
|Iciness717|can anyone tell me how I can create a VM image of a production ubuntu 9.0.4 server? Apparently Vmware converter only supports up to 8.x00:21
stlsaintsorry never have done it00:22
pedro3005|Iciness717|, I think you need a special version of VMWare able to create images00:23
|Iciness717|I have a licensed copy of VMware workstation as well as a standalone VMware converter00:24
|Iciness717|only the standalone converter has Linux support, though not the 9.0.4 distro00:25
pedro3005why don't you just make the imagine with workstation?00:26
|Iciness717|pedro3005: I tried, it doesnt support Linux, only Windows00:37
|Iciness717|I know... its ridiculous00:38
pedro3005it cannot run linux as a virtual machine?00:38
|Iciness717|oh, well I can make a new VM from scratch, but thats not what Im looking to do00:38
|Iciness717|I need to copy the existing server I have00:38
pedro3005aren't you better off asking them?00:39
|Iciness717|who? #vmware?00:39
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Guest998hello *nixers02:34
Guest998I'm a pretty savvy comp dude that wants a first taste of linux (my bro suggests ubuntu)02:35
Vantraxits a good first choice02:36
Guest998I'm on a Powerbook g402:36
Guest998I'd like to be able to jump right in02:36
Guest998is one distro better for Apples?02:36
Guest998I'ts a 1.5 GHz02:37
Guest998googles lead to everyone saying that they are the best, but nothing terribly useful02:37
Guest998distros that they recommend of this model seem to be dated to whatever the latest version of Ubuntu is...02:38
Guest998should I just grab the latest?02:38
Guest998or is one better designed for the PowerPC02:38
Guest998Thanks for assuring me that I'm not simply talking to myself, Vantrex02:40
swoodyGuest998: well hello, and welcome :)02:40
Guest998much obliged, swoody02:40
swoodyGuest998: indeed, Ubuntu is a really great distro to get your feet wet with Linux02:40
Guest998just Mike will do, if you don't want to type Guest99802:41
Guest998I just wanted a quick question answered and then I'd be wiping this OSX out anyway02:41
swoodyGuest998: it's tab-complete ;) Hit first letter or two and tab. So: Gu[tab]02:42
Guest998good enough for me, friend02:42
swoodyGuest998: I'm not familiar with the Mac hardware, is yours the PowerPC processor, or is it one of the newer Intel models?02:43
Guest998it is basically a 'free' computer for me (ie: I can do whatever I want to it without worrying about data)02:43
swoodyGuest998: very nice :) Well give me a min here, I need to look into that really quick. I'm not familiar with the PPC architecture, and want to make sure we get you the right version here :)02:44
Guest998much obliged again, swoody02:44
swoodynp :)02:44
Vantraxsorry, Guest998 Im actually at work and got pulled away for a minute02:45
Guest998when I'm more versed in linux, I hope to resurrect some older machines02:45
Vantraxwell a few minutes02:46
Guest998this is a pretty decent machine that runs OSX 10.5 fine, but I'd like to try Ubuntu out02:46
Vantraxfor your first try I would suggest running Ubuntu through bootcamp02:46
Guest998I'm pretty familiar with unix02:46
Vantraxare you familiar with Bootcamp?02:46
Guest998oops, yeah, Van, you missed that part02:46
Guest998I don't care about this comp02:47
Guest998it is a 'free' machine02:47
Guest998my bro was suggesting VM02:47
Guest998not necessary02:47
Vantraxim just trying to find the PPC arch iso fiel02:47
Guest998I can wipe this thing 100 times, it is only my time that is wasted02:47
Guest998swoody got lost looking for that file as well....02:49
Guest998I hope I'm not sending helpful fellows off to their untimely end into some blackhole!02:50
Vantraxnow we know why02:50
Vantraxthey stopped making a PPC version in '0702:50
Guest998surely there is an archive02:50
Vantraxthere is ment to be a unofficial port, http://ports.ubuntu.com/dists/karmic/main/installer-powerpc/current/images/02:50
Vantraxbut nothing actually there02:51
