
ryanakcaRiddell: That's the 'of which' I said I'd take care of.00:15
ryanakcaRiddell: Can you host the images under kubuntu.org/~jriddell (or ~riddell, or whatever it is) please?00:15
doyoureallycaredo you guys know if Amarok 2.3.1 Beta 1 is in the backports ppa?00:36
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txwikingerwhat does knotify need 112M if memory for?01:02
txwikingerand how do I disable nepomul01:05
txwikingerand how do I disable nepomuk?01:05
shtylmantxwikinger: systemsettings02:19
txwikingershtylman: thanks02:19
verbalshadowcomments please http://verbalshadow.wordpress.com/2010/04/10/the-logarithmic-calendar-view/03:49
ScottKWould someone please look into getting avogadro to build.04:12
JontheEchidnalooks like it's failing to due an SIP api change04:15
ubottuError: Sourceforge bug 2950025 not found04:16
JontheEchidnaclosed silently as fixed without any clues as to where/what the fix might be :/04:16
ScottKI'll give you an FFe if we need to shove a new version in.04:21
JontheEchidnaOh, it'd be all to simple for upstream to do a new release to fix build breakage04:21
ScottKIt needs the new dh_sip love too.04:22
JontheEchidnaI cannot see any relevant fix in the commit log: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2950025&group_id=165310&atid=83507704:23
JontheEchidnaIt appears to just be irresponsible triaging on upstream's part04:24
ubottuError: Sourceforge bug 2950025 not found04:24
* ScottK was tired of filing removal bugs on obsolete crap and hoped that one would have a happy ending.04:27
* ScottK goes for a lie down.04:28
JontheEchidnaand of course, I cannot comment on the bug :/04:30
JontheEchidnahum, hope: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=56943804:31
ubottuDebian bug 569438 in src:avogadro "avogadro: FTBFS: sip.cpp:143: error: 'const struct sipAPIDef' has no member named 'api_convert_from_instance'" [Serious,Fixed]04:31
JontheEchidnaoh, the fix was not in sip.cpp. Who would have known? :/04:34
JontheEchidnaDefinitely not us, who were left with nothing to look at in the bug report04:34
ScottKJontheEchidna: Accepted.  Thanks.05:38
jussiScottK: without wanting to push, when do you think youll have those backports done?  Id like to make sure the sysadmins have enough time to make sure the new version works.06:10
nixternalwill it be safe to upload a somewhat translated doc package this week? <-- Riddell? I am sure you will say yeah, so I will work on it anyways this week :)06:10
ScottKProbably tomorrow night or Thursday06:10
nixternalScottK: you tried oDesk at all? I have been using it and am doing some Qt work now...pretty cool, and I can ask for whatever I want06:11
nixternalPyQt for $20/hr, Qt/C++ for $35/hr, Django for $25/hr...3 projects I am working on06:11
nixternalpfft, don't even have to use the phone for an interview either...love it!06:11
ScottKI'd have to be an actual programmer to use that.06:11
nixternaland once a week, money hits my bank account06:12
nixternalthey have non-programming tasks too06:12
nixternalsys admin stuff06:12
nixternaldocumentation work06:12
nixternalwhich for some reason, people keep selling themselves for $10/hr on documentation06:12
nixternalshoot, documentation should cost more than the damn programming06:12
ScottKMaybe I'll have a look.06:12
nixternalno traveling :)06:14
ScottKRight now I'm waiting for my wife to get back from the pharmacy (kid with bronchitis) so I can go to bed.06:15
ScottKI have to LEAVE the house in 4 1/2 hours for a meeting in NJ.06:15
ScottKNo travelling sounds good right now.06:16
ScottKtxwikinger: ichthux-desktop is currently uninstallable.  Let me know if you need something sponsored to fix it.06:23
txwikingerScottK: thanks I will have a look06:24
txwikingerProbably some packages that got renamed or removed06:25
ScottKI think so.06:26
ScottKPackage ichthux-desktop version 1.0ubuntu12 has an unmet dep:06:27
ScottK Depends: hotkey-setup06:27
ScottK Depends: kio-locate06:27
jussinixternal: documentation is a horrible job. I agree.06:41
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delightsomehow my network manager stoped working on my laptop ... I'm only getting (cabled) network by calling sudo dhclient311:03
delightanybody here that got a hint to the problem ? ... had the same a few weeks ago on a desktop machine11:03
Riddelldelight: what doesn't work about it?11:13
apacheloggerScottK: re backporting something ... that can be done, as long as someone tells me what ;)11:19
