
slangaseklamont: acorn appears to not be helping00:05
slangasekcjwatson: ok00:08
slangaseklamont: can you tell me what's going on with acorn? I've killed off the livefs attempts after 5h+ with no response00:43
doko__uploaded a gcc-4.5 build to the devirtualized ubuntu-toolchain-r ppa, please kill it, if it blocks other builds (should only happen for powerpc, sparc and ia64)01:55
lamontslangasek: lock file removed.01:59
lamontgo me01:59
lamontand typo fixed in the @reboot crontab entry that should have done that01:59
slangaseklamont: oh, bah02:00
slangaseklamont: well, that's much better than the alternative scenarios, then :) will switch back to acorn for the next builds02:00
* ScottK got a couple of armel livefs build failure mails for Kubuntu Netbook, but no logs attached. Anything I need to worry about?02:01
lamontslangasek: did you want the existing builds killed?02:01
slangaseklamont: doesn't matter02:01
slangasekScottK: nope02:01
lamont /bin/bash /home/buildd/bin/BuildLiveCD -s dove -d lucid kubuntu-netbook02:01
lamontslangasek: ^^ that one is running now, I killed the other one.02:01
slangasekScottK: that was me killing off the builds on acorn to move them back to clementine - should have kubuntu-netbook/armel posted in a couple of hours02:02
lamontmostly I'm curious how long it takes02:02
ScottKI'd appreciate it if someone would binary New libcatalyst-perl.  It's my upload so I shouldn't.  It's got another possible sync request behind it depening on how a depwait resovles itself.02:02
slangaseklamont: less than an hour would be nice :)02:03
slangasekScottK: looking02:03
lamontslangasek: lets see how we do02:03
ScottKShould be clear enough, perl module sync'ed from Debian.02:03
slangasekScottK: done02:04
* ScottK hopes before the publisher started...02:04
* ScottK looks02:04
ScottKNope, after.02:05
ScottKNo biggie.02:05
ScottKWould it be possible to respin just Kubuntu ia64 live and alternate?  They were built with obsolete packages because ia64 was behind.  It's caught up now.02:12
lamonthrm.. that reminds me, I should burn ia64 install media and see how it does02:20
ScottKI know that port has at least one actual user because I've seen a bug filed specifically mentioning it was with the ia64 version of a package.02:23
doko__lamont: any idea on the glib2.0 issue on sparc?02:23
slangasekScottK: sure - I actually haven't done any ports spins yet except for kubuntu-netbook, I can fire that one off now02:25
ScottKOK,  powerpc then too.02:27
ScottKI've got actual testers lined up for that one.02:27
lamontdoko__: none at all.  go ahead and kill faure with it, just make sure you're capturing output off-machine02:29
* lamont updates the chroot02:30
doko__lamont: I only have a remote machine for testing, so I'd like to play safe. Would you mind an upload not running the testsuite on sparc?02:32
lamontdoko__: try a testbuild of that on faure?02:33
doko__lamont: just with the disabled testsuite?02:34
doko__doing ...02:34
lamontslangasek: if you kick ia64 media, I'll go test that tonight, too02:34
lamontdoko__: dist-upgrade is still running, I'll install the build-deps when that finishes02:34
doko__lamont: I'll try on my local machine first02:35
ScottKslangasek: A few more Universe syncs if you have a moment: http://paste.debian.net/69817/02:37
ScottKAlso a stack of binary removals (I can put this in a bug if you want a paper trail, but it's in the spirit of the supportable binaries spec: http://paste.debian.net/69818/02:42
lamontBEGIN fdupes <-- slangasek02:49
lamontdoko__: build-deps all there on faure, fwiw02:50
lamontdoko__: if you get one that builds ok on faure, and I'm asleep/afk, feel free to have a GSA make the semi obvious change around 'glib2.0' in /usr/share/launchpad-buildd/slavebin/sbuild-package on one of the sparc buildds02:51
lamontslangasek: well... the mksquashfs run _started_ before the hour was up...03:07
slangasekhmm :)03:09
slangasekwell, at least it's parallel :)03:10
lamont2-3 minutes before, mind you03:10
lamontone core.03:10
slangaseklamont: well, there's http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ports/daily/current/ if you want to test some ia6403:11
slangasek(liveCD still building)03:11
slangasekScottK: syncs running; looking at the binary removals now, no bug, I'll just point at you by name in the removal message ;)03:12
ScottKslangasek: OK.  Please just mention python2.5 being needed in there somewhere.03:13
lamontslangasek: I was thinking more ubuntu-server03:14
lamontia64 desktop seems "just wrong"™03:14
lamontlast night's daily server make any sense to play with?03:15
slangasekyou didn't specify ;)03:15
slangaseklet me get you a fresh one, < 30min03:15