Guest998hmm...I didn't know they even had a PPC 64bit02:51
Vantraxas for older versions http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/ubuntu/releases/6.06.2/02:51
Vantraxthats a year older than the last version tho02:51
Guest998that's cool, I just want to see it!02:52
Vantraxim trying to find an archive of a newer one atm02:52
Guest998hmm....it won't let me open the gz...02:52
Vantraxit wont look as ince02:52
Vantraxer, wont look as nice as the current gnome02:53
Vantraxyou looking at the karmic one?02:53
Vantraxthat one isnt there... should be, but its just placeholders by the looks of it02:53
Guest998feh, no, I was looking at the wrong file02:53
Guest998looks it02:54
Guest998an iso would be great02:54
Guest998I don't remember if I had a decent iso > cd burner on my pc02:54
Guest998this mac might have a legit version of toast 6 something....02:55
Guest998or not02:55
Guest998ok....so.....find my toast 6.x cd....02:55
Vantraxhttp://ports.ubuntu.com/dists/lucid/Release says there is a PPC version of 9.1002:55
Vantraxer make that http://ports.ubuntu.com/dists/karmic/Release02:56
Guest998just a text02:56
Vantraxyeah, means it will exist somewhere, or it might be supported by the standard version02:56
Guest998what exactly is this list?02:57
Guest998an md5 sum?02:58
Guest998I kinda know what md5 refers to as far as VPN phase 203:01
Guest998I don't know how to get anything useful from this txt, though03:01
Vantraxim reasonably sure that you can run the standard 32bit disk03:01
Guest998I think I have no choice03:01
Vantraxyour PPC mac is 32bit right?03:01
Guest998it's far too old03:02
Guest998it's only a 1.5 GHz03:02
Vantraxhardware support is entirely in the kernel, the might just have multiple kernels on the disk that are used based on hardware detection03:02
Vantraxupside is you can just use the 9.10 standard disk03:02
Guest998so....the latest may in fact be the greatest?03:02
VantraxI think thats the way it works, please let me know if it does03:03
Vantraxnah, 10.04 is the latest and greatest, its in beta phase 2 atm03:03
stlsaintpfft....beta my nuts...the way its acting with me i yell alpha03:03
Guest998ok, so, the easiest is to get 9.10 from where?03:03
Vantraxthat will take you right to the link03:04
Guest998does OSX have something builtin to burn iso to cd?03:04
Guest998...I haven't worked with 10.5 much03:04
VantraxIm pretty sure it does03:05
Guest998I'm just hoping not to find that Toast CD....03:05
Vantraxi havent worked that much with 10.5 either03:05
Guest998ok, Van, unfortunately, your help will drive me away from you03:06
Guest998I'm off to DL that distro and then go to the bar03:06
Vantraxhe he he03:06
Guest998I really appreciate the help, friend03:06
Vantraxif that doesnt work, try the Alternate disk, it tends to have EVERYTHING on it03:06
Guest998My name is Mike03:06
Guest998I normally go by the handle "ScruffytheJanitr"03:07
VantraxHi mike:P03:07
Guest998I'm sure I'll have more question, friend, but I'll either DL this on my PC or on this Mac, but either way, I'm grabbing a drink!03:08
Guest998cheers, and thanks for the help!03:08
shahanhello everyone04:16
shahanI am a UBUNTU 9.10 desktop user04:16
PabloRubianeshi shahan04:16
LzrdKingits dark04:16
shahanI want to use a good Multimedia Player for listening Audio and Video like MP3, 3GP, .DAT04:16
shahanPabloRubianes: and so on...04:16
shahanPabloRubianes: which player I should select?04:17
pedro3005You can try Rhythmbox, that comes with Ubuntu04:17
PabloRubianesshahan: ohh that's a tricky question ;-) you should try till you get what you want. I use rhythmbox04:18
shahanPabloRubianes: As I was using Windows for a long time....the player Totem doesnt make me satisfied, Rhythmbox also not04:18
swoodyshahan: this may be of use to you :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76668304:18
PabloRubianeswhich one you use in windows shahan?04:18
swoodyshahan: (and I use VLC) ;)04:18
shahanswoody: VLC..... I hope that will be fine...04:19
