
PhoenixzNobody on the X crash when configuring multiple monitors?00:06
seattlegauchoquestion to the community00:12
seattlegauchoUsing kubuntu 9.04 and enabled desktop effects ... however Ctrl+F8 through Ctrl+F10 stopped working ... any ideas where to look for clues or how to fix it?00:13
seattlegauchoalready restarted kde and the OS a couple of times for different reasons with no change on the desktop effects00:14
Typos_Kingcan't say myself00:16
Typos_Kingno to mention I don't use kwin anyhow as window manager.... sooo my key-bindings differ much :)00:17
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phdpI'm very new to KDE, where can I get info on my computer (processor, RAM, ...) ?01:59
iconmefistophdp: open konsole, and type: lshw <enter>02:05
iconmefistophdp: or install kinfocenter02:05
phdpthanks !02:05
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macowujs: what are you doing?03:04
lucitukdevelop rc3 debs anywhere in the ppa?03:34
jacob_hello, I have an ati radeon X800, and under System Settings->Desktop Effects it says "Compositing not supported". Could someone please help me to identify the problem? I can not find a compatability list saying this card doesn't support compositing, so I think there is a system error somewhere03:46
jacob_Anyone have any idea where I should even start?03:50
jacob_does no one have any idea?03:57
pm2I'm on Kubuntu 9.10, and just recently Youtube told me to "go upgrade" my flash player.  Is there a solution for this for amd64?04:11
ubuntuHey i am running this in my virtual box :)04:23
navetzis there a iTunes like media player for linux?04:59
marta__ola a todos05:21
marta__preciso de amigos05:21
genii!pt | marta__05:21
ubottumarta__: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.05:21
marta__falam portugues ao menos?05:21
marta__i dont like brazilian05:22
geniimarta__: You can ask here in english ... there is also the Portuguese specific channel of #ubuntu-pt05:24
vivek_I have aproblem with Kopete.. I am able to connect to my yahoo account using Kopete.. can see all my frds added there, can receive mesages from them , but cant send any messages,... I mean I send messages ,.. but they dont receive it...05:37
xivenHow much modification is required to integrate a QT application into Kubuntu?05:40
vivek_I have aproblem with Kopete.. I am able to connect to my yahoo account using Kopete.. can see all my frds added there, can receive mesages from them , but cant send any messages,... I mean I send messages ,.. but they dont receive it...05:48
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BuddhaBombwhat in the world05:51
vivek_I have aproblem with Kopete.. I am able to connect to my yahoo account using Kopete.. can see all my frds added there, can receive mesages from them , but cant send any messages,... I mean I send messages ,.. but they dont receive it...05:55
vivek_I have aproblem with Kopete.. I am able to connect to my yahoo account using Kopete.. can see all my frds added there, can receive mesages from them , but cant send any messages,... I mean I send messages ,.. but they dont receive it...06:12
=== saint_ is now known as Guest4325
vivek_I have aproblem with Kopete.. I am able to connect to my yahoo account using Kopete.. can see all my frds added there, can receive mesages from them , but cant send any messages,... I mean I send messages ,.. but they dont receive it...06:21
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iconmefistovivek_: still there?06:56
vivek_iconmefisto:yes buddy how are you.. iam stuck up with something new ths time06:57
iconmefistothe kopete problem?06:57
iconmefistoI don't have a solution :( just a question. do your friends all use windows yahoo clients?06:58
vivek_iconmefisto:almost all.. at least the women do.. lol and that does matter06:59
iconmefistovivek_: so some are using kopete like you?06:59
vivek_iconmefisto: not some.. only one and that is me :-)06:59
iconmefistowant to try sending me a message, kopete to kopete? just to see what happens?07:01
iconmefistopm me and we can add each other07:01
vivek_iconmefisto:please wait a second adding07:06
Borg^Queenhi people, I'm not using kubuntu, but I am (for the moment) using another kde centric distro and I need help. As it seems the devels for this distro have disappeared. When I plugin a usb drive, it no longer appears in kwikdisk (or fstab). We are using hotplug (I know, old) it was working fine up until 5 hrs ago. Does anyone have any idea what, if any middle app is used to modify the fstab?07:12
geniiBorg^Queen: Perhaps try #kde channel for generalized assistance07:14
Borg^Queengenii: been there07:15
Borg^Queenwaited for 5 hrs,07:16
geniiBorg^Queen: Alternately find a distribution which also uses kwikdisk (like mepis)07:16
Borg^Queengenii: looking into it now, but doesn't resolve the problem at hand.07:16
Borg^Queenkubuntu has kwikdisk as well, just need to add it07:17
Borg^Queenare you happy with it, kubuntu?07:17
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geniiBorg^Queen: Yes, it works well for me.07:18
Borg^Queenhow do you like kde4 ?07:19
Borg^QueenI'm guessing it used kde4 now07:19
vivek_KDE4.4.2 is great07:19
Borg^Queenlol thank you vivek_07:19
geniiBorg^Queen: I'm getting used to it. I had 3.5 for a long time.07:20
