
hezyso you started xchat by right clicking the black desktop etc. ?00:00
systrikno, i'm now in another operating system00:01
hezyha, so you couldn't even login to xubuntu00:01
hezythis is the same computer? can we be sure there's no hardware problem?00:02
systrikI waited but nothing changed, then I did ctrl + alt + f1. I was in the console. I logged in. then removed the current x11. tried to start it again with "startx" but got errno 3 and errno 1100:03
hezydid you install from liveCD or alternative install CD?00:04
systrikpuh, it's a CD which you can use it as livecd and as installation. did download it 2 days ago from xubuntu.org00:05
hezyso it's the liveCD. and the desktop worked well from the live session?00:05
systrikI didn't try the live session, just installed it00:06
hezyIt is a good idea to try it first, this way you can see if there is a conflict with your hardware before you install00:07
hezyI think you should try the liveCD again. if it works, than you can reinstall from within the live session00:08
charlie-tcahmmm, it worked, then you removed X11, now it is broken?00:08
hezyif not, there is probably a problem with the CD itself00:08
systrikok thanks, I'll try it again. But I forgot something to mention. The first time when I tried to install, I couldn't see the screen again. Only the mouse. Had to reboot the computer, than I was able to see the installation process00:08
hezydid you check the CD? you should00:09
systrikcharlie-tca, I did ctrl + alt+f1 to get to the console and tried to start xfce again. But the console said, the I have to remove the current x11 first, I did "sudo rm /tmp/.X0-lock/" and than "startx"00:09
systrikbut nothing changed00:09
systrikhezy, no I didn't, maybe the CD has a problem.00:09
hezywhat os do you use now?00:10
hezythis is how to check in ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM00:11
systrikmany thanks for your help hezy00:12
hezybut it should be the same in slackware00:12
hezyyou are welcome. if you need more help, I'll be back in 15 minutes.00:13
systrikok thx00:13
hezysystrik: how is it going?00:40
SCC-Fausthey I need help00:41
SCC-FaustGetting internet00:41
SCC-Fauston my xubuntu00:41
hezySCC-Faust: what's the problem?00:41
SCC-FaustIt won't identify my wireless card... or something.00:45
SCC-FaustI have a compaq presario laptop.00:45
hezywhat model is it exactly?00:46
SCC-FaustLet me check00:47
SCC-FaustPresario C70000:48
SCC-Fausti found a chip underneath my laptop00:48
SCC-Faustit didn't taste good though00:50
hezyI found this in the ubuntu forums:00:51
hezyit is somewhat old post00:51
hezybut seems to be a similar model00:52
SCC-FaustI'm hopeless.00:56
SCC-FaustI can't even get the very first command to work00:56
hezyyes, the link I sent does give a solution00:57
SCC-FaustIt does.00:57
SCC-Faustbut when i00:58
SCC-Faustsudo apt-get install uswsusp00:58
SCC-FaustIt says00:58
SCC-Faust"Package uswsusp is not available, but is referred to by another package."00:58
Dracariits likely a broadcom based card00:58
SCC-Faustetc etc means package is missing, has been obsolete, or only available from another source etc etc00:58
SCC-FaustIt is I think00:59
Dracarihezy open a terminal and run "lspci"00:59
hezySCC-Faust: never mind, uswsusp has nothing to do with wireless01:00
SCC-FaustSorry, this is my first linux system, so I'm kind of dumb.01:00
SCC-FaustUnfortunate I'm already stuck on an issue like this :901:00
Dracarido you see anything like broadcom 4301 ?01:01
Dracarithen here.01:01
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:01
SCC-FaustBroadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN01:01
SCC-FaustThanks yo.01:01
Dracarithats a good guide to getting it to work01:01
Dracarii had the same prob w/ both my dell and compaq just last week ^^;;01:02
hezyyes this is a good guide01:02
Dracariscroll down to where it says Internet access01:03
Dracarias well your compaq have a card reader?01:04
SCC-FaustI don't believe so. o-o01:04
Dracariok as the Texas Instruments TI16xx readers dont work in 8.04 + *ubuntu01:06
Dracari( i have the presario R3000 which came w/ a 5 in 1 reader)01:08
Dracaribrb changing Routers01:09
Dracari|ZZzzZZzzcan be so bothersome to add things to XBMC Xbox's01:12
Dracari|ZZzzZZzzonly if xUbuntu (xbox Xubuntu) wasnt so slow on a 733mhz 64vid ram 64mb system ram id use linux or native XBMC01:13
