
jtvbac, I take it you're off-duty now?07:34
=== jtv changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: jtv || reviewing: - || queue: [-] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
adeuringjtv: could you please review this mp: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~adeuring/launchpad/bug-333521-allow-mail-to-question-subscribers/+merge/23833 ?09:45
jtvadeuring: coming up09:48
adeuringjtv: thanks!09:48
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jtvadeuring: does the test need to do its own login?  Isn't it enough to pass the identity's email address to the TestCaseWithFactory constructor?09:51
adeuringjtv: ah, I did not know that09:52
jtvadeuring: better make sure that it's really the same, because you want this test to fail if the db permissions aren't enough.09:52
jtvNext, I don't think you really need to create product_owner explicitly.  In the interest of test brevity, why not have factory.makeProduct create an owner and use self.product.owner.email in the test comparison?09:54
jtvOh, I see you're doing switchDbUser anyway09:54
jtvadeuring: Does this test need Librarian at all?  If not, ZopelessDatabaseLayer may be a better layer for your test.  Faster to set up09:55
adeuringright, we don't need the librarian.09:55
jtvadeuring: and a definite no-no: don't compare the exact list of notification recipients.  Use self.assertContentEqual to eliminate ordering issues.09:58
adeuringjtv: OK, makes sense...09:58
jtvadeuring: what is a "sub" in the context of this test?  Not a sandwich?09:59
jtvSee the docstring.10:00
adeuringthat's plain nonsense. I'll remove it.10:00
adeuringthe title should be ""Ensure that question subscribers are notified about bug expiration"10:00
adeuringjtv: can you give me an example where the DB user is passed as a constructor parameter to TestCaseWithFactory?10:05
adeuringjtv: ah, now I see what you meant...10:06
adeuringjtv: I need LPZopelessLayer because of the method switchDBUser() That is not avaliable in ZopelessDatabaseLayer10:10
adeuringjtv: current diff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/419731/10:12
jtvadeuring: oic10:12
=== allenap changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: jtv, allenap || reviewing: adeuring, - || queue: [-] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
allenapMorning jtv :)10:13
jtvallenap: morning!10:13
jtvadeuring: one thing I don't like about the test is the somewhat arbitrary division between setup and test.  I think it'd help a lot of you could gut setUp, and put as much as possible in methods with meaningful names.10:17
adeuringjtv: so... something like a method "createBugProductQuestionAndLinkThem()"?10:19
jtvadeuring: that name reveals the problem—that it's doing too much.10:20
adeuringjtv code in the test method is needed there: make a snapshot of a bugtask, change the bugtask, call notify() for the change10:20
jtvadeuring: that sounds like a more useful breakdown.10:21
adeuringjtv: well... that's what setUp is for, IMHO: create the test data you need to run the tests ;)10:21
jtvadeuring: opinion is divided on that subject.  It's easy to create a situation where future generations keep adding tests and depending in different ways on a convoluted setup.10:21
adeuringjtv: well, ok... but this is a a unit test for very special situation. I was suprised that it occured so late...10:22
jtvadeuring: ideally, the test would read as a series of logical steps very similar to the ones you just named.10:22
adeuringso, what about a comment in setUp: "we need a product, a bug and a question linked to the bug in order to..."10:23
adeuring...perhaps enriched by "we want explicit person names so that we have stable test data just in case that the factory methos cahnge in a funny way"10:24
jtvadeuring: I don't even see why you need explicit person names, frankly.10:26
jtvYou need known names, and that's no problem.10:26
adeuringjtv: yes, that's cruft. I'll remove it10:26
adeuringjtv: new diff10:31
jtvadeuring: btw I do realize this is annoying...  imagine me having a Rambo Moment here as I am reminded of experiences with convoluted tests.  :)10:32
jtvadeuring: in the comment, I wouldn't say "don't clutter the test data with irrelevant notifications" (which would need a capital letter btw) but just something like "Flush pending notifications for question creation."10:33
adeuringjtv: sure10:33
jtvadeuring: also, I always forget... do you need to commit before switchDbUser?10:34
jtvI guess not, otherwise you wouldn't get the notification, right?10:34
adeuringjtv: right, otherwise the test wouldn't work...10:34
jtvadeuring: I still don't see why you want the fixed email addresses.  I think it's actually clearer in the test to say "[product.owner.preferredemail, subscriber.preferredemail]" than to repeat the email address string.10:39
