
shtylmanRiddell: are you able to reproduce this high cpu usage bug?03:23
ScottKshtylman: I tried chromium.  It is fast.03:24
* shtylman is so proud of ScottK :)03:24
ScottKOf course I doubt I can handle the removal of http:.03:24
shtylmansupposidly when you copy it works03:25
ScottKNot yet03:25
shtylmanI see03:25
ScottKBut it's typical of the current wave of design arrogance that discounts any value for "what people are used to".03:25
shtylmanbut sometimes you do have to break trends03:26
shtylmanjust to see what will happen03:26
shtylmandoesn't always work out03:26
shtylmanbut thats called progress03:26
ScottKWTF, I've only been dealing with browsers that had that for 16 years.03:26
shtylmanotherwise everyone is too scared to do anything03:26
ScottKSure, but have a reason for it.03:26
ScottK"People don't need it" isn't a reason.03:26
ScottKIt breaks my user interface expectations for no reason at all.03:27
ScottKSo I ask myself do I want to get used to a browser designed by idiots like this or not?03:27
ScottKThis won't be the last thing the do like this.03:27
shtylmanwhat does it break for you?03:27
ScottKNot kidding.03:27
shtylmanwhat interaction?03:28
persiae.g. sharing URLs with IRC, as one example of many03:28
ScottKCurrently copy/paste is broken, but that's a bug.03:28
shtylmanpersia: its a bug03:28
shtylmanonce that is fixed... I don't really know what else will be a problem03:28
ScottKshtylman: It just looks wrong because stuff is missing.03:29
ScottKAnd so I'm going to experience the discomfort of this for what?03:29
ScottKNo reason at all.03:29
shtylmanand chromium is open source... so it change be changed if people get super upset...but I think once they fix the bug it won't be an issue03:29
shtylmanScottK: I guess different people react differently... I can see other's point of view on this03:29
shtylmanI personally was like... ok.. thats nice... moving on03:30
shtylmanand didn't give it another thought03:30
ScottKOK, I'm going to go crash.03:30
shtylmanmy life has not been shattered by it... and the benefits I have gotten from chromium far outweight any loss here03:30
shtylmandon't crash too hard03:30
ScottKTry not to.03:30
txwikingerhibernating does not seem to work very well in lucid03:44
ScottKtxwikinger: What kind of machine?03:47
ScottKDidn't hear anything about problems with those.03:47
txwikingerdisplay came up in lower resolution03:47
txwikingerand knetworkmanager was disabled03:48
txwikingerI needed to kill it and restart it03:48
ScottKNothing like that here03:49
txwikingerhmm.. maybe it was an one off03:49
txwikingerneed to test that a bit03:49
ScottKThese sorts of things are often very hardware specific.03:50
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ryanakcaRiddell: I'll take care of it when I get back from school tonight12:21
Riddellryanakca: of which?12:22
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
shadeslayerQuintasan: hi :D13:18
Riddellgo go ISO testers!13:19
Quintasansure, why not13:19
shadeslayerRiddell: exams... :(13:19
shadeslayerRiddell: i already have requests for 50 of the CD's... then theres the LoCo13:21
OxymoronI guess someone in here uses Kdevelop? :)13:21
OxymoronI wonder is it possible to autofix identation when you open a file?13:22
Tm_Twhat you mean by fixing indentation?13:23
Tm_Tfixing the length of it or13:23
OxymoronTm_T: I show ya a screenshot what I mean its hard to explain13:23
OxymoronAll editors I have used before doesnt ident tabs correct13:24
Tm_TOxymoron: or you haven't set them correctly (:13:25
OxymoronTm_T: http://imagebin.ca/view/0rmyMhEh.html13:25
OxymoronTm_T: If I should highlight those areas around methods parse and getqueries I would fix the identation but I would like it to fix by automation when I open file.13:26
OxymoronIn someway identation isnt setup correct for some tabs \t and some are correct.13:27
Quintasanoh so awesome13:27
Quintasanlucid live cd won't shutdown on kvm13:28
OxymoronAnd whats difference between identation width and tabulator width?13:28
OxymoronKdevelop4 is rocking awesome btw, it has everything that I need from an editor and it looks good as well <313:28