=== Dracari|ZZzzZZzz is now known as Dracari
WCityMikeHello.  I'm sorry to bother you all, but I'm needing some XUbuntu installation help and wondering if this would be the place to ask after it.02:00
WCityMikeAnyone actually here?  It says 58 members ...02:01
WCityMikeAnyone?  Stuck in a bit of a unique situation.  (Well, unique to me, I'm sure it's old hat to you guys.)02:03
WCityMikeOne last try before I split.  Would in anyone be present to be able to help with something?02:07
DracariNo oone ever pays attention to "Dont ask to Ask.."02:33
Ben2Anyone know why my shell scripts won't execute in my live session?02:55
SCC-FaustThanks to the people03:13
SCC-FaustWho helped me03:13
SCC-FaustI now have wireless on my xubuntu laptop!03:14
Dracariyou were the one ealier w/ wifi issues on the compaq?03:14
Dracari:3 i was the one who gave you the broadcom guide03:15
SCC-FaustDo I like... owe you a blowjob now?03:15
Dracariif on a restart and its down again just open a terminal and run "sudo modprobe b43"03:15
Dracarilol Nah but yw for the help :303:15
DracariUpdating a USB Pendrive Install takes a LONG Time03:36
Laserbeak431hello, i'm running an old install of xubuntu in a vbox i've just reinstalled. can someone tell me the command to check the architechture?03:37
Laserbeak431im not sure if it's 32 or 64 bit03:37
Dracarii'll look for you03:40
Dracaribut vbox? like a virtualPC?03:40
Laserbeak431umane -m03:43
Laserbeak431and yes its like vpc03:44
Laserbeak431thanks anyway :)03:44
Dracariwa sgoing to say most virtual PC software will show if you have a 64Bit OS installed as teh guestOS03:44
Laserbeak431Dracari: ah good point03:46
Dracariwb SCC-Faust03:55
SCC-FaustHey I'm on Xchat... WITH MY XUBUNTU LAPTOP03:55
SCC-FaustNow I can look at porn from my bed.03:55
Laserbeak43is intrepid an old release?04:37
Laserbeak43"This one is only for Ubuntu Intrepid users: $ sudo apt-get install lib32readline5-dev"04:38
pleia2intrepid is 8.1004:38
Laserbeak43oh ok thanks04:40
levari can not play mp3's something about decoder05:05
levaralso everytime i login i have to login under terminal and type in startxfce4. Why is that05:10
levareverytime i login i have to login under terminal and type in startxfce4. Why is that05:20
Balsaqi will say this. i'll bet if you were runnimg a clean xubuntu install and not a dual boot and not a virtual OS...i bet you would not have this problem.05:53
n2diyCan Thunar read files on remote machines05:57
BalsaqFor security reasons Thunar only executes files of type application/x-desktop, application/x-executable and application/x-shellscript05:59
levari have problems06:00
Balsaqlevar are you rubbung a clean xubuntu install?06:00
levarrubbung? what is that06:01
levaryes i am06:01
Balsaqwoth no dual boot and no virtual OS?06:01
levarjust xubuntu06:01
Balsaqwhat version06:01
Balsaqbecasue when i boot xubuntu...i dont have to do anyhting like you said.....levar> also everytime i login i have to login under terminal and type in startxfce4. Why is that06:02
levari dont know why well where do i edit my login settings. maybe thats it06:03
Balsaqloer left hand of screen as you are booting i think06:03
levarand how do i get administrative privledges06:03
Balsaqyoum should already have them if it s your install06:04
levarits is saying i dont have that06:04
BalsaqBy default, the root account password is locked in xubuntu...if that is what you are after?06:10
Balsaqi would say change your password levar06:12
Sysilevar: what it does when you try to log in normally?06:12
Sysiand did you make just normal installation?06:13
levarit should just log me in automatically . it is a normal installation06:15
Balsaqwhen i enter xubuntu i have to pust in my user name and then my password06:16
levarwhen i d id install i chose log in automatically06:17
Balsaqhmmm....never did it that way? maybe that is why he doesn't have admin priveledges?06:19
Sysisounds like someting pretty badly wrong06:21
Sysior dunno06:21
levarOne Big Mess. How would i get to the login screen and login under xsessions instead of xterm06:32
Sysiso you end up to xterm in normal login?06:35
levarI think it is06:35
Sysican you get to xfce?06:35
levarhow do i get there06:36
levarim a newbie06:36
Sysiexec xfce4-session06:36