adeuringjtv: ok, no problem...10:40
jtvadeuring: then I think I've made it hard enough for you.  :)10:41
jtvadeuring: approved.10:42
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jtvallenap: was that a very fast review?10:50
allenapjtv: Yes, it was perfect :)10:51
jtvallenap: thanks!  (hope it wasn't perfect in the sense of "the perfect chance to dash someone's hopes before my first coffee" or "at last a review I can type out in two letters using my right hand only")10:52
wgrantjtv: What, 'ok'? :P10:55
jtvwgrant: ooh hadn't thought of _that_ one...10:55
jtvallenap: me be relocatin11:37
jtvso copping out for now, sorry to leave you with this madhouse.  :)11:37
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allenapjtv: Heh, no worries :)11:37
gmballenap, Do you have time to review a 931-line branch :D?11:39
gmballenap, It's the first step to refactoring11:39
allenapgmb: Sure :)11:39
=== allenap changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: allenap || reviewing: gmb || queue: [-] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
gmbRenaming the existing BugWatchUpdater and moving checkwatches.updater to checkwatches.core.11:39
gmballenap, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gmb/launchpad/cw-refactor-create-rename-bwu-567793/+merge/2384211:39
gmballenap, Note, I hate the new name for BugWatchUpdater; feel free to suggest a better one. I just picked it to stop myself bikeshedding11:40
gmballenap, Your branch is a prerequisite; I don't know if the MP will DTRT now.11:40
allenapgmb: CheckwatchesTopBanana11:41
gmballenap, How about CheckwatchesYesItWorksNowShutup11:42
allenapgmb: Yes, that'll do it.11:43
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allenapgmb: TBH, I think CheckwatchesMaster is okay.11:43
gmballenap, Fair enough. We can always change it later.11:44
=== StevenK changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: allenap || reviewing: gmb || queue: [StevenK] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
allenapgmb: My grey matter is now grey blancmange, but r=me.11:48
gmballenap, Cool. Your desserting is important to us.11:48
allenapgmb: Oh god.11:48
gmbMy lame joke know no bounds.11:49
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allenapStevenK: Hi, I don't see a merge proposal for you in https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews. Can you point me to it?12:38
StevenKallenap: Certainly https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/fixes-bug-451396/+merge/2170612:39
allenapStevenK: Okay, I think I'll ask adeuring to follow up on that.12:40
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adeuringallenap, StevenK: I'll look12:42
StevenKadeuring: Thanks!12:48
adiroibanhenninge: Hi, any news about the landing of this branch https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~adiroiban/launchpad/bug-201749/+merge/21250 ? :)12:55
adiroibanalso is there anything I need to do to have this branch ready for code review, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~adiroiban/launchpad/bug-525992/+merge/23285 ?12:56
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allenapwgrant: Shall I land lp:~wgrant/launchpad/bug-565739-dont-retry-superseded-builds for you?13:06
adeuringStevenK: it seems thet problem still remains that the tests pass when the line "if self.isPPA():" is re-introduced in lib/lp/soyuz/model/queue.py .13:06
StevenKadeuring: Right, I'll revert the changes in queue.py and keep checking13:12
adiroibandanilos: hi, when you have some time can we have a preimplementation chat for bug 61081? This should be about deciding a range for POTemplate priority. https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~adiroiban/launchpad/bug-61081/+merge/2381113:12
mupBug #61081: PO template +edit form needs better validation for priority field <oops> <Launchpad Translations:In Progress by adiroiban> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/61081>13:12
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wgrantallenap: Yes please.13:14
danilosadiroiban, lookin13:14
daniloslooking even :)13:14
danilosadiroiban, fyi, on staging: http://paste.ubuntu.com/419817/13:16
gmballenap, I just found another reason not to do relative .foo imports: it makes grep-and-sed fragile :)13:19
adiroibandanilos: shoud I use those limits? Maybe -100 ... 5000000 ?13:19
danilosadiroiban, there is only one potemplate (pyroom) that has this priority, all the others are lower than 10k13:20
danilosadiroiban, as for negative ones, that sounds wrong and we should probably just reset them13:20
danilosadiroiban, 6 templates have negative priorities13:21
