
godbykHey, thorwil. How's it going?08:08
thorwilgodbyk: hi, all good. you?08:28
godbykNot too bad.08:28
godbykToday was a low-mental-activity day.08:29
godbykJust tidying up my office a bit, watching some tv, etc.08:29
thorwilgodbyk: saw some odd dotted circles on the Thai titlepage08:33
godbykthorwil: Is it in the repository? I can take a look08:34
thorwilgodbyk: no, generated and not added08:34
thorwilgodbyk: http://www.foopics.com/showfull/7887d654f450c47ac847452422eac6db08:35
godbykthorwil: Okay. Let me run a test with TeX and see what it generates.08:39
godbykthorwil: I've emailed you a PDF of how XeLaTeX renders the Thai.08:45
godbykthorwil: I'm using the Norasi typeface from the ttf-thai-tlwg package.08:45
godbyk(Inkscape falls back on lame typefaces if the actual font isn't installed. So watch out for that.)08:46
thorwilgodbyk: i do have Norasi, but Inkscape claims the title in the SVG is in Garuda!?08:47
godbykLet me look.08:48
thorwilhowever, the symbols are the same if i switch to Norasi08:48
godbykthorwil: Ah, Garuda would be the sans serif font I'm using.08:48
godbykLet me try the PDF with that.08:48
thorwilgodbyk: looking at the pdf -> the dotted circles shouldn't be there, the stuff drawn above them belongs to the characters to the left08:50
godbykthorwil: I just sent you another PDF with Garuda this time.08:50
godbykthat's right.08:51
godbykthe dotted circles are placeholders. the are for the consonants. the bits above are the vowels.08:51
godbykthey should be set above the consonants.08:51
thorwilgodbyk: i can fix that the brutal and hard way, if need be08:52
thorwilbut then we'd lose the ability to switch to embedding fonts once that's available, for this one08:52
thorwildid i say hard? fast and easy, actually, just inflexible result08:54
ubuntujenkinsmorning all09:17
humphreybcmorning Luke!09:23
thorwilmorning *09:24
ubuntujenkinsquickshot is going to be amazing next release09:41
humphreybcis it? xD09:41
ubuntujenkinsit will be god, we have lots planned09:43
humphreybcgreat, when are you planning it for?09:44
ubuntujenkinswe didn't set a release date, august sometime i guess.09:45
ubuntujenkinsit depends on how quickly we can get it done. but we are gtting it 100% right this time09:46
ubuntujenkinsmaveric ui freeze is 16t september09:47
ubuntujenkinsyou should see some ui sketches by the end of this week09:51
popeywhere is the latest build of the manual?10:08
godbykpopey: give me a moment and I'll build one for ya.10:10
godbykpopey: any particular language you're interested in?10:10
popeyen-gb if you have it :)10:10
godbykpopey: You can grab it from here: http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/10:12
godbykI haven't updated the translations for a few days though.10:12
godbykI'll let you know when it's done, though.10:13
godbyk(Waiting for Launchpad to email me the latest.)10:13
popeyhttp://ubuntu-manual.org/bugs is broken10:15
thorwilgodbyk: oh boy, i havn't taken care of the titlepages for en_GB and en_AU, yet! ;)10:16
humphreybcpopey, we haven't been focussing on our bug reporting thing much recently till we have time to use the Launchpad API and do it properly - for now you can report bugs on launchpad10:17
popeyyou might want to fix the link on the site then?10:17
godbykpopey: odd.  I'll look into it.  in the meantime, you can file bugs in launchpad or using the form here: http://spreadsheets.google.com/a/ubuntu-manual.org/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dHRrYlR0Q0RMRXRTaXJuR2w0QjFUcXc6MA10:17
popeydone, thanks10:19
popeyi see a bug i filed hasnt been fixed yet10:24
godbykpopey: is that bug in the "Introducing sudo" section?10:24
popeyabout apt-get10:24
godbykIt may be a translation bug. I'll look in a moment. (Just got the latest translations from launchpad.)10:25
godbykIn the original American English version it looks correct, though.10:25
popeyah, i see10:29
godbykI'm rebuilding all the PDFs with the latest translations now.  We'll see how it turns out.10:30
popeygood work10:30
thorwilgodbyk: pushed Thai SVG with text converted to paths to put those accents into place10:38
godbykthorwil: cool, thanks.10:39
thorwilhmm, looking at translation progress, i really have no reason to hurry :/10:39
godbykthorwil: true.10:40
thorwilgodbyk: there doesn't happen to be an email-notification-on-progress system in place for translation on LP?10:40