delightRiddell: well i get no network ... ifconfig shows me only the lo interface ... networkmanager in kde has only a inaktive "deaktivated networkmanagement" << tranlated from german ("Netzwerkverwaltung deaktiviert")11:20
sebasis NetworkManager running?11:24
delightsebas you mean the widget ? ps aux | grep -i network11:25
delightroot      1089  0.0  0.0   8408  3780 ?        Ss   11:56   0:00 NetworkManager11:25
delightxenium    1945  0.0  0.4  67552 18252 ?        S    11:57   0:00 /usr/bin/knetworkmanager11:25
delightroot      8451  0.0  0.0   3332   892 pts/1    S+   12:25   0:00 grep -i network11:25
delightso basicly yes ... both should be running after I run the dhclient3 I get to see my networkdevices when i run ifconfig ... + i also have network by that time11:26
sebasdhclient and ifconfig are orthogonal to knetworkmanager11:26
sebasthey change status because Solid says that they change status11:27
sebasfor manipulating the status, you need NetworkManager11:27
sebasso I'm puzzled why it doesn't work11:27
sebashttp://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Network_Management << might have some pointers11:29
delightme too ... well I'll try to inspect some more .. the only thing i did quite different then the other day was starting virtualbox from deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian karmic non-free11:29
delighton my lucid ... it was installed for some time but i started it shortly yesterday ... but that would be rather odd11:29
Riddellsebas: I've had this.  if you run nm-applet and click "enable networking" then start knetworkmanager it's fine11:32
sebascan't you enable networking in knetworkmanager?11:33
sebashm, no button for that11:33
sebasthe plasmoid has one11:33
apacheloggerthat might be why the nm on my netbook seems broken11:43
jussioh wow... I had this issue as well!11:44
ryanakcaRiddell: Please let me know when you've hosted the countdown images.11:50
Riddellryanakca: the URL nookie gave me seems to have disappeared :(11:50
ryanakcaRiddell: :(11:50
ryanakcaRiddell: 404 here too :/11:51
ryanakcaDo we have his (her?) email?11:51
Riddellnot that I know of11:51
Riddelloh yes11:52
Riddelllinuxsajten at gmail dot com11:52
ryanakcaRiddell: OK, I'll send him an email and ask him to send you a link to an existing copy.11:53
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seelenixternal: did you write a plasma service that handles survey/form data?14:57
Riddellseele: he did yes15:18
shadeslayeris there a way to confine kde apps to the KDE menu and gnome apps to the gnome menu?15:49
shadeslayerlike Qt apps and Gtk apps15:50
Riddellwell you could probably add some ignore rule if you really wanted15:51
Riddellbut cross desktop funtionality is considered a feature15:51
shadeslayerRiddell: i dont want it :P15:51
shadeslayerRiddell: my menu will get overbloated :D15:51
daskreechshadeslayer: Yes but it's not respected15:58
shadeslayerdaskreech: humbug....15:59
daskreechall the apps are tagged with a Gnome and KDE tag  so you could have the menus only show KDE aps15:59
daskreech I seem to remember KDE having an option (which actually ignored GNome instead of only showing KDE)15:59
daskreechit's technically feasible but likely a logistic problem that once you put it in people will want more options that get to matrixy to deal with16:01
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shadeslayerdaskreech: heh :P16:02
shadeslayerdaskreech: do you know how to accomplish this in lucid?16:03
* shadeslayer will be gnomified in 1 hour 13 mins16:03
daskreechI haven't tried Lucid yet except when I needed a live Cd to fix something at a business place and I was quite dismayed to find out that I could not have my boot messages16:04
shadeslayerdaskreech: just remove quiet from the boot line16:04
shadeslayerdaskreech: that should get it talking :P16:04
daskreechIt doesnt16:04
shadeslayerdaskreech: \o/16:05
daskreechI want boot messages16:05
shadeslayerdaskreech: hehe... me too,ive disabled splash and quiet...16:06
shadeslayerbut in the 2.6.34 kernel i dont get a nice 1440X900 tty16:06
daskreechSee I want splash.16:06
daskreechWell not really WANT it but it does make people not cringe as soon as I introduce LInux and they see text streaming up the screen16:06
daskreechThat'll make them spin on their heel and walk off16:07
* alvin pines for the days when that text said something like: bringing up eth0 [OK]16:26
alvinI guess it all started with Windows XP. They already had a bar moving left to right and back. Not very useful though.16:27
