
micahgRAOF: chrisccoulson fixed gjs on i38600:07
RAOFmicahg: Yay!00:07
RAOFarmel is still out of luck?00:07
micahgRAOF: he's going to look at it00:08
YokoZarScottK: Just made another Wine upload.  One change is that the package wine (for old 1.0 stable wine) needs to be resurrected: its source should still be on the server, but its binary packages were being replaced by dummy packages in wine1.2 beta package.00:32
YokoZarScottK: easiest way to do this is just minor version bump wine and wine-gecko, which I'll do later after wine1.2 is built00:33
YokoZarScottK: after that I can fix that package you linked earlier (it needs to build off old stable wine due to changes in winelib)00:34
* YokoZar is off to drive home00:36
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ScottKTheMuso: There are audacious, audacious-plugins, wine-1.2, and nautilus-image-converter uploads in the queue.  All these are in the ubuntustudio package set.  Which, if any, of these do you want in for RC?01:38
TheMusoScottK: Audacious changes are all that seem relevant out of that list.01:39
TheMusoHowever I would be interested to know what the fixes are for nautilus-image converter as well.01:39
ScottKTheMuso: Do you want to respin for it or should I hold it?01:39
TheMusoScottK: hold01:39
ScottKI'm not sure how much we care about icon renaming at this point (the audacious changes).01:41
TheMusonot very much I'd say01:56
TheMusobut for the final release, those translations are probably worth it. I always have thought that the more translations the better.01:57
ScottKI'd appreciate a review by ubuntustudio of the audacious/audacious-plugins uploads before Thursday to let me know if you want them in the final release or stick with what we have.01:59
* imbrandon returns03:18
ScottKYokoZar: Wine is part of the ubuntustudio package set so I can't accept it until after RC freeze is over unless they want to respin their ISO for it.03:23
imbrandonso what happens to a debian package when its between "incomming" and the archive in debian ... :(03:30
imbrandonmy upload was accepted ~9 hours ago but still not in the archive :(03:31
persiaYokoZar: Oh, also, what do you think about adding wine1.2 to P-a-s?  I'm not sure it will ever be useful for sparc/armel, and I'm unconfident that anyone has powerpc windows binaries to test.  I have no idea about ia64.03:36
persiaimbrandon: Check other mirrors: you might be hitting mirror skew.  Once it's out of incoming, it should be somewhere (although maybe not yet pushed to mirrors (remember ftp.debian.org is a mirror))03:37
imbrandonpersia: ahh yes, i've been checking http.us.archiv.debian.org , probably should check others04:00
imbrandonyou know what the canoncial one is ?04:00
imbrandon( not company, e.g. the "real" one the mirrors sync from )04:01
persiaThere (intentionally) isn't one for "canonical".  For "Canonical", it's hidden in launchpad, and I don't think it has an external URI.04:01
persiaMy understanding of the reasoning is that if there *was* an official master, it would be overloaded.04:03
persiaAnd I believe this is based on historical precedent, where it *did* get overloaded.04:04
persiaSo everything happens on mirrors now.04:04
imbrandontrue, i wonder where DAK installs it to first though, its gotta mirror to somewhere04:04
persiaI believe DAK installs to ftp-master, which gets mirrored.  I believe that ftp-master isn't accessible except to mirrors.  I may be mistaken.04:04
imbrandoni wouldent be so worried if i wasent in a time crunch, i wanna sync before launch04:05
imbrandonpersia: ahh that sounds right04:05
persiaimbrandon: Check ftp.debian.org: it's likely to be the most up-to-date mirror (although it's probably not the highest-performance mirror)04:06
imbrandonnope :(04:06
persiaimbrandon: And check *inside* the pool.  The way that debian gets mirrored means that the pool updates before the metainformation.04:06
imbrandonnot on incoming.d.o or http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/a/apt-mirror/04:06
persiaand no email?04:07
persiaVery odd.04:07
imbrandoni got the email04:07
persiaMaybe DktrKranz or bddebian can give guidance on how it really works then.04:07
imbrandonapt-mirror_0.4.7-1_i386.changes uploaded successfully to localhost04:07
imbrandonalong with the files: apt-mirror_0.4.7-1.dsc apt-mirror_0.4.7.orig.tar.gz apt-mirror_0.4.7-1.debian.tar.gz apt-mirror_0.4.7-1_all.deb04:07
imbrandonetc etc etc04:07
imbrandonwhatever machine is ries.debian.org04:08
