
benkevanYou can switch using gconf..00:00
DezineHmm, is there anyway to move them back?00:00
benkevangconftool-2 --set "/apps/metacity/general/button_layout" --type string "menu:minimize,maximize,close"00:00
Dezineaha thanks benkevan00:00
DezineI know it's minor but it irks me00:00
benkevanI prefer KDE.. and well.. they didn't f with those :D hahahah00:00
DezineI have used both over the years but I always come back to gnome. Any major changes in kde 10.04?00:01
apple_catDezine: It's a bit less blue, and a bit more swooshy and grey00:02
benkevanAs compared to? I dunno.. I really like KDE 4.4 :D.. I used GNOME for a while.. but dunno.. I am opposite.. I went from 3.5.10 back to 4.3.. now LOVE 4.4 :)00:02
bpZeroi selected solid color background in profile preferences, but my terminal window still has a slightly translucent background00:02
bpZerowhere do i fix that?00:02
benkevanterminal config.. remove trasn00:02
DezineHuh, guess I'll just have to install kubuntu and check it out :) I love trying out new Linux stuff00:03
bpZerothere are three options.. solid color, image, and transparent background... solid color is selected and transparency amount  under transparent background is greyed out00:04
bjsniderbenkevan, nvidia-settings is in main.00:04
benkevanDezine: You can just install kde.. but if you really prefer you can do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop..00:04
benkevanif you really want to go back.. I've blogged about "which apps" are installed with it: http://www.freetechie.com/blog/packages-installed-with-apt-get-kubuntu-desktop/00:04
benkevanbjsnider: That's the one I have installed00:05
DezineRight, is there a way to backup a list of what I have installed now and then remove all and reinstall just those packages later?00:05
bjsniderbenkevan, then i guess it works perfectly00:05
benkevanbjsnider: That's where you are wrong.. haha..00:06
MaletorI have an error that I get on boot http://gist.github.com/371506. When I restart into recovery mode and hit reconfigure packages I get this error: E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'util-linux'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2). When I try and do failsafeX mode I get a dialog box but my keyboard and mouse, which have always worked in the past, stop working. Nothing else can go wro00:06
MaletorCan anyone help me?00:06
benkevanwhat version do you have? from the same said package?00:06
bjsnider!info nvidia-settings00:06
benkevanDezine.. check out my blog post linked above.. it has a list of all the KDE packages installed when you do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop00:06
benkevanif you want.. you can then go to /var/log/apt/history.log to see what else you've installed afterwards..00:06
ubottunvidia-settings (source: nvidia-settings): Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver. In component main, is optional. Version 195.36.08-0ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 799 kB, installed size 1876 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)00:07
DezineAlright, will do.00:07
benkevanbjsnider: Don't see how that's useful?00:08
bjsniderhow what is useful?00:08
benkevanthe !info that you sent me..00:08
bjsnideryou asked what version i have installed00:09
benkevansays nothing about the version only the nvidia driver version00:09
benkevanwhich != nvidia-settings version00:09
benkevanbjsnider: that != the version of nvidia-settings.. which is 1.000:10
tormodubuntu-one-syncd is waking up my CPU a lot according to powertop00:10
bjsniderbenkevan, you cannot save your xorg.conf, or you cannot generate one, or what exactly is the problem?00:11
benkevanbjsnider: sudo nvidia-settings --> change some stuff --> save xorg.conf --> error because sanity check doesn't find information which doesn't need to be in xorg.conf any longer..00:12
benkevanbjsnider: sudo nvidia-xconfig --> error because sanity check shows that stuff that used to be required in xorg.conf (which are no longer required) don't run00:12
TommyThaGunhow do you change the my video output from 32 to 16 in KDE?00:14
bjsniderbenkevan, pastebin your xorg.conf00:15
bjsnidernice to see nvidia-xconfig is still putting unnecessary crap in there00:17
benkevanah.. now I think I may be getting it00:19
benkevanI have to do nvidia-xconfig then nvidia-settings00:19
benkevanbut just need to install pkg-config first00:19
bjsniderbenkevan, have you got an unusual setup, like a monitor with a broken edid chip, or dual monitors> because otherwise you should just use jockey's xorg.conf00:19
benkevani have 2 monitors..00:20
benkevan1 on laptop00:20
benkevanone coming off my docking station00:20
bjsniderso you want the other monitor int he xorg.conf00:20
benkevanBUT I only ever use one :(00:20
benkevannow that's what I'm getting.00:21
kklimonda!find gobject-introspection-1.0.pc00:21
ubottuFile gobject-introspection-1.0.pc found in libgirepository1.0-dev00:21
benkevankklimonda: for me?00:22
kklimondano, for me :)00:23
kklimondasorry :)00:23
MaletorI have an error that I get on boot http://gist.github.com/371506. When I restart into recovery mode and hit reconfigure packages I get this error: E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'util-linux'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2). When I try and do failsafeX mode I get a dialog box but my keyboard and mouse, which have always worked in the past, stop working. Can anyone help me? I a00:23
Maletorrunning sudo apt-get dist-upgrade Immediate-configure=false now00:23
macoMaletor: the only error there is the pretty boot splash. util linux is giving no errors00:24
Maletoreither way running sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start00:24
Maletorgives me a login screen00:24
macoMaletor: try booting without the "splash" command though why you have usplash *at all* instead of plymouth is beyond me00:24
Maletorbut i think gdm freezes because then i can't use keyboard or mouse00:25
Maletorbecause it's default?00:25
macono its not00:25
macoplymouth is default00:25
Maletorin lucid?00:25
macousplash was in older releases00:25
macoyes, lucid uses plymouth00:25
Maletork then i don't know why this is happening00:25
bjsniderbenkevan, just out of curiosity, did you upgrade from another distro, or is this mess off a clean install?00:25
Maletorprobably has to do with second error00:25
macowhat error?00:25
Maletoroff of 9.1000:26
MaletorE: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'util-linux'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details00:26
macothere's only one error in your gist, and that error is that *something that isnt supposed to even be installed* has a bug00:26
Maletori am running dist-upgrade with immediate-configure=0 right now00:26
Maletoralmost done00:26
Maletorall my services start up fine, i can ssh in when i get that memtest error00:26
macoooooh woah hang on? your memory is fubar and youre *surprised* other stuff's broken?00:27
macoif youre getting errors from memtest, be more surprised that anything works!00:28
Maletorwhy is memtest broken00:28
Maletormaco, that's the error in the gist!00:28
macono it isnt00:28
macogist says nothing about memtest00:28
macomemtest tells you when your physical ram is bad00:28
Maletorwell when i go into recovery mode and try memtest it says file not found00:28
macomemtest isnt a file00:28
Maletormy ram is fine, it's brand new and was working earler today00:28
macoits in your boot menu or on the cd00:29
Maletorwell that's what grub says00:29
Maletorand it doesn't run00:29
macowhatever im going back to class. you cant seem to get your story straight about what's wrong00:29
Maletorare you kidding?00:29
Maletorbecause you can't solve it, you have to come up with something like that?00:29
macoyou say memtest gives you errors, then you say that there's no memtest?00:30
Maletori'm referring this line in gist00:30
Maletor[     14.218611] usplash:425 freeing invalid memtype fffffffff9000000-ffffffff9e0000000:30
=== TommyThaGun_ is now known as TommyThaGun
macothat says its a usplash error, nothng at all about memtest00:30
macoand usplash shoudnt even be installed00:30
macoso when you boot edit teh boot line and turn off splash and see if it doesnt do that00:30
Maletorwhen i did sudo apt-get upgrade it said 326 packages held back00:31
Maletorso now i had to run apt-get dist-upgrade to get them to install and run it with immediate-config=0 so that i can bypass that util-linux error00:31
macoO_o given that apt preferences error before... are you *sure* you dont have some weird apt configuration thats breaking things?00:32
Maletori haven't done anything to fsck with apt00:32
macoby default there should be no files in /etc/apt/prefereces.d/00:32
Maletorls proves it is empty00:32
TommyThaGunI just don't think I can make the switch to KDE00:32
maconor anything in /etc/apt/apt.conf00:32
TommyThaGunI feel like I genuinely tried it00:32
TommyThaGunbut I can't do it00:33
TommyThaGunMaybe it's because my computer is too slow. KDE doesn't feel very responsive to me00:33
Maletori fixed it !00:33
Maletori am the man!00:33
macoTommyThaGun: ive found memory leaks in a few kde apps that i should get around to trying to fix at some point, so im not surprised. i regularly have all 4GB of memory on my system in use00:34
maco(granted, a bit over 1GB of that is firefox)00:34
Maletorthanks maco00:35
TommyThaGunwow, really maco? 1 gig for FF?00:37
NinoScriptheeeelp! "Your disk drives are being checked for errors" 0% 1% 2% 3%4% 0% 2%4% 0%1% 4% 0% etc...00:38
TommyThaGunthey are?00:38
TommyThaGunwhat is the problem NinoScript? are you getting that message?00:38
NinoScriptTommyThaGun: yes!, it doesn't get past 4%, and if I press <ESC> it starts blinking and passing lots and lots of messages per second (I can't read what they say... they're toooooo fast)00:39
TommyThaGunuh oh00:41
TommyThaGunis it doing that during boot?00:41
histoWhy are all the options for keeping files in the startup disk creator greyed out?00:42
NinoScriptwhen I choose anything at grub00:45
h00kLucid is planned to have iphone/ipod touch support with libmuxusb, yes?00:45
h00koh, hey, and it works. nice.00:46
Ken8521h00k, what are you using to sync it?00:47
h00kKen8521: Rhythmbox00:47
Ken8521can you sync pics/video to it?00:47
h00kKen8521: it's not mine, but I did get it to sync musics.00:47
h00kKen8521: I haven't tried pics/video and I don't really have a use for that00:47
h00kKen8521: but Music at least works00:48
TommyThaGunis it slow h00k? when I was syncing in 9.10 it took forever00:48
TommyThaGunis it still that slow?00:48
h00kTommyThaGun: no, and 9.10 doesn't have libmuxusb to sync it00:48
terroh8erhi guys, i just tried to install ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop and it sat at the purple loading screen for 15 minutes. any ideas?00:48
TommyThaGunit doesn't h00k, but I installed it and tried syncing with it00:48
NinoScriptwhat can I do? :(00:49
h00kTommyThaGun: ah, okay. Anyway, no, it wasn't slow, worked as expected. Just like any other device.00:49
TommyThaGunI found something ont he web about how to get it to work with 9.1000:49
TommyThaGunnice, need to give it a try00:49
TommyThaGunI haven't connected it since I upgraded because I worried it might still be crappy00:49
PatrickDKheh, this is something I didn't expect00:50
PatrickDKjust installed lucid server00:50
PatrickDKand the boot complains like 10+ times about plymouth00:50
h00kTommyThaGun: it did the albumart00:50
h00kTommyThaGun: apparently00:50
TommyThaGunyeah, plymouth has been sort of a problem PatrickDK00:51
TommyThaGunI've gotten errors too... so we know it exsists00:51
TommyThaGunI still haven't seen the actual splash though00:52
PatrickDKwell, I didn't even think plymouth would be isntall when you install from a server cd00:52
PatrickDKthe actual splash isn't worth looking at when it does work :(00:52
macoTommyThaGun: 100+ tabs...yeah00:53
TommyThaGunoh.. that would explain it00:54
TommyThaGunwhy in the world would you ever need that many open00:54
TommyThaGuneven for development00:54
Picicraigbass1976: you'll need to upgrade through 9.10 first00:59
craigbass1976I need to get from hardy to Lucid, preferrably as an upgrade rather than a clean install.00:59
craigbass1976Pici, I can't, can I?  Weren't the repos for Intrepid already shut down?01:00
Picicraigbass1976: hardy was 8.04, not 9.04.01:00
Ken8521craigbass1976, yes, but you'll be going LTS to LTS, that's a supported upgrade path.01:00
Pici8.04 -> 10.04 is supported, 9.04 must go through 9.10 first01:00
TommyThaGunthat's good to know01:01
craigbass1976Right, I think I went from dapper to hardy, but it was a while ago01:01
Ken8521personally, i couldn't imagine keeping the same ubuntu OS on my machine for 3yrs...lol01:01
TommyThaGunwell, sorta. I sorta like bleeding edge things anyway and will probably just upgrade to 10.10 when it's out01:01
Ken8521TommyThaGun, 8.04 to 10.10, i don't think would be supported01:01
Ken8521you'd hav to go 8.04, 10.04, 10.1001:02
TommyThaGunhaven y'all seen the leaked iPhone HD?01:02
craigbass1976It's my wife's computer; I tend to leave it alone so nothing breaks.  No like at work where I can tell people to go pound sand01:02
Ken8521actually, i think the Lucid Beta(at least for me), has been the smoothest of them all, and i've beta'd them since 7.04, and ran 8.04-9.04 usually in alpha01:03
PiciTommyThaGun: Please keep #ubuntu+! for ubuntu lucid discussion, you can talk about the iphone in #ubuntu-offtopic01:03
PiciAnd I'm not doing well with typing tonight.01:04
TommyThaGunno worries, you got your message across01:04
TommyThaGunI don't think I like the default mouse cursor in lucid01:04
TommyThaGunbut it won't change01:06
NinoScriptshould I just reinstall everything? :(01:06
TommyThaGunwas that a fresh install NinoScript ?01:07
TommyThaGunwhat happened to make this error come up?01:07
craigbass1976What I'm worried about is how much firefox and thunderbird have changed under the hood.  Profiles should make the transition well?  And even if I back them up first, how the blazes will I get an old profile into the new version of the app01:07
NinoScriptTommyThaGun: Fresh install, then I installed typical things (Gnome-Do, restricted extras, Chromium, Docky), then suspended01:08
TommyThaGunit should be a relitively smooth transition craigbass197601:08
TommyThaGunI would think that the only real danger you would face there is that some add-ons might not have newer versions01:08
craigbass1976TommyThaGun, in case it's not, go ahead and give me your street address.  I'll bring my wife.  ;)01:09
NinoScriptwhen I resumed (it was not the first time I suspended) nothing worked, had to hard shut down01:09
gartralhey all, serious bug here. at boot, my system is set to 3.10 Ghz per core (i7 860, 4 core 8 thread). after the os loads and my ppanels come up, the CPU Scaling Frequency Monitor fails too show or allow me to scale to the Overclocked speeds01:09
NinoScriptand it started happenning01:09
TommyThaGunhave you tried loading in failsafe mode?01:10
NinoScriptTommyThaGun: yes, same behaviour01:11
TommyThaGunwhen you go into failsafe it automatically starts the scan?01:11
TommyThaGunthen I don't know... I'm out of ideas01:11
NinoScriptTommyThaGun: :(01:12
TommyThaGunmaybe ask someone like Pici, or maco01:12
NinoScriptwhen can I find them?01:12
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!01:12
PiciTommyThaGun: ?01:12
gartralhey all, serious bug here. at boot, my system is set to 3.10 Ghz per core (i7 860, 4 core 8 thread). after the os loads and my ppanels come up, the CPU Scaling Frequency Monitor fails too show or allow me to scale to the Overclocked speeds01:13
PiciTommyThaGun: Please don't use that unless there is a real channel emergency.01:13
TommyThaGunPici keeps having to put me in my place01:13
NinoScriptI think "channel emergency" was a bit too much :P01:13
TommyThaGunI guess I'm not sure what constitutes a channel emergency01:13
NinoScriptMaybe a Troll?01:14
craigbass1976out of cigarettes01:14
Ken8521troll isn't a channel emergency01:14
NinoScripta horde of them?01:14
Piciyes, a horde of trolls.01:14
Ken8521NinoScript, i'd say a horde, yeah.. maybe..lol01:14
Ken8521personally, it takes something pretty offensive/out there to offend me... i'm not against using the ignore feature... the ones that get me, are the flooders01:15
KB1JWQYeah, I can turn on cmode bridge in that case, gets rid of trolls.01:15
NinoScriptdamn, I needed ubuntu for my electronics stuff, I don't have enough software in MacOSX, none of you have seen a problem like mine before?01:16
PiciNinoScript: how long did you let it try to do its thing?01:16
NinoScriptabout 15 minutes01:17
gartralNinoScript: what went wrong durring installation?01:17
NinoScriptnever went over 4%01:17
TommyThaGunNinoScript, have you tried diagnosing it through a livecd?01:17
PiciAye, I'd try a fsck via a liveCD01:18
RambJoeanyone use tucan manager?01:18
gartralhave you considered trying the alternate install, kde, or even 9.10?01:18
NinoScriptgartral: nothing during instalation, it just froze, and after a hard reboot, it wouldn't boot01:18
RambJoeit crashes when i try to start a download :( :S01:18
gartralNinoScript: intel mac, yea?01:18
NinoScriptgartral: yes01:19
NinoScriptPici: so, boot from the liveCD, then run fsck in a terminal.. does it need any option? should I read a tutorial or something?01:19
gartralNinoScript: how far did you get with fsck? did you repartition anything?01:20
gartralNinoScript: you have PM01:20
NinoScriptgartral: I didn't do anything with fsck, just the check it automatically does01:21
Raydiationno updates these evening, things seem to stabilize01:21
TommyThaGuntoday I had two updates for sun-java01:22
TommyThaGunat two different times01:22
TommyThaGunother than that, nothing for me01:22
Raydiationover the past few days i got like 1 update every hour01:25
MaletorJockey isn't finding the drivers I need.01:27
MaletorI need NVIDIA - 195.35.08 ubuntu 201:27
Ken8521Maletor, i believe jockey is dead on 10.0401:28
Maletorjockey is so dead...01:29
Ken8521i had problems setting up nvidia and dual screens on my main PC, but i reinstalled the daily build earlier today to clear some tihngs up, and it worked perfectly out of the box, just like in 9.1001:29
bjsnider!info gnome-shell lucid01:30
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.28.1~git20091125-1 (lucid), package size 445 kB, installed size 1596 kB01:30
Maletori had the latest from the nvidia website installed01:30
Maletorbut i like using the jockey ones better because it's practically the same thing and it updates with the kernel better01:30
Maletorhow should i install and activate a driver Ken8521?01:31
Ken8521Maletor, like i said, i had a lot of probs with the beta 1 cd, and when i reinstalled today w/ the daily build.. it worked perfectly01:32
MaletorI can't uninstall then reinistall01:32
Ken8521Maletor, hang on..01:32
Ken8521then why are you using a beta?01:32
Ken8521is your system up to date?01:32
Maletori can01:32
gartralmy cdroms aint showing up!01:34
Santneoi want to be, in new realease.01:35
Ken8521Maletor, that should be fixed.. are you sure you're up to date?01:36
Maletorsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade01:37
PiciMaletor: you should be using dist-upgrade if you expect to get the latest packages.01:37
Ken8521dunno, cuz like i said, i had a lot of problems w that on beta1, then did the daily today, and it worked like always,01:38
MaletorPici: I have done dist-upgrade and that results in nothing new either01:38
Ken8521Maletor, is it saying it can't activate, or something like that?01:38
gartralooooook.. something went bork. You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "cdrom0".01:38
TommyThaGunhas anyone tested Gnome Shell?01:38
Maletorit used to say that, Ken8521, then I removed and purged a bunch on nvidia crap and now i'm booted in low graphics mode and jockey won't find the driver i need any more01:38
gartralTommyThaGun: whats that? as simple as it sounds?01:39
NinoScriptI'm booting with a Live CD. how do I use fsck?01:39
quidnuncAnyone else having trouble with evolution sending mail through smtp on recent update?01:39
Ken8521Maletor, maybe try post #7?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1386207&highlight=nvidia+driver01:39
TommyThaGungartral, it's gnome 301:39
TommyThaGunhere are some screen shots: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/Tour01:40
MaletorWill let you know how goes Ken852101:40
Ken8521Maletor, although, i still suspect yoru system is not up to date01:41
NinoScriptTommyThaGun: I've tried gnome-shell01:41
TommyThaGunI'm not familiar with fsck NinoScript01:41
TommyThaGunhow is it?01:41
NinoScriptI like it, in fact it's really close to how I like to configure my systems01:41
MaletorKen8521 i did apt-cache policy jockey01:41
Maletorand i get 0.5.8-0ubuntu801:42
NinoScriptyou get an activity button, in which you can dinamically add more workspaces, search for applications, see all workspaces in an "exposé" view01:42
gartralok, my system is saying i dont have the rights to read the cd. even as ROOT01:42
TommyThaGunI wonder if there is a way to test gnome shell without overwriting what I have for gnome now01:42
NinoScriptand has nice integration with zeitgeist for viewing recent used files01:43
NinoScriptno, it does nothing to the gnome instalation01:43
gartralTommyThaGun: yes. it can run in a window in your current session, says so right on home page01:43
NinoScriptyou open it with gnome-shell --replace01:43
NinoScriptand when you want to comeback, you say gnome-panel --replace01:44
NinoScriptabout 2 or 3 weeks ago, I played alot with it01:44
quidnuncLet me phrase my question differently: Is anyone not having problems sending mail via smtp using evolution?01:45
Ken8521quidnunc, don't use evolution, i think it sucks.01:45
Ken8521t-bird 3 looks fantastic01:45
* charlie-tca uses claws-mail01:46
quidnuncKen8521: Thanks for letting me know.01:46
Ken8521quidnunc, didn't want you to think you were being annoyed01:46
MaletorKen8521: now it says nvidia_current in jockey and that it is activated but not currently in use. nvidia-settings shows 195.36.1501:47
Ken8521have you tried restarting after activating it?01:48
Maletoryes and it shows up like it looks nice, but it is still finding 195.36.15 i think jockey would like to use 195.36.08ubuntu2 if i'm not mistaken01:49
NinoScriptyay! "fsck -fyv /dev/x" solved it, if you hadn't mentioned "fsck" I would never have repaired it, as I'm quite noob with linux :P01:49
Ken8521Maletor, dunno, like i said, you're describing almost exactly the problem i had back when i first installed beta101:50
aldaek10.04 will not have the new menu, correct?01:50
Maletorso can we expect this to be smoothed out by apr 28?01:50
Ken8521Maletor, its supposed to be smoothed out now, thus why i don't understand your problem, what kernel are you using?01:51
Maletorthe latest01:51
bpZerogrub-install --root-directory=...   fails when the path has a a space, even if you quote or escape it01:51
Ken8521Maletor, dunno, i can't offer any further assistance01:53
bjsniderKen8521, he said he used the nvidia-installer at one point. you can't do that in lucid without pooching things01:53
Ken8521bjsnider, well, i'd say thats his issue then, i didn't see him mention that01:54
bjsnideryes,  you're on your own if you do that. it's unsupported totally01:54
Maletorbjsnider: yes i used sh "NVIDIA-version" and went through their install01:55
Maletorwhat now?01:55
Ken8521Maletor, well, you definitely borked somethign then, i've read others having issues w/ lucid and the nvidia driver, i'm guessing that is your problem01:55
bjsniderMaletor, sorry, no offense to you personally, but i'm not going to go there.01:55
Ken8521sudo apt-get reinstall01:56
bjsnideri would do a wipe/reload01:56
Maletori did do a sh "NVIDIA-version --uninstall"01:56
histoHrm. I just put a daily build on usb and booted. The splash screen is differrent than the one on my hd install?  Its dist-upgraded all the way. Its like the splash never got updated though on my hd instlal01:56
Ken8521histo, i did the daily build this morning, looks the same t me.. maybe i'm crazy though.. :)01:57
histoTrying to avoid reinstalling the hd install rather just keep dist-upgrading01:57
histoKen8521: well my splash on my hd install is real low res01:57
thomas001hi i am running lucid on my thinkpad. after some time of inactivity the screen is dimmed to the lowest brightness. when there is activity again the display becomes brighter again, but the original brightness is not restored...the screen is darker than before. is this a bug or intentional when using battery?01:57
Ken8521histo, yup01:57
histoKen8521: when I booted the daily of usb the splash was real high quality01:58
the_dark_warrioI'mm trying to turn my ubuntu on, but it stucks on a "Disk Check", which slows down when 70% reaches. It's checking the disk for an hour for now. Any one experiencing the same situation?01:58
Ken8521histo, thats why i usually clean install after all the beta stuff is done, and its finally released.. i'm convinced some stuff just doesn't update01:58
histoKen8521: and hi res it appeared01:58
histoKen8521: Yeah I can confirmt hat the splash doesn't01:59
histoKen8521: also the theme switching it never goes to the new default themee01:59
Ken8521lucid has been amazingly stable since beta1 on my two machines.02:00
Ken8521desktop had some minor issues, but they cleared up by beta2.02:00
histoUnbeleveable how fast it ran of usb lol.02:01
Ken8521i've not tried a usb install02:01
johnjohn101how do I find out if a bug in 10.04 has been reported?02:02
Ken8521Maletor, did you upgrade the problem machine, from 9.10, or is this a clean install of 10.0402:03
johnjohn101I installed it at the last alpha and have upgraded it since02:03
Ken8521johnjohn101, ask your question, if its a bug, someone here will probably already know about it.02:03
sivelhey guys, recently did an upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04, since then I have lost audio.  even though I have the indicator applet I don't see anything for sound...02:03
MaletorKen8521: upgrade form 9.1002:03
sivelI do hear sound when I get to the login screen.02:04
johnjohn101i'm using vmware and every once in while it loses the mouse02:04
johnjohn101i have to reboot02:04
Ken8521sivel, click it and see if its muted(i know it sounds ridiculous, but its muted by default)02:04
sivelKen8521: System->Preferences->Sound shows that it is not.02:04
histosivel: I had the same but a while back can't remember what I did to fix it. Some setting in gconf I believe. sound was messed with my user.02:05
sivelbah, got it working02:05
sivelstill don't see the audio applet02:05
sivelhad to use alsamixer to adjust volumes on "speaker" and now it is working02:06
Ken8521but you don't have a sound icon in your panel?02:06
sivelno, I don't and as I read it is now part of the indicator applet02:07
sivelwhich I have02:07
Ken8521have you tried adding indicator applet to your panel?02:07
sivelit just provides, wifi, bluetooth and batter right now02:07
sivelyeah, I actually removed and then re-added it02:07
Ken8521look in synaptic, and see if you have indicator-sound installed02:08
histoHas anyone used usb-creator-gtk in lucid?  System > Admin > startup disk02:08
Ken8521not yet02:08
MaletorKen8521: i'm in low graphics mode and it can't find anything for me02:09
sivelKen8521: no I don't have it installed02:09
Blue11no i cheated and took my usb dvd drive over to my netbook02:09
Ken8521sivel, i'd say thats probably your issue02:09
histoI'm unable to select any of the persistent options02:09
Ken8521try installing it, then adding it back to panel again02:09
histoLooks like its all jacked right now.02:10
sivelstrange that it didn't install during the upgrade02:10
Ken8521sivel, yeah.. i clean installed, and it was there, but you're right, that does seem odd02:10
gartralBlue11: heh. did it the SLOOOOOWW way, huh?02:10
Volkodavis medibuntu down for 2 days now ?02:11
sivelalright, well it's installed and working02:11
_pg_installing beta2 on VirtualBox (latest) on osx 10.6.3, the firefox logo is messed up. where should I report this? (if at all)02:11
Ken8521sivel, well sing the hallelujah chorus02:11
Blue11gartral: I did it "the i know this will work" way02:11
johnjohn101do you think my problem will be resolved in the rc?  I didnt have it with 9.10.02:12
MaletorHow do I fix the error where jockey will not give me any drivers to activate?02:13
ZykoticK9_pg_, are you referring to during the install or after intall?02:13
Ken8521johnjohn101, i'd say that depennds on whether its an ubuntu problem, or if its a vmware problem... just because it wasn't there with 9.10, doesn't mean its an ubuntu problem when you upgraded02:13
ZykoticK9Volkodav, bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/medibuntu/+bug/565810 possible work-around at http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/medibuntu-repository-down-what-to-do.html02:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565810 in medibuntu "packages.medibuntu.org not available" [High,Confirmed]02:14
_pg_ZykoticK9: during02:15
ZykoticK9_pg_, known bug - licensing issue with Firefox02:15
Ken8521ZykoticK9, lol, added the link to the factoid, huh?02:15
johnjohn101ken8521: i'll guess i'll have to see if it's fixed in the rc.  is there a link to look up existing bugs?02:15
_pg_ZykoticK9: thanks! is it all over or only in VirtualBox? could you direct me to this bug02:15
Ken8521ZykoticK9, is that what it is?.. i read it was a 'legal issue'.. but wasn't sure that was the real reason02:15
ZykoticK9Ken8521, in #ubuntu+1 if you refer to a bug ubottu will automatically add stuff02:16
Ken8521oh really?.. clever02:16
ZykoticK9_pg_, all over02:16
_pg_ZykoticK9: where can I learn more?02:16
ZykoticK9Ken8521, i don't know the background really (i hope it's not a legal thing - but have certainly not seen anything about that being the cause)02:17
Ken8521ZykoticK9, it was in a link i saw earlier.. said it was a "legal issue"...02:17
c0vertthat was unfortunate, tried to restart my laptop and it just hung...02:17
d33dhi, I need some help installing medibuntu repositories and gpg key to install the packages...can someone help?02:18
Ken8521d33d, http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/medibuntu-repository-down-what-to-do.html02:19
Ken8521d33d, use one of the mirrors, then to add the gpg key, use the instructions on the medibuntu site(just for the gpg key, nothing else)02:19
_pg_Ken8521: ZykoticK9 more info on the case of the missing firefox?02:20
Ken8521?... i have no idea what you're talking about02:20
ZykoticK9_pg_, i'm trying to remember what the installer is called - i did file a bug about the missing firefox icon02:20
_pg_Ken8521: lol do you have any idea where I could find out more about the issue? (legal issue)02:20
Ken8521_pg_, no, i don't... i just read somewhere it was a legal issue, but there were no details02:21
_pg_Ken8521: ah-thanks anyway02:21
Zelozelosanyone here know how to make the cube's top and bottom transparent with advanced ccsm? it seems to have changed i also cant find the cube deform option?02:23
Ken8521_pg_, i suspect its like ZykoticK9 said earlier, its a disagreement between medibuntu and firefox... if you've used medibuntu before, then you probably don't really care about any "legal issues"..02:23
ZykoticK9_pg_, bug # 42186402:23
ZykoticK9_pg_, bug #42186402:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421864 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu "Ubiquity-slide-show fails to display an image for Internet Browsing" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42186402:23
_pg_Ken8521: what is medibuntu?02:24
_pg_ZykoticK9: thanks!02:24
Ken8521_pg_, medibuntu is a repository of some non-free stuff...02:24
Ken8521_pg_, http://www.medibuntu.org02:24