lamontyou know, if we didn't squash it so hard, it'd squash faster03:17
slangasekspend a penny to save a penny03:20
lamontvery true, 'dat03:24
lamontslangasek: 83 minutes.  just fyi03:28
slangaseknot too bad then03:30
slangasekScottK: kubuntu-netbook/armel finished03:31
ScottKslangasek: THanks.03:31
ScottKSo that worked.  The followon build to libcatalyst-perl succeeded.03:59
slangaseklamont: ubuntu-server/ia64 done04:08
pittiGood morning07:38
aramorning pitti07:41
* slangasek waves07:41
araslangasek, generic tests are not in the tracker for a good reason?08:03
slangasekara: sheer forgetfulness on my part about their existence; posted nowv08:11
araslangasek, ok, thanks08:11
* slangasek looks over the build set list to make sure he hasn't missed anything else08:11
slangasekI think that's it08:12
* pitti reviews the current universe packages10:17
slangasekpitti: mind that audacious is on ubuntustudio10:18
pittiright, I have the x/myth/studio manifest files here for comparing10:18
slangasekpitti: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=1 helps, sets are marked10:19
pittislangasek: ah, nice; is that reliable enough to not having to consult the x/myth/studio CD lists?10:20
slangasekcjwatson: ^^ is it? :)10:21
pittiwell, I think at this point I check them anyway10:21
pittiseems the only candidate is mpich210:21
cjwatsonI would double-check the CD lists if I were you10:33
cjwatsontreat it as a guide ...10:33
pitticjwatson: *nod*10:42
wgrantIt's as reliable as the information LP is given...10:45
cjwatsonwgrant: yes, I know - I'm the one giving it the information :-)10:51
cjwatsonso I know how (un)reliable that is as yet10:51
wgrantAh, right.10:52
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
slangasekev: bug #543032 is still marked as "fix committed"; is this resolved in the wubi we currently have on the RC images?11:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543032 in wubi "Selecting reboot doesn't reboot" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54303211:36
evslangasek: I just set it to Fix Released.  It's fixed on the RC images.11:37
ograslangasek, i just hit a prob with a missing option in livecd-rootfs on omap. STRIP_VMLINUZ is not set to no so we dont have vmilnuz in the /target during install, http://paste.ubuntu.com/419134/ would fix that (and also clean up the ugly separate if statement)11:41
slangasekogra: what do you mean, "wouldn't save any space"?11:43
slangasekyour comment in the patch11:44
ograits not my comment11:44
ograi just copied it 20 lines up11:44
ograso we can use the case statement instead of adding a complicated if11:44
ogramakes no sense to handle it separately11:45
ograhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/419136/ has the full case statement after my change for better understanding11:45
ograsave any space:  uImage is created additionally, either for use in flash or for use in /boot (fi /boot can be ext2 like in dove) stripping vmlinuz actually breaks the install (ubiquity tries to copy it from casper/ to not also have it in the squashfs)11:48
ograin dove or omap images casper only carries uImage not vmlinuz so it wouldnt "save any space" to remove a nonexisting duplicated file11:49
ogra(that comment is super silly formulated not sure who wrote it)11:49
slangasekright - it's not that it doesn't save space, it's that it breaks the install :)11:50
* ogra fixes the last sentence to make it clearer11:50
loolslangasek: Just pushed a qemu-kvm fixing the qemu-$arch and qemu-system-$arch man pages; do you think it is reasonnable to include between RC and final or shall I move to a SRU bug?12:06
slangaseklool: well, doko wanted an update of this package anyway for the static binaries to rebuild against current glibc (which includes code fixes); if we get actual fixes of known bugs in the process, that's better12:08
slangaseklool: but, since were revving anyway, please fix the qemu-kvm-extras-static postinst to not call 'start' directly as this isn't chroot-safe - it should use invoke-rc.d instead12:09
loolslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/419170/ is the debdiff I uploaded12:09
slangasek(there was a discussion on #ubuntu-devel about this a few hours ago)12:09
loolslangasek: that gives out warnings though12:10
slangaseklool: not when called from a maintainer script12:11
loolslangasek: Re-upload ubuntu7 or ubuntu8?12:11
slangasekwhichever you prefer12:12
loolI'll go for ubuntu8 for bzr imports then12:12
ograslangasek, so would it be ok to upload livecd-rootfs with http://paste.ubuntu.com/419150/ to fix omap netbook images ? (only touches dove and omap)12:12
