
Dracarii've had this issues with runing SimTower under the latest dev of wine where on the AppDV it has a platnium rating w/ sound issues and installer issues http://forum.winehq.org/viewtopic.php?t=8232 atm i cant get my xubuntu lucid lynix to let wine compile03:11
Dracarias io was suggested to regression test this03:11
Dracariatm on 1.2 DEVEL wine. second you launch SimTower Winevdm.exe crashes03:12
Dracarithis Game is old... and i Mean old like Windows 3.11 Old03:13
loki00Installing xubuntu on my Dwll Mini 10 (1010) Want to dual boot and preserve the Dell Restore partition. I have a turtorial but need a bit of advice.04:19
loki00wow my spelling is questionable in the first post -Sorry04:19
rosalindok so I installed Xubuntu 9.10 on this brand new computer, and the sound doesnt work04:34
rosalindI removed pusle audio,04:34
rosalindthe mixer shows my sound card, and I turned up all the controls but no luck04:35
rosalindalsamixergui says its a Intel G45 DEVIBX04:37
David-Arosalind: removed pulseaudio? didnt that remove a lot of other programs depending on it? if really not removed, see in mixer settings if pulsaudio exists and if it is muted there?04:40
rosalindDavid-A, yeah I removed it, sound wasn't working before I removed it, and I've fixed the sound on computer w/ Ubuntu before by removing pulse-audio04:43
rosalindso I thought I would remove it04:43
rosalindyeah strange04:49
rosalindcan't get the sound to work04:49
rosalindIntel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 06)04:50
rosalindthat is what lspci gives me04:50
rosalindI have tried turning up alsa, master, pcs, pulse audio04:50
David-Arosalind: in the mixer settings, in the sound system dropdown box, has "pulseaudo" disappeared there? if not, if you select it, and maybe select a control for master or similar, is it muted? (it often on my eeepc)04:53
BalsaqCitizens of Xubuntu, Its a long way to the top if you wanna rock-n-roll.05:47
s73v3rSo I had an install of Xubuntu 8.04, that I've upgraded using the tool to 9.10. Now, I'm unable to use mplayer to convert ac3 audio to wav07:35
s73v3rI've enabled the medibuntu repositories, and downloaded a new ffmpeg from there, but still no dice07:35
s73v3rI keep getting a "could not connect to socket" error07:35
xnubgah, need help... I totally busted my xubuntu install, and not sure how to fix it.08:33
moetunesxnub: what do you call busted?08:34
xnubI booted up an old out-of-date xubuntu vbox, 8.10, I saw a bunch of updates were available, on the update manager I saw a new version was ready to go... so I hit the upgrade button08:34
xnubNow I can't get xfce to start08:34
xnubI can get it to start as root08:34
xnubkilling X08:34
xnublogging in as root08:34
xnubworks fine08:35
xnubif I try to log in as my normal user all normal like... I get errors galore08:35
moetuneswhy do you have a root account?08:35
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:35
xnubNo Exec line in the session file: xfce4 Running the GNOME failsafe session instead08:36
xnubThat is what I get08:36
xnubthen i click ok08:36
xnub"Could not fine GNOME installation, will try running the "failsafe xterm" session."08:37
moetunesxnub: instead of trying to log in through gdm - do ctrl+alt+f2 and log in then do startxfce4 and see if it lets you in then08:38
xnubwell, I need a root account, cause I forget my password all the time :p08:38
xnubI use sudo all the time, only switch to root in times of need08:38
xnubI'm sure it will let me in08:39
xnubbut do I want to do that every time?08:39
xnubHeck no08:39
xnubHow can I fix this?08:39
moetunesis there a .xinit file in your home folder?08:40
moetunesoops is there a .xinitrc file in your home folder?08:43
xnub.xauthority .xchat2 .xscreensaver-getimage.cache .xsession-errors08:45
xnubthe only .x files08:45
moetunesone min08:46
s73v3rdid something happen in 9.10 with regards to ac3 support and mplayer?08:50
s73v3rI'm trying to convert an ac3 file to an m4a file, and mplayer apparently won't read it08:51
moetunesxnub: seems there might be an issue with /usr/share/xsessions/xfce.desktop - is there a line in there that goes   Exec=startxfce4   ?08:51
xnubI use VLC08:51
s73v3rI'm converting an mkv file so I can play it on my xbox36008:51
s73v3rnormally I can do the audio with mplayer and neroAacEnc08:52
xnubmoetunes: yes there is a line that says that08:52
s73v3rbut I upgraded to 9.10 last night, and now it broke08:52
moetunesxnub: is that file executable?08:52
xnubhow would I go about checking? :P08:52
moetunesxnub: right click it and see if execute is an option08:53
xnubI am in command line at the moment08:54
xnubI cannot get into a GUI08:54
moetunesxnub: ls -l /usr/share/xsession08:54
moetunesrwx should be there for that file08:54
moetunesxnub: k - I get that here nevermind - at the gdm login select xfce4 session not the last on - can you try that?08:56
* moetunes is making coffee08:57
xnubI don't even get that far08:58
xnubafter the xubuntu loading bar08:58
xnubit takes me to the error: "No Exec line in the session file: xfce4 Running the GNOME failsafe session instead"08:58
xnubdamn it how do I kill X again?08:59
moetunesctrl+alt+bkspace or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop09:00
=== IlmariL_ is now known as IlmariL
xnubI did the gdm stop thing09:03
xnubnow all I have is a black screen with a cursor, not even a prompt09:03
moetunestry tty2 - ctrl+alt+f209:05
xnubyeah I did that, but I can't use startx or startxfce409:05