Zelozelosoh btw if anyone is still wondering about the recent updates, i updated today and sofar so good02:24
Zelozeloswasnt that you ZykoticK9 /02:25
c0vertupdates seem fine for me too02:25
Ken8521all is well ehre also.02:25
ZykoticK9Zelozelos, not me02:26
Zelozelosahh, guess it was that person who was having a issue with his ext402:26
Ken8521ext4 issues?02:27
Ken8521must've missed that one02:27
ZykoticK9Zelozelos, nope certainly not me - haven't had any ext4 issues (knock on wood)02:27
_pg_i thought Firefox shared Ubuntu values (or similar)? why be snide about the logo if they are endorsing your product by including it in their distro?02:27
Zelozelosit was last night, i forget the user's name02:27
d33dKen8521, thanks02:27
d33dwhois KB1JWQ02:27
Ken8521d33d, np.02:27
Picihes just some guy02:28
ZykoticK9_pg_, actually if you make any changes to firefox you aren't even allowed to call it firefox, in debian it's called something else - they are picky about there logs as well02:28
PiciZykoticK9: iceweasel02:28
_pg_ZykoticK9: hmm- the included version is unmodifed tho no?02:28
c0vertyeah, they don't want a lesser product using their logo, understandable02:29
ZykoticK9AngryPunk__, Pici FTW02:29
Zelozelosopera is working perfectly if u're lookin for a browser :)02:29
_pg_Zelozelos: Im trying, I just cannot get used to it02:29
Ken8521opera always causes my system resources to spike outta control02:29
Zelozelosi think you can get ie with wine02:30
keyhiveJust installed Lucid and it won't boot into X - stuck on "* Checking battery state... [OK]" w/ Intel GMA 950 graphics02:30
MaletorI have NVIDIA driver 195.36.15 which I installed from the NVIDIA drivers download page. How do I use Jockey to install the Ubuntu supported drivers?02:30
bjsnideryes but opera is the best browser that uses the presto engine there is02:30
Picikeyhive: I just saw a suggestion to try to boot with "i915.modeset=1" on your kernel line02:31
_pg_Zelozelos: IE? shame on you02:31
keyhivePici cool :) I'll try it02:31
Zelozelosi dont use it rofl02:31
c0vertfirefox + adblock plus + noscript = the best browsing experience possible, in my opinion02:31
homosaurie8 and upcoming 9 are fine, but pointless02:31
_pg_is "open autorun prompt" new? I like it. Alot02:32
homosaurit's like running wine so you can run windows notepad or solitaire02:32
homosaurplenty of good browsers for linux, so why bother02:32
homosaurchrome for linux is pretty dang good, although it doesn't use your gtk theme02:33
Zelozelosim having issues with flash and firefox, it wont play any vids02:33
c0vert64bit by chance?02:33
Zelozelosc0vert if you're tkin 2 me yes02:33
c0verti had trouble at first too, let me see if i can find the guide02:34
c0vertdid you install flash? first of all lol02:37
Ken8521step 1.. complete02:37
Zelozelosit works fine for opera, in firefox i have 2 click the area then it does nothing02:37
vividis there a way for evolution to automatically notify me of new messages?02:38
Zelozelosvivid i remember seeing something like that but i cannot recall exactly what it was, i think it may be where you config the email addr02:39
keyhiveediting /etc/default/grub - should i run update-grub or update-grub2 ?02:39
vividZelozelos, its set to check every minute, but i get no notification02:39
_pg_how long till the derivatives get to 10.4?02:40
vividunless i leave the application running, seems a little silly to have it always open when theres a panel indicator for it..02:40
Dr_Williskeyhive:  alwyas rerun the commands. (either one) after altering the configs02:40
c0vertZelozelos, i used this guide and my flash is working fine http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135859102:40
Zelozelosthank you c0vert ill check it out02:40
keyhiveDr_Willis: so update-grub2 if i know it's GRUB2, correct?02:41
Dr_Williskeyhive:  check the files.. the 2 are the same command/script last i checked if you got grub2 installed.02:41
Dr_Willisi alwyas use 'update-grub'02:41
keyhiveand your kernel line options are applied, even using GRUB2?02:42
Dr_Willisone actually calls the other. it dosent matter02:43
Dr_Willis cat update-grub2   --02:44
Dr_Willis#!/bin/sh -e02:44
Dr_Willisexec update-grub "$@"02:44
MaletorJockey is so messed.02:44
keyhiveWhat kernel is Lucid using right now?02:45
keyhive2.6.31-20 ?02:45
c0vert32-21 sorry02:46
_pg_how long till the derivatives get to 10.4?02:46
keyhivethanks c0vert02:46
keyhiveJust installed Lucid and it won't boot into X - stuck on "* Checking battery state... [OK]" w/ Intel GMA 950 graphics02:46
keyhivesplash screen doesn't show up02:47
Dr_WillisDid you install from the latest daily build iso image?02:47
Ken8521Dr_Willis, lol..02:48
ubottuA schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule02:48
Ken8521i installed the daily build this morning, nvidia/jockey, etc.. is working fine02:48
Dr_WillisYep. People still tend to use the Beta2 cd.. which is proberly not the best thing to do02:49
Dr_WillisRC due on the 22... Hmm..02:49
Ken8521yup.. i've tried o tell him multiple times to install the daily build, but... you can lead a horse to water, can't make him drink02:49
keyhiveI type 'uname -a' and I see: 2.6.31-20 !! NOO  what failed during the upgrade from Karmic??02:49
Dr_WillisIf you installed from Beta2. and it failed.. try the Daily Build cd image...02:50
c0verti didn't use the daily build iso, and it still worked fine..lucky i guess02:50
keyhiveThe problem [I think] boils down to GRUB02:50
Dr_Willistheres proberly been.. like.. 700+MB of updates since beta2 here.02:51
Dr_Willisboot luve cd. chroot in, update/upgrade, try rebooting..02:51
Dr_WillisOr try to repair grub i guess..02:51
keyhiveI did repair GRUB02:51
Dr_Willisbut if you installed from Beta2 cd.. there will be several 100mb of updates to begin with.02:51
keyhiveOkay, I'll try updating02:52
keyhiveStill, this feels wrong02:52
keyhiveIt's using the wrong kernel02:52
Dr_Willis 2.6.32-21-generic is what i updated to this morning i think02:52
Dr_Willistheres been a kernel update about every other day i belive02:53
bushbabyWhen running update-manager -d to upgrade to 10.04 (from 9.10), update manager crashes but it doesn't crash fro any other upgrades or buttons. anyone go a solution?02:53
Dr_WillisTry gkudo update-manager -d  ?02:54
Dr_Willisbye all02:54
_pg_how long till the derivatives get to 10.4?02:55
Zelozelosc0vert, that did the trick thank you02:57
c0vertno problem02:57
c0vertit should be stickied in here i imagine a lot of people will be having the same issue :P02:57
Zelozelosvery true, maybe someone should add a flash thingy to the bot02:58
Zelozelosactually they should make that the flash install for the software center, that way it works right in the 1st place ;)02:59
bushbabyDr_Willis's instruction doesn't work, anyone else?03:00
Zelozelosbushbaby what was your issue again?03:02
bushbabyWhen running update-manager -d to upgrade to 10.04 (from 9.10), update manager crashes but it doesn't crash fro any other upgrades or buttons.03:03
Zelozelosahh, well heres the best advice, DONT UPGRADE, move your files, install from disk-you'll get the best results that way03:03
=== d34d|away is now known as d34dh4ck
Zelozelosthe upgrade is very buggy to say the least, even if you get it to work you'll still probably have tons of issues03:04
bushbabyZelozelos: Thanks. I did download the iso last night should this be the advice. Despite the official insistance that update-manager is the easiest way to betatest??03:05
MaletorZelozelos: forget nvidia03:05
MaletorJockey doesn't work still. How can 10.4 be ready for Apr 2803:06
Zelozelosbushbaby, most definitely think of it this way, to upgrade youll have 2 import all the settings which means they have 2 be translated to the newer version, think of all the settings that can get mis-translated ;)03:06
ZelozelosMaletor nvidea??03:08
bushbabyZelozelos: Good point.03:09
MaletorZelozelos ya03:11
* Zelozelos is wondering why he was told to forget nvidea, since he dosent have that 03:12
Zelozelosheh, i finally got my docks set up the way i need, (so i no longer need desktop icons) and now i cant remember how to have a diff background for each workplace03:12
bushbabyOff to upgrade!03:14
Zelozelosgood luck, you know what 2 do right?03:14
ZelozelosHeayyyy, itsa nota ddare any more, what happened to wallpaper in ccsm???03:18
Zelozeloswell atleast i have xwinwrap still03:20
rweaitwhat happened to libboost1.41?  I could install it in alpha2 but it isn't around now.03:21
Zelozelosrweait, does it show at all in the software center? i see something its a library for c++03:23
rweaitaptitude install can't find it.03:24
rweaitI think I've got all the repos activated.03:24
Zelozelosmaybe you can get it from here (i have no idea even what it is though) http://www.boost.org/03:25
lazyPowerHaving interesting issues with Rhythmbox crashing on 10.04 x64, I am unable to locate the settings directory, nor am I able to trace why its crashing on start. Anybody else having issues or able to point me where i can clear a directory and force a release default config?03:26
gartralwell... X is borked again!03:26
c0vertlazyPower, it's working fine for m03:27
ZelozeloslazyPower, try sudo apt-get purge rythmbox that should remove the settings as well as the player03:28
lazyPoweryeah, i figure its something i've changed.. the only thing i can identify as a change is unplugging my two extern hdd's and sharing them over samba from my server, and thats about the time it started crashing. thinking thats why its crashing on startup now.03:28
lazyPowerok. do a sudo-apt purge, and then re-install it?03:28
lazyPowerbecause i dont want to move away from Rhythmbox.03:28
_stryk3rWhy can't I run an .exe for wine? I get this error: The file '/home/kevin/Downloads/setup.exe' is not marked as executable. ...etcetc03:29
lazyPower_stink_, make sure its chmod 75503:30
lazyPower_stryk3r, even.03:30
Zelozelos_stryk3r,  right click, properties, permissions, click the box or executable03:30
yofel_stryk3r: 'chmod +x setup.exe'03:30
Ken8521surely an .exe wouldn't be set t root only?03:30
lazyPowerthought i went owner, group, public03:30
_stryk3rthanks guys03:30
lazyPowernot root, user, whatever.03:30
Ken8521ah ok.03:30
yofelKen8521: no, it's probably '-rw-r--r-- user:user'03:31
Zelozelosany ideas on how i can get the backgrounds options back in ccsm?03:32
gartralwell.. x isnt loading at boot.. just looping the ready jingle. quite irritating. >.>03:34
c0vertgartral, intel?03:35
gartralc0vert: intel cpu. i7 860. GPU is nvidia 27503:36
c0verti'm jealous of your computer. so i'm not going to help :P03:36
lazyPowerInteresting. the purge helped... until i clicked ont he missing files playlist03:36
lazyPowernow its crashing right away again.03:37
gartralc0vert: ill give you a shell account :P03:37
lazyPowerso its something to do with having missing files and its panicking03:37
c0vertpurge again and delete the playlist :P03:37
Zelozeloshmmm. maybe you can purge it again, then goto the prefs, music tab, and remove the folders from those drives that way03:38
Zelozelosbut, purge should have dissociated them in the 1st place, idk though03:39
gartralwell.. x isnt loading at boot.. just looping the ready jingle. quite irritating. >.>03:40
c0vertgartral, how about some more info..03:40
lazyPowernah the config stayed persistent zelo03:40
lazyPowerbut i do agree, the purge should have gotten rid of them03:40
gartralc0vert: what ya need. im at a total loss03:41
lazyPowermakes me wonder where its storing its info03:41
un214ok I think I can identify the cause of sound busted03:41
Zelozelosim thinkcin c0vert is right, right-click the playlist's associated with the drives and delete them, make sure you dont left click on them at all03:41
un214almost always, resume from hibernate = does not work until logout & log back in03:41
yofellazyPower: if it's user configuration it will not be touched by 'purge'03:42
lazyPowerthats not a great solution zelo03:42
c0vertgartral,  can you get to a terminal?03:42
un214not quite always however03:42
lazyPoweryofel: where does Rhythmbox store its data then?03:42
yofelno idea03:42
lazyPowerits not in ~/.config, or ~/.gnome203:42
_pg_where is the option to disable requiring password input on awaking form display sleep03:42
lazyPowerso idk where it could be.03:42
lazyPower_pg_, Preferences -> Screensaver03:42
_pg_also, any word on how long rythmbox support of iPhone will last?03:42
_pg_lazyPower: thank you03:43
lazyPoweri do what i can03:43
c0vert~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/playlists.xml ?03:43
gartralc0vert: how we're talking now, netroot failsafe works, trying to start x, fails, i know the system works aside from graphical. and all my logs appear blanks03:43
lazyPowerNo rhythmbox directory03:43
Roasteddoes anybody know if theres a way I can change how dark the panel is with the ambiance theme? Or perhaps a user-made theme that has a darker top panel?03:43
c0vertgartral, did you upgrade or do a fresh install?03:44
lazyPowerRoasted, right click, properties, background, modify as required03:44
Zelozeloslook in usr/share/rythmbox or around there i guess03:44
gartralc0vert: did an upgrade from a 100% clean jaunty03:44
lazyPowerRoasted, beyond that, you'll have to do some GTK theme modifications.03:45
RoastedlazyPower, doesnt work. That only changes the empty panel area. I want the ENTIRE thing changed. The top bar to EACH window. The entire top panel. The background of the menus, etc.03:45
c0vertgartral, \seems people upgrading are having issues..i'd try a fresh install03:45
lazyPowerRoasted, then you'll have to modify your GTK theme.03:45
RoastedlazyPower, I guess I want the text to "pop" out at you more, whcih a darker gray would be nice.03:45
RoastedlazyPower, how would I go about doing that exactly?03:45
gartralc0vert: is there any other way. i literally JUST got the system working the way i wanted03:46
Ken8521roasted, how much lighter do you want it?03:46
RoastedKen8521, well I'd like the gray to be darker, more like the popular moomex theme.03:46
lazyPowerRoasted, http://forum.xfce.org/index.php?topic=5326.003:46
STiKShould there be an ubuntu one notification icon when sync is in progress?03:46
RoastedKen8521, from there Ill see how the text is... if its more easily readable, we hav ea winner. But it might be an idea to try and whiten the text more too.03:46
Ken8521Roasted, here's what i usually do, when i want to change the panel color(w/o doing heavy theming)03:46
Zelozelosthere is a theme editor, i cant remember what its called, but it lets you edit/make new themes03:46
c0vertgartral, right after you make it perfect is a very bad time to update lol...unless you find something on google i'd sugguest a clean install03:46
Ken8521Roasted, in panel properties, click the background tab, then click solid color, and run "style" all the way to opague(this will likely make it white), then click color, and use the wheel to try and get the color you want... use trial and error to get your color03:47
thiebaudehi ken8521 i finally decided to go with 10.04 by itself on this computer and its awesome, except for the shutdown bug03:47
gartralc0vert: cant get into X x.x03:48
Ken8521thiebaude, i've not had that problem?.. shut down but?03:48
c0vertthiebaude, you have the shutdown bug as well? my laptop is doing it too03:48
thiebaudebug 55231603:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552316 in linux "ubuntu 10.04 will not shutdown" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55231603:48
thiebaudeinstead of shutting down it restarts03:48
c0vertoh mine is different, i try to restart and it just hangs :/03:48
Ken8521hmm, i shut down my PC just a bit ago, no problem03:48
RoastedKen8521, that doesnt work, though. that only does the empty area of the panel. I want the ENTIRE panel, the entire menu, etc.03:48
thiebaudec0vert, you have amd and nvidia?03:49
Ken8521Roasted, hmm, guess i never noticed that. you'll have to theme it03:49
iconmefistowhen I try switching to a VT, I get a blank screen with blinking cursor. any ideas?03:49
c0vertthiebaude, amd64bit but ati graphics..03:49
RoastedKen8521, but how would I do that?03:49
thiebaudeahh ok03:49
Ken8521Roasted, but honestly, i don't know... when i do that, it changes the whole color for me03:49
thiebaudecould it just be amd processors seen another amd computer in launchpad with my bug03:50
Ken8521thiebaude, well, also.. i use the "shut down" button in my panel.. always have, always will.. i don't use the one Ubuntu puts there by default03:50
RoastedKen8521, you mean when you change the background color, it changes the ENTIRE menu background and everything? Like if you hit applications, the background color there changes accordingly as well?????03:50
thiebaudei do to Ken8521 but it restarts,lol03:50
Ken8521no, not the menu background.03:51
Ken8521i was just talking about the panel03:51
thiebaudei have to turn the power strip off to shut down and the computer is not liking that03:51
Ken8521you said you wanted the panel changed, didn't say anything about the menu03:51
thiebaudeok Ken852103:51
Ken8521thiebaude, hmm, lemme check my PC.. i installed the daily build on it today, and i'm sure it shut down ok..03:51
RoastedKen8521, when you change it, do you get EVERYTHING or just the top panel? Because not even the entire top panel changes... for example, where apps/places/system is, the clock, etc... those areas dont change.03:53
c0verti guess i'll try it too since i have nothing better to do lol03:53
gartralc0vert: we were cut short, i was saying that i had 10.04 up and running fine, havd updated several times03:53
Ken8521thiebaude, yup, my PC shuts down fine using the shut down panel applet03:53
thiebaudeok i'll try again then03:54
c0vertshutdown worked fine here..03:55
gartralc0vert: we were cut short, i was saying that i had 10.04 up and running fine, havd updated several times03:56
c0vertso what was the problem?03:56
c0vertor it started after updating03:56
thiebaudeKen8521, it still does the samething as before03:57
gartralc0vert: right, it started after i had 10.04 update last03:58
Ken8521c0vert, it worked fine for me in beta1.. i think its cuz people are using the one that is by their name.. not really sure on that one03:59
Ken8521thiebaude, i honestly can't explain that.03:59
c0verti always use the gnome one by my name..03:59
thiebaudeyea they are working on it anyway, hope they fix it, dont seem many ppl have that bug03:59
Ken8521c0vert, hmm, i never do.. i always add the shutdown applet, and it works fine.03:59
Ken8521thiebaude,  any idea what is causing it?04:00
thiebaudei want to say plymouth, i cant prove it04:00
thiebaudebeen using since 6.06 and never had a shutdown problem04:00
c0vertgartral, so you can get in to a terminal? or no04:00
Ken8521plymouth.. lol, poor thing is gonna be the second gunman on the grassy knoll by the time beta is over04:00
gartralc0vert: yes, i have full vt04:01
thiebaudeand you know what it means if they dont fix it04:01
c0verthave you tried running aptitude to see if there's any updates since it messed up?04:01
thiebaudefor me04:01
Ken8521thiebaude, did you install beta 2, or did you install the daily build?04:01
gartralcovert, not in 3 hours04:01
c0vertoh that's all..probably not then04:02
thiebaudei installed beta 2 from the april 8th cd04:02
Ken8521hmm, are youup to date?04:02
c0verti'm trying to think of what came in that lastest update..there was quite a few04:02
gartralc0vert: i forgot too mention this happened late last week as well04:02
thiebaudeyes i got all updates as of now, every once in awhile i check them04:03
iconmefistowhen I try switching to a VT, I get a blank screen with blinking cursor. any ideas?04:04
Ken8521thiebaude, open a terminal and copy paste this line...  sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:04
Ken8521see if it tells you you need anything04:04
thiebaudeok i will04:04
c0vertgartral, try using aptitude to reinstall your video card drivers maybe?04:04
gartralc0vert: will do04:05
thiebaudeit says nothing to be updated or upgraded04:06
Ken8521looks like another lucid repo is down04:06
Ken8521thiebaude, hmm, well, i'm out of ideas.04:06
Ken8521can you shut down via command line till it gets fixed?04:06
thiebaudei just keep waiting for an update to fix it hopefully04:07
thiebaudewhats the command?04:07
Ken8521hang on, lemme find it04:07
c0vertshutdown -H ?04:07
Ken8521c0vert, i think so....04:07
Ken8521thiebaude, try shutdown -h04:07
thiebaudeok i'll try and see what happens brb thanks04:08
c0verttry -v it if still happens and see what errors popup04:08
thiebaudetime expected04:08
Ken8521thiebaude, try shutdown -h now04:09
iconmefistoI think you need sudo with the shutdown command04:09
Ken8521guess it worked04:09
Ken8521no, don't think so04:09
Ken8521woops, maybe you do04:10
c0vertit would be quite a pain if it let you do it without superuser privileges04:10
c0vertconsidering letting someone have a shell04:11
Ken8521c0vert, well, thats true04:11
Ken8521didn't really think of it like that04:11
c0verti come from slackware :P makes you think of that kind of stuff sometimes04:11
Ken8521got a little overzealous playing w/ the shutdown button04:14
c0vertBilltoo, markham?04:14
Ken8521i just told thiebaud to try sudo poweroff  to see if that fixes the shutdown prob04:20
Ken8521it shut me down..04:20
thiebaudeKen8521, it still restarts04:20
Ken8521you have a demon in your computer, i suggest a priest, goat blood, and a shotgun(for when the other two fail)04:21
Ken8521i really don't understand it.04:21
Ken8521whats that bug number again?04:21
thiebaudei dont either04:21
thiebaudebug 55231604:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552316 in linux "ubuntu 10.04 will not shutdown" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55231604:22
Ken8521i mena, yu would think poweroff would do it04:22
_pg_cant get past 13XX by 7xx in a Virtual Machine in VirtualBox, native is 1440x900. installed all updates and Vbox addons. any ideas?04:22
thiebaudetonight i will get to the log in screen and do a ctrl alt f2 and keep it thier until the morning, Ken852104:23
thiebaudei mean log out04:23
Ken8521just very strange04:24
thiebaudei want it to use the least resouces when im gone04:24
peepsalotis sun-java not available in lucid at the moment?  aptitude is telling me "no candidate version found"04:25
Ken8521peepsalot, should be.. i used it to install frostwire this morning04:25
Ken8521i think the package names changed a bit.04:25
thiebaudewhen its off for 8hrs or so when i start it up the hard drive spins up lus then quiets after a few minutes04:26
_pg_nvm-got it04:26
thiebaudeyea im not liking that04:26
Ken8521what kind of pc is this again?04:26
thiebaudecomputer is about 4 month old had it built for me04:26
_pg_ok, i get native res for login screen and thats it04:26
thiebaudehad it built for me04:27
Ken8521well there you go, its the builders fault.04:27
thiebaude4 months or so ago04:27
_pg_nevermind. im retarded x204:27
Ken8521i always build my own...04:27
thiebaudei told him what i wanted in it,lol04:27
Ken8521eh, he'll ust blame it on you then.04:27
peepsalotKen8521, i'm trying to get java applet plugin support for firefox, do you know what package i need?  searching java and plugin are not turning up what I expect04:28
thiebaudebut the good thing is the developers are working on it04:28
Ken8521should've tried to install the daily build, see if that would have fixed the shutdown prob..04:28
c0vertthiebaude, i wonder if you boot into failsafe or just a terminal instead of gnome and try the shutdown command if it will work04:28
thiebaudei will try04:29
Ken8521peepsalot, looks like sun-java6-plugin on my system04:29
c0vertsince it seems to be an nvidia thing04:29
Ken8521c0vert, good thinking04:29
Ken8521but my PC has Nvidia, and it shuts down fine04:29
thiebaudei wonder also amd04:29
Ken8521my pc has AMD to.04:29
d33dlooking for an awesome application to install.04:29
Ken8521d33d, well... to do what?04:30
peepsalotKen8521, you are looking on a lucid install?  that package does not exist for me04:30
Ken8521peepsalot, yes.. you have a source issue if its not there for you04:30
d33dKen8521, not sure... to just enjoy i guess.04:30
peepsalotKen8521, is there a way you can tell which repo it is coming from?04:30
c0vert... it's there04:31
Ken8521c0vert, i have sun-java6-plugin04:31
Ken8521if he searches for sun-java6, it should show up04:31
c0verttype aptitude search sun-java04:31
peepsalotc0vert,  that package shows in the list, but attempting install gives me: "No candidate version found for sun-java6-jre"04:31
c0vertfor sure comes up04:31
c0vertlet me try04:32
c0vertworked fine from command line04:32
peepsalotman, what is up with my syste,04:32
c0vertyou trying from command line?04:32
Ken8521i'm getting some apt-get update errors.. looks like a efw repos are down04:33
peepsaloti upgraded from karmic instead of a fresh install, so maybe something wrong happened with that?  did you guys do a fresh install?04:33
c0vertpeepsalot,  have you changed your repo's ?04:33
Ken8521i think thiebaud might have finally been able to shutdown04:34
peepsalotc0vert, the upgrade appears to have automatically changed them to lucid04:35
Ken8521!info sun-java6-plugin04:35
ubottuPackage sun-java6-plugin does not exist in lucid04:35
c0vert!info sun-java6-jre04:35
ubottuPackage sun-java6-jre does not exist in lucid04:35
peepsalotfinally validation ;-)04:35
c0verti just installed it...04:35
Ken8521c0vert, thats what i was thinking..lol04:36
Ken8521that has to be a bot error.04:36
Ken8521cuz i'm looking at synaptic right now, its installe don my system04:36
peepsalotdo you have proposed and backports enabled?  that is the really only thing i can see that is not enabled in my software sources04:36
Ken8521peepsalot, lol, well then enable them04:37
Ken8521actuall no04:37
Ken8521thats for updates and what not04:37
Ken8521no, i don't have them enabled04:37
c0vertpeepsalot, http://pastebin.ca/1868994 thats my sources..make sure its the same then run sudo aptitude update04:37
c0vertthen try again04:37
c0verti haven't altered them at all04:37
_pg_how to change username ?04:38
Ken8521_pg_, on ubuntu or here on IRC?04:38
c0vert_pg_, system>admin> users and groups04:38
Ken8521c0vert, will it let you change a username from there?... i was thinking that had to be done from recovery mode04:38
_pg_c0vert: im in there-i changed it but it still says the old one in the menubar,04:39
c0vertnever tried lol04:39
_pg_Ken8521: ubuntu04:39
c0vertprobably have tp restart gnome04:39
_pg_i did04:39
thiebaudeKen8521, that did not work either:(04:39
Ken8521come on thiebaude we're waiting w/ baited breath to hear if that worked04:39
_pg_In "user settings:" it says my new one really big and bold and then the old one underneath it italiscised04:39
Ken8521that is the strangest thing04:40
c0vertyour prob just changed the name not the login04:40
c0verthttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=877246 i guess04:41
_pg_when Iog in the username is correct04:41
peepsalotc0vert, files are pretty much identical except you have canadian and i have us servers04:41
_pg_but in the menubar where all the new social stuff is it is wrong04:41
c0vertpeepsalot, try the update command maybe?04:41
Ken8521so just create a new user and delete the old one?04:41
c0vertthiebaude,  how'd that go04:42
peepsalotc0vert,  i just updated minutes ago04:42
thiebaudeit didn't work04:42
thiebaudeit just restarted04:43
_pg_in software sources, multiverse is checked, but web browsers is still bare, no chrome, no opera, do I have to go get these debs or is there a way to get ubuntu software center to find them?04:44
c0verthttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1406969 here you go peepsalot kind of explains it..doesn't explain why i have it though?04:45
Ken8521opera, you have to download the .deb04:45
Ken8521_pg_, chrome.. i believe google has a repository for it04:45
_pg_Ken8521: isnt this the point of the software center? to not have to go hunting your familiar applications?04:45
Ken8521_pg_, yes, but ubuntu doesn't put some things in the repositories for legal reasons(thus why there are third party repos)04:46
_pg_Ken8521: i know, i know, but just having a button, "enable 3rd party software" click agree. everyones happy. right? haha04:46
Ken8521_pg_, everybody except the third party software maintainer04:47
Ken8521and unfortunately, they are the one that matters04:47
_pg_Ken8521: do they not want linux users?04:47
ZykoticK9_pg_, chromium the opensource basis of chrome is in the repo04:47
Ken8521_pg_, i don't think its that, if they didn't want linux users, they wouldnt even port their apps to linux04:48
peepsalotopenjdk/icedtea is garbage, it has never worked right04:48
Ken8521peepsalot, ar eyouu using 64bit?04:48
ZykoticK9peepsalot, add the partner repo and add sun-java then04:48
peepsalotnot on this computer04:48
c0vertmaybe they left the packages because we're on 64bit..04:49
_pg_Ken8521: still lame, the ubuntu software center has gotten sweet tho-in 10.4. featured applications, new menu system04:49
_pg_very cool04:49
Ken8521_pg_, lame maybe, complain to the software manufacturers... it's like complaining to ubuntu because some hardware devices don't have drivers04:49
_pg_Ken8521: i see-04:50
=== napster is now known as Guest51203
Guest51203How to set to show icons in menus?04:51
c0verticons do show in the menus already?04:51
Ken8521c0vert, he means the places/system menu.. you have to do it via gconf-editor04:52
ZykoticK9Guest51203, gconftool-2 -s /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons --type boolean true04:52
Guest51203ZykoticK9, Ken8521 c0vert tnx :)04:52
Ken8521i always use the GUI way, but it looks like that accomplished the same thing04:52
Guest51203Ken8521, How to do it in GUI?04:53
c0vertwant a real task, try adding icons to the fluxbox menu..that used to be a fun task04:53
ZykoticK9Guest51203, gconf-editor and use the path /desktop/gnome/...04:53
Guest51203ZykoticK9, I guessed! Thank you...04:53
Guest51203ZykoticK9, In karmic, it was in a tab in the appearance preference window.04:54
Ken8521Guest51203, yeah, this was just another way of canonical thumbing their nose at us.. "YOU WILL HAVE A DESKTOP THE WAY WE TELL YOU, SERFS"04:55
ZykoticK9Ken8521, actually that was a Gnome decision04:55
Ken8521actually, i think it was gnome more than ubuntu.04:55
Guest51203Ken8521, Exactly04:55
Ken8521ZykoticK9, yeah, it was... but i'm a drama llama04:55
ZykoticK9xulrunner-1.9.1 package FINALLY ready -- gnome-shell is installable again :)04:56
=== Guest51203 is now known as napster
_pg_is there a way to get gwibber to hide on screen edges like adium?04:57
_pg_err empathy rather04:58
Ken8521_pg_, yeah, uninstall it and install pidgin...lol04:59
Ken8521i swear, empathy is horrible04:59
LSD|NinjaI don't mind empathy, but it could have used a bit more time to mature before being thrown into the mainstream05:00
_pg_i just assume the included is best05:01
_pg_that would make sense no?05:01
Ken8521_pg_, not necessarily05:01
_pg_Ken8521: were there legal issues :P05:02
Ken8521i find brasero completely horrible and unusable... it's one of the first apps i remove, and i install gnomebaker05:02
_pg_or perhaps empathy is a core value of Ubuntu so pidgin got picked last05:02
Ken8521_pg_, what i read(don't know how true it is), ubuntu was unhappy w/ pidgin progress on getting voice/video chat across different protcols, so they threw their weight behind gnome's empathy05:03
=== d34dh4ck is now known as d34d|sleep
_pg_and whiskey tango foxtrot is up with empathy, I get a growl notification, and i try to click on it so it can take me to the chat, and it disappears when I hover.05:03
_pg_*spoons out eyeballs*05:04
jjcvHas anyone experiencing crashes with glabel?05:04
Ken8521_pg_, are you using empathy for irc?05:05