Sysishould work IIRC06:36
levaris that for the graphical interface06:37
levarim on the graphical interface06:37
Sysioh right06:37
Sysithat's xfce :)06:38
Sysior should be..06:38
levari just want to login like a normal user06:38
Sysisettings → login window06:38
levarwhen i do that it says.......( i will tell u)06:38
Sysino settings, System in main menu06:39
Sysior: gksudo gdmsetup06:39
Sysiand select autologin off06:39
levar"faild to run /usr/sbin/gdmsetup as user root.(below that) unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file06:40
levarwhen i type in that code as well i get the same error message06:40
levari get an error message when i first login about it is going to start in low graphics mode06:41
Sysiwhat graphics card do you have?06:41
levari dont know06:41
Sysilspci | grep VGA06:41
levarits a laptop06:42
Sysilevar: did you use wubi for instllation?06:44
levarwhat is wubi06:45
Sysiwindows ubuntu installer06:46
levari used a live cd06:46
Balsaqtough cookie...06:49
Sysii maybe would do something un-linux like reinstall or/and trying other version06:50
Balsaqi just dont see how it could happen06:57
Balsaqyeah the linux tex seem to think reinstalling is surrender06:58
levari have an ATI video card07:03
neur1installed the beta2 shutdown not working tried the rmmod snd-hda-intel fix, but still no good. any new fixes? workarounds?08:02
levari need the terminal code to edit user privlidges08:43
knomewhat privileges?08:43
Balsaqsudo passwd your_user_name08:44
TheSheepBalsaq: errr... no08:44
Balsaqo sorry08:44
knomeTheSheep, baaaaAAA!08:44
TheSheepknome: ...08:45
Balsaqhe has been trying for hours to become root as best as ican tell which is not going to happen.08:45
levari found out my problem08:45
levarsome how i lost privileges. i checked out my account and under privileges everything is greyed out08:46
levarso if i can get the terminal code to edit my privileges in root using "su" i will be good I THINK08:46
TheSheeplevar: you need to click on the button with the icon of a key08:47
TheSheeplevar: in 'users and groups'08:47
levarits greyed out08:48
TheSheepthe icon next to 'click to make changes'08:49
levarwho got the answer08:53
Balsaqtime to catch some ZZzzzzz.....Good Morning Xubuntu!09:20
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
Kangarooohello. one day i got mic working for skype but thouse settings wasnt saved so yesterday when i needed mic to work i messed all settings up and now i cant hear what other to who i was tryng to speak in skype isnt clear sound. when they speak speakers are dynamicly setting themselfs silent for 1/2 seconds and then back. so i thought id resset but how?10:41
odie5533If I want to use xubuntu and I already have the regular ubuntu cds, should I download the xubuntu ones or just install the ubuntu and add xfce desktop?11:11
psycho_oreosyou can install ubuntu and then download/install xubuntu-desktop (virtual package that's available inside repository)11:12
odie5533Are there other changes between xubuntu and ubuntu?11:12
psycho_oreosapart from xfce? not really11:13
hawkalIs there a printer manager in xubuntu?13:35
Sysimenu → system → printing13:36
Sysior something like that13:37
hawkalI cannot see anything for printing here13:38
Sysii have :o13:38
Sysior wait..13:39
Sysithere is, and then menu in server etc13:40
hawkalyours install must be different to mine then13:41
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
Sysithis should be default, 10.04 though13:41
Sysitry to manually run system-config-printer13:42
knomeSysi, 10.04 is still beta/rc :P13:42
knomeSysi, can't expect users have that13:42
Sysiknome: that kind of things usually don't change13:43
Sysibut you never know, that's why i mentioned it13:43
* ablomen has system => printing too, in 9.1013:44
hawkalthank you13:44
=== ardian_hacklab is now known as gent_hacklab
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
Sachse_Siechtumlk, hello14:58
Kangarooocan anyone cofirm this? in pidgin clean install default irc network is irc.ubuntu.com ?15:23
ablomenKangarooo, yes, thats correct (irc.ubuntu.com just forewards to irc.freenode.net btw)15:52
ablomenehm chat.freenode.net15:53
Kangaroooso theres also irc.freenode.net and also chat.freenode.net ?15:55
ablomenirc.feenode.net also redirects to chat.freenode.net15:56