OxymoronTm_T: You see on my screenshot that some identation is smaller than other ones :S This is different in all editors I have used, in Zend Studio I thought everything was good and then I tested Netbeans and nothing works with identation, then Aptana which use same editor thing as Zend Studio which mean Eclipse. Then now I test Kdevelop which seem to finally do everything correct doesnt show my identation as I want it to be :P13:32
OxymoronIts silly that I want correct identation but it annoys me if it isnt perfect because Im some sort of perfectionist13:32
OxymoronWhat I want is that the editor should replace all 8 space characters with tabulators on-the-fly sort of speak. If I would highlight the whole file and press tab key it would replace spaces with tabulators.13:39
OxymoronTm_T: Yes but I would love to fix it without find and replace my whole framework source with several thousands of code lines ...13:40
OxymoronTm_T: Or maybe if its possible to build my own code formatter and select all source code and autofix code formatting and tabulators all at once <3 I have been looking for one in ages to setup the formatter after my own prefered formatting of PHP code. Zend Studio have almost what I want but you cant setup everything in there.13:43
QuintasanRiddell: are those slides that show during install process translateable?13:46
OxymoronTm_T: Do you think its possible to make a code formatter which apply certain rules you provide it and then loop through a project folder and apply code formatting on every single file in a snatch? :P Is it theorethical possible to program something like that inside Kdevelop?13:49
OxymoronMaybe some kind of editor plugin :)13:49
Tm_Tno idea13:50
QuintasanOxymoron: I think guys over in #kdevelop would be able to help you14:06
OxymoronQuintasan: Didnt know there was such channel, thanks man :)14:06
QuintasanNo problem :).14:07
Quintasanapachelogger: ping14:07
apacheloggerQuintasan: huh?14:07
Quintasanoh awesome14:08
Quintasanapachelogger: I'm too lazy to search in backlog, you told me some time ago that I should go and learn polymorphism, classes, virtual functions etc, I've got the basics, anything else I should know?14:09
apacheloggerdont think so14:10
* apachelogger must elect a president now14:10
apachelogger2x doctor and one lady14:10
Quintasanawesome, then I'm off looking for a Qt/KDE introduction14:11
* apachelogger fires up universal decision maker14:11
Quintasankubotu: 8ball should I play stepmania now?14:12
* kubotu shakes the magic 8-ball for Quintasan ... no14:12
Quintasanoh, I want to play stepmania but I was wondering if kubout has 8ball14:12
apacheloggermy oh my14:13
Quintasan8ball I really should not play stepmania?14:13
Quintasansilly me14:13
* Quintasan gets his dancing mat14:14
* apachelogger is done electing new president \\o/14:14
Quintasanthat mean you have voted for yourself, right? :P14:16
apacheloggerobviously enough14:16
* Quintasan imagines HUGE posters "Vote for Harald!"14:17
* apachelogger votes for himself ever since he is able to vote14:17
apacheloggerdidn't work out so fa14:17
apacheloggerI suppose I must bribe someone into putting my name on the lists ;)14:17
Quintasankubotu: order cookies for apachelogger14:17
* kubotu slides a whole bunch of world's finest cookies down the bar to apachelogger.14:17
Quintasanor just start a rebellion :P14:18
apacheloggerwith like whom?14:18
apacheloggerand against what?14:18
Tonio_hum, shouldn't we have that one packaged and added as a dep to the firefox-kde installer ?14:20
Tonio_it would contribute to have a nicelly integrated firefox14:21
apacheloggerTonio_: I'm using KDE 4.4.1 with FF 3.6.3. This extension keeps crashing. Unfortunately it doesn't work well with Xmarks either - it keeps deleting all my passwords14:23
apacheloggerfrom the comments section14:23
apacheloggerbesides, it's too late now anyway :/14:23
Tonio_apachelogger: I was suggesting that for lucid+1 obviously :)14:24
Tonio_apachelogger: anyway kmozillahelper might handle this at that time14:24
apacheloggermakes more sense in kmozhelper anyway ;)14:24