godbykthorwil: not that I'm aware of.10:42
thorwilAsturian pushed, that shall be it for today11:05
godbykawesome.  thanks, thorwil!11:07
* semioticrobotic congratulates humphreybc on a fun interview with his former fellow Ubuntu PA Loco Team Member, pleia2 12:50
humphreybcthanks Bryan!12:51
humphreybcHey guys, good news, apparently we are "one of the largest open-source teams in the world"12:51
semioticroboticJust finished reading it.  Nice work!12:51
semioticroboticah!  very cool!12:51
semioticroboticThe Full Circle Podcast team gave us another shoutout this week, as they read my letter on the air12:52
humphreybcoh great12:52
semioticroboticyou'll hear it with about four minutes left in the broadcast12:53
semioticroboticon its way ...12:53
humphreybcwhat was your letter about?12:54
humphreybcMy internet is really slow at the moment12:54
humphreybccan't download the podcast in reasonable time12:55
ubuntujenkinsdutchie: ping16:11
dutchieubuntulog: pong17:57
dutchieubuntujenkins: pong17:57
ubuntujenkinsdutchie: ping18:22
dutchiepong ish18:22
ubuntujenkinshello how did we get the manual braches names looking good?18:22
dutchielike lp:ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1?18:23
ubuntujenkinsi am trying to make lp:quickshot/server18:23
dutchieset it up as the dev focus for the lucid-e1 series18:23
dutchiei would show you, but I'm in the middle of supper18:24
ubuntujenkinsok when you have finished, i might get you too as i can't see how18:25
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: ping18:29
dutchie(i'll do it all, you can follow along)18:31
ubuntujenkinsi haev made the branch18:31
dutchiejust filled in the form on there, adding the branch as associated branch18:32
ubuntujenkinso i see now, You got the link from the main page18:33
ubuntujenkinsthanks dutchie, makes sense18:33
dutchieand we're done :)18:33
ubuntujenkinssweet :)18:34
ubuntujenkinsRed_HamsterX: ping18:35
ubuntujenkinsquickshot ui idea so far, going to have a chat with godby-k tonight and see what ideas he has  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5012868/quickshot-ui.odp18:45
ubuntujenkinsany one any suggestions/thoughts on it?18:45
ubuntujenkinsits very rough18:47
dakerhi @all19:35
ubuntujenkinshello daker19:35
dakerwhat's up19:35
ubuntujenkinsnot much, should be doing course work19:35
dakerwhat about the RC ?19:37
ubuntujenkinsthats not today is it?19:37
daker==== Release Candidate ====19:38
dakerApril 20th 2010 - Version 0.919:38
ubuntujenkinsso it is we have had no problems then launcphad says it was released 16 hours ago19:39
ubuntujenkinswell no one shouting on irc19:40
dakergodbyk, godbyk-android19:51
ubuntujenkinsdaker: don't think he is around yet i am waiting for a pong from him19:51
godbykOkay, I'm awake again.21:44
Red_HamsterXHi, ubuntujenkins.21:44
godbykBlame humphreybc--he's the one who kept me up so late. :)21:44
ubuntujenkinsRed_HamsterX: I have started a new server branch lp:quickshot/server I haev copied the server stuff across but the server is not pointing at that branch yet21:45
ubuntujenkinshello godbyk ^^ can you change the server accross please21:45
Red_HamsterXI'll check it out so I don't mess up. Thanks for letting me know. :)21:45
Red_HamsterXUh... No, don't point it there.21:46
ubuntujenkinsals Red_HamsterX and godbyk have a look at http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5012868/quickshot-ui.odp21:46
Red_HamsterXIf we're going to do a from-scratch rebuild, we don't want the production environment to break.21:46
godbykubuntujenkins: So I need to check out the lp:quickshot/server branch and point the site at that branch?21:46
ubuntujenkinsno godbyk ignore that21:46
godbykWill that interrupt any of the existing screenshots/process?21:46
Red_HamsterXSlide 2 is actually supposed to be a small dialogue box, right, ubuntujenkins?21:47
godbyklemme catch up on my email real quick and then I'll look at your document, ubuntujenkins.21:47
ubuntujenkinsyep all basic ideais so far godby-k and i are going to discuss ideas21:47
ubuntujenkinsas kevins degree is all about the design21:48
Red_HamsterXslide 3 could probably say "Your current language is English. If this is what you want, click next. Otherwise, pick your language from the list below."21:48
godbykbtw, ubuntujenkins and Red_HamsterX, I set up quickshot on ohloh.  So you should claim your contributor names and 'apply' for manager status so I can approve it. https://www.ohloh.net/p/quickshot21:48