Pitelhow to create application launcher on panel from item in applications menu?16:52
charlie-tcaPitel: you can not do it directly. Right-click on panel, left-click on 'add new items', left-click on 'Launcher'16:53
Pitelyeah, i found that, but i don't want to fill all the params and select icon by hand16:55
Sysicreate it to desktop and copypaste them :p16:56
Sysifor some reason there's more automagic16:56
Pitelok :)16:56
Sachse_Siechtumwhat is the command for the compiz fusion icon?18:54
Sachse_Siechtumto put in into the autostart18:54
Sachse_SiechtumHello I got the Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Express Plus are there any drivers for Xubuntu?19:18
Sachse_Siechtumoh wait..it works on aMSN ...but not on skype19:20
AquinaA friend of mine told me it's possible on some Windows systems (did not tell me which one I guess XP) to lock/disable some USB ports or block data transfer to them. I know it's possible to unload the linuxs' kernels usb module regarding GNU/Linux. This however kills all USB related data transfers. Is it possible to partially disable/control it like when using Windows? Is Windows probably using some crazy userspace crap that only makes ppl. think USB19:55
Aquinais unavailable/disabled?19:55
Sachse_SiechtumAquina, as far as I know you can enable/disable USB ports in your computers BIOS19:59
geniiThat is also usually global though20:10
geniiAquina: Conceivable you could use the info of "Bus 008 Device 001:"  type section returned from the lsusb command to then modify some value in corresponding /sys/bus/usb/devices/  section which would affect that device's performance20:28
genii(like hibernate it without wakeup capability)20:28
stefanoferrante_who can suggest me some optimizations to perform in xubuntu for an aspire one 110 with ssd drive?20:44
Aquinathanks for your input! :-)20:53
AquinaOptimizations, stefanoferrante_? Xubuntu GNU/Linux is *not* Windows. The only thing yu can do is disable or reconfigure stuf, but hrere is a statement made by Ritchie (I guess) who complained about optimizaitions.20:56
charlie-tca!hi | aoxson20:56
ubottuaoxson: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:56
aoxsonSo anyone mind helping me out a bit? :D20:57
knome!ask | aoxson20:57
ubottuaoxson: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:57
charlie-tcaSure, hello is a greeting used in english.20:57
aoxsonWell I just installed xubuntu and my battery time seems very low as now it's only 1.5hours at max20:58
aoxsonat windows it was 3 hours20:58
aoxsonCan this have anything to do with drivers that aren't installed?20:58
aoxsonOr could this be cause my graphic card is constant on?21:00
aoxsonHow can you check if the graphic card is correctly installed?21:05
charlie-tcayou have a desktop?21:06
charlie-tcaThe drivers in linux are normally just installed; unlike windows where you must do each driver individually21:06
aoxsonNo i'm on a laptop21:07
charlie-tcaby desktop, you have a background and icons on it?21:08
aoxsonAah yeh21:08
charlie-tcadriver installed21:08
aoxsonBut why can't i put on a higher resolution then?21:08
charlie-tcasorry, having some other issues21:08
charlie-tcaYou are using the free driver. go to Applications -> System -> Hardware Drivers21:09
charlie-tcaIt should have one to install for your specific video card21:09
charlie-tcaor, it doesn't recognize the card, normally quite old or ATI mobility 20021:10
aoxsonAti mobility radeon HD 547021:10
aoxsonand it doesn't seem to find anything as it stays blank21:10
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:11
aoxsonIt only find the ATI controller21:13
aoxsonI don't seem to have sound either21:21
charlie-tcaWhat version is this?21:21
aoxsonof xubuntu?21:22
charlie-tcaThe good news is sound works better in 10.04, that is being released next week21:23
charlie-tcaThe bad news is we have to wait for someone else to help with the ati video21:23
aoxsonhmm okey21:23
aoxsonWell don't mind the video just need sound =D any known way to fix it?21:24
charlie-tcahave you turned it on? left-click the speaker, left click controls, put some check marks in21:25
charlie-tcaThen you got to right click the speaker, left click properties, make sure the alsa thing is selected, close it. now the sound should work21:26
aoxsonalsa thing?21:28
