
b3n4dd1hello, i want to store the mails i send from moziila thunderbird in the sendbox of my mail acount, is it possible?00:10
asacb3n4dd1: what does that mean?00:11
asacb3n4dd1: you can setup something in prefereces as "sent folder"00:11
asacfor an account00:11
b3n4dd1asac:  for instance, i send a mail from thunderbird, i want to have it not only in sendmail box in thunderbird, but also in sentmail box in my on line mail acount00:14
micahgb3n4dd1: that's a setting in account preferences00:15
b3n4dd1micahg: are you sure? i wan't find it, which release do you have? i have thunderbird 3.0.400:16
micahgsame one'00:16
micahgb3n4dd1: Edit -> Account Settings -> Copies and Folders under the account00:17
b3n4dd1i ve already checked it, i can't ifnd it there micahg00:18
micahgb3n4dd1: it's the first thing that00:18
b3n4dd1micahg: no it's no the first field, the first fiel is to specify where to save send messages in the computer not in my acouont00:20
ddecatorlooks like you can specify it in "other"00:22
ddecatormy gmail account shows up in there, and it lets me choose the folders00:22
micahgb3n4dd1: are you using IMAP or POP?00:22
micahgb3n4dd1: there's your problem00:23
b3n4dd1ahh oki :)00:23
b3n4dd1thx micahg00:23
b3n4dd1i have just to turn it into IMAP ?00:24
b3n4dd1what about port number?00:24
micahgb3n4dd1: with IMAP you can subscribe to folders in your account and then select that folder to store send messages00:24
micahgb3n4dd1: can't convert00:24
micahgb3n4dd1: need to create new account in thunderbird00:24
b3n4dd1micahg: hmmm ok thx00:25
micahgb3n4dd1: there's a bug open upstream00:25
micahgb3n4dd1: for converting from POP to IMAP00:25
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BUGabundo_remoteFrom the Hills, I shout: Guud Morning09:10
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nikolam!seen micahg10:09
ubottuI have no seen command10:09
gnomefreaknow its timing out :(11:51
=== BUGabundo_remote is now known as BUGabundo_lunch
gnomefreaki guess the daily bot for FF TB ect.. is down?so far i only had java and chromium updated12:13
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gnomefreaki miss using firefox :( arora is starting t get to me (the way it acts)12:54
=== BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGabundo_remote
gnomefreak!info firefox karmic13:08
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.5): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.5.9+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.10.1 (karmic), package size 71 kB, installed size 128 kB13:08
ftaBUGabundo_remote, http://www.lescretins.com/videos/1-videos/2662-musique-avec-les-sons-derreurs-de-windows.html13:26
BUGabundo_remotedarn trolls in +1 :(13:27
ftaBUGabundo_remote, btw, http:// is back in the paste :)13:28
BUGabundo_remoteyeah I know13:28
BUGabundo_remoteI'm subbed to all 4 extra bugs13:28
BUGabundo_remote*most* pastes now work fine13:28
BUGabundo_remotenot all13:28
BUGabundo_remotebut almost all13:28
BUGabundo_remotenow its bugs in apps13:28
ftawfm in xchat & xterm13:28
ftaand in evolution13:29
BUGabundo_remotefta: missing plugin13:29
BUGabundo_remotecan't watch that, sorry13:29
ftathat's flash13:29
BUGabundo_remotekmail, pidgin, etc still fail a lot13:29
BUGabundo_remotedon't have flash on that pc :)13:29
gnomefreakBUGabundo_remote: im watching over +1 but also doing email. if there is a problem just let me know.13:37
BUGabundo_remoteok gnomefreak13:40
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
Dimmuxxwill nspluginwrapper still be needed for flash once firefox 3.6.4 is out?13:42
cwillu_at_workDimmuxx, define needed13:45
Dimmuxxcan I remove it and 32bit flash will still work in firefox 64bit because of OOPP?13:48
cwillu_at_workahh, no idea13:48
chrisccoulsonDimmuxx, i'm not sure, but please test the 3.6.4 package in https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa :-)14:14
chrisccoulsoni'm using 64-bit flash here, so no nspluginwrapper14:14
DimmuxxI'm currently on 32bit though but I'm thinking about switching and that's why I asked ;)14:18
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micahgchrisccoulson: do you think we should do another thunderbird release for bug 509248?  Seems like an easy fix.  Should I have it bake in PPA for a day or 2?14:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 509248 in thunderbird "[PPA] Thunderbird 3 Shows only English dictionary in Spell menu" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50924814:38
