
rickspencer3desktoppers - get your blueprints registered!!03:55
rickspencer3should be showing up on that list ^03:55
TheMusoThats on my agenda for this afternoon.03:59
* rickspencer3 whip cracking noises04:01
RAOFrobert_ancell: I see you've registered a colour-management spec.  I look forward to working that out - I was going to register one of those, too :)05:22
robert_ancellRAOF, please flesh it out :)06:07
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
pittiGood morning07:37
RAOFGood morning pitti07:45
pittihey RAOF< how are you?07:46
RAOFPretty good.07:46
RAOFI've got access to an espresso machine at my brother's flat.07:47
RAOFThis is good :)07:47
RAOFI hope that a huge plume of volcanic ash is providing magnificent sunsets/sunrises?07:50
pittiso they say, but I didn't actually watch it yesterday07:51
pittitoo many houses around me07:51
pittibut perhaps this evening I should do a bicycle tour uphill, and watch it from there07:51
pittiin fact I was on the bike yesterday evening on the way to Taekwondo, but sundown was later on while I was in the gym already07:53
RAOFSounds like a plan to me!07:55
RAOFTake a camera :)07:56
pittitoday it's cloudy, but forecasts look great from tomorrow on07:56
TheMusoI sincerely hope things calm down for UDS.07:57
RAOFMaybe there could be a huge plume on Tuesday evening so we can get a nice sunset, and then clear by Wed so that all the flights can be cleared by the time we need to go home? :)08:05
TheMusoYes, but getting there in the first place.08:10
RAOFWell, that too.08:10
RAOFIt looks like it should hopefully be ok to get there.08:10
didrocksgood morning08:18
RAOFMorning, didrocks08:18
didrockshey RAOF, how was your day?08:19
* RAOF has just noticed that he mentally pronounces “didrocks” as “didierocks” for some reason :)08:19
didrocks(it's done on purposer didrocks == Didier Roche) ;)08:19
RAOFdidrocks: It involved much intel driver madness, a nice lunch, and an espresso machine.  All in all, pretty good.08:19
didrocksespresso machine sounds good :)08:19
seb128hello there08:29
didrockssalut seb12808:31
seb128lut didrocks08:31
seb128en forme ?08:31
seb128bien dormis ?08:31
pittibonjour seb12808:31
seb128hey pitti, how are you ?08:31
pittibit tired (woke up too early), but fine; thanks! how are you?08:32
seb128I'm good thanks08:32
seb128when did you woke up?08:32
pittiaround 708:32
pittibut I went to bed at 0:3008:32
seb128oh, short night then ;-)08:32
seb128brb quick session restart after upgrade08:33
didrocksseb128: nuit courte également, mais bien dormis :) et toi?08:34
seb128j'ai bien dormis et 8h ce qui est correct ;-)08:35
pittidormis -> dormant -> sleeping? :-)08:35
seb128I slept well and 8 hours08:36
pittije parlez francais!08:36
seb128so I can't complain ;-)08:36
* didrocks install French to pitti :)08:36
seb128hum, glib 2.25 with gsettings has a tarball08:39
pittiseb128: wanting to try new crack? :-)08:40
didrocksI guess it's the good time for an upload :-)08:40
seb128pitti, wanting new crack in lucid!08:40
* seb128 ru;-)08:40
seb128ups, running and forgetting to type letters ;-)08:41
pittiit's just glib, what could possibly go wrong08:41
seb128with some luck the update might give us debug symbols too who knows ;-)08:45
pittiseb128: (looking at create-dbgsym now)08:50
pittiwe don't actually treat udebs in any special way08:50
seb128bah my one liner crash fixers from yesterday have been rejected08:56
seb128didn't we use to accept some fixes between rc and stable?08:56
pittiyes, we usually did09:03
baptistemmbah glib 2.25 is just glib 2.24 but better, right ? :)09:06
baptistemmso you have my approval for an upload :)09:06
RAOFOooh!  Oooh!  Can I use that reasoning, too?09:07
* Ng wonders if the order of Fn-F7 has intentionally changed. The first poke used to extend onto my external monitor, now it mirrors and the second poke extends09:13
pittiseb128: argh, I got it, I think09:14
seb128pitti, oh?09:14
pitti$ echo "libglib2.0-0-refdbg libglib2.0-udeb" | grep -wq 'libglib2.0-0'09:14
seb128Ng, they are not meant to have assigned action but to cycle between available configs09:14
pittigrep -wq matches "libglib2.0-0" on "libglib2.0-0-refdbg" (which is referenced with -N)09:14
Ngseb128: what controls the ordering of those configs? It doesn't really matter that it's changed, I'm just curious if this is a deliberate thing or if maybe no ordering is guaranteed and it's going to keep changing on each reboot or something09:15
* pitti wants grep to understand Perl's "WORD"s09:16
pittianyway, I'll write a test case and figure it out09:16
seb128Ng, I'm not sure if xorg returns the info in a deterministic way09:16
seb128pitti, thanks09:16
Ngfair enough :)09:16
chrisccoulsonhello everyone09:48
james_wmorning chrisccoulson09:48
chrisccoulsonhey james_w, how are you?09:49
james_wgood thanks, you?09:49
pittihey chrisccoulson, hello james_w09:49
chrisccoulsonhey pitti, how are you?09:49
james_whey pitti, how are you?09:49
didrockshey chrisccoulson and james_w :)09:49
chrisccoulsonjames_w - yeah, i'm good too thanks09:49
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks09:49
james_wsalut didrocks09:49
pittigreat, thanks! how about you guys?09:50
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, good thanks. had quite an early night last night, so i'm quite refreshed today09:51
pittidpkg-deb: Baue Paket »libglib2.0-0-dbgsym« in »../libglib2.0-0-dbgsym_2.24.0-0ubuntu2_amd64.ddeb«.09:55
pittiseb128: ^09:55
seb128pitti, \o/10:02
pittiuploaded, will talk to Steve10:02
seb128pitti, thanks10:02
chrisccoulsonhey everyone, firefox 3.6.4 is in the u-m-s PPA now. please test :-)10:10
chrisccoulsonpitti seb128 didrocks ^^10:10
seb128what is u-m-s?10:10
seb128can you give the ppa:url there? ;-)10:11
didrocksubuntu-main-sponsor has a ppa?10:11
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i can, when my internet catches up ;)10:11
seb128didrocks, I think it's rather a ubuntu-mozilla-something10:11
chrisccoulsonoops ;)10:12
didrocksI was surprised too :)10:12
chrisccoulsonwow, my internet is going super slow today, it's maxed out by a torrent going at 60kB/s10:12
pittiseb128: is glib2.0 in bzr/10:32
seb128pitti, I don't think so10:32
pittiseb128: merci10:32
* pitti prepares another no-change upload10:33
seb128pitti, de rien10:33
seb128pitti, danke10:33
* seb128 refresh sru procedure knowledge and get ready to start on lucid sru uploads10:33
seb128since lucid-proposed is supposed to be open let's see how it works today ;-)10:33
Zdradoes someone knows why I don't get French spell checker in thunderbird on Lucid?10:43
Zdrahad it on Karmic before the upgrade10:43
didrocksseb128: didn't you fix a similar issue recently? ^10:44
seb128didrocks, I fixed it for GNOME, I don't know about thunderbird10:45
seb128Zdra, is thunderbird-locale-fr installed?10:46
Zdraversion 1:3.0.4-0ubuntu110:46
seb128ok so I don't know10:46
seb128I don't use thunderbird10:46