charlie-tcaWhere it says 'Sound card: ' you select alsa21:29
charlie-tcait probably has some other stuff in there, but you want whichever one includes alsa mixer21:30
charlie-tcanow sound should work21:30
charlie-tcaprobably don't have any system sounds.21:31
aoxsonamarok doesn't seem to play music21:31
charlie-tcaI don't know amarok21:32
aoxsonVlc seems to work though21:32
charlie-tcaamarok probably has more things need to be done for it21:32
aoxsonah okey21:33
charlie-tcano problem21:33
aoxsoncharlie-tca would you advice people to use xubuntu with wireless?21:36
aoxsoni'm sitting next to the modem21:36
aoxsonand I only have 2 bar21:36
charlie-tcaWhen you move away, do you lose the connection or does it still work? It might be a visual aid error21:38
aoxsonwell actually it just fell down21:40
aoxsonHad to use the cable21:40
aoxsonThat's what I thought xD21:40
Sachse_Siechtumhello anyone there?21:41
* charlie-tca is a figment of your imagination21:41
charlie-tcaHello, Sachse_Siechtum21:41
Sachse_Siechtumuhm I just watched a installation howto on youtube...21:42
Sachse_Siechtumand I saw there, that you can assign different partitions for / and /home..21:42
charlie-tcaI do it all the time21:42
charlie-tcamakes a reinstall easier21:42
Sachse_Siechtumso when I install it that way...I gonna have a partition for OS and one for my own files?21:42
charlie-tcaI can reinstall without messing with /home21:43
Sachse_Siechtumsweet so when lucid comes out  gonna format my whole hdd (leave XP behind) and do it that way21:43
charlie-tcaI am doing 16 installs between yesterday and today, on the same two systems. By having a separate /home, I don't lose any data21:44
Sachse_SiechtumI see21:44
Sachse_Siechtumand then when I use simple backup I just can backup the /home folder..21:44
Sachse_Siechtumor the os partition for that matter21:45
charlie-tcashould be able to backup /home now, can't you?21:45
Sachse_Siechtumso what is a good size for the / partition?21:45
Sachse_Siechtum10 Gbytes?21:45
charlie-tcadepends on what you have21:45
charlie-tcaI have one system on a 40GB hdd, so I give / 10GB, and /home 28GB, with /swap 2GB21:46
Sachse_Siechtumyeah I will backup home on a USB stick before I swipe my system..21:54
Sachse_SiechtumI got a  3 gbyte swap21:54
charlie-tcaOn my big drives, I still give / between 15-20 GB, and grow /home to 80GB, so I can use ubuntuone21:55
Sachse_Siechtumoh and I just trashed PiTiVi for Kdenlive :-)21:57
charlie-tcaI think I am losing money on ubuntuone, I pay the monthly fee, but can only get it to work with one system21:57
Sachse_Siechtumthats strange21:57
charlie-tcaSachse_Siechtum: nice... ;-)21:57
Sachse_Siechtumubuntuone is this backup service right?21:58
charlie-tcaStrange I can get it to work?21:58
Sachse_Siechtumno strange it only works on one system21:58
charlie-tcaUbuntuOne is supposed to be good for backups, yes21:58
charlie-tcayup, I don't know how good it is if it doesn't really work21:59
Sachse_Siechtumand today I finally installed compiz :-) I kinda missed it hehe21:59
charlie-tcaOTOH, it is working on Xubuntu21:59
magic_ninja420so lol21:59
charlie-tcaI can't even find docs that tell how to make it work with Thunar22:00
charlie-tcaIt is kind of a test deal, I guess22:00
Sachse_Siechtumwhat do you mean?22:01
Sachse_SiechtumOTOH? whats that?22:01
charlie-tcaOn The Other Hand22:01
Sachse_SiechtumI dont use thunar I use nautilus22:02
Sachse_Siechtumit gives me a nerd-******* ;-)22:02
charlie-tcaThat what they say works with UbuntuOne! But... it doesn't come with Xubuntu, and that is what I am testing22:03
Sachse_Siechtumah ok22:03
Sachse_SiechtumI see22:03
Sachse_Siechtumalright away playing max payne 2 (on wine) :-)22:08
Sachse_Siechtumwhat is the terminal command for the "add remove applications" tab?22:55
Sachse_Siechtumbecause it doesnt show when I click on it22:58
charlie-tcayou should look in '/usr/share/applications/add-remove applciations' and see what the exec is23:04
charlie-tcaI don't have 9.10 available today23:04
Sachse_Siechtumdamn nautilus overwrites my wallpaper23:08
charlie-tcaMost of the gnome apps are written to take over now.23:09
charlie-tca!hi | kurzbrey23:32
ubottukurzbrey: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:32

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