Riddellryanakca: banners at http://blusrcu.ba/nookie/kubuntu_banner_final.zip16:54
Riddellryanakca: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/10.10-countdown/kubuntu_7.png17:00
Riddellhi xiven17:01
xivenI'm looking for information about Canonicals patching of Qt. Its really causing problems with Scribus17:01
xivenI am trying to look into the possibility of writing patches for  Scribus so it works like its supposed to on Kubuntu17:01
Riddellxiven: qt 3 or 4?17:01
xivenQt4 I believe17:01
seeleRiddell: do you remember what it was for?17:02
Riddellxiven: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/qt/ubuntu/files/head:/debian/patches/ is the patches we add to Qt 417:03
Riddellxiven: on a note of terminology it's Kubuntu developers who package qt not Canonical (and for the most part the packaging is taken from Debian)17:03
Riddellseele: what what was for?17:03
seelenixternal's plasmoid engine17:03
persiaxiven: I remember this issue from long ago, and it seemed at that point to be mostly related to SCIM.  With the transition to IBus some of the issue may have gone away.17:04
Riddellseele: feedback for kubuntu releases, if you're on lucid you'll have it installed, it's just a web frame to a website with a questionnaire17:04
seeleRiddell: ah, that's not quite what i was looking for17:06
seelei need to store the data locally and then submit it because i need the participant to be able to review the data before submission17:06
Riddelluse a local web server :)17:06
seelei'm not going to ask participants to install a local webserver as part of the study17:07
xivenOk, so the problem was related to SCIM, so if I look into the SCIM patches...then I could probably fix it?17:13
* persia hunts down bugs to refresh memory17:13
xivenI either need some workarounds to make Scribus work better with Kubuntu, or I need to get Scribus modified so it plays nice with Kubuntu17:15
xivenI already spoke to Scribus developers and they will not do anything about it, becuase its only K/ubuntu that it has these problems with.17:15
Riddellxiven: scim isn't a patch in qt 4, it's a module in a separate package which isn't installed by default17:16
Riddellare you sure you're using the qt 4 version of scribus?17:16
xivenUnless I can find a good PDF Editing software for Linux which is not command line17:16
xivenHold on17:16
xivenAppearantly its using 3.3.8b17:17
xivenAhh...its the development release that is using Qt 4.x17:18
persiaxiven: Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the bugs I was hunting.  If you could point me at some, I may remember more.17:18
xivenWell, now that I realized I have been opening up the wrong version of Scribus (3.3.13) instead of 3.3.517:19
Riddellxiven: try using scribus-ng then, no point working on bugs in a near obsolete version of scribus caused by an obsolete version of qt17:19
xivenWell, the development version is the newer one...I've been using stable17:19
xivenI didn't realize I was opening the wrong one...17:20
xivenUsually when I install a newer version of something, the older one gets removed (difference between Ubuntu/Gnome, and Kubuntu/KDE)?17:21
xivenSo, with the use of programs built on Qt4, there should be no compatiblity issues with KDE/Kubuntu?17:25
persiaAny issue would be considered a bug.17:26
xivenIs there any way to get KPackageKit to tell me what the total size of the update its doing is?17:27
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xivenWell, yes..but I am talking about issues which the Scribus team would have known about for a while17:33
xivenBeing I thought I was using Qt4, I told them I was, and they told me the standing issues I was having was due to Qt Patches in Kubuntu17:33
xivenHey, maybe you can solve a curiosity of mine17:34
xivenIn the era of K/Ubuntu Breezy Badger, a lot of work was undergone to make it very easy to run KDE apps on Gnome and vice versa. What type of work was done to allow this? Was it integration on some level between the Gtk and Qt toolkits?17:35
shadeslayerweird thing.. networkmanagement plasmoid wont pick up eth0 or wlan0...17:36
shadeslayermy ethernet is disabled... had to do ifconfig eth0 up17:36
xivenHey, is Spy-ware, Ad-ware, or Viruses an issue on Linux worthy of actually scanning for it?17:39
xivenI know there is Clam Anti-Virus, but that seems more geared toward server services which have vulnerabilities that may allow hijacks or various exploits.17:39
Sputit's more for scanning mails that are destined for windows boxen17:42
macoshadeslayer: i get that sometimes...and then a reboot fixes *shrug*17:46