slangasekogra: is that the part that has to get uploaded, or the part that lamont has to pull from bzr?  I never remember12:14
loolIn theory this part is pulled daily12:14
ograi think lamont syncs the package to the live builder12:14
loolor perhaps even updated before builds, I'm not sure12:14
ograand that happens daily12:15
loolthe part which required manual interaction in the past was the wrapper which calls the real script12:15
lool(IIRC etc.)12:15
slangasekthe BuildLiveCD sample wrapper12:15
slangasekogra: yes, please upload12:15
ograthanks :)12:15
slangasekI imagine we need omap respun after this is published12:16
loolslangasek: is ubuntu7 -> ubuntu8 http://paste.ubuntu.com/419174/12:16
slangaseklool: looks good to me12:17
loolkirkland, doko_: FYI couple of qemu-kvm uploads in unapproved12:17
lamontBuildLiveCD comes from outside the chroot and is a manual propagation12:17
lamontogra: ^^12:18
doko_lool: mine was just a rebuild12:18
lamontdoko_: does this mean that satinash is getting close on oo.o?12:19
lamontStarted 1 day, 1 hour, 17 minutes, 8.6 seconds  ago.12:19
cjwatsonI've managed to reproduce bug 55838212:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558382 in partman-base "Partitioner throws "Unable to satisfy all constraints" when trying to use previously created partitions" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55838212:19
cjwatsonit looks as though it's something to do with maximising extended partitions12:20
cjwatsonwhich is nasty - it suggests that there's a possibility of problems any time you have free space around your set of logical partitions12:20
cjwatsone.g. during auto-resize12:21
cjwatsonI'm working on gathering more information now that I have a saved kvm snapshot that reproduces it12:21
evfor what it's worth, michaelforrest just ran into that and I'll have logs just as soon as he's done with an install, if you need them.12:21
doko_lamont: the last succeeding one was 1d 19h ...12:22
ograslangasek, uploaded, there is another one char typo fix from lamont in the debdiff he didnt upload yet, hope thats ok12:23
cjwatsonev: I think I'm good, thanks12:24
evokay, cool12:24
slangasekev: hmm, usb-creator-gtk gives a wholly non-obvious error message when it doesn't have permissions to read the source .iso... is that worth a bug report?13:38
slangasek("doesn't have permissions" -- NFS)13:38
evslangasek: yes please13:42
* Riddell cries over bug 56724314:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567243 in ubiquity "error during OEM setup in French" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56724314:45
kirklandslangasek: fyi, i'm looking at ttx's rackspace package renames14:50
cjwatsonRiddell: oh in ainm Dé, not another one14:58
Riddellainm D?15:01
* slangasek happily absorbs the Irish15:01
slangasekkirkland: ack15:03
pittisounds similar to "nomen dei" -> "in god's name"?15:04
cjwatsonD e-fada (e-acute) for the Unicode-impaired15:21
cjwatsonslangasek: right, I've figured out the partitioning problem15:27
cjwatsonthe bug is an overenthusiastic application of optimal alignment to extended partitions in partman-base (it's only needed for partitions that directly contain filesystems)15:28
cjwatsonwhen we try to create a new logical partition next to existing logicals, partman maximises the extended partition to make room, and then minimises it again around the new set of logical partitions15:28
cjwatsonI was incorrectly constraining the maximised extended partition to optimal alignment (which is normally a 1MiB grain)15:29
slangasekcjwatson: heh, nice!  errata for RC, or is this horrid enough to warrant a respin?15:30
cjwatsonthis meant that if the extended partition was non-optimally-aligned at the end (e.g. cylinder-aligned from all sorts of possible older installations), we tried to maximise it, but sometimes actually ended up rounding *down* the end position15:30
cjwatsonwhich meant that maximising the extended partition failed, so there was no room to create new logical partitions inside it15:30
cjwatsonhorrid enough> so that's more or less my question15:30
cjwatsonit will fail rather than corrupt data, I think, and it's not new - at least beta-2 had the same problem and I think beta-1 as well.  OTOH I don't think we can release with partman this way, and in some ways I'd rather test it in the RC15:31
cjwatsonbut I'm open to either15:31
cjwatsonthe diff is http://paste.ubuntu.com/419280/15:32
cjwatsonand for the record it would require respinning everything15:33
cjwatsonso if that's too much of a headache, we can put it off15:33
cjwatsonI'm not sure how to errata it short of "the partitioner might just not work"15:34