pedro3005I myself use Banshee, and I find it nice04:19
shahanswoody: but I am looking for a good interfaced player04:19
swoodyshahan: you can customize VLC's interface with different themes :)04:19
shahanok...thanks alll04:19
shahanswoody: hmm04:19
PabloRubianesVLC is great for video!04:19
shahangoing to install VLC04:20
swoodyshahan: take a read over that link, too. To get all of your audio formats to play correctly, you're going to need to be sure the needed codecs are installed04:21
Vantraxvlc is a good option04:21
Vantraxalso some people like mplayer04:21
shahanswoody: ok...tnx04:21
shahananother problem is I am not getting any webdesignning software like Dreamweaver in UBUNTU04:22
shahanIs there any solution04:23
PabloRubianesthe closer to Dreamweaver is Komposer04:23
PabloRubianesbut it is not the same04:23
PabloRubianesas it has WYSIWYG04:24
Akoshi team08:35
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leoquantman0riaX ZeRoDeAtH50435 morning11:28
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LzrdKinghow come when i right click on my desktop in openbox and click Configure or OBConf, nothing happens?  what should happen?14:21
znxtchMagnatune wont play in Rhythm Box.  Using Karmic.  Any ideas?14:27
zeroseven0183znxtch, what version of Rhythmbox are you using?14:32
LzrdKingugh, if i'm running screen, then ssh to a host and run screen there, how do i detach that inner screen?  control-A-D just detaches the outer screen14:34
Akosssh to the inner screen and detachet, get back to the other screen and it's out14:41
LzrdKingdetatch with screen -d?14:42
Akosno, screen -r to it, and when you're in control-a-d14:43
Akosor check the manual, how to detach a screen14:43
LzrdKingcontrol-a-d detached my outer screen14:43
Akosyou can kill the process that attached it14:43
LzrdKingi ended up just killing the window, which was annoying since i was ssh'ed into a host and then ssh'ed into another host that was running screen14:43
LzrdKingdoes karmic not use /etc/inittab?14:44
Akoswell ssh directly in to the 2nd host without going through all of it14:44
Akosgood question, i do not know14:44
LzrdKingi have to go through the first host as it is my firewall and the second host is behind it14:45
LzrdKingits ok now14:45
LzrdKingi thikn karmic uses /etc/init/ now14:46
LzrdKingok, i think i've set it up to automatically login and startx then start openbox and its configured applications, but i can't test till i get home14:52
LzrdKingif openbox started certain programs when i logged in with XDM, will it start those when i run startx too?14:52
AkosLzrdKing: you'd have to wait un til an openbox user comes around, so just ask the question later on if you wish15:00
LzrdKingwell its not really an openbox question, its more of a xdm starting a wm vs startx starting a wm question15:00
hobgoblingood day nigelb16:19
nigelbhey hobgoblin16:19
nigelbIndeed its a great day today :)16:19
cjay554hows are all the beginners doing? :P16:33
hobgoblinnot sure there are many about - a week or two and there might be16:34
LzrdKingif openbox started certain programs when i logged in with XDM, will it start those when i run startx too?17:17
rulitwyncan anyone give me any help with nvidia drivers?17:24
phillwrulitwyn: what sort of help ?17:27
phillwrulitwyn: what help do you need?17:27
znxtchDoes anyone know where I can find "complete" themes for Gnome?  gimp-look offers themes but you have to piece them together if you know what I mean.17:44
phillwznxtch: in what way 'complete' ? for your desktop?17:50
phillwwww.techiesouls.com/2008/11/27/collection-of-50-best-looking-linux-gnomeubuntu-themes-to-download/  and gnome-look.org/  offer themes17:54
znxtchthank you17:58
znxtchWhat I meant by comlete was the controls, window border, icons, etc were all made as one17:59
phillwznxtch:  more like this ?18:13
znxtchYep, perfect.  Now just have to figure out how to install them. :D18:14
znxtchuhh. . .I'm new.18:14