seb128#ubuntu-mozilla might know10:46
ZdraI have hunspell-fr installed too10:46
seb128does spellchecking works in i.e gedit?10:47
seb128bug #10:47
Zdraseb128, working in gedit/empathy10:47
seb128bug 50924810:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 509248 in thunderbird "[PPA] Thunderbird 3 Shows only English dictionary in Spell menu" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50924810:47
Zdraseb128, thanks :)10:48
seb128could be the same issue10:48
seb128let me know if the workaround described in the bug works for you10:49
Zdraseb128, installing manually a thunderbird extention to have the dictionnaire works ;)10:56
seb128did you try what was described in the bug?10:57
seb128would be useful to get the issue fixed rather than having to install things manually to workaround the bug10:58
Zdraseb128, the link works too11:00
seb128Zdra, thanks for testing11:00
Zdrasudo ln -s /usr/share/myspell/dicts/ /usr/lib/thunderbird-3.0.4/dictionaries11:00
Zdraseb128, would be great if you/someone can make an upload to lucid with that fix11:03
chrisccoulsoncan usb-creator only create startup disks for ubuntu?11:04
seb128Zdra, I will see what we can do11:04
chrisccoulsonyou want a thunderbird bug fixing?11:04
chrisccoulsonthat one looks pretty trivial actually11:05
Zdratrivial to fix, but nasty for users11:06
pittichrisccoulson: usb-creator> question for ev, I think11:06
chrisccoulsonpitti - i can't seem to make it create a fedora startup disk :(11:06
chrisccoulsoni wanted to try some things on their latest beta ;)11:06
pittichrisccoulson: just boot it in kvm?11:07
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'm trying, but the performance is so bad on my laptop now that it's almost impossible to use11:07
* hyperair wishes his cpu has kvm support11:07
pittichrisccoulson: oh? WDYM with "now"?11:07
chrisccoulsonpitti - my laptop has sucked really bad since the weekend11:08
seb128chrisccoulson, did you reboot it since?11:09
seb128I got some very slow io issue which went away after reboot11:10
chrisccoulsonseb128 - several times. my issue seems to fix itself temporarily after a reboot, but then it comes back again11:10
seb128chrisccoulson, bug #509248 seems not restricted to ppa build and should be fixed in lucid or lucid updates, can you check with micahg if he's working on it?11:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 509248 in thunderbird "[PPA] Thunderbird 3 Shows only English dictionary in Spell menu" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50924811:10
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'll probably just push the fix straight to bzr, as micahg is not around until later anyway11:11
seb128chrisccoulson, right, I got it several times too, I reboot my laptop once a day at the moment though and it didn't come back this week yet11:11
seb128chrisccoulson, ok thanks11:11
seb128bryceh, when you start the weekly meeting wikipage could you use the template?11:14
pittioh, need to prep my report, too11:15
pittiseb128: you're the team meeting master today, right?11:15
seb128pitti, yes, I'm setting the wiki page and about to send the reminder11:15
seb128pitti, ok, let's see if I got this contact the team right ;-)11:20
seb128https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2010-04-20 online too11:20
cassidyseb128, FYI I just release Empathy
seb128cassidy, I've noticed thanks, too late for lucid but we will get it in a stable update11:22
cassidyyou're fast :)11:22
cassidyI released it like, 5 minutes ago11:22
didrockscassidy: didn't you know? seb128 is behind you ;)11:22
seb128cassidy, I've seen the commit 12 minutes ago on #commits11:23
cassidyahhh :)11:23
seb128I like watching #commits ;-)11:23
* didrocks joins, can be interesting sometimes to see what should be backported if needed11:24
=== DrPepperKid is now known as MacSlow
seb128didrocks, do you want to do the empathy update as a sru? no hurry you have a good week before it's going to be reviewed or approved anyway now11:25
didrocksseb128: sure, did you previous uploads to -proposed succeeded?11:26
seb128didrocks, yes, I did one to try11:26
seb128it seems to have worked fine I got the waiting for moderation email11:26
didrocksok, doing it for empathy so before eod :)11:27
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
pittiyep, there are two proposed uploads on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=111:36
chrisccoulsonso, the fedora accountsdialog tool is quite nice11:41
chrisccoulsonand it configures gdm options like auto-login too11:41
chrisccoulsonseb128 - are people just registering blueprints now? should i create a list of blueprints somewhere first before registering them?12:27
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seb128chrisccoulson, hum, what do you mean by just now?12:28
seb128chrisccoulson, you didn't get the reminder from rick some days ago about those?12:28
seb128chrisccoulson, to reply to the question no need to create a list somewhere, just follow the convention as described on the wikipage in the meeting reminder12:28
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i did. but i wasn't sure whether to register the ones i have or create a list somewhere first12:29
chrisccoulsonbut, that answers my question anyway12:29
seb128yw ;-)12:29
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
chrisccoulsonhey Zdra, do you have thunderbird-gnome-support installed?13:13
chrisccoulson(just saw your comment on bug 543064)13:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543064 in thunderbird "ensure that x-www-browser is used if no http handler is found through gnome integration" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54306413:14
Zdrachrisccoulson, no and I learnt about it 10s earlier from bug 52629013:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526290 in thunderbird "Thunderbird 3 hyperlinks broken" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52629013:14
chrisccoulsonZdra - cool, does it work then?13:14
Zdradidn't check yet, let me try13:14
chrisccoulson(not having -gnome-support after upgrade is an issue_13:14
Zdrachrisccoulson, fixed the issue, yes13:17
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=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
seb128cassidy, hey15:13
seb128cassidy, how likely is proxy support going to go in next cycle and for which telepathy components? ;-)15:14
cassidyit's merged in tp-butterfly but not released yes15:14
seb128cassidy, is there anything we can do to help making that happens15:14
cassidywe have done lot of work improving libproxy and adding proxy support to gnio15:14
cassidyonce it's done it should be pretty easy to hook it into Gabble15:15
stazseb128: did you update the libproxy version finally or not?15:15
cassidyseb128, best to ask to Maiku on #telepathy15:15
seb128staz, to 0.3.1 which is what debian has, the newest version broke abi and changed soname15:15
