
Seeker`bigmouth: how can we help you?00:00
ubottuTommyThaGun called the ops in #ubuntu+1 ()01:12
Picihrm.. how do people feel about mteck's use of the term 'ricer' ?01:25
h00kIt...could offend, definitely.01:37
h00kIt's based off stereotypes.01:37
IdleOnePici: the term ricer is racist in origin. I don't like it02:16
IdleOneand he will probably tell you it is a term that is used for people who modify there little Japanese cars a la fast and furious.02:19
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))03:27
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from Wingless)03:53
h00kIdleOne: gotcha.03:56
IdleOneseems to know very limited english03:56
IdleOnebut not trolling from what i can tell03:57
h00kI see that, yeah03:57
h00know I'm not so sure.03:57
IdleOnehe asked earlier about learning how to program03:58
nhandlerI just requested some help in #ubuntu-tr04:00
h00khe's back as a___04:03
h00kor, a__ rather04:04
IdleOnenhandler: asked them to update the !tr trigger to include the /join #ubuntu-tr command04:04
h00kI have to run, be back in a few.04:04
nhandlerIt looks like he is in there04:04
IdleOneshould I forward him?04:05
nhandlerTo where?04:06
nhandlerIdleOne: You wouldn't be able to04:06
nhandlerIt isn't +F. And he is already there04:06
IdleOneahh ok04:06
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
dholbachgood morning08:26
Jordan_Uaetr in #ubuntu is trolling09:10
ikonialets see09:11
ikoniaJordan_U: all seems undercontrol now09:13
elkylooks like we have a tag team going09:16
ikoniatoast shortly09:16
ikoniaquick draw elky09:22
elkyit was waiting.09:22
ikoniain that case I type fast to just be behind you09:22
elkythere might have been a blink involved, but yeah09:23
elkyhe's back09:27
ikoniahe's back09:27
* elky tickles ikonia09:27
elkyI lol'd09:27
Tm_Thi all09:31
ikoniatalking to him in pm now10:02
ubottuIn ubottu, eveningsky said: eveningsky this is a test !compiz10:56
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
ubottuIn #ubuntu, tarzeau said: ubottu: dpi is dots per inch14:07
IdleOneubottu: forget dpi14:07
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, IdleOne said: ubottu: forget dpi14:07
IdleOnehmm ok14:08
bazhangnothing to forget14:08
IdleOneI know hat I said!14:08
IdleOnebazhang: yeah, ubottu doesn't just remember everything.14:09
PiciIdleOne: Only operators can make factoid edits, everyone else who says "foo is bar" to ubottu gets posted here.14:09
bazhangIdleOne, as tarzeau has no rights, nothing was made in re factoids14:09
IdleOnePici: so if I edit a factoid it is committed right away?14:09
IdleOnelol the edit gets to share a room with me at the asylum14:10
PiciIdleOne: Yes, and ubottu won't announce anything here.14:10
nhandlerIdleOne: That is assuming you have done @login14:11
IdleOnegood to know. Wouldn't want to accidentally add nonsense to the bot14:11
IdleOnenhandler: I do14:11
IdleOneand have14:11
bazhangmore nonsense you mean14:12
h00kI think ubottu should have a spam factoid14:13
IdleOneh00k: something like Spam is great with mustard and onions?14:13
h00kor, It 'isn't welcome here, don't do it'14:14
h00kor something nice :)14:14
h00kalso, we could have onions and mustard, too14:14
bazhangusually a warning if its not really bad, or a remove if it is14:15
jussisomething abour SPAM SPAM SPAM, ie. monty python style14:15
h00kI know, but it could save typing14:15
nhandlerA warning from a human is a lot more effective than from a bot imo.14:16
nhandlerEven if that warning is simply an alias set in the IRC client14:16
h00kokay dokey14:16
IdleOneSPAM is Stupid Posts About Maartauhararugqhr14:16
IdleOneshould have the spammer searching for at least ten minutes14:17
txwikingerif you have spam, do you have ham as well? ;)14:18