vivek_you are welcome Borg^Queen:07:20
Borg^QueenI was a heavy debian using for 4 years but it became too obsolete07:20
Borg^Queengenii: currently on 3.5.x07:20
Borg^QueenWhat I want is a kde centric distro with a real community, and a collection of rude people07:21
Borg^QueenI know it sounds silly but I don't want to send a noobie into a channel where they will be abused.07:21
Borg^QueenI recycle computers and donate them to children, the elder and home bound, these people are very sensitive07:22
geniiBorg^Queen: If these computers are somewhat lower specs you may want to consider a lighter desktop than kde4 (such as xfce or so)07:23
Borg^QueenP3s and P4s07:23
Borg^QueenDecent ram, they run the distro I'm using now with full KDE 3.5.x, no difficulties07:24
Borg^Queenfor really old stuff, I use puppy07:24
geniiYes, thats a good choice07:24
Borg^QueenIts got bite!07:24
geniiWe grow offtopic from Kubuntu support .. :) Luckily it's slow here at this time.07:25
Borg^Queenanyway I'll see what I can do about fixing my problem on my own. I've emailed bero, the founder, about it.07:25
Borg^Queenaye, I don't believe a channel should be so topic ridged but aye.07:25
geniiBorg^Queen: Which distribution are you currently on?07:26
Borg^QueenArk Linux, I've been using it for years, but our lead dev has disappeared and they rest of us are just learning.07:26
Borg^QueenIts a great distro but outdated now and only bero knows the deeps workings07:27
Borg^Queenanother reason I'm considering abandoning it as well07:28
Borg^Queenbut I want a kde centric distro07:29
geniiUbuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu has a very active community07:30
Borg^Queenaye, but are they friendly, as I said, the people I deal with are always wounded by society.07:30
geniiBorg^Queen: We're here being friendly to you, are we not?07:31
Borg^QueenOh terribly mean07:31
Borg^QueenI'll let it go for night, it late. Tomorrow I'll dl and test kubuntu as well as do research on a replacement. Either way, thank you for your time.07:32
geniiBorg^Queen: You're very welcome, have a good night07:33
Borg^Queengn to all07:33
Borg^Queengn genii07:33
Borg^Queengn vivek_07:33
bluebirdhi there! any body know this bug - When i use PolicyDialog and enter correct su password, window shaking and authorization failed, in log.auth - authpam_unix(polkit:auth): auth could not identify password for [user]???07:55
bluebirdhi there! any body know this bug - When i use PolicyDialog and enter correct su password, window shaking and authorization failed, in log.auth - pam_unix(polkit:auth): conversation failed  authpam_unix(polkit:auth): auth could not identify password for [user]???07:58
binary_Sup guys?09:21
binary_Nobody here today :/09:27
moetunesmost just idle until someone asks something binary_09:29
binary_Well then how about I ask something?09:30
binary_Ati Drivers on kubuntu wtf?09:30
binary_why so hard?09:30
moetuneswhat's hard about it? - I don't do ati09:31
moetunesthere's a link to a howto for setting it up binary_09:32
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:32
binary_Hah no I got it installed. I was just being sarcastic. I actuall had to uninstall the default drviers and install the proprietary ones to enable compositing.09:33
moetunesahhh :]09:33
levari am new to kubuntu. How do i install firefox10:25
levarand recieve the updates10:25
levarhow do install firefox10:29
GNU\colossuslevar: iirc, there's even a menu icon that automagically does that.10:32
GNU\colossusunder Applications → Internet, if I'm not mistaken10:32
levarits not for me10:33
jussilevar: open konsole. then type: sudo apt-get install firefox10:47
levaralso i would like to install kynaptic.10:51
levarwhich i do not have10:51
kennethaarClicking on links in thunderbrid doesn't make a link open in firefox. Default webbrowser is set to firefox. But it wont work anyway.11:09
edi_99Hi guys. All of the sudden, my wireless just stopped working - it was working just fine uptill now. Everything KNetworkManager does is trying to connect and constantly asking12:56
edi_99for a passphrase (which is 100% correct). I did an upgrade earlier, but it wasn't working even before that. Any hints on what I should do? I tried to reinstall as it was advised12:56
edi_99in one of the posts in the ubutnu forum, but no luck.12:56
FloodBotK1edi_99: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:56
edi_99Sorry about the flooding.12:56
appleseedhello there, I've just installed a fresh exaile on a fresh lucid kubuntu and I've almost got it working, save for the fact that there is no sound. I have attempted all the combinations of Normal/Unified and OSS/Alsa/Automatic/etc at the sound settings, but there is still no audio. My Amarok, system sound and Mplayer all have the sound working just fine. Looking at the shell output, there is no errors when trying to play14:07
appleseed a songso my question, do someone know perhaps what is wrong?14:07
BluesKajhey folks14:16
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penociohi. i just  pluged a new 3d vga card. my original one was not working after my pc got a voltage shock. the new one is 64mb but is giving a yellowish view. why is that so?14:28
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sashi i need some help plz. my termianl is closing every time after edditing profiles14:46