macoshadeslayer: just pretend you're using windows17:46
shadeslayermaco: lol17:46
shadeslayermaco: well i did reboot 5 times,4 of those reboots failed,then i reconfigured the kernel and everything was as is,i guess thats prone to happen since im using 2.6.34-117:47
macounsupported kernel version!17:47
* maco wags finger17:48
shadeslayermaco: i knew that was coming :P17:48
shadeslayerstill... this is the first time it happened17:48
macoif i have a bad shutdown (which reminds me, my computer doesnt suspend on low battery last few days...) itll do that on next boot17:48
shadeslayermaco: yeah i actually had a bad hibernate...17:49
macoor if i stop nm service, when i start it again, both knm and the plasmoid will refuse to control networking, and on the next reboot theyll fall over as well. it takes a second reboot to get it going17:49
shadeslayerthen i had to force a manual shutdown...17:49
shadeslayerah well.. good thing i know about ifconfig and dhclient :D17:50
xivenOk, so I'm going to guess that my answer was Linux doesn't have Spy/Ad-ware, and any viruses are caught so fast by the permission issues throwing errors; I have absolutely no reason to think about it?17:50
shadeslayerxiven: whut?17:51
shadeslayerxiven: hold on17:51
shadeslayer!virus | xiven17:51
ubottuxiven: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2117:51
xivenI am just wanting to know if Linux has become popular enough for people to actually learn to write spyware/adware or viruses which actually work on linux17:52
macothere've been ~30 ever17:52
macoin the wild, that is17:52
shadeslayerxiven: you might have been pointed there before,so short answer is no,there are no viruses to be threatened of17:52
maconone for a few years though, so unless you're running red hat 9...17:52
shadeslayeror ubuntu 5.04.....17:52
maco(without patches)17:52
xivenI run Kubuntu Karmic actually17:52
macoshadeslayer: wasnt 2003 about the last time?17:53
xivenAnd I just updated it17:53
shadeslayermaco: hmm... well you might say that something as old as 5.04 might be vulnerable to some extent17:53
xivenI try to be using the latest OS version within 3 months of it coming out, no matter which OS it is (Windows ofcourse takes longer, due to cost)17:53
macorawr why does wikipedia order linux viruses by alphabet not chronology?17:53
macoshadeslayer: yes, but targetted attacks more likely17:54
shadeslayermaco: easier to read?17:54
shadeslayeryeah :)17:54
macoah so there was one OOo macro virus in 2007 called Bad Bunny17:54
shadeslayermaco: btw 9.10 is horrible while connecting to WEP wifi networks which have static IP's17:54
shadeslayeri mean really horrible17:54
macoshadeslayer: i havent used  a wep network in a long while17:55
macoah but Bad Bunny was a proof-of-concept, not in the wild17:56
shadeslayerhttp://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2010/04/incredible6002.jpg << You must be joking xD17:57
xivenIn some strange way, that sort of inspires me to discover a way for a virus to survive.17:59
shadeslayerxiven: \o/17:59
shadeslayerxiven: even if you do manage to make a virus in linux,youll end up filing a bug against the linux kernel at some point of time :P18:00
xivenJust kind of seems like it would be a revolutionary discovery, and a great advancement for security - because it could then be patched up as well.18:00
xivenSo far the only way I have ever known a virus to live on Linux, is if it was actually tiny bits of code split into a million places within a program (or a few programs maybe), so that the user would actually be getting permission  granted to the application for it to work.18:01
xivenWhich would never work since open source is reviewed so much18:01
RiddellI get worms attacking my ssh ports constantly, I've had them succeed too18:02
xivenI mean, I never look at any source code - unless I'm planning on modification. But, anything which makes its way into the Kubuntu repos has been reviewed already.18:02
xivenWell, I am behind a firewall, with at least some increased security..I think I'm safe there18:02
xivenBut, not even any form of aware or spyware can survive?18:03
xivenI don't see a program being cut off from calling up firefox passing a web address....18:03
macoxiven: the user initiating the program is how viruses run. ditto trojans18:04
macoif it ran without the user initiating something, itd be a worm18:04
xivenI've had tons of viruses on windows do something without me doing anything18:04
macothen they werent viruses18:04
macothey were some other sort of malware18:05
