
=== DrPepperKid is now known as MacSlow
bdrungis this the right channel to find graphics designer?11:32
bdrungcan someone convert the svg icon of audacious into a monochrome one that integrates well with ubuntu's default themes (bug #563043)?11:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 563043 in audacious (Ubuntu) "audacious2.png alpha blending is wrong (affects: 1) (dups: 1)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56304311:34
mptbdrung, you could try #ubuntu-artwork11:36
bdrungk, will ask there11:36
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
qensejcastro: There are building issues and all kinds of nasty installation errors and crashes with Banshee.AppIndicator -- including the version in the Lucid repo -- because the much needed fix for libappindicator0-cil hasn't been released yet. Am I right hyperair?15:57
qenseI was wondering if you could bug anyone about this issue.15:57
hyperairoh look seb128_ is here too15:58
qensemaybe he can help us15:58
qensejcastro, seb128_: it's this bug: bug #564506 (Critical)15:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 564506 in indicator-application (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "libappindicator-cil-dev's .pc file points to the wrong place (affects: 12) (dups: 4) (heat: 96)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56450615:59
jcastroqense, is it fixed upstream and just needs to get into the distro?15:59
qensejcastro: there is a merge request for the Ubuntu packaging, but it needs to be reviewed and uploaded.15:59
qensejcastro: The banshee-community-extensions part has been fixed, but it will continue to FTBS until the appind fix is uploaded.16:00
jcastroI see16:00
jcastrook so we need to hug seb128_16:00
Zdratedg, Hi, you are the one working on libappindicator integration in rhythmbox?16:01
qenseZdra: I thought that was Nafai16:01
jcastroZdra, it was initially bratsche and then jpetersen finished it off16:02
seb128_no, bratsche wrote the rhythmbox change16:02
qensehyperair: the diff renames libappindicator0-cil to libappindicator0.0-cil, but libappindicator-cil-dev to libappindicator0.1-cil-dev? Why the different number?16:02
jcastroZdra, it's sitting on bgo but the upstream maintainer wants to discuss it so we'll probably chat about it at UDS.16:03
Zdrabratsche: So when I don't have the indicator applet, the status icon goes to the notification area. But its behaviors isn't reverted to upstream's. For example I don't have tooltip, popup menu is on left-click instead of right-click, no way to play/pause with middle-click, not changing volume on scrolling, no way to show/hide the main window16:04
Zdrajcastro, tedg Nafai (who ever is doing that) ^16:05
ZdraI would like to fix that, but I don't know how I can know in the code if the indicator applet is present16:05
qenseI was wrong about Nafai, sorry.16:05
qenseZdra: I think we're providing it as a patch16:05
Zdrayep, there is a patch in the rb package16:06
qenseZdra: I think they're using preprocessor #ifdef structures.16:06
Zdrabut that should be run-time since I can add/remove the indicator applet at runtime16:07
Zdrathat's what I would like to change, but I don't see how16:07
tedgZdra: You can override the fallback functions.16:07
tedgZdra: So we have a default way to create the GtkStatusIcon16:07
tedgZdra: And you can build it anyway you want if you subclass and override.16:07
qensejcastro, seb128_: To add to the pain of the problems with Banshee.AppIndicator due to libappindicator0-cil's packaging: I can't work on the two bug reports since libappindicator0-cil doesn't seem to be working at all now.16:08
seb128_it's not used anywhere in lucid anyway16:08
seb128_I fail to see that as a real issue, we will get it working next cycle16:09
qenseseb128_: You mean AppInd-sharp?16:09
qenseThere is a fix for it already. The bug is blocking the building of banshee-community-extensions.16:10
qenseIf the fix won't land we'd have to remove banshee-extension-appindicator from the archives because it's not workable.16:10
seb128_right, but we are frozen for rc now16:10
jcastrois this SRUable?16:10
seb128_well it's universe software, after rc doesn't seem time to rename binaries from a source in main to accomodate universe software which never worked16:10
qenseNot due to a complicated programming bug, but due to a packaging mistake in a library that is used by exactly one package.16:10
qenseplus: the packaging is a violation of the Debian CLI Policy.16:11
seb128_right, we have people every day arguing that $random_universe_software not working is end of the world16:11
seb128_we ship on time, it that change is late for lucid we will get it working next cycle16:11
qenseand in its current state we actually should not only remove banshee-extension-appindicator from the archives, but also libappindicator0-cil and libappindicator-cil-dev because they are not working at all.16:11
seb128_they are not breaking anything either16:12
seb128_we limit changes to what we really need between rc and lucid16:12
qenseI understand that, but those three packages aren't even on the CD, nor required or even suggested by any other package at all.16:12