Tonio_it comes to my mind... did we get a fix for oxygen ?14:25
Tonio_the "I break 3D performances by 80% with your modern intel chip !" ?14:25
Tonio_I had to switch the windeco just because of that14:25
Tonio_and that will annoy a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT of people14:25
* apachelogger didnt know there was such an issue14:26
RiddellQuintasan: yes the slides are translatable14:26
OxymoronWhy isnt KDevelop4 ppa updated to RC3?14:27
RiddellOxymoron: needing someone to package it14:27
Tonio_apachelogger: unortunatelly there is...14:27
QuintasanRiddell: awesome, I'll get to it soon14:27
OxymoronRiddell: I could do it if someone tell me how, or maybe point me someway in correct direction. Btw, isnt there anything else than kubuntu-beta ppa for kdevelop?14:28
RiddellQuintasan: best be very soon, there's no point doing it after language packs get their final update for the CDs, unlike most software the slides are only run from the CDs14:28
QuintasanRiddell: When is the deadline?14:29
* Quintasan can pull this off today but he is a bit lazy14:29
RiddellOxymoron: grab the current sources, grab the new tar, rename the new tar to the correct naming pattern, copy over the debian/ directory from the old tar, dch -i for a new changelog entry, debuild to build it, debuild -S to build source14:29
RiddellQuintasan: not sure, dpm will know14:29
Riddellprobably it's on the release schedule14:29
OxymoronRiddell: Que? :D Didnt understand much of that :P14:30
RiddellOxymoron: where do you get lost?14:31
OxymoronRiddell: Rename to correct naming pattern and then where to get current source?14:31
QuintasanOxymoron: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete14:32
Tonio_apachelogger: I'll have to test oxygen again to see what's going on14:33
RiddellOxymoron: get current sources from the PPA either through the web page or with apt-get source14:33
RiddellOxymoron: nameing pattern has an underscore between name and version no and .orig.tar.gz at the end14:33
OxymoronRiddell: Alright, hopefully I manage to fix it but I dont understand why it has to be so complicated to just compile source :P14:34
dpmQuintasan, Riddell, translation deadline for language pack packages is on Thursday, the 22nd, at 20:00 UTC -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule14:34
Tonio_yeah....... still so dramatically slow here with oxygen....14:35
Quintasandpm: ah, okay will get to it now14:36
dpmcool, thanks14:39
QuintasanRiddell: are those slides a different package?14:42
RiddellQuintasan: ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu14:43
shadeslayernixternal: there?15:09
shadeslayerill brb..... weechat is acting up15:09
shadeslayerah irssi is much better :)15:10
shadeslayeroh well i just wanted to point out that the wallpaper ( if you can call it that ) atop the desktop cube is not of the right size15:11
shadeslayernixternal: http://imagebin.ca/view/urBZMoJ.html15:12
ScottKTm_T: Can I get some powerpc testing? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ports/daily-live/current/16:11
Quintasan25% done \o/16:36
scottl_is the network management plasma widget replacing knetworkmanager for lucid?16:48
Riddellscottl_: no16:51
lex79scottl_: no we still use network-manager-kde16:51
shadeslayerthe widget still has a few bugs imp16:51
scottl_ok thanks16:51
neversfeldeis 20100419.2 of kubuntu-netbook the candidate iso for the rc?16:57
Riddellneversfelde: yes16:59
ScottKnixternal: Did your powerpc box survive the disaster?17:00
nixternalScottK: yes it did...need me to turn it on?17:10
ScottKnixternal: Can it run Kubuntu for at least a test install?  We've got ISOs need testing.17:11
nixternali can probably set that up later to do, i can't do that now though17:12
nigelbnixternal, you seem to have had a fun conference.  Also, the stickers on your laptop rocks.17:14
nixternalmust have been an old conference17:15
nigelbnixternal, that help thing17:16
ScottKnixternal: That'd be great.  I think we've got a great powerpc release here and I want to make sure we get it tested and verified.17:17
shadeslayernigelb: what stickers? :P17:17