seb128cassidy, ok thanks, seems likely to go in next cycle then15:16
stazseb128: that should be enought for telepathy-butterfly then15:16
stazseb128: do you want me to make a release or will you just merge the patch in the package?15:16
seb128staz, good, I was just checking for other protocols since some users are vocal on that bug15:16
seb128staz, we are frozen for lucid now, I will consider options for stable updates if we want that after lucid15:17
cassidyseb128, like I said...15:17
seb128ie in a good week from now15:17
cassidynot sure for haze though15:17
stazseb128: oh too bad :/15:17
cassidyrahh felipe is already pissing me off15:17
seb128cassidy, ignore him15:18
cassidythat's what I tend to do :)15:18
seb128Oh, you know him? ;-)15:18
cassidya bit..15:18
cassidy"I don't know who proxies work in libpurple/haze" isn't that clear enough ?15:18
cassidy(with s/who/how)15:18
stazI was going to make the remark ;)15:20
staz(on *how)15:20
seb128_vish, hum, what do you mean by banshee is being considered default player for next cycle?15:49
vishseb128_: there was a chat here that banshee is being considered, dj_siegel1  and robbie_w or rick,  i guess15:51
vishseb128_: something about users testing and discussing in the UDS15:51
hyperairthere's a blueprint about it too15:51
seb128_vish, where, when?15:52
hyperairi just don't remember where15:52
seb128_we are not going to have this discussion are uds most likely15:52
hyperairlucid's UDS highlighted a few blocking issues.15:52
vishseb128_: 2days back , let me find the logs15:52
seb128_I guess some lobbying from banshee users again15:52
* hyperair wonders if there were any more outstanding issues.15:53
vishseb128_: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/04/15/%23ubuntu-desktop.html#t16:06  .. not much though ;)15:56
seb128_we should start by asking if there is any outstanding reason to switch15:56
seb128_rhythmbox is as actively worked as banshee nowadays15:56
seb128_it got syncing support in git now which was one of the main reason to consider banshee15:56
tjaaltondoes rb support proper syncing with portable players=15:56
tjaaltonthat's the only usecase of banshee for me15:57
seb128_well, "proper", I'm not sure how buggy the new code git is since it's new15:57
seb128_but rhythmbox got syncing yes15:57
seb128_also rhythmbox is written in a language most people in the desktop team know15:57
hyperairseb128_: by the way, indicator-application is still pending upload.15:57
seb128_rather than in one which we might move out of the CD because having it to maintain it for 1 application installed by default is costy15:58
tjaaltonalso, it should use the cover.FOO found on the disk and not fetch some random image from the net15:58
seb128_hyperair, can you get ted to merge the change and suggest this for upload?15:58
tjaaltonbut I guess that's filed already15:58
hyperairtedg: ^^15:58
seb128_tjaalton, rhythmbox? it does that, the provider there were using cut them because it was creating too much load15:58
kenvandineseb128_, what do you think about bug 56690915:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566909 in empathy "Offline contacts not showed by default" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56690915:59
kenvandineworth patching and trying to get in post RC?15:59
tjaaltonseb128_: yes rb, need to check how it works in lucid15:59
seb128_kenvandine, is there anything to think?15:59
seb128_kenvandine, no15:59
didrockskenvandine: fixed in
seb128_kenvandine, didrocks did the update for a sru after lucid15:59
kenvandineis .2 released yet?15:59
seb128_tjaalton, device syncing is not in the lucid version though15:59
tjaaltonseb128_: ok16:00
tjaaltonmy ipod is broken anyway :)16:00
tedghyperair: Which one is missing?  I thought we were on 0ubuntu4, right?16:08
desrthey dudes16:10
tedgAh, I see.  seb128_ can you merge this please?  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-application/lucid/+merge/2359116:10
desrtlooks like we don't have to cancel UDS :D16:10
kenvandinehey desrt16:10
desrt*the cloud lifts*16:10
didrockshey desrt16:11
desrtkenvandine, didrocks; hi hi16:11
ccheneydesrt: no more ash?16:11
desrtlooks like flights are starting to move16:11
kenvandinei read this morning that over half of the .eu flights have resumed16:12
kenvandinethe UK might not until the end of the week16:12
ccheneywell i guess as long as there isn't a third eruption16:12
desrtin a couple of weeks there will be no problem i'm sure16:12
kenvandineccheney, true :)16:12
desrtccheney: find some wood and knock on it now, plz.16:12
ccheneydesrt: heh :)16:12
* kenvandine knocks16:12
seb128_hey desrt16:12
* didrocks still says that he never had a so beautiful weather in Paris since this volcanic cloud is here :)16:13
desrtseb128_: hey16:13
desrtseb128_: got some good news for you16:13
desrtyou asked me two questions at last UDS16:13
desrt1) will GVariant be done?    2) will GSettings be done?16:13
desrti tell you today that they're both done and merged :p16:13
didrocks(congrats for the gsettings hackfest BTW, nice work ;))16:14
desrtya.  total success.16:14
kenvandinedesrt, woot!16:14
desrtvuntz, mclasen and i were like robots16:14
* kenvandine high fives desrt16:14
seb128_desrt, well done, I need to look how the gconf gsettings backend is working now ;-)16:15
desrtseb128_: don't.16:15
desrtseb128_: it's not for you.16:15
seb128_desrt, I still think having GNOME ported to gsettings in one cycle is very optimistic16:15
seb128_desrt, is there any other working backend right now?16:15
desrtseb128_: nope :)16:15
mclasenseb128_: we can do it if you help...16:15
desrtdconf will be along in a week or so16:15
desrtseb128_: i think it's well within our capabilities to get the entire live CD ported16:16
desrtie: no gconf in the default install16:16
desrt-very- attainable goal for maverick16:16
seb128_desrt, you are an optimistic man ;-)16:16
desrtseb128_: how long have you known me that you just figure this out now? :)16:17
seb128_desrt, did you include proper configuration migration in that estimation ?16:17
desrtseb128_: we already have a reasonable story for that16:17
seb128_mclasen, let's see16:17
desrtmclasen wrote a nice program there16:17
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
desrtit's already merged into gconf git16:17
seb128right, I noticed some changes in gconf which is way I wanted to look at the gconf backend ;-)16:18
desrtthe gconf backend is only a porting tool16:18
desrtso that app authors can have their app in a half-using-gconf/half-using-gsettings state and still use it and test it16:18
desrtrather than having to hold their breath for the whole port and hoping it works out at the end16:18
desrtit's never meant to be deployed16:19
seb128anyway I want to play with it16:19
seb128I doubt landing a new tech and having stable with everything ported to it in one cycle will work though16:19
seb128but I'm wanting to be proved wrong16:19
