
amenohttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-amd64/current/images/hd-media/boot.img.gz < this looks like a daily build... where can i find the matching image for beta2?00:44
cjwatsonI'd say replace "current" with "beta-2" except that it doesn't appear to have been tagged for beta-200:53
cjwatsonso apparently you can't - but milestones are rather less meaningful for netboot anyway, because it drifts with the state of the archive much more00:53
amenohm ok00:55
amenoasked because i filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/56696300:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566963 in debian-installer ""Packages does not exist" on lucid alternate install beta2 from usb" [Undecided,New]00:55
amenoand that was my last idea :)00:56
cjwatsonI just sent mail closing that as invalid.  Use a daily build CD instead of the beta-2 CD00:56
cjwatsonas in, for the CD image you copy onto the fs00:56
cjwatsonsorry it's a bit awkward to have to use a daily, but it's not a bug in the installer00:58
amenoonly have umts access at home, so this will have to wait then00:58
amenothanks though :)01:00
amenoand bye01:00
araev, when selecting an ISO in usb-creator-gtk I get this output message:09:30
araisoinfo: Short read on old image09:30
araany idea?09:30
araev, no worries, my bad09:30
araev, i selected the wrong file :)09:31
araev, nevertheless, it should give the user a proper error message09:31
evplease file a bug09:31
evinteresting.  I'm getting a US keyboard layout when I select a UK timezone in ubiquity.  Will have to look at that after I'm done with the encrypted home testing.09:39
evweird, must be something I did.  I cannot reproduce that.10:01
* ogra wonders if it was a clever idea to make all symlinks violet in the slideshow 10:12
ogralooks like i visited them all already10:12
araev, let me explain you a weird situation with usb startup disks + casper, to see where the problem could be10:24
aracreate a usb disk (with netbook edition, i.e.)10:24
araselect english and OEM and finish the installation, everything is OK, you can use again the USB disk to do any kind of installation10:25
araif you select again English and OEM (or any casper option), and you cancel the installation (in the first screen), reboot10:25
araand select something else, like Normal installation and Spanish10:26
arawhen you get to the first screen you are again in English and OEM10:26
arathis happens to any options you select in casper, if you don't finish the installation, no matter what you choose in the following one, you will start ubiquity with the previous options10:27
evis this a USB disk with persistence enabled (the save some space for my documents and settings slider in usb-creator)?10:28
araev, ^10:32
cjwatsonyeah, ubiquity's probably saved it in the debconf database10:34
cjwatsoncomplicated question of what overrides what10:34
cjwatsonI would regard that as a corner case that doesn't matter too much, TBH :-)10:35
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r4099 ubiquity/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Handle new partman/confirm_nooverwrite question properly (LP: #556373).11:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556373 in ubiquity "Ubiquity shows "no partition table changes" warning despite selecting use entire disk" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55637311:07
ogragah, flash-kernel fails in omap ubiquity ... i seem to have no vmlinuz file in /boot even though the right linux-image package is installed11:14
* ogra wonders how that can happen11:14
ograugh ... ubiquity copies vmlinuz from /cdrom/casper,no ?11:19
* ogra understands now ... crap11:19
ograwe dont have vmlinuz there on omap11:20
persiaIt expects to reuse the kernel and initramfs that booted the live image (although the initramfs is rebuilt later)11:20
* ogra wonders why it works in dove11:20
cjwatsonthen you need to change livecd-rootfs to not strip out the kernel on omap11:20
ogrado we do that in dove ? i thought we catch it in debian-cd11:21
* ogra checks livecd-rootfs11:22
cjwatson    if [ "$TARGETARCH" = "armel" ] && [ "$SUBARCH" = "dove" ]; then11:22
cjwatson        STRIP_VMLINUZ=no11:22
cjwatson    fi11:22
cjwatsonadd another bit to that condition11:23
ograyeah, i see it11:23
ograi wonder if a nested case statement doesnt make more sense here11:24
persiaif targetarch, case subarch?  That would be easier to maintain.11:24
cjwatsonor case $TARGETARCH/$SUBARCH in ...11:24
persiaThat'd be even better11:24
* ogra ponders to just move STRIP_VMLINUZ=yes up above case $TARGETARCH in11:24
ograthen we can handle it in the existing case statement for the subarches11:25
ograi think thats much cleaner than having it completely separate11:26
ogracrap, i need to reboot first, my system dies under constant OOM again11:27
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
ogracjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/419134/11:33
persiaWhy isn't that armel+dove and armel+omap?11:37
* persia suspects the case statement has gone awry11:37
ograbecause its wrapped inside the case statement that checks for arch11:37
ograthe subarch check is nested in there11:37
persiaIt's not directly in case $TARGETARCH+$SUBARCH in ?11:38
persiaI think I stylistically don't like there being two case statements, but I also think it's not worth even thinking about changing that for lucid.11:41
persiaWith that said, I retract my criticism of your patch.11:42
ograwell, before there were two case statements *plus* an if :)11:42
ograwe could indeed clean up the case statement too, but probably not just now :)11:43
persiaRight.  You're making it better :)11:43
persiayes, not just now.11:43
cjwatsonogra: I don't really mind whatever way it's done :) that looks plausible11:56
ograyeah, just discussing it with slangasek, he wanted the comment to be fixed with some saner text11:56
ograsince the last sentence is pure nonsense11:57
ogra(see -release)11:57
CIA-3partman-target: evand * r794 ubuntu/check.d/encrypted_home_present: Account for -e dereferencing links.11:59
CIA-3partman-base: cjwatson * r207 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog parted_server.c): Don't apply optimal alignment to extended partitions (LP: #558382).15:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558382 in partman-base "Partitioner throws "Unable to satisfy all constraints" when trying to use previously created partitions" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55838215:46
CIA-3partman-base: cjwatson * r208 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 139ubuntu615:52
shtylmanev: is this high cpu usage bug still a problem? is anyone able to reliably reproduce it?15:55
evshtylman: it's still quite slow for me15:57
shtylmanev: but not related to mouse movement?15:57
evshtylman: correct15:57
shtylmanjust slow in general15:57
evif you boot a Ubuntu desktop CD and Kubuntu desktop CD side by side, you can really notice a difference15:58
evor even run through them back to back15:58
shtylmanI see15:58
shtylmanhave you tried profiling it again to see where the bottleneck is now?15:58
shtylmanif not.. I will poke at it... I am still quite troubled that it is this slow when running15:59
cjwatsonstick debug messages in some plausible callbacks maybe?15:59
cjwatsonit rather sounds as though some callback is being called over and over again and never cleared16:00
shtylmanthats what let me to find the tight loop in the first place16:00
shtylmanclearly something is still hiding16:01
cody-somervilleIs the user-setup udeb responsible for adding the initial user to the admin group?16:44
cjwatsonsee user-setup-apply16:50
Andreas^hello i have a problem with installing ubuntu 10.4 on my hp compaq dc7100. the hdd is connected via sata0 and the dvd and cd-rom via ide0. the funny thing is that i can access my hdd on the live desktop. but the installer cant find the hdd...21:02
Andreas^lspci and fdisk -l put out this... http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/ubuntu-10-3-installation-findet-festplatten-n/21:03
evAndreas^: please run the installer up to the partitioning screen, then type alt-f2 and `apport-collect ubiquity`21:09
everr `ubuntu-bug ubiquity`21:10
Andreas^will this send a bug report21:11
Andreas^or will it fix my problem?21:11
evit will send a bug report21:14
Andreas^okay i will do it21:14

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