sasremove --purge and reinstall has no effect14:46
sashow can i edit the profile settings of the Terminal (konsole) without starting it in kde (there it crash's)14:46
sassry 4 bad english14:46
sasdeutsch ginge auch ^14:47
macoedit ~/.kde/share/apps/konsole/Shell.profile  i think14:47
sasthx i try14:47
sasmaco: thx works fine now ;)14:49
sasso....thx 4 help i've to go ;) see u soon14:52
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txwikinger!ask | jorgino16:23
ubottujorgino: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:23
ibelouisi tried to switch from windows 7 to newest kubuntu......16:45
ibelouisno internet = hard to switch =\16:46
ibelouisanyway to make my wireless conenct on kubuntu? is scans and finds the network, says connecting, then getting address but then disconnects16:46
rork!wireless | ibelouis16:49
ubottuibelouis: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:49
ibelouisthx, ill give that a try16:49
rorkI know nothing about that topic, I higly prefer having cables around but I hope the documentation can help you. Otherwise just hang around, I know there are a few people here who can probably help you.16:50
xivenHow big a task am I looking at for modifying a Qt app to work with Kubuntu? It's an issue with Canonical's Qt patching...16:54
ibelouiswell i have 2 linksys usb sticks16:57
ibelouisone works, one doesnt16:57
ibelouisbut the one that works wont conenct16:57
ibelouisi even tried disabling wireless security on router and i get same problems when trying to connect16:57
kalipusibelouis: use the gnome network manager17:00
ibelouisi didnt see that, i used the one that popped up on taskbar17:01
kalipusit works for me better and has more options17:01
daskreechibelouis: how far into connecting does it get?17:01
ibelouisdont think it was gnome though17:01
ibelouissays connecting, aqquring address, disconencts17:01
kalipusu can use the gnome one on kubuntu, no problem ;)17:02
ibelouispops up asking for password numerous times too17:02
ibelouiseven on unsecure it pops up asking if theres a password17:02
kalipusits buggy ^^17:02
ibelouishow do i go about installing the gnome one on kde?17:03
ibelouisoffline install obviously17:03
kalipusnever worked for me on umts, and i was annoying so set up any little detail, so i use the gnome one, which has a great setup17:03
kalipusbette to get the pc via wire online, offline is little difficult cause of depends.17:04
ibelouisif i had a 100ft cable layin around it might reach17:04
ibelouisbut thats not an option =\17:04
kalipuslook what u need and download it: http://packages.ubuntu.com/de/jaunty/network-manager-gnome17:06
ibelouisthose will work on 10.0.2 kubuntu?17:07
kalipusdont know17:07
ibelouiswouldnt it be easier downlaoding the whole gnome install disc and installing from that?17:08
kalipusdont think there are the packages on17:09
kalipusdont know, sorry17:09
kalipusoffline install sucks, get a cafe, drink a coffee and use there wlan :)17:09
kalipusi will do too in few min17:09
ibelouiscarrying a double wide tower with 32 inch monitor into a cafe......17:10
ibelouiswouldnt be to much fun17:10
ibelouisand if i could use wlan, i wouldnt need to lol17:11
kalipus^^ right17:11
ibelouisthought about setting up tethering on my iphone again and trying it17:11
ibelouisdidnt kno if kubuntu would pick it up though17:11
kalipusor u insatll first ubuntu and then the kde enviorment17:12
kalipusi am also not very comfortable with wlan problems, always used a wire :)17:13
ibelouisi did to, til i caught ex cheating and moved back with mom til i finish school17:13
ibelouisits all wireless here though since modem/router at far end of house17:14
ibelouisthink ill reformat that drive for ubuntu and make sure wireless works and if so ill add on the kde17:15
ibelouisthx for the suggestions17:15
kalipusbut before complete reinstall, check with livemode if it really works ;)17:16
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Misteryhi all17:41
otswimhello, i have a program which is running, i would now like to stop it and shutdown my computer; is it possible to get back the computation to the point where it stopped and continue afterwards?17:41
Misteryi have a problem with mysserver 517:41
rorkMistery: please explain the problem, if anyone knows he'll probably help you but it might take some time17:43
chuckfotswim: much of it depends on if the program is designed to do so17:43
Misteryrork: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)17:44
otswimchuckf: i was hoping that there would be a general solution17:45
chuckfMistery: what excatly are you trying to do17:45
otswimthat would save the stack somehow and restore it17:45
Misterychuckf: mysql -u root -p17:45
chuckfMistery: I'm not a mysql person, sorry17:46
txwikingerMistery: wrong password most likely17:53
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iconmefisto_my tty's don't start on boot. if I do sudo initctl list | grep tty it lists all the tty's as "stop/waiting"18:07
txwikingericonmefisto_: I had the same problem18:08
txwikingerI changed the configuration files for upstart18:08
iconmefisto_txwikinger: which ones? tty?.conf  ?18:08
txwikingerI think 2-6 are not started anymore automatically18:09