LuckySMackhrmm, i upgraded my local machine to lucid which has php 5.3, but everyone and I need 5.2.x still. Is there anyway to uninstall 5.3 and lock the version to the latest 5.2.x version so i have the needed 5.2.x packages instead??05:05
_pg_Ken8521: no-colloquoy05:06
LuckySMackalso my web server uses 5.2.x so i want to keep the same verison as the production machine05:06
Ken8521hmm, never heard of that one05:06
_pg_Ken8521: on OSX05:06
Ken8521why would you upgrade a production machine to a beta OS05:06
Ken8521_pg_, oh, you're not using ubuntu?05:06
_pg_Ken8521: i am, on a VM in virtualbox05:07
Ken8521oh ok05:07
_pg_Ken8521: on my mac05:07
LuckySMackno i dont want to upgrade my prod server to beta OS. i mean it has php 5.2 so i want to keep my local machine on 5.2 as well. so how can i degrade lucid php to 5.2.05:07
iconmefistoI get no tty's at all. just a blank screen and blinking cursor05:10
iconmefistoif I do sudo start tty1 I get a tty on ctrl-alt-F1. how is upstart supposed to start the tty's?05:14
atrusiconmefisto: /etc/init/tty[1-6].conf should handle that.05:15
iconmefistoatrus: and runlevel 2 is normal runlevel for ubuntu, right?05:16
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.05:16
=== brad[werk] is now known as bradbook
VinceNHaving a major issue with Lucid and i'm in a panic because i'm about to leave on a trip. My Network Menu has dissapeared05:32
ZykoticK9VinceN, does running "nm-applet" return it?05:33
VinceNZykoticK9 : Not sure, let me check05:33
VinceNI wasn't sure that was the name for it05:33
VinceNAn instance of nm-applet is already running.05:34
VinceN** (nm-applet:1982): WARNING **: <WARN>  constructor(): Couldn't initialize the D-Bus manager.05:34
ZykoticK9VinceN, did this happen after a kernel update?05:34
VinceNZykoticK9, No, I have not updated it since installing yesterday unless the updates are automatic now05:34
ZykoticK9VinceN, not automatic no05:34
VinceNCurrently running Kernel 2.6.32-21-generic05:35
orospakrHello!  I notice that the "MeMenu" indicator does not appear to support custom statuses, as it does in the spec.  This is a little troublesome, because I have to specifically avoid clicking on it to avoid squishing my current Empathy custom status.05:35
VinceNPlease forgive what i'm sure is a newb question but how would I compleatly kill the nm-applet and reinitialize it?  I've tried restarting the PC but that didn't do anything i'm hoping doing it from the TERMINAL might yeild better results05:37
ZykoticK9VinceN, "killall nm-applet" then run nm-applet05:37
VinceNShutting down nm-applet killed the network connection05:39
VinceNSO obviosly its still working its just not showing up in the Notification Area for some odd reason05:39
ZykoticK9VinceN, sorry my bad - didn't actually think about that...05:40
VinceNNo worries05:40
VinceNSo what can I do about this?  I LOVE lucid and really don't want to have to reinstall 9.10 before I leave05:40
orospakrVinceN, remember that networkmanager is a background process running as root, and nm-applet is merely a frontend.05:40
VinceNEpecialy since i'd have to rehack a bunch of stuff that just works in Lucid05:41
VinceNorospaker: Correct and the NetworkManager itself appears to be functioning correctly as my network still works fine. But the menu that allows to me configure the connection is gone.  It's not a huge deal right now as i'm at home and its already set up to my home wireless network but  I'll need that once I go out of town.05:42
=== Ken8521_ is now known as Ken8521
orospakrVinceN, just starting up a fresh nm-applet process wasn't enough?05:43
lucas-arg-brbis there any app for desktop changing besides drapes?05:43
VinceNorospaker,  No  It came back up and generated a message in the terminal, the network also came back online, however the icon is still not present05:43
oneirosFadeMorning all05:44
jjcvVinceN:  You can run System|Preference network connection at any time to make changes etc.05:45
VinceNI was trying to copy the message from the terminal and killed NM-applet agian05:46
VinceNThis is what I get when I restart nm-applet05:46
VinceNvince@Dynamas:~$ nm-applet05:46
VinceN** (nm-applet:2024): DEBUG: old state indicates that this was not a disconnect 005:46
VinceN** (nm-applet:2024): DEBUG: foo_client_state_changed_cb05:46
VinceN** (nm-applet:2024): DEBUG: foo_client_state_changed_cb05:46
oneirosFadeWhat would cause my mouse cursor theme to show up sometimes, and most times, just be the black-with-white-borders?05:47
VinceNSo I have no idea what to do with this or how to even approach it05:48
ZykoticK9oneirosFade, compiz05:48
oneirosFadeZykoticK9:  Does Compiz have a cursor setting dialog?05:48
ZykoticK9oneirosFade, no - but it CAN interfere with gnome's cursor theme,05:49
oneirosFadeI'd be safe to remove compiz though, right?05:50
ZykoticK9oneirosFade, i wouldn't remove it no - just disable it / don't use it05:50
oneirosFadeHow do I do that again?  Disabling it, that is05:50
ZykoticK9oneirosFade, i'm sure some of compiz is part of ubuntu-desktop05:50
ZykoticK9oneirosFade, system/prefs/appearance - Visual Effects tab - none05:51
crucialhoaxI like the icons so far, but is it possible to keep all the default icons except applications, and categories?05:51
VinceNSo does anyone have any idea's on what I can do with this silly applet or am I going to have to downgrade back to 9.10 until they sort this?05:53
crucialhoaxVinceN: What silly applet?05:54
hypnosiswhenever I select text and copy my keyboard freezes, help please05:55
VinceNcrucialhoax: nm-applet05:55
hypnosisis this common behavior?05:55
Ken8521VinceN, not sure i'd call it silly, but just uninstall.05:55
VinceNcrucialhoax: The Network Menu is gone and I can't bring it back, No big deal right now but if I take this laptop anywhere I need to be able to select from networks05:56
BPowerHey all. How do I get hibernate to actually work...?  Currently hibernate just initiates the process but then I get the (GUI) login prompt (after a minute or so)05:56
oneirosFadeVinceN: The tray app, is what you're talking about?05:57
ZykoticK9BPower, is your swap 2x your ram?05:57
VinceNoneirosFade: Up in the menu bar at top next to your sound icon is the icon to select wireless networks05:58
VinceNThat is gone05:58
BPowerZykoticK9, How can I find my swap size?05:58
crucialhoaxVinceN: Indicator applet05:58
jjcvVinceN:  You can run System|Preference network connection at any time to make changes etc.05:58
oneirosFadeVinceN: You could install Wicd05:58
BPowerZykoticK9, I'm looking at Disk Usage Analyzer but I don't see it05:58
ZykoticK9BPower, free in a terminal will show you05:58
VinceNcrucialhoax: Yes and no, It's displayed IN the indicator applet.  The indicator applet itself is still there05:59
VinceNWould it help if I took a screenshot?05:59
crucialhoaxVinceN: Ohh ok, I gotcha.05:59
crucialhoaxVinceN: No, that is not needed. I understand.05:59
Ken8521VinceN, i don't think so..05:59
BPowerZykoticK9, http://nathanbrauer.pastebin.com/cX56iJsW05:59
Ken8521network applet, is not part of indicator applet06:00
Ken8521it's part of notification area06:00
ZykoticK9BPower, actually your memory and swap are almost the same 3096384 to 4805624 < this *MIGHT* be the problem, but no guarantee06:00
VinceNI'll BRB, Im wondering if another applet I have up there is conflicting06:01
crucialhoaxVinceN: Have you tried typing `nm-applet` in a term.06:01
VinceNNeed to restart06:01
VinceNcrucialhoax: Yes, It says its already running06:01
VinceNKilling it will kill my netowkr connection but restoring it does not bring the icon back06:01
crucialhoaxthen do a `sudo restart gdm`06:01
BPowerZykoticK9, so how can I change it?06:01
ZykoticK9BPower, non-trivial, i don't know the answer to that (deals with partitioning sorta thing, actually there is some way to create a swap file i believe but I don't know how)  Good luck man.06:02
Ken8521BPower, how much disk space do you have for ubuntu?06:02
Ken8521most pc's, don't need a swap space.. it's good to have just in case, but if you've got a 1gig of ram, and at least 10gigs or so of space for ubuntu, you shouldn't ever be touching swap06:03
BPowerZykoticK9, thanks :) | Ken8521: I believe I have 100GB hard drive and 90GB free06:03
Ken8521BPower, i understand that, is that whole 90gigs for Ubuntu, or do you have a 5gig partition for ubuntu?06:04
ZykoticK9Ken8521, BPower is having a hybernate issue - and RAM and Swap are almost equal06:04
crucialhoaxI like the icons so far, but is it possible to keep all the default icons except applications, and categories? I have an icon theme I just do not know how to edit it so I only get the application icons06:04
Ken8521i dunno, i've never touched my swap when i hibernate06:04
BPowerKen8521, I have windows installed on a completely different hard drive; I formatted this hard drive (the one in question) by the Ubuntu installer so I would assume that the entire thing is Ubuntu.06:05
Ken8521BPower, ok,06:05
Ken8521BPower, my point was, how big the drive is, is irrelevant if you've only given ubuntu a few gigs.06:06
BPowerKen8521, ya. It has the whole thing :)06:06
ZykoticK9BPower, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq says that swap partition (file won't work) need only be as large as RAM and your's is i believe so perhaps this is NOT the issue?06:07
VinceNOk i'm back06:08
VinceNStill stuck06:08
BPowerKen8521, any ideas on fixing my hibernate issue? ZykoticK9, interesting. plus the swap isn't even being used right now... I would assume if swap was used, it would simply copy the memory over to the swap, so there's plenty of room for that06:08
BPower** if swap was used for hibernating06:08
ZykoticK9BPower, according to the swapfaq above it certainly is06:09
Ken8521BPower, not really, i don't have any hibernation issues, but I know some pc's/laptops do..06:09
BPowerKen8521, thanks.  If "Disk Usage Analyzer" states that the "Total filesystem capacity" is 100%, that basically means that Ubuntu has access to the entire hard drive right?06:10
BPowerAnd "filesystem usage" just means, "current storage usage"?06:11
VinceNHeres a example of my issue06:11
Ken8521BPower, i would think so.06:12
VinceNThe sound Icon and Chat/Email/Whatever icon are there, but not the network icon06:12
BPowerKen8521, ok cool.  Thanks again. I've got to run so I guess I'll try to sort out this hibernate issue later.  Thanks also to ZykoticK9 :)06:12
ZykoticK9VinceN, you do have Notification Area enabled for panel as well right?06:13
VinceNZykoticK9 Not sure I understand what you mean06:13
ZykoticK9VinceN, add to panel "notification area"06:13
VinceNZykoticK9: THERE IT IS!06:14
ZykoticK9VinceN, :)06:14
VinceNZykoticK9: Now how the heck did that get removed from the panel I wonder.06:14
ZykoticK9VinceN, sometime a picture really is worth a thousand words06:14
hypnosiswhenever I select text and copy my keyboard freezes, help please06:15
hypnosisis this common behavior?06:15
Reckonno, at least not for me06:15
VinceNZykoticK9: Thanks man.  I can't belive i've been beating my head up for 2 hours over that thing LOKL06:16
ZykoticK9VinceN, glad you got it fixed!06:16
Ken8521no problem here hypatia06:16
VinceNZykoticK9 : I'm hoping it was just stupidity it got removed,  If it disapears agian though i'll know where to look at least.06:16
Ken8521VinceN, i told you 10min ago it was notification area06:16
ZykoticK9Ken8521, technically 16min ago actually ;)06:17
Ken8521ZykoticK9, lol, well, i was close06:18
VinceNKen8521, Sorry I didn't realize there was a difference between the Notification Area and the Indicator Applet, I thought one had superseeded the other06:18
Ken8521VinceN, eventually, yes.. but as of now, there's still two.06:19
VinceNI wonder if there will come a day I don't feel like a newb.  I've been using Ubuntu since Breezy06:20
Ken8521VinceN, eh, at least you got it going06:20
Ken8521lol. breezy?06:20
Reckonbecoming a master in any subject is a hard task VinceN06:21
VinceNBefore that I was on Fedora Core............... 4 I think06:21
Ken8521yup, been w/ fedora as well.06:21
VinceNI like Ubuntu much better06:21
VinceNEspecialy the Package Management System06:21
Ken8521YUM is pretty powerful, but i greatly prefer apt-get/aptitutde06:22
VinceNI can't wait06:23
VinceNRight now we have my laptop and my wifes desktop06:23
ReckonI'm very impressed so far with the performance. I've been using Ubuntu now and then, but since 9.10, Ubuntu rocks! I used to be a Windows-fan-boy. Not anymore!!! :P06:23
VinceNWere going to get new PC's and i'm going to regulate hers to a Home Server with VPN and all that06:23
hypnosiswhenever I select text and copy my keyboard freezes, help please06:24
ZykoticK9!crosspost | hypnosis06:25
ubottuhypnosis: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.06:25
hypnosisZykoticK9, then reply :)06:25
SwedeMikehypnosis: also, you need to give a more specific fault description.06:26
hypnosisor say you don't know06:26
ZykoticK9hypnosis, is everyone had to say when they didn't know something - NOTHING would ever get done06:26
Reckonhave a nice day! Heading out to work!06:27
Ken8521hypnosis, i just copy/pasted a bunch of text, and it didn't freeze up on me at all.06:27
OoonngaaaOla penguinfanz06:40
OoonngaaaI have one problem with lucid06:40
OoonngaaaThe console lost06:40
vividwhat did it lose?06:41
Ooonngaaaazt a pingvinbaszo kurvaeget:(06:41
bazhangOoonngaaa, english only here.06:42
OoonngaaaThe fresh install06:42
Ooonngaaabazhang broth aokay06:42
vividthe console lost its fresh install you say?06:42
OoonngaaaAs first problem: from the install iso not contains wicd network manager06:43
OoonngaaaAs second: I installed lubuntu, and update, upgrade06:43
bazhangIinfo wicd06:43
bazhang!info wicd06:43
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0+ds1-2 (lucid), package size 39 kB, installed size 88 kB06:43
Ken8521Ooonngaaa, wicd is in the repos.06:43
bazhangyou need to install wicd Ooonngaaa06:44
OoonngaaaAnd the tty console lost ( tty0-tty6)06:44
Ooonngaaaonly alt+ctrl+F7 working06:44
vividis lubuntu even a supported branch?06:44
Ooonngaaabazhang brotha at this time wicd already installed too06:45
bazhang!info lubuntu-desktop06:45
ubottulubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.13 (lucid), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 powerpc ia64 sparc lpia armel)06:45
bazhangvivid, ^^06:45
vivid!info kubuntu-desktop06:45
ubottukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu Plasma Desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.170 (lucid), package size 24 kB, installed size 52 kB06:45
vividmain versus multiverse, hardly supported06:45
VinceNIs Mediabuntu stilld own?06:48
OoonngaaaI am read some forums on the WEB. Many people's problem with lucid: The console lost... :(06:48
VinceNmedibuntu even06:48
Ken8521VinceN, yes06:49
Ken8521use one of the mirrors06:49
OoonngaaaAny good idea brothers?06:51
VinceNKen8521, Looking at the webpage where are the mirrors listed?06:51
Ken8521VinceN, hang on a sec.06:51
Ken8521VinceN, i've had the best luck w/ mirror 2.. mirror 1 went down a little while ago, don't know if its back up..  http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/medibuntu-repository-down-what-to-do.html06:52
VinceNKen8521: Think I found one, Google is great06:52
VinceNThat was the article I found LOL06:52
iconmefistoOoonngaaa: don't know why, but I'm not getting any virtual terminals either. if you do sudo start tty1, do you get one on ctrl-alt-F1 ?06:53
Ken8521i odn't use tty, so i dunno.06:53
geekphreakhello all06:54
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu+1! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:55
* Maletor loves Lucid06:57
Ooonngaaaiconmefisto: yes!!!! great!06:57
Ooonngaaathe problem in the "auotoexec.bat" ?:)06:58
VinceNKen8521, Thanks sir I got that working now as well06:59
Ken8521VinceN, you found it.. :)07:01
iconmefistoOoonngaaa: do you have ati graphics card?07:02
Ooonngaaaiconmefisto: That is an old pc, PII Celeron Mendocino 400 Mhz with 512 MB RAM and built 4MB SIS 620 AGP Video Card - HP BRIO 75 BAxx PC from 199907:04
geekphreaksorry got disconnected07:05
geekphreakKen8521: :)07:05
Ooonngaaano problem geekphreak brotha...Willkomt again07:05
Ken8521do i know you?07:06
geekphreakanyways i got a question07:06
iconmefistoOoonngaaa: I filed a bug about this: bug 567047. "me too" it and add any other info to it if you can.07:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567047 in upstart "no virtual terminals on lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56704707:07
Ken8521metaphorically speaking07:07
geekphreaki just updated my system yesterday and after the update , when i press ctrl+alt+f2 or any function key to get to  text mode, all i get is blinking cursor , no login prompts nothing07:07
Ooonngaaaiconmefisto: thank you brotha'07:08
Ken8521geekphreak, i don't use console like that, but i think some others were just ehre talking bout that07:08
ZykoticK9lol geekphreak see two posts above yours for a related bug07:08
geekphreakZykoticK9: lol oopos :)07:08
geekphreakZykoticK9:  thanks mate will check07:09
ZykoticK9geekphreak, do you have lubuntu installed?  someone earlier stated they started having the issue after installing it... no idea if it's related or not to the real issue.07:10
geekphreakno i dont have that installed07:10
ZykoticK9geekphreak, ok just checkin' if there was a common thread involving lubuntu07:10
geekphreakZykoticK9:  ok ok kool np ,07:11
geekphreakyup that works :)07:14
* jumpkick can not stop fsck on boot-up .... #@!#%$!07:15
vegaehh, my lucid only boots when i remove "quiet splash" from grub command line07:16
eveningskyWhen I press the keyboard shortcut for a new Tomboy note it opens 4 new ones instead of 1. So far to fix it, I've tried changing the shortcut in case the button was sticking and removing/installing Tomboy in Synaptic. I'm running Ubuntu Studio Lucid fully updated.07:16
vegawith those, it just stays forever at the white/red dots07:16
d33dcan someone tell me why I don't have the cool "white" little icons like the one seen here next to "NET or MEM" for conky? http://laudecioliveira.org/blog/?p=22307:20
Ken8521i forget what thats called.07:21
Ken8521frankly, never had a need for it... lm-sensors?  i think thats it.07:21
d33dso is that something I need to like sudo apt-get or something? I'm new to conky07:22
Ken8521d33d, probably, but honestyl, i know very little about it.07:22
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.07:22
d33dKen8521, you don't use conky?07:22
d33dKen8521, what do you use your Ubuntu for?07:23
Ken8521i don't even know what conky is.. isn't that KDE?07:23
Ken8521eveningsky, what is your problem?07:24
eveningskyKen8521, When I press the keyboard shortcut for a new Tomboy note it opens 4 new ones instead of 1. So far to fix it, I've tried changing the shortcut in case the button was sticking and removing/installing Tomboy in Synaptic. I'm running Ubuntu Studio Lucid fully updated.07:24
eveningskyKen8521, thanks07:24
Ken8521i've never used tomboy... lemme try it07:25
Ken8521whats the keyboard shortcut, or where do i enable it?07:25
geekphreakKen8521:  press alt+f2 >> type tomboy07:26
eveningskyKen8521, It didn't do that yesterday. I don't remember the default hotkey.07:26
geekphreakeveningsky:  its alt+f1107:26
d33dKen8521, nah, conky is just like a system monitor / rainlendar is what I would consider it similar to.07:26
eveningskygeekphreak, I have mine set to open a new note on super shift n07:27
geekphreakeveningsky: well you can always customize it, i was talking bout default :d07:28
eveningskygeekphreak, but today I suddenly started getting 4 notes spread randomly around the screen each time I press it.07:29
geekphreakeveningsky: it happened to me once , yes07:29
geekphreakeveningsky:  when you left click tomboy icon , how many new notes you see?07:30
eveningskygeekphreak, I had like a hundred. I've deleted em07:31
d33dwhere'd Ken go?07:31
geekphreakd33d:  think he is working on tomboy07:31
geekphreakeveningsky:  i am redifning kys, most of them work07:32
d33dgeekphreak, not sure why he would have to exit irc to work on tomboy... its just a sticky note thing right?07:33
DanaG!find /usr/lib/xscreensaver/sonar07:33
geekphreakd33d:  he did not leave, he is here, just chking out tomboy application as question came to room07:33
ubottuPackage/file usrlibxscreensaversonar does not exist in lucid07:33
eveningskygeekphreak, I figured out that if I press and hold the shortcut, it will create new notes endlessly. So my first thing I did was change from N to B in case the N key was sticking, but it did the same thing.07:34
DanaG!find sonar07:34
d33d<geekphreak> eveningsky:  its alt+f1107:34
ubottuFile sonar found in dia-common, gnome-media-common, kscreensaver-xsavers-extra, lazarus-doc, mrpt-doc (and 4 others)07:34
d33d* Ken8521 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)07:34
eveningskyd33d, ken left very suddenly with no comment, he probably lost his connection somehow07:35
d33deveningsky, yes. that's my point.07:36
eveningskyd33d, hmmm. i guess you'll have to wait till he comes back so he can tell you07:37
geekphreakwhats the issue anyways07:37
d33di was just having problems with conky...07:38
geekphreakoh ok07:38
d33dgeekphreak, you ever used Ubuntu Tweak?07:39
upgrdmanhow do i move my max/min/close windows button back to the right corner?07:43
geekphreakd33d:  just installed coky, looks nice07:43
d33dwell i installed it and I think I broke it.07:43
d33dwhat'd you use to install it? apt-get install conky?07:43
Jordan_Uupgrdman: http://techpad.co.uk/content.php?sid=9407:43
geekphreakd33d:  yes07:43
geekphreakd33d:  open terminal start conky , tell me if you get any error messages07:44
d33dlet me re-install07:44
geekphreakd33d:  do this first hold on07:44
geekphreaksudo apt-get remove --pruge conky07:44
geekphreakso it takes old setting back during removal , then install it back07:45
d33dso --purge removes like config files?07:45
geekphreakyeah l07:45
geekphreakonly of that applcation , not all though07:46
d33dgeekphreak, ok so, I get a nasty looking black window on the left of my screen.07:47
geekphreakshowing uptime and frequency and all?07:47
d33dKen8521, welcome back07:47
d33dgeekphreak, yes.07:47
Ken8521sorry, lost my internet for some reason07:47
geekphreakd33d:  there you go, your appliation works now07:48
d33dgeekphreak, its working fine...just not when I use other configs.07:48
d33dgeekphreak, this is ugly, there are .conkyrc configs that make it beautiful.07:48
geekphreakhey i am using it for first time myself, i hate having widget on screen, i like it clean07:49
Ken8521i like a clean desktop07:49
Ken8521i don't like 40 quadrillion icons either07:49
Ken8521i usually have 2 icons, a Home link, and Pokerstars.. and thats it..lol07:49
Nirkushi! aptitude wanted to install a bunch of unsigned packages, arent they just not signed yet?07:50
Ken8521Nirkus, well, it depends onthe packages07:50
Ken8521if they are "unsigned" then they are likely from a repo you added to your source list07:50
d33dKen8521, geekphreak, the nice thing about conky is that its like unobtrusive to your work environment, its just a simple light script...runs and looks beautiful.07:50
geekphreakd33d: matter of choice i guess mate , i uninstalled it :)07:51
NirkusKen8521: didnt add any repos to my lucid yet07:51
Ken8521Nirkus, then its probably no big deal07:51
NirkusKen8521: ..i think :)07:51
NirkusKen8521: ill just wait for them to be signed, then07:52
Ken8521Nirkus, if you don't have any third party repos in your source list, i would update.  If you're using Lucid, you at least want to keep it current for bug fixes, etc07:52
geekphreakKen8521:      did you check out tomboy?07:53
Ken8521geekphreak, forgot al about it, hang on07:53
Ken8521now what was the issue, when you used your keyboard short cut to open a new note, it opened 4-5 of them?07:53
geekphreakit does thor many notes at ya07:54
NirkusKen8521: well, i dont like installing unsigned packages :) and id guess, they will be signed or replaced by singed ones soon as ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-standard are in the list..07:55
eveningskygeekphreak, Ken8521. I was just thinking I haven't rebooted in a while.07:55
Ken8521eveningsky, .. ok?07:55
eveningskylet me see if that magically fixes it. back in a few.07:55
Ken8521geekphreak, ok... i just done it, and only opens up 1 note each time i hit my short cut(I have mine for Alt G)07:57
almoxarifeis naut actions still crashing naut networking?07:57
Ken8521almoxarife, didn't know it ever was07:57
almoxarifeKen8521: it was07:57
d33dKen8521, geekphreak, this is conky looking better than its stock config...07:57
almoxarifeis maybe07:57
almoxarifeI guess I would have to reload the pckg to find out07:57
Ken8521d33d, just to much for me07:58
Ken8521does anyone here ever use skype?07:58
d33dKen8521, fair enough07:58
geekphreaki have skype07:58
d33dKen8521, I'm on it. And use it daily07:58
Ken8521d33d, but hey man, if thats your thing.. thats cool... i love choice. :)07:58
Ken8521d33d, is it normal for some cat from africa to keep sending me a message that I have won 15million dollars?07:59
geekphreakd33d:  good for monitoring options i guess , looks kool07:59
d33dlol - geekphreak Ken8521 i don't believe I have african cats contacting us.07:59
Ken8521it's happened to me a few times08:00
Ken8521that, or the same asian chick has contacted me like 8x wanting to talk dirty08:00
Ken8521which i have zero interest in.08:00
eveningskyKen8521, geekphreak. Nevermind. Reboot solved the problem.08:01
Ken8521eveningsky, ... enlighten me as to what the problem was..08:02
eveningskyKen8521, There's a keyboard shortcut to create and open up a new note in Tomboy.08:03
Ken8521eveningsky, right...08:03
eveningskyKen8521, Every time I pressed it, it created and opened 4 notes instead of one.08:03
Ken8521oh ok.. i thought it was geek having that problem08:03
d33dTomboy is just a note-taking app right?08:03
d33dlike post-it notes.08:03
geekphreakd33d: yes08:03
eveningskyKen8521, And each of the extra notes had to be deleted with an annoying "are you sure you want to delete this" dialog.08:03
d33dI find tons of yellow notes all over annoying...but at the same time, there's not much else out there...at least that i know of.08:04
geekphreakeveningsky:  from what i am seeing, its kinda of senstive, we pressing too hard08:04
eveningskyd33d post it notes that link together like a wiki08:04
eveningskyd33d, yeah, and they are not all over (except in the case of my problem a few minutes ago) they are hidden away and searchable08:05
eveningskygeekphreak, no i wasn't pressing too hard.08:06
eveningskygeekphreak, it was a minor but that fixed itself when I rebooted the computer08:06
eveningskyminor bug ^08:06
d33dgeekphreak, why ubuntu?08:10
d33di was wanting to know what people are using ubuntu for...08:11
Ken8521d33d, just a normal desktop user here.08:12
geekphreakd33d:  simple, friendly, elegant,gets the work done, secure :d08:13
Ken8521admit it, you want to look at porn w/o the threat of viruses08:14
d33dKen8521, lol108:14
d33dgeekphreak, might i ask what you do for a living?08:14
eveningskyd33d, I finally decided to go geek a couple weeks ago. Been using Windows since 3.1 and wanted the switch to be as painless a possible.08:14
Ken8521eveningsky, eh.. its rarely painless, when Redmond has brainwashed you for 15-20yrs, you can't expect to learn a new OS in 2 days08:15
eveningskyKen8521, I know!08:15
Ken8521when i tell people that, they always look at me like i just told them i'd slept with their spouse08:15
eveningskymy only prior linux experience was ssh command shell to my vps08:16
geekphreakd33d:  i am a coder , i code websites08:17
d33dMy story, I do System Administration... Been using windows for a while, but a past job I was on ubuntu and loved it, an old manager ran debian and i enjoyed ubuntu...it was awesome. so I just recently made the switch back to ubuntu, companies (where I'm at) seem to be looking for those with more linux skills. :D08:17
eveningskywhich I barely did anything useful with. I usually just called tech support and said fix my server.08:17
d33dgeekphreak, php? wordpress? joomla? RoR? python? django?08:17
geekphreakphp / ajax08:18
d33dgeekphreak, that's cool. can you make like web-apps?08:18
geekphreakyup ,08:19
d33dif I started one - would you be willing to help ... for free :P ?08:19
d33dyou wouldnt' have to code anything... just like when I hit a brick wall or something.08:19
geekphreaksure np08:20
d33dim looking at making a few different ones.08:20
RikFshrGood day all08:21
d33d1) I need an EXTREMELY simple (like almost childish) interface to upload a file to an FTP server...08:21
eveningskyd33d. every language has an irc channel. and most of the frameworks too.08:21
RikFshrI'm looking for boot help08:21
geekphreakRikFshr: whats the error?08:21
d33deveningsky, ya. been in and out of them.08:21
Ken8521RikFshr, let me get my tarot cards and i'll try to answer08:22
RikFshrI have windoze 7 and Ubuntu 10.4 beta 2 on one single Disk drive and can't boot into Ubuntu. Tried LIveCD and Super Grub etc.08:22
eveningskyd33d. I was using jQuery to heavily animate a site and spent endless hours on irc08:22
d33dRikFshr, have you tried Wubi?08:22
Ken8521RikFshr, does 7 boot OK?08:22
Jordan_URikFshr: What version of super grub CD did you use?08:22
Ken8521Jordan_U, thats a good point.08:23
RikFshrsuper grub 0.9799 and 1.3008:23
Jordan_URikFshr: What happened when you tried to boot Ubuntu with 1.30?08:23
RikFshrWin 7 boots fine and everything worked 2 weeks ago08:24
geekphreakRikFshr:  what error do you get and can you pastebin sudo fdisk -l08:24
RikFshrI should have done IRC from laptop now I am on the machine with the problem and no way to try anything :-(08:24
Ken8521RikFshr, well are you gonna answer any of the questions that have been posed?08:25
Jordan_URikFshr: Can you give a vague description, do you get an error message? Do you see the Ubuntu logo? Does it freeze with a black screen without any error messages?08:26
RikFshrSuper Grub didn't offer to repair MBR or anything that seemed useful08:26
geekphreakRikFshr:  do you get any error messages when you try to boot by any chance or grub just sits there08:26
RikFshrIt just boot sstraight to Windoze 708:26
d33dRikFshr, what version of ubuntu are you installing?08:27
Ken8521so grub doesnt even come up?08:27
RikFshrNothing seems to get the bootloader to see the Ubuntu08:27
RikFshrNo grub08:27
RikFshrI went through LiveCD Ubuntu to fix or install grub and still nothing08:27
geekphreakis this a dell system?08:28
Ken8521RikFshr, when you're on the live CD, can you browse the drive, and see that Ubuntu, did in fact, install?08:28
RikFshrYes I can see the Ubuntu partition in LIveCD08:28
RikFshrGateway P408:28
Jordan_URikFshr: The grub2 developers don't belive that bootloaders should be installed by bootloaders (and in fact grub legacy couldn't completely install itself from the bootloader either). Super grub2 disk should let you boot into Ubuntu though.08:29
RikFshrJordan_U I know that's what I tried several times but it doesn't boot Ubuntu08:29
Jordan_URikFshr: What does happen?08:29
RikFshrHonestly I tried so many things I don't recall.08:30
RikFshrGive me somethign to try and I'll go to it!08:30
Ken8521RikFshr, boot the live CD, and come back here08:30
RikFshrCya soon!08:31
* Ken8521 has a feeling he won't be able to figure out how to boot the cd08:31
Jordan_UKen8521: He says he already has used the liveCD08:32
Ken8521Jordan_U, i'm just not that confident...08:32
Ken8521i hope he proves me wrong08:32
geekphreakJordan_U:  i hope he is choosing th eright device to install the loader on08:33
crucialhoaxIs there a way to make the default theme darker? Specifically the window borders and panels? They are grey, not black...08:34