imbrandon( thats where the email came from )04:08
imbrandonYour Debian queue daemon (running on host ries.debian.org)04:08
imbrandonries.debian.org == ftp-master.debian.org04:10
imbrandonsooo its probably mirror lag, but damn, thats alot of lag04:10
persiaries is not actually ries, but another host running the ries filesystem, but that's trivia :)04:15
imbrandonnot sure exactly what that means but okies04:15
imbrandonoh well i'll give it a few more hours before i start considering someone more drastic like a fake-sync04:16
imbrandonpersia: do you know what mirror LP will atempt to grab it from for a sync ?04:17
imbrandonguess thats the one i should really be worried about04:18
persiaI believe it's the mirror inside LP.04:21
persiaBut I suspect that a skilled archive-admin could pull from anywhere.04:21
imbrandoni just dont wanna *not* get it in because of a mirror problem ;)04:22
imbrandonits already late as is04:22
persiaYou could just upload it, with -0ubuntu1 :)04:25
* imbrandon chuckles at the thought of a mirror problem with apt-mirror04:25
persiaAssuming you've the appropriate FFes, etc.04:25
imbrandonpersia: yea, i considered that, but i think i will give it a few more hours just to see if it shows up04:26
imbrandonyea its a bugfix only release, FFe's and such a re g2g04:26
persiaSo yeah.  When you get too itchy, upload.  Until then, wait.04:26
imbrandonthis release did see the first upstream packaging for fedora,opensuse and win32 though ;)04:28
imbrandonwas kinda happy about that04:28
persiaSo, tell me, what does apt-mirror give me that would improve on my debmirror experience?04:29
* persia uses ubumirror for ubuntu, and plans to migrate to lmirror, but still hasn't found a completely satisfactory solution for debian04:29
imbrandonhonestly i have never used debmirror so i would not probably be the best to tell on that one, but TheMuso did switch ( among others ) for reasons unknown to me exactly04:30
persiaOK.  So, why use apt-mirror then?04:30
imbrandoni know apt-mirror can do partial mirrors well of just one arch, or arch+source or like 2arches + source etc04:30
imbrandoni *think* i was told thats hard with debmirror04:31
imbrandonand multi releases04:31
TheMusoapt-mirror uses a similar config file format similar to sources.list for one.04:32
imbrandoni really should check out debmirror , hehe , to know what i'm up against, its more of an alternative to say rsync where you may not want the whole archive04:32
persiaIt's possible, but it requires fairly complex calls to debmirror04:32
TheMusoIt also has multi-threaded downloading if you want that.04:32
imbrandonyea and the config is very similar to sources.list04:32
TheMusodoesn't mirror installer-$arch/i18n/dist-upgrader stuff though. Not hard to patch in though if one wanted that.04:33
persiae.g. /usr/bin/debmirror -a amd64,armel,i386,powerpc -s main,main/debian-installer --method rsync -h ftp.jaist.ac.jp -r :pub/Linux/Debian/ -d sid -d squeeze /data/http/debian --pdiff=none04:33
imbrandonTheMuso: i actualy added that stuff in examples for 0.4.7 in the postmirror script04:33
TheMusoimbrandon: ah ok04:33
TheMusoI used to use debmirror, but the mirror.list config file format won me over, pure and simple.04:34
imbrandonpersia: the same thing in apt-mirror would be like ....04:34
TheMusoEasy to extend if I wanted to04:34
imbrandondeb-amd64 ftp.jaist.ac.jp/debian main main/debian-installer04:35
imbrandonin the mirror.list04:35
imbrandonand lines for the other arches04:36
TheMusoOne downside to apt-mirror is no rsync.04:36
persiaOh, that would be less ideal.04:36
imbrandonyea, i tried to overcome that a bit with postmirror.sh , but i really wanna add something new ( but still keep it simple ) for 0.5.004:36
imbrandonhold on persia lemme past an example mirror.list ( and yea its not for everyone, but i have had nothing but good reviews of it )04:38
imbrandon( in pastebin )04:38
persiaimbrandon: I'll definitely give it a try when I have a chance.  I'm not entirely satisfied with debmirror.04:39
TheMusoBecause apt-mirror doesn't support rsync, I'd say I probably may have a few stale files in my tree from stopped downloads that have been superseeded.04:39
TheMusoSo a way to clean out stale files would be useful.04:40
imbrandonalso the other good thing is the limited deps, it only depends on perl and wget thus is very portable04:40
TheMusounless the clean stuff in mirror.list does that...04:40
imbrandonthe clean should take care of that TheMuso04:40
imbrandonwith md5 checks and such04:40