jcastrocan we fix it in a PPA, test it for a bit and then propose it as an SRU post-lucid?16:12
seb128_no but they require an upload for a chance which is on the CD16:13
Zdratedg, is all the code in 82_rhythmbox-indicators.patch ?16:13
seb128_Zdra, yes16:13
qenseseb128_: what change?16:13
seb128_chance -> source16:13
seb128_qense, indicator-application has binaries on the CD16:13
seb128_if we update it we need to respin CD16:13
qenseah, you mean the fact that you can't build the C# bindings apart.16:13
seb128_it needs an indicator-application upload16:14
seb128_which will mean new binaries for all the thing it builds16:14
seb128_including the C library16:14
qenseI forgot to look at it from the source package perspective, you're completely right here.16:14
qenseIn that case, would it be possible to do the update post-release?16:14
seb128_qense, I will sponsor the pending change and let slangasek decide for after rc and with eventual respins16:16
seb128_qense, otherwise yes we will be able to SRU that16:16
qenseseb128_: great, thank you16:16
Zdratedg, for what I understand, the function rb_tray_icon_new() is implemented in 2 places: in the indicator patch and in status-icon plugin16:17
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
tedgZdra: I'm not as familiar with the RB patch, I'm sorry.  I'm more familiar with the library.16:18
tedgI'm not sure who did the RB patch16:18
seb128brastche and jpertersen working on it16:18
ZdraI see, it is in makefile it replace rb-tray-icon-gtk.c by rb-indicator.c16:19
Zdratedg, so do you know how in runtime I can know if tray icon will be embeded inside the notification area or the indicator applet?16:20
bratscheI wrote the original RB patch, but I don't understand what the issue is.16:22
Zdrabratsche, I would like to modify the patch, so at runtime, if the indicator applet is not in the panel, it revert to upstream behavior16:24
tedgZdra: You can either listen to the signal or wait for the function to be called.16:24
tedgZdra: I think in general it's best to just implement fallback/unfallback and they'll be called if needed.16:24
hyperairseb128: slangasek already gave his approval17:25
hyperairseb128: directhex and i discussed it with him yesterday17:26
hyperairafter which i pinged you in #ubuntu-release17:26
seb128I was probably away for lunch17:26
seb128I didn't read that backlog17:26
hyperairseb128: basically he acked it as long as there would be *no* further changes to indicator-application17:27
seb128I will just sponsor what is waiting if you confirm what should be uploaded17:27
hyperairseb128: the changes that were in the merge request. that's it.17:28
hyperairseb128: tested by directhex to build, install, and work fine17:28
hyperairseb128: if tedg doesn't have any more changes then i think it can be uploaded.17:29
tedgseb128: I think the only other possible change would be if Nafai can figure out the gnome BT one.17:29
Nafaiyeah :)17:30
tedgseb128: The Mono updates work for me though.  I was able to rebuild my local Tomboy happy happy now.17:30
seb128will sponsor that after the meeting in ubuntu-desktop17:30
qensetedg: I'll be restarting my work on the C# bindings in the Maverick cycle, it is too late now to push such a large change to the Mono bindings that isn't needed by anything at the moment, actually, and I don't really have time to work on it. I'll await the roadmap for AppInd.17:31
tedgqense: Cool, that'd be great!17:32
tedgqense: I don't think there'll be many changes in the Maverick cycle.  Hopefully just fixes.17:32
qensetedg: We already now what the exact problem is, but I need to make time to write a proper fix. And i haven't made time yet. ;)17:32
qensetedg: No exciting new stuff like categorising? :D17:32
* tedg hates exciting and new as they all create bugs :)17:33
vishqense: thanks for looking at the merge > https://code.launchpad.net/~ubunt-u-markbenjamin/indicator-applet/reorient/+merge/23524  :)17:33
qensevish: yw17:33
qensetedg: I like exciting and new because I make myself forget all the bugs117:34
vishqense: its now awaiting tedg to merge it to main?17:34
qensevish: I have no idea, but considering the RC freeze: only after the release17:34
qenseseb128: We also have another merge request, this time for indicator-applet. It adds support for vertical panels. Definitely something for post-release updates?17:34
tedgYeah, I can't imagine we can do that one at this point in the release cycle.17:37
tedgIt seems reasonably for an SRU though to me.17:37
MarkieMark1I should say too, qense thanks for that :)17:38
qenseMarkieMark1: thank you for the fix17:38
MarkieMark1it's a pleasure :)17:39
qenseand apologises for making you create a new branch because I can't figure out the difference between indicator-application and indicator-applet. :P17:39
MarkieMark1no worries, I learnt some of how debian packaging works17:40
=== jono_ is now known as jono
seb128qense, yes17:42
qenselets not make your life harder now :)17:43
=== doctormo_ is now known as doctormo
mesulaCan someone help me get Pidgin working with the messenger applet please?23:47

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