geekphreakstill looking for other options , what else could eb the reaon, i had similar issues with one of the dells, grub keps getting washed off dual boot win 7/ubuntu 9.1008:35
Ken8521usually when i have trouble w/ grub or installing, i blame it on the guy who watches me shave... and usually, i'm right.08:35
Ken8521MBR fix is a good tool, if you've never used it08:36
iconmefistoKen8521: grow a beard :)08:36
d33di guess my irc died.08:37
Ken8521it happens08:38
geekphreak cya folks08:39
d33dgeek was running kubuntu?08:39
Jordan_UKen8521: I don't break your bootloader, I only stalk you.08:39
d33di guess he could have had Konversation installed on a gnome desktop.08:39
Ken8521there's an awesome tool, for restoring windows MBR's, backing up MBR's w/ grub on them, etc.08:42
Ken8521as long as you can get to windows to use it08:42
nosse1Hi. Just installed Lucid. Have anyone else noticed a change in the fonts? I had a very good font rendering which I used in consoles on Karmic. I'm using the Monospace font as default, and IIRC the DPI and anti aliasing settings are the same08:44
Ken8521nosse1, looks the same to me,08:45
nosse1I'm unable to find the same nice small font in Lucid. Let me see if I can provide a screen dump comparison...08:46
d33dnosse1, not sure if you'll like it but I use the ttf-droid fonts... they are clean 8pt and awesome.... (well i set them to 8pt)08:52
nosse1d33d: thanks, but my point is that the Monospace (Vera I think) rendering has changed. It *did* render beautifully on karmic08:53
Jordan_Unosse1: What graphics card do you have? lucid adds KMS support for ATI and Nvidia hardware, though that should just give you a higher resolution console.08:54
d33dnosse1, oh. yeah it probably changed. are you looking for "verification" of that...or?08:54
nosse1Jordan_U: I'm running Nvidia 195 driver08:56
nosse1d33d: I'm not sure what you mean by "verification", but my goal of this would be to get back to that font. Because with it I was capable of getting a nice font and yet it was very compact08:57
nosse1When I change the font size through 9 to 6, the spacing changes (i.e. what latex would call "em"), so the aspect ratio of the font isn't preserved when changing it08:59
Jordan_UKen8521: If you are going to be here for a while would you mind pinging me if RikFshr returns? I'm the developer of super grub2 disk so if it's legitimately failing to boot his Ubuntu install (and it's not a wubi install, I'll support that in 1.99) I'd like to know why so I can fix it.08:59
Ken8521Jordan_U, sure.08:59
nosse1I'm trying to start my Karmic in VirtualBox, but I cannot start it due to some kernel issue it seems...09:00
Jordan_UKen8521: Thanks09:00
Ken8521nosse1, are you trying to start the live ISO, or an OS you've installed?09:01
nosse1Ken8521: VB issue to boot a virtual harddisk, not live ISO. And not the OSE version of VB09:02
Ken8521so how are you attempting to install karmic in vbox?09:04
switchgirlbagpuss_thecat, you know java don't you?09:04
nosse1Ken8521: I have it already. The image is from before I upgraded to Lucid.09:04
nosse1Here's something odd IMHO: Go into appearance -> Fonts. For fixed font, select Monospace 9. Then enter Details. At the same time open a new console (which uses the system font)09:05
Ken8521nosse1, well is it on CD, or what?..09:06
nosse1If you select "Slight" under Hinting and then "Full" then font rendering changes completely on my machine09:06
nosse1Ken8521: I upgraded my host computer yesterday from Karmic to Lucid. My comments about VB are only in order for me to demonstrate how it behaves on Karmic, that's all09:07
Ken8521nosse1, i understand... and you're trying to boot karmic in vbo, right?09:08
nosse1Ken8521: yup. I'll figure out why VB wont start in a minute. Now, I'm trying to focus on the fonts issue :D09:09
Ken8521i really have no idea on the fonts09:09
BUGabundo_remoteFrom the Hills, I shout: Guud Morning09:10
nosse1But does anyone else see this behaviour?09:10
KingFisherI'm back from my dual boot problem!09:12
KingFisherFormerly known as Rick09:12
KingFisherOn a hunch I ran Super Grub 0.9799 and fixed my boot issue09:13
KingFisherWould someone remind me of the grub command to get Grub to also list Windows09:14
iconmefistoKingFisher: grub should detect other oses. sudo update-grub will update /boot/grub/grub.cfg09:15
KingFisherSo SuperGrub worked after all09:17
KingFisherWhat does everyone think about updating to Beta 2 versus waiting for 9 days for the final09:18
alvinKingFisher: I'm pondering that myself. I experience very severe issues with Lucid and have doubts that they will be fixed in 9 days. On the other hand, not everyone experienced these issues. (without exception these are boot issues)09:19
nosse1Is there a pastebin for images somewhere?09:19
Jordan_U!screenshot | nosse109:20
ubottunosse1: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.09:20
Jordan_Ualvin: What type of boot issues?09:21
alvinIn kubuntu, PrtScr does not work by default. Use ksnapshot09:21
alvinOh, the not being able to boot part. Want me to find the bug numbers so you can check whether the requirements apply for you?09:21
Jordan_UKen8521: No need to ping me anymore BTW.09:21
iconmefistoalvin: in kubuntu, PrtScr starts ksnapshot here09:21
KingFisherAlvin I always like to get it when it first comes out but I also use Windows for everyday stuff09:22
alviniconmefisto: You probably have it set in global shortcuts. I didn't get around to that yet09:22
Jordan_Ualvin: Bug numbers would be great.09:22
alvinok, give me a moment to find all boot bugs I'm suffering from09:22
trijntjeHi all, I want to upgrade my 9.04 system to 10.4 (I know its not release yet), but update-manager -d doesnt seem to work. What is the proper way to get to lucid?09:22
Jordan_Utrijntje: You need to upgrade to 9.10 first09:23
LSD|Ninjatrijntje: wait 6 months for 10.10 :P09:23
KingFisherMy Ubuntu Beta 2 disk hangs. I suspect a bad CD is there a way to test the disk while I am in Ubuntu09:23
LSD|NinjaThere's no way in hell they're going to get everything that needs to be fixed done in time for an end of april launch, but that's nothing new for an LTS >_<09:24
trijntjeJordan_U: LSD|Ninja, never mind, update-manager -d worked the second time. Its like magic ;)09:24
iconmefistotrijntje: I did my upgrade in terminal with sudo do-release-upgrade -d09:24
Jordan_UKingFisher: If you press escape at boot there is an option to check the CD for defects.09:25
KingFisherJordan_U thanks I forget there are things to press while booting!09:25
nosse1I get two very different renderings of the screen fonts when I select "slight" hinting or "full" hinting. See http://imagebin.org/93683 vs. http://imagebin.org/9368409:26
Jordan_UKingFisher: It's new in lucid, since they now by default present you with the installer with a button to go to the live Deskop they don't need to show the meny at boot (but still allow you to get to it for advanced options).09:27
alvinKingFisher, Jordan_U. Here is the list: Very critical (read: for me) are bug 360378 and bug 563895 (also in Karmic). More or less related bugs I always have are bug 563902, bug 527666, bug 563117 and bug 557909. Then, more cosmetic ones are bug 444563, bug 563916 and bug 420077. Some of these bugs were also in Karmic. The worst part is that I'm testing Lucid to see whether I can mount NFS drives well at boot. This is supposed to be fixed,09:30
alvin but I can't check well because of all other issues that have risen.09:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 360378 in linux "Gave up waiting for root device after upgrade then busybox console" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36037809:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563895 in grub2 "Disk not found when booting mdadm RAID1 with snapshotted lvm volume" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56389509:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563902 in lvm2 "When snapshots exists, mountall will not mount the parent partition" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56390209:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527666 in mountall "Waiting for /some/partition [SM]" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52766609:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563117 in ubuntu "Release upgrade converts /dev/mapper entries in /etc/fstab to UUID" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56311709:31
nosse1How to trigger recompile of the "extra" kernel modules?09:31
alvinubottu has given up. Gotta find 'm all. :-)09:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:31
nosse1...I think something about dkms IIRC09:32
Ken8521sorry Jordan_U stepped away for af ew09:34
nosse1How can I alter the behaviour to change workspace when dragging a window to the screen edge? Where is it?09:39
Jordan_Ualvin: The grub bug is interesting, you're right that it probably won't be fixed in lucid before release but upstream grub tends to get fixes into trunk very quickly and it may make it into a point release (LTSs have them, non LTS don't). Do you happen to have a serial port to capture debug output from?09:44
alvinYou mean the 'disk not found when booting mdadm with snapshots bug'?09:45
dimaHi, is this a right place to ask kubuntu lucid specific question?09:45
Jordan_Ualvin: Yes09:45
alvinI can capture output by means of a KVM-over-ip switch. Would that be any good? There's not much output09:45
dimaI've got a problem. Plasma wouldn't start after upgrade to lucid. Anything I can do?09:46
alvinJordan_U: Actually, all output is in the bug report. I have only 3 lines (error: no such disk)09:46
Jordan_Ualvin: If you run "set debug=all" you will get much more output (which is why you really need serial to get it all).09:47
zniavredo you experience really huge border around thumbnail in the desktop ?09:48
alvinJordan_U: In what file do I set the debug?09:48
zniavreis that a feature or what ?09:48
alvinI'll check the BIOS to see if serial is possible.09:49
Jordan_Ualvin: Normally the grub.cfg but you aren't getting far enough for that to be read yet. You can run it at the rescue shell but you probably won't get much usefull if you start debugging only after the lvm module is loaded. The easiest thing to do is probably to use super grub2 disk (so that you can get to a full grub shell and "set debug=all" before needing to insmod lvm).09:52
alvinJordan_U: I could just boot the system too (it's possible to remove the snapshot using the ubuntu rescue option on the install cd)09:55
alvinJordan_U: This could take a while. The only portable pc with serial connection I have here is a pentium II.09:55
Jordan_Ualvin: But then you wouldn't get debug output from it failing.09:56
alvinJordan_U: No worries. I'll just make another snapshot and reboot. It WILL fail09:56
Jordan_Ualvin: If you can reproduce it in qemu that would work as well.09:56
Jordan_Ualvin: Here is an image for super grub disk based on grub 1.98 (which is the version used in lucid) http://prdownload.berlios.de/supergrub/super_grub_disk_hybrid-1.98s1-rc1.iso. It has serial terminal enabled by default.09:58
alvinJordan_U: Hmm, good idea. I probably can09:58
Ken8521when did you get so involved w/ grub Jordan_U ?09:59
Jordan_UKen8521: I started what I thought would be a one hour project for my College involving grub and it turned into something *much* more involved, then I submitted some patches for super grub2 disk and it turned out that Adrian, the primary developer wasn't working on it actively.10:01
Ken8521and lucky you...lol10:02
Ken8521i was trying to figure out how to make it boot a USB a couple weeks ago.10:02
Ken8521my PC is incapable of booting USB, and I'd read somewhere that grub could boot the USB.10:02
Jordan_Ualvin: There is an option in the menu of the image I gave you titled "Enable grub's raid support". I haven't done much with raid myself so I haven't tested it yet (it's one of the things I need to do before releasing 1.98s1). So don't be surprised if it doesn't work but please ping me if you can either way.10:07
alvinJordan_U: I'm still booting the Pentium II :-) I'll test both the ubuntu grub and your cd. Could take a while though10:07
Jordan_UKen8521: "insmod ohci; insmod uhci; insmod usbms" but at this stage grub's USB code is just as likely to make grub freeze as it is to work (someone's just recently taken on the job of fixing it up though).10:09
BUGabundo_remotea bit OT, but maybe someone can help me: my debian system, lost my mouse... was working till a few minutes ago. other mouse same thing. this mouse on other PC works. how can I restart some X component??10:10
Jordan_Ualvin: I going to sleep now anyway, thanks for taking the time to file bugs and especially going the extra mile to get debug output.10:11
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odie5533Is there a mini 10.04 install disc?10:43
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hyper_chhi there, anyone else has problems their scanners to get recognized in Lucid? Neither the webcam nor my printer/scanner is being recognized anymore10:45
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thecookieAny update on the sound issues?11:07
bagpuss_thecatswitchgirl: eh, no11:08
coc0nuthyper_ch: My printer works in Lucid, haven't tried my scanner.11:09
coc0nutI can try tonight and let you know if you want.11:09
coc0nutThe printer worked but the scanner wasn't even detected in FreeBSD. >.>11:09
hyper_chprinter works fine11:11
hyper_chbut neither the printer scanner nor the webcam is recognized as scanner device11:12
thecookiebleh, no sound or 3d hardware11:13
hyper_chsound is overrated :)11:15
thecookieToo bad I need symlinks for this project I'm working on, otherwise I'd be in win7 :)11:15
hyper_chcan't you read lips and heard the sound from the visual sound specter?11:15
switchgirla linux machine is 32 bit whats the windows equivelent?11:17
hyper_chswitchgirl: ?11:17
BUGabundo_remoteswitchgirl: care to explain that?11:18
switchgirlim setting up windows 7 on a vm... i am on lunux lucid as a host11:18
eveningskyswitchgirl, windows and linux are both available in either 32 bit or 64 bit versions.11:18
switchgirllucid lynx rather and linux 32bit11:18
hyper_chif you want a 64bit guest OS you need to have11:19
switchgirlwindows calling it 64 or x8611:19
Ken8521if you have a 32bit host, don't you need a 32bit guest?11:19
hyper_chyou can setup a 64bit guest os on a 32bit host11:19
Ken8521ohcan you?.. didn't knwo that11:20
Ken8521never tried it11:20
hyper_chnever tried myself but read that you can if your mobo and cpu supports it11:20
BUGabundo_remotewow confusion11:20
BUGabundo_remotemost VMs can emulate the 64bits on 32bits host11:20
BUGabundo_remotebut it will be *slower*11:20
Ken8521BUGabundo_remote, so you kinda lose any 64bit benefit11:20
BUGabundo_remoteyou can have >4gb of ram11:21
IRConanindeed... you're best using the same arch unless you're specifically trying to emulate a different one11:21
BUGabundo_remotebut even that access is emulated11:21
switchgirli have 2.5 gb ram and have had no issues on karmic11:21
BUGabundo_remoteIRConan: host 64bits with vms in 32, aren't any prob at all11:21
IRConanBUGabundo_remote: yeah but there's no reason to do so unless you're specifically trying to create a 32-bit userland11:22
Ken8521switchgirl, what exactly is your question?11:22
IRConanor ofc the platform doesn't support 6411:22
BUGabundo_remoteswitchgirl: I didn't have issues in karmic. but do you have any with lucid?11:23
BUGabundo_remoteIRConan: stupid habbits, I guess11:23
switchgirlKen8521, was wondering what bit to set up as i had forgotton11:24
TenkawaAnyone know if elantech touchpad support will make it into lucid?11:24
switchgirli'm setting it up now... was saying that yes its never given me issues before11:24
Ken8521switchgirl, well, is there a particular reason you want one or the other?11:24
Ken8521oh ok11:24
switchgirlaka IRConan was wrong.... it IS possible11:24
Ven]nis it a bad idea to install 2.6.33 ?11:24
BUGabundo_remoteVen]n: not officially supported11:25
BUGabundo_remotedo you need something from it ?11:25
Ven]nmy broadcom wifi11:25
ysrhello guys...11:25
IRConanswitchgirl: i didn't say it's impossible11:25
BUGabundo_remoteswitchgirl: please don't acuse ppl of something. no one said it wouldn't work11:25
BUGabundo_remotejust that he didn't know if it would11:25
ysrcan i ask for something please....11:25
BUGabundo_remotehi ysr11:25
Ven]nBUGabundo_remote, b43 driver with 14e4:4315 (Broadcom bcm4312 rev 01)11:25
BUGabundo_remote!ask | ysr11:25
ubottuysr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:25
Ven]napparently it works out of the box in 2.6.3311:25
BUGabundo_remoteVen]n: did you file a bug against the kernel, stating it works with .33?11:26
BUGabundo_remotemaybe support for it, can be backported11:26
ysrups sorry....11:26
BUGabundo_remoteVen]n: please do. thanks11:26
Ven]nBUGabundo_remote, there are ways to make it work.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=126662011:26
BUGabundo_remoteVen]n: let me know the bug id11:26
Ven]ntoo novice to do that11:26
BUGabundo_remoteysr: np11:26
BUGabundo_remoteVen]n: to file a bug?11:27
BUGabundo_remoteno one is11:27
Ven]nIm not sure what the bug is11:27
switchgirli am sorry BUGabundo_remote and IRConan it was a statement of fact not an accusation11:27
BUGabundo_remoteVen]n: just open a teminal console and type: ubuntu-bug linux11:27
BUGabundo_remoteyou will be redirected to a login page on launchpad.net11:27
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots11:27
Ven]nbelieve its already filed11:27
ysrok, this my problem, my plymouth seems doesn't work well..... it's very big.... where should i config it??11:27
BUGabundo_remoteVen]n: what's the bug id, then?11:27
Ven]nconsidering the thread at 51 pages :)11:28
Ven]ndont know11:28
BUGabundo_remotebelieve me... ppl rant, and don't file bugs11:28
Ven]nbeen a while since I tried to make it work11:28
BUGabundo_remoteVen]n: can you do a search on LP11:28
Ven]nill try11:29
switchgirlis it too early for volcano jokes or should i let the dust settle first?11:29
Ven]nBUGabundo_remote, quite a few matching 14e4:431511:29
Ven]nBUGabundo_remote, 408357 for instance11:30
BUGabundo_remotephone bbl11:31
Ven]nhow to disable ubuntu locking after X minutes?11:31
Ven]nand requiring me to type in password11:31
vegaVen]n: System -> Preferences -> Screensaver ... ?11:33
SandGorgondoes anybody have .33 or .34 kernels working in 10.04 ? I tried it on my kubuntu 10.04 install, but I dont get my ethernet or wifi drivers11:38
vega.32 seems to be newest kernel in my mirror11:40
vegahard to believe that the kernel would change anymore at this point11:40
G_A_CSandGorgon: they're probably in the restricted-extras package which is only available for official kernels and not in the MainlineKernel archive11:41
BUGabundo_remotebug 40835711:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408357 in linux-restricted-modules "no wireless on Dell Mini 10, card BCM4312 802.11b/g [14e4:4315] (rev 01)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40835711:42
BUGabundo_remotevega: no. .32 will be the kernel for lucid as it is an LTS11:42
BUGabundo_remotewe already discussed this the other day11:42
BUGabundo_remoteVen]n: do you have a dell mini too ?11:44
alvinJordan_U: bug 563895 can not be circumvented with supergrubdisk. I can insmod raid and lvm, but supergrubdisk will not find an OS. This issue is worse than I thought. I'd like to post debug output, but it's too much for the serial console and the logs look worthless without line breaks.11:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563895 in grub2 "Disk not found when booting mdadm RAID1 with snapshotted lvm volume" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56389511:44
BUGabundo_remoteVen]n: that's a pretty old bug. do you have a recent one, with current kernel?  or can you file a new one, stating it works with .33?11:45
BUGabundo_remoteassuming you have tested .33 at all11:45
brianhermanNine more days!11:53
IRConanby the sound of things I'd prefer it were longer11:55
iconmefisto_I'd prefer fixes were faster11:55
BUGabundo_remoteiconmefisto_: patches accepted11:55
c0vertwell the quick release dates are one of the reasons why ubuntu is so far ahead11:57
=== iconmefisto_ is now known as iconmefisto
alvinfar ahead in what area?11:59
IRConanI'm not a fan of time based release cycle12:00
Votanalvin version numbers if u ignore the "." :> soon to release version 1004 :>12:01
IRConanif there's a major known bug you shouldn't release... no questions12:01
alvinI'm with IRConan on that one12:01
IRConanI could understand if they ran time based except for LTS release12:02
c0vertthere's plenty of other distro's to choose form that aren't time released12:02
IRConanthat's true12:02
IRConanI don't actually use ubuntu on anything at the moment12:02
alvinEvery release seems plagued by a few issues that never get resolved within that release. It always looks like support ends a month after release12:02
IRConanconsidering putting it on something when lucid comes out if they fix enough of the crap before then12:02
c0verti haven't really had once issue with it yet12:03
alvinI have my reasons to use Ubuntu, but the hurried releases are not one of them.12:03
IRConanwell I recently tried an apt-get install gnome and got a block in the dep resolution12:03
IRConanthat's a fairly major issue12:03
alvinSome people haven't. but you probably didn't use Jaunty on an Intel Graphics card then. Or Karmic on another Intel Graphics card. Or NFS mounts in karmic, (or LVM in Lucid)12:03
IRConanlvm is broken in lucid? that would be a showstopper on the device I'm thinking of12:04
c0verti'm quite happy i have an amd based laptop with ati graphics now..no more intel anything problems12:04
IRConanwhat do you use for ATI graphics? fglrx is the spawn of the devil!12:05
alvinIRConan: LVM looks very broken to me in Lucid. Well, the volumes are there, but there are plenty of boot problems when you use lvm.12:05
c0verti used whatever it gave me, didn't really look to be honest12:05
alvinand 9 days to fix (grub2beta/upstart/mountall/plymouth) doesn't seem a lot of time12:05
c0vertbut i have my ati catalyst controls in my preferences menu12:06
iconmefistoIRConan: the radeon driver works well for me12:06
BUGabundo_remoteIRConan: you should have used ubuntu-desktop , not gnome :D12:06
alvinor Kubuntu12:06
unixpwhich version of linux would u recommend for an slow pc like athlo 1.8GHz 1GB 40GB HDD. using for webside editing, else gimp, much internet tabs12:06
IRConanBUGabundo_remote: I didn't want ubuntu-desktop12:06
om26ertrying 20100419.1 build and nothing comes after the cursor is shown ttys show athentication failed12:06
BUGabundo_remoteunixp: any12:06
IRConanI wanted gnome12:07
joaopintounixp, bettes ask on #Linux12:07
BUGabundo_remoteIRConan: wrong distro then12:07
IRConanBUGabundo_remote: stop trolling12:07
BUGabundo_remoteI'm not trolling12:07
BUGabundo_remoteI'm and Ubuntu Member12:07
IRConanI know!12:07
BUGabundo_remoteI do user support every day12:07
alvinubuntu-desktop is about the same as gnome. You should install ubuntu-desktop (and remove stuff afterwards, if there are thing there you don't like/need)12:07
joaopintoIRConan, Ubuntu tries to provide default options for most users, it is not an highly customizable distro12:08
IRConanbut that doesn't give you the right to tell me what package I should install12:08
BUGabundo_remoteI promote the use of open source12:08
BUGabundo_remoteI didn't12:08
BUGabundo_remoteI recommended12:08
IRConanubuntu-desktop depends on the gnome meta-package12:08
BUGabundo_remoteand pointed that what you wanted to do, was not the best option in the current distro12:08
c0vertwhen i try to use a few compiz features my screen just turns white..and that's about the only problem i've had with my radeon12:08
=== BUGabundo_remote is now known as BUGabundo_lunch
IRConanthere is nothing wrong with trying to install the gnome meta-package without the rest of the ubuntu-desktop stuff12:08
IRConanfe... I didn't want openoffice installed12:09
alvinI think you can block some packages12:09
IRConanseems more sensible to not install the meta-package which depends on the stuff you don't want12:10
IRConanit is unquestionably a bug that the gnome meta-package doesn't install12:10
alvinthe gnome package is in universe, and thus only supported on a best-effort basis. But I do think you can customize your own system. I have systems with only basic X installed here. Maybe take a look at the depends and recommends of ubuntu-desktop and see what packages you need to get yourself a gnome-without-openoffice environment. It should be perfectly doable.12:12
IRConangnome is in universe?12:12
c0vertagain, i'd choose a different distro if i didn't want gnome, just not worth it12:12
IRConanthat's odd, I was sure that ubuntu-desktop pulled "gnome"12:14
IRConanI'll take back what I said then... I don't understand why they don't ship a meta-package for the gnome environment thoguh12:14
rippsIRConan: I think you want a gnome-session without all the ubuntu specific components, correct? Than you want to install a vanilla gnome-session, install 'gnome-stracciatella-session' to have that.12:14
gnomefreakapt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop will give you most of the packages that will be pulled in12:14
alvinand gnome is not in that list (at first glance)12:15
IRConanindeed... I've just realised that12:15
trijntjeduring update to Lucid the package 'fglrx' was not installed, is there anything I can do about this before rebooting?12:15
alvinif the meta-package does not install, filing a bug isn't a bad idea though.12:15
gnomefreaksure it does12:15
gnomefreakalvin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/419175/  < lots of gnome packages12:16
IRConanalvin: true.. I believe there is one already there12:16
alvingnomefreak: Yes, lots of gnome packages, but not the 'gnome' metapackage12:17
IRConanseems a shame there's no supported meta-package for gnome without all the default ubuntu apps12:18
gnomefreakalvin: every package on that list brings in other packages. what do you mean by gnome meta package12:18
c0vertwell, use debian then?12:18
iconmefisto!info gnome-desktop-environment12:18
gnomefreakgnome meta package is pretty much ubuntu-desktop12:19
alvingnomefreak: well, 'gnome' (as in $ aptitude show gnome)12:19
ubottugnome-desktop-environment (source: meta-gnome2): The GNOME Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.28+1ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 2 kB, installed size 44 kB12:19
IRConanc0vert: have you seen the gnome version in debian?12:19
c0vertnot in a few versions but yes12:19
IRConanit's not exactly new is it12:19
IRConanthe "solution" would appear to be switch to something like Fedora12:19
c0vertew no..12:20
IRConanhence the ""12:20
c0vertfedora is the worst.12:20
c0vertuse slackware and build it the way you want.12:20
IRConanslackware is rolling release isn't it? that's just horrible12:20
IRConan(unless you want it)12:20
gnomefreakguys/gals please join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything other than support12:20
IRConanI'm gonna go away now anyway12:21
trijntjeHi all, I just upgraded to Lucid but the installer said the upgrade was not succesfull and the system might be broken... What should I do to fix this?12:26
coc0nutHave you tried to boot into Lucid after installing12:27
coz_trijntje,   if you are still in lucid    open a terminal and try   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:27
* gnomefreak would run it again12:27
trijntjenot yet, I thought it would be better to ask help when the system still works12:27
coc0nutOh, I see.12:28
coc0nutTry upgrading again12:28
coc0nutDon't reboot until it's finished.12:28
trijntjeok, running dist-upgrade again, thanks all12:28
trijntjeapt say's I should use -f, would that be the right thing to do?12:29
coz_trijntje,   yeah12:30
gnomefreakjust dont restart until system is in "stable" condition12:31
coz_trijntje,  also... if you can.. and you have anything crucial that needs saved... i would back that up  first and then restart... if it doesnt boot  then you can safely reinstall12:32
trijntjecoz_, I already made a backup before I started the install, and it looks like fglrx is installed succesfully now12:33
coz_trijntje,  oh cool... well now for the test:)   you can try a restart12:33
duffydackhmm, which elevator would be better at handling heavy disk writes...im making a static 20gig vm image and firefox, and even chrome are being unresponsive while it finishes..  unresponsive like window turning grey.12:36
trijntjecoz_, rebooting now, I hope it works12:36
coz_trijntje,  good luck :)12:36
trijntjeMy system works, but compiz doesnt12:40
trijntjeah wait, I have to enable the fglrx proprietary driver12:42
coz_trijntje,  working now?12:45
Dr_Willisseems theres been some work in the fglrx driver area the last week or so...12:49
trijntjecoz_, everything is working now. Thanks to you and the others for your help!12:52
coz_trijntje,   very cool :)12:53
=== nosse1 is now known as sveinse
Dr_WillisHmm.. The Notificatian popups.. seem goofy now.13:03
=== BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGabundo_remote
vegahmm, 44 sec from grub to login prompt on a _fast_ machine.. todays lucid13:07
veganot so impressive13:07
Dr_Willisjust throw the pc away then.....13:08
Dr_WillisThe hard disk is the bottleneck most of the times i find.13:09
iconmefistovega: I get less than 20 sec on a slow old laptop13:09
Dr_WillisMy netbook - i think is under 30 sec.13:09
Ven]nBUGabundo_remote, I havent tested .33 .. thats kinda why I joined here and asked about .33....13:11
vegaVen]n: where do you find these .33 and .34 kernels, no such thing in mirrors or packages.ubuntu.com ?13:13
bullgard4What is the function of the directory /usr/share/package-hooks? What Python files does it include?13:13
Ven]nvega, http://www.ramoonus.nl/2010/02/25/linux-kernel-2-6-33-installation-guide-for-ubuntu-linux/13:14
TommyThaGunnow I hear people13:14
TommyThaGun2.6.33? what's do great about it?13:15
* BUGabundo_remote loves to see ppl recommend dist-upgrades and -f :D... never heard of aptitude *safe*-upgrade ?13:17
coc0nutNo, that's for women.13:17
BUGabundo_remoteduffydack: try to set barriers=0 in fstab13:18
BUGabundo_remotevega: kernel team PPA13:18
duffydackhmm,  never heard of that one before.  cheers13:18
BUGabundo_remotetotally NOT supported13:19
BUGabundo_remoteduffydack: as usual, use at your own risc13:19
BUGabundo_remotebut something changed that recentely13:19
duffydackBUGabundo_remote, oh oh..  why, what does it do13:19
BUGabundo_remoteand I did notice IO lost of performance13:19
BUGabundo_remoteso reverting to 0 improves it for me13:19
TommyThaGunhello Kills13:21
BUGabundo_remotehi Kills13:21
BUGabundo_remotenot the most friendly name13:21
BUGabundo_remotebut we already have a Gun inside... so!13:21
KillsIve been directed here from Ęubuntu13:22
BUGabundo_remoteI guess its open season on the duffy duck :D13:22
TommyThaGunwhat does 'PATH does not contain /home/tp/bin' mean?13:23
TommyThaGunthere is a /home/tp/bin13:23
KillsI have a problem that my laptop speakers and what is plugged in are playing togerther always13:23
BUGabundo_remoteKills: there was about that a while again13:23
BUGabundo_remoteplease run: ubuntu-bug alsa-base13:24
BUGabundo_remoteand ping crim_sun the bug id13:24
KillsIm nwe to ubuntu13:24
BUGabundo_remoteyour HW might need a quirk13:24
Killsplease be mroe exact on what Im suppsoe to do13:24
bullgard4What is the function of the directory /usr/share/package-hooks? What Python files does it include?13:24
BUGabundo_remoteKills if you are new to all of this, why are you running a devel version?13:24
BUGabundo_remotebullgard4: we read the question the 1st time13:24
KillsIm runing 9.1013:25
BUGabundo_remoteplease avoid repeating. thank you13:25