persiaOh, stale cleanup is imporant to me.  I (try) to mirror sid, and that can have a *lot* of churn.04:40
persiaOh, good.04:40
TheMusoimbrandon: ah ok then I should be fine then.04:41
imbrandonyea it has its own clean that can autoclean after each mirror or be run manualy04:41
imbrandonor both04:41
imbrandonpersia: http://pastebin.ca/186900404:42
imbrandonthats the "default" config for debian04:42
imbrandonforget the double line numbers, it was a paste mistake04:43
persiaAnd can it reuse an existing mirror set as a base?  I'd rather not spend a day reinitialising my mirror :)04:43
imbrandonyes as long as your base path is seup correctly04:43
TheMusoYeah, I migrated my mirror from debmirror tp apt-mirror with little issue./04:44
* persia will definitely try this in the near future04:44
imbrandonlike persoanly i use /storage/apt-mirror for a base path, so i can rsync and move the rsync to /storage/apt-mirror/var/mirror/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu and be fine04:45
imbrandonit will even clean the stuff from rsync that it dosent need anymore04:45
imbrandonbrb soda refill time04:45
imbrandonpersia: worst case i can see is tell apt-mirror to use your existing mirror as its source for the initial mirroring, then switch to the "official" mirror your grabbing from , then rm the old04:47
imbrandonnot ideal but would work in a worst case thing04:47
imbrandonto save a huge download04:47
TheMusoI probably won't switch from apt-mirror unless there is something that can significantly improve on what apt-mirror has to offer, and since I mirror everything, this shouldn't be a problem post archive re-org.04:47
persiaOh, good idea.  I can play with apt-mirror against my current mirror to get a feel for it.04:48
persiaTheMuso: Once lmirror support is added to the archives, I'll share my experience.  Won't help for Debian mirrors short-term, but ought significantly reduce overhead of mirroring Ubuntu.04:48
imbrandonyea playing with it against ppa's is good for testing too , as ppa's tend to be smaller and can get a feel for things04:49
imbrandonwhen i bug squish i use my ppa as a "test bed"04:49
TheMusopersia: sounds good.04:49
imbrandonlmirror ?04:49
TheMusoAnd when I say everything, I mean everything for amd64, i386, source, and powerpc.04:49
imbrandonyea i only mirror i386, source, and powerpc, no amd6404:50
imbrandoni have the room now, i should probably start, i just dident have the room on my raid when i started mmirroring04:50
nhandlerTheMuso: How much space does that take?04:50
imbrandonnhandler: each arch is about 30gig give or take a little ( for ubuntu )04:51
nhandlerimbrandon: Is that source+binary? Or just the binary packages?04:51
imbrandonjust binary04:51
imbrandonlast time i looked source+i386 was like 55gig04:52
imbrandonbut that was months ago, might be a bit diff now04:52
imbrandonrember also the first arch you mirror will be a bit larger than others too because of the arch_all packages04:53
imbrandon( not a huge diffrence though )04:54
TheMusopowerpc is 96G for main, restricted, universe, multiverse.04:57
persiaimbrandon: lp.net/lmirror04:57
TheMusoamd64+i386+source combined is 224G for all the components mentioned above.04:57
* imbrandon looks04:57
TheMusoThis excludes instlaler-$arch, i18n, and dist-upgrader dirs in dists04:58
lifelessTheMuso: lmirror04:58
imbrandonyou know, canoncial should buy lp.net like sourceforge bought sf.net04:58
* TheMuso checks out lmirror.04:58
lifelessTheMuso: jpds will be testing it out in the dc in the nearish future04:59
* persia get annoyed at LVM04:59
TheMusolifeless: sounds like something that official mirros will use05:00
imbrandonlifeless: is it a new protocol or will it work against say ftp://05:00
lifelessimbrandon: it can read from ftp05:00
lifelessTheMuso: yes, and how is a personal mirror different to an official one?05:00
lifelessTheMuso: [other than not wanting the general internet to pull from it]05:01
TheMusolifeless: true that.05:01
imbrandonlifeless: not all arches ?05:01
imbrandonno but i see what ya mean, its really handy05:01
lifelessimbrandon: not all mirrors mirror all arches anyhow; filtering is definitely needed, though actually I want us to advertise per-arch lmirror sets05:01
imbrandonthat would be awesom, if you need outside testers i can def drum some up , lol05:02
imbrandoni end up knowing alot of apt-mirror users LOL, steal my userbase hahahaha05:02
lifelessimbrandon: definitely, once we have a test mirror05:03