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yes, we should try and get that in14:39
micahgchrisccoulson: k, I'll make the update, I guess we'll branch Lucid to actually release to archive, but should we test in PPA build first?14:39
chrisccoulsonmicahg - what do you also think about bug 543060 too? i'm wondering if i should get that in too, as people upgrading don't have -gnome-support14:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543060 in thunderbird "thunderbird - gnome integration should work even without -gnome-support" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54306014:40
micahgk, seems reasonable14:41
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i think the importance of bug 543064 and bug 543060 is probably the wrong way round. have you got an opinion on that?14:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543064 in thunderbird "ensure that x-www-browser is used if no http handler is found through gnome integration" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54306414:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543060 in thunderbird "thunderbird - gnome integration should work even without -gnome-support" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54306014:41
chrisccoulsoni think using x-www-browser as a fallback is a "nice to have" at the moment, but i'd rather actually have gnome support working for everybody out of the box14:42
micahgchrisccoulson: what you're saying makes sense in terms of urgency, but the priorities are set since the first is a regression and the second one is an enhancement14:43
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i'm not sure the second one is an enhancement though, as upgraders from karmic don't get gnome-support anymore14:44
chrisccoulson(as the package is not installed by default)14:44
micahgthere was a package for it in karmic14:44
chrisccoulsonhmmm, now i'm confused14:46
chrisccoulsonone second14:46
chrisccoulsonmicahg - the thunderbird-gnome-support package in karmic is empty (like firefox-gnome-support)14:51
chrisccoulsonso gnome support works in karmic without installing thunderbird-gnome-support14:51
micahgchrisccoulson: hmmm...weird, ok, well, I guess that's a regression as well14:51
chrisccoulsonyeah, it is. ok, so we need to do one more upload before release14:53
chrisccoulsonhmmm, the test suite for the new IPC stuff fails :-/14:55
micahgchrisccoulson: I seem to be having trouble with .links for thunderbird15:13
micahgchrisccoulson: does .links not support * expansion?15:15
chrisccoulsonmicahg - no, i don't think so15:15
micahgchrisccoulson: ah, ok, I'll add to rules15:15
micahggnomefreak: I try to do too much, that's my problem15:17
eagles05138785hey asac you around15:23
eagles05138785or bdrung15:23
eagles05138785found something that im not sure if you guys are aware of and its a rather nasty bug and exploit15:23
eagles05138785in java15:23
* bdrung is here.15:23
eagles05138785https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=558584 <--- exploit in java deployment kit i think15:23
eagles05138785which has been around since april 2008 and still not fixed15:23
ubottuMozilla bug 558584 in Blocklisting "Blocklist Java Deployment Toolkit plugin" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]15:24
eagles05138785just thought i would give you mozilla devs a heads up regarding the black list15:24
eagles05138785btw bdrung they arent sure if linux is affected by the exploit15:25
gnomefreakmicahg: your getting good at it ;) im just waiting for 1 bug to get fixed in firefox, arora is too damn slow as well15:26
bdrungeagles05138785: you probably want to talk to asac - i am doing mostly extension packaging15:26
eagles05138785gnomefreak: u want a scare bug take a look at the exploit my friend linked to me this morning15:27
* gnomefreak still has >2000 emails im working on15:27
eagles05138785have fun15:27
* gnomefreak didnt see that15:27
eagles05138785gnomefreak: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUUGNkG0o5g15:28
eagles05138785whoops not that lol15:28
eagles05138785unless u like electronica kinda music lol15:28
eagles05138785gnomefreak: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55858415:28
ubottuMozilla bug 558584 in Blocklisting "Blocklist Java Deployment Toolkit plugin" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]15:28