IdleOneis it bad for me to take a day off when I really have no good reason to?14:19
* IdleOne goes to work but not happily and only because bazhang said so14:20
IdleOnewait, wait14:20
IdleOneI am so confilicted now14:21
IdleOneconflicted also14:21
IdleOnethis whole work thing would be a lot easier if I could do it from home14:22
h00kflip a coin!14:23
IdleOnegoing in to work but 1.5 hours late14:24
IdleOnegoing to blame the public transportation system and irc14:25
txwikingerworking from home has also its disadvantages14:25
IdleOnetxwikinger: I'm sure it does, requires some discipline I am sure14:25
txwikingeryes.. a whole lot of it14:25
IdleOnewhich I have shown to have none14:25
txwikingerand telling off family member that think you are just lurking around14:26
IdleOnewell my family knows better then to say anything to me about my work habits/ethics14:27
txwikingerNo.. they will disturb you with their stuff at any time, because for them you are available and not at work14:27
IdleOnethey do that anyway lol14:28
IdleOnemain reason why I don't have a cell phone14:29
IdleOneor want one14:29
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
gordi work from home, i basically spend 9 hours a day sitting in a room on my own, its not as fun as it sounds14:31
* txwikinger works partially at home and partially at his clients' places14:32
IdleOnegord: I think a part time home/office situation would be best for me.14:34
IdleOne2-3 days at home and a couple days at the office14:35
IdleOneoh, my new computer shipped :)14:36
* h00k works from gords home14:37
ikoniaahhh ubottu's slow15:32
PiciAnyone around to give me some help in #ubuntu-irc ?15:53
PiciI need to run to a meeting myself in a few minutes and this is giving me a headache15:53
ikoniawhat's up15:54
ikoniano problem15:54
Piciikonia: just some guy going on about how irc.ubuntu.com shouldn't exist15:54
ikoniano problem15:54
Piciikonia: thanks :)15:54
Piciyeesh, that discussion in -irc is still happening?16:54
* persia suspects it will continue until Kangaroo either edits the wiki or gives up16:55
Tm_Tcould you explain it to me in one sentence, please?16:55
jpdspersia: Or both!16:55
PiciTm_T: irc.ubuntu.com points to chat.freenode net16:56
persiaKangaroo worries that people might be confused by the difference between irc.ubuntu.com and irc.freenode.com, and that it's really chat.freenode.com and wants to change all the clients in all supported releases to use one magic solution that uses no CNAMES and has no confusion.16:56
persiaOh, and everyone else thinks this is pointless.16:56
charlie-tcaKangaroo seems to be young and hyper-active16:57
Tm_TPici: hey, you did figure it out!16:58
* Tm_T hides16:58
PiciTm_T: Yeah, I started this conversation with him over an hour ago.16:58
Tm_Tpersia: also, it's freenode.net and not freenode.com16:58
persiaRight.  Apologies.16:58
tsimpsonirc.freenode.com is an alias for chat.freenode.net :)16:58
* charlie-tca is glad Kangaroo moved from xubuntu for his arguments16:58
tsimpsonmore cnames, the world will now implode16:59
persiaIndeed.  That's another bug :)16:59
Tm_Ttsimpson: we need irc.examplenode.tld dns to point to freenode16:59
Tm_T...if possible16:59
* persia enjoys the feee dead beef cafe16:59
* tsimpson wonders how many words you can spell out in ipv617:00
* jpds wonders which "2 servers" he's referring too.17:01
tsimpsonthe two "severs" are irc.ubuntu.com and irc.freenode.net17:02
persiaSo, apologies for my firm tone in -irc.  No offense to anyone intended.17:12
jussiIMHO, who cares? why not just tell him "its a wiki, go edit it?"17:33
jpdsjussi: We did.17:33
jussioh. ok then :)17:33
jussiI didnt read... was too much bla bla bla... :P17:34
Picijussi: he wanted to have all the irc programs in Ubuntu change as well.17:35