adiroibandanilos: what values do you suggest for the priority range?13:23
danilosadiroiban, I guess 0-100000 (i.e. 10x10000 to leave some room there)13:23
adiroibandanilos: ok. we can reset the values... but I suppose that user will be warned when the want to update again the priority and will have to fix it13:24
adiroibandanilos: is there anything on this bug that is worth mentioning or it is ready to code or I should just change the range, write tests and create MP ?13:26
danilosadiroiban, yeah, we can notify them as well13:26
danilosadiroiban, no, it should be ready to code; I'll add a comment to the bug explaining my "findings"13:26
bachi mrevell-lunch13:30
adiroibandanilos: thanks. do you also have time to give a quick feedback based on some screenshots ? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~adiroiban/launchpad/bug-146178/+merge/23760 :)13:30
bacmrevell-lunch:  i agree with your email wrt line wrapping.  keep it as is.13:31
bacadiroiban:  thanks for your reply to my review yesterday.  everything you said makes perfect sense.  sorry for the silly suggestion about using a set.13:32
danilosadiroiban, added a comment to the MP: "Looking at the screenshots: any reason to still add 'Current' to the titles on distroseries:+translations page? And don't forget to decapitalize "Base" in "Current Base" on the +language-packs page (not to mention that it'd be nice to find better terminology for these, but I am letting you take care of that with the UI reviewer)"13:33
danilosadiroiban, and do NOT use tables there13:35
adiroibandanilos: I will remove the "Current" and fix the capitalization and try to find better names13:35
danilosadiroiban, thanks13:36
adiroibandanilos: +language-packs has no table13:36
danilosadiroiban, you added one to distroseries-translations13:36
adiroibanbut for the +translations page13:36
danilosadiroiban, right, so don't do that, it's not tabular data13:37
adiroibanI added one since this is what it was suggested durring an UI review for another bug13:37
danilosadiroiban, hum, where?13:37
bacadiroiban:  if you have no further changes to your branch i'll be happy to land it now.13:37
adiroibandanilos: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bug/367844 ... I added this none on the MP13:37
mupBug #367844: Language pack page needs ui improvements. <ui> <Launchpad Translations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/367844>13:37
danilosadiroiban, (wondering what review was that so if needed I can complain and resolve it with the UI team :)13:37
adiroibandanilos: ah... my bad. looks like the bug is talking about a different data13:38
adiroiban.. or not ? not sure :)13:39
danilosadiroiban, that bug is obsolete, for the old version of the page :)13:39
adiroibanbac: the branch should be ready for testing13:39
adiroibandanilos: ok. I will revert the table13:39
danilosadiroiban, thanks13:40
bacadiroiban:  great.  by 'land' i meant 'ec2 land'...full test and then submit.13:41
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mrevellthanks bac13:47
bacadiroiban: could i get you to resolve the text conflict in your branch and repush?14:01
adiroibanbac: sure. I will do it now and add a commnent on the  MP when it is done14:01
bacadiroiban: please ping me here too14:02
adiroibanbac: done :)14:09
bacadiroiban: thank14:09
bacadiroiban: submitted to ec2.  in a short 3.5 - 4 hours it'll be landed.  :)14:24
jtvallenap: want me to take that one off the queue?15:03
allenapjtv: Yes please :)15:04
allenapjtv: No, actually, adeuring took that one already.15:04
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adiroibanbac: hi. I received an email with the subject „Test Runner FAILED” but the traceback does not give any hints about what test went wrong17:47
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bacadiroiban: it was a failure in the ec2 script.18:13
bacadiroiban: the portion that sends email with the test results.  so, i'm afraid, that run was wasted18:14
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bacjml: https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-567985/+merge/2386818:56
jmlbac: reviewed.18:59
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=== adiroiban changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: Edwin || reviewing: - || queue: [adiroiban(bug-61081)] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
bacadiroiban: ec2 has been fixed and i'm resubmitting your branch21:24
adiroibanbac: :) thanks!21:25
=== adiroiban changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: Edwin || reviewing: - || queue: [adiroiban(UI bug-146178), adiroiban(bug-61081)] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk

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