gnomefreakmetal when working15:29
eagles05138785im gearing up for a party15:30
eagles05138785and maybe a ministry of sound event here in malta i might have a dj slot in15:30
gnomefreakjava has sucked since day one so im not suprised at the bug15:33
eagles05138785thing is they arent gonna fix it until their next big release in july15:33
micahgeagles05138785: we already have the latest version in lucid15:33
eagles05138785micahg: im not sure if its affecting the latest version as well or if the exploit affects linux like it says in the bug15:34
gnomefreakeagles05138785: it is java bug and the latest version fixed it15:34
* gnomefreak read the bug :)15:34
eagles05138785really then how come they are black listing it in windows15:34
gnomefreakwindows sucks almost as bad as java with exploits15:35
eagles05138785lol true15:35
* gnomefreak be back in a few15:35
BUGabundo_remotefta: paste even fails to gmail using chromium :(15:36
micahgis it safe to mount /var/run in a chroot?15:36
asacif you unmonut before removing the chroot its probably ok15:36
micahgI seem to have a problem configuring dbus in my hardy chroot15:37
asacmicahg: just bindmount that file it asks for15:40
asacnot the whole dir15:40
asacthat worked for me15:40
micahgasac: k15:40
micahgasac: I was missing /proc15:40
chrisccoulsonbah, it's so noisy here today15:43
chrisccoulsonone of my neighbours is having a new driveway at the moment15:43
micahgasac: seamonkey is almost done, I have a problem with update-alternatives which I'll have to get some help with later15:44
chrisccoulsoni can probably help with that when you need it15:45
micahgchrisccoulson: k, a little later maybe, I'm going to push up the thunderbird dictionary fix then head to $WORK15:45
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ok, no problem15:45
eagles05138785asac: not sure if you have seen https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55858415:50
ubottuMozilla bug 558584 in Blocklisting "Blocklist Java Deployment Toolkit plugin" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]15:50
micahgchrisccoulson: my links issue is probably the same w/Seamonkey i.e. trying to do * expansion in a .links file15:55
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, most probably15:56
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gnomefreakok damnit im running out of browsers to use someone fix one of them please. ff,aroa,chromium == way too slow epiphany is jumbled buttons on text16:49
chrisccoulsongnomefreak - maybe you need a faster computer? ;)16:52
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: no epiphany is fast the ff ff-3.7 chrom and aroa all freeze up16:52
gnomefreakfast == jumbled16:53
gnomefreak!info lightning-extension hardy17:18
ubottulightning-extension (source: lightning-sunbird): Calendar Extension for Thunderbird/Icedove. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 1133 kB, installed size 4228 kB17:19
gnomefreakthats what i thought17:19
ccheneychrisccoulson: will be back in here right after lunch, (desktop meeting happens over my normal lunch time)18:30
chrisccoulsonccheney, ok, no worries. i will be away for dinner shortly, but i'll be around for most of the evening18:30
chrisccoulsonmicahg - will you be around for a while?18:33
micahgchrisccoulson: yep, next 7 hours or so18:33
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ok, cool. we need to get together with ccheney and plan out what needs to happen to update firefox in hardy18:34
micahgchrisccoulson: k18:34
ccheneychrisccoulson: so the issue the last i worked on epiphany was i had backported gtkentry c file in its entirety but that caused issues with the callbacks not being properly registered and then calling back into the original hardy gtkentry and BOOM crash :)18:35
micahgccheney: firefox should work, but something in the last build broke18:36
ccheneychrisccoulson: so asac had told me that i needed to hook up the new functions (iirc) using the init function so it would callback correctly18:36
ccheneychrisccoulson: and i was starting to look into that when i had to get back to fixing OOo rc bugs before lucid release...18:36
micahgccheney: when you get back from lunch, I want to talk to you about dictionaries common18:37
ccheneymicahg: ok18:37
* ccheney -> lunch18:37
asaci think getting epiphany-browser finally done would be the highest priority for ccheney for this18:37
ccheneyasac: yea18:37
