
kamusinis there is a page for getting help for debugging plymouth or boot process (apart of /var/log/dmesg and /var/log/boot.log)?01:04
kareeserhi, I want to report a package against the daily image... but I don't know what package to report it against04:49
kareeserspecifically, the live CD won't boot... so.... no desktop screen. doesn't even get to the language selection04:50
alvinbug 563117 needs a package. Nobody seems to know what package is respobsible for this behaviour. Some say it's intentional, some say it definately shouldn't be so.08:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 563117 in ubuntu "Release upgrade converts /dev/mapper entries in /etc/fstab to UUID (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56311708:04
BUGabundo_remoteFrom the Hills, I shout: Guud Morning09:10
RuneWhat packages should be reported against, when there are missing files on mirrors?09:16
jpdsRune: mirrors --- at --- ubuntu --- dot --- com..09:17
Runejpds, that's not really a package....09:19
jpdsRune: But there is no package for mirrors...09:20
jpdsRune: Which mirror is it?09:20
RuneNonetheless, launchpad requires a package when you file a report. Should it just be against ubuntu then?09:21
BUGabundo_remoteits another project09:21
jpdsRune: Mirror problems are not tracked on Launchpad.09:24
BUGabundo_remotethey aren't?09:24
BUGabundo_remotethat's news to me :)09:24
jpdsWell, I certainly don't.09:26
RuneUsers must be able to tell someone about problems such as bug 41732609:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 417326 in apache (Ubuntu) "package not found (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41732609:27
Runeit is clearly not a bug in apache, but where should I place it?09:28
BUGabundo_remoteif it is a mirror prob, jpds is your guy09:29
RuneWell, the bug I just mentioned was old and I simply invalidated it, since it has probably been fixed in the mean time.09:32
jpdsRune: OK; so I see a: Filename: pool/main/a/apache2/apache2.2-common_2.2.12-1ubuntu2.2_all.deb on the archive.09:33
Runejpds, if I had found that bug immediately, what should I have done with it?09:33
jpdsRune: However he seems to be trying to download: apache2.2-common_2.2.*11*-2ubuntu2.2_i386.deb09:33
jpdsRune: It looks like he has to update his package listings with apt-get update.09:34
jpds(That's the latest apache2.2 package version I see for karmic-security).09:35
Runejpds, ok, let's says he simply needed to update, then it wouldn't be because of a problem on the servers.09:37
Runejpds, I have a current one for you then09:37
Runejpds, W: Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/karmic/Release.gpg  Could not connect to packages.medibuntu.org:80 (, connection timed out09:38
jibelRune, wrong one it's medibuntu :)09:38
mr_pouitnot related to ubuntu, see #56581009:38
RuneI am aware that it is medibuntu instead of ubuntu09:39
RuneHowever, if it where ubuntu, where would I file the bug?09:40
RuneThat's the thing I am trying to figure out.09:40
Runejpds, you says that it is not tracked on launchpad, but what should I do about error messages due to mirror errors?09:41
BUGabundo_remoteRune medibuntu guys know about the problem, some of the mirrors are up. they expect to have it fixed tomorrow night09:42
BUGabundo_remoteRune the the mirror admin ??09:42
BUGabundo_remoteremember you may caught a server in mid package upgrade09:42
BUGabundo_remoteso the package list can be not consistence with the packages09:43
BUGabundo_remoteusually updating the package list a bit latter or trying another mirror, works around it09:43
jibelBUGabundo_remote, Rune's example is about a missing package but there are sometimes other errors with mirrors and it's not clear how to report it.09:45
jibelWhy affecting to Ubuntu and subscribe the ubuntu-mirror-admins team to that report ?09:46
jibels/Why/Why not/09:46
jpdsRune: I don't deal with Medibuntu stuff, sorry.09:48
jibeljpds, let say it's not medibuntu but ubuntu and a reporter is facing a problem with a mirror: missing package, mirror unavailable, whatever.09:49
jibeljpds, what would be the best process to report it ?09:49
jpdsjibel: Find the mirrors registration at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors and contact the admin.09:50
jibeljpds, and affect it to Ubuntu and incomplete waiting for their reply ?09:52
jpdsjibel: Well... I really don't use Launchpad to track mirror queries, I keep an eye on mirrors@u.c.09:53
jibeljpds, what is the team "Ubuntu Mirror Admins" ? Couldn't we subscribe it to the report ?09:54
jpdsjibel: That's the team that manages the mirror listings and approves mirrors, you could do that but we tend to watch the email more.09:55
Runejpds, if you want end users to do find the mirrors registration and stuff when encountering problems then that should really be on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs09:56
jpdsRune: That's a good point.09:58
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Runejpds, I have requested that error reporting be better implemented in update-manager and have pasted some of your replies as the action to take. (bug 567139)10:20