BUGabundo_remoteKills: this channel is for Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 support13:25
BUGabundo_remoteplease redirect your problem to #ubuntu13:25
Killsyeah i was just rediretced here by some nuthead13:25
vininimmight or might not be off-topic, but is anyone managing to connect to irc.gnome.org with empathy?13:25
KillsOk the bye bye13:25
bullgard4BUGabundo_remote: Stop trolling please.13:26
leagrisKills pulseaudio and new gnome mixer are terrible unable asperger constructs. Uninstall pulseaudio, use plain alsa instead and install the gamix mixer. You will the be able to correctly mute your internal speakers and only let your font plug headphone on.13:26
BUGabundo_remote!coc | bullgard413:26
ubottubullgard4: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .13:26
BUGabundo_remoteleagris: please stop with the FUD13:27
BUGabundo_remoteif you have any bugs with it, please report13:27
gnomefreakthe in launchpad  << he forgot this :)13:27
leagrisBUGabundo_remote, there are already plenty stalling bugs issues in launchpad about pulseaudio and the new gnome mixer.13:28
duffydacktrying to setup 'FOG' on lucid, and it fails to get libmd5-perl.  it doesnt exist in the repo.13:28
BUGabundo_remotegnomefreak: true13:28
leagrisBUGabundo_remote, and this is not FUD. It is possibly angry talk from someone who struggled to get these things operate properly and had to go down removing pulseaudio entirely.13:29
TommyThaGunwhat does 'PATH does not contain /home/tp/bin, it is recommended that you add that." mean?13:29
BUGabundo_remoteleagris: all 3 audio bugs, I had were fix within days of reporting13:30
leagrisBUGabundo_remote, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/44584913:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445849 in pulseaudio "Highpitched Rattling like Sound with 5.1 Surround Configuration on Karmic Koala" [Medium,Triaged]13:30
BUGabundo_remoteTommyThaGun: same for you : we read the question the 1st time13:30
BUGabundo_remoteleagris: *karmic*13:30
BUGabundo_remotepleanty of changes in alsa an kernel for lucid13:31
leagrisBUGabundo_remote, guess what, the bug is still there with new upcomming ubuntu.13:31
* gnomefreak goes to have a smoke. Please keep it on a more support topic. if you fiund a bug please report it or update an exsiting bug best way to provide more info to a bug you can open a term. and type apport-collect #bugnumber (replace that with the bug number13:31
patdk-wkhow odd, now package updates today?13:32
patdk-wkno package updates13:34
popeypatdk-wk: final freeze13:34
popeyrelease candidate in two days13:34
vininimwell, I got 135MB+ updates today, maybe I slacked a day or two =P13:34
popeyyeah, i had loads yesterday, none today13:34
patdk-wkI last updated at 11am yesterday :)13:34
Ven]nhmm.. i put in beta 2 today13:35
BUGabundo_remoteVen]n: its OLD13:35
BUGabundo_remoteplease upgrade13:35
Ven]nused the update manager13:35
Ven]nputting in 2.6.33 now :)13:38
iconmefisto2.6.33 is in repos?13:40
BUGabundo_remoteiconmefisto: NO13:40
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
UrdaAnybody know why splash images that once fit my screen in GRUB2 in 9.10, now have a black border around them in 10.04's GRUB2 ?13:42
gnomefreakgrub or plymouth?13:42
Urdagnomefreak: Grub213:43
Urdathe standard with 10.0413:43
bullgard4What is the function of the directory /usr/share/package-hooks? What Python files does it include?13:43
gnomefreakUrda: what does it say/show13:43
Italian_PlumberI am searching for an ubuntuforums thread regarding upgrading a server from hardy to lucid. If one exists, I cannot find it.  I'm looking specifically for any discussion regarding recommending not upgrading because hardy is ext3 and lucid is ext4 (by default, I assume).  I have found this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8813514&postcount=5 but nothing more.  Do my searching skills suck or should I start a th13:44
Urdagnomefreak: Well it is the splash image, the image is the same size & resolution of the GRUB bootup screen, but after upgrading to 10.04 there is a black border when the image used to take up the entire screen13:44
gnomefreakUrda: the image you are talking about is on the grub screen (list of all kernels)  I have never seen a black boarder on neither grub1 grub 2 or plymouth13:45
gnomefreakoh and i have no image in grub13:46
yofelItalian_Plumber: an upgrade will not touch the filesystem you're using,  so ext3 will stay ext313:46
yofelbullgard4: you mean /usr/share/apport/package-hooks?13:47
bullgard4yofel: Yes, I do.13:48
Urdagnomefreak: yea, it is when you have a splash image the border gets created, I'll get a pic13:48
gnomefreakUrda: can you change the image and see if any of them show same issue?13:49
yofelbullgard4: the packages put their apport hooks there that control the apport interaction if you run 'ubuntu-bug package' (the questions it asks, what data it includes in the report, ...)13:49
Urdagnomefreak: I did, I made sure both images matched the resolution GRUB ran at during boot. The border is uniform around the images that I use13:49
bullgard4yofel: What are apport hooks?13:50
gnomefreakUrda: ok please file a bug on grub best to use ubuntu-bug grub-pc  this should upload alot of info we can use to help find the issue13:50
Urdaon launchpad?13:51
gnomefreakUrda: yes if you use the command above it will add info13:51
gnomefreakrun the command in terminal13:51
yofelbullgard4: python scripts that apport uses for package-specific options. Like I said, what files need to be uploaded, or what questions are asked (like the kernel questions). Like that apport can include information in a report that might help in debugging13:51
yofelbullgard4: or rather like that it knows what information makes sense to add to a report about a specific package13:52
Urdagnomefreak: I know this picture sucks, but see the black bars between the splash and my screen bezel? Before 10.04 this image filled the entire screen :\ Sauce: http://twitpic.com/1h1d4r13:52
bullgard4yofel: Thank you very much for explaining.13:52
Urdagnomefreak: ok Ubuntu is collecting information and should be launching Firefox I think :)13:53
gnomefreakUrda: correct13:53
Urdagnomefreak: but did the pic help explain the issue? I don't know of a way of screen capturing my Grub :s13:54
gnomefreakUrda: you may also want to try changing res. if you havent already13:54
gnomefreakUrda: yes i see the black line13:55
Ven]nwhy are some kernels called lucid?13:55
Ven]nlike v2.6.34-rc5-lucid13:55
Urdagnomefreak: If I change the res and find pictures to match it, no dice. So I swapped it back to 640x480 and re-loaded the image I had in 9.1013:55
Ven]njust saw it in http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/13:56
yofelVen]n: because they are built with the lucid kernel configuration13:56
bullgard4Ven]n: A varation taking into account changes made for Lucid in particular.13:56
gnomefreakUrda: ok yeah please add this info to bug report.  thanks. i have to take care of personal things i will return when im done.13:56
Urdagnomefreak: you're a champ :) thanks for the info and good luck!13:57
Ven]nmaybe I should try that instead of .33 :p13:57
poutineSo... how do I change the queer background in the login window, gdmsetup seems quite empty in customizability13:58
poutinesomeone really needs to fire the color blind creative designer13:59
Ken8521poutine, way better than brown14:01
* poutine didn't mind the brown14:02
poutinealthough I'd go for grey/blue over purple14:02
poutineor fuschia, or whatever the hell it is14:03
Ken8521poutine, i think ubuntu has mac envy14:03
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.14:03
poutineKen8521, I did get that feeling14:03
DimmuxxI experienced the I can't click on anything bug again. :( It seems to be related to this http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144004814:07
Ken8521poutine, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135802614:09
Dimmuxxi'm gonna try ctrl+alt+f1 and switch back again next time, it usually never solves anything so I instead ssh:ed in and killed processes at random which didn't fix it14:10
Ken8521Dimmuxx, i've not experiencd anything like that14:10
mayfairmanHI, Can I ask is anyone familiar with the process to enable uPnP network shares on Lucid? I have tried gmediaserver but with no joy, and mediatomb is uninstallable.14:11
coc0nutI use fuppes.14:11
ZykoticK9poutine, to change GDM background image see http://paste.ubuntu.com/419247/14:11
bushbabyClean install of 10.04. Wireless not working BCM4311 apparently missing some firmware files. does anyone know of a quick fix or shall I just reinstall drivers?14:12
mayfairmanthanks coc0nut, will try that :)14:12
Ken8521ZykoticK9, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135802614:12
coc0nutmayfairman: There's no package so you'll have to build from source14:12
poutineI'll try than thanks ZykoticK914:12
ZykoticK9Ken8521, adding a PPA for gdm2setup is overkill14:12
Ken8521ZykoticK9, but it sure makes it easy... :)14:12
Ken8521and you can kill ppa after you install14:13
ZykoticK9poutine, ^^14:13
poutineI'll try that first14:13
Dimmuxxalt+f2 still works but alt+tab doesn't so it's pretty weird and I can write if I start a new terminal14:13
mayfairmanyeah, I have it on sourceforge now, thanks14:13
Dimmuxxso it's not a real freeze just something strange14:14
poutineoh shart, you have to be a member on the forums to download the script14:14
Ken8521poutine, ?.. no you don't14:14
Ken8521its a ppa repo.14:14
eveningskywhy is acroread-plugins not in the repository?14:14
Ken8521eveningsky, its in medibuntu(when medibuntu works).. use Evince...14:15
eveningskyken8521. need forms14:15
ZykoticK9eveningsky, acroread isn't in the default repo either - probably why the plugins isn't there either14:15
Ken8521eveningsky, what do you mean, "need forms"14:16
eveningskyKen8521, I need to fill out forms online built in Acrobat.14:16
Ken8521does acrobat plugin let you do that?14:16
Ken8521i didn't think it did.14:17
Ken8521depending on the need of course, i always download the form, and use Gimp to fill it out, then mail it back.14:17
Dimmuxxit seems to be #4130114:17
eveningskyKen8521, "This package contains plugins that notably: (1) enable completion of fillable forms, (2)"14:18
ReckonHello everybody!14:19
Ken8521Reckon, :)14:19
eveningskyKen8521, would I put "deb packages.medibuntu.org/lucid/index.html lucid partner"?14:20
Reckonso how's going the Ubuntu experience today?14:20
eveningskyKen8521, or i mean "deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/lucid/index.html lucid partner"14:20
Ken8521eveningsky, actually, i just added it, idon'tsee a firefox plugin for acroread, just the standalone package14:20
Ken8521eveningsky, medibuntu is down right now.. you'll have to use a mirror.14:21
Ken8521!info acroread14:21
ubottuPackage acroread does not exist in lucid14:21
Ken8521eveningsky, http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/medibuntu-repository-down-what-to-do.html14:22
Ken8521eveningsky, mirror 2 seems to be the fastest/most stable, but like i said, i'm not aware of an adobe firefox plugin14:22
Ken8521for linux14:22
Ken8521Reckon, you were having some problem last night wren't ou..14:23
Ken8521i just can't remember what it was14:23
eveningskyKen8521. Could I install this dapper version? http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/acroread-plugins14:23
Ken8521eveningsky, ..hmm.. i *doubt* ...14:24
ugliefrogis the latest iso stable?....wanting to do a fresh install on lap top is it ok or should i wait14:24
mayfairmancoc0nut, have downloaded and extracted fuppes but configure gave an error on libpcre not installed, the only one I could find in repos was libpcre++, but it wont built after installing that14:24
jakexksugliefrog, I'm pretty sure there won't be a stable until very close to release date :)14:24
Ken8521ugliefrog, not technically stable till the 29th, but i've had really good luck w/ it.14:24
ugliefrogwhere do i get the latest iso14:25
coc0nutmayfairman: install these packags: libpcre3 libpcre3-dev14:25
coc0nutYou need the lib and its dev counterpart for most of the required librarie14:25
coc0nutfuppes has a lot of dependencies so it'll take a while14:25
Ken8521ugliefrog, its one of the daily builds i believe, hang on14:25
phillwhi, are we any where nearer a fix for the huwaei 3G modems ? It seems more threads are popping up :-(14:26
mayfairmanOK libxml now, do you know which one im looking for?14:26
poutineZykoticK9, Ken8521, thanks, worked nicely14:27
Ken8521ugliefrog, this is a link to the "release candidate test" due out saturday... i've got it on two machines, and it runs fine(32bit).  http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/14:27
Ken8521poutine, yeah, i installed it, gonna take a look at it when i have time.14:27
mayfairmani had xml2 on, am chucking in xml2-dev now14:27
Ken8521evening, i honestly don't think ther'es a plugin like that for Linux.14:27
Ken8521not a safe one anyways.14:28
Ken8521idon't think i'd put a dapper .deb in a 10.04 install14:28
gunkstaI've got a strange menu problem that I don't see on any oif the other computers with Lucid - I have a menu entry called "Other" which contains a menu entry for just about every program on the system, including the x* programs, mc, etc. Reverting the menu doesn't work. Ideas?14:29
Ken8521eveningsky, there MIGHT be one thing you could try14:29
mayfairmanOK, libxml OK now, but I have aqlite3 on, but still not building, says sqlite3 not present14:29
Ken8521eveningsky, while this is kind fo a gay way to handle it.. what about running the Windows version of Firefox, in Wine... and put the adobe lugin in that.14:30
TommyThaGunAMAZING! I had a splash screen when I booted just now! It didn't work right, but it was there.14:30
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
Ken8521eveningsky, do you have a link to a file like your'e describing?14:32
eveningskyken8521. That's pretty gay, but now that I think of it, I should probably have IE7 for webpage testing, and the occasional ActiveX only sites.14:32
Ken8521eveningsky, maybe you should run windows in vbox?.. because ie7 is epic fail14:32
patdk-wkheh, I have ie6/7/8 firefox 2/3, safari :)14:32
patdk-wkjust load them all up into vmware :)14:33
Ken8521patdk-wk, i don't mean fail as in, doens't work, just that it isn't going to work under Linux... even Wine is going to be questionable at best14:33
Ken8521although, i've got windows firefox in wine.. i just installed it... i wanna try this plugin14:33
patdk-wkoh, I don't touch wine14:33
patdk-wkI would never put something like that on my machine14:33
Ken8521i keep wine so i can play poker.14:34
coc0nutmayfairman: install sqlite3, it should install its own libraries too14:34
Ken8521patdk-wk, its not bad, so long as you understand its limitations.14:34
coc0nutfuppes uses sqlite to keep the database of files shared by the server14:34
mayfairmanall sorted coc0nut, thanks, didnt put the lib sqlite on as well, duh, thanks14:34
Ken8521eveningsky, do you have a link to a form that needs filled in?14:34
coc0nutmayfairman: np14:35
eveningskyKen8521, it's in a private page. Signatures for car insurance.14:35
Ken8521oh ok14:35
patdk-wkI know there are hundreds of them on us gov sites14:35
coc0nutmayfairman: you can set extra options like video transcoding and mp3 support if you have a look at: ./configure --help14:35
Ken8521like i said... try Windows Firefox in Wine.... see what happens14:36
Ken8521worse that happens, you remove it14:36
patdk-wkbut then I also know there are hundreds of them that aren't fillable like they should be on those sites too :)14:36
mayfairmancoc0nut: Groovy14:36
* Ken8521 wonders why some chineese girl keeps trying to call me on skype14:36
sipherhello. I did an upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04. there is a problem with grub214:36
coc0nutWhat's the problem?14:37
sipherI get an error before the grub prompt is displayed14:37
sipherI can't install grub =/14:37
Ken8521sipher, and what is the error...?14:37
sipherKen8521: it flashes too fast to read14:37
sipherbut it sez error: file not found14:37
sipherthen reboots14:37
Ken8521ok.. how did you install Ubuntu?14:38
Ken8521describe your system14:38
sipherthe update-manager -d14:38
sipherto get to 10.0414:38
sipherthe physical computer is elitebook 853014:38
Ken8521wubi.. the official virus of Linux14:38
Ken8521sipher, can you get baack to Windows?14:38
sipherKen8521: I use it on a few systems. The other machines had similar problems..but grub installed14:39
sipherKen8521: Im in windows now :>14:39
coc0nutDo you have any important files on your Ubuntu partition?14:39
Ken8521sipher, if it were me, i'd uninstall wubi, chalk it as a loss, and do a clena install of 10.04 if thats what you want to do.14:39
sipherIIm not doing that.14:39
sipherI can solve this :>14:39
Ken8521then why'd you come here?14:39
sipherto ask questions..14:39
coc0nutKen8521: To ask for help on solving the problem his way.14:39
siphermaybe someone has had a similar issue14:39
sipherwhy offer wubi if its "broken"14:40
coc0nutI'd help you but I've never used Wubi.14:40
sipherit works fine.14:40
siphergrub2 won't isntall.14:40
sipherthats it.14:40
Ken8521coc0nut, i always love when someone has a question, gets an answer, but insists thats not right.14:40
sipherand wtf?....is this windows? Since when do you resort to re-installing an operating system ?14:40
Ken8521i don't use wubi either.. i thought it used the windows boot loader though, not grub.14:40
sipherKen8521: it isn't right.14:40
coc0nutKen8521: It's not an answer, it's one solution out of several.14:40
sipherthats not an option for busness users n such.14:40
sipherI don't want to re-install =/14:41
sipherwtf kinda solution is that. :p14:41
Ken8521sipher, since you used a stupid ass hack to install Linux.. use your brain, and install linux like normal people14:41
sipherits not a hack!14:41
sipherits officially support by ubuntu14:41
coc0nutKen8521: There is really no need to be rude.14:41
PiciCan everyone please mind their attitude here.14:41
Ken8521coc0nut, i'm not being rude.14:41
sipherwubi.exe is provided on the ubuntu install cd's :p14:41
Ken8521trust me..lol14:41
Cajun_Lan_ManI see I walked in on wubi problems. I missed the initial problem, but I will throw in that wubi never seems to stay stable for me. A few weeks in it always seems to die. File system corruption, if I had to guess.14:41
Ken8521Cajun_Lan_Man, blasphemy, ubuntu puts it on th cd!14:42
sipherblah. The only issue I have is..14:42
siphergrub did not install.14:42
sipherI can still boot from a grub cd14:42
PiciKen8521: wubi is a supported install method, please keep your opinions about it to yourself.14:42
coc0nutIs there any way to force grub to re-install from an Ubuntu CD?14:42
sipherI did dpkg-reconfigure grb-pc14:42
Ken8521Pici, lol14:42
sipherand well..it detects all the OS's installed14:42
sipherdoes not give error14:42
sipherbut when I reboot ..14:42
coc0nutOk, it works from a CD then?14:42
coc0nutJust not the hard disk?14:42
sipherI think the error is related to a missing font file14:43
siphercoc0nut: I use the CD to boot the HD14:43
Cajun_Lan_ManKen8521, haha!14:43
sipherhrm. Is there a way to force the upgrade to run again?14:44
coc0nutThat thread *might* help..14:44
coc0nutsipher: If you boot from a Lucid CD you can upgrade from that.14:44
Cajun_Lan_ManWell, let me see if I can squeeze a side question in here.  Has anyone in here purchased music from the Ubuntu One store yet?14:45
sipherseems helpul :>14:45
siphercoc0nut: A Wubi install tho?14:45
Ken8521Cajun_Lan_Man, naa, i installed Frostwire14:45
bazhang!piracy > Ken852114:45
ubottuKen8521, please see my private message14:45
Cajun_Lan_ManI was going to say14:45
coc0nutAFAIK, once Wubi installs Ubuntu on a separate partition, it should be considered just a normal Ubuntu installation14:45
Ken8521i buy music on amazon as well.14:45
coc0nutBut I might be wrong14:45
bazhangKen8521, lets keep it on topic here please14:46
coc0nutAgain, no Wubi experience here =/14:46
Cajun_Lan_Mannot interested.  I much prefer the pristine encoding of legit tunes. :-)14:46
Ken8521i thought wubi installed on a virtual drive.14:46
sipherthe only think different about wubi is it mounts the disk as a looopback filesystem14:46
sipherKen8521: its sorta a virtual drive14:46
Ken8521actally Cajun_Lan_Man i buy most of my music, that was my poor attempt at humor.14:46
Ken8521sipher, it is or it isn't... not sorta14:46
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o14:47
Cajun_Lan_ManAnywho, I just bought my first song last night, and got a receipt for it in my e-mail. However, the song seems to be stuck in "transferring" to my Ubuntu One account.14:47
alvinlol, I only wanted to see what ubottu said about that14:47
jpdsCajun_Lan_Man: Try asking #ubuntuone14:47
sipherKen8521: IT's a loopback filesystem....so essentially its a file on a windows partition that is ext4 formated.14:47
Ken8521!msgthebot > alvin14:47
ubottualvin, please see my private message14:47
alvinbut Frostwire in itself is no illegal software. It is perfectly legitime to discuss this14:47
Cajun_Lan_Manjpds, I'll give that a shot. Thanks.14:48
coc0nutsipher: Yeah, you're right, it is14:48
sipherKen8521: when you mount the windows disk you can see your root disk in the ubuntu folder.14:48
Ken8521alvin, yeah, it's all in what you use it for.14:48
sipherthe ONLY difference is the parameters passed to grub at boot time.14:48
sipheri.e. mount the loopback fs.14:48
phillwhi, are we any where nearer a fix for the huwaei 3G modems ? It seems more threads are popping up :-(14:49
siphercoc0nut: :>14:49
siphercoc0nut: that doc is missing stuff14:49
coc0nutsipher: How so?14:50
sipheryou need to prepend14:50
sipherset root=(hd0,1)14:50
sipherloopback loop /ubuntu/disks/root.disk14:50
sipherthen the commands below.14:50
ChogyDansipher: what about this link?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How can I access the Wubi files from Windows?14:50
sipherer or in the link14:50
ChogyDanoops, that didn't quite work14:50
sipherChogyDan: I'm not sure you'll be able to.14:51
sipherChogyDan: you might be able to use cygwin to mount the loopback FS14:51
sipherbe back :>14:53
siphergona go try what you posted coc0nut14:53
sipherNo go coc0nut15:09
sipherIm in linux now tho15:10
coc0nutgrub from CD?15:10
sipheryes, booting the kernel from disk.15:10
sipherhard disk15:10
sipherOpenBSD core.ifconfig.se 4.6 GENERIC#58 i38615:10
sipherwo0pz I tought I was on the box. *sips the coffee*15:10
coc0nutAll I can think of is running an upgrade again from a Lucid live CD15:11
coc0nutBut I really have no idea because I've never used Wubi15:11
sipheragain wubi is the EXACT same thing.15:12
sipherheh another thing to note..15:12
sipherthe upgrade failed on 2 different machines15:13
sipherthe same way.15:13
sipherthere are 20 or so laptops here in the office running the same setup :>15:14
* sipher will be a saviour for all the poor saps that upgrade15:14
h00kSo, I think Chromium-Browser just mem-leaked and ate up what was left of my 3gb of ram15:25
h00kIf somebody could take a look at my dmesg, I'd appreciate it, so I know where to file it: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/419276/15:26
h00kI also have my xsession-errors15:27
Ian_Cornewhat exactly are we looking for h00k ?15:28
jpdsIan_Corne: Peter Pan?15:28
h00kIan_Corne: I have no idea. Any clue of what might have happened?15:28
Ian_Corneas far as I can see you're just oom15:28
Ian_Corne[52835.811807] Out of memory: kill process 6248 (chromium-browse) score 14052928 or a child15:28
h00kIan_Corne: that's what it looked like, and I don't know if it kills the offending 'leaker' or just a random process15:29
h00kI can't get any information when it happens because it really slows down15:29
h00kif I just let it sit, it resolves itself (like it did) and everything is ifne15:29
h00k*fine.  I also tried to ssh in and get some info, but was unable to15:30
Ian_CorneWell, you can create some swap15:30
Ian_Corneand check which is actually using so much ram15:30
Ian_Cornehow much memory do you have?15:31
h00kIan_Corne: 3GiB15:31
Ian_Cornewhat other processes do you have running that consume so much ram?15:31
h00kchromium-browser, empathy, gnome-terminal.15:31
Ian_CorneI've noticed evolution used to take alot of memory after a while15:31
alvinYou have a lot of these in dmesg: "swapper: page allocation failure"15:31
sipherhow do I force a package to install?15:31
h00kalvin: right, because the mem is full.15:32
h00kI never use swap because I never touch all 3gb of my mem.15:32
Ian_Corneand I didn't even use evolution15:32
alvinAre you sure that is the cause of these messages?15:32
h00kalvin: swapper, I'm assuming is trying to use swap, and can't because I don't have any swap.15:33
alvinAh, you should have swap. No reason not to have it. Your system can crash without it.15:33
sipheralvin: if you run out of memory and have no swap =/ trouble.15:33
ChogyDanh00k: I think the last time I tested this,  without swap, my computer would crash when it ran oom, but would be fine if I had swap, (and used up all memory including swap)15:34
Ian_CorneAnd with it too but swap is also used to free memory for caching15:34
h00kalvin: I never use all of my memory so swap is silly for me.15:34
alvinh00k: Not having swap is silly, even if you don't use all of your memory15:34
Ken8521that's always been my position as well... swap, while usually not necessary for most users, you should still have it "just in case"15:35
alvinMost people don't use all their memory. Having swap will not slow down your system. It's used when tmpfs is full, when caching goes wrong, to store kernel dumps, etc,...15:35
alvinI have 2GB ram. If I enable an IMAP resource in Akonadi, my swap will be >700MB in a few minutes. Without swap, the system would have crashed15:36
Ian_Corneh00k: I've been told that the offending process is most likely to be killed15:36
Ian_Corneand seeing it's chromium every time..15:36
alvinIf you have LVM snapshots (like I do), and do some I/O on your disk, it can also fill swap because of caching15:37
Ian_Cornethe program with the biggest memory use and least calls to that memory gets killed15:37
h00kIan_Corne: I suppose that is what I'm looking for, I know what to file it against15:37
alvinIan_Corne: If the kernel runs out of virtual memory, it will first swap, then kill the process that takes most memory. That could be bad too.15:37
alvinIt might not be the most elegant solution, but I can't think of a better one.15:38
h00kSome people say swap should be 1/2 your mem, some say the same size, some say double.15:38
h00kand 6GiB is a lot off my laptop storage space15:39
ChogyDanh00k: I think double is from the old windows days15:39
alvinYes, that depends on whether or not you want dumps of your memory when your kernel panics.15:39
coc0nutHard disks are so cheap these days, I'd say double your RAM15:39
Roastedis there a way to change the terminal background color?15:39
coc0nutGNOME terminal?15:39
Ian_Corne[52719.831349] Out of memory: kill process 6158 (chromium-browse) score 14251200 or a child15:39
ChogyDanh00k: I think it is that you should have at least 1g total (mem+swap) and then after that, equal to support hibernation15:39
coc0nutRoasted: In GNOME terminal, Edit -> Profile Preferences15:40
h00kalvin: for that, I've just used netconsole.15:40
Roastedcoc0nut, nice. I like the trasnparency though - can I change it to a different color and retain transparency?15:40
Roastednevermind. got it. :P15:41
h00kChogyDan: yeah, I don't use hibernation, that isn't a concern for me15:41
alvinI don't know that. You can send crash dumps of memory over network when the kernel panics? Sounds a bit weird to me.15:41
Ian_Corneh00k: 1/2 swap15:41
Ian_CorneI think it's because hibernation uses swap15:41
h00kalvin: yes, I used that to find out that my L2 Cache on my proc was bad.15:42
Ian_Corneso if you have double, you should be able to hibernate :)15:42
ChogyDanh00k: fwiw, I have 2g, and I don't use swap15:42
Reckoncan't install grubaker2, any clue?15:42
DASPRiDalvin, you could read out the memory with firewire when the kenel panics15:42
alvinI forgot about hibernation. That too.15:42
RoastedIs there a way I can crack open more advanced preferences with editing the Ambiance theme? I want to make a color change to the top panel color, so I'd like to figure out how to edit themes accordingly.15:42
h00kChogyDan: yeah, with 3, I don't swap (ovbiously)15:42
alvinDASPRiD: I didn't know that, but most of my servers don't have firewire.15:43
DASPRiDwell just a random thought :)15:43
alvinHmm, h00k. 3GB is not much to use without swap. See here: Swap:         3811        669       3142 (That is on a computer with 32GB ram)15:44
alvinthat's 669 MB swap in use15:44
h00kalvin: what is the use of that machine/how much mem is used (not including cache)15:44
alvinThe machine is a virtual host and currently has 3 active virtual machines. (small ones) 19765/32241MB15:45
h00kalvin: this was my log when I found with netconsole that my L2 was bad: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/302528/15:46
alvinInteresting program. I have to look into it. But not now. have to leave immediately15:47
* alvin is off. Quasselcore remains.15:47
h00kalvin: for reference: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Netconsole15:47
RoastedIs there a way I can crack open more advanced preferences with editing the Ambiance theme? I want to make a color change to the top panel color, so I'd like to figure out how to edit themes accordingly.15:54
siphersoo uh, I'm sure this is a bug.15:55
siphergrub2 doesn't fails to load.15:56
sipherall packages have been upgraded, all is well....but I have to boot from CD15:56
sipherI do not get a grub> prompt.15:56
sipherI've dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc15:56
sipher1000000000 times.15:57
ChogyDansipher: grub 2?  have you tried grub legacy?  I don't know how you would set that up15:57
ChogyDansipher: did you try grub-install and update-grub?15:57
sipherChogyDan: I haven't. But I think im going to since this is not working.15:57
sipheryes i have.15:57
sipherstill fails.15:57
sipherI can't see the error.15:57
sipherit reboots immediately.15:58
sipheris there anyway to force grub to pause?15:59
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sipherI think it is complaining about a font file...16:00
sipherfont file not found. ?16:00
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
bushbabysipher: to pause grub at startup edit menu.lst (/boot/grub), the commands are commented and reasonably self-explanatory16:04
sipherbushbaby: it doesn't get to the menu16:05
sipherit fails before that.16:05
sipherI think i found some documentation.16:05
bushbabysipher: are you using grub or grub2? also prehaps try reinstalling using a livecd?16:06
sipherbushbaby: re-installing is not an option.16:08
sipherwhy does everyone sugest that?16:08
sipheris this windows?16:08
popeysipher: he means reinstalling grub16:08
bushbabysipher: how do you mean not an option?16:08
popeybushbaby: he thinks you meant a full ubuntu reinstall I suspect16:08
bushbabypopey: thanks for clarifying :P16:09
popeybit late unfortunately16:09
Ken8521he was trying to reinstall grub on a wubi install, and wasn't having any luck16:09
* h00k now has swap.16:09
* Ken8521 takes all of h00k's swap16:10
bushbabyKen8521: Oh I see. can't he get to file directories through windows? C:\Ubuntu ?? Having not used wubi before I'm not sure so this is just a suggestion16:11
IRConanbushbaby: no... it makes a partition in a file on the windows partition16:12
Ken8521bushbaby, ive not used it either, but i don't think so.. pretty sure its stored on a virtual drive.16:13
UrdaWubi confuses me :\ I just dual boot :)16:13