txwikingeryou need to add the other runlevels to it18:09
iconmefisto_txwikinger: my tty1.conf http://pastebin.com/L4M1B4sb18:10
txwikingericonmefisto_: that looks like mine18:11
iconmefisto_txwikinger: tty[2-6].conf however only have RUNLEVEL=[23]18:13
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txwikingeryeah.. add runlevel 4 and 5 to them18:13
txwikingerSo they should come up even if rc never finishes which is what tty1 is waiting for18:14
txwikingeranyhow.. you can always start them with "sudo start tty2" etc18:14
iconmefisto_txwikinger: yeah, figured out how to start them, but if X doesn't start for some reason, I can't do that18:15
txwikingerwell.. 2-6 don't wait for anything18:15
txwikingerso if you add the missing runlevels they should start in any event18:16
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iconmefisto_txwikinger: don't quite understand the explanation, but what would have caused this? should it be RUNLEVEL=[2345] in all of them, or is this a workaround for some other upstart problem?18:19
txwikingericonmefisto_: "start on runlevel [2345] " starts on  any event18:20
txwikingerthere is nothing it waits for18:20
txwikingertty1 waits first for rc to finish (that is the old init.d/ rc?.d System-V  startup18:20
iconmefisto_ok, I'm going to reboot and test this. thanks txwikinger18:20
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=== Hazamonz is now known as Hazamonzo
iconmefisto_I swear kubuntu irc support is better than ubuntu18:22
iconmefisto_are kde users smarter? or used to dealing with more problems?18:23
geronimo_Hello everybody18:23
geronimo_Is there some kind of help page for missing sound support in kubuntu lucid lynx beta (Flash/Skype)18:23
macoiconmefisto_: obviously the former, since we use kde ;-)18:23
geronimo_maco: did my question destroy your point? ^^18:24
iconmefisto_ok, rebooting now, back soon18:25
macogeronimo_: do you ahve other programs running that use sound at the same time? flash likes ot hog the device18:25
geronimo_maco: yes I have that, I use 64 bit btw18:26
geronimo_maco: installed kubuntu-restricted-extras like right away18:26
macotry closing other programs that use sound, closing your browser, then starting the browser back up. then flash might have sound while other stuff wont18:26
geronimo_maco: you don't consider this a solution, do you?18:26
macopersonally, using pulseaudio seems to make things easier for me, but i know some people think it breaks worse on kde18:26
BluesKajgeronimo_, did you install kubuntu-restricted-extras ?18:27
macoBluesKaj: geronimo_ just said they did18:27
BluesKajo0k, sorry geronimo_18:27
macogeronimo_: no its not a solution to the fact that adobe writes crappy code :)18:27
BluesKajwas distracted18:27
geronimo_maco: what about skype then?18:27
geronimo_maco: getting the feeling, that it's some kind of KDE problem, worked in ubuntu, all aside18:28
geronimo_maco: like flash, exaile, skype18:28
macogeronimo_: for me, using flash 10 and the pulse-aware skype with pulseaudio and setting pulse to be default device in systemsettings is what works best, because pulse will handle mixing instead of letting flash hog the device18:28
macogeronimo_: ubuntu uses pulseaudio. kubuntu doesn't.18:28
geronimo_maco: it uses jack, right?18:28
macokubuntu doesnt use either18:28
BluesKajok, geronimo_ , some ppl think pulseaudio is a problem on their setups and some solve it by removing it.18:29
macoubuntu studio, i think, uses jack. jack is for professional audio.  pulse is for desktop audio.18:29
geronimo_ah okay, thanks maco18:29
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geronimo_maco: is it a lot of work to get it to work with kubuntu?18:29
macoBluesKaj: yeah i think they just need to learn how to configure it18:29
iconmefistobut you can use jack and pulseaudio in kubuntu18:29
macogeronimo_: no, you go to systemsettings, click on multimedia, and set pulseaudio as the default.  i'd reboot afterward to make sure it all starts in the right order18:30
macoiconmefisto: yeah, just neither is default18:30
geronimo_looks like I have jack installed18:30
iconmefistogeronimo_: some audio apps might have it as a dependency18:31
BluesKajmaco, I just remove it , my audio setup is simple stereo so alsa by itself works fine18:31
macogeronimo_: you might want to try to get help from crimsun. i think he knows how to make jack play nice18:32
iconmefistousually jack is started/stopped manually before starting an audio app that uses it for low latency audio18:33
iconmefistogeronimo_: do you have jackd running?18:33
geronimo_doesn't look like it18:34
geronimo_I'll install it18:34
iconmefistogeronimo_: qjackctl is a gui to start/stop jack, and configure it18:35
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vincehi guys18:36
iconmefistotxwikinger: btw, still no tty's18:36
txwikingericonmefisto: that's odd18:37
txwikingermaybe something with your upstart is off18:37
vincequestion: how can I remove the kde-desktop logo in top right hand corner of the kde menu ? It's all messed up since lucid when you use custom themes18:37
BluesKajgeronimo_, good luck with jack , I hope iconmefisto sticks around to help you with it18:37
geronimo_that bad?  :D18:38
BluesKajmaybe it's beyond my abilities , geronimo_ , I hear itworks for some ppl18:38