xnubsays there's a server already09:05
moetunespkill X09:05
psycho_oreosprobably running on tty709:05
psycho_oreosor init 309:06
psycho_oreosyou might need sudo for either of those :p09:06
xnubOk I manged to get it09:09
xnubI let it load into xterm09:09
xnubthen did exit09:09
psycho_oreossounds like you got in via startx instead of startxfce09:10
xnubactually, when I did exit on xterm09:10
xnubthe normal login thing for 9.04 appeared09:10
xnubso I was able to change default session09:10
xnubrebooting now to see if everything is fixed09:11
xnubappears everything is in order now09:15
moetunesneeded to choosea diff session - that's great :)09:15
xnubcept that :(09:17
xnubmy screen resolutions won't stay put09:17
xnubthrough reboots09:17
xnuband virtualbox guest additions don't appear to be working09:18
moetuneshave you made an xorg.conf?09:18
_Techie_moetunes, xorg.conf is no longer used09:18
moetunes_Techie_: it can be made and would then be used09:19
moetunesXorg -configure09:19
xnubguess only thing I can do is take all of my sourcecode I was writing on there and back it up09:33
xnubstart fresh with the latest version09:33
xnubvirtualbox guest additions refuse to work09:34
moetunesbummer... - is it an old vbox version?09:34
xnubnaw I just updated it before I went to use it.09:36
xnubI had some code I wanted to try out using arbitrary integer size09:36
xnubI don't quite understand what the BIONIC collatz conjecture project is actually doing... but if it it simply fiding out how many steps to solve a big number.... I just whooped their grid computing09:37
xnubgonna go to sleep, deal with this tomarrow09:40
xnubthanks for the assistance moetunes09:40
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=== Dracari is now known as Dracari|Sleeping
solotimHi, I found that the memory in use reported by 'top' and 'System Monitor' is different, can anyone tell me why?15:16
solotimI got 256 total memory, 'top' says 231160k is in use, but 'System Monitor' says 139.5M is in use.15:17
solotimOK, I'v got the answer from #ubuntu.15:22
levarhow do i connect to an external display21:12
knomestart by levitating 30 mins, then start the practices where you think you are a display, after which snap your fingers twice and you're done.21:13
knomeseriously, try 'xrandr --auto' in terminal21:14
levarhahaha come on how do you do it thank u knome21:14
levaru are awesome knome it worked immediately21:15
knomeno problem. :) have fun21:15
levarAs u can see i am new to xubuntu well linux period21:15
levarLInux is the shit21:15
levarnow what else.........21:15
knomei actually bumped to that myself a week ago, so was in clear memory21:16
levari am on the oldest pc in the world and it is like its brand new out the box21:16
levarany one know any programs that can make websites on linux21:17
charlie-tcalevar: bluefish is nice21:23
charlie-tca!info komposer21:23
ubottuPackage komposer does not exist in karmic21:23
charlie-tca!info composer21:23
ubottuPackage composer does not exist in karmic21:23
levarSO many21:24
levarimma check it out right now21:24
levari tried kubuntu it was cool21:25
levarhow do i get themes21:25
levari tried super os. it was super slow21:26
charlie-tca!info nvu21:26
ubottuPackage nvu does not exist in karmic21:26
charlie-tca!info kompozer21:27
ubottukompozer (source: kompozer): complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.8~alpha4+dfsg+svn163-2 (karmic), package size 7328 kB, installed size 19580 kB21:27
charlie-tcalevar: kompozer is more automatic21:27
levaro really kompozer21:27
charlie-tcaI write mine by hand21:28
levarwell i fix windows pc's(so many problems u can become a millionaire doing that with all the damn problems)21:29
levari have one i created relwiktech.com21:30
levarCheck it out. i need feedback21:30
charlie-tcatoo dark to read21:31
charlie-tcablack on dark doesn't read well21:32
charlie-tcaMy eyes can't see the contrast, which means to mean I get almost a blank page21:33
knomethe use of so many fonts is confusing21:33
levarever heard of ebox21:37
=== Dracari|Sleeping is now known as Dracari
charlie-tcaebox ?21:39
charlie-tca!info ebox21:39
ubottuebox (source: ebox): common library used by eBox platform modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.5-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 453 kB, installed size 3208 kB21:39
charlie-tcaI don't know21:39
levarhow do i install samba22:18
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:18
levarthere was a code u can type in under terminal that brought a box up where u can drop your filie in. i forgot the code22:20
levari got it. im a newbie22:22
charlie-tcaWe all started that way22:25
systrikdear everybody, i have downloaded the latest version of xubuntu and installed it 1h ago. the installation was successfull but I can't start xfce. I can only see my mouse. I get errno 3 and errno 1123:54
hezysystrik: latest is 9.10 right?23:56
systrikyes hezy23:56
hezywhat did you use with this computer before installing xubuntu 9.10?23:57
systrikubuntu 9.1023:57
systrikwith gnome23:57
systrikI removed it and installed xubuntu23:57
hezyremoved? did you format the disk?23:58
systrikI deleted it in the installation of xubuntu23:58
systrikwhen selecting partitions23:58
hezyare you using the liveCD now?23:59
systrikno I'm not, I can't use xfce because I can only see the mouse, everything else is black23:59

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