bushbabyUrda: Or use straight linux.. :)16:13
IRConanwubi is a dual boot16:14
Urdabushbaby: I blame USA Track and Field ... all the software needs Windows :\16:14
IRConanit just uses a very clever bootloader16:14
Urdabushbaby: I also play a lot of Steam games ...16:14
UrdaIRConan: Well OK I'm mistaken then... but still! *shakes fists*16:14
bushbabyIRConan: I assumed it just installed to Windows and called it on boot?16:14
bushbabyUrda: wine?16:14
Urdabushbaby: These USA Track and Field finish line camera and scoring apps complain a lot in wine ... too much risk for running in a live event :\16:15
Urdabushbaby: So I just dual Boot 10.04 and Win 7 Pro, both do their thing :)16:15
IRConanbushbaby: it makes a huge file in the windows filesystem which it makes an ext partition in, it then uses a clever bootloader to use this partition as the root filesystem16:16
IRConanpresumably there is a virtual storage driver which allows a file on NTFS to be used as a kernel block device too16:16
Ken8521IRConan, when it works, all is well... when it decides to STB, you're in trouble16:17
uaaany one knows how to follow the mouse in ffmpeg recording?16:17
IRConanKen8521: STB?16:17
IRConanKen8521: lol16:18
bushbabyIRConan: seems awfully inefficent to me.. why not dualboot?16:18
IRConanbushbaby: it's ideal for testing since it avoids the need for ntfs resize16:18
Urdabushbaby: That's what I'm saying!16:18
Ken8521bushbaby, honestly, i think wubi is really good for *trying* linux... but keeping it that way, when you use both OS's regularly, i think is a bad idea16:18
sipherwubi rocks.16:19
UrdaKen8521: Persistent Live USB stick FTW16:19
sipherKen8521: it is no different than a regular install.16:19
Ken8521lol, says the guy w/ a broken system..16:19
siphersame packages.16:19
siphersame kernel.16:19
sipherKen8521: Im booted.16:19
siphersimply grub isn't installing.16:19
Dr_Williswubi rocks in the way that boats do .. and makes one seasick16:19
sipherthats hardly wubi's fault.16:19
Ken8521sipher, i don't think anyone has disputed that its not hte Same OS.. it simply runs on a virtual hard drive, as opposed to having partitioned space.16:20
sipherso why would it be a bad idea to use wubi on a regular basis?16:20
Ken8521all i know if grub were to bork out on my system... i can reinstall it from a live cd in about 2min...16:20
bushbabyKen8521: Similar to a virtual machine but in windows ntfs space? just to get my head around it..16:20
Ken8521sipher, well its working out great for you.16:20
Ken8521bushbaby, yeah, sorta like that16:21
Dr_Willisive seen so many people have soooo many problems with wubi.. and often they are VERY hard to fix16:21
gunkstaDoes Wubi take a performance hit, since it's running on a virtual drive?16:21
sipherKen8521: you can run into issues with the partition installed just the same.16:21
Ken8521sipher, like?16:21
joaopintobushbaby, not, it's a real machine, the only virtual piece is the filesystem stored in an ntfs file16:21
Dr_Willisgunksta:  ive never heard it taking a big hit.. but it has to take a little bit of a hit :)16:21
sipherKen8521: grub not installing ? :p16:21
Ken8521sipher, never had that happen.. ever16:21
sipherKen8521: from what ive been reading you get the same issue .16:21
sipherKen8521: you're a newb then :p16:22
Ken8521lol.. i've been using Ubuntu since 6.06, and started w/ Fedora 3-416:22
sipherif you fear wubi because it uses a "16:22
siphervirtual disk" =/16:22
Ken8521i don't *fear* it..16:22
siphersure sounds like it.16:22
Ken8521no.... you can't see the forest because you're blinded by the trees16:23
joaopintowubi is a nice project, but it doesn't seem to get much attention, there has been sevel problems on the last releases16:23
joaopintolike kernel upgrades rendering the wubi system unbootable16:23
Dr_Willisive seen a few other disrtos using wubi also.16:23
bushbabysipher: I don't think anyone fears it , I just think it would be easier to dual boot if you're using Ubuntu regularly. saves you these issues16:23
ReckonIs there any known issue regarding the screensaver? Sometimes, when the session gets locked due inactivity, the login screen is not displayed. The screensaver stays on top, however I'm able to type the password and get back to the desktop16:24
Dr_Willisanother neat project is 'anlinux' and another one i forget. they setup ubuntu/linux with colinux  - where you can run  your linux apps on your windows desktop rather transparently.16:24
Ken8521Dr_Willis, as i said above, i think its great for doing a test install, making sure everything is smooth, maybe using a few days, etc.. but if you want to keep both OS's, mypersonal opinio is, they need to be separate16:24
ReckonHello Dr_Willis16:24
Dr_WillisI test mine in virtualbox. :)16:24
sipherDr_Willis: :>16:24
Ken8521Dr_Willis, test your what?.. installs?16:25
Ken8521i don't do much testing w/ vbox, but have had XP and 7 running very smooth in Vbox.16:25
sipherthe ease of installation, the non-destructive use of linux. gota love wubi.16:25
Dr_WillisI test out live cd's and other new disrtos in vbox normally16:25
Reckonvbox rocks!16:25
Ken8521Dr_Willis, right..16:25
UrdaI use VMWare :16:25
Ken8521i've done that as well, keeps you from burning a cd16:25
bushbabyDr_Willis: VirtualBox is definatly a good place to learn i agree16:26
bushbabysipher: non-destructive?16:26
Ken8521bushbaby, :)16:26
Dr_WillisIve seen/heard of wubi self-desctucting too many times.. but that could bedue to the users doing somthing.. weird16:27
joaopintosipher, linux is non-descructive by nature :)16:27
sipherbushbaby: easy to recover if it does fail. no re-partitioning.16:27
joaopintosipher, a failure on a regular install does not require re-partitioning16:27
Ken8521Dr_Willis, could even be the fact its so tightly intertwined w/ something coming out of Redmond.16:27
sipherDr_Willis: it did not damage the existing instalation of windows im sure of it.16:27
sipherjoaopinto: during the installation it does.16:27
Ken8521joaopinto, i've tried to tell him that, if grub was hosed on my system, i'd reinstall it i about 2min16:28
sipherjoaopinto: and uhh, if the entire drive is NTFS then =/16:28
joaopintosipher, you know about ntfs resize right :) ?16:28
sipherKen8521: not everyone can re-install twice a day. kthanks16:28
joaopintosipher, you call resize = destroy :) ?16:28
Ken8521twice a day?16:28
sipherjoaopinto: I'm speaking in context of lets say my gf using it.16:28
Dr_Willissipher: Ive seen wubi users do so many strange things with wubi that  its hard to tell whats a bug and whats a 'problem exists between keyboard and chair' :)16:28
sipherKen8521: re-install is a windows solution :p16:28
bushbabysipher: Surely reinstalling grub from cd is a very rare occurance?16:29
sipherDr_Willis: you are confused as to what wubi is an how it works.16:29
sipherbushbaby: hardly.16:29
joaopintosipher, why should your gf need to re-partition ? how is that different from your gf installing wubi ?16:29
Ken8521bushbaby, only time i've had to do it, is on dual boot machines when i had to reinstall Windows16:29
Dr_Willissipher:  i knwo what wubi is.. and ive seen  wubi users do some odd things to their system16:29
sipherjoaopinto: wubi does no resize the partition, or modifiy the volume in anyway16:29
Dr_Williswubi may not be to blame.. but it may be the users fault.16:29
sipherDr_Willis: that are any different from a regular install ?16:29
joaopintosipher, right, and you do it 1 time, with a regular install, what's the issue there ?16:29
sipherDr_Willis: how would it be different than a regular install?16:30
sipherjoaopinto: You're again taking it out of context.16:30
bushbabysipher: harldy? what are you doing to it? grub doesn't just fail regularly..16:30
Dr_Willissipher:  You dont know and you think im confused about wubi? or did i muss somthing.16:30
joaopintois grub used on wubi ?16:30
sipherbushbaby: when upgrade or installing, yes it is common (atleast in my experience) for grub to fail16:30
sipherjoaopinto: yes, but it doesn't remove the NTLOader16:30
Dr_Willislets see the offiical wubi factoid.16:30
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.16:30
anjWhy am I seeing "cannot examine encrypted directory" before console logins?16:31
Ken8521joaopinto, honestly, i thought it made an entry in ntloader, not grub necessarily.. but like i said, i've never used it16:31
BUGabundo_remotejoaopinto: yes16:31
Dr_WillisKen8521:  yea. i thought that chainloaded grub.. but i cant rember now.16:31
Ken8521Dr_Willis, it may very well...16:31
joaopintoso it's grub's fault :P16:31
sipherKen8521: exactly. It adds the ubuntu option the the nt loader.16:31
Ken8521sipher, so where is grub coming into play in  this whole discussion of wubi?16:32
Dr_Willisif you updated grub from within wubi and put grub on the MBR.. well grub dosent boot wubi directly.. so i can see that being an issue.16:32
Ken8521does ntloader chain link to grub?16:32
joaopintosipher, file a bug on grub16:32
bushbabyDr_Willis: with windows not playing well at boot i would have thought it chainloaded grub seperately but I've never used it either so i have no idea..16:32
sipherthe conversation is lost.16:32
Dr_WillisI dont even recall the original problem now.16:32
Ken8521sipher, when you choose ubuntu(whien things are working properly), does it take you to another menu, to choose ubuntu again, or do you go straight to ubuntu?16:33
joaopintoDr_Willis, afaik you don't see the real disk, so grub just install regurlarly on the wubi virtual disk16:33
bushbabyI think he updated something in a wubi install and grub has failed him?16:33
ReckonI can't install grubaker2, any help on this please? Or an alternative?16:33
sipherKen8521: no. it fails with error. I don't have time to read the error. it reboots.16:33
Dr_Willisjoaopinto:  so the windows loader has to chainload the grub on the virt disk.16:33
Ken8521sipher, i'm takling about when things are working properly16:33
sipheryes it does.16:33
joaopintoReckon, what is "grubaker2" ?16:33
Ken8521ok, thats what i was worndering, so its chain loaded16:33
pmatulisabout to d/l 310 MB of updates, any issues mates?16:33
Ken8521now.. again.. this is just my thinking.. but it sounds like grub, is actually on the "mbr" of the virtual drive... thus why he can't get to it from a normal live cd16:34
Reckonjoaopinto: a graphical tool to help with Grub216:34
joaopintoReckon, ah ok, never used it16:35
sipherKen8521: I'm booted into the OS now. I've tried re-installing grub every which way16:35
Reckonany alternative?16:35
Ken8521sipher, booted into windows, or wubi-ubuntu?16:35
bushbabysipher: how did you get in? did it just start working?16:35
sipherKen8521: ubuntu16:35
sipherI used a grub CD16:35
Ken8521ow did you get in?16:35
sipherI booted grub from cd...then booted the kernel from HD16:35
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Ken8521sipher, ok, so you got around it... but the problem is not fixed yet, right?16:36
bushbabysipher: does your install register grub as being installed at the moment?16:36
sipherdpkg-reconfigure grub-pc16:36
sipherfinishes without error16:36
sipherbut has no effect.16:36
Ken8521what about sudo update-grub16:36
sipherKen8521: updates everything16:37
sipherbut when i reboot16:37
Ken8521maybe when you upgraded, grub didn't update properly16:37
siphersame  =/16:37
sipherKen8521: heh i'm assuming so.16:37
sipherit never gave any errors.16:37
bushbabysipher: try remove grub completely and reinstalling from the grub CD?16:37
sipherbushbaby: the grub cd is not grub version2 216:37
Ken8521bushbaby, but can grub write to the mbr, of a virtual drive?16:37
Ken8521*grub cd16:37
jMylesI'm having a weird experience after having upgraded to lucid - I am in some kind of half-upgraded limbo.  I've upgraded 4 other computers, no problem, but my home computer is being a little odd.  The max/inimize buttons are still in the upper-right.  None of the lucid themes appear.  Vuze won't work.  At first, I got a grub_puts error but running grub-install fixed that.  Any suggestions?16:38
sipherKen8521: yes it can. I did the exact same upgrade on another wubi system.16:38
sipherno problems.16:38
Ken8521sipher, then you should be able to fix this no problem.16:38
sipherI know =/16:38
sipherthats the problem!16:38
bushbabyKen8521: If he's already in ubuntu the mounted cd will write to the virtual drive i assume?16:38
sipherits not working16:38
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sipherbushbaby: Ive tried that..16:38
bushbabysipher: what happens?16:38
siphermoutning the virutal disk ..installing grub16:39
sipherno errors.. =/16:39
Ken8521bushbaby, it should...16:39
sipherreboot fail.16:39
bushbabysipher: have you tried removing grub?16:39
bushbabysipher: then doing a fresh install.16:39
bushbabysipher: of grub that is. not ubuntu16:40
iconmefistosipher: have you checked your ntfs partition in windows for errors? (chkdsk)16:40
siphericonmefisto: its fine.16:40
sipherbushbaby: how?16:40
bushbabysipher: how to remove grub you mean?16:40
sipherhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#File Not Found (Error 15)16:40
sipherI think this is the error I'm receiving.16:41
sipherbut again...16:41
sipherI can't read the message.16:41
joaopintojMyles, run do-release-upgrade on a terminal16:41
bushbabysipher: i guess you'd use apt-get remove but i've never had to do it.. so i'm not sure..16:41
sipherI'm sure I can revert to the legacy grub, but i'd like to stay inline with the 10.04 release.16:41
jMylesjoaopinto, "No new release found"16:41
bushbabysipher: you can upgrade to the grub2 release once you have the original grub working16:42
joaopintojMyles, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:42
sipherbe back16:42
Ken8521man that cat is hard headed.16:43
jMylesjoaopinto, Nothing.  Everything up to date.16:43
bushbabyjMyles: did you select the settings transfer option on install? could be related..16:45
iconmefistojMyles: sudo do-release-upgrade -d16:48
=== Reckony is now known as Reckon
=== Reckon is now known as Reckon|AFK
scott_ino2have they modified the release schedule at all?17:00
kklimondano, why?17:00
scott_ino2kklimonda, was curious, I know there were still many major issues that needed to be resolved17:04
kklimondaas always :)17:05
scott_ino2most distros don't have tentative release dates... and things usually get pushed back17:05
scott_ino2thats all17:05
mifritscherhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/567193 <- I'm the only person who has this problem?17:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567193 in dbus "dbus doesn't create socket after unclean shutdown" [Undecided,New]17:05
mifritscherit's very vervous if e.g. the laptop crashes - or the batteries run out of power17:06
arunreddyhi All,  How to enable / activate nvidia driver in 10.04 Lucid Lynx ??17:07
benkong2anyone aware of a fix for gcursor not working?17:07
charlie-tcaarunreddy: use hardware drivers to install17:07
arunreddyi tried installing nvidia-glx-18517:08
arunreddycharlie-tca : it says, driver currently activated but not in use17:08
charlie-tcabefore the install, right?17:09
arunreddyafter the install.17:09
mifritscherarunreddy: is this the right version for your gpu?17:09
charlie-tcarestart the computer, it is installed17:09
arunreddyi have restarted the computer. Still the same issue17:09
mifritscherI think that are are at least 3 "current" versions of the driver, you need the older ones if you have an older card17:10
benkong2i got 195.36.15 working17:10
arunreddyi have a geforce 8600M GT17:10
arunreddyam i supposed to deactivate the inbuilt nouvea driver ?17:11
charlie-tcajockey should have done that17:12
nand`Is usb-creator.exe included with Ubuntu 10.04 and if so where on the .iso do I find it?17:12
gnomefreakarthurjohnson: use jockey to install drivers than restart17:12
gnomefreaki thought it was .deb and yes by default as i recall17:12
charlie-tcaso there?!17:12
arunreddy!info nvidia-settings17:15
ubottunvidia-settings (source: nvidia-settings): Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver. In component main, is optional. Version 195.36.08-0ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 799 kB, installed size 1876 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)17:15
nand`Otherwise, what's the best alternative to usb-creator.exe? I have the fedora LiveUSB Creator, will that work with Ubuntu or is it named Fedora for a reason?17:15
scott_ino2nand`, chances are they're all built off of the same thing17:16
Dr_Willisthres various tools that can make usb live boot  things.. Unetbootin works very well.. theres others as well17:17
Dr_Willispendrivelinux.com has guides and info also17:17
nand`Dr_Willis, thanks, I'll check it out. I was wary of using the site since I thought it was solely for installing linux on a flash drive, which is the exact opposite of what I'm trying to do17:18
thebishopI don't have a "Touchpad" tab in my mouse preferences, but multitouch features are enabled by default.  Can anyone point me in the direction of Disable Touchpad while typing?17:18
Dr_Willisnand`:  whatare you trying to do then?17:18
nand`Dr_Willis, install linux *from* a flash drive, onto my hard drive. I have no optical media device inside my system17:18
Dr_Willisnand`:  you just use unetbootin and the iso file.. make a bootable usb stick.. boot it.. use the installer...17:19
Dr_Willisnand`:  thats how i install all my systems17:19
nand`Dr_Willis, alright, thanks.17:19
Dr_WillisUnetbootin takes about 5-10 min to make the usb stick.17:19
scott_ino2Any transcode users in here? wondering about the current status of transcode/dvdrip in lucid17:19
scott_ino2for 64 bit17:19
Dr_Willisscott_ino2:  care to clarify a bit more?17:20
Dr_WillisI transcode and rip dvd. :) so 'it works'17:20
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, basically dvdrip doesn't work on 64-bit17:20
scott_ino2Transcode hangs when starting the second pass17:20
Dr_WillisHmm.  I was thinking i used  that the other day and it did.. but that may been on 32bit.. i dont recall.17:20
Dr_WillisI did have issues getting Handbrake working17:20
Dr_WillisI also saw a new tool called 'ogmrip' i saw on  a linux tutorial site17:21
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scott_ino2Dr_Willis, yeah i tihnk with 32 bit there's a way to work around the problems... so im thinking it's a transcoding issue. Do you have 64bit dvdrip installed, if you do it would be nice if others could post on the bug that's already made17:21
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, I need to actually use dvdrip/transcode for a variety of reasons, other programs like k9copy, ogmrip, handbrake wont work17:24
scott_ino2so I'm trying to get this bug recognized17:24
scott_ino2unfortunately, I am out of machines to do testing on :)17:25
Reckon|AFKdoes anybody know a graph tool to manage Grub2?17:28
Dr_WillisReckon|AFK:  not seen any at this time17:29
Dr_Willistrying to figure out dvdrip now.. lol :)17:30
jpdsReckon|AFK: http://www2.apebox.org/wordpress/linux/233/17:30
=== Reckon|AFK is now known as Reckon
jpdsOh, no, that's theming..17:30
ReckonI forgot to renick17:30
Reckonjpds, do you mean larval editor?17:32
osmosisif I install lucid today, how different will my install be from the final release ?17:32
jpdsReckon: Yeah, it seems to only be for GRUB2 themes though.17:32
Reckonwow, a shame. Such a tool needs a graph equivalent17:33
marienzosmosis: probably not very, and you'll just upgrade towards the final release17:33
marienzthen again, it's not like there were zero updates over the last couple of days17:34
osmosismarienz, there isnt going to be a major new theme dropped in to the final release, or all the release text changed or something like that? Just a few packages to update maybe?17:34
charlie-tca!final | osmosis17:34
ubottuosmosis: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.17:34
marienzosmosis: definitely no text changes, since text changes means translations need updating, which is a lot of work (because there's a lot of translations)17:35
osmosisand if I havent installed lucid yet, but want to get it out of the way before the rush next week, what image should I install from now?17:35
jpdsmarienz: Archive's frozen.17:35
marienzosmosis: I'd also not expect any significant visual changes, since visual changes means screenshots need updating, which is also a lot of work (if a lot of screenshots are affected)17:35
marienzalso, that :)17:36
scott_ino2osmosis, I'd just install the latest daily build17:36
osmosiswhat does 'archives frozen' mean?17:37
rocco_tanicahi folks, someone has the issue regarding chromium that don't shows thumbnails and history17:37
osmosisscott_ino2, ok, thats what im doing17:37
jpdsosmosis: No more package uploads unless they're critical bug fixes.17:37
marienzosmosis: might want to follow some links from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule (the ones describing the various kinds of freeze)17:37
Reckonscott_ino2: latest daily build using 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' ?17:37
osmosisis there a link to outstanding bugs remaining for lucid ?17:38
jpdsosmosis: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid ?17:39
jpdsosmosis: Not a definate list of course.17:39
scott_ino2Reckon, well that depends on what he wants to do17:39
sveinseIs there an apt link that we can use to update packages? My mirror (ftp.sunet.se) hasn't updated any lucid packages in two days!17:40
om26ersveinse, its called archive freeze17:40
scott_ino2sveinse, its frozen17:40
joaopintosveinse, that's a good sign17:41
sveinseah :D17:41
Reckonwhy is a good sign?17:41
scott_ino2yeah well..... transcode doesn't work and nobody will confirm that bug17:41
* Dr_Willis thaws out the stuff17:41
Dr_WillisHmm.. dvdrip seems to be workign here scott_ino217:41
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, on 64bit?17:41
Dr_Williswhat was the eact problem? only crashed on the 2nd pass?17:41
Dr_WillisYes on 64bit17:41
scott_ino2ok.. thanks for sticking with me17:42
Dr_Willisits on pass 1 for now.17:42
Dr_WillisThe interface for dvb::rip  could use a little.. work. :) i was a tad confused as to how to do things. heh17:42
scott_ino2pass 1 works17:42
sveinseIs it bugreport-everything-you-find-suspicious? I mean, I found something this morning which IMHO shouldn't be that way17:43
Dr_WillisI got it set to do 2 pass.17:43
Ken8521Dr_Willis, have you tried acidrip?... i think its quite a bit better17:43
Dr_WillisI rarely rip dvd to video.17:43
jpdssveinse: That mirror's fine: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/ftp.sunet.se-archive317:43
Ken8521Dr_Willis, me either, but what little I do, I've found acidrip far better17:43
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, can acidrip queue projects?17:43
ReckonDoes it worth the money the book "Ubuntu Unleashed 2010 by Sams" ?17:43
Dr_Willisnever used acid rip17:44
Dr_WillisReckon:  most books ive seen like that. are not worth the price.17:44
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, ah i see Ken8521 said that17:44
Dr_WillisReckon:  it depends on yoru needs.17:44
sveinseI get two very different renderings of the screen fonts when I select "slight" hinting or "full" hinting. See http://imagebin.org/93683 vs. http://imagebin.org/93684 - Is this something I should submit a bugreport on?17:44
Ken8521scott_ino2, i don't believe it can que17:45
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, Ken8521 I must use AVI, and be able to queue projects17:45
Dr_Williserr.. the statement 'must use avi' is a little.. vague..  :)17:45
Ken8521scott_ino2, well it does AVI, but not sure on the queue... lemme look17:45
Dr_Willistheres dozens of codecs an avi can be in.17:45
scott_ino2my situation is kinda weird... basically im streaming to ps3s, and they wont take .h26417:45
ReckonDr_Willis, I need to get some Ubuntu expertise17:45
scott_ino2basically NASbox->Fuppes UPNP server->ps317:45
Dr_Willisso you need xvid or mpeg3 codecs then17:46
Ken8521scott_ino2, i take that bad, i guess it does queue(or at least theirs a "queue tab" in the interface17:46
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, must use Xvid/Divx17:46
scott_ino2is what i meant17:46
Dr_Willisa read on the wiki pages about 'video codecs' -  is a good thing to do some time.17:46
Ken8521Reckon, i remember you were having a problem yesterday/last night... but don't remember what it was?17:46
Dr_Willisvideo encoding/codecs is such an... interestign topic17:46
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, im well versed in how that such works17:46
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, and yes.... it is, can be extremely complicated.... if you want it to be ;)17:47
Dr_WillisMy poor netbook cant handle HD h264 very well. :( i got to reencode this stuff i got to a nicer res/codec for it17:47
Dr_WillisI did finally figure out the mencoder options to encode for my portable player.17:47
Reckonyea, actually, have some yet17:48
Dr_Willisive yet to find a tool that can 'look at' a video file. (in my case an example for my portale player) then Give me the proper arguments to ffmpeg, or mencoder so i can reencode OTHEr videos to be the same as that example one.17:48
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, if you get to second pass would you kindly let me know :)17:48
espen77anyone using sun-java on 64-bit?17:48
Dr_Willisits 20% done with first.17:48
ReckonI asked if 'gnome-session' could be executed under a terminal. If I do so, the system freezes and I'm forced to reboot17:49
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, that's because every video source is different, generally you can keep the same settings so long as you have things like framrate correct17:49
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Dr_Willisscott_ino2:  well the portable player i have - came with an example video   in codec xvid (i think) res of XXXX with  YYY fps and so forth.. it would be nice if i could just find a  'showmethesettingstomakeitlikethis' command :)17:50
Dr_Willisit took me about 2 hrs of playing to figure out the proper commands.. but even now im not sure im as optmized/quality as it can be.17:50
Dr_Willisbut its just a portable player for cartoons for the kids. :)  so its not a critical thing17:51
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, ahh i see, usually most of my settings remain, and mencoder or k9 when they do the initial reads of the video detect frame rate, all my other settings remain the same17:51
demismanyone get netflix working on linux?17:51
Dr_Willisdemism:  friend at work was asking about that the other day.. Im not sure if its even doable17:51
perscitusWhere's the mirrors for Lucid beta2?17:53
jpdsperscitus: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors17:53
Dr_Williswell this thing is only 30%done  on the first pass. and its my bed time.17:53
Dr_Willisholler at me tomorrow scott_ino2  and i will try it again/let ya know.17:54
Ken8521Dr_Willis, :dvdrip: takes forever17:54
Dr_WillisYep. faster to find the videos.. from other sources. :)17:55
Reckonany master would suggest me any advanced ubuntu book please? Thanks!17:55
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, no problem thank you17:55
Dr_WillisReckon:  an advanced book would be on specific topics.. not general 'advanced ubuntu' normally17:55
Dr_WillisReckon:  find a book on bash, and watever other topoc you are interested in. I alwyas check the bargin bins and 1/2 pric3 book stores.17:56
Reckonbash? sorry, absolutely a noob17:56
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d617:56
Dr_WillisReckon:  time to hit the online docs then.   and not bother with paying $30+ for a book17:56
Dr_WillisReckon:  and check the bargin tables for things that look neat.17:57
scott_ino2Reckon, i would suggest learning general "linux" stuff, as all distros are linux, usually they only have a few thigns that are handled differently, like package management17:57
demismIf i keep using apt-get upgrade, will I be fine for the final release, or when the final release arrives will they go back to older packages?17:57
Dr_WillisReckon:  definatly find a book on bash, and perhaps vi , and regular expressions.17:57
perscitusWhy move the controls back ti the right side when you should be getting used to it for 10.10 release17:57
Reckonok, thanks for the advices Dr_Willis17:57
charlie-tcaReckon: install 'rutebook'17:57
charlie-tcaReckon: very general, some is outdated, but it is free17:58
perscituslike mastering Regular Expressions book17:58
charlie-tcademism: yes17:59
om26erwhen there are high I/O events here on my system the system justs bangs and the rescue is to kill X. works fine with Karmic17:59
charlie-tcademism: you will be fine if you keep updating.17:59
om26er* processor and ram usage is normal just the hardrive LED wont rest18:00
gsp2009hello folks.18:00
NinoScriptI'm having problem using an xmodmap file that worked with Karmic and with Lucid beta2 with no updates!18:00
gsp2009Anyone know the proper way to ensure that compiz starts at login?18:01
ugliefrogso far so good...everything so far is working...and they fixed it so now i can watch my youtube through movie player :) on with the testing18:02
MeanderingCodeanyone using an ati radeon card? Mine won't detect the proper resolution for my external monitor and i get no image on it.18:04
joaopintoworks fine here, but i am not using an external monitor, and I am using fglrx18:05
RambJoeworks on mine18:05
RambJoeare 10.4 drivers out for linux?18:05
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment18:06
Ken8521thiebaude, any luck on the shutdown issue?18:07
thiebaudenah i still got that bug18:07
MeanderingCodei was using fglrx just fine, but it wouldn't work for an external, read that the fglrx drivers weren't working w/ the lucid kernel, tried the radeon, same thing18:07
thiebaudebut when i started up this morning no disc drive noise Ken852118:08
Ken8521well thats good18:08
RambJoe10.3s don't work for me18:08
thiebaudeyep i was glad not to hear that noise18:08
RambJoethey messed up multi monitors if i remember right18:08
thiebaudewhen i shutdown i goto the login screen,lol18:08
thiebaudelog out18:09
Ken8521thiebaude, i'm kinda confused why running poweroff from terminal, doesn't shut you down.18:09
thiebaudei turn the power strip off and then wait a few seconds to turn it on,lol18:09
Ken8521doesn't make sense18:09
RambJoeyou know the email icon goes green when you get an email, can you make thunderbird do that?18:09
thiebaudethats been a bug since before beta1 i remember18:09
thiebaudei should of reported it a few months ago Ken852118:10
thiebaudebut i didn't18:10
thiebaudei say its plymouth, but cant prove it18:11
thiebaudeafter i log out there is a small flicker before the ubuntu screen18:11
Ken8521plymouth is gonna get blamed for everything in 10.04...lol18:11
Ken8521have a problem, blame plymouth18:11
thiebaudeyea but was plymouth the right choice18:11
MeanderingCodethiebaude: i just started having boot problems today, plymouth being the apparent culprit.18:11
Ken8521house burned down, plymouth caused your pc to catch fire18:12
MeanderingCodewell, obviously18:12
thiebaudethis is the first time boot problem with ubuntu18:12
oneirosFadeWell hey there Lucid folks18:12
thiebaudeand i have been using it since 6.0618:12
tobi_hi, is pulseaudio gonna be implemented in 10.04? Because I don't think implementing unstable software in stable release is reasonable18:12
thiebaudebut like i said i cant prove it18:12
Ken8521i keep getting some chineese chick calling me on skype18:13
Ken8521i've not picked up yet18:13
Ken8521she's persistent though18:13
PiciKen8521: And this has to do with Ubuntu support because?18:13
oneirosFadeKen8521:  Did you file a bug report with Skype maintainers?18:13
tobi_also is there gonna be stable gnome-shell in ubuntu 10.04 instead of compiz?18:13