iconmefistogeronimo_: jack is only useful for programs that can use it. eg, audio recording/sequencing work18:38
txwikingericonmefisto: but "sudo start tty2" works?18:40
txwikingericonmefisto: what release are you on?18:40
iconmefistotxwikinger: yes it works. on lucid with this problem18:41
vincequestion: how can I remove the kde-desktop logo in the top right hand corner of the kde menu ? It's all messed up since lucid when you use custom themes18:42
iconmefistovince: not an answer really, but you could use lancelot menu instead18:43
vince(not an answer :p)18:44
txwikingericonmefisto: look at this http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/Debugging18:45
txwikingermaybe you can get some more info with the debugging18:45
jhambohi folks, on 9.10, launching kmail or kontact gives a segmentation fault with the following dumped to the command line: http://paste.ubuntu.com/419949/.  I'd greatly appreciate any help to get these programs working.18:48
vincehave you tried to delete the config files ?18:51
jhambovince: which ones?18:52
vincejust the kmail folder though18:54
vincerename it, KDE will create new config files18:54
jhambovince: I did an `aptitude purge kmail; aptitude install kmail`. and it still doesn't work18:55
jhambovince: one sec have to log out and back in18:56
garikoitzalguien sabe hablar español ¿?18:56
vinceun poco18:56
garikoitznecesito entrar por Undernet y no se como hacerlo. . .18:57
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:57
garikoitzno me deja nada mas que el servidor de ubuntu.18:57
vince"/server <undernet server>"18:58
vincenope not working18:58
garikoitzescribo tal cual ¿?18:58
Picigarikoitz: /join #ubuntu-es18:59
garikoitz"/server <undernet server>"18:59
vinceno fuctiona18:59
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:59
seattlegauchoubottu: I was about to post it :)18:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:59
seattlegauchogarikoitz: es possible que haya un #kubuntu-es19:00
garikoitzy alli en ese canal que hago ¿?19:00
seattlegauchogarikoitz: lo mismo que estás haciendo acá done el lenguaje oficial es inglés19:00
garikoitzestoy en el canal Ubuntu-es19:00
garikoitzmuy amable19:01
jhambovince: back19:03
vinceso ?19:03
jhambofor some reason doing a aptitude purge kmail doesn't get rid of the config files like I thought it would19:03
vinceso have you tried my method ?19:03
vinceusually i go manually, it's the only way to know for sure19:04
jhambovince: goood god! it worked!!! I probably bashed my head on this for 6 hours since yesterday.  I got all side tracked into trying to fiddle with the akonadi server19:05
jhamboyour method worked19:05
vinceusually when something goes wrong with an app, deleting the config files manually is the best option19:06
vinceglad to hear it worked19:06
jhamboyes many many thanks.  Now I'm off to understand what aptitude purge actually does...19:07
Delemir /agree with vince i do this all the times19:07
vinceI think it deletes all the packages you downloaded and that are not used anymore19:08
jhambovince: got it - purge deletes the system wide config but never touches the user home directories19:14
vincejhambo: cheers I didn't know that19:16
aryone question: I'm using ubuntu 9.10 with kde 4.3. I want to install kde 4.4. I read that I need to use Kubuntu PPA Backports (4.4)19:26
arydoing: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports19:27
arymy question is: it'll upgrade to kde 4.4 or to the current backport version?19:27
moetunesary: I've never done it but try   apt-cache search kde4   to check19:36
vinceI did19:37
vinceI just followed to instructions on kde.org19:37
vincenope sorry, kubuntu.org19:37
vinceyou might have to reinstall plasma-desktop though19:38
vinceor delete your current kde config files and let kde 4.4 recreate them19:38
aryvince: okey... but my question is: Does the backports has only kde 4.4 or will it change for new version every time19:40
aryfor example: kde4.4 then kde 4.5 then 4.6 ...etc19:40
vinceI think you will have the option to upgrade everytime thee is a new version yeah19:40
vincevia kpackagekit19:40
vincei started out with kde 4.419:40
vinceand I had the option to upgrade to 4.4.119:41
vincethen 4.4.219:41
vincekpackagekit will let you know :)19:41
aryahh okey. But backports doesn't work only with 4.4.x.? Maybe later it will change for 4.5 for example19:42
vinceThat I don't know19:42
vinceIt's not gonna change to 4.5 anytime soon though19:42
txwikingerary: packages are tested before they go into backport19:45
txwikingerbackport does not contain experimental stuff.. for that there are other ppas19:46
arytxwikinger: and what happend if today backports have 4.4 and tomorrow they have 4.5? My kde 4.4 will change when I try to upgrade it.19:47
arymaybe it's a problem for me :(19:47
txwikingerWell... as long as you do not set upgrades to be done automatically, you have to manually do it19:47
arytxwikinger: okey... yes19:48
txwikingerbtw... you can always look with "apt-cache policy <packagename>" what the different versions are that are reachable for you19:48
txwikingerand when you change the repo/ppa list and do an "sudo apt-get update" it will change19:49
txwikingerSo you can take out the backports after your upgrade if you do not want to upgrade again19:49