seb128you always hit annoying cases on the road or things which don't work well for easy porting and need some slight design changes16:20
seb128or bugs, or limitations16:20
seb128less than one cycle is very challenging to code through all those roundtrips16:20
seb128like it took years to go from libglade to gtkbuilder16:21
seb128and there was not so many migration concerns there, just the code changes to port to the new api16:21
stazseb128: maybe there wasn't much motiviation from the devs to do it, like gtkbuilder didn't provide enough advantage to make spending time to port it worth16:24
NafaiGood morning16:25
seb128staz, or lot of people are busy with real life and can't always manage to run current git for all platform and jump on new techs in one cycle16:26
NafaiI keep getting left out of the template for the team meeting :(16:26
seb128staz, also I'm a bit concerned that one cycle to porting an hundred sofware it's jumping on new techs before having them reasonably tested which complicate any change that would be required16:27
staztheses are valid point16:28
pittiseb128: would you mind bzr pushing the latest evince update?16:30
seb128pitti, done16:34
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
chrisccoulsonZdra - micahg - fixed the thunderbird dictionary issue in bzr now16:37
chrisccoulsonis thunderbird seeded anywhere?16:47
pittiDVD certainly?16:47
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks. so, any fixes will have to wait until after RC now?16:48
mandelaquarius, ping17:00
mandelaquarius, got the mono lib for dektopcouch finished, is there anywhere where it can be announced ? your are the media guy ;)17:05
aquariusmandel, er...on your blog, and I'll blog about it too? I don't have a masively obvious place for stuff like this. on the DC mailing list as well, of course!17:07
mandelaquarius, ok, I'll write some examples and will do... i'd be nice to have a place to do this things..17:08
aquariusmandel, I agree :)17:08
brycehrickspencer3, I've got a dentist appt this afternoon so will be attending the morning meeting17:12
seb128didrocks, you need to add a debdiff for the update to your sru bug17:12
pittibryceh: uh, good luck17:12
seb128didrocks, you might also want to lp close some others bugs17:13
seb128bryceh, hey, rickspencer3 is not officially there today but noted ;-)17:13
seb128bryceh, btw when you start the wiki page please use the template next time17:14
didrocksseb128: the debdiff is pretty big, but that can be added. What do you mean by "you might also want to lp close some others bugs" ?17:14
seb128didrocks, the first one listed had an apport looking title but was already listed as closed in not sure why it's in the NEWS again, ignore that comment17:15
didrocksseb128: that's why I didn't listed it :)17:15
seb128didrocks, I usually filter out documentation, translations and autotools files in a simplified debdiff17:15
seb128ie debdiff --exclude configure ...17:15
didrocksok, can do17:16
seb128and gzip it17:16
seb128didrocks, you might also want to set it as wishlist17:16
seb128didrocks, oh and next time when it closes an open bug you can use that one for the update rather than opening a new version update bug17:16
didrocksseb128: I wasn't sure about the priority, wishlist seems good, will do as well17:16
didrocksseb128: oh sweet, I was thinking that wasn't allowed for SRU (it needed its own bug report with the debdiff, and so on for making the paperwork easier). I'll do that next time.17:17
seb128didrocks, and for the testcase you can use a "use the new version and make sure it still works correctly" ;-) (SRU usually need a testcase)17:17
* didrocks updates the bug report now and generates the debdiff17:18
seb128didrocks, thanks17:19
seb128desktop team meeting in 3 minutes17:27
* kenvandine waves17:29
seb128ArneGoetje, ccheney, chrisccoulson, didrocks, kenvandine, Nafai, pitti, Riddell, tseliot: meeting?17:30
chrisccoulsonjust to be different ;)17:30
didrockshey o/17:30
seb128I hope everybody is doing well17:30
pittilucid! lucid! lucid!17:31
* tseliot waves17:31
seb128rickspencer3 is not available to lead the meeting today so I will do that ;-)17:31
seb128so let's get started17:31
seb128not outstanding actions17:31
seb128kenvandine, partner update?17:31
kenvandineOLS had a few last minute bug fixes, which have been uploaded and slangesek said he would accept after the RC is done17:32
kenvandinepyinotify, ubuntuone-client and desktopcouch17:32
pittiwill they fix getting mp3s from teh music store by any chance? :-)17:32
* ccheney here17:32
kenvandinenothing else in the pipe17:32
kenvandinepitti, hehe... known bug?17:32
* pitti has "Transferring to your Ubuntu One storage" for half a day now17:32
kenvandinethe u1-client update includes a fix for a bug that would delete files if there was an interupted download17:33
kenvandinepitti, that would be server side... not sure if there is a current known problem17:33
kenvandinei'll ask17:33
ograpitti, are you sure its not already in your music folder ? i had that too but seems that only the store UI wasnt properly updating17:33
pittikenvandine: (anyway, let's discuss that off-meeting)17:33
seb128kenvandine, ok, seems good, thanks17:33
pittiogra: yes17:34
seb128is gwibber behaving now btw?17:34
kenvandineyes... with this desktopcouch update17:34
seb128I stopped getting gwibber-service crashes at every login17:34
kenvandinedesktopcouch was frequently dieing on suspend17:34
seb128but I'm not sure if that's just because pitti turned apport off :p17:34
seb128ok good17:34
kenvandineand desktopcouch wouldn't try to start it again17:34
kenvandinethis fix makes it start as needed :)17:34
seb128thanks kenvandine17:34
seb128let's get moving17:34
chrisccoulsonpitti - i had a different issue. it took 2 days for my purchase to be sync'd with U1 ;)17:34
seb128Riddell, kubuntu update?17:35
Riddellwe're all good as far as I can tell17:35
Riddellmy notes are on my other machine which is currently doing install testing17:35
Riddellbut we're down to three milestoned bugs17:35
seb128ok, seems good17:35
Riddellof which I'm only worried about 117:35
pittiRiddell: how's kubiquity now? there were still quite a few issues last week?17:35
seb128urg, another oem setup issue?17:35
seb128and a french hating one!17:36
pittilooks good17:36
Riddellpitti: still that 1 issue but we have a good track record of sorting out ubiquity issues so I'm confident we'll crack it :)17:36
pittigood luck!17:36
seb128Riddell, good work!17:36
seb128Riddell, thanks ;-)17:36
seb128next, release status17:37
seb128seems we are mostly good there17:37
pittithat generally looks fine17:37
pittitoday we got two more WIs for fonts, but they are being sorted out17:37
seb128ArneGoetje, what is the status on your 2 todo items there?17:37
pittithey got FFE approval, and the actual fonts are all settled now I think17:38
seb128pitti, is that likely to make any difference on CD space?17:38
