
rlameirohi guys, check this out00:08
rlameiroholstein: http://ur1.ca/vy1z00:08
rlameiroseems very handy00:08
holsteinthanks rlameiro00:09
holsteinhey AutoStatic13:54
AutoStaticello holstein14:07
arahello all!19:10
araWe are testing Lucid RC images, and the tests for Ubuntu Studio are far from being covered19:10
araif anyone could help on those, it would be awesome19:10
jussiara: #ubuntustudio-devel also ;)19:20
arajussi, too much spam for now ;-919:20
holsteinara: what are those again?21:04
holsteinthe links?21:04
holsteindo i download a daily?21:05
holsteinthe installer failed for me a few days ago21:05
holsteinis it different than then?21:05
ShadeSis there any freeware that can compare w/ celemony?21:09
ShadeScelemony boasts being able to modify individual notes, length, pitch, AND timing within polyphonic material21:10
holsteinShadeS: what are you trying to accopmlish?21:10
holsteinif you want to pitch shift, that can be done21:11
holsteinreally, all of that can be done21:11
ShadeSIIRC modifying individual notes within polyphonic material was previously impossible21:11
ShadeSand only possible with 'retakes' ie: rerecording the set with your group21:12
holsteinyeah, im still skeptical21:12
ShadeSwell, it's, for real.21:12
ShadeSthe real deal21:12
holsteinhave you heard any samples?21:12
ShadeSit's amazing what that software can acomplish21:12
holsteinare there samples online?21:13
* holstein still skeptical21:15
holsteinnot sure why the term 'industry standard' is being used21:16
holsteinthe industry standard is to multitrack21:16
holsteinand have each instrument on its own track21:16

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