imbrandonlifeless: is this a canonical project or is it a community one , or mor importantly ( to me ) is it floss05:04
lifelessme, gpl05:04
lifelessas in, personal time, gpld05:04
imbrandonsweet, yea if you need any help lemme know, i'm not a great python guru but i can test and give ya use cases and drum of some of our users that might be more suited to lmirror vs apt-mirror05:05
imbrandonplus i have a new 5tb array to fill with something other than porn ( shhh )05:06
persialifeless: Actually, one way in which a personal mirror differs from an actual one is that personal mirrors are unsuitable for push-mirroring from official mirrors.05:20
imbrandonbzr launchpad-login imbrandon05:20
lifelesspersia: why?05:21
imbrandonpersia: and on that note sometimes need to be ratelimited on their downloads ( eg apt-mirror config can say only download @ 10kb/s per thread )05:22
persialifeless: Erm, resource allocation?  firewall configurations?  I could probably come up with some other things, but they, like the ones I mention, could be argued away.05:23
lifelessso, some official mirrors will want rate limiting; and push-mirroring - I want to end up with comet support which will neatly avoid nearly all firewalls05:26
gastonsis dpkg-buildpackage a wrapper for dpkg --build ?05:30
imbrandonnhandler: the blog post about my email is up, formatting is a little wonky on the planet, but you can click through to read it better if wanted05:53
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lifelessgastons: amongst other bits, yes06:25
gastonsok thks06:27
CiemonMorning all, bug 343430 seems to be quite simple, although I'm not having any success.06:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343430 in gpredict "Menu item Help -> License doesn't do anything; missing COPYRIGHT file" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34343006:48
CiemonTo test a debian/rules change, do I just download the source, change the rules, then pbuild? Or do I debuild prior to debuild?06:49
Ciemonheh, that should be debuild prior to pbuilder?06:50
CiemonI realise you're all up against it at the moment, so if the answer isn't simple, don't worry about it :)06:50
RAOFCiemon: Download the source, change the rules, then do one of (a) build a source package (debuild -S) & pbuilder it, or (b) build a binary package (debuild)07:00
CiemonThanks RAOF07:01
DktrKranzimbrandon: flow of packages in Debian work this way. When you upload a package, a software called queued moves it to a queque called "unchecked" on ftp-master.debian.org (actually it's ries). It happens every five minutes, and you get "successfully uploaded to blabla" (usually "localhost") mail.07:51
DktrKranzimbrandon: unchecked scan happens every 15 minutes (unless dinstall is running, actually at 0152,0752,1352,1952 UTC), and you get "foo_ver.arch.changes ACCEPTED" mail.07:57
DktrKranzimbrandon: during dinstall, package moves to pool, and some black magic starts to sync ftp-master with the mirrors about 1h after dinstall is started (and this takes a while). You should be able to get packages ~3h after dinstall is started.08:00
DktrKranzpersia: FYI too --^08:00
imbrandonDktrKranz: what if you never get the second mail08:07
imbrandonbtw thanks for the clairification08:07
imbrandoni got the "successfull upload to localhost" email ~12 hours ago almost exactly, but nothing since then08:08
imbrandonnot a ACCEPT or REJECT08:09
DktrKranzimbrandon: could you please tell me name of the .changes file, so I look where it is now?08:09
imbrandonsure one sec08:10
YokoZarpersia: Don't like it, as there 1) is an arm port underway, 2) are already parts of the package usable on all architectures (eg fonts), and 3) multiarch will make things nice again soon08:13
imbrandonmultiarch a reality ? i thought that was a myth in the deb world ;) /me ducks08:15
DktrKranzimbrandon: Reject Reasons:08:15
DktrKranzfound unknown status token 'SIG_SUBPACKET' from gpgv with args '['24', '1', '29', 'hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net']' in apt-mirror_0.4.7-1_i386.changes.08:15
imbrandonDktrKranz: ugh , ok thanks for looking08:15
imbrandonDktrKranz: could i bother you for a sponsor upload LOL, no worries if not i'll have jbouse fix it in the morning08:16
* DktrKranz checks if he has key here08:16
imbrandonawesome, its in collab-maint, i'll get you the url08:16
imbrandonall checked in and tagged etc08:17
DktrKranzI have key, updating chroot08:17
imbrandonDktrKranz:  ok cool. its at git clone git://git.debian.org/collab-maint/apt-mirror.git08:19
