
slangasekfader_: mythbuntu being respun - sorry, I should've marked it as such on the tracker once I knew04:07
aramy internet connection is slow today :(07:10
mvohey ara, good morning07:11
aramorning mvo :)07:11
davmor2morning all11:01
aramorning davmor211:02
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davmor2morning fader_ cr314:00
davmor2ara: I'm going for the wubi tests now14:00
fader_davmor2: Hey dude14:05
davmor2wubi 32 pass15:01
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* ara tries to sync Ubuntu DVD with today's unreliable connection16:56
* ara crosses her fingers16:56
* ara remembers the testing community that there is a set of Generic Tests that also requires coverage17:13
mcas1is  there any problem with testing at the moment?17:20
aramcas1, no, go ahead :)17:21
mcas1i am on it ara ;-)17:21
mcas1but i feel like i am alone ;-)17:21
mcas1so i want to ask if there is a new build planed or so17:21
charlie-tcayou are never alone here.17:22
persiamcas1: You aren't: when you have questions, just ask here.  There are lots of folks testing (based on testing reports I see in several channels)17:22
charlie-tcaNo, there is no new build planned at this moment17:22
mcas1ok :-D17:22
mcas1i am doing server -i386 tests17:23
charlie-tcaWe can never have too many tests, so even if someone else ran the test, feel free to run another one.17:23
mcas1but last release i think there were more testers17:23
charlie-tcajust seems that way17:24
aramcas1, also check in the tracker what it hasn't been covered yet, like ubuntu studio17:24
mcas1ok ara17:25
mcas1i can run 2 more test, the others i can not test at the moment17:25
mcas1then i want to help out with kubuntu tests17:25
persiaubuntustudio is *always* short i386 testers, unfortunately.17:26
mcas1ok i try ;-)17:26
davmor2ara:  Right ubuntu and kubuntu wubi killed hopefully wolverhampton will retain enough electric for me to cover xubuntu and m-a18:13
mcas1ok it looks like i found a problem18:16
mcas1can someone please test server i386 preseed with virtualbox ?18:16
mcas1after a reboot virtualbox dies18:16
mcas1or should i directly fill a bug report?18:18
charlie-tcaSounds like a bug to me18:20
aradavmor2, nice18:21
mcas1k charlie-tca i will fill a bug report18:22
charlie-tcaI would attempt to confirm it, but my system is testing xubuntu 64bit right now. It would be several hours away18:23
aramcas1, also, make sure to report back to the iso tracker (including the bug number)18:24
mcas1ara sure18:25
aramcas1, thanks!18:25
mcas1ok stop18:27
mcas1charlie-tca: ara reading logs helps ... i had to enable PAE support18:27
mcas1my fault18:30
ratte_Hi, I'm testing Ubuntu R.C. i386 and the right card slot of "Acer Aspire One ZG5 AOA-150"(netbook) does not work!18:35
davmor2ara, slangasek: There's no wubi on xubuntu18:49
davmor2charlie-tca: can you confirm that there is no wubi.exe on xubuntu cd's please18:51
aradavmor2, oops18:52
charlie-tcaLet me look18:52
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charlie-tcaI don't see it on 386, at least18:54
charlie-tcaIt was there an image or two back on the dailies18:55
davmor2I'm just checking on amd6418:55
davmor2no wubi there either18:55
charlie-tcahelp... Xubuntu needs wubi on the images18:56
ara22 minutes left to sync Ubuntu DVD... almost there19:03
davmor2meh forgot I can't file a fail without a bug but I don't want to write a bug if it is fixed in a respin19:11
aradavmor2, have you confirmed that xubuntu is going to be respin?19:12
davmor2I'm assuming that slangasek will want the RC to be as close to final release as possible19:13
davmor2ara: still waiting on a reply though19:13
aradavmor2, ok19:13
sbeattiebah, I thought the fglrx failures on upgrade had been fixed?19:30
arasbeattie, which one are you experiencing: bug 559587 or bug 55278219:32
araor non of the above19:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 559587 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu) "package fglrx (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/ati/signature', which is also in package xorg-driver-fglrx 2:8.721-0ubuntu8 (affects: 33) (dups: 5)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55958719:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 552782 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "package fglrx (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: dpkg-divert: mismatch on package (affects: 122) (dups: 22)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55278219:32
araboth are supposed to be fixed19:32
sbeattieara: one sec, looking at the logs.19:33
sbeattieara: it's a dpkg-diversion failure, but slightly different than the in 55278219:37
sbeattieit's complaining about overwriting libdri.so in the diversion rather than removing the diversion.19:38
