
kamalmAny advice for this bzr / lp error?...   $ bzr branch lp:ubuntu/gpredict00:07
kamalmbzr: ERROR: No such file: ('gpredictmodclose.png-20090719132917-5uj5gqq8tkuqbg9n-560', 'james.westby@ubuntu.com-20060912224333-x3ysh6wyzs2d5tls')00:07
wgrantkamalm: That branch is corrupt.00:11
wgrantjames_w: ^^00:11
lifelesswgrant: in what way ?00:26
cody-somervilleWhere can I put random launchpad scripts that I create?01:16
cody-somervilleie. is there a branch somewhere to share them (sorta like Jono's python snippet repository idea).01:16
wgrantlamont: Why is ivy virtual? That seems very dangerous, unless armel has sprouted virtualisation support lately.01:25
cody-somervillewgrant, soyuz has sprouted builder pool policy stuff01:26
wgrantcody-somerville: Not yet.01:27
cody-somervillewgrant, You have to have a flag set on your PPA to have your PPA be built on the fake virtual armel buildds01:27
wgrantAh, that one.01:27
spivhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/567258 is timing out for me (no response from server at all).  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/567258 seems ok.01:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567258 in bzr "missing this_branch during 'bzr switch'" [Undecided,New]01:39
CarlFK how do I find a PPA for jython release?  I found this. which isn't that https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/jython/trunk01:44
spivlosa ping: I'm getting lots of "Connection timed out" errors from pages on launchpad.net and edge.launchpad.net01:59
spmspiv: stop using a 1200 baud modem?01:59
spivspm: :)02:00
spmspiv: any commonality? bugs vs answers etc?02:00
spivI certainly wouldn't rule out shenanigans at exetel.02:00
spivspm: not really, I was originally trying to look at bugs but now everything seems equally inaccessible for me02:01
spivspm: if things are normal enough on your end then I'm happy to assume my ISP is having woes.  It wouldn't be the first wobbly moment this week.02:01
spmspiv: seems normal for me. but not prepared to rule out shennanigans elsewhere.02:02
spivOr maybe my session is busted?02:03
spmthat should fail immediately, not timeout. ??02:04
spivHmm, a new browser with no cookies works ok (slow, as usual, but ok)02:04
spivThe failing browser does get as far as being redirected to edge.02:05
spivThe fresh browser isn't having any luck with edge either, must be about due to timeout.02:06
spivHmm, where has the "disable edge redirect for 2 hours" link gone?02:07
spm**** WE APPEAR TO HAVE LOST CODEHOST SERVICES. Chasing. No ETA... ****02:10
=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: CODEHOST is down. No ETA | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
spm**** CODEHOST is back, pls let us know ASAP if you note any... new ;-) funkies ****02:23
=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
pooliehi spm, well done02:23
pooliewhat happened?02:23
spmserver poo'ed itself. why etc unknown so far.02:24
pooliealso, if you've got your breath back, is there a reverse proxy in front of codebrowse?02:24
spmpoolie: yes tehre is02:27
ajmitchWhich part of LP refreshes the information on https://edge.launchpad.net/debian/+source/gpt02:29
pooliespm, yay, so if we made it a bit smarter about emitting cache control headers, the proxy could potentially take some of the load off02:32
spmpoolie: not atm; aiui. we only reverse proxy; not cache as well. tho the latter would be possible I guess. If only we had a friendly squid core dev to help us set that up somwhere.....02:33
poolieok, but it should be a pretty small change?02:38
mwhudsonajmitch: that might be the mysterious 'gina' ?02:55
doctormoWith the openid system, what would devels say to having a small form factor html page a bit like the facebook page?03:33
doctormobecause right now it's really hard to stick launchpad credentials page into a webkit pannel without having people scroll around for the logon boxes.03:34
wgrantmwhudson, ajmitch: Indeed, that is gina.03:35
wgrantPerhaps more correctly pronounced "run away", however.03:35
wgrantdoctormo: Unfortunately, SSO is controlled by ISD. ISD does not exist.03:36
wgrantAt least to the public.03:36
ajmitchwgrant: it seems to have run away, given that the data for the package I listed is missing unstable on that page03:36
ajmitchunless there's some magical place I need to look for it03:36
wgrantajmitch: Yeah, just noticed that.03:36
wgrantSomething is up.03:36
doctormowgrant: Yes, an unfortunate situation for common sense.03:36
wgrantStevenK: You know and love gina, right?03:37
* ajmitch can hear the screams from here03:37
cody-somervilledoctormo, wgrant: The situation with the Ubuntu SSO service should improve soon. I'm pretty sure they're working on the issue.04:00
doctormocody-somerville: What happened to put it in this situation? what's the history?04:01
lifelessit got moved to a different team at the same time that the lp code base was open sourced04:01
lifelessas part of the meeting the U1 login needs, not because of the open sourcing04:02
doctormolifeless: To the online service team?04:02
lifelessno, ISD04:02
doctormooh right04:02
lifeless / IS04:02
* wgrant gives ISD 0/100 for communication.04:02
lifelessI believe there is also a dev/ops split to it as most of our services have04:02
doctormolifeless: I know I have several alarm bells that go off when that senario is replayed through my head, was this a sane move since IDS isn't really devel?04:03
wgrantWell, that's fairly irrelevant, since to the team does not exist to most of SSO's users.04:03
cody-somervilleISD is a development team.04:04
doctormoIS / ISD?04:04
doctormoI thought they just did scripts for internal consumption, that sort of thing.04:04
cody-somervilleThey do more than just write some 'scripts' but its true that they're not really a public facing team - thus why Canonical is working on fixing the situation.04:07
doctormocody-somerville: Will some of them be at UDS?04:08
wgrantBut the situation only broke less than a year ago, for reasons which are unclea.r04:08
cody-somervilledoctormo, Not sure. That part of Canonical has been changing rapidly the last while to better meet Canonical's growing infrastructure needs.04:09
cody-somervilledoctormo, I'll look for you though.04:15
doctormo:-) great, we should get a beer of something.04:15
cody-somervilledoctormo, From a quick glance, it looks like 3 or 4 members from ISD are attending.04:18
ub3rst4ris there a bug with the answer module in launchpad?06:46
mwhudsonub3rst4r: there are probably a few, yes06:50
ub3rst4rcus just i found a security vuln in it06:51