nigelbshadeslayer, his laptop is black, but its covered with these multicolored stickers like ubuntu, kde, (dont remember the rest)17:18
shadeslayernigelb: nice!!!17:19
* shadeslayer plans to steal nixternal's laptop and the stickers17:19
shadeslayerof course ill give the laptop back... no use for me :)17:19
shadeslayernixternal: did you pay for them? or did you get them for free?17:20
shadeslayeroh and did you get my earlier message?17:20
nixternalshadeslayer: got them for free17:26
nixternalI had a ton of the FSF stickers a while or so back17:26
shadeslayeroh yayy... i have no taskbar now...17:26
nixternalgotta have tasks in order to have a task bar, so get to work! :p17:27
shadeslayernixternal: nice :P17:27
shadeslayeri knew i shouldnt have added that rss reader....17:28
shadeslayerbtw did you guys see the new blur effect in kde 4.5?17:29
shadeslayerand what will : http://www.kdenews.org/2010/04/01/announcing-upcoming-release-new-customized-kde-software-compilations : mean for us?17:31
neversfeldeshadeslayer: it was published on 1st of April?17:32
shadeslayerneversfelde: hehe17:32
claydohit means we get Pink Ponies!!17:33
shadeslayerclaydoh: :P17:34
shadeslayeroh and checkout http://www.enricoros.com/blog/2010/04/delicious-transblurency/17:34
jussiso no one wants to use kobby at UDS?17:43
Riddellnot enough to have to backport gnome packages..17:44
ScottKjussi: If someone can test, I can deal with the actual backports.17:45
jussiScottK: I can install hardy and jaunty into VMware and test.17:46
jussior virtualbox :D17:46
ScottKjussi: OK.17:46
* jussi grabs isos...17:46
jussiScottK: do we need to test intrepid?17:56
ScottKjussi: No.  It will be out of support by UDS17:57
jussiScottK: excellent.17:57
jussiiso's are downloading.17:58
jussiScottK: jaunty installed, hardy on its way. Ill be ready whenever you are (today or later :D ) I assume youll pop it in a PPA somewhere. Just let me know where :)18:19
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed
txwikingerScottK: is there finally a server that works for kobby?18:49
nookie^Riddell: ping18:50
ScottKtxwikinger: I didn't look into it, but I'd assume so.18:51
txwikingerI thought the last time we couldn't use it because the server version required was not stable enough or something like that18:51
jussitxwikinger: no, its not that it isnt stable enough, its that it needed to be compatible across versions18:52
txwikingeryeah or something like that18:53
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== fjlacoste is now known as flacoste
BreetaiZentradiHi all, I want to install koffice on the kubuntu lucid beta. apt-get install koffice gets me a /usr/share/dos/koffice folder with a readme file. Where is the real koffice at?20:17
neversfeldekde bug 23401020:22
ubottuKDE bug 234010 in plasma-netbook "plasma-netbook crash with regenerated plasma-netbook-appletrc" [Crash,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23401020:22
neversfeldeScottK: I could not reproduce the plasma-netbook bug you mentioned yesterday so far.21:23
neversfeldeBlizzz: no problems with our account21:25
ScottKneversfelde: It's an intermittent problem.  I've only had it now and then.  I'm mostly concerned it doesn't causes regressions.21:26
ScottKIf you don't see any negative effects, then I think we should get it in.21:26
ScottKMaybe apachelogger will backport it to the KDE 4.4 branch too.21:26
ScottK(in kde svn)21:26
neversfeldeScottK: ok, I will work further work on it tomorrow, sorry too late over here now21:27
ScottKneversfelde: Thanks.  We're frozen until Thursday, so I think it's fine.21:27
Blizzzneversfelde: fine21:30
macoi guess the nm plasmoid is no worse than knm. both fail utterly with hidden ssid22:30
ScottKThat is true.22:34
ScottKUnimplemented feature though, not a bug.22:34
macowell you can *tell* it the ssid though, thats the confusing bit. even if you tell it the ssid it still doesnt work22:40
macothough it did seem to set the AP when i looked with iwconfig, just wouldnt get an ip address22:40
maco(plasmoid that is.  never peaked with iwconfig while using knm)22:41
Riddellryanakca: how's the countdown?23:40

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