phillwthat's okay , just click on the 1st theme, and it will walk you through downloading them18:17
znxtchSweet, thank you.18:17
phillwznxtch: I should add that i have never used them, but others have and been okay following the instructions18:18
znxtchIt sounds like your attempting to protect yourself from any liability with that statement. Haha!18:19
phillwznxtch: you'd better believe it :-D18:19
phillwyou should be okay, they are reported as working.18:20
znxtchWE'LL see.  (Notice my attempt at making this an US thing so as to drag you in.)18:21
phillwdo read the notes at the bottom of the page18:23
iktthis will be interesting18:23
* ikt notes that he is now a bystander18:24
phillwikt, are you using ubuntu ?18:24
phillwpasses znxtch to ikt --> reason, using lxde :-D18:25
phillw<< lubuntu18:25
iktMy internets are slowed at the moment, the page I clicked on a few minutes ago still hasn't loaded anything18:25
ikt<phillw> www.techieblogger.com/2009/10/stunning-ubuntu-gnome-desktop-themes.html <- that one18:25
phillwthats a heck of a lot of themes !!!18:26
iktI'm finding the included 10.04 themes adequate18:27
phillwif the OP gets stuck & no one can help, i can boot into either 9.10 or 10.04 'main', just I'm running 10.04 lubuntu as my day to day operating system18:27
iktthough I'm severely disappointed with the look of the buttons and plymouth splash18:27
phillw<< glad i still all my buttons in the olde fashioned place ;-)18:28
phillwbut does appreciate that they've moved them for a reason.18:29
iktoh I have no issue with them on the left18:29
iktjust they look very un18:29
iktunsmooth? unprofessional?18:29
running_rabbit07Does IP Tables automatically keep logs or does it have to be commanded to do so?18:29
iktlike something I would see in windows 98 not a 2010 os18:29
phillwrunning_rabbit07: i wasn't aware iptables kept logs, i thought it was a look up table?18:30
phillw<<leaves it to those who know18:30
iktwell ip tables is installed on ubuntu by default18:31
iktbut it allows all traffic through because there are no listening interfaces18:31
iktso there is nothing to log18:31
phillwrunning_rabbit07: if you're interested in what ubuntu does for logging 'incoming' calls, then I'd suggest reading bodhi's stuff over at ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33818:32
running_rabbit07I know that in GUFW you can turn on logging to ports after adding rules, but I wasn't sure if there was a log that showed when ports were opened.18:32
running_rabbit07thanx ikt and phillw18:33
phillwa more complete set of notes I doubt you will find18:33
iktthink I'm going to give up on that desktop theme site18:34
phillwikt: as i tend to have either my gmail account or browser window open full screen, I just leave the desktop as it is, i can imagine people wanting to play but it is just not something I'm really bothered with.18:39
iktI have to much free time on my hands so I like to tinker around a bit18:40
phillwikt: make a new partition and test out xubuntu, kubuntu etc, they always grateful :-)18:46
iktI should but I'm more concerned about a major bug that shouldn't be there at the moment18:47
iktI'd like to focus my energies on it18:47
phillwi'm really enjoying lubuntu, all of those smaller teams do appreciate an extra computer to test it. ikt, which major bug :-(18:48
iktplymouth displays a big ugly 640x480 16 colour logo if you have an ati or nvidia proprietary driver installed18:48
phillwikt: the first screen from install CD has had the logo dropped, is that what you mean ?18:49
iktnah, the actual ubuntu boot up logo is a pixelated mess18:50
phillwon the log in screen ?18:51
iktbefore the login18:53
phillwikt, this one? http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/tmp/ubuntu-boot-screen.png18:53
LzrdKingi need to figure out how to install an ssl cert in apache18:53
phillwLzrdKing: which version of ubuntu are you on ?18:54
LzrdKingphillw: centos release 5.4 final18:55