jussidont they already point to irc.ubuntu.com?17:35
PiciBut thats confusing according to him, blah blah blah17:36
jussiI think the guy just wanted someone to talk to...17:36
ubottuIn ubottu, erUSUL said: preinstalled is <reply>Looking for a system with ubuntu preinstalled ? → https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuPre-installed17:55
jussiI like that one - any other thoughts?17:59
jussi!preinstalled is <reply>Looking for a system with Ubuntu preinstalled? ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuPre-installed18:01
ubottuI'll remember that, jussi18:02
jussi!preinstalled > erusul18:02
nikoit's a game :)18:03
jussiniko: ?18:03
nikoi find a little funny your > to erusul, that's all18:04
jussiniko: it just lets them know its been actioned.18:04
nikoyes, i understand18:05
Tm_T!preinstalled | jussi18:53
ubottujussi: Looking for a system with Ubuntu preinstalled? see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuPre-installed18:53
Tm_Tyou fixed it already18:53
jussi1blame is <reply>Its Tm_T's fault!19:12
ikoniahello topgun2119:58
* Pici goes back to work20:00
Tm_Tjussi: yes please20:02
topgun21Is ubutu looking for irc operators?20:02
ikonianot at the moment20:03
ikoniaseeing as your ban evading in ubuntu20:03
ikoniathat's not likley to be you20:03
ikoniacan you please leave #ubuntu while we resolve your ban20:03
topgun21Why was I banned again?20:04
ikoniabecause of your part message20:04
ikoniaand you joined as bigmouth - found you where forwarded here and changed your nick to get around the ban20:05
ikoniaso you knew exactly what you where doing20:05
ikoniaso please leave #ubuntu while we resolve this20:05
ikonia!ops | ban list again20:10
ubottuban list again: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!20:10
ubottuikonia called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (ban list again)20:10
PiciI just removed ~80 old excempts, I'll go through my bans later.20:33
knomewe've got kangaroo in #ubuntu-website :P20:33
Piciknome: What now?20:33
knomelarting about the clickable irc links20:33
ikonianot him again20:34
knomehe's under control. :P20:35
delacCan anyone help me with my ban-problem? It seems I have been banned from #ubuntu, although I dont think the ban is ment directly for me. Please?20:35
ikoniadelac: ok, lets take a look20:37
delacikonia: yes, please20:38
Picidelac: You are using freenode's webchat, so you are forwarded to #ubuntu-proxy-users.  I just happened to clean out the exception list that we use for that, so you'll need to part that channel and rejoin #ubuntu and follow the directions that you are given in the -proxy-users channel.20:38
ikoniaPici: ahh, pici, well spotted, thank you20:38
delacikonia: ok20:38
Picidelac: If you want to avoid that in the future, please use a real IRC client.20:38
delacikonia: thanks20:38
knomethat taunted him ;]20:45
nhandlerI just removed a few old forwards to ##fix_your_connection (they are no longer join spamming) as well as a bad ban on a gateway user22:17
h00kI just removed a user for flooding middle-finger asciiart spams23:13
Myrttigood job23:13
h00kand commented as necessary on the tracker23:13
h00k(from #ubuntu)23:13
h00kturns out I didn't ban him, but isn't coming back to bite me23:22
Picih00k: What irc client do you use?23:23
h00kPici: irssi23:24
Picih00k: Are you using a particular plugin for operator duties?23:24
h00kPici: I am using auto bleh23:25
h00kI just /arn23:26
Picih00k: okay, well, I can't really help with that :)23:26
h00kPici: I have the address that he had23:26
Picih00k: Well, you can just op up and do /mode +b *!*@whatever23:29
PiciI'm halfway paying attention, sorry23:31
h00kit's okay, I have been doing the same23:31
h00kthere we go.23:33

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