
=== cjohnston is now known as cjohnston|uds
=== cjohnston|uds is now known as cjohnston
cjohnstonadiroiban, knome yall around?17:52
cjohnstonDo you have some time to show me what yall decided on for the translations java stuff?17:54
knomecjohnston, i have no idea. .)17:57
cjohnstonthe json whatever it was?17:59
cjohnstonbrb.. kid woke up17:59
adiroibancjohnston: we decided to just use document.write18:07
cjohnstonSo how was that going to be translated18:07
adiroibanand I have pasted the json structure18:07
adiroibanit will be translated in Launchpad18:08
adiroibanand exported as json18:08
cjohnstonya.. I don't know how to setup any of that stuff18:08
adiroibanI can take care of that18:09
adiroibanjust let me know what messages do you need to be translated18:09
cjohnstoncould you teach me so I know how too?18:09
adiroibanyou should create a POT file18:10
adiroibancontaining those messages18:10
cjohnstonResources in $language18:10
adiroibanthis is template for your POT file18:11
adiroibanit is better if the message is „Resources in YOUR_LANGUAGE”18:12
cjohnstonthats fine18:12
adiroibanand add a comment to inform translators that they should replace YOUR_LANGUAGE with the name of their langauge18:12
cjohnstonI just create that file via a text editor?18:12
adiroibanthen you will create a branch containing a „po” folder18:13
adiroibancopy that file as „po/ubuntu-website-greeting.pot”18:13
adiroibancommint the changes18:13
adiroibanpublish the branch on ubuntu-website project18:13
adiroibanand from the LP webinterface18:14
adiroibanenable translations for that branch18:14
adiroibanhere https://help.launchpad.net/Translations you should find all details about workfing with LP translations18:16
adiroibanif something is not well documented18:16
adiroibanplease let us know and we will try to improve the documentation18:17
cjohnstonon your template that you gave me.. do i change any of the hearder stuff.. or leave it?18:23
adiroibanyou can leave the header18:24
adiroibanjust add a useful comment and the message18:24
cjohnstonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/418736/  ?18:25
adiroibanyes...you can also give an example in the comment „Resources in English”18:30
cjohnstondoes the index.html:1 thing need to stay?18:30
adiroibanbut I hope that tranlators will know to translate that YOUR_LANGUAGE18:30
adiroibanor maybe we can use TRANSLATE_YOUR_LANGUAGE18:34
adiroibanto hint that it should be replace with the language18:34
cjohnstonworks for me18:34
cjohnstonnow merge that in and enable translations?18:38
adiroibanno need to merge18:40
adiroibanjust enable Translations for this project18:40
adiroibanand then for this branch18:40
adiroibanright now, the project Uses Launchpad for:18:40
adiroibanAnswers, Blueprints, and Bug Tracking.18:40
cjohnstondo i want auto or manual18:41
adiroibani guess :)18:42
adiroibanmanual task are bad, automatic task are good18:42
cjohnstonwell.. i think i enabled it..18:43
cjohnstonso even though the branch is in my own repo, not the project repo, i dont need to merge it into the project repo?18:45
adiroibanthe branch is already associated to the project18:59
adiroibanis there19:00
adiroibanjust that it is not an „official” branch19:01
adiroibanbut it is associated with the project19:01
cjohnstonhow do I make it the official branch?19:13
adiroibancreate a series for that branch19:17
cjohnstontheres already a trunk series19:17
cjohnstoni think i did it19:18
cjohnstonadiroiban: can you take a look and see if it looks like its setup properly? if it is, how do I go about getting it translated?19:26
adiroibanyep. we should wait for the template to be imported19:27
adiroibanyou will receive an email when this is done19:27
adiroibanI can see the message in LP19:28
adiroibanplease change the translation permission19:28
adiroibanto using Ubuntu Translation group19:28
adiroibanand Restricted19:28
cjohnstonlike that?19:29
cjohnstonnow what do I need to do19:33
adiroibanmake sure the message is „freezed”19:35
adiroibanand send a message to ubuntu-translators mailing list19:35
cjohnstonI don't understand freezed19:35
adiroibanto inform translations about this new message19:36
adiroibanit will not be changed in the near future19:36
adiroibanchanging the original message will delete all curent translations19:36
cjohnstonok.. i just pinged newz2000` to approve19:36
adiroibanand translators will have to redone them19:36
newz2000` cjohnston: all I see is a po19:39
newz2000`w/ only one string19:39
cjohnstonjust need the string approved prior to starting getting translations of the string19:43
newz2000`Is that the only thing we need? Do we need the URL in there or do we auto-generate that?19:44
* newz2000` thinks probably auto-generate it I guess19:44
cjohnstoni would think autogenerate19:44
cjohnstoni dunno19:44
newz2000`Seems like it's too simple19:44
newz2000`I guess that means you and Adi do good work19:45