arytxwikinger: I'll install a minimal ubuntu, then I'll append repo/ppa, and then I'll install kde 4.419:50
=== jesse is now known as Guest29505
txwikingerNot sure why you install ubuntu if you want kde, but otherwise, sure19:50
txwikingeror does minimal ubuntu come without a desktop?19:51
Guest29505anybody have Any idea how to edit the installation screen on Ubuntu19:51
moetunesyep no desktop19:51
aryminimal ubuntu come without desktop19:51
txwikingerary.. you have to install kubuntu-desktop with the added repo/ppa19:52
Guest29505hay guys19:53
Guest29505i want to install mail server on ubuntu can anybody help..?19:53
arytxwikinger: yes but I want a minimal kde19:53
=== Guest29505 is now known as hellmakrz
txwikingerary: Not sure if kubuntu is the best choice for that19:54
hellmakrzcan anybody help me19:54
hellmakrzi want to install mail server on ubuntu19:54
arythis the reason for that I want to install ubuntu with kde and not kubuntu19:54
txwikingerhellmakrz: Which question?19:54
txwikingerYou asked two different ones19:54
arytxwikinger: this the reason for that I want to install ubuntu with kde and not kubuntu19:55
txwikingerWell. Kubuntu is KDE+19:55
txwikingerand the packages in the ppa have additional stuff... maybe not a lot, but there is some stuff19:56
arytxwikinger: for example?19:56
txwikingerthe notification system19:56
OxDeadC0deCan I set windows in the background to be 50% transparent?19:57
txwikingerOxDeadC0de: I believe compiz can do that19:57
RickKnightEven after installing libdvdcss2-1.2.10 I still can't get DVDs to play on my Kubuntu 9.04 box. Can anyone help me with this?20:52
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=== root is now known as Guest86602
wizkoderjust installed xchat on the n900. works fine :)21:14
wizkoderhuh. wrong channel21:14
icf7How do I autoplay DVDs with kaffeine in Kubuntu 9.10? Manually invoking kaffeine works fine21:18
luis_hi everyone good afternoon i am trying to install the newest version of pokerth, i have Kubuntu-8.04(hardy) but i just can't do it from the source can somebody help me please this is a src.tar.bz2 file and the few instructions i have found are so confusing help please21:19
sheytan_I can't make a backup of my akonadi data in kubuntu. Got everything needed installed21:24
sheytan_can someone help?21:24
icf7luis_: Uninstall currently installed version, download http://downloads.sourceforge.net/pokerth/PokerTH-0.7.1-linux-installer.bin?use_mirror= , open Konsole, type  sh Desktop/Pok*21:26
luis_actually i haven't installed yet21:29
icf7luis_: Well, I'd prefer installing the Kubuntu version, just cause you get all the dependencies21:29
icf7sheytan_: Why can't you make the backup? ( http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2010/04/21/9999675.aspx )21:29
luis_and the command you gave says: Can't open Desktop/Pok*21:30
icf7luis_: Did you download the file?21:30
icf7luis_: and if so, into which directory? I just assumed Firefox and default settings21:30
luis_i did download a file from the sourceforge21:31
luis_it's a src.tar.bz2 file21:31
luis_the file is on my desktop21:31
icf7luis_: pls reread what I wrote. the .tar.bz2 is for developers21:31
icf7luis_: You need http://downloads.sourceforge.net/pokerth/PokerTH-0.7.1-linux-installer.bin?use_mirror=21:31
luis_the thing is that in the pokerth web they say old version cannot connect to internet anylonger, they said that i need the current version21:32
luis_so i have tried to do it but i just can't21:32
icf7luis_: You can't download http://downloads.sourceforge.net/pokerth/PokerTH-0.7.1-linux-installer.bin?use_mirror=  ?21:32
luis_i can but the pokerth version in the repos is an old version and it won't connect to internet21:33
icf7luis_: Sry, I can't follow. Which pokerth version do you need?21:34
luis_this one21:34
luis_that's the one21:34
luis_but everything goes fine but then after installing it ADEPT MANAGER keeps telling me to update it and i do it, but it for some reason the system won't update it21:35
icf7luis_: The current version of pokerth is 0.7.1. I advised you on how to install it, but you didn't seem to read anything I wrote21:36
icf7luis_: The current version in the hardy repository is indeed 0.6, and probably too old21:36
luis_sorry about that21:36
luis_i am downloading the one you gave me21:37
luis_this one suppose to be open with wine but for some reason wine won't open ot21:37
luis_opne it*21:38
luis_open cit**21:38
icf7luis_: No, it's not supposed to be opened with wine.21:38
icf7luis_: Have you downloaded http://downloads.sourceforge.net/pokerth/PokerTH-0.7.1-linux-installer.bin?use_mirror=  ?21:39
luis_i did21:39
luis_it is in my desktop21:40
icf7ok, please press Alt+F2, enter konsole, press Enter21:40
icf7luis_: A black window should appear now. Right?21:40
icf7luis_: Type (or copy)   cd Desktop && chmod a+x Poker*21:41
icf7luis_:  (and press enter)21:41
icf7luis_: Got it?21:41
luis_it took me to desktop21:42
icf7luis_: excellent. Now enter sudo ./Poker* . You'll need to give Ubuntu your password to install pokerth21:42
luis_wow awsome21:43
icf7luis_: Does that mean it works?21:44
luis_it's done can't believe i send last night tryoing to do it21:44
luis_thanks a lot men21:44
luis_works just great thank you very much21:44
