
thorwilknome: ?08:55
thorwilknome: my question was in response to your utterance of the abbreviation "omg", with my hope being to be informed about what stimulant excited you to the degree reaching beyond your "omg" threshold09:02
knometoo hot (22c)09:02
thorwiloh well, we may reach 16°C max, today09:04
knomeit's about 6c here09:11
zniavregood morning09:51
zniavredoes the strange huge border around picture with nautilus will stay like that ?09:51
bdrungis this the right channel to find graphics designer? can someone convert the svg icon of audacious into a monochrome one that integrates well with ubuntu's default themes (bug #563043)?11:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563043 in audacious "audacious2.png alpha blending is wrong" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56304311:37
vishzniavre: thats a new "feature" of nautilus.. probably we can file a bug ;)11:41
vishbdrung: yup , right channel ;)  the bug has already been fixed right?11:41
bdrungvish: this is the bug where you can find the svg file.11:42
vishbdrung: ah.. k.. but how do you plan to fix it? in audacious or in ubuntu-mono?  the icon is different for the different panels11:43
bdrungaudacious will use audacious-panel as icon if it exists (otherwise it will fall back to audacious)11:44
vishbdrung: hmm , kwwii mentioned ubuntu-mono was closed for lucid ..11:44
vishkwwii:  can we add it in ubuntu-mono for lucid?11:45
kwwiivish: yes11:45
kwwiivish: send me the icon(s)11:45
vishkwwii: neat .. there is also another bug , we have missed a few symlinks , we could fix that as well ;)11:46
kwwiivish: cool, if you have a list of things to change give it to me11:47
kwwiivish: note that the mono icons should not show up anywhere other than the panel11:48
vishkwwii: yup , it just happens we have a few less symlinks in ubuntu-mono and they happen to fallback to humanity :s11:48
bdrungif the icon is called audacious-panel, it will show up only in the panel11:48
kwwiibdrung: right11:49
kwwiibdrung: I was just telling vish that to make sure he didn't suggest adding symlinks we purposely don't want11:49
bdrungkwwii: why don't you use the simplified dh 7 in ubuntu-mono?11:51
kwwiidh 7?11:51
vishbdrung: the changelog format?11:52
bdrungkwwii: debian/rules11:52
kwwiibdrung: ahhh, no idea...I am not the most amazing packager around11:53
bdrunguse this tiny rule11:53
kwwiibdrung: thanks for the tip :-)12:03
bdrungi can't resist improving ugly looking rule files ;)12:04
bdrungi am not an artist - i am packager12:05
kwwiiI could use a refresher course in packaging12:05
zniavredarkmatter,  how did you install this nautilus ?12:56
darkmatterzniavre: grabbed the 2.30 branch of nautilus elementary from lp. then built myself the rpms :)12:58
zniavrea ok12:58
zniavreho i should try a checkinstall too maybe12:59
darkmatterzniavre: I'm pretty sure ubuntu has a ppa for lucid13:18
zniavrenot yet13:19
zniavreand m not lucky with make process >http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-9496913:19
darkmatterdid you grab the correct branch?13:21
zniavrebzr branch lp:nautilus-elementary13:23
darkmatterahhh... wrong branch. sec13:23
darkmatterzniavre: bzr branch lp:nautilus-elementary/2.3013:24
darkmatterfor lucid13:24
zniavrehaaaa ok13:25
zniavredarkmatter,  thank you it compiling now13:28
zniavrehey it works13:43
zniavreim disappointed about the breadcrumb style (its pixmap stuff, i thought it was hardcoded )13:47
darkmatteryeah. I'll be modding it to look like the official gnome3 mockups (elementary is a good base because it's so heavily modded already13:53
zniavrei like the rgba stuff for rounded menus13:54
darkmatterthe pixmap breadcrumbs aren't that bad. they changed the classes for easier theming, plus it makes it more flexible. you could make it look like links, simple dots or forward arrows, etc.14:10
zniavredo you think gnome will integrate some feature of elementary as zoom slider ?14:18
kwwiivish: did you put together a list of missing links?16:31
kwwiivish: and a link to the bug would be nice as well...cannot seem to find it16:35
