
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
scottmaccalMorning Edubutu. Long time... I trust all is well.12:48
mhall119I wish15:18
bencrisfordmhall119: heh, what timezone you in?15:20
bencrisfordmhall119: so thats UTC-5?15:23
mhall119yeah or -415:26
mhall119depending on the time of year15:26
* bencrisford wants to go home :(15:33
highvoltagehi everyone15:49
alkisgHi highv15:49
sbalneavMorning all15:51
highvoltagehi sbalneav16:04
sbalneavSigh.  Gotta get thinking about the ldap spec :(16:05
highvoltagesbalneav: what happened to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ltsp-persistent-home ?16:53
sbalneavhighvoltage: Well, it works :)16:57
sbalneavI tested the patches that were there, and we even demonstrated it working right in the UDS at the time16:58
sbalneavThen it was supposed to be "approved" by somebody16:58
sbalneavAnd there it sat. :)16:58
sbalneavAs far as setting up thinks like web kiosks or the like where you want a clean home dir every time, works a treat.16:58
sbalneavI think the problem was that it actally made patches to pam_mkhomedir, which is a standard pam module, and nobody wanted to touch it.16:59
sbalneavOne supposes that we could make a completely standalone pam module to do the same thing as pam_mkhomedir, but call it something else.17:00
sbalneavI'd be more than happy to do that, and I suggested it at the time, but for whatever reason, interest petered out at the time, and I didn't bother to persue it.17:00
sbalneavBut it works quite nice.17:01
sbalneavLog in, home dir's created17:01
sbalneavlog out, home dir disappears.17:01
sbalneavEvery time you log in, you start out clean.17:02
highvoltagesbalneav: yeah there's a few places where I can imagine it being kind of useful17:02
sbalneavWell, library terminals, etc, was sort of the use spec.17:02
sbalneavuse case, sorry.17:02
bencrisfordhighvoltage: speaking of blueprints, the other day i saw an ancient one about cleaning up the edubuntu launchpad teams17:34
bencrisforddisabling old/inactive/unnecessary ones, and fixing the ones what need fixing17:34
* bencrisford needs sleep22:34
bencrisfordnight all22:34

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