser too (upstream bug trackers, adding tags to LP, etc.)15:58
dholbachso I dunno yet15:58
dholbachbut sounds like a good idea to discuss15:58
qenseAt the moment it can get an authenticated launchpad object, display an empty notebook with two tabs and a TreeView where you can add the names of valid packages!15:58
keffie_jayxnigelbabu: I remember the only patch I ever did was not resolved. I tried the patch and it worked. since upstream wouldn't pick it up. i believe that was that15:59
qenseand it has translation support, which is pretty pointless at the moment. But you can translate it already! :P15:59
keffie_jayxnigelbabu: I guess I was expecting some kind of completion.15:59
nigelbabukeffie_jayx, generally, we forward patches to upstream and hear their comments15:59
nigelbabuif upstream refuses, its upto debian maintainer/ubuntu maintainer (if any) to make a call16:00
keffie_jayxnigelbabu: I did that, and upstream seems to have abandomed the app imho16:00
nigelbabukeffie_jayx, ah.  In that case, you can look at changelog and see who upload and get in touch with that person16:00
keffie_jayxthe bugis also in debian and no call from them either16:00
nigelbabuwhat package?16:01
* keffie_jayx fetches for the bug16:01
vishnigelbabu: just what i was thinking when i was away :D , gonna test that16:03
nigelbabuvish, I remembered when didrocks told me :)16:03
keffie_jayxnigelbabu:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tsclient/+bug/6341216:06
ubot3Malone bug 63412 in tsclient "Few resolution options" [Wishlist,New]16:06
keffie_jayxnigelbabu:  it is also an app that at the time was in main, so I guess the desktop team had to decide on it.16:06
vishnigelbabu: yay , works with metacity..16:07
nigelbabukeffie_jayx, when patching something under desktop team.  the easy way is check with them :)16:07
vishbut noticed what didrocks mentioned16:07
nigelbabuvish, that is for poppler bug16:08
keffie_jayxnigelbabu:  the status of the bug is still new... after 3 years should I mark it as triaged at least?16:19
nigelbabuvish, can you look into the ^ bug? (I'm hunting through fedora cvs)16:20
vishkeffie_jayx: if the bug has enough info , btw bug# ?16:20
keffie_jayxvish:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tsclient/+bug/6341216:20
ubot3Malone bug 63412 in tsclient "Few resolution options" [Wishlist,New]16:20
keffie_jayxit has quite a few comments16:21
vishkeffie_jayx: yup that can be set to triaged..16:25
vishsad that upstream hasnt commented on the patch though ..16:25
vishkeffie_jayx: any reason you changed the bug from confirmed -> new?16:26
keffie_jayxhonestly I can't remember doing that16:27
keffie_jayxit's been a while, confirmed is the right status then?16:27
vishkeffie_jayx: triaged would be better16:28
keffie_jayxvish: the app has a devel branch that does not see activity for more than 2 years. Fedora already ships the latest code from them. shouldn't a package upgrade be an option here?16:28
nigelbabuvish, how on earth are we supposed to make sense of fedora CVS?16:30
vishkeffie_jayx: i didnt understand , what you said..16:30
vishnigelbabu: hehe , dont know :D , i never looked at fedora bugs ;)  try google16:31
nigelbabuvish, no no, I'm looking for the commit16:32
vishnigelbabu: try the bug first , it would probably have a link16:32
keffie_jayxvish: the patch is for a stable version of tclient, however there is a newer version, and debian has a bug indicating an update. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=53095316:32
ubot3Debian bug 530953 in tsclient "New version available: tsclient" [Wishlist,Open]16:32
keffie_jayxvish:  and that would be desktop teams call I guess16:33
nigelbabukeffie_jayx, can you ask lool about this?  he's part of the debian gnome team that takes care of this16:34
vishkeffie_jayx: yeah , not really a review team matter , pitti has already commented on the bug , it is more of a Main sponsors issue now16:34
keffie_jayxvish: good then...16:35
keffie_jayxdholbach: harvest tricked me...16:35
* keffie_jayx runs16:35
dholbachkeffie_jayx: I hope we get the new version online soon16:35
nigelbabukeffie_jayx, pitti summarises what I feel about the patch too.16:41
nigelbabuThe patch is so big, we'd generally leave it to upstream to take care of it.  Asking debian folks is a good idea too.  Open bug in Debian BTS with patch and see what happens16:41
nigelbabujames_w, you're james-w at ubuntu dot com?16:54
nigelbabuha, thank you :)16:57
nigelbabudholbach, when you're fee just let me know17:23
dholbachnigelbabu: I am17:23
nigelbabudholbach, ok, so the mail should have info about monday and review of wiki.  anything else?17:23
dholbachnigelbabu: sounds good to me17:25
nigelbabusent :)17:30
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