ubuntujenkinsProably a good idea Red_HamsterX21:50
Red_HamsterXred_hamsterx created on ohloh, godbyk.21:51
ubuntujenkinsI have applied for manager status21:55
Red_HamsterXSlide 4 should have a little more detail: there should be a way to change the server being queried/add-or-remove servers and an 'import from file' button. (Apologies if you've already addressed this in your notes)21:56
Red_HamsterXLogically, projects that have expired will be culled automatically, bypassing the need for a way to remove individual entries.21:56
Red_HamsterXI like slide 6 as a concept.21:56
Red_HamsterXYou might want to add a "general attributes" block below it, though, to let the user know about things like whether the window should be expanded to full screen or not. Possibly with a little help icon next to each element.21:57
Red_HamsterXThere should also be a slide, immediately after the project is selected, that displays MOTD/project completion stats.21:58
Red_HamsterX(Recently completed languages and important updates)21:58
ubuntujenkinsok this is good, what do you mean by " there should be a way to change the server being queried/add-or-remove server" ? I thought we were putting the a ditionary of .qsprjt files on our server21:59
Red_HamsterXIn slide 6, 'Skip' should probably be something more like 'View list of screenshots', and it might be best placed on the left of the spacer.22:00
Red_HamsterXOh, yes, we are, but what if our server goes down or the domain dies?22:00
ubuntujenkinsthe spacer is a progress bar that appears when the prgram is doing something. View list of screenshots is a long thing to put on a button22:00
Red_HamsterXIt's just a tiny feature. Not necessary, but probably easy to implement.22:01
Red_HamsterXTrue. We'd need a shorter name.22:01
ubuntujenkinsI will work it in22:01
Red_HamsterX'Skip' isn't very intuitive, though.22:01
godbykokay, done with email.22:01
godbykubuntujenkins: I approved your manager status.22:01
ubuntujenkinsI know couldn't think of anything else22:01
ubuntujenkinsthanks godbyk22:01
Red_HamsterX'View list'?22:03
* Red_HamsterX shrugs.22:03
ubuntujenkinsthat could work22:03
Red_HamsterXOh, on slide 6, we really need a "Let me out of here!" button.22:04
Red_HamsterX"Quit", probably.22:04
Red_HamsterXOther than that, it all looks good.22:05
Red_HamsterXMuch better flow than before.22:05
ubuntujenkinswell let godbyk have a good look at it first22:05
Red_HamsterXOf course.22:06
godbykI'm reading through all of Red_HamsterX's comments. :-)22:06
Red_HamsterXI just meant that's all the input I can offer.22:06
ubuntujenkinsthanks all welcome, I am updateing the file at the moment. I got bored of drawing :)22:06
godbykOkay, done reading comments. I've finished paging through the slides. Let me refill my water glass and then I'll start commenting. brb. :)22:07
godbykokay, I'm back.22:10
ubuntujenkinsok if you click the link again i THINK I have updated it with all of Red_HamsterX changes22:10
ubuntujenkinsI tried to keep all the windows the same size so that it was less higgle de piggledy22:12
godbykSo the first slide.. is that what's shown as my normal user is as the quickshot user?22:12
ubuntujenkinsnormal user22:13
ubuntujenkinsthats the only thing the normal user needs to see22:13
ubuntujenkinscuts out three stages from the old way22:14
godbykIt seems too abrupt.22:16
ubuntujenkinsok, what would be the best way to do it?22:17
ubuntujenkinsRed_HamsterX: I would like to keep lp:quickshot for developement, would it make sense to move the current release to lp:quickshot/0.0.80?22:17
godbykIf this is their first time running the program, we need to explain briefly about what's going to happen.22:17
ubuntujenkinskeep it on one window with more explination? I hand't really thought about the text yet22:18
godbykI'd probably split it between two windows.22:18
Red_HamsterXDoes Bazaar have a tagging convention?22:18
godbykThe first gives the intro and (if the quickshot user doesn't exist) asks for a password.22:19
godbykThen the next window instructs the user to close all their programs and log out and back in as the quickshot user.22:19
Red_HamsterXLike a way of indicating that certain branches are actual releases, maintained for bugfixes/posterity.22:19
ubuntujenkinsI can call it what you like22:21
ubuntujenkinsi e lp:quickshot/*************22:21