vishkwwii: just a sev16:45
kwwiivish: cool, than ks16:57
vishbdrung: the audacious icon was added , will be available in the next update18:05
bdrungvish: thanks. how does the monochrome icon look like?18:11
vishbdrung: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/audaci.png18:20
kwwiibdrung: any reason why you removed the universe sponsors from my extra wallpaper package?18:48
darkmatterlol. I have a ton of crap to build and package :D19:30
bdrungkwwii: bug number?20:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563940 in ubuntu "ubuntu-wallpapers-extra freeze exception (dup-of: 564400)" [Undecided,New]20:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564400 in ubuntu-wallpapers "FFE: Backgrounds from Karmic version deleted" [Undecided,Fix committed]20:38
knomehey kwwii :)20:38
kwwiihey knome20:39
knomehow are you? doing fine, feeling well etc.?20:40
kwwiiknome: yepp, doing well20:41
kwwiiknome: yourself?20:41
knomei'm fine. working hard to get work for next year since i'm graduating. do you have any it-related projects in mind which would need an artist and/or web developer? :P20:42
kwwiinothing off the top of my head, but I'll keep you in mind...I hear about things from time to time20:43
knomethanks :)20:43
knomeremote work would be pretty much a requirement for me though :(20:44
kwwiithat is a somewhat limiting factor, but not necessarily too bad20:45
bdrungkwwii: you needed a FFe first.20:48
knomekwwii, yeah. pretty much don't have any other requirements, except it would be nice to get at least *some* money ;)20:49
bdrungkwwii: did you upload it (fix committed indicates this)20:49
kwwiibdrung: yes, it is uploaded and I wanted to get an FFe with that bug21:23
kwwiiit references a real bug which would be fixed by it21:24
kwwiiand canonical does want it to happen :-)21:24
kwwiimy main freeze exceptions were taken care of by ubuntu-main-sponsors, so I assumed *-universe-* would be correct21:25
bdrungkwwii: first, ubuntu-main-sponsors and ubuntu-universe-sponsors were merged to ubuntu-sponsors. second, ubuntu-release is responsible for granting FFe. ubuntu-sponsors only for sponsoring packages.21:35
bdrungkwwii: it's uploaded - i am removing ubuntu-sponsors21:39
bdrungkwwii: was it really uploaded to the archive? i can't see it in the queue21:46
kwwiibdrung: no, it was not uploaded to the archive21:49
kwwiibdrung: I need to subscribe ubuntu-release then21:49
kwwiiI have never tried to get stuff in so late before :p21:50
* darkmatter makes replacement clock faces http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/1593/screenshotqk.png ;D22:15
kwwiidarkmatter: nice22:17
kwwiithe outline seems a bit pixelated to me though22:17
kwwiiperhaps make it thinner or somewhat transparent22:18
kwwiithen again, I don't know which style you inteded22:18
kwwiiif it should look realiistic reduce the outline22:18
darkmatterkwwii: bah. it's because the applet uses svgs for the clock faces. they always pixelate :/22:21
kwwiidarkmatter: which file does it use? I might try my hand at something22:21
darkmatterkwwii: a bunch of them in /usr/share/gnome-panel/pixmaps. I'm _thinking_ on playing with translucent 'window scenes' in the clock faces for various times of day, but that may be a bit busy22:25
kwwiiwtf? the images in that dir are interesting to say the least22:28
kwwiinot sure I get what you mean...22:29
kwwiiat least I now know the bg of the map is easy to change22:29
kwwiiold-wanda and gegl seem like important images to shiü22:30
kwwiibdrung: so pitti says get the package uploaded...can you do that?22:38
bdrungkwwii: i am on it. the package needs some love23:26
kwwiiI appreciate it23:33
bdrungkwwii: where should the packaging branch be stored?23:39
bdrungi think lp:ubuntu/ubuntu-wallpaper-extra is the right place (therefore no extra branch is required)23:41
bdrungkwwii: there is a difference between subscribing a team and assigning a team. subscribing is the correct one.23:48

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