* charlie-tca thought it was just my equipment failing at times15:34
slangasekafter hitting the failure, is there any way to recover, other than waiting for an ISO with the fix?15:35
slangasekbased on what I've seen of the ISO testing timeline for the betas, I think a broad-spectrum respin today would push us to Friday on the RC, unfortunately15:36
slangasekunless we mustered a lot of extra testing support quickly, and that would probably expend our reserves for next week15:37
charlie-tcaFor me, the only way out has been to run the liveCD, delete the partitions, then run the install again15:37
slangasekI'm ok with an erratum of "the partitioner might just not work, and spit <error message>; if you hit this you can delete the partitions by hand, or wait for the final release next week"15:39
cjwatsonthere might be fiddly technical ways to recover, such as manually resizing your existing logical partitions to slightly different boundaries15:42
cjwatsondeleting partitions wouldn't be a good recommendation since they'll be people's existing partitions15:43
cjwatson"wait for an ISO with the fix" is probably the sanest recommendation by some way15:43
cjwatsonok, so I can drop this into the archive and we can land it last thing Thursday, or something15:43
slangaseksounds good to me15:44
cjwatsonit should have occurred to me to just try manually laying out a disk matching the reported partman log, and then I'd have found it more quickly15:46
cjwatsonbut hindsight is 20/2015:46
kirklandslangasek: okay, rackspace stuff looks okay, i'm going to approve them from the new queue15:58
kirklandslangasek: do i also need to remove the old ones from the archive?15:58
slangasekkirkland: the old ones need removed from the archive, yes15:59
kirklandslangasek: k16:03
kirklandslangasek: done16:06
slangasekkirkland: thanks - bugs reports closed?16:06
kirklandslangasek: i'll blacklist too16:06
kirklandslangasek: changelog mentioned the bug number; i'll double check16:06
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
kirklandis it too late to upload byobu with a newly merged set of translations?16:49
pittikirkland: but they would just get stripped anyway?17:00
kirklandpitti: ?17:00
pittikirkland: you might upload the new .po files directly to LP, to shortcut their import?17:00
pittikirkland: packages in main don't ship translations (*.mo) anyway17:03
kirklandpitti: oh?  okay.  where do their *.mo's go then?17:20
kirklandpitti: how do they get sucked up?17:20
pittikirkland: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/TranslationLifecycle explains the whole process in detail17:21
pittikirkland: in short, the .mo files are stripped, the po files imported into LP, merged with translation updates, and re-exported into language-pack-*17:21
jdstrandslangasek: I have an apparmor profile change to address bug #56620717:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566207 in evince "apparmor blocks evince from /usr/bin/dbus-launch" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56620717:22
jdstrandslangasek: I'd like to add an abstraction to apparmor (already in trunk), and then update evince to use the new abstraction. if this is not appropriate, I can just adjust evince for lucid and make said changes in maverick17:23
kirklandpitti: okay, i'm just realizing i haven't merged translations into byobu in several months, got some complaints from people who contributed translations and weren't seeing them in the package17:23
jdstrandslangasek: what do you think?17:23
pittikirkland: they don't need to be17:24
kirklandpitti: okay, thanks17:25
slangasekjdstrand: I think it's appropriate to make the change for lucid, but I'm inclined to defer to SRU - from the bug log, it seems to me that this bug only affects certain remote-display configurations?17:26
jdstrandslangasek: presumably, yes17:26
jdstrandslangasek: I can adjust the bug accordingly for SRU17:26
slangasekand AIUI doesn't block use of evince, just throws some errors17:26
slangasekso yeah, I think SRU is best17:27
jdstrandslangasek: no, it blocks evince on a remote display. but there may be an unrelated issue that makes that not work anyway17:27
slangasekstill, --> SRU please17:27
* jdstrand nods17:27
ograjdstrand, in the case the user subscribes there you dont have any session dbus running17:28
ograso evince has nothing to connect to17:28
ograeven fixing apparmor will not get him running evince17:29
jdstrandogra: right, so it tries to start one with dbus-launch (which fails due to apparmor)17:29
jdstrandogra: so it isn't possible to get evince running on a remote display?17:29
ograwell, you need a session dubs running first17:30
jdstrandah right, I see what you are saying17:30