Red_HamsterXMaybe we should create a 'releases' branch and put a 0.0.8 directory in there.22:21
Red_HamsterXOr 'version-0.0.8'22:22
dutchieRed_HamsterX: you'd use series in launchpad for that22:22
dutchieand have separate branches22:22
* Red_HamsterX reads.22:22
godbykdutchie: I need your help.  Just a moment. :)22:23
godbykdutchie: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/04/20/%23launchpad.html#t11:1022:24
godbykdutchie: We need to add this "translator-credits" string someplace so that we can automatically collect the translator names and email addresses.22:25
ubuntujenkinsRed_HamsterX: I can make a relase branch and put it all in there in i derectory we just need to change the server over22:25
godbykdutchie: Is there an easy way to do this directly or do I need to add it someplace in the manual itself?22:25
* dutchie is reading22:26
Red_HamsterXubuntujenkins, dutchie was right: it looks like creating a series is the right way to manage this.22:26
dutchieRed_HamsterX: I'm always right ;)22:26
Red_HamsterXThe only question is how we tag trunk to put it into a series...22:27
Red_HamsterXActually, the question is "do I have any idea what I'm talking about?"22:27
ubuntujenkinsI know what dutchi-e is on about22:28
Red_HamsterXSo I shouldn't click "Register Series" and risk messing stuff up?22:28
dutchieRed_HamsterX: no risk of that22:29
ubuntujenkinsI need to make a branch first22:29
Red_HamsterXI don't quite know what I'm doing, though.22:29
ubuntujenkinsI can do it22:29
dutchieno need to be careful when you're creating, only when you're deleting22:29
Red_HamsterXI don't want to pollute the project's history unnecessarily.22:30
dutchiegodbyk: I'm just trying to think of the best way to do it22:33
godbykdutchie: okay, thanks.22:34
godbykdutchie: I have to figure out how to format it all in latex anyway.22:34
dutchiegodbyk: where are the credits now?22:34
dutchieoh, in credits/22:34
dutchiejust noticed "Manualbot" in the special thanks section22:35
dutchiehow about we replace the whole credits environment with translator-credits, and have the Makefile munge it around at build time?22:37
godbykdutchie: I don't think we can do the whole credits section as that, but we can certainly have a Translators heading that contains the translator-credits stuff.22:38
godbykand we can use Makefile to munge it at build-time if necessary.22:38
godbykWe could, I suppose, show only those translators who worked on the translation you're reading, too.22:39
dutchieI did mean just the one for the translators :)22:39
godbykbut I can use make+gettext to pull all the translators from all the language during build time if we prefer.22:39
dutchiethat's probably ben's call22:39
dutchieI don't think we should change anything in lucid-e122:41
dutchiebut we can try it in -e2 and maverick22:41
dutchie^^ official dutchie opinion22:41
godbykdutchie: sounds like a plan. :)22:42
* humphreybc needs python help!22:53
dutchiewow, that's a new problem22:55
dutchieI have to be up in 7 hours22:56
dutchieI will get one thing though: s[index:len(s)] is better written as s[index:]22:57
godbykAlso, str.find() may or may not be useful.22:57
dutchieexcept you probably want len(sub)22:57
godbyk(just tossing it out there)22:57
dutchiegodbyk: I'm going to assume he's supposed to do it without the std library22:57
godbykdutchie: I assumed that at first, but then it turned out that he was to write a max function that just calls max and returns the result.22:58
godbykdutchie: seems it's more a test of how much of the std lib he knows.22:58
dutchiebit of a shame then :(22:58
dutchiebed now though22:58
humphreybci think the idea is to do it with loops and crazy things22:59
humphreybcstr.find(sub) would return the lowest index where the substring is found23:01
ubuntujenkinsdoes anyone else get an error when they visit https://launchpad.net/quickshot/releases23:30
semioticrobotic400 Error retrieving series data.23:31
ubuntujenkinsok thanks thats what i get23:31
ubuntujenkinswho did the milestones for the manual time line?23:34
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: if you look at lp:quickshot/releases in the 0.0.8 folder is exactly the same stuff as currently in lp:quickshot so nothing should break.23:41
ubuntujenkinsright the error is caused by the series being called releases what can i call it instead?23:44

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