pittijust needs some langauge-support-* updates17:38
pittiseb128: yes, it saved .5 MB in total, I think17:38
seb128good ;-)17:38
seb128as long as it's going in the good direction17:38
ArneGoetjelanguage-support-fonts-ja has just been uploaded with the changes... will upload the fontconfig changes in language-selector later tonight.17:38
seb128I would chase anybody trying to get french langpacks out of the CD now :p17:38
pittialso, release-wise I'm pretty happy about the bug situation; we got some 12 RC bugs fixed last week, and the remaining 5 are SRUable17:39
seb128ArneGoetje, ok, thanks17:39
pittiArneGoetje: sweet17:39
seb128pitti, note that I marked my work item for lpi to DONE since I uploaded that yesterday17:39
pittiseb128: *nod*17:39
pittiFYI, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus got updated yesterday17:39
pedro_seb128, pitti that means we can start to update the documentation regarding the -> report a problem item ?17:40
seb128right, none of the bugs remaining on this list seem to be too much of an issue for lucid17:40
seb128pedro_, yes, it will be in lucid after rc17:40
pedro_we mean the qa team17:40
pedro_alright i'll work on that, thanks17:41
pittipedro_: I got sign-off from mdke that it doesn't touch the documentation17:41
seb128pitti, bugs status look good indeed17:41
seb128pitti, it does touch wiki bug triaging documentation17:41
seb128pitti, not ubuntu documentation17:41
pittipedro_: right, that could need an update then17:41
pedro_pitti, sorry i mean the wiki documentation17:41
seb128pitti, anything else to add on the lucid status?17:42
seb128seems not, let's get moving17:42
seb128great work everything, lucid will be a great Ubuntu milestone!17:43
seb128let's keep focussed on testing images until next week and watch for any raising issues but we are in good shapre17:43
* tseliot nods17:43
seb128next topic, blueprints17:43
seb128I see lot of those registered on https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?searchtext=desktop-maverick, great17:44
seb128let's go quickly through the team member and registered blueprints17:44
seb128using the order on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2010-04-2017:44
seb128tseliot, ok, I skip you since you are moving back to oem next cycle17:44
seb128tseliot, it was great to have you in the team this cycle, good work ;-)17:44
tseliotit was a pleasure to work with all of you :-)17:45
seb128thanks tseliot ;-)17:45
brycehtseliot, thanks for all the X help :-)17:45
seb128you registered this one17:45
seb128seems a good topic for UDS and maverick17:46
pittitseliot: you did awesome work, thanks again! you'll be missed!17:46
seb128it will probably require design recommendation I guess17:46
seb128did you talk to anybody about that yet?17:46
ArneGoetjeseb128: yep17:46
ArneGoetjeseb128: not yet17:46
Riddellyes thanks tseliot17:46
seb128ok, let's see if we can get somebody from the design team to help there17:46
seb128not now though ;-)17:46
ArneGoetjeseb128: :)17:47
seb128ArneGoetje, do you have any other spec or uds topic?17:47
ArneGoetjeseb128: not as a feature, no.17:47
seb128and as non-feature? ie things that need discussion at uds maybe?17:47
ArneGoetjeI'm not sure if it needs discussion at UDS, more like debugging... fontconfig needs some love17:48
ArneGoetjeI think that does not qualify for uds, though17:49
Riddelljonathan thomas might be doing work on language selector's kde frontend if his gsoc project gets approved, might be good to have ArneGoetje and him review that at UDS17:49
seb128let's discuss that out of the meeting later17:49
ArneGoetjeRiddell: +117:49
seb128Riddell, who would mentor the SoC? but yeah, good idea17:49
ArneGoetjeseb128: ok17:49
seb128ArneGoetje, thanks17:49
seb128ccheney, hey17:49
ccheneyseb128: yea17:50
seb128ccheney, I see you registered 3 openoffice specs17:50
ccheneya general planning one, an packaging optimization one, and one about getting java pulled in by OOo on use17:50
Riddellseb128: me but nice to have ArneGoetje for consulting17:50
seb128do you think you need sessions for each at uds?17:50
seb128Riddell, ok17:50
ccheneythe general planning one would be good for UDS but i don't know if the other two need to be scheduled17:51
seb128ok, that's what I was thinking17:51
seb128I will check with rickspencer317:51
seb128ccheney, any other UDS topic you want discussed or anything to add?17:51
ccheneyi probably need some help with determining how to do the java part but i think just talking with some of you guys about something like packagekit (i guess) should be enough for that17:51
ccheneynope that is all17:52
seb128ccheney, ok, thanks17:52
rickspencer3ccheney, they need blueprints even if sessions don't need to be scheduled17:52
ccheneyrickspencer3: yea they are already on the blueprint page17:52
seb128rickspencer3, hey ;-)17:52
seb128chrisccoulson, hello17:52
chrisccoulsonhey seb12817:52
seb128you registered https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-search-and-indexing17:53
seb128and https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-user-accounts-dialog17:53
chrisccoulsoni did :)17:53
seb128good desktopish topics ;-)17:53
chrisccoulsonhopefully :)17:53
seb128not sure the second one really require a session or rather offline review, let's talk about that later17:53
seb128any other spec or topic you want to bring for uds?17:54
seb128I guess you should have some about web browsers17:54
chrisccoulsonyeah, i wasn't sure about that. it seems to be a case of just speccing out the work items and getting on with it17:54
chrisccoulsonas long as we all agree to the change ;)17:54
glatzorccheney, I hope to get sessioninstaller ready for maverick: https://edge.launchpad.net/sessioninstaller17:54
seb128hey glatzor17:55
chrisccoulsonthat was the other thing i was going to ask about actually17:55
seb128glatzor, should that have an uds discussion or blueprint?17:55
seb128chrisccoulson, sure, ask ;-)17:55
chrisccoulsoni wasn't sure whether to register a blueprint for that17:55
glatzorccheney, I will provide the packagekit session api and use aptdaemon as a backend. the final bits required in aptdaemon (dependency handling) will land soon in the main branch17:55
seb128chrisccoulson, if you want something discussed register a blueprint17:55
ccheneyglatzor: ok17:55
glatzorsessioninstaller will provide ...17:56
seb128chrisccoulson, we can mark it informational after uds if required17:56
ccheneyglatzor: not sure if i will be actually using packagekit or something else like it since OOo doesn't directly use gtk except as interface wrapper, but will definitely look into that, thanks :)17:56
seb128chrisccoulson, I guess you would need at least one about firefox schedule for next cycle17:56
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, possibly. although it's mostly just tracking upstream releases really17:57
seb128chrisccoulson, and maybe one to discuss the default web-browser since chromium seems to get increasing userbase17:57
