
dholbachgood morning08:26
vishdholbach: nigelb: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/Review-team.png and  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/review-192.png14:25
* nigelb hugs vish, the rockstar :)14:26
nigelbits a beauty :)14:26
vishthanks.. :)14:26
dholbachis "forwarding patches" the only thing the team does?14:44
dholbachI'm talking about the 192x192 version14:44
nigelbdholbach, he meant "Fast Forward" i.e. do it quickly14:44
dholbachaha, hm14:44
nigelbyou know the setting on the old VCP "Fast Forward"14:44
dholbachall set14:45
dholbachthanks :)14:45
nigelbwhere does the really big icon figure?14:47
dholbachI dunno14:48
nigelbhaha :)14:48
vishnigelb:  64px is used on lp ..  192px > no where ;p  , its normally used if people want to use as a banner14:49
nigelbvish, I was wondering where the really big one figured on LP14:50
vishnigelb: i have never seen it used anywhere on LP .. i would like to know as well :)14:50
nigelbvish, great.  I'll use it on the wiki then :)14:51
nigelbvish, did the icon thingie.. wonder how to put the big one14:53
vishnigelb: for that you have , to add the image inline something like :14:54
nigelbI know.  I'm wondering about placement actually14:55
nigelbnot the technicality14:55
vishah righto..14:55
nigelbjust after header would look okay?14:55
vishnigelb: usually next to the TOC , but there is no toc on the wiki ;)14:56
vishnigelb: or next to the "what is review team" on the right14:57
nigelbvish, do you know how to align it?14:59
vishnigelb: float:right ?15:00
nigelbvish, erm, not sure.  have to try15:00
vishnigelb: that should work..15:00
nigelbvish, yaay https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReviewersTeam15:05
vishnigelb: neat!15:06
nigelblooks trendy with the new font that you used15:06
nigelbvish, http://identi.ca/notice/29260810 :D :D15:07
nigelbouch, I spelled wrong, whatever..15:07
vishnigelb: hehe ;p15:07
vishdholbach: all the hugging started on this day or even earlier > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jzGIaZcGcM  ? :D15:21
* vish blames dholbach of all Ubuntu Hugs ;p15:22
dholbacheven earlier :)15:22
nigelbvish, get ready to be crushed by dholbach and gag15:23
nigelbpersia, I think I Pm'd you yesterday.  any comments?16:15
persiaI think my comments have to wait for me to read my email :)16:15
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