cjohnstonnow im gonna need adi to teach me how to take those translations and do something with them19:45
newz2000`So here's one minor thing to consider19:45
newz2000`we want the complete string to be brief. Briefer is gooder.19:46
cjohnstonthat's not brief?19:46
newz2000`Well, translators may be able to think of ways to communicate the same concept in shorter ways.19:46
newz2000`I don't know if this is implicit, but if they can think of a shorter way they should use it, even if it's not a direct translation (imho)19:47
newz2000`but otherwise, looks good19:47
adiroibanok. we should just add your note as a comment for that translation19:47
cjohnstonhmm.. how should it be worded19:48
adiroibanand encourage translators to find a short translation that communicate the same idea19:48
* newz2000` has to hop on the phone for a min19:49
cjohnstonTranslation does not need to be direct. If you can translate with a shorter message, that is fine.19:55
cjohnstonthe wording sounds fine?19:55
newz2000`sound good19:55
cjohnstonadiroiban, so now email the translators ML?19:57
adiroibanupdate the pot file and push the changes19:58
adiroibanand then inform translators about this new message that needs their attention19:58
cjohnstonadiroiban: do you have time to help explain to me the js/json?20:15
adiroibancjohnston: yes20:16
cjohnstonquestion re: email.. what should I provide a link to? the project, the bzr branch, something else?20:16
adiroibanthe translations20:17
cjohnstonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/418810/ look good adiroiban ?20:18
cjohnstonok.. well.. here is a question.. if there is no landing page made in a certain language, we technically don't have a need for the translation.. is there an easy way to maintain what languages have the landing page and which dont?20:20
adiroibancjohnston: yes20:22
adiroibanyou can also push PO files into that branch20:22
adiroibanand they will be listed as being „commited”20:22
adiroibanor „in use”20:23
cjohnstontons of stuff to learn20:23
cjohnstonis the 30th a good deadline? too long, too short?20:23
adiroibanbut a deadline for when they will be able to see the results of their work20:23
adiroibanwill still be useful20:23
adiroibanone string is easy to translate20:24
cjohnstonWe are hoping to have the project completed by the end of may.20:24
adiroiban30 should be fine20:24
cjohnstonok.. sending now20:25
cjohnstonwhat do I need to do with translations as they come in?20:28
adiroibanwait for them to be ready20:29
adiroibanand then ask for an export20:29
adiroibanyou will receive an archive containgin po files20:30
adiroibanfor each po file20:30
adiroibanuse po2json (from http://jsgettext.berlios.de/) to generate a json structure that can be used in your js/html code20:30
cjohnstondo i need to wait for the translations to be complete before I do that?20:32
cjohnstonI guess20:32
adiroibani have submitted the romanian translations20:34
adiroibanso you can request an export now20:34
adiroibanand try to generate the json for Romanian20:34
cjohnstonadiroiban: I have to run po2json for every .po?20:47
adiroibanyou should write a script for that20:47
adiroibanof I can write it :)20:48
cjohnstonthat would be wonderful20:48
cjohnstonI know what i need it to say. just dont know how to write it.. lol20:48
cjohnstonwell.. i got one to work.. but it dont look like yours20:54
cjohnstonadiroiban: you still around?21:15
cjohnstonup to 9 translations21:16
cjohnstonOnce I get a working script... we will be rockin21:20
adiroibancjohnston: don't bother with the script21:32
adiroibanjust use a static json and continue your work21:32
adiroibani will provide a script for generating the json from pofiles21:33
cjohnstonso just copy the info from the .po's to match the template you showed me?21:37
adiroibanhm... during our previous session I have create a pastebin containing a sample json file21:44
adiroibanjust use that file fon your work21:44
cjohnstonthats what i ahve21:46
cjohnstonadiroiban: I don't think you showed me how to have the .js pull the info from the .json21:49
adiroibanjust include the json files as a regular .js file21:49
adiroibanand the data will be there21:50
cjohnstonshould resources in YOUR_LANGUAGE match the string in the .pot?21:50
cjohnstonhmm.. isnt working21:55
adiroibanwhat is not working?21:56
knomehis brain21:56
cjohnstonI dont get the text when i load the page21:56
* knome hides21:56
cjohnstonthats normal though knome21:56
adiroibannow you should output the text21:56
adiroibanusing document.write(translation_de['ubuntu_website']['Resources in YOUR LANGUAGE']..etc21:57
adiroibanbut we need to modify that locale.json21:57
adiroibanto something like 41884721:58
adiroibanbut this is js land and is not related to the localization21:59
cjohnstonwhere does the doc write go22:01
knomeinside <body>22:01

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