imbrandonmaster branch should be the same as what was uploaded, but its also tagged08:19
DktrKranzI could eventually fetch rejected upload and resign :)08:21
imbrandonwhat ever is easier on you08:23
dholbachgood morning08:26
imbrandonmoins dholbach08:26
dholbachhey imbrandon08:27
DktrKranzimbrandon: mind checking if everything's OK before uploading? http://people.debian.org/~dktrkranz/apt-mirror/08:47
imbrandonDktrKranz: sure one sec, sorry went afk for a moment08:56
imbrandonDktrKranz: yup, looks good08:57
DktrKranzuploading then08:57
imbrandonDktrKranz: btw thanks again for taking the time to look for it and also sponsor this upload ;)08:57
DktrKranzimbrandon: done. given that dinstall is started 10 minutes ago, expect the ACCEPTED mail to come in ~2.5 hours from now :)08:59
imbrandonDktrKranz: great, thanks ;)08:59
DktrKranzI'll check myself too, as I get it as well.09:01
imbrandonDktrKranz: hum it sent an email about the changes file already being present09:01
imbrandonDktrKranz: i'm sure you got the same mail though09:03
DktrKranzmh, no09:03
imbrandonohh ok, one sec09:03
DktrKranzif it's queued, only Maintainer gets it09:03
DktrKranzyeahyeah, seen it on queued output.09:05
imbrandonthe old upload have to be rm'd first or something09:06
imbrandonsorry this turned into a pita ;)09:07
DktrKranznp, if everything turns bad, we'll upload a -2 ;)09:08
imbrandonheh got an email about the amd64 one now09:11
imbrandonsame thing, someone else came first09:11
DktrKranzyup, I tried that way too09:11
DktrKranzsoo, uploading a -2 will fix09:11
DktrKranzas I'm not confident enough to remove broken uploads already managed by dak :)09:12
imbrandonyup yup, go ahead and just add a superfuralus changelog entry if you want09:12
imbrandonor just change the version of -1 to -2 and skip -1 , whatever your more comfortable with09:13
DktrKranzI'll turn it -209:15
DktrKranzok, let's see now09:18
DktrKranzApr 20 08:19:31 processing /apt-mirror_0.4.7-2_i386.changes09:20
DktrKranzApr 20 08:19:31 /apt-mirror_0.4.7-2_i386.changes is already present on target host:09:20
DktrKranzApr 20 08:19:31 Job apt-mirror_0.4.7-2_i386.changes removed.09:20
imbrandondefinately strange09:21
imbrandonits all greek to me, i mean i know what its saying but not why09:21
DktrKranzdefinitely, I'll look after dinstall to see wth is happening09:23
imbrandonso like ~3 hours ?09:24
jetienneq. where can i find the prerm script of an installed .deb ? i got one which is buggy, and so i can no more remove it09:59
carstenhls /var/lib/dpkg/info/packagename.*09:59
jetiennecarstenh: thanks10:00
imbrandongnight all10:46
geserpersia: as you have done all previous xserver-xorg-video-displaylink uploads: should I upload a FTBFS directly or give you a branch to merge/debdiff/just the quilt patch?11:06
persiageser: Please just upload.11:06
persiaI don't understand.  I did my testbuilding always on amd64 :(11:07
persiaOh, chroot safety checking.11:08
geserpersia: unless you do the same check like the buildds on pointer conversion, it will succeed11:08
persiaYeah.  I need to integrate that into my sbuild config.11:09
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CiemonLaney: could you give me a shout if you have 5 mins spare, I'd like you to confirm some findings on bug 34343012:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343430 in gpredict "Menu item Help -> License doesn't do anything; missing COPYRIGHT file" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34343012:02
persiaI think that's a side effect of debian policy, and the easiest solution is to add a patch redirecting the menu item to /usr/share/doc/gpredict/copyright12:05
persiaUnfortunate, as it means more patching of the code than is desired, but I think upstream did the right thing, and the packaging was correct, and it would be buggy to ship both copyright and COPYING.12:05
Ciemonhi persia, so the rules comes from Debian12:05
persiaAt least we share some portions of it, yes.12:06
CiemonOK, well, the COPYING file comes with the source12:06
Ciemonwhich is essentially a version of the GPL12:06
persiaAh, yeah, debian/rules is entirely from debian: the only ubuntu-specific patch is some .desktop file edits.12:06
persiaSeems to be GPLv2.12:07
Ciemonok.. so is there a copy of the debian policy that I can read to understand why the licence has been removed?12:07
persiaSure, I'll dig it up.12:08
persiaQuick version is "to save space", because GPLv2 is shipped as /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-212:08