chrisccoulsoni need to talk about firefox towards the end of the meeting anyway ;)17:57
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i think that's covered by the default app selection one17:57
seb128sounds good then17:58
seb128thanks chrisccoulson17:58
seb128didrocks, salut17:58
didrocksbonsoir seb128 :)17:58
seb128didrocks, so oneconf, quickly, une app selection17:58
seb128seems quite good topics for UDS and for maverick work17:59
didrocksyeah, should be interesting sessions :)17:59
seb128is there anything else you want to add there?17:59
didrocksI think it should be enough on my side, I'll fill them with ideas little by little17:59
seb128ok, good work, thanks didrocks17:59
NafaiAnd I'll probably help some on quickly and une :)17:59
didrocksthanks seb128 :)18:00
seb128Nafai, hey18:00
seb128since you are there let's look at yours too18:00
NafaiHi :)18:00
seb128btw I noticed you were not in the meeting template18:00
seb128let's get that fixed for next week18:00
rickspencer3I assigned some to Nafai18:00
Nafaiyeah, thanks18:00
kenvandinehey rickspencer3!18:01
seb128rickspencer3, thanks18:01
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'm only half in the meeting template too ;)18:01
seb128are the ones I see on the list18:01
seb128chrisccoulson, Nafai: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/MeetingTemplate btw18:01
seb128feel free to fix errors18:01
NafaiI'm excited for both of them, particularly the first one18:01
chrisccoulsonyeah, i should probably add me to it18:01
seb128Nafai, seems to be 2 interesting topics indeed18:02
NafaiFor the first one, I imagine we might want some input from the design team, just because we are working on developer stuff doesn't mean the UI has to be good :)18:02
didrocksseb128: oh btw, can we already ping formally the design team for input? I ping mpt later today for oneconf but he wanted someone assigned by ivanka?18:03
NafaiDo we typically involve them at UDS for these things?  Or is that a post-UDS thing?18:03
seb128let's see what specs we need design input on and talk to them before uds18:03
seb128didrocks, I think we should rather build a list of what we need and talk to rickspencer3 about how to handle that18:03
didrocksgreat :)18:03
kenvandinegood to at least give them a heads up for the things we might be needing their time for18:03
seb128if you need design input please note that for next meeting18:04
seb128or in the spec summary18:04
seb128so we can build a list of those and coordinate with the design team18:04
seb128Nafai, anything else you wanted to add for uds or next cycle topics?18:04
Nafainot that I can think of18:04
seb128Nafai, ok, thanks18:04
seb128Riddell, hey18:04
Riddellhttps://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?searchtext=kubuntu-maverick is our list18:05
seb128Riddell, I don't see any spec of ours on https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?searchtext=desktop-maverick ?18:05
seb128oh, they start with kubuntu-, right ;-)18:05
RiddellI should also register one on kubuntu council18:05
Riddelland gsoc projects depending on language selector18:05
seb128seems you have a good list of topics and things on track as usual ;-)18:05
Riddellglatzor: dantii is coming, I don't know if you want to battle out apt vs aptcc backend for packagekit18:06
seb128glatzor, mvo: do we need a session about packages installation from the desktop at uds?18:06
seb128Riddell, ok, seems your list is on shape, anything to add?18:07
seb128Riddell, thanks ;-)18:08
seb128let's keep moving18:08
seb128kenvandine, hello18:08
seb128you registered those18:08
seb128cleaning patches we have and adding testsuites, I like that ;-)18:08
kenvandineempathy-indicator wouldn't need a discussion, it is just dropping the empathy patch and creating the service to replace it18:09
seb128do you think the first 2 need discussion?18:09
kenvandineassuming telepathy is ready for it18:09
kenvandinesocial-api will though18:09
seb128right, I assumed so18:09
kenvandinewant to extend the usefulness of what we did this cycle18:09
seb128can you try to look at what we need from telepathy before UDS?18:09
seb128I know some of the telepathy guys will be there18:09
seb128so it's a good opportunity to discuss that directly with them18:10
kenvandinethat is all i have18:10
seb128ok, looks good18:10
seb128thanks kenvandine18:10
seb128pitti, no spec for you since you will be on rotation18:11
pittiright, I'm lazy this time :)18:11
* seb128 hugs pitti18:11
seb128we still like you though18:11
* pitti hugs the team18:11
* chrisccoulson hugs puttu18:11
* chrisccoulson hugs pitti, even18:11
pittichrisccoulson: who's that dude?18:11
seb128don't hesitate to stay around while you are rotation!18:11
chrisccoulsonpitti OOI, where are you rotating too?18:11
didrockspitti is telling us that not being in the desktop team is being lazy? :)18:11
seb128ok, so I think we covered everybody but rickspencer3 who is not officially there and me18:12
seb128I've https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-overriding-defaults-on-upgrade listed with my name there18:12
rickspencer3seb128, could folks please subscribe ivanka to blueprints that need design input?18:12
seb128rickspencer3, ok18:12
rickspencer3(sorry to interrupt)18:13
seb128rickspencer3, you don't, don't worry ;-)18:13
pittichrisccoulson: OEM18:13
seb128rickspencer3, want to have a look at your blueprints or were you just passing by quickly?18:13
seb128so the overriding defaults is about dealing with user configuration tweaking on update cleanely18:14
seb128I also need to register one about gnome318:14
kenvandinewouldn't that be related to oneconf?18:14
seb128to discuss what we will want to do exactly for maverik18:14
rickspencer3seb128, just checking in when I can18:14
chrisccoulsonthe configuration one is interesting18:14
Nafairickspencer3: Should we indicate in the summary what specifically we need design input for?18:14
* rickspencer3 turns back to presentation18:14
rickspencer3Nafai no, just subscribe for now18:15
seb128gnome3 has several aspects, one is porting code to the new apis, ie helping on gconf -> dconf for example18:15
seb128one is to know what we want to ship next cycle, what we want to experiment with and what we want to delay18:15
seb128I need to check with mvo too if we need one about package installation in the desktop18:16
didrockskenvandine: oneconf is not on update but using multiple machines or reinstalling one. seb128's proposal is more on "updating to find if the user still has the default" (for instance, if you change your theme and choose back the default, you currently aren't considered as having the default setting and won't be migrated)18:16
chrisccoulsonwe definately need something for that, so we can start taking advantage of all the packagekit integration in gnome18:16
chrisccoulsoni feel like we're missing out a little bit18:16