icf7luis_: Have a nice evening, but don't let me write everything twice next time ;)21:45
genii!helpersnack | icf721:45
ubottuicf7: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!21:45
luis_sure sorry about that take care21:45
ubottuHi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins21:45
Mamarokvince: behave!21:52
* vince just wanted to know if the bot can have sex21:52
jhutchins_ltHow do I kill X on a system - bring it down to console-only?21:52
jhutchins_ltpkill kdm seems to just cycle it.21:52
Mamarok!language > vince21:52
ubottuvince, please see my private message21:52
=== magical is now known as MRDANGER
* vince agrees and apologises21:53
Mamarokjhutchins_lt: try Ctrl+SysRq+K, that should help21:53
Mamarokvince: thank you :)21:54
jhutchins_ltMamarok: via ssh?21:54
Mamarokjhutchins_lt: if you can access it, yes21:54
MamarokI just don't know how to send that via ssh TBH21:55
jhutchins_ltI would think that would execute locally.21:55
Mamarokdid you try to kill the X PID?21:55
Mamarokjhutchins_lt: by number I mean21:57
jhutchins_ltMamarok: I successfully killed kdm, but it re-launched.21:58
Mamaroknot kdm, but X, which is /usr/bin/X21:58
icf7Mamarok: Won't help either.   jhutchins_lt: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop  stops kdm22:00
jhutchins_ltMamarok: kdm is responsible for launching X, killing kdm should take it down, and appears to, but then it restarts.  Killing X should cause kdm to recycle to the greeter.22:00
icf7jhutchins_lt: Did that work?22:01
jhutchins_lticf7: Had to reconnect to the remote machine, yes, it did.  Thanks.22:02
Mamarokicf7: thank you :)22:02
jhutchins_ltMust be a new behavior due to it being handled by Upstart.22:02
jhutchins_lt(Which cause it to complain about /etc/init.d/kdm stop.)22:02
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed\
Ahmed\How to select a default player for the media format files such as wma ? if i wanna switch the player to any other/22:14
Typos_KingAhmed\:     System Settings > Advanced > File Associations,  there you set the player associated for each file extension or MIME22:18
Ahmed\Thanks man22:20
Ahmed\How can i install 3gp plugins on22:22
Ahmed\Movie PLayer22:22
Typos_King!codecs | Ahmed\22:26
ubottuAhmed\: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:26
appleseedHi guys; I'm really hoping someone can help me here. I have a fresh lucid on a new pc which uses [Intel HDA] audio which works in Amarok, although when I try to play sound in Mplayer I get:22:30
Ahmed\Does ubuntu gets Virus ? i mean Does it ?22:30
appleseed[AO_ALSA] alsa-lib: pcm_hw.c:1293:(snd_pcm_hw_open) open /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p failed: Device or resource busy22:30
appleseed[AO_ALSA] Playback open error: Device or resource busy22:30
appleseedFailed to initialize audio driver 'alsa:device=hw=0.0'22:31
Ahmed\I am using it from a month works just FINE HUH where were i until now stickin to windows @_@22:31
Typos_KingAhmed\:      any OS can get 'viruses', I don't believe there are any exemptions to such, is just a matter of taking the time, and most take for win32 platforms, so22:32
appleseedI've tried many things, but even with alsa_oss installed the sound seems to work only either on Mplayer or Amarok, but never at the same time.22:33
Ahmed\I don't have any anti virus for this or firewall, do i need anyting like that ?22:33
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Typos_KingAhmed\:   there are a few antivirus apps for *nix too by the way, but their security is in safer fashion then other OSes22:34
appleseedIs this an HD-Audio issue, because I distinctly remember it working on AC97 with exactly the same software, just on another pc22:35
Ahmed\And firewalls ? i wish there was something like Looknstop22:35
Typos_KingAhmed\:   the chances of you getting one in the near future is highly unlikely and even if gotten the chances of it making serious damage is also no likely too22:35
Typos_KingAhmed\:     linux has firewall built-in the kernel, sooooo, you don't need to install any22:35
Ahmed\HHHHHHHHHHHH Thanks a lot for the info really22:36
Typos_Kingappleseed:    can't say... have you tried other players?  maybe is just Mplayer's settings for 'audio output device'22:36
appleseedTypos_King: atm I'm running both Amarok and Dragon Player with both playing sound at the same time22:37
mentis_plhi, i have a ... problem ... i dont have 'up' arrow in dolphin ;P meaning the button to go up the tree... only back and forward... how to bring it on the screen ?22:37
appleseedbut I've tried all the Mplayer audio settings and none works, so maybe it's some obscure mplayer library I have to install22:38
Typos_Kingappleseed:   maybe.... :), I use Xine-UI, which works peachy :), so22:38
appleseedTypos_King: can you play videos with vdpau acc. ?22:39
Typos_Kingvdpau acc?  who?22:39
Typos_Kingdid you mean .aac?22:39
appleseedlol, nvidia acceleration22:39
Typos_King.... I dont have an nvidia videocard... I have an intel one :|22:40
appleseedoh, can you play hd movies smoothly?22:40
Typos_Kingmy other machine has nvidia, a 32mbs one.. and played fine movies/dvds fine in xine-ui too, I can on this one as well22:41
appleseedmaybe I'll try xine-ui22:41
appleseedbut this mplayer sound issue is going to nag at me forever22:41