ogragnome-session does that automatically, if you log in via ssh that doesnt happen17:30
jdstrandstill, the profile should be adjusted, it is then up to the user to get the session bus going17:31
ograthe apparmor issue is definately valid but will likely not fix the issue for the user17:31
jdstrandogra: thanks17:32
stgraberslangasek: ping17:54
doko__slangasek: I'd like to upload gcj-4.4 for lucid, fixing stack-unwinding on armel, followed by an ecj upload. currently testing on jocote. ok, or sru?18:55
davmor2Wubi isn't being pulled in on Xubuntu cd's18:56
charlie-tcaThat wouldn't require complete retesting, but we do have users that use it19:00
stgraberslangasek: Quick status update on Edubuntu, we're still waiting on the final artwork, for now we reverted on the old one and I'll try to call Iain Farrell tomorrow morning (just noticed I had written his office and cell numbers ;)). highvoltage is working on a small change in our scripts that will be uploaded in a few hours (I hope), we'll then need a respin to include these changes.19:14
highvoltageslangasek: package uploaded19:57
lamontdoko__: any progress on glib2.0 vs sparc?20:49
doko__lamont: no, can look at it tonight. would disabling the testsuite work for an upload? I fear, my machine will be not accessible as well20:51
lamontdoko__: put together a source package with the test suite disabled for sparc, toss that (signed) on faure, and start the build.  I'll check it later and see how it did and then pester slangasek about upload perms. sound good?21:03
doko__lamont: ok21:05
cr3I fixed a bug in checkbox which might be release critical, how can I assess whether it's really release critical or whether it should be an sru?21:27
doko__seb128: while trying to build glib2.021:28
doko__ fakeroot debian/rules clean21:28
doko__/usr/share/gnome-pkg-tools/1/rules/check-dist.mk:19: Unknown distribution: lucid21:28
doko__what does depend on that?21:28
seb128doko__, don't bother about that one21:29
seb128doko__, it's an hook to avoid experimental source upload to unstable in debian21:29
seb128doko__, it just displays warning in other scenarios21:29
doko__lamont: faure:~doko/tmp21:55
ScottKUnless I'm just really unlucky, Bug 567536 may be important and no mvo.22:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567536 in update-manager "Upgrade failed due to OOo predepends problem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56753622:13
ScottKAlso, the pending opendkim upload is mine, so I'd apprecaite it if someone would accept it.  The only non-bugfix bit is a build system change that defaults off.23:16
slangasekstgraber: pong23:26
slangasekdoko__: gcj-4.4, ecj> SRU, I'm afraid23:26
slangasekstgraber, highvoltage: ok; so you want a respin for RC with the edubuntu-artwork upload?23:27
highvoltageslangasek: that would be very nice thanks23:28
slangasekScottK: 567536> looks like a duplicate of the one mvo has already been working on?23:28
ScottKslangasek: OK.  ccheney wasn't sure if it was still a work in progress or a fix had already been 'done'.23:29
ScottK(which I found out after I pinged here)23:29
ScottKBTW, I used Ubuntu for the first time today.  The failed upgrade is a new Dell laptop that arrived today with Ubuntu preinstalled.23:30
slangasekoh no, mvo was struggling with it all day today - I'm quite sure the fix isn't done23:30
slangasekhighvoltage: so this upload is the rollback to the previous artwork?23:33
highvoltageslangasek: eek, no, unless I did something horribly wrong23:34
slangasekhighvoltage: oh, all debdiff is showing me is that there are different logos; I was trying to understand what's going on based on stgraber's comments23:34
slangasekhighvoltage: is this the /final/ artwork, then?23:34
highvoltageslangasek: we still don't have anything from Canonical, so I decided to replace the place-holders with the old Edubuntu logo, since we don't have any word on when it will be ready23:36
slangasekhighvoltage: ok :/23:36
highvoltageslangasek: and I'm concerned that the archive might go into deep freeze with a bunch of "New Edubuntu Logo Here" messages in place23:36
slangasekedubuntu-artwork accepted23:37
highvoltagethanks again23:37
highvoltagemy dream is that one there will be an artwork team as efficient as the release team :)23:38
highvoltages/one/one day/g23:38
bdrungcan someone let audacious in?23:50
slangasekedubuntu-artwork publishing, ISO trigger set23:57
slangasekbdrung: it's seeded on the ubuntustudio images, so that would break the RC freeze?23:58
bdrungslangasek: what's the process for seeded packages in the RC freeze?23:59

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