xivenWell, technically they were classified as Trojans18:05
macoviruses specifically infect individual files and are transmitted by sharing infected files and run when you open those files18:05
xivenBut, I haven't heard of any virus which wasn't a trojan (or worm) in like 10 years18:05
macotrojans and worms arent categories of virus18:05
macovirus, trojan, and worm are separate categories of malware18:06
xivenI got most of mine by downloading MP3 files.and the virus would become active before I played the file.18:06
xivenSo would that mean the MP3 had a worm not a Trojan? Because my anti-virus has always called them Trojan's18:06
macotrojan means any file that claims to be good but is actually malicious18:08
macoso if it was malware with .mp3 tacked onto the end claiming to be a song...18:08
macolike those hot nude pictures in your email :P18:08
xivenI don't get nude pictures in my email, but I do get your point18:09
xivenWhere are you from?18:09
xivenWestern or Central Eastern?18:09
macoyou never get those spams that are like "hot nude pics of $celebrity"?  theyre usuall trojans18:09
xivenNah...well they come in, but SpamAssassin (or whatever) throws them in my Junk folder before I even know it happened18:10
xivenPlus, if I do open up one, either linux doesn't even recognize it, or my Anti-Virus quarantines it before it can say hello18:10
xivenAvast is damn good at picking them off quickly18:11
macoi thought you meant they never arrive for the spamassassin to catch!18:11
xivenIt caught a trojan one time, I had only downloaded like 1/100 of the file, and bing..Avast puts it away18:11
xivenmaco> With Gmail you would be right18:12
macoRiddell: akonadi not operational :(18:12
macoi should install updates, though i'll be swapping computers on friday anyway...18:12
xivenYahoo, Hotmail unfortunately they land in junk folder...well Yahoo a few make it to inbox, but I never check that email so the spam block is probably a bit untaught18:12
xivenSo, how can I become a Kubuntu developer, and make money at the same time?18:13
xivenI cannot afford to donate time for programming, or I would.18:13
xiven(Multi-tasking is a full time thing here)18:13
xivenWell, multi-tasking when I have a chat open18:13
shadeslayerxiven: hehe.. the ladder is : User > Bug triager > Free kubuntu dev > Paid kubuntu dev > Paid Canonical employee18:14
shadeslayerRiddell might have more info though :)18:14
xivenAhh, so there is a ladder to climb in order to actually write new software?18:15
shadeslayerxiven: um.. you dont become a kubuntu dev by writing a app :)18:15
xivenI wonder how long it would take to climb to a paid developer/if I would have to move...18:15
shadeslayerxiven: you have to contribute to Kubuntu18:15
shadeslayer!member | xiven18:15
ubottuxiven: Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember18:15
xivenI believe I am a member lol18:16
xivenBut, I have only done user activities so far18:16
shadeslayerxiven: i cant see your cloak... :P18:16
shadeslayerxiven: most kubuntu members have kubuntu member nick cloaks...18:17
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seeleRiddell: damnit, you know.. running a local webserver might actually make what i need to do easier :P18:24
xivenI always run a local web server18:26
xivenI do all of my development and testing for web the locally18:27
seelexiven: sure, but regular users don't and so if i want to study regular users, i'm asking them to install software they might not want to install18:28
seeleit will make installing and uninstalling the study software a little more difficult. if it were just wrapped in a plasma widget then that is pretty easy to manage18:29
xivenRegular users of what?18:29
seelebut installing a webserver will require package management18:29
seelethe kde desktop, it is a wide and long study i'm trying to design18:29
seelei might have to limit some factors though18:29
xivenAre you just trying to study what KDE users like/dislike and do?18:30
seeleno not really, i'm targeting particular usage patterns regarding interruptions18:30
seelelike/dislike is marketing research18:30
xiveninterruptions like what?18:30
xivenLike the use of interrupts for DOS graphics?18:31
seeletask interruptions from social communication. for example popup notifications, task switching due to new information indicators, forced task switching due to popups, etc.18:31
macoxiven: i think she means like things geting in the user's way18:31
xivenIn other words, finding out what annoys users the most, but isn't reported18:32
