
dholbachgood morning08:22
nigelbwhere can I get svg of UW logo?12:27
jussinigelb: you arent allowed to have it, sorry :P12:39
* nigelb glares at jussi 12:39
elkynigelbabu, on the /Resources page13:25
nigelbabuelky, thank you :)13:26
nigelbabuelky, remember that video idea I had.13:40
nigelbabuI might just go with it :)13:40
nigelbabu(if I figure out how to work with kdenlive)13:40
elkyUh oh :P13:40
elkyThe poster seems to have worked well. I'm not sure about the video though.13:41
elkyAs in, I'm having trouble understanding what the video will be of13:42
nigelbabuwell, I'm having trouble with understanding that as well13:42
nigelbabujust playing around for now.  Nothing definite13:42
elkyI'm glad you're equally confused then13:43
akgranerconfusion equality :-)13:51
nigelbabubasically its a learning experiment to see how much of kdenlive I can get used to.13:51
nigelbabuIf good enough, it would be a nice skill to know13:51
akgranerhey I was asked yesterday if it is ok that boys be in the pic - - one community person has 2 daughters and one son and it is hard to exclude him -- I said I thought it would be ok as long as the girls are the ones in front of and using the computer, but would get some clarification on that?  Thoughts13:53
elkyakgraner, yeah, so long as the primary subject is the girl13:58
elkyakgraner, even having parents in it with the girl is fine, so long as the girl is actively engaging in the activity13:58
elkyIMHO anyway13:59
IdleOneagree with elky13:59
akgranerthat's what I thought as well13:59
IdleOneboys/parents/grandparents/dog/cat as long as the girl is the one playing, using ubuntu13:59
akgranerbut did not want to just say that without running past folks14:00
elkyakgraner, sure no problem. Maybe a FAQ wiki page is warranted14:00
akgranerelky, I am thinking it is14:00
IdleOneawesome pic would be the entire family running ubuntu laptops next to each other with the young girl in the center :)14:00
akgranerI got asked who can be in the pic?14:00
akgranerwho is the computer for the photographer or the child14:01
elkyThe computer is for the family, really14:01
elkyhow they distribute it is entirely up to them. Hopefully though they use it to encourage the darling14:01
akgranerand clarification on the CC licenses14:01
akgranerso those are the ones I have gotten so far - not sure what anyone else has been asked though14:02
elkyget those few up and blog about it and see what others ask14:02
elkycrowdsourced confusion!14:03
IdleOnehave a nice day folks14:03
elkyWow, we have 4 translations going now!14:07
nigelbabupleia2, w00t w00t17:19
nigelbabuthe poster became a hit.  yaay elky :)17:19
pleia2yeah, and the "easy steps" wiki page is really great17:20
nigelbabuyep.  I loved it :)17:20
AlanBellhi Aiween20:55
czajkowskiI'm going for EMEA and if anyone would like to leave a comment on my wiki that would be great https://wiki.ubuntu.com/czajkowski#Testimonials%20for%20EMEA%20Regional%20Membership%20Board22:50

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