micahgasac: shouldn't be much work for ccheney if any for firefox backport18:37
asacwould be a huge accomplishment18:37
chrisccoulsonok, i need to get myself up to speed with the hardy stuff, and then i can help out too18:37
ccheneymy most recent compilable work for epiphany is in my personal ppa18:39
ccheneywill take a look at my current diff from that after i get back from lunch and see what i still need to do and/or ask questions about18:39
ccheneyiirc my last upload was from before trying to fix the callback mess18:40
* ccheney really off to lunch now, messages logged18:40
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micahgasac: how much do we care about lintian warnings for Seamonkey 219:12
asacmicahg: warnings? usually not so much19:12
asacat lesat if they are not new19:12
asaclike image data in /usr/lib is fine19:13
micahgasac: non-existent license is one of the19:13
asacmicahg: why is there no license?19:26
micahgI think it's out of date19:26
micahgit seems to point to an old GPL license19:26
* ccheney back19:44
* micahg will be back in a few minutes19:45
* BUGabundo waves o/19:51
BUGabundofta: one more ludcris change: lost right click on tabs to duplicate to private browsing and pinning :(19:54
* micahg is available20:10
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i branched thunderbird for lucid now20:10
chrisccoulson(i've got your symlink fix in the local branch here, will push the updates once i've tested them)20:11
micahgchrisccoulson: can you do me a favor, if you create new team branches, can you subscribe me?20:11
chrisccoulsonyeah, no problem20:11
ftaBUGabundo, weird, i still have those20:11
micahgchrisccoulson: thanks20:11
BUGabundonot on mine20:11
BUGabundoand im not the 1st to notice either20:11
BUGabundorestarted it yet?20:12
BUGabundo5.0.382.0 (44999) Ubuntu20:12
fermulatorMicah told me to come on here and chat about the problem I was having20:28
BUGabundoso tell us about it fermulator20:28
fermulatorWhat's the deal with the Firefox "Mozilla Team" PPA?  I thought this PPA20:29
fermulator>> was supposed to provide a stable branch of Firefox?20:29
fermulator>> A few days ago, it suggested upgrading to the latest 3.6.4pre ... which,20:29
fermulator>> as it turns out, is NOT stable.  :-(20:29
fermulator>> (More details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1457241)20:29
fermulator>> Would be interested to know why a "pre" release was let into the wild on20:30
fermulator>> a stable PPA.20:30
fermulatorit was suggested that i had the wrong PPA (by accident installed a daily or something instead of stable) --- but this was my APT sources file20:30
fermulatorfermulator@fermmy:/etc/apt$ sudo grep -rin firefox *20:30
fermulatorsources.list.d/mozilla-firefox.list:1:#deb jaunty main20:30
fermulatorsources.list.d/mozilla-firefox.list:2:#deb-src jaunty main20:30
fermulator(they're commented out now, but weren't before of course)20:31
chrisccoulsonfermulator, perhaps you could put your source.list on http://paste.ubuntu.com/20:34
chrisccoulsonyou didn't get 3.6.4pre from the firefox-stable PPA20:34
ftaapt-cache madison firefox20:36
chrisccoulsonfta - thanks, i was just trying to figure out how to do that ;)20:37
fermulatorah ha20:38
fermulatori see now20:38
fermulatorI was testing out the latest thunderbird version, so I added the daily for that, not realizing it would impact my firefox.20:38
fermulatorsources.list.d/thunderbird.list:1:deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main20:38
fermulatorsources.list.d/thunderbird.list:2:deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main20:38
micahgfermulator: apt-pinning20:38
micahg!pastebin > fermulator20:38
ubottufermulator, please see my private message20:38
fermulatorsorry, will do so next time20:39
BUGabundofermulator: didn't I already explain that to you20:39
fermulatoras it turns out though, it was my mistake, like you thought Micah, I did indeed have a daily, but just didn't know it.20:40
BUGabundoin #ubuntu+1 two days ago ?20:40
chrisccoulsonfermulator, perhaps you should update your forum post ;)20:40
fermulator(no, this is my first time asking about this)20:40
BUGabundofta: asac: micahg: chrisccoulson: maybe we should split TB and FF PPAs?20:40
fermulatori'll definitely update it now20:40
micahgBUGabundo: there are plans for a TB stable PPA20:40
BUGabundolots of ppl want TB ppa and not FF daily20:40