persiaSo we ought be patching the source to have Help...License show that file.12:08
carstenhreporting a bug in the debian bts would help12:08
CiemonI'm talking with the author, so I'll do it that way12:09
persiaCiemon: Upstream behaviour probably shouldn't change.  This belongs as a distribution patch because the bug is a side effect of distribution policy.12:09
persiaI believe the upstream behaviour to be correct.12:10
carstenhfix seems to be replacing the path in the source code / configure / what ever with /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-212:10
Ciemonyeah, easily done.12:10
persiaRIght, but *as a distribution patch*  There's no guarantee that file exists on a non-debian-derived system.12:10
CiemonRight, thanks for taking time to explain.. it's all new.12:11
carstenhCiemon: if you report this bug including a patch against debian this might raise the chances to get this fixed in debian and thus avoid work in ubuntu after syncing with debian next time12:12
CiemonWill do, and I'll commment on the bug in launchpad.. which could effectively close it12:13
* persia wishes pages at www.debian.org would load faster already12:15
persiacarstenh: Well, given the nature of the issue, we'd probably want to do the work in Debian anyway.12:15
carstenhpersia: try www.debian.tld12:15
carstenhpersia: yes, but that does not imply that you really report it against debian12:16
persiaWe tend to.12:16
persiaEither as a bug report, or by working with the Debian maintainers to apply a patch from an LP report.12:17
carstenhthere are both, good and bad examples12:17
persiaUnfortunately, yes.12:17
persiaCiemon: So, policy 12.5 indicates to reference the /usr/share/common-licenses/ files rather than include the entire license in debian/copyright.12:20
persiaI can't find the bit that says not to ship upstream COPYING, but it's standard practice to not include it (as this information is always in copyright anyway)12:21
persiapolicy is available with apt-get install debian-policy, or mirrored in several places (I use http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ but it's very slow for me right now)12:21
carstenhpersia: you can't find anything that is not there12:22
persiacarstenh: OK.  So where is the bit that says we don't ship COPYING?  Is/was it in the maintainers guide?  Is it just a semi-oral practice guideline?12:23
carstenhwhen there is additional information like copyright holders it's perfectly ok to include the file12:23
* persia always lists *all* the copyright holders in debian/copyright12:23
persiaI'm sure I've been told to do this at some point, but I very much don't remember where or when.12:24
carstenhpersia: but do don't patch source code to cat /usr/share/doc/packagename/copyright12:24
persiacarstenh: No, the idea is to patch it to use /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-212:24
persia(which happens to be the same contents as COPYING)12:24
persiaIf it's not the same content, then that's not the solution, but I believe it to be the same.12:24
carstenhpersia: yes. but given COPYING would contain copyright information and the help button would display this file there would be a regression if you would simply change the path12:25
carstenhif this is not the case common sense says /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2 is preferable12:26
* persia runs diff to check12:26
persiahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/419181/ suggests to me that it ought be patched in debian to use the common-licenses file.12:29
persiaAnd all Debian derivatives (including Ubnutu) would then have this issue resolved, without needing to significantly increase the installed-size of the application.12:30
carstenhpersia: i didn't answer your question from 13:23:06. everything except debian policy is a recommendation (e.g. the debian developers reference) and might be ignored if you know what you are doing. this part of the policy (12.5) is worded as a suggestion, so it simply means: "do whatever you like if it's reasonable"12:31
persiaWell, yeah, but still :)12:31
* persia comments on the bug12:31
carstenhold fsf adresses are a lintian warning and debian tends to patch them anyway12:32
carstenhoh, this is not an old adress, just different whitespaces :)12:33
persiaAnd an extra comma.12:34
persia(or a missing comma: I forget)12:34
persiaStill, nothing worth shipping an extra file.12:34
Ciemonthanks for the comment persia, hopefully I'll get to write my first patch with this package12:41