arasbeattie, I can't see any similar bug, so you'd better file a new one :(19:42
sbeattieargh, launchpad oops.19:44
davmor2sbeattie: :(19:45
sbeattieargh, three attempts at filing this bug and all failed.19:50
davmor2sbeattie: are you doing it through ubuntu-bug or not?19:51
davmor2sbeattie: if you're filing direct try zzzzzz as the description19:52
sbeattiedavmor2: through ubuntu-bug; I get the duplicate check, and am able to enter details/tags/blah blah blah, and then when I submit the bug, ker-boom; timeout error with an oops id.19:54
sbeattieI reported it in #launchpad but they're not the most responsive bunch.19:54
davmor2sbeattie: you didn't report it attached to a cattle prod that the issue there ;)19:55
sbeattieBah, finally got it to go through: bug 567425 is it.20:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 567425 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu) "package fglrx (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: dpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56742520:04
rlameirohi ther, where do my test case fits? I installed the alternate and set it to install on the remaining free space?21:44
charlie-tcaguided resize?21:44
rlameirocharlie-tca: no, just using the freespace on the disk21:45
rlameiroif i recall well, was something like use the biggest continuos free space21:46
rlameiroi had 400gb on a 500 gb21:46
rlameiroand it worked as it should so do i put it on the manual?21:46
charlie-tcaactually, I don't know21:48
rlameiroyeah, i was looking at the test cases info and none fits my install :D21:48
aracharlie-tca, yes?21:49
charlie-tcarlameiro has a question you might be able to answer21:49
* ara reads backlog21:49
charlie-tcainstalled using biggest continous free space,21:49
charlie-tcawhere does that fit?21:50
rlameiroyeah ara, it doesnt fit any test case21:50
rlameiroi am on ubuntu studio21:50
ararlameiro, it does not fit any, but put it in full disk and specify under comments, please21:50
charlie-tcaThank you21:51
rlameirook ara thanks21:51
ararlameiro, np21:51
ararlameiro, it would be great if you could test some more ubuntu studio test cases, if you have time (even in a VM)21:51
rlameirocan i do it in a vm???21:52
rlameirowell, like that i will make all of them :D21:52
ararlameiro, that would be awesome!21:52
rlameiroada well, now that i have a 64 bit, i can now run 64 VM :D21:53
ararlameiro, hw it is always better, but virtual machines are also OK21:54
ararlameiro, it would be nice to specify that in the comments as well (whenever you are using VM)21:54
ararlameiro, thanks for testing!21:54
rlameirowell need to get the train.21:56
charlie-tcarlameiro: good luck, and thank you21:56
slangasekedubuntu marked for respin, per highvoltage / stgraber23:32
fader_slangasek: Were the mythbuntu respins due to the bugs I filed yesterday or were there other issues causing that?23:32
fader_I saw your message in my scrollback this morning but wasn't quite sure what to make of it :)23:33
slangasekfader_: it was because mythplugins needed a reupload to let us get rid of mysql-dfsg-5.0 from the archive23:33
charlie-tcaslangasek: what about xubuntu - missing wubi - respin ?23:33
fader_slangasek: Ah, okay, then I won't panic if I see them again :)  Thanks.23:33
highvoltageslangasek: thanks, from here on I think we'll be good23:33
slangasekfader_: sorry, knew it was coming much earlier than it did and should have marked it23:33
fader_No worries, it keeps me in practice ;)23:34
slangasekcharlie-tca: will look as soon as I have a chance to give edubuntu its push23:34
charlie-tcaThank you23:34
slangasekcharlie-tca: please clarify what you mean when you say "wubi isn't on the images"23:51
slangasekcharlie-tca: I couldn't find the bug, so I just checked the ISO file list and it's there23:51
slangasek$ grep -i wubi xubuntu/daily-live/current/*.list23:52
charlie-tcaWhen you try to install using wubi, it does not appear in any menu23:52
charlie-tcaYou can not select it on 368 or 64bit images23:53
slangasekwhat menu?23:53
charlie-tcadavmor2 did not file the bug until we heard from you23:53
charlie-tcaI put the desktop cd in the drive, there is no wubi to select23:53
slangasekwhile running Windows?23:54
slangasekyou don't see it when browsing the CD?23:54
slangasekok; I'm going to have to download the ISO locally to pick this appart, so it's going to be a while23:55
charlie-tcaThank you23:55
charlie-tcaEven if we respin the rest of the tests should be okay23:55
slangasekthey'll still need to be retested with the new image, we don't trust that things stay the way they should this close to RC23:57
slangaseklike, for instance, wubi disappearing :)23:57
charlie-tcaOh, okay23:57
charlie-tcaI'll run them again23:57

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