seb128I'm just not sure if glatzor and mvo have it all sorted18:16
seb128or if that needs discussion18:17
seb128what didrocks said about the oneconf, the desktop-maverick-overriding-defaults-on-upgrade one is rather how to deal with things like adding an indicator to the gnome-panel config on upgrade18:17
seb128or changing the theme if the user is using the standard one18:17
seb128so that was about it for me18:18
Nafaican someone help me out of meeting about how much detail should be in the spec summaries, etc before UDS?18:18
seb128I think I will be busy enough with doing techlead work and looking to GNOME3 desktop changes with robert_ancell18:18
seb128Nafai, did you read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/10.10/BlueprintingSchedule about that?18:19
pittiNafai: it should be enough to understand what the session is about and what the goal is18:19
didrocks(I still can give an hand there so that you can still focus on your techlead role, as we talked together)18:19
seb128Nafai, we can chat after meeting sure18:19
seb128didrocks, thanks18:19
Nafaiseb128: I'll re-read that and then ask questions, thanks18:19
seb128ok, I think we covered the specs for the team18:19
seb128anybody has anything to add about specs or uds topics?18:19
seb128before I hand the mic to chrisccoulson about firefox testing18:20
rickspencer3seb128, just real quick ...'18:20
rickspencer3if you have to choose between making Lucid solid and doing UDS prep18:20
rickspencer3choose Lucid18:20
seb128rickspencer3, thanks18:20
seb128ok, seems there is nothing to add18:20
seb128chrisccoulson, you wanted to raise firefox quickly?18:21
chrisccoulsonyeah, 2 things18:21
chrisccoulsonso, firefox 3.6.4 is now in the ubuntu-mozilla-security team PPA, and this will become the first security update in lucid18:21
chrisccoulsoni would appreciate everybody helping out with testing that, and also blogging about it where possible so we can get lots of people involved18:22
chrisccoulsonit's not a minor update like most point-releases normally are ;)18:22
seb128can you give us the ppa:... url again?18:22
chrisccoulsonyeah, it's ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-security/ppa18:22
seb128everybody, add that to your sources and install the update18:23
chrisccoulsonthe second issue might be better outside of the meeting actually18:23
seb128so we get good testing before it hits lucid-security18:23
seb128so let's wrap up and discuss the other one18:23
seb128anybody having anything to add?18:23
chrisccoulsonccheney, you were working on all the backporting efforts to prepare supported releases for the major firefox updates weren't you?18:24
chrisccoulsonwhere are we with that now?18:24
seb128seems not18:24
seb128thanks everybody18:24
pittithanks everyone18:24
kenvandinethanks, maverick is gonna be fun :)18:24
ccheneychrisccoulson: for epiphany, getting back to it this week as it appears i finally got all the OOo issues resolved for lucid18:24
didrocksthanks everyone18:24
chrisccoulsonccheney, 3.0 is now officially EOL by mozilla18:24
ccheneychrisccoulson: ok18:25
seb128kenvandine, yeah, but let's make sure lucid rocks as much it can before that and stay focussed on it for an another week (or a bit extra time for sru polish too)18:25
chrisccoulsonso, updating hardy to 3.6 is becoming urgent18:25
kenvandineseb128, yeah i think we will be giving lucid lots of attention in the next few weeks18:25
ccheneychrisccoulson: yea, will jump over to the ubuntu mozilla channel and see if i can get it finished up18:25
seb128I plan to stay on lucid until after uds18:25
Nafaichrisccoulson: security update?18:25
seb128I need a stable laptop for UDS anyway18:25
pittichrisccoulson: I have 3.6.4+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.2, is that the latest one?18:25
seb128and always good for the first sru rounds18:25
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, that's the latest18:26
pittiah, seems I added that PPA a long time ago, back when asac asked us to18:26
pittichrisccoulson: I didn't notice anything, I guess that's a good sign :)18:26
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah ;)18:26
chrisccoulsonpitti - try watching a video in youtube and then killing the plugin-container process18:27
chrisccoulsonyou should get a nice message about flash crashing ;)18:27
chrisccoulsonthat's the big change in the latest version (running plugins out-of-process)18:27
chrisccoulsonbut only flash is enabled currently18:27
seb128chrisccoulson, pitti: rickspencer3: is the firefox security update in karmic something we should be concerned about now? ie should it be ready and lagging behing on schedule and require actions or something?18:27
Nafaichrisccoulson: awesome, that's one of my motivations for using Chromium18:27
pittichrisccoulson: hm, seems swfdec doesn't work any more18:28
pittichrisccoulson: could be a youtube problem or a ffox problem, not sure18:28
seb128pitti, downgrade to lucid firefox and check if it works?18:28
chrisccoulsonseb128 - karmic is not as urgent as hardy, as 3.5 is still supported18:28
seb128chrisccoulson, I meant hardy there, autofinger bug ;-)18:28
chrisccoulsonpitti - ok, i will try and reproduce18:28
chrisccoulsonheh ;)18:29
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's pretty urgent now, as 3.0.x will get no more releases from mozilla18:29
seb128what is missing for us to be able to do the update in hardy?18:30
pittichrisccoulson: hm, it starts to play for 3 s, then goes away and says "Go upgrade!"18:30
* pitti downgrades18:30
chrisccoulsonseb128 - that's what i'm not sure about yet, as i've not been tracking the work that ccheney has been doing18:30
ccheneyseb128: epiphany for one so we can drop the old xulrunner18:30
glatzorccheney, The PackageKit session API is also provided by KPackageKit on KDE desktops. So this would be quite desktop agnostic.18:30
ccheneychrisccoulson: need to coordinate with asac about what else is left other than epiphany18:30
ccheneyglatzor: ok18:31
pittichrisccoulson: ok, same problem with 3.6.3, so nevermind18:31
chrisccoulsonccheney, yeah, no worries. i think micahg has been working on porting stuff as well, so we probably all need to get together at some point18:31
chrisccoulsonpitti - ok, thats good ;)18:31
ccheneychrisccoulson: epiphany was almost there when i last worked on it, was having some trouble with the way i backported a class with callbacks, after that is fixed it should work (hopefully) epiphany did run but crashed when trying to enter a different url from debian.org18:32
glatzorRiddell, Sorry, but I won't be at UDS this time because of my main work. But there isn't any need to battle.18:32
* Nafai lunches and errands18:32
chrisccoulsonccheney, ok, so it seems there is still a bit of work to do. i should be able to free up some time to help out with this now18:32