Ken8521oneirosFade, no...18:13
Ken8521Pici, i ddin't see any questions posed18:13
Ken8521i didn't know there was an "unstable shell?18:14
PiciPlease keep in mind that #ubuntu-offtopic exist for random chatter.18:14
tobi_Ken8521 it is unstable till final release of gnome 2.3018:14
oneirosFadeAny new developments as far as gnome-shell's installability is concerned?18:14
Ken8521tobi_, well yeah.. everything is unstable till then though, not just gnoem-shell18:15
Picitobi_: 1) Yes, pulseaudio 2) We're still using metacity and gnome 2.30 by default, not gnome-shell.18:15
tobi_Ken8521 why is Ubuntu gonna contain more and more unstable softare, like 2.29 instead of 2.30?18:15
gsp2009Anyone know the proper way to ensure that compiz starts at login?18:15
Ken8521tobi_, i dunno, i'll call shuttleworth and ask him.18:15
tobi_Ken8521 oh, so I've got outdated news?18:15
tobi_Ken8521 pulseaudio is NOT stable18:16
tobi_Ken8521 should not be in LTS just to share my opinion with you18:16
Ken8521tobi_, what are you talking about?... i ddn't say you couldn't share your opinion18:17
Ken8521i don't have any probs w/ Pulse.. i know some do, but i don't18:17
joaopintotobi_, there are people which disagree with you :)18:17
joaopintoerm, there is18:17
tobi_you both better play some games via wine, and measure the sound latency18:17
gcalaHi, I have installed kubuntu lucid some weeks ago and used it without important problems; now have installed catalyst driver from repository and they work good except that the boot splash screen isn't in native resolution (like with opensource ati driver) but in low-res and low-color depth; need some xorg.conf or grub special configuration? thanks18:18
tobi_or try to run kdenlive with pulse audio18:18
joaopintotobi_, I hope wine is not a proper application to measure anything meaningful18:18
Ken8521tobi_, well, i despise KDE, so that won't happen18:18
thiebaudegnome always for me18:18
tobi_Ken8521, joaopinto SUPERAPP Audacity ins't supported by pulseaudio? need more? :P18:19
tobi_I am sure there is more18:19
Ken8521tobi_, that doesn't mean its "unstable" or "in beta"18:19
joaopintotobi_, you mean audacity does not support it, not the way around18:19
tobi_it isn't functional18:19
tobi_so is compiz which causes problems with fullscreen aps18:20
Ken8521desktop effects... the third thing on my list of "Things to disable/remove" on a new install18:20
oneirosFadeWhat are the first two?18:20
joaopintotobi_, it's stable for most users, not for all18:21
tobi_compiz is still alpha as the website says18:21
Ken8521oneirosFade, the bottom panel, then set up the top panel18:21
joaopintotobi_, different people has different criteria to lable alpha, beta, etc18:22
oneirosFadeKen8521:  Good call, good call18:22
Ken8521#4 uninstall brasero, pitivi, gwibber, f-spot, xsane(simplescan now),18:22
oneirosFadeDo you have an alternative to gwibber?18:23
Ken8521woops, and empathy, can't forget removing empathy18:23
joaopintothere are betas more stable than some other stables stable :P18:23
tobi_what is gwibber?18:23
Ken8521oneirosFade, no, i don't do facebook/social networking18:23
NinoScripttobi_, an app for broadcasting services like twitter and facebook18:24
gunkstaI don't do muck social networking or what-not, but it seems silly to spend that much time uninstalling stuff off a system that might take up 50 megabytes.18:24
Ken8521#5 install vlc, gnomebaker audacious google earth pidgin easytag skype frostwire opera w32codecs libdvdcss2 and wine18:24
Ken8521then after wine installs, i install pokerstars, and i'm done18:24
Ken8521oneirosFade, i have it down to a science18:25
oneirosFadegunksta:  I agree with Ken on that one, if I don't ever need it, I uninstall it18:25
oneirosFade50k, 50m, whatever18:25
gunkstaThere are a couple of things I disable, but uninstalling seems a little pointless. I have virtual machines 1000x larger than gwibber sitting on this HD.18:26
tobi_Ken8521 is proper video playback possible without compositing?18:26
Ken8521videos play back fine for me18:27
tobi_Ken8521 I've got this funny problem with video tearing while using metacity, compiz is ok18:27
Ken8521yeah i have no probs like that18:27
Ken8521i've got some movies, tv shows,e tc.. i've ripped to my hard drive, and i watch them all the time, no probs at all18:28
tobi_do you use xv for videoplayback?18:28
Ken8521xv?... i honestly couldn't even tell you.. i start VLC, and they play nice18:28
tobi_I would uninstall compiz right away if I found a way to make metacity not cause video tearing :P18:28
tobi_Ken8521 what's your graphics card?18:29
Ken8521my laptop is a Intel GM96518:30
Ken8521my PC, is a 512mb Nvidia 7900, dual screens18:30
anjtried the various "Sync to VBlank" checkboxes in nvidia-settings?18:31
NinoScriptBug in xmodmap? help please :D18:31
Ken8521anj, no, i haven't...  haven't really needed them18:32
anjit might help against the tearing18:32
Ken8521anj, i don't have tearing18:32
anjright, I got confused. Sorry18:33
Ken8521np.. ther's only 430 people here..lol, easy mistake18:33
oneirosFadeHm, just tried playing an HD video off NTFS on USB on my netbook with metacity composite, no compiz, and it seemed fine to me18:34
thebishopthere's also a vertical sync in Compiz Settings Manager you need to tick if you want tear-free video18:35
jimlovell777I've been using Lucid for a month or two now without too many problems.  However in the past week or two I've had my computer completely freeze up forcing me to perform a hard reset. This has never happened on any previous version of Ubuntu. How can I track down the culprit?18:36
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charlie-tcajimlovell777: check the logs in /var/log18:39
jimlovell777charlie-tca: Can you narrow that down a bit? There are a lot of logs there.18:41
charlie-tcadmesg and syslog18:41
jimlovell777charlie-tca: Ok, thanks.18:41
charlie-tcato start with. See if there are any errors18:41
charlie-tcaIf there is nothing there, you might want to check xorg.0.log18:41
charlie-tcaIf there is nothing there, you might want to check xorg.0.log.old, rather18:42
Reckonwhere is stored rutebook ?18:47
c0verthd video from my ntfs external is working fine too18:48
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Damasceneany one figured out a good way to upload video to youtube from lucid?18:48
IvisHello "modinfo for module nvidia_96 failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module nvidia_96" when i try install nvidia drivers. Ubuntu 10.0418:49
benkong2Reckon, /usr/share/doc/rutebook on my system18:49
Reckonmaybe the file rute.pdf.gz?18:52
iconmefistoDamascene: what's the issue?18:53
Damasceneiconmefisto, there is a bug on youtube prevent video made by theora 1.1 from working18:53
Damascenewhich is the version lucid use18:53
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
benkong2Reckon, there is a rute.pdf.gz but the book can also be viewed in your browser18:55
benkong2Reckon, extract the pdf if that's what you want18:56
Ven]nman.. any updated info on how to get b43 driver to work with 14e4:4315 (Broadcom bcm4312 rev 01) ?18:57
uspenokubuntu karmic installed from beta 2 livecd and updated yesterday turns off my monitor right in that moment when i choose it in grub18:57
uspenokany tips ?18:57
Jordan_Uuspenok: What graphics card?18:58
benkong2Reckon,  I did alt F2 opera /usr/share/doc/rutebook/html/index.html comes right up18:58
yofelbenkong2: eclipse/okular can view .pdf.gz too, no need to extract it18:58
uspenokJordan_U: nvidia 9600gt18:58
benkong2aha eclipse??18:58
yofelduh *evince18:58
benkong2hmm don't have okular on this buntu18:58
yofelbenkong2: okular is for KDE18:59
benkong2yes I know18:59
benkong2I usually have a borked buntu when I install bot kubuntu and ubuntu18:59
Jordan_Uuspenok: Probably a problem with the nouveau drivers then. Try adding "nomodeset" to the kernel parameters.19:00
yofelwell, you need to tweak some things manually, but I'm using KDE rignt now and have gnome installed19:00
uspenokJordan_U: already did, doesn't helps19:00
benkong2If there was a way to use kdm for kubuntu and gdm for ubuntu looks like not all things start when using gdm for kubuntu19:00
Reckonis it there any driver repository? I'm looking for the drivers of a smart card reader19:01
benkong2yofel, are u using kubuntu or just the KDE packages19:01
benkong2hmmm any quick one liners on manual tweaks19:01
bpZerohello, i installed google chrome, but the apt line it adds doesnt work and just causes an error every time, so i removed it from source19:02
bpZerobut now crhome is gone from the menu, but still installed19:02
bpZerohow do i get it back in the menu?19:02
Jordan_UReckon: I think smart card readers are supposed to present themselves as generic usb mass storage devices and thus shouldn't require special drivers.19:02
yofelI had to set phonon to use pulseaudio so I don't need to mess with the audio settings all the time when switching KDE/gnome and you need pavucontrol then too, and you might need to correct the gdm mouse theme if you don't want it to use oxygen there19:03
yofelthere were a few other minor things too that I can't remember right now19:03
ReckonJordan_U: have to check that. Thanks!19:04
benkong2yofel, ok thanks looking for pavucontrol???19:04
Jordan_UReckon: You're welcome.19:04
yofelbenkong2: you need pavucontrol for the detailed pulse settings as KMix doesn't have proper pulseaudio support yet19:05
benkong2aha ok I see19:05
crimsunthere's a ppa with the newer kmix, etc., supporting PA19:05
benkong2do you use G(K)dm?19:06
ZykoticK9Ahox_ let me guess - ATI?19:06
Ahox_yes indeed19:06
ZykoticK9Ahox_, repost your question here - hopefully someone can help19:07
Ahox_I recently tried to install the fglrx but reverted. Since then I reinstalled the mesa driver but with no help19:07
benkong2I think when I did that I had problems with gnome-power-manager and something else not starting as they do with GDM19:07
Ahox_here is my original question, since installing 10.4beta my glx does not work anymore with an error in my X.log (EE) GLX error: Can not get required symbols. any ideas?19:07
Ahox_actually, my /usr/lib/libGL.so* are not owned by any packages. Is this correct?19:08
yofelAhox_: yes, they should be symlinks to /usr/lib/mesa/... or /usr/lib/fglrx/...19:09
Ahox_yotel, this could explain the problem. Currently they are not symlinked. And I just grepped some fglrx strings in there...19:09
Ahox_let me fix that19:09
yofelAhox_: try 'sudo update-alternatives --config gl_conf'19:10
Ahox_complained about no alternatives. I just do an aptitude reinstall19:10
yofelAhox_: can you run 'sudo ldconfig' and try to start X again?19:11
Ahox_this does not install the /usr/lib/libGL* files neither19:11
yofel*NO* alternatives?19:11
yofelI get here: There is only one alternative in link group gl_conf: /usr/lib/mesa/ld.so.conf19:11
Ahox_sry, yofel, yes19:12
Ahox_actually, there are two entried, the lib and the lib3219:12
Ahox_should I set the symlinks by hand?19:12
Ahox_well, let me restart my X first19:13
yofelmy libGL here is: 19145 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2010-04-15 17:38 /usr/lib/libGL.so -> mesa/libGL.so19:13
yofelmy libGL here is: 19145 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2010-04-15 17:38 /usr/lib/libGL.so -> mesa/libGL.so19:13
Ahox_i will try that next. However an ldd glxinfo points correctly to the /usr/lib/mesa/libGL one...19:14
dabaRis the window manipulation icons on the top left a thing that gnome did, or Ubuntu?19:15
ubuntufreakI am not able to enable to Visual effects in and i get an error like this http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/3120/errorjr.png, any help regarding this would be welcome !19:15
dabaRAnd, did anyone experience the icons being moved to the right seemingly unprovoked?19:15
dabaRI was switching themes, and it moved to the right19:16
ZykoticK9dabaR, themes affect the control buttons now19:16
dabaRCan I have buttons on top left, and the human theme?19:17
Ken8521ZykoticK9, i thought we went through this last night?19:17
ZykoticK9Ken8521, i guess dabaR wan't here :)19:17
Ken8521if you edit gconf-editor, and put the buttons in the upper right, and mark it as "mandator" then no matter what theme you choose, buttons in the upper right19:18
ubuntufreakanyone able to get the desktop effects in Ubuntu 10.04, could you help me out ?19:21
Ken8521ubuntufreak, whats your graphics device?19:22
ubuntufreakKen8521: Its actually an on-board ATI-330019:22
Ken8521ubuntufreak, do you have anything in sys/admin/hardware drivers?19:23
ZykoticK9ubuntufreak, are you sure compiz can work with enlightenment?  (i don't know just asking)19:23
Ken8521ZykoticK9, thats a good point, id idnt see where he said he had enlightment19:23
ZykoticK9Ken8521, screenshot19:23
Ken8521ZykoticK9, yeah, just saw it19:24
ubuntufreakZykoticK9: i have applied the elementary theme for Gnome19:24
ZykoticK9ubuntufreak, ahhh19:24
ZykoticK9ubuntufreak, fool me once... :)19:24
Ken8521it does seem counter productive... use a GUI that is designed to be lightning quick, run on low ram, etc.. then bog it down w/ desktop effects19:25
ubuntufreakKen8521: i don't have a 'admin' folder in the sys19:25
Ken8521frankly, i don't like compiz period19:25
Ken8521ubottu, system/admin/hardware drviers... its a menu19:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:26
Ken8521ubuntufreak, see above19:26
benkong2Ken8521, I got lost on the mandor where do u mark that status?19:26
Ken8521benkong2, are you at the setting in gconf-ecitor?19:27
ubuntufreakKen8521: the hardware driver shows that ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics drivers is activated19:27
Ken8521benkong2, and did you edit it to move the buttons?19:27
Ken8521ok.. right click it again, like you were going to edit it... and one of the options, I believe is "Make Mandatory"19:28
Ken8521or something like that19:28
benkong2aha I see thanks19:28
benkong2I double clicked when editing19:28
Ken8521oh ok19:29
benkong2Ken8521, thanks19:30
Ken8521i always right click when editing in gconf-editor.. so i didn't really think to clarify that19:31
benkong2Ken8521, I guess I will start that now19:32
benkong2I did figure out my gcursor fix19:32
benkong2had to manually edit /usr/share/?? default forgot which one but I manually changed the xcursor theme then logout and back in19:33
Ken8521hmm, never messed w/ that19:34
MaximLevitskywhy eclipse-cdt isn't in the ubuntu 10.4?19:35
benkong2I like the comic cursors and using System/Preferences/Cursor Selection does not work19:35
Reckonis there a way to log the active processes so that later I could analyze it to search for specific issues?19:35
benkong2So I traced it down and found what set the cursor manually changed19:36
benkong2I tell you what though I wish gnome-shell or gnome3 had made it in this release.19:37
benkong2I luv gnome-shell19:37
crimsunbenkong2: hardly supportable for three years without major stable release engineering19:38
benkong2just need to figure out how to make a login entry  so that compiz is not running19:38
Ken8521i bet gnome3 will probably be rolling for 10.1019:38
benkong2crimsun, u mean cursor selection?19:38
Bittarmanany risk that my nvidia card will start being reliable soon??19:38
crimsunwhere "stable release engineering" == significant (wo)man-hours19:38
Bittarmanim ready to cry!19:38
benkong2Ken8521, I hope so19:38
Ken8521Bittarman, it's not reliable now?.. whichcard?19:39
BittarmanKen8521, 7000M19:39
Ken85217000m.. never heard of that one19:39
Bittarmanrandomly getting primary surface out of memory, or config not available19:39
Ken8521Bittarman, whats sys/admin/hardware driver say?19:39
BittarmanKen8521, its a mobility gpu19:39
Ken8521oh ok19:39
benkong2I have a Quadro NVS 130M Nvidia works great19:40
Ken8521yup, 7900 here.. works great as well.19:40
benkong2running 196.36 drivers19:40
Bittarmanand im using nvidia-current19:40
Ken8521Bittarman, so it says that the current driver is active?19:40
Ken8521in sys/admin/hardware drivers19:41
Bittarmanactivate but not in use19:41
Bittarmanit crashes out during x startup19:41
Ken8521Bittarman, well activate the one it says is recommended19:41
Ken8521Bittarman, oh ok19:41
Bittarmanonly current is listed :P19:41
BittarmanI had to purge the rest back in alpha19:42
Bittarmansince it went to beta, its been flaky19:42
Ken8521are you up to date?19:42
=== CardinalFang_ is now known as CardinalFang
BittarmanI update every day19:42
Bittarmana google for the two errors I randomly get provides fruitless too19:43
Ken8521cuz i had that problem w/ my card at first, but then I finallly got it to work, then i installed the release candidate test, and it activated perfectly19:43
Bittarmanwhich drivers are you using?19:43
Ken8521173 i think.. its my desktop.. i'm not by it19:44
Bittarmancould you show me your output of aptiture search nvidia|grep ^i19:44
BigbrumbrumHello :) fglrx dont support my grapics anymore, but when i try to remove it i get sub-process errors." found `diversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2 to /usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.2.xlibmesa by xorg-driver-fglrx'" what to do?19:44
Ken8521i'll have to teleport to my desktop19:44
Bittarmanno ssh? :P19:45
Bittarmanyou should try it.. ssh -X rocks ;)19:45
* BUGabundo waves o/19:51
studentzLive CD  I cannot install Lucid Beta 64 bit mssg : (initramfs)Unable o find a medium containing a file system   Help..19:52
=== FFForever-Away is now known as FFForever
Tohuwstudentz: sounds like it can't find something to put it on. Can you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l?19:55
Ven]ninteresting.. i had issues with b43 driver 14e4:4315 (Broadcom bcm4312 rev 01).. the 2.6.34.rc5 lucid fixed it19:55
TohuwVen]n: iirc, there was a bug on that on LP19:56
Tohuwso perhaps a fix was committed that affected you19:56
Ven]nmaybe, didnt work in 2.6.33 though19:57
Ven]nanyhow, every time i install something or do autoremove, it tries to install something bcmwl-5.60...19:57
Ven]nand fails with error: bad return status for module build on kernel19:57
Ven]nhow can I "clear" that from installation?19:57
Ven]ni dont want to install it anymore, hehe19:58
studentztohuw I'm trying from the live cd without install. Busy box shell is ash . fdisk -l  /bin/sh: sudo: not found20:00
TohuwVen]n: what's the output of sudo apt-get check?20:02
Ven]nlemme see :)20:02
Ven]nTohuw, nothing20:03
Tohuwstudentz: is the hard drive you're wanting to install this on formatted currently?20:03
Ven]njust returned reading packet list.. done.. etc20:03
Andre_Gondimgwibber is ok to every one in lucid?[20:04
TohuwVen]n: ok, that means no broken deps. bcmwl is the broadcom 802.11 driver package. It sounds like it's trying to build it against a kernel that version isn't made for. Try sudo apt-get autoclean and see if it returns anything.20:05
TohuwAndre_Gondim: it is now20:05
charlie-tcaAndre_Gondim: seems broken for some users20:05
Tohuwcharlie-tca: even after the wave of patches to the backend service?20:05
Ven]nTohuw, nope, nothing20:06
mbeierl1How's the experience been with upgrades to 10.04 beta for those who use Likewise Open?  Anyone try yet?20:06
durthey folks, I'm getting random X crashes on an HP mini 210 (i915), but only seeing older bugs in LP anyone know if there's anything new going on?20:06
TohuwVen]n: I don't see a package by that name (with the version number). Is bcmwl-kernel-source installed on your system?20:07
=== mbeierl1 is now known as mbeierl
BUGabundombeierl: lucid has the new likewise.... so you may need some testing !20:07
Tohuwdurt: check your Xorg error logs in /var/log20:07
zonkersi keep losing my left mouse functionality in ubuntu 10.04 and vmware.  I have been trying to reproduce and it seems like it only does it when chromium is up and I've opened say 50 images or so.20:07
Ven]nTohuw, bcmwl-kernel-source (
mbeierlBUGabundo: :)  That's why I thought I'd ask to see if anyone else has taken the plunge before me20:08
BUGabundombeierl: haven't seen anyone commenting on it20:08
durtTohuw, I have, not much there to indicate what's going on20:08
Ven]nTohuw, it shouldnt be installed on my system.. I tried installing it and got the error.. but now it wont go away. seems like it was partially installed or something20:08
TohuwVen]n: Can you try purging it and reinstalling it? It's a terribly shotgun approach, but sometimes it gives you at least more information.20:08
TohuwVen]n: oh! just purge it then20:09
Tohuwsudo aptitude -y purge bcmwl-kernel-source20:09
mrsunhmm, is it posible to get the newest fglrx driver in lucid somehow ?20:09
Tohuwif that fails, try using dpkg, but only if aptitude fails20:09
Tohuwmrsun: what version are you looking for20:09
* mbeierl wonders ... roll the dice for upgrade or do a clean install20:09
Tohuwdurt: can you post the log to pastebin?20:09
Ven]nTohuw, only thing starting on bcmwl is bcmwl-modaliases20:09
mrsunTohuw, 10.3 i guess20:10
durtTohuw, sure gimme a sec20:10
ignoranteHello everyone. I added a directory to ubuntuone ( /home/<myuser>/sharing ) but now I can't remove it. I deleted the directory, but u1sdtool --list-folders says that this directory already exist! How can I delete it from ubuntuone?20:10
ignoranteu1sdtool --unsubscribe-folder not work :(20:11
Ven]nTohuw, is that the same package?20:11
TohuwVen]n: no20:11
studentzTohow  this is a new box and HDD is new also20:11
mrsunive tried doing ./blah.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/lucid but im getting unresolved symbols when is start X after that20:12
mrsun(reloaded fglrx also)20:12
Ven]nTohuw, any other suggestion?20:12
TohuwVen]n: try dpkg -p bcmw-kernel-source20:12
nemoOk. /etc/gdm/custom.conf is what we're supposed to use now to make gdm changes20:12
nemoand it tells you to run gdmsetup20:12
nemowhich is graphical and does not run over ssh -YC :(20:12
nemoor rather, it runs fine, but this new annoying unlock procedure does not20:13
Ven]nTohuw, oh wait, i typed what you said.. its working i think20:13
nemoand you can't do sudo gdmsetup either20:13
mrsunits strange, the latest on the amd site is aparently 8.712, the one in ubuntu is 8.723 ... but my graphic card was alot faster with the one i got from amds site, (whan i had it working, now its not :/ )20:13
nemoand of course the reason I'm changing custom.conf is to setup vnc for a headless box20:13
nemothanks ubuntu :(20:13
Tohuwstudentz: can you start Ubuntu from the CD at all?20:13
m0arTerribly stupid, but I accicently (kinda) removed the deluge module in my python library, how the hell do I fix this? ;;__;;20:13
m0arIs it as easy as to reinstall python?20:14
Tohuwmrsun: something similar happened to me. I ended up swapping cards for an nvidia20:14
durtTohuw, Here's one http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/zFSiWcw8, and the tail of another that maybe incomplete. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/yW1TsLdW20:14
Tohuwmrsun: your best bet is to probably file a needs-packaging against the new fglrx20:14
Tohuwon LP20:14
mrsunTohuw, well i don thave time :P20:15
Ven]nTohuw, yes, the aptitude -y worked.. i just thought it didnt find the bcm... because i typed bcm and hit TAB :)20:15
mrsunwas gonna have a gaming night and now my computer is fuxed =)20:15
Ven]nhow can I remove old kernels? :)20:15
Tohuwmrsun: then you get to wait :P20:15
studentzTohuw  I got the initial screen ,choose first option  and after 20 min I got Busy Box20:16
TohuwVen]n: glad that worked. You can remove old kernels most easily by purging their packages20:16
d33dsadly, I've had to downgrade back to 9.10 because 10.04 was intermittently just freezing up and locking my laptop.20:16
Tohuwstudentz: is the hard drive on a RAID controller?20:16
nemook. is there any way at all to get gdmsetup to work over ssh? :-/20:16
Ven]nTohuw, apt-get remove header+generic+image?20:16
studentzTohuw NO20:16
Ven]nTohuw, or did you mean apt-get purge header and then itll also remove generic header + image?20:17
TohuwVen]n: you can just remove the -generic iirc, the rest should autoremove with it as they're no longer being used.20:17
studentzTohuw  9.1 32 bit runs OK from live cd20:17
m0arTohuw: Not really.   cd /boot && rm -rf *-XX-generic20:17
Tohuwm0ar: purging the kernel's package doesn't remove the physical files from /boot?20:18
m0arTohuw: Might do, I've always done that so :D20:18
m0arTohuw: Easier imho20:18
Tohuwm0ar: except that removing it via the package processes the triggers against it, like grub and such20:19
m0arTohuw: update-grub.20:19
Tohuwm0ar: I know. Like I said, removing the package does it all in one step.20:19
m0arTohuw: Everyone has their own ways20:19
m0arAnyone have ideas of how I can get my deluge python-module back? D:20:20
TohuwDoes anyone know how to temporarily type in a location in the location bar instead of using the buttons? There used to be a button for that, and it's gone. :|20:20
benkong2In nautilus20:20
ZykoticK9Tohuw, press /20:21
Tohuwbenkong2: yeah, sorry, should have specified. Thanks ZykoticK9, that was it!20:21
m0arHoly crapshit20:22
m0arTo fix my problem with the missing deluge-module i apt-get removed python2.6.20:22
Tohuw!language | m0ar20:22
ubottum0ar: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:22
m0arUninstalling a fuckton of apps, I'm dying ;_;20:22
Tohuwm0ar: always check to see what havoc removing a package will do before doing it :(20:23
m0arTohuw: I know, gah20:23
m0arTohuw: When this removal is done, can I just install python2.6 and do a dist-upgrade?20:24
m0arIdk how I can get all apps back20:24
* m0ar broke his system20:24
Tohuwm0ar: probably. Failing that, reinstall the appropriate metapackage for you system (ubuntu-desktop or so)20:24
m0arTohuw: Does ubuntu-desktop contain all the "start" apps of ubuntu?20:25
Tohuwm0ar: most, not all. see apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop20:25
TohuwEssentially, it's the userland toolset on top of the kernel and essentials. For your problem, that sees like it might work.20:26
m0arREMOVIN VIM, nuuu O_O20:26
Tohuwvim being gone will be the least of your problems, I suspect20:28
sveinseHow can I enable the window behaviour to drag a window from one workspace to another? Where is the config?20:28
Tohuwsveinse: are you using compiz? (desktop effects)20:29
sveinseTohuw: I think so. It's vanilla lucid20:30
Tohuwsveinse: install compizconfig-settings-manager, and enable "Edge Flip Move" in the plugin "Desktop Wall"20:31
Tohuwdurt: sorry, forgot about you. See this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=6a5d57997134a0976b08e9ef4c9db5cc&p=8864174&postcount=520:36
TohuwAlso, the wiki article it links to is useful20:37
Tohuwok, away-ish a bit20:37
FFForeverHow do I get my wifi selector back?20:37
durtFFForever, did you remove the notification area?20:38
sveinseTohuw: Thanks. Now I got it. I think I was losing it here.... ;)20:40
durtFFForever, you're talking about network-manager's applet in gnome-panel?20:40
FFForeverWhy I try to launch it I get, An instance of nm-applet is already running.20:41
sveinseI get two very different renderings of the screen fonts when I select "slight" hinting or "full" hinting. See http://imagebin.org/93683 vs. http://imagebin.org/93684 - Is this something I should submit a bugreport on?20:41
ZykoticK9FFForever, try adding to panel "notification area" as durt suggested20:41
FFForeverI see20:41
durtFFForever, ya, sounds like you accidentally removed the notification area, ( not to be confused with indicator applet.)20:41
FFForeverdurt, there was an issue after an update20:42
FFForeverit asked me if I wanted to remove, I didn't think it would delete all of that =\20:42
FFForeverdurt, I deleted .gnome2 and relogged in, how come that didn't make it reappear?20:43
durtFFForever, what's .gnome2?20:44
FFForeverwhere all the settings are stored for gnome no?20:44
sveinseCan anyone confirm the font rendering issue, or is it just my machine?20:44
durtFFForever, not sure, sry20:44
C-S-B-N900still not getting plymouth, is it working for all?20:45
iconmefistoC-S-B-N900: well it's not working for you, so not all. but it works for many, perhaps...20:47
ZykoticK9sab, you need to add the partner repository to install SUN Java if you are unsure how to do that see blue note at top of http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/java20:47
charlie-tcasveinse: looks normal for the setting used20:48
sveinsecharlie-tca: Does the font width change when going from slight to full?20:48
charlie-tcayes, depending on the font20:48
sveinsecharlie-tca: As you can see on the two images, the fonts are significantly different20:48
charlie-tcaone adds more 'feathering' to the font20:49
sveinsecharlie-tca: why is that? I wouldn't expect hinting to change the overall rendering20:49
charlie-tcasveinse: I am not an expert in fonts. You asked if that was normal, yes, it is.20:49
sveinsecharlie-tca: Uhm, on my computer (as shown) its not just the feathering. It the entire width of the font20:49
charlie-tcaSorry I tried to verify what you get, then20:50
sveinsecharlie-tca: So you don't see the width changed on your host?20:50
sveinsePoint is, is this something I should submit bugreport on or not. If I'm alone about this, then probably not...20:51
charlie-tcaI did not say that. I said I can confirm what you see when the setting is changed20:51
sveinseWhich I would consider as a bug then20:52
NoobFukaire1so how stable is lucid? If you're a power user are there any major defects right now?20:52
charlie-tcaWhy did you ask if any one sees it if you just want to argue it is wrong?20:53
FFForeverIt works for me, but it all depends on what classifies a power user20:53
sabwhats the diffrence between ubuntu channel and ubuntu+1 channel?20:53
charlie-tcasab: topic tells us this is only for lucid20:53
demifurorhey guys,  is there a way to stream tv to my linux box?20:53
topylisab, #ubuntu is the official support channel. this is for support and discussion of the unstable development version20:57
sabok,thank you20:57
sabi was trying to install skype from cli and got this error,can anyone please tell me how to solve this??21:02
sabsorry this is the error....http://paste.ubuntu.com/419446/21:02
Damascenedid any update break the guest session for you?21:05
sabi was trying to install skype from cli and got this error...http://paste.ubuntu.com/419446/,can anyone please tell me how to solve this??21:05
guntberthow do I tell firefox (on a daily system) to enable java?21:07
Ian_CorneAnyone any idea why bluez-gnome is in conflict with lubuntu-desktop?21:07
holsteinguntbert: enable ot install?21:07
guntbertholstein: enable, it is installed from the partner repo21:08
holsteindid you restart FF21:08
Ian_CorneIt seems like gnome-bleutooth can't coexists with bluez-gnome21:08
holsteinits always just kicked off for me21:08
josiphello, is there a nobackfill patch for xorg for lucid?21:09
josipthe maximizing with an ati card is again painfully slow21:09
guntbertholstein: :-/  why didn't I think of that  - I'll report back21:09
LinuxGuy20092 days till RC. Were getting closer. woohoo21:10
guntbertholstein: thx - worked -- silly me21:11
mininessiehey anyone run ubuntu21:11
mininessiei need help i have no sound 10.0421:11
lucas-arg1mininessie: did u ask?21:12
LinuxGuy2009mininessie: Did sound work on same hardware in previous versions?21:12
holsteinguntbert: :)21:12
crimsunIan_Corne: because bluez-gnome has a Conflicts with gnome-bluetooth21:13
crimsunmininessie: please use ubuntu-bug audio21:13
lucas-arg1nVidia Corporation MCP79 High Definition Audio works in kernel 2.6.34 but not .32 when mininessie installs lastest kernel and sound works he cant make wireless work21:13
crimsunIan_Corne: and lubuntu-desktop has a Depends on the latter21:13
* gsp2009 has never raised so many elephants... and it is utterly boring.21:13
