
akgranernhandler, should mdz's interview go onto the Fridge?04:05
akgraneror anyone?04:05
nhandlerakgraner: What was that interview about again? I can't remember04:05
akgranerUbuntu Turkey LoCo Team Interviewed him - http://akgraner.com/?p=26204:06
akgranerwell it was on the Ubuntu User Blog 1st well technically the Turkish Team blog04:07
nhandlerakgraner: Yeah, it could probably go on the fridge. Want to post it?04:07
akgraneryep I can - :)04:10
akgranerlet me do that now04:11
nhandlerI'll be around for another hour or so to review04:11
akgranerk thanks!04:11
akgranernhandler,  http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/202104:55
nhandlerakgraner: I would add a <BR> tag after the image.04:57
nhandlerOther than that, it looks good04:57
akgranerok let me add that and let you see it one more time :-)  then I publish  - grab the Forum Link, add the discuss the add the planet tag right?04:59
akgranernhandler, refresh and take a look now :-)05:00
nhandlerGo ahead and publish akgraner :)05:01
nhandlerI told you that you would get the hang of this quickly :)05:01
akgraner:-) yeah but I like knowing you all are looking over my shoulder there is something a bit comforting about that :-)05:01
akgraneralrighty it's done - :-) Thanks05:15

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