ccheneychrisccoulson: ok, i can get you a copy of the most recent source to have you see if it is obvious how to fix it, i have all the rest of my bits in ppa18:33
ccheneychrisccoulson: someone more familiar with gtk object code could probably fix it fairly quickly, i'm still learning how it works :)18:33
chrisccoulsonheh :)18:34
ccheneychrisccoulson: will take the rest of the discussion over to mozilla channel18:35
* kenvandine -> lunch18:35
seb128dinner there, bbl18:36
glatzorseb128, would be definitely a good idea to have a spec about desktop package installation.18:36
seb128glatzor, ok thanks18:36
* ccheney -> lunch18:37
didrockswell, enjoy the evening with my family :) see you tomorrow18:38
* pitti -> dinner18:46
jcastrokenvandine, how stable is the m-i integration in xchat for you?19:05
jcastromine is not very good. :-/19:05
rickspencer3jcastro, I have a logged a bug based on a crasher I experienced19:11
* rickspencer3 looks19:11
* rickspencer3 has to pay attention here19:11
crimsunmvo: I'm not sure what you'd like me to do in bug 567148; it seems like an archive admin decision.19:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567148 in esound "moving libesd-alsa0 to universe may cause upgrade calculation failure" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56714819:11
baptistemm_james_w, hi19:50
james_whi baptistemm19:50
kenvandinejcastro, well.. it just crashed for me19:50
jcastrokenvandine, when you select on the person who messaged you?19:51
kenvandinejust now yes19:51
baptistemm_james_w, is there a way with bzr bd to use a svn revision instead a released tarball19:51
kenvandinebut i have only had it crash like twice19:51
kenvandinebut it happened just now when you highlighted me :)19:51
james_wbaptistemm_: yes, but currently you have to create the tarball yourself19:51
james_wbaptistemm_: then you can just pass that to merge-upstream19:51
baptistemm_okay, let use that :)19:52
james_wbaptistemm_: we need a hook point for running autofoo or whatever to do it more elegantly than that19:52
mvocrimsun: i just recorded it for now, i will sub ubuntu-archive19:57
crimsunmvo: ok, thanks for the clarification.19:57
mvothank you19:58
seb128mvo, still there?20:21
seb128rodrigo__, hey20:21
mvoseb128: sort of20:21
seb128mvo, did you read my questions from the meeting before?20:22
mvoseb128: no20:22
seb128mvo, do we need a session about making easy to install packages in the desktop at uds?20:22
mvoseb128: session-installer?20:22
seb128mvo, dunno what session installer is20:22
mvoseb128: a packagekit like api?20:22
mvoseb128: yeah, we should talk aobut it20:23
seb128mvo, we current have things g_spawning synaptic or gnome-app-install20:23
seb128mvo, it seems suboptimal compared to what upstream GNOME is doing20:23
mvowe need a dbus api20:23
mvocompatible to packagekit20:23
seb128I was not sure if that was solved issue waiting on glatzor's work to land20:23
seb128or if that still needs a session20:24
seb128so you say we can use an uds session?20:24
seb128do you have a blueprint already about this on launchpad?20:24
glatzorseb128, lp:sessioninstaller20:25
mvono, but glatzor has some code20:25
mvo(code > blueprint)20:25
* mvo hugs g'hawk-eye'latzor20:25
seb128mvo, well blueprint = required for uds scheduling20:25
glatzorseb128, mvo you can already run sessioninstaller and use the test.py for a first impression20:25
seb128glatzor, nice, thank you20:26
glatzorseb128, you have to call python core.py in the sessioninstaller to run the daemon from the source code directory20:27
glatzorseb128, mvo, currently it makes use of synaptic for the installation20:28
glatzorseb128, mvo! see you guys! nice evening20:30
mvoyou too glatzor20:30
seb128glatzor, thanks, you too20:30
* mvo waves20:30
* glatzor makes winke winke20:30
* Nafai stretches20:58
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
Technovikingbtw, Wil Wheaton (Star Trek fame) says kudos for Simple Scan, It worked where OSX failed:)21:19
asacseb128: heya ... any gnome batches planned till final? ;)21:57
seb128asac, hey21:57
seb128asac, no21:57
seb128asac, .1 is too late for lucid and will be sru-ed21:58
asacgood :)21:58
seb128asac, I think out of maybe some small fixes on applications we are set for lucid21:58
seb128ie no platform or gtk upload before lucid21:58
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
asacseb128: yeah. if you see any armel ftbfs in main when uploading after or for RC, ping us directly so we dont loose half a day ;)21:59
asacif possible. thanks!!!21:59
seb128is armel on shape right now?21:59
seb128or do you need help looking to some build issues?21:59
asacmain is clean21:59
seb128ok, good21:59
asacuniverse could be better, but MOTU is still working on requeueing builds21:59
seb128I was asking for desktop, I don't intend to work on universe build issues ;-)22:00
asacbased on some graphs they made, so it will go down a bittoo still22:00
asacseb128: libgphoto2 upload will happen22:00
seb128iz pitti bog ;-)22:00
asacthats the only ftbfs ... locks up somewhere in doxygen generating images22:00
asacwe will disable graphviz on armel and seems to be fine (just verifying)22:00
seb128ok, good22:00
rodrigo__seb128, ping22:06
=== rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_
chrisccoulsonasac - i have an armel gjs build failure ;)22:12
seb128rodrigo_, hey22:16
rodrigo_seb128, so, you were looking for me earlier on?22:16
seb128rodrigo_, just reading you gsettings g-c-c email22:17
rodrigo_seb128, ah, agreed on it?22:17
seb128rodrigo_, desrt recommended against using the gconf gsettings backend22:17
rodrigo_seb128, oh yes, it is for testing now, as I understood from mclasen's mail22:17
seb128he said that was something to use by hackers while porting not something to use22:17
rodrigo_yeah, right22:17
seb128I think we should also sort the other refactoring going on22:18
rodrigo_sorry, that's what I meant, sorry I wasn't clear enough22:18
seb128rather that start working on codebases that will change22:18
rodrigo_the extensible shell you mean?22:18
seb128+ cleaning in capplets we might want to drop or simplify22:18
rodrigo_yes, thomas just answered that22:18
seb128ok, I did read replies on the list22:18
rodrigo_yeah, sounds good22:19
mclasenrodrigo_: the gconf  backend is to get you off the ground wrt to porting, but not something that we want to use in the next stable release22:19
rodrigo_mclasen, yes, that's what I understood, sorry if my mail wasn't clear :)22:19
seb128rodrigo_, ok, so sorry about the gconf gsettings confusion, my comment was mainly a suggestion to start looking to land other refactoring first maybe to avoid working on a codebase that will change and do the work again later22:20
rodrigo_seb128, yeah, answering now to Thomas's mail with your suggestions22:21
seb128ok, good, thanks22:22
TheMusoGood morning.23:04
rickspencer3Hi TheMuso23:05
NafaiGood morning TheMuso23:05
RAOFGood morning all.23:33
TheMusoMorning RAOF.23:33

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