
rlaagerSo is it just me, or does visiting a Launchpad bug in Firefox make your Xorg peg the CPU for a while any time you touch that window?02:27
damianhow do I enable referrer tag so I can join the group?04:08
damianfor firefox04:08
tonyyarussoI'm not sure what that means?04:11
tonyyarussoreferrer tag?04:12
damianNo REFERER Header04:12
damianLaunchpad requires a REFERER header to perform this action. There is no REFERER header present. This can be caused by configuring your browser to block REFERER headers.04:12
damianUnblock REFERER headers for launchpad.net and try again, or see the FAQ Why does Launchpad require a REFERER header? for more information.04:12
damianYou can also join the #launchpad IRC support channel on irc.freenode.net for further assistance.04:12
damianthe faq is https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/1024 but it doesn't say much about enabling referrer04:13
tonyyarussoThat would be a question for #launchpad then, not here.  I have no idea.04:14
=== _diablo is now known as YaManicKill
=== YaManicKill is now known as _diablo

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