persiaCiemon: Good luck.  Ask if you have questions.  As carstenh said, the right way to solve this is to report the bug to the BTS and post the patch there.12:42
persia(because this is also a bug in Debian)12:43
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warsocketHi, anyone fancy's to help me  get a gambas program properly packaged,  I kinda have probembs building a source package and getting a change file15:35
warsocket*which i can upload to REVU15:35
maxbwarsocket: It's best if you can ask specific questions - people may have time to answer those when they don't have time to get involved in an extended discussion15:38
persiaAnd many people prefer to answer specific questions even when they do have time for an extended discussion.15:41
warsocketWhere can I get a good resource on creating source packages, google only gives me the how o I compile source packages answers15:43
maxbhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete can be a bit daunting because it is so large, but is a good thing to read15:45
warsocketOk will re-read that one, tnx15:46
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c_korncan dh_make be configuered not to create a orig.tar.gz file when specifying a orig.tar.bz2 with the -f option ?18:30
persiac_korn: The easy way around that is not touse dh_make :)18:40
c_kornpersia: yeah, I thought you would say that :)18:42
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hyperairthe proper way is to fix dh_make18:52
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blueyedis xulrunner-1.9.1 going to stay during lucid?18:54
micahgblueyed: no18:54
micahgblueyed: that's why I put the comment in the miro bug18:55
blueyedah, hi :) - talking with willkg => #miro-hackers?18:55
blueyedhave not read/catched up.18:55
blueyedwhen will it get removed?18:55
micahgblueyed: soon18:55
micahgblueyed: as soon as we verify all rdepends are gone18:56
micahgblueyed: do you want me to hop in miro-hackers?18:56
blueyedmicahg: no. it's clear now.18:57
persiahyperair: Does "RM: I don't like it?" count as a fix?18:59
hyperairpersia: it can, if you're convincing enough ;-)19:02
persiaThe problem is that dh_make is actually useful when teaching people why packaging works the way it does.19:04
persiaI just don't believe it to be useful to actually package stuff (and believe relying on it to package stuff builds poor habits).19:04
hyperairpersia: i like having a debian/control template done up for me actually =\19:05
hyperairbut i think we've been through this argument before =)19:05
persiaI guess.  What bothers me is that it7s always wrong.19:05
LaneyI just copy from another package19:05
persiaAnd wrong in subtle ways that test the packagers understanding of policy.19:05
persiaLike I said, useful if you're teaching someone and want to test them.  Less useful if you're packaging.19:06
persiaBut it seems to be maintained, which makes it harder to remove.19:07
hyperairwe should improve lintian to detect all of dh_make's flaws =p19:11
hyperairis anyone getting a launchpad that just has a red "Loading" rectangle at the top left corner?19:13
blueyedmicahg: can you create a upstream xulrunner bug for bug 537050, please?19:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537050 in democracy "miro.real crashed with KeyError in wrapper() (Miro keeps running)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53705019:34
micahgblueyed: I'll look into it19:38
blueyedmicahg: great. http://bugzilla.pculture.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13169 has testcases - I'm not sure which one is better though.19:39
ubottubugzilla.pculture.org bug 13169 in Miro Guide "miro browser doesn't work on lucid" [Major,New]19:39
micahgblueyed: I'll take a look at that a little later19:39
psusijdong: did you never get that defrag script you wrote packed and into the archives?19:43
jdongpsusi: no, I didn't19:46
psusijdong: hopefully tonight I should have e2defrag working with extents... had a good go at it last night but still having a little trouble handling it when there are more than the 4 extents that can fit in the inode and the tree depth grows to 119:48
psusiall other ext4 features are working well so that will be the last thing to do I think before it should be ready to try and upload19:49
joaopintohi, anyone familiar with the virtualbox package ?19:50
psusiI guess now I need to look into becoming a motu19:50
joaopintois the "Install guest additions" expect to work ?19:50