fermulatorsplitting the PPAs would be useful, yes.  also a TB stable would be even more useful.20:41
micahgBUGabundo: also possible plans for an apt-pinning/sources tool for firefox/tb20:41
BUGabundowhat I would love to see20:41
ftaBUGabundo: used to be the opposite (people wanting daily ff but stable tb)20:41
BUGabundothat's what I said20:42
BUGabundowell no20:42
BUGabundobut you get what I mean20:42
BUGabundoppl always want what they can have20:42
fermulatoryes, stable TB is more important because all the plugins/addons take a long time to catch up.20:44
fermulatorPS: Updated my thread;20:45
fermulatorthanks all for the assistance -- sorry for wasting your time20:45
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
micahgchrisccoulson: when did you want to have the meeting21:36
ftawhy bug 565309 doesn't get its retrace after 3d+??21:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565309 in chromium-browser "chromium-browser crashed with SIGSEGV in malloc(), when downloading files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56530921:50
micahgfta: not flagged for retrace21:51
micahgfta: no core dump21:52
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chrisccoulsonmicahg - i probably won't get a chance to have a meeting tonight, i'm going to get an early night tonight22:24
* ccheney hopes he isn't getting sick, my son is and i'm feeling a bit off this afternoon :(22:26
chrisccoulsonyeah, i don't feel too great atm, hence the need for an early night ;)22:27
chrisccoulsoni've got quite a headache atm22:27
BUGabundocan someone confirm FF 3.6 daily ppa lost the ability to change tabs with ALT+NUM ?22:28
chrisccoulsonmicahg - the symlink fix doesn't work on upgrade btw :(22:28
chrisccoulsoni forgot, there is an issue with dpkg22:28
chrisccoulsonit doesn't replace folders with symlinks on upgrade22:29
chrisccoulsoni think the only way to do it is to remove the folder from a maintainer script before unpacking22:29
* micahg was feeling out of it yesterday22:29
micahgchrisccoulson: is that in prerm?22:29
chrisccoulsonmicahg - it would have to be in the preinst script, as that will run from the new version22:30
chrisccoulsonthe prerm script that runs on upgrade will be the old one22:31
chrisccoulsonthat sucks, but i've seen this issue before22:31
micahgchrisccoulson: ok22:31
micahgchrisccoulson: I'm glad you caught it now22:32
micahgchrisccoulson: I don't like breaking stuff :)22:32
micahgchrisccoulson: I'll work on a fix tonight22:32
micahgchrisccoulson: can I use * expansion in the preinst script?22:32
chrisccoulsonyeah, that should be fine22:33
micahgchrisccoulson: k22:33
* micahg is almost getting the hang of symlinks22:33
* micahg should write a wiki entry for dealing w/symlinks22:33
chrisccoulsonmicahg - see bug 303578 for a similar issue (the bug only affects upgraders rather than new installs, which would be the same for thunderbird too)22:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303578 in ubuntu-docs "System->About Ubuntu homepage has glitchy "Thank you" line" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30357822:36
chrisccoulsonthat was fixed differently though, by checking the folder in the postinst22:36
chrisccoulsonand then removing it if it wasn't a symlink and creating the link from the script22:37
chrisccoulsonbut i probably would have just removed the folder in the preinst on upgrade and have dpkg create the link22:37
chrisccoulsoneither way is probably fine though22:37
micahgchrisccoulson: I like your solution better22:38
chrisccoulsonmicahg - the only issue with my indea though is that it would also delete any files not owned by thunderbird (if there were any)22:40
chrisccoulsoneg, if another package put them there or the user did22:40
chrisccoulsonwhereas doing it with rmdir from the postinst is safe, as it will only replace the dir with a symlink if the folder is empty22:41
micahgchrisccoulson: k, so, should we go with the safer choice since we're close to release?22:42
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, i'd go with the rmdir then ln from the postinst22:46
chrisccoulsonbasically, something like this: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/37985347/ubuntu-docs_8.10.3.debdiff22:46
micahgchrisccoulson: k22:47
BUGabundofta: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/04/19/the-only-four-chords-need_n_543025.html AWESOME23:39

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