ubot4Launchpad bug 567139 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "suggest solution on server errors (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56713910:20
Runejpds, however, I really do think it is a much better idea to monitor on launchpad because of the potential flood of reports you can get when people cannot click a "this affects me too" button10:24
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brunogirinHi, I'm trying to assign the right package to a number of bugs that don't have a package. Am I right in thinking that the package for bug 355165 should be xorg?13:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 355165 in ubuntu "My 22" Monitor is not detected upon startup when plugged into my laptop." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35516513:34
BUGabundo_remotexorg-xserver ?13:35
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brunogirinBUGabundo_remote: thanks13:55
bullgard4Where are package hooks explained? See the directory /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/ .13:58
yofelbullgard4: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport/DeveloperHowTo#Package%20Hooks14:00
yofelthat's the more technical explenation14:00
bullgard4yofel: Thank you very much.14:11
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crimsunif there's a native French speaker, I'd much appreciate assistance with the nuances in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-lib/+bug/567089/comments/318:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 567089 in alsa-lib (Ubuntu) "everyman pb de son (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Incomplete]18:52
Damascenecrimsun, did you try #ubuntu-fr18:53
crimsunDamascene: no, I try not to use support channels first18:53
yofel_jibel speaks french I think18:53
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vishcrimsun: hggdh ?19:02
crimsunI triaged it based on my shoddy translation19:02
vishheh , we forgot seb128 ;p19:04
vishmaybe he's german! ;)19:04
crimsunI think he's offline ATM19:04
hggdhvish: what can I do for you?19:07
vishhggdh:  <crimsun> if there's a native French speaker, I'd much appreciate assistance with the nuances in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-lib/+bug/567089/comments/319:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 567089 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "everyman pb de son (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Incomplete]19:07
hggdhcrimsun: "yes, it is reproducible. I hit System/Preferences/Sound/Hardware/Choose a device to configure Internal Audio deactivated and I choose FREETALK. Then close..."19:11
hggdhcrimsun: "if I go back, FREETALK is again unselected. I do not understand what is going on"19:12
crimsunright, I'm confused about the "deactivated" specifically.19:12
crimsunregardless, I've asked for more info19:12
hggdhoh, you mean the internal audio deactivated?19:13
hggdhsorry, not explanation there19:13
crimsunif that's the case, then s/he's explicitly breaking things, and well, I don't think there's much we can do...19:13
hggdhvish: seb is French19:27
vishhggdh: yup , i know ..  but folks were teasing him ;)19:28
* BUGabundo waves o/19:51
jibelhggdh, hey, thanks for the translation.20:48
sveinseI'm not sure if this is a bug: I get two very different renderings of the Monospace font when I select "slight" hinting or "full" hinting on size 8. See http://imagebin.org/93683  vs. http://imagebin.org/93684  (settings: DPI 96 and subpixel smoothing) - Is this something I should submit a bugreport on?20:58
sveinseSorry forgot: running lucid on amd6420:59
hggdhjibel: yw22:15
xteejxbug 388906, am I right in thinking this is fixed, I asked for a depends on telepathy-idle so that IRC was supported by default, think it is now22:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 388906 in empathy (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "offers to import irc accounts from pidgin even if telepathy-idle is not installed (affects: 6) (dups: 1) (heat: 43)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38890622:25
seb128xteejx, empathy doens't depends on idle and has no reason to22:28
xteejxhave I misinterpreted the rdepends function?22:29
seb128xteejx, it seems so22:30
seb128xteejx, it lists recommends and suggests too22:30
xteejxI thought if rdepends shows ubuntu-desktop then ubuntu-desktop would depend on telepathy-idle?22:31
seb128xteejx, try apt-cache show and look to what it displays22:31
xteejxubuntu-desktop does show a dependency on telepathy-idle...perhaps this was done to work around the IRC import problem, it does appear fixed22:33
xteejxsorry, it's a recommends22:33
xteejxbut recommends are installed anyway aren't they? I think it's just Suggests that aren't22:34
seb128but still they can be uninstalled22:34
seb128so you can't rely on it to declare the issue solved22:35

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