highvoltageslangasek: /join #ubuntu-release19:56
\shjoaopinto, it worked at my place with downloading the iso of the guest tools19:58
joaopintostrange, it warned about the download, but then nothing was installed/mounted19:58
joaopintobutI found that there is a package with the addons19:58
joaopintoa guest package19:59
\shjoaopinto, hmmm..i tested it on lucid 64bit19:59
joaopinto\sh, same here19:59
joaopintoit gave the "about to download warning"19:59
joaopintooh wait, it is mounted after a reboot on the vm19:59
\shjoaopinto, yeah..and after download it was mounted in the gues os (win 7 testing) and I could install it without a hassle20:00
joaopinto\sh, thanks, it worked after restart the vm, but this is a lucid guest also20:00
\shoh well I outed myself ;)20:00
\shjoaopinto, will test it tomorrow afternoon with some linux guests i think20:00
joaopintoanyway I decided to go with the guest package from the repository :)20:01
micahgblueyed: I have to see if the bug is in xulrunner or python-gtkmozembed21:15
blueyedmicahg: have you gotten the test case(s)?21:26
micahgblueyed: not yet21:26
blueyedmicahg: would help apparently. I've tested them both, but I think the one first posted is the way to go (the one just failing, without error on console) - but you want to test both maybe, if the first one does not work out.21:28
micahgblueyed: does the patch take care of us for lucid though or do we need to figure this out before release?21:29
blueyedmicahg: we have a patch for lucid, and I've uploaded it already.21:29
blueyedbut apparently it's a xulrunner bug.21:30
micahgblueyed: yes, I saw, just asking if that does it for miro21:30
micahgor if it's only a partial fix21:30
blueyedwould be nice to get it fixed for lucid.21:30
blueyedpartial fix, for now.21:30
blueyedit might break when fixing xulrunner, maybe.21:30
micahgblueyed: we'll get xulrunner updates as they're released, so we can get this fixed upstream later, I"m just wondering if it solves the issues entirely for Miro21:31
blueyedit's likely to influence other dependent apps, too.21:31
blueyedyes, it solves this particular issue.21:31
micahgblueyed: k, I'll try to keep an eye out for other apps that might show that errro21:32
blueyedxulrunner-1.9.1 gets deleted already?21:33
micahgblueyed: yeah, it should, I didn't see anything about binding to a certain xul in the patch21:34
psusithen links at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=169551 for joining MOTU seem to be wrong... they lead to pages documenting how to become a core developer, not a motu21:37
ScottKSince virtually no developers have anything to do with Ubuntu forums, it's not suprising that would be one more topic they are misinformed about (although I didn't look at the specifics of the case)22:19
warsocketI got a question about packaging,  how should i set $DESTDIR or should dh_make set it?22:20
warsocketit fials here in the makefile: cp gsmartdimmer-0.0.1.gambas $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin22:21
warsocket*it tries to copy to /usr/bin22:21
maxbIt is the responsibility of debian/rules to pass the proper DESTDIR to make22:22
warsocketI just made that file with dh_make22:22
warsocketwich generated the debain deirectory for me22:23
warsocketso what directory should i set it to so debuild can make a binary package out of it?22:24
warsocketthis line is in the debian/rules file under install:  but I guess it does not work ?22:26
warsocket$(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/gsmartdimmer install22:26
maxbThat looks correct to me22:26
warsocketcp gsmartdimmer-0.0.1.gambas $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin22:27
warsocketbut that gives an error22:27
warsocketbecause i cant write to /usr/bin22:27
warsocketjust as if $DESTDIR is empty22:27
warsocketbut it should be set22:27
warsocket*i checked with a echo in the makefile22:31
warsocket$(DESTDIR) is empty22:31
warsocketFor anyone wondering im one step further, the rror was that install: was the top rule of my makefile22:44
carstenhpersia: we broke topgit ... maybe cherrypicking from upstream instead of applying patches by hand would be less error prone23:29
carstenhpersia: problem is that "dosomemagic" became "dosomemagic during copy and pasting23:31
carstenhpersia: bug 566852 (hello bot)23:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566852 in topgit "Missing end quote in tg.sh v0.8-1ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56685223:40

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