Typos_Kingand the nvidia one also played streams asx/wmv in mplayer as well, which is the only thing I use mplayer for, saving streams :)22:42
appleseedmaybe I'll just switch to AC97 in the bios, I wouldn't know the difference between HD and that as I just use earphones anyway22:43
appleseedI was listening to audio on Amarok, but it wouldn't work in Mplayer, then I installed alsa_oss and tried again, suddenly sound worked on Mplayer and Amarok stopped with 'HDA Intel device not working, switching...'22:47
appleseedalthough I can play sound on Amarok and Dragon Player at the same time22:48
appleseedIf I close Amarok the sound works in Mplayer22:50
Typos_Kingnot sure on mplayer, but I know you can change the device for audio output in amarok22:51
Ahmed\What's the difference between BASH and Terminal and Konsol i wonder @_@22:51
appleseedonly one works though, HDA Intel22:51
Typos_Kingand that might have been it, the installation of the drivers change something in the global sound configurations22:52
appleseedI'm slowly losing my mind22:52
regeyaas long as it's at a slow rate22:52
appleseedYou know I struggled the whole day just to make the builtin hibernation work, finding out after 12 hours that it was my USB3.0 that cannot be freezed22:53
Typos_KingAhmed\:     bash is a Shell OS, whenever you open a 'bash session' is also interchanged with a 'terminal session', and there are many clients y ou can use, Konsole is just the default for KDE environments22:53
appleseeda simple disable in BIOS was the answer22:53
regeyaoh haha appleseed :-D22:54
Typos_King"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."  ~~ Thomas Alva Edison ~~22:56
appleseedhehe nice; it feels like I've got so much useless info in my head - i.e. how to fix 10,000 problems in linux22:57
appleseedthat's all I know about linux, just the problems22:58
Typos_King  crap enter key :(22:58
Typos_Kingappleseed:  welcome to life 10122:58
Typos_Kingit's been like so since you were born :P22:58
appleseedTypos_King: yeah tell me about it lol22:58
appleseedI'm going to restart and hopefully AC97 will do the trick22:59
Ahmed\How can i DISABLE the Default bootscreen Which opens up KDE when i have selected Gnome as default i wanna see the PC to boot up like it was before installing KDE ? how23:04
Typos_KingAhmed\:     not sure what you mean :|23:07
Ahmed\Actually i wanna23:08
Ahmed\see Gnome bootup screen23:08
Ahmed\Not as Kubuntu23:09
Ahmed\With that red xsplash screen ? when you only have Gnome you see it on boot up23:09
appleseedNope, AC97, HD, all does the exact same thing with the exact same device names and everything. Woe is me.23:10
Typos_Kingappleseed: A pessimist see the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist see the opportunity in every difficulty. ~~ Winston Churchill ~~23:11
appleseedTypos_King: Maybe I've been given too many 'opportunities' today then23:12
Typos_KingAhmed\:    .... not sure on that, there's the gnome window manager, metacity I believe, and there's the gnome's desktop manager, which I'd think you may not have installed, and thus you don't have the option23:12
Typos_Kingappleseed:   These days come and go, but they say nothing, and if we do not use the gifts they bring, they carry them as silently away.~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~~23:13
Ahmed\I dont23:14
appleseedTypos_King: nice23:14
Typos_KingAhmed\:  then I'd think that may be it :|23:15
appleseedHappy Day - I've found a solution. When I want to switch between Mplayer and Amarok, I can just stop the track or video completely and switch over, which is not so elegant but sufficient seeing that there's not much utility in listening to music and watching movies at the same time.23:23
appleseedThis however will not work if the track or movie is paused as the sound device is still engaged23:27
Typos_Kingif you're watching a black-white old silent-movie, and you want to play your own background :P23:28
appleseedLike a Charlie Chaplin flick with some circus music23:29
=== salih is now known as Pisagor
PisagorHello, i am using Linux Mint23:30
ubuntucould someone help me installing grub on an usb stick from which i can boot my install of kubuntu on another disk?23:45
ubuntuand dont tell me that google is my friend i heard that one before  and it is known that google has no friends23:47
Typos_King  crap the enter key again :(23:50
Typos_Kingubuntu:     did you install kubuntu already on the usb stick?23:50
ubuntuno i installed it on another drive23:53
ubuntuand i want to boot that install from my usb stick23:53
ubuntui usually boot darwin/osx23:53
ubuntui just want to install grub on my usb stick so i can pop it in when i want to boot into kubuntu23:53
FloodBotK1ubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:53
geniiubuntu: The basic process would be... boot a livecd. Insert the usb stick. partition it and format to ext2 or ext3. mount it somewhere like /mnt dir of the livecd.then from command prompt of livecd should be something like: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdd     (or sde or whatever the usb devicename is..NOT sdd1 or sde1 partition but the main drive name)23:58
* genii sips his coffee23:59

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