[06:59] morning [09:15] mvo, software-center worked fine for me on the daily cd [09:16] nice, thanks ara! [11:04] morning all [11:05] morning [11:06] morning davmor2, colorlessprism [11:45] persia, do you have permissions to change the topic of this channel? [11:47] czajkowski: ^ [11:56] ara: what do you want done? [11:57] czajkowski, change it to something like "Testing Lucid RC ISOs | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Procedures | http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com" === czajkowski changed the topic of #ubuntu-testing to: Testing Lucid RC ISOs |https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Procedures | http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com [11:59] done [12:00] thanks czajkowski [12:00] np [12:54] ubuntu alternate posted [12:56] I'm going to try and jump on wubi and m-a as soon as possible but got 2 releases of my own so priority is there for the moment [15:30] sbeattie, davmor2: do you know the flavor to put on .dl-ubuntu-test-iso for UNE? [15:30] netbook? [15:31] davmor2, ok, I'll try, thanks [15:32] ara: might be ubuntu-netbook but I'm sure it is something like that [15:34] it is (k)ubuntu-netbook [15:36] mmm, it didn't work for me [15:36] (ubuntu-netbook) [15:36] something on variant? [15:43] ara: variantpaths['netbook'] = 'daily-live', Flavor('ubuntu-netbook', variants=['netbook'], archs=['i386']) [15:43] ara: thanks for your help with my testers [15:44] charlie-tca, np [15:44] davmor2, thanks [15:46] ara: --only=ubuntu-netbook --release=lucid try that [15:48] davmor2, I prefer to use dl-ubuntu-test-iso, I have a lot to sync ;-) [15:49] I find it easier even when there is only 1 or 2 once you get your head around how to ask for it [15:59] mythbuntu, xubuntu up [15:59] that's it except for DVDs, netboot, and UEC/EC2 [16:00] (and armel) [16:00] slangasek, thanks for the heads-up [16:06] I should perhaps make sure the kubuntu-netbook actually built, instead of taking the creation of an empty directory as evidence [16:06] weatherreport to the rescue [16:18] ara: hello [16:19] hey xdatap, how is it going? [16:19] ara: fine thanks :) [16:20] ara: just guessing why kubuntu netbook is rebuilding again. [16:20] slangasek just explained: [16:20] I should perhaps make sure the kubuntu-netbook actually built, instead of taking the creation of an empty directory as evidence [16:20] weatherreport to the rescue [16:21] ara: ok. Maybe we should think about a notify system for testers who started testing a build [16:23] xdatap: you couldn't possibly have been testing the build that was listed, because it didn't exist [16:23] slangasek: it's because I just sync daily [16:24] well, if you're going to be posting to the ISO tracker, please confirm the serial of the image you're using... [16:24] anyway - new kubuntu-netbook is posted now [16:24] slangasek: wait, explain me, maybe I'm doing wrong. You mean that daily could change during the day? [16:25] xdatap: yes, especially during the milestone testing [16:25] yes, in the worst case, maybe 4 or 5 times in a day [16:26] Thus, the date code on the tracker [16:26] good to know... [16:27] md5sum to the rescue :) [16:27] * xdatap comparing md5 [16:28] Still have to know it changed to d/l the latest image to test [16:41] xdatap, still, your use case is valid. I think it would be a nice addition to the tracker: notifying people who started a test that the the image is rebuilding [16:43] ara: yes, it could be useful. I synced again, rebooting for test. See you later [17:12] * ara takes a break [17:56] edubuntu up [19:51] xubuntu desktop-386 looks good === yofel_ is now known as yofel [20:09] i am doing some server i386 test on virtual hw [20:10] Здравйте някой тук говори ли Български?? [20:11] English, please? [20:11] !ru [20:11] Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [20:13] Ok I'm testing ubuntu 10.04 beta2 on Acer Aspire One AOA-150 and I have only one problem on this netbook. The right cart reader still don,t working! [20:14] ratte_: there are new isos for the rc please try it with the new daily iso [20:15] ok I try! [20:23] but I'm whit this from 6 April from gigenet.com no new and full update from US server... any proposals about card reader.. [20:23] or new iso [22:15] So, since I see that http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/3991/286 appears empty, do I take that to mean that nobody has done those tests yet and I should give it a try? [22:15] Or does that mean that it's tested good already? [22:16] If it has been tested, something will be there [22:17] Ok [22:17] MilkmanDan: More results are always better anyway :) But as charlie-tca said both 'pass' and 'fail' results show up, so if it's empty it has not been done [22:18] Gotcha [22:18] Even shows up if you mark started [22:18] I'm looking to start doing some testing and (probably) switch more of my systems to Ubuntu. [22:18] MilkmanDan: (It's really hard to not say "I hate you, Milkman Dan" with that nick ;) ) [22:20] fader_: Why wouldn't you? [22:20] Would you not yell at Primus "you suck!" at their show? [22:21] MilkmanDan: Because if I did, it would turn out there was one other possible reference for that nick to be making, and I'd offend you :) [22:21] * fader_ really wants a Red Meat t-shirt now. [22:22] Ah, Uncle Murphy... [23:23] * fader_ orders a pizza and cracks a few test cases while waiting for it to arrive. [23:25] fader_: what kind? [23:26] czajkowski: I ordered a bunch and figured I'd feed my housemates as well :) One mixed veggie, one chicken and hot sauce, one steak and cheese [23:26] And there's a case of Red Hook in the fridge that has been calling out to me for a while [23:26] ;) [23:27] czajkowski: I can mail you a slice if you don't mind it being a bit old :) [23:27] fader_: lordie that;s a lot! [23:28] czajkowski: There are five of us :) [23:28] Plus cold pizza is the Breakfast of Champions! [23:29] there is never any left when we get it, always left over indian though which tastes even better [23:29] Mmmm [23:29] I'm of the opinion that any food worth eating is even better the next day [23:29] Chinese, Indian, pizza, casseroles... now I'm really hungry [23:30] having a cup of tea and testing clean install of my other laptop [23:33] Good luck! [23:34] I'm looking forward to the release and wiping my poor system that's been upgraded, abused, and limping along [23:34] hehe [23:34] I may one day do that to this machine, it was Intrepid, then jaunty, then karmic very early alpha, now lucid I waited till beta 1 this time [23:35] Heh yeah, sounds like it's time :) [23:35] fader_: yes but all of my settings are just perfect! [23:35] czajkowski: Hehehe [23:37] The new installer slideshow is really nice [23:43] w00t, pizza! Catch you folks later for more testing :)