crimsunlucas-arg1: / mininessie: so you may want to use linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r) from ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev21:14
LinuxGuy2009please join #elephants21:14
gsp2009I just got here... mininessie, probs with pulse?21:15
mininessiecrimsun: ????21:16
mininessiegsp2009: pulse volue control configuration is blank21:16
crimsunmininessie: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/InstallingLinuxAlsaDriverModules21:16
nemohm. looks like the basis of my problems is gnome apparently sucking21:16
=== ubuntu is now known as awc
KB1JWQAre we in a pre-release freeze?21:17
nemovnc4server doesn't work reliably, authentication fails in ssh, or in xdmcp or in xmdpc over ssh...21:17
crimsunKB1JWQ: very much so.21:17
KB1JWQcrimsun: That'd explain the lack of new packages lately.21:18
crimsunKB1JWQ: we're frozen in prep for RC, so, yeah...21:18
mininessieKB1JWQ: what do you mean21:18
KB1JWQmininessie: The last 24 hours or so, nothing new's come down.  That's a bit odd for this box.21:19
mininessieKB1JWQ: you mean in update manager21:19
KB1JWQmininessie: Well, aptitude, but yes.21:20
crimsunKB1JWQ: you should know about the Status field at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid , too21:20
KB1JWQcrimsun: Ah, thanks.21:20
crimsun"Pre-release Freeze"21:20
mininessieKB1JWQ: i thought it was just me update to the latest daily build of 10.0421:20
Volkodavwhat's up with medibuntu servers ?21:21
mininessieVolkodav: what do you mean21:21
Volkodavwell apt-get update won't connect for 2 days now21:22
crimsunVolkodav: comment it out and move on21:22
mininessiehey should i update pulse or wait to reboot21:22
Volkodavit's down gone or what ?21:22
iconmefistoVolkodav: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/medibuntu-repository-down-what-to-do.html21:22
crimsunmininessie: you don't need an updated pulse, just l-a-d-m21:22
sabi was trying to install skype from cli and got this error...http://paste.ubuntu.com/419446/,can anyone please tell me how to solve this??21:23
gsp2009sab: The Paste you are looking for does not currently exist.21:23
LinuxGuy2009sab: same here does not exist21:23
gsp2009nevermind... stripped after the last slash21:24
crimsunE: Package skype has no installation candidate21:24
crimsunsab: so, how are you attempting to install it?21:24
sabsudo apt-get install skype21:25
iconmefistosab: download the .deb from the website21:25
crimsunsab: that command won't work if your apt sources don't have that package.21:25
crimsunsab: (which is precisely what the error is telling you)21:25
saband got this error...http://paste.ubuntu.com/419451/21:25
LinuxGuy2009sab: Is English not your first language?21:26
sabLinuxGuy2009, yes....:(21:28
sabLinuxGuy2009, its not my first language21:28
sabLinuxGuy2009, i m sorry for any unintentional mistake21:29
LinuxGuy2009sab: http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/choose/21:30
mininessieok nothing happened after i rebooted21:30
nemough. and screwed up keymaps too. ffs.21:31
judgenHow do i remove plymouth without braking anything else?21:32
crimsunyou don't.21:32
judgenhow do i disabled the splash then?21:33
crimsunyou remove "splash" from the kernel command line and reboot.21:33
judgenaah ok.21:33
judgenShould be removable in the future i think. that would be lovely.21:33
crimsunor, you could fix the drivers/hw to work correctly with plymouth.21:34
crimsunremoving it is not a fix.21:34
judgeni have to swap session to get it to go away...21:35
crimsunI don't know what you mean by "swap session".21:35
judgenfor instance.21:36
judgenotherwise it just keeps running and running forever.21:36
crimsunoh, you mean switch VTs?21:37
judgenvirtual terminals yes.21:37
iconmefistothe plymouth splash runs until X starts, right?21:37
judgeniconmefisto: i dont run x most of the time.21:38
judgenI dont have a *dm installed.21:38
tawdis anyone having problems with very slow internet?21:38
iconmefistojudgen: that's why I'm asking. it's probably waiting for X before stopping the animation21:38
judgeniconmefisto: very good point.21:38
judgenbtw did the upgrade overwrite my bash settings? its all wierdly coloured now.21:40
dantje_xorg/gdm keeps restarting to the sound of drums on 82G965. Fail-safe graphics work. Lots of reports on launchpad, but I didn't see a solution or workaround (other than using failsafe).21:42
thevishyhow do I see the battery indicator in the task bar ?21:42
dantje_How do I make xorg come up in the same graphics config/mode that the failsafe uses?21:43
lucas-arg1thevishy: System - Preferences - Power Management last tab...21:43
thevishythanks lucas-arg1 , will ubuntu auto-shutdown if the battery is low or will it power off21:43
mininessie_now its saying my audio is cirrus logic cs420621:43
mininessie_now its saying my audio is cirrus logic cs420621:44
thevishyi.e wud ubuntu do a graceful shutdown or ?21:44
lucas-arg1thevishy: you can configure that in Power management21:44
mininessie_now its saying my audio is cirrus logic cs420621:44
lucas-arg1thevishy: it shutsdown unless you tell ubuntu to do none, and it will just poweroff21:44
thevishyits hibernate apparently , that means , it saves my data and does it gracefully ?21:45
_1x2_help !21:45
mininessie_help audio still not working21:45
_1x2_Failed to fetch http://ubuntu.ipacct.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release.gpg  Could not connect to ubuntu.ipacct.com:80 ( - connect (110: Connection timed out)21:45
lucas-arg1thevishy: i think you should try what u are asking and check what happens21:45
_1x2_help me !21:46
iconmefistothevishy: you should confirm that hibernate works for you, otherwise change it to shutdown21:46
yofel_1x2_: server timeout, try a different mirror21:46
LinuxGuy2009mininessie_: Did you file a bug to try and get the issue fixed before final release?21:46
lucas-arg1_1x2_: chenge sources21:46
mininessie_LinuxGuy2009: no21:46
thevishyright , i want to leave the computer on and want to ensure it doesnt destroy OS at no cost21:46
LinuxGuy2009mininessie_: Better now than later.21:46
mininessie_LinuxGuy2009: if i knew how to21:46
yofelmininessie_: didn't crimsun already tell you to file one with 'ubuntu-bug audio' ?21:47
iconmefistomininessie_: it's not that hard. try it!21:47
thevishylucid beta 2 is nice and stable , i dont need to reinstall OS when Lucid is officially release right ?21:47
lucas-arg1mininessie_: i think you should compile a kernel...21:47
yofelmininessie_: you'll need a launchpad account first21:47
LinuxGuy2009mininessie_: ubuntu-bug pulseaudio21:47
LinuxGuy2009mininessie_: start with that21:47
crimsunlucas-arg1: um, no.21:47
lucas-arg1thevishy: no, as far as you keep upgrading21:47
crimsunlucas-arg1: that's very poor advice.21:47
yofelLinuxGuy2009: he should rather start with 'audio' instead of 'pulseaudio'21:47
thevishythanks , i am already uptodate21:47
lucas-arg1crimsun: he is having problems with the kernel...21:48
josipHello, I am not sure if this is right channel to ask the question, so I hope it won't mind you if it isn't. Is there a nobackfill patch for ubuntu lucid?21:48
lucas-arg1crimsun: apparently ubuntu wont come up with a functional kernel for his mac21:48
LinuxGuy2009yofel: There is no package called audio21:48
mininessie_well now at lest gnome alsa mixer isn't blank and it says my audio card is cirrus logic cs420621:48
yofelLinuxGuy2009: but a symptom21:48
LinuxGuy2009yofel: pulseaudio and then let the devs sort it.21:48
lucas-arg1mininessie_: does it work? does sound and wireless work?21:48
mininessie_lucas-arg1: no21:49
lucas-arg1mininessie_: which kernel did u use when sound worked?21:49
yofelLinuxGuy2009: run '_apport_symptoms' to list the available ones, and no, rather let apport first try to sort it out and the devs after that21:49
mininessie_lucas-arg1: it never did21:49
=== ubuntu is now known as awc
lucas-arg1mininessie_: nor even with 2.6.34?21:49
_1x2_how to get lubuntu-desktop without leaving traces, and to stick with Ubuntu-desktop brand21:49
iconmefistoubuntu-bug alsa-base ?21:49
josiphttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/351186/comments/256 this might help if someone else has the same problem21:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351186 in fglrx-installer "[M76] [ubuntu 9.04] [ubuntu 9.10] [ubuntu 10.04] slow unminimizing with ati card and desktop effects enabled" [High,Triaged]21:50
LinuxGuy2009yofel: the point is, better to file than not to. File it under whatever you want and they will sort it out.21:50
yofel*sigh* like I said: use the audio symptom, that should choose the right package depending on the information21:50
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages21:50
yofelLinuxGuy2009: yes, but for general audio issues we have the audio symptom, and not just randomly file it against some audio related package21:50
mininessie_lucas-arg1: oh it worked in 2.6.33 but it wasn't it was the rc canidate if i could i have the links to install 2.6.3321:51
yofelLinuxGuy2009: the apport hooks differ a lot between them21:51
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:51
awcI've just attempted to reboot my computer, but after the GRUB screen all i see is a blank screen, and nothing occurs21:51
LinuxGuy2009mininessie_: Are you filing?21:51
awcie my system refuses to boot21:51
mininessie_LinuxGuy2009: i have no idea how to21:51
lucas-arg1mininessie_: install 2.6.34 http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/21:51
gsp2009awc... you know how to REISUB?21:52
yofel!bugs | mininessie_21:52
ubottumininessie_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:52
LinuxGuy2009mininessie_: launchpad.net and sign up for an account. Then after that in a terminal type "ubuntu-bug pulseaudio"21:52
gsp2009awc http://lifehacker.com/298891/gently-restart-a-frozen-system21:52
lucas-arg1mininessie_: download the kernel u need... -image -headers -headers-all place them into a folder, the open a terminal, cd to/folder/ then sudo dpkg -i linux-*21:52
yofelLinuxGuy2009: ubuntu-bug audio ...21:52
mininessie_lucas-arg1: i tried the 2.6.33 from there then i won't have wireless21:52
awcty gsp2009 i'll see if it helps21:52
lucas-arg1mininessie_: there is a 2.6.34rc5 kernel try that one21:53
yofelLinuxGuy2009: and his issue is probably kernel related so pulseaudio is wrong anyway21:53
LinuxGuy2009yofel: Your telling the wrong person. My audio is fine.21:53
gsp2009awc that will reboot gently21:53
lucas-arg1mininessie_: remember you have to download 3 files from there21:53
yofelLinuxGuy2009: yes, but you're giving wrong advice21:53
LinuxGuy2009yofel: time to drop it and move on.21:53
mininessie_lucas-arg1: i'm going to install 2.6.34 and see what happends if it doesn't carsh my machine still works fine21:53
yofelmininessie_: Please read the bug reporting page ubottu gave you and file a bug with 'ubuntu-bug audio'21:53
awcwell, i'll give it a shot. If it doesn't work I'll be back21:54
yofelmininessie_: and make sure you're running an ubuntu kernel when doing so21:54
judgenwhere is the cli login screen's colour settings located? I just want it to go back to black text on white background.21:54
LinuxGuy2009mininessie_: Either way the whole point is just report it and get it fixed.21:54
* judgen have got bad eyes.21:54
lucas-arg1yofel: i think mininessie_sound card its not enabled in the kernel21:55
mininessie_or the fact that i'm using a macbook pro21:55
yofelwell, that's why he should file a bug...21:55
LinuxGuy2009mininessie_: Did you say if you have used ubuntu before on the same machine and sound worked fine?21:56
mininessie_LinuxGuy2009: i used kernel 2.6.33 and i did not test sound but i had all the buttons in gnome alsa mixer that i need but i couldn't get my wireless working21:57
lucas-arg1mininessie_: try that kernel i told you and see what happens, thats what i would do21:57
mininessie_downloading files now21:58
LinuxGuy2009mininessie_: Still having wireless issues? Card not working?21:58
mininessie_LinuxGuy2009: in kernel it works fine21:59
mininessie_yeah its broadcom so you know21:59
LinuxGuy2009mininessie_: What model exactly? BCM4312 by chance? "sudo lshw -C lan"22:00
lucas-arg1mininessie_: how come u want to try linux in a mac book?22:00
mininessie_lucas-arg1: why not?22:01
ergheziwhy i cant write to my hfs+ partition22:03
lucas-arg1mininessie_: well macs were made for using osx specifically22:03
Some_Personerghezi: Go into Mac OS X and turn off journaling in disk manager22:03
LinuxGuy2009 mininessie_: I cant help you if you dont talk to me bub.22:03
LinuxGuy2009good luck22:03
ergheziSome_Person: journaling is disable22:03
ergheziSome_Person:  i add it to fstab22:04
lucas-arg1mininessie_: its not really usual to see a mac user come to linux22:04
ergheziSome_Person: /dev/sdb3 /mnt/common hfsplus user,auto,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 022:04
mininessie_lucas-arg1: hey i can't install the headers for 2.6.4322:04
mininessie_lucas-arg1: hey i can't install the headers for 2.6.34 not 4322:04
Some_Personlucas-arg1: My girlfriend is doing it, and she says she likes Linux now22:04
lucas-arg1mininessie_: did u download all 3 packages?22:05
mininessie_lucas-arg1: wait22:05
lucas-arg1mininessie_: did u place them all in the same folder?22:05
Some_Personerghezi:  /dev/sdb3 /mnt/common hfsplus user,auto,rw,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 022:05
lucas-arg1mininessie_: once uve done that u need to install them with the terminal sudo dpkg -i linux-*22:05
mininessie_lucas-arg1: i'm installing all.deb instead of amd64.deb22:05
lucas-arg1mininessie_: that depends on whats your installation if its 64bits download 64bits kernel images, if its 32bits download i38622:06
awcREISUB didn't work22:06
ergheziSome_Person: i test it now22:07
awcgsp2009, REISUB didn't work22:09
gsp2009awc ok.. remember that though.. cause you can gently restart your system if it hangs... do you have two monitors?22:10
awcno i don't22:10
gsp2009awc new install?22:11
awcnope een using 10.04 since alpha 3 i think22:11
awc64 Bit system22:11
gsp2009awc and it used to work fine? what changed? new hardware?22:12
sipherhey, having problems installing grub. this url explains the problem for the most part. http://elitter.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=14822:12
awcnothing as far as i kno22:12
awcI just got a new ipod touch, so i've been installing software for that22:13
gsp2009awc so what have you installed?22:13
nanoguyim running the latest beta of ubuntu 10.04 but none of the title bars are appearing22:13
siphernanoguy: hit f2 then type metacity22:13
sipherlogout login should resolve it. =/22:13
sipherarg he left.22:14
nanoguyim back22:14
siphernanoguy: hit f2 then type metacity22:14
sipherlogout login should resolve it. =/22:14
Some_Personsipher: Sorry, I'm not familiar enough with grub222:14
sipherSome_Person: Thanks22:14
nanoguyf2 doesn't do anything22:14
siphernanoguy: open a terminal22:14
sipherand type metacity &22:14
nanoguyit gave me this error22:15
nanoguyim running the latest beta of ubuntu 10.04 but none of the title bars are appearing22:15
nanoguywoops it didn't work22:15
gsp2009awc, can you get into another terminal?22:15
Some_Personnanoguy: What's the error?22:15
maurii need help for my scanner canon lide 10022:16
elwoodhi guys22:16
siphermauri: you in luck :>22:16
sipherI set one up yesterday22:16
elwoodthere is a way to have the classic boot without splash?22:17
yofelnanoguy: try 'metacity --replace' maybe?22:17
awcgsp2009, I'm on the live cd right now, or do you mean as I'm booting up?22:17
maurisipher: what?22:17
gsp2009awc have you tried to remove the software that you installed?22:17
siphermauri: http://support-asia.canon-asia.com/P/search?model=PIXMA+MP568&menu=download&filter=0&tagname=ca_os&ca_os=Linux goto this url and search for your model. I have a pixma mp560 (no drivers listewd in ubuntu)22:17
gsp2009awc brb22:17
siphermauri: install the drivers and it should work flawlessly.22:18
maurisipher: but i have a canon lide10022:18
siphersearch for it.22:18
elwoodno way to exclude plymouth at boot?22:18
yofelelwood: remove 'quiet splash' from the kernel options?22:19
Some_Personelwood: You can press escape while booting to temporarily disable it for that session, or if you want it gone permanently, you'll have to edit your grub settings22:19
elwoodyofel,  i've removed splash but i got black screen until X. that's why i'm asking :)22:20
maurisipher: im nt able to load the site you highlithed me22:20
tenochslbwhat is the channel to talk about wireless networking on lucid lynx?22:21
yofelwell, you can remove quiet too, that will display the kernel messages22:21
yofelbut upstart isn't very verbose by design22:21
siphermauri, http://elitter.net/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=14722:21
yofeltenochslb: you're right here22:21
elwoodyofel, ok  I'll try, i need to read, Readin make me feel safe22:21
maurisipher: ive just load the page but sorry, what i have to looking for22:22
sipherthe url is on that page.22:22
sipherthe link...22:22
Some_PersonI kinda miss the old splash screen with the scrolling text at the bottom22:23
tenochslbyofel: hi! we chatted like three days ago regarding wireless networking not working when i updated some of the fixes on lucid. I wonder if there is a way to check that my wireless card is not burned out before a report a bug22:23
=== awc is now known as awc|fooding
maurisipher: there is a problem.....im on kubuntu 64bit22:24
yofelmauri: so? the drivers are the same for all *buntu flavours22:25
yofelah, sorry, you meant the 64bit  part22:26
mauriyofel: when i star install.sh it says that wrong architetture22:26
sipher=/ tough luck22:26
BUGabundocan someone confirm FF 3.6 daily ppa lost the ability to change tabs with ALT+NUM ?22:28
yofelBUGabundo: wfm22:30
KB1JWQBUGabundo: Check your config.22:31
BUGabundofor ?22:31
ergheziBUGabundo: no , it works for me22:31
sipherhey, having problems installing grub. this url explains the problem for the most part. http://elitter.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=14822:31
maurisipher: may you help me?22:32
Dawgmatixautomount is mounting ntfs disks in such a way in lucid that I cannot change any file permissions22:32
siphermauri: no22:32
siphermauri: install the 32 bit version =/22:32
yofelDawgmatix: you could never change file permissions on ntfs22:32
Dawgmatix(chmod succeeds but has no effect)22:33
Dawgmatixwhat about fat?22:33
sipherfat doesn't have any..22:33
yofelDawgmatix: neither, permissions are set when mounting it22:33
maurisipher: but mp560 is the same of lide100?22:33
siphermauri: same brand.22:33
maurisipher: do you think that it is enought?22:34
siphermauri: but if there is no 64 bit support =/ I'm assuming your out of luck. Printer will not work with ubuntu.22:34
siphermauri: no, you need to find the correct drivers.22:34
maurisipher: it is a scannar not printer22:34
benkevananyone else unfortunate enough to be using Lotus Notes and running 10.04?22:37
markl_ok why is YouTube telling me to upgrade flash when i'm on ubuntu 10.04 ?22:43
benkevanmarkl: Are you using Opera?22:44
markl_where the video should be it says Old Flash? Go upgrade!22:45
markl_i should be on
benkevanI can see it just fine.. what do you have in about:plugins22:46
benkevanI'm guessing you're not using adobe flash.. :( .. so It may be checking it wrong..22:46
markl_ok maybe the flash plugin just nuked itself, i can probably fix that22:46
=== awc|fooding is now known as awc
benkevanFile name: libflashplayer.so22:46
benkevanShockwave Flash 10.0 r4522:46
benkevanis what I'm using just fine22:47
markl_yeah i can't wait for lnux mint to come out and install all of this stuff out of the box22:47
benkevanflashplugin-nonfree < is what I'm using22:47
awcWhen I boot my system, after the grub screen all i get in a blank screen. any suggestions?22:47
benkevanawc: did you make any changes to /etc/defaults/grub ? or /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?22:48
awcwell, i had some trouble with grub after i reinstalled windows on my machine22:48
awcbut after following the instructions on the #grub chan everything seemed to work fine22:48
benkevanoh NOW the truth comes out :P22:49
markl_File name: libflashplayer.so22:49
markl_Shockwave Flash 10.0 r4522:49
markl_no worky.  weird22:49
=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away
benkevanmarkl_: dpkg --list flash*22:49
markl_is there a way to make Hulu work full screen 720p without being so slow?22:50
markl_do they have some sort of video acceleration on some platforms or something?22:50
markl_e.g. does 10.04 have a flashplugin-nonfree-vdpau22:50
markl_that would rock22:50
markl_flashplugin-installer, flashplugin-nonfree, flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound22:51
markl_maybe a delete/reinstall will help22:51
benkevanor just a reinstall :)22:51
benkevanbut yeah.. it may22:51
ZykoticK9markl_, i haven't heard of any accelerated Flash under linux yet22:53
awcbenkevan, so if those files got changed, how would i go about returning them to their original state (or rather the properone?22:54
NinoScriptHow can I make a custom keyboard layout? xmodmap stopped working in my last update22:56
markl_ZykoticK9: does it exist on other platforms?  is that probably why hulu is so painful on linux?22:56
ZykoticK9markl_, i "hear" windows has it yes22:56
benkevanawc: yo ucan do a grub-update22:57
benkevanor reinstall grub on your mbr22:57
yofelhm, has anyone else lost thumbnails in dolphin since a while ago?22:58
awcbut i just did those yesterday22:58
yofelok, just got disabled somehow o.O23:05
almoxarifeAn Arizona lawmaker fears her state is becoming a "laughing stock" after the state House passed a bill that will force President Barack Obama to present his birth certificate before being certified to run for president in the state.23:06
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.23:07
almoxarifewrong channel23:07
benkevananyone unfortunate enough to have Lotus Notes and Ubuntu 10.0423:13
droid7what's the problem?23:13
benkevanHTML emails aren't coming displaying in preview.. or when reading..23:14
benkevanbut I can get the message to come up, if I do reply ..23:14
=== ubuntu is now known as awc
awcupdating grub didn't work, any other hypotheses out there that might explain why my laptop won't boot?23:15
droid7benkevan, sorry can't help. Not familiar with lotus notes :/23:16
droid7awc, what do you mean by it won't boot? hangs at grub, black screen?23:16
awcblack screen after grub23:16
droid7i had that with my laptop with 9.1023:17
ZykoticK9awc, if it's after grub then it's probably a plymouth issue (no idea on solution though), good luck23:17
droid7graphics driver?23:17
arandawc: Reinstall grub from liveCD?23:17
droid7it's the driver23:17
droid7are you using 10.04?23:17
awcpoo, any fixes?23:17
droid7yeah i think23:18
awclive cd for 9.04 though23:18
droid79.04 works?23:18
awcthe livecd does23:18
marenostrumDear friends, what is the latest kernel in Lucid?23:18
droid7hm that's strange23:18
awci haven't tried installing it23:18
ZykoticK9marenostrum, 2.6.21-21 i believe23:18
droid7marenostrum, 2.6.32-21-generic23:18
ZykoticK9marenostrum, typo in mine droid7 is correct23:19
droid7i drank too much coffee. i'm all over the place :S23:19
droid7awc, in that case I'm not sure it's intel. but it sounds like it might be related to graphics drivers. If you can figure out how to disable loading the driver via grub (kernel line), and boot into command then we can try and figure things out23:20
droid7or just generate a new grub file with the livecd and copy it over23:21
awchaha figure something out, me? I'm a linux n00b i'm a fraid23:21
ZykoticK9awc, have you tried removing "quiet splash" from the boot line?23:21
droid7so grub works but it's just black after?23:21
awcquiet slpash?23:21
awcthats correct23:21
awchttp://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide <-- i just did that moments ago so i think grub is ok23:22
awcZykoticK9, how would I go about removing quiet splash?23:22
droid7try ZykoticK9 's suggestion23:22
ZykoticK9awc, hold SHIFT to get grub menu (if you don't see it), then use the e key to edit the kernel line you are using - then remove the quiet splash part23:22
awcahh ok23:23
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awcI'll give it a shot23:23
gartral|droidhey all, seems i hit aa serious issue with kernal/nvidia drivers. naimly, after compiling the drivers for a new kernal, after reboot x hangs on the ready tone/jingle thing and loops it, leaving the system unreponsive until i reboot into safe mode and run nvidia-xconfig23:25
TecnoBratI don't know enough about the bug tracking for lucid, etc .. but this bug affects Lucid, and anyone with a Hauppage TV card won't be able to use their remote https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lirc/+bug/55036923:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550369 in lirc "Hauppage TV Card is detected as Leadtek IR in lucid" [Medium,Triaged]23:26
TecnoBratdoesn't seem to be assigned to "Lucid"23:26
TecnoBratnot sure if it should be but it definitely affects lucid :)23:26
ZykoticK9TecnoBrat, do you have a Hauppage 1600 by chance?23:27
TecnoBratNo, a 35023:27
PatrickDKI have a 350 and 160023:27
PatrickDKhaven't upgraded that box to lucid, running karmic, I need it stable :)23:28
ZykoticK9TecnoBrat, my 1600 is detected as Hauppauge but remote doesn't work :(  there is a but about it23:28
TecnoBratZykoticK9: if syslog says Hauppage when it boots (grep for lirc_i2c) then its a different issue23:29
gartralhow do i make gnome go back to click too focus?23:29
TecnoBratif it says Leadtek, then its the same issue23:29
ZykoticK9TecnoBrat, it's certainly a different issue23:29
gartralhow do i make gnome go back to click-to-focus having to roll my curser over the chat is anoying23:30
gartralnvm, wierd bug23:30
sburwoodHow long will it be before Thunderbird will be repaired?  I imagine when the final version of Lucid comes out23:31
TecnoBratZykoticK9: there is quite a few random bug fixes in the upstream code from what I can see23:31
sburwoodand I've been having problems with Evolution23:31
gartralsburwood: what problems?23:32
TommyThaGunthat's crazy23:32
TommyThaGunI changed my firefox over the the new one in the 10.4 repos, but I never changed my thunderbird23:32
TommyThaGunI'm still using ubuntuzilla's thunderbird, and now I'm glad I was lazy23:32
yofelsburwood: what's wrong with thunderbird?23:32
sburwoodWith Thunderbird, it seems to start up, but crashes (is compiz a part of Thunderbird?23:33
ZykoticK9sburwood, are you using karmic?23:33
sburwoodno, lucid beta 2, if I'm not mistaken23:33
yofelsburwood: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2010-April/000708.html mabe?23:33
sburwoodas for Evolution the size is not always the same.  And sending messages via one of my e-mail addresses just fails23:34
TecnoBratPatrickDK: just an FYI, there is a patch I put on that ticket, which makes the 350 work.  There was a comment further down with some patches from upstream.  If you compile from source with those patches, at least you will have a working remote :)23:34
=== ubuntu is now known as awc
ZykoticK9indicator-messages showing multiple "Compose New Message" and "Contacts" -- any suggestions?23:35
awcwell, that helped, so its not just a black screen anymore23:35
droid2    huh23:36
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awcthe boot hangs at "Adding 3004112k swap on /dev/sda6 Pririty:-1 extents:1 across:3004112k23:36
benkevanawc: be careful with those instructions as they look to be for the previous version of GRUB..23:36
PatrickDKoh, I don't use the remote23:37
benkevanall changes should be done in /etc/default/grub (as I indicated before)23:37
PatrickDKonly the tv/svideo inputs23:37
awcthats where the guys in #grub told me to go23:37
benkevanyou can set to something like GRUB_GFXMODE=1280x1024x32 ..23:37
benkevanBe careful with that though, since you have to know what your computer will support (which can be found using vbeinfo in the grub menu..)23:37
awcya, that doesn't really mean anything to me23:38
benkevanhaha.. ok.. but looking at the error above.. you're beyond the grub quiet :)23:38
awcohh, and i managed to spell Priority wrong too23:39
awc(not sure if it makes a difference or not)23:39
benkevanyeah.. I noticed that :P23:39
benkevanis this during install? or after yo uinstall and try to boot23:40
sburwoodcan anyone give me a suggestion to this situation?23:40
gartralelly: hi23:40
benkevansburwood: Sure.. hope that helped23:40
awcits while booting up23:40
gartral|droidelly hi23:40
benkevansburwood.. man unlink :)23:40
sburwoodI don't get the same message.  I get one with 2 references to .thunderbird and one to thunderbird-upstream23:41
benkevanawc: booting after installation? or to do the installation23:41
awcbooting after the installation i believe23:41
ellygartral|droid: do you see this?23:41
yofelsburwood: it's broken: /home/steve/.thunderbird -> /home/steve/.thunderbird is wrong23:41
awcI'm not quite sure as to the installation of what you are refferring too23:42
benkevansburwood: again .. man unlink .. then unlink the symlink that's pointing to itself23:42
sburwoodyofel, what do I do to fix that?23:42
benkevanawc: the installatoin of Ubuntu (are you able to boot to a live cd?)23:42
awcyes, thats what i'm on right now23:42
benkevanok.. but when you try to boot to the actual hard drive.. it fails? ..23:43
awclive live cd for 9.04 x6423:43
yofelsburwood: follow the steps on the maling list post (~ equals /home/steve)23:43
benkevanwhy are you in #ubuntu+1 for 9.04? haha..23:43
awci'm running 10.0423:43
awcits the only live cd i have23:43
benkevanawc: ah.. ok.. just booting in 9.04.. ok gotcha now..23:43
sburwoodyofel: Just one last question.  What do I do if I don't have a .thunderbird directory?  I do, however, have a .thunderbird-upstream directory23:45
benkevanawc: can you mount the hard drives while in your live cd and run a check on them? (or are the EXT4?) .. also can you go to /var/log/mesages to see if we can maybe see what's actually hanging23:45
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awcas far as i know they are ext423:45
awccheck as in fsck?23:46
coldfireif i install 10.04 beta 2 now will it be able to update to the offical 10.04 next week thru update manager?23:46
TecnoBratI don't think 9.04 supported ext4 did it?23:46
awccoldfire, yes23:46
ZykoticK9!final | coldfire23:46
ubottucoldfire: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.23:46
TecnoBratoh it did, nm23:46
TecnoBratyea fsck awc23:46
yofelsburwood: the .thunderbird file is the broken symlink, delete that and move the proper .thunderbird.upstream dir back to .thunderbird 'rm ~/.thunderbird; mv ~/.thunderbird.upstream ~/.thunderbird'23:47
coldfireubottu so i need to: udo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade when 10.04 gets released next week?23:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:48
awc/dev/sda5: recovering journal23:48
awc/dev/sda5: clean, 272694/4669440 files, 12822192/18667522 blocks23:48
KB1JWQError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:48
yofelcoldfire: you can just check with update-manager too23:48
yofelsburwood: or .thunderbird-upstream if that's the folder name you have23:49
sburwoodGot it.  Of course, it no longer finds the passwords, so I'll have to remove the adresses and put them back23:50
coldfireyofel: do just keeping update in update manager is good enough23:50
coldfireok thanks all23:50
benkevanawc: can you try to boot now23:53
sburwoodI want to thank everyone who helped.  I'm a newbie to playing around with Linux, but wouldn't go back to Windows for anything23:54
mrsunffs, can i reset the compiz settings to default somehow?23:58
mrsuni cant even cahnge workspaces anymore :/23:58

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