seeleno, annoyance is different18:32
seeleannoyance is a perceived factor, but it doesnt tell us why or what or how18:32
seelemeasuring annoyance may be one of the factors i look in to, but that isn't the purpose of the study18:33
seelethis is a grounded theory approach to figuring out the context of task interruption in the desktop environment due to social communication18:33
macoi didnt mean annoyance, but like if focus is hijacked, that can prevent you doing what you were just doing18:33
seeleyes, but task switching isn't always bad. sometimes it is necessary18:34
macoseele: so youre going to be crimsun and tell me identi.ca and irc are why my homework doesnt get done? :P18:34
seeleno, i'm not looking at task performance18:34
seelei might in a later phase, but this first study is exploratory. i'm not testing hypotheses18:35
xivenHmm, well that didin't work. Recorded a macro in OpenOffice to highlight a row a certain color...but the macro just highlights that exact same row18:35
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ryanakcaRiddell: Banner's up.21:15
Riddellryanakca: lovely21:27
apacheloggerso I was trying to learn skateboarding, of course I am not made for that kind of task and can't hold my balance at all22:18
apacheloggerhence I am a bit in pain ^^22:18
ryanakcaRiddell: Is there anything you can do from the inside to push https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=10496 along?22:21
* apachelogger sends Nightrose de-duplication cookies22:31
Nightroseyay cookies!22:32
Nightroseapachelogger: also send me akademy cookies22:32
Nightrosemuch more needed right now22:32
Nightrosedamn CfP22:32
apacheloggeroh my, I am all out of akademy cookies :S22:32
* apachelogger is doing the KDE booth babe job @ grazer linux tage on saturday22:32
apacheloggerif that helps22:32
* apachelogger hasn't realy done the booth babe stuff for like 2 or 3 years22:33
apacheloggerI doubt that will work out well22:33
apacheloggerbut oh22:33
Nightroseit will22:33
* apachelogger akademy hugs Nightrose22:33
apacheloggerit all works out in the end22:33
apacheloggerone way or another ^^22:33
Riddellryanakca: pinging him now22:35
Riddellryanakca: does the theme need drupal 6?  if it can use drupal 5 that would mean not having to upgrade the server's drupal setup22:43
Riddellofirk: ^^22:43
ofirkRiddell: I am testing it on drupal 522:44
ofirkRiddell: it seems to work fine22:44
ofirkRiddell: the most important thing is to setup a staging site22:45
ofirkRiddell: the D6 issue isn't crucial22:45
Riddellofirk, ryanakca: he says that might make it more likely and he's asking around22:48
rbelemhello guys23:33
rbelemi would like to help you in the TODO list23:34
rbelemcan i get the "Finish system-config-printer-kde port " task?23:34
Riddellrbelem: of course although it's not a small task and dantii is working on new printer tools which might replace them23:36
rbelemRiddell, oh! if it will be replaced soon it is better to work on the new one :-)23:38
rbelemRiddell, do you have another nice task or the todo of the new printer tools?23:39
Riddellrbelem: this week we mostly need ISO testing23:41
Riddellalthough that's a slow and rarely exciting task23:41
Riddellafter the release we'll need lots of package merges23:41
Riddellif you're looking for coding tasks that file sharing issue is always on my todo23:42
macolast time i tried iso testing, it failed a lot, and then it turned out to be that some piece of hardware wasnt plugged right :(23:42
rbelemRiddell, so is it better for me to work on the iso testing?23:43
rbelemRiddell, yep... i'm looking for coding :-)23:43
rbelemRiddell, the implementing SMB file sharing task?23:44
rbelemi think i can get pick this one :-)23:45
Riddellrbelem: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/LucidFileSharing is the spec23:48
Riddellthe old smb.conf mess needs scrapping and rewritten to use  "net share"23:49
rbelemRiddell, wow! that's a really exciting task23:54
rbelemRiddell, what should i do to assign this task to me?23:55
Riddellrbelem: start coding :)23:57
Riddellyou can have this assigned to you https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-lucid-file-sharing23:58
Riddellbut the way to start would be getting KDE SC trunk compiled and running so you can see the current state of the code23:58
Riddelland dig out the code of the gnome file share dialogue which does it correctly with "net share" so you can see what the right solution is23:58

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