phillwLzrdKing: centos is not ubuntu, you may be better asking over at centos.org/18:56
iktnow compress that image into 640x480 and decrease it to 16 colours, stretch it out on a 1680 x 1050 screen and it looks bad :/18:56
LzrdKingi know18:56
LzrdKingbut apache is apache :P18:57
iktphillw, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1458230 <- is one of about 10 threads already on the topic18:58
phillwthe methodology of applying an ssl differs between variants, if i gave you the one for 9.10, for example, centos may be not be set up the same ?18:58
phillwikt: I know that the http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/tmp/ubuntu-boot-screen.png has been changed to http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/tmp/ubuntu-boot-screen-new.png The reason for this is to avoid the new branding being distorted on some18:59
phillwhardware due to18:59
phillwhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gfxboot-theme-ubuntu/+bug/536692 .18:59
LzrdKingphillw: i also did not ask for help, i just stated i needed to do it19:00
phillwLzrdKing: i am not giving you help, as i do not which set of instructions you need?19:00
iktSorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad.19:00
phillwLzrdKing: i know how to do it with 9.10, it is different for different versions, e.g. www.linode.com/wiki/index.php/Apache2_SSL_in_Ubuntu19:02
LzrdKingi have instructions from thawte, but they are terrible19:03
phillwLzrdKing: if you have the correct version of centos, try gaarai.com/2009/01/14/adding-ssl-support-to-apache-on-centos/  But you are on a ubuntu help area, we have enough on our plate supporting ubuntu. I do not mean offence, we just are simply not "up to speed" on centos.19:05
LzrdKingphillw: i understand19:05
phillwLzrdKing: in such things, google is your friend :-)19:06
LzrdKingi use ubuntu at home, i just installed 9.10 server with X for a htpc; using nfs its so much faster than 9.04-desktop under wubi that i can now play HD19:06
LzrdKingusing nfs instead of cifs*19:06
LzrdKingand it boots in like, 1 second19:06
phillwLzrdKing: imho, wubi is there just for people to 'play' with, sooner or later you will need a 'full' ubuntu installation. - I stress that is purely MHO19:07
iktphillw, yeah that's fine but it's still a major issue and I think it's just plain stupid to go ahead and do something like this19:09
LzrdKingi just thought the computer couldn't handle HD, but i guess wubi was really slowing it down that much19:09
LzrdKingit wasn;t really the change to nfs, because it wouldn't play HD locally19:09
iktit would be similar to microsoft releasing windows 7 with a splash screen of windows 98 when nvidia didn't do what they want19:09
iktcanonical should get some relations with nvidia already19:09
LzrdKingbut then, the windows install couldn't play HD either19:09
iktor ati or both and figure this stuff out19:09
phillwLzrdKing: it has the whole of windows as an overhead, as it is running 'inside' of windows, this is never going to give a fast operating system :P19:10
LzrdKingphillw: it just has ntfs as overhead, it doesn;t boot windows19:10
phillwikt: the fights between nvidia & ati for 'who is the fastest' means that open source is a long way down the list of who they care about. :-(19:11
phillwLzrdKing: wubi runs as virtual machine within windows, albeit on it's own virtual ext3 area, it still has windows there19:12
phillwLzrdKing: i could be wrong, as i have not run wubi, these days most people can spare 10GB of hard disk space to pop ubuntu on as dual boot, but we're drifiting off-topic for beginners19:13
LzrdKingso you're saying it boots windows?19:13
phillwLzrdKing: i stand corrected... It's only Ubuntu running, running on top of the Windows filesystem (VFAT or NTFS), but not Windows itself.19:15
phillwso you're not using the ext3 / ext4 system at all19:16
phillwLzrdKing: ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77595619:17
phillwLzrdKing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide19:19
jfoozie420hello can someone help???19:36
phillwhi bodhi_zazen19:48
=== PabloRubianes_ is now known as PabloRubianes
bodhi_zazenlol phillw20:02
znxtchAnyone have know a starting place to get Rhythmbox tracking with my IPod touch?20:11
=== bgs000 is now known as bgs100
paultagznxtch, beware :/20:25
paultagznxtch, I just destroyed my iTouch 1.1.3's music DB, if that happens you have to restore it and redo it with iTunes ( that I don't have :( )20:25
paultagznxtch, I have not run a post-mortum on it, but be careful. It should work OTB in Lucid, but that's how I borked20:26
paultagit *20:26
znxtchHaha I'm on google20:27
znxtchand everything is like IPod touch sucks on linux20:27
znxtchI hate this IPod touch.  I'm selling it for something older ASAP.20:28
znxtchI thought I needed it but I was so. . .so wrong20:28
znxtchIs there anyway to JailBreak an IPod Touch in Ubuntu?  I went all the way and run purely on Ubuntu now.  And I'd really rather not reinstall os x or windows if I dont have to.20:29
paultagznxtch, haha there is so much crap with the touch20:40
paultagznxtch, don't think you can jailbreak on GNU/Linux yet20:40
paultagznxtch, Hell, we can hardly sync, you can see where the effort is going ;)20:40
* znxtch is crushed20:43
znxtchIf I wasn't in my current prediciment this would be too easy but right now I am stuck with the GD Ipod Touch!20:43
* znxtch post craigslist add20:43
znxtch*will trade ipod touch 8gb for 80gb oldschool20:43
paultagznxtch, I hear ya man20:44
paultagznxtch, I have a touch without music, sucks ass20:45
paultagznxtch, I have to wait to try and find someone with a Mac or Winblows20:45
znxtchI really dont want to install another os just for a flippin mp3 player20:45
znxtchI may break down eventually20:45
znxtchAny mp3 players that will work with Linux>?20:46
znxtchmost generic ones should right?20:46
Raidsongpaultag uses an ipod? WHA!20:48
paultagRaidsong, :P20:48
paultagznxtch, I hear ya. Most iPods work20:48
paultagznxtch, but not Phone or Touch20:48
Raidsonghow about the zune?20:48
paultagthey are also the best supported znxtch20:48
paultagRaidsong, HALLLLLLLL NAW20:48
znxtchthanks for the info paul20:49
znxtchi wouldve went nuts trying to "find a way"20:50
znxtchpeople helpin' people. . .it's a beautiful thing20:50
paultagznxtch, sure thing, man20:51
znxtchOkay I know I'm going to sound like the new guy here but. . .20:52
znxtchanyone got any amazing software for ubuntu thatll blow my mind. me being a less than a week old linux convert20:53
paultagznxtch, haha20:55
paultagznxtch, have you seen the desktop effects yet?20:55
znxtchim on regular.20:55
paultagznxtch, how good is your hardware?20:55
znxtchi turned it on high and all i noticed where the "wavy windows"20:55
znxtchim on a macbook20:55
znxtchpretty decent20:55
paultagznxtch, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager -y && ccsm20:56
paultagznxtch, run that and then fiddle. That will be a whole new ballgame for the effects.20:56
znxtchOh I'm excited20:56
paultagznxtch, you can set up all kinds of goodies ( no wall of desktops, but a cube or cylinder )20:57
paultagfades and other stuff20:57
paultagthere is a lot there20:57
paultaghey brb znxtch, I have a loco meeting to get to right quick. I'll be here but I won't ;)20:57
znxtchim in trouble21:23
znxtchi played with compiz too much21:23
znxtchi uninstalled it21:23
znxtchbut my windows still are using all the nutty effects21:23
pedro3005znxtch, or restart X21:25
znxtchrestart x?21:25
pedro3005znxtch, have you got anything against rebooting?21:26
pedro3005then do so21:26
znxtchreboot didnt work21:35
znxtchits still doing the crazy wiggly shit when i minimize windows21:35
geoff_I have recently upgraded to Karmic.  After going idle, the system will not resume by mouse or keyboard.  Any ideas.22:07
running_rabbit07does anyone here use tcpdump? I am trying to figure out how to create the a filter file.22:12
iktznxtch, is that compiz?22:12
running_rabbit07geoff, I am using Lucid, it does the same thing, I have to hit the power button to wake it up22:13
iktgeoff_, whenever anyone says 'upgraded' I almost instantly think to reinstall fresh22:13
iktby idle is that suspend or just the screensaver?22:14
geoff_I have seen the reports on Lucid.  Idle is just the screensaver22:14
geoff_A fresh reinstall loses previous settings?22:15
running_rabbit07You'll keep settings, but you'll have to reinstall your programs22:16
iktwhich settings?22:16
geoff_the gnome gui22:17
running_rabbit07every setting within /home22:17
iktdoes he have /home on a seperate partition?22:17
running_rabbit07good question22:17
running_rabbit07I keep assuming22:18
geoff_home is on the main partition22:19
geoff_looking at the bios apm configuration22:21
geoff_I see that Power On by PS/2 keyboard is disabled22:22
geoff_what does that mean22:22
paultagpleia2, poke22:31
* pleia2 a bit busy at work22:34
paultagpleia2, sorry, I'll get back to you later22:39
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SuperAlekZhey, anyone there? :)23:26
Vantraxmost likely23:26
SuperAlekZneed some help with webserver stuff on debian :/23:26
Flare-LaptopSuperAlekZ: o.O23:27
SuperAlekZ? :D23:27
Flare-Laptopask away23:27
Flare-LaptopSuperAlekZ: ^^23:28
SuperAlekZalright, got a domain and a database-backup (SQL) and files23:28
SuperAlekZneed to transfer them to my new rootserver :D23:28
SuperAlekZnearly blank one23:28
Flare-LaptopSuperAlekZ: And do you have ssh/shell access to that server?23:29
SuperAlekZOf course23:29
SuperAlekZfull access mate!23:29
Flare-Laptopgot LAMP installed?23:29
Flare-LaptopSuperAlekZ: do you know what lamp is?23:29
SuperAlekZwell is it Linux apache mysql php?23:30
Flare-Laptop!lamp | SuperAlekZ23:30
VotebotSuperAlekZ: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:30
Flare-LaptopSuperAlekZ: yup :P23:30
SuperAlekZor is this the name for a programm23:30
SuperAlekZoh alright :D23:30
SuperAlekZwell mysql and php are installed23:30
Flare-Laptopwell you need apache as well if its a webserver23:30
SuperAlekZi don't know about apache, because i don't know how to find out23:30
SuperAlekZlawl, i need a goddamn helicopter in my rootserver :X23:31
Flare-Laptopwhoa language23:31
Flare-Laptop!apache | SuperAlekZ23:31
VotebotSuperAlekZ: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:31
Flare-Laptopcrap lol23:31
SuperAlekZso, i gotta type !apache?23:31
Flare-Laptopsudo apt-get install apache23:32
SuperAlekZwhy do i need sudo and not just "apt-get install (...)"?23:32
SuperAlekZsudo isn't for debian afaik23:32
Flare-LaptopSuperAlekZ: sudo is the only what you can temporarily be root23:32
SuperAlekZit says command not found23:33
SuperAlekZif i do it without sudo there's this:23:33
Flare-Laptopmeh debain23:33
SuperAlekZReading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Package apache is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package apache has no installation candidate23:33
Flare-LaptopSuperAlekZ: Dude here's the thing, I'm using Ubuntu Server Edition. Not Debian. so yeah23:34
Flare-LaptopI figured that*23:34
SuperAlekZSorry I'm just not that experienced in server-administration.23:35
SuperAlekZAnd I really really appreciate your help!23:35
Flare-LaptopSuperAlekZ: connect to irc.debian.org23:36
Flare-Laptopand join #debian on that network23:36
Flare-Laptopthey'll help you23:36
SuperAlekZalright, thanks :)23:36
=== jesse__ is now known as Guest80878
=== Guest80878 is now known as Flare-Laptop
ghostofmybrainwhat's the equivalent to ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew23:52
pedro3005sudo ifconfig eth0 down & sudo ifconfig eth0 up ?23:53
ghostofmybrainmy router still does't list the computer in the dhcp client list. any ideas of what else to try?23:55
ghostofmybrainmy windows computer wasn't listed a few minutes ago but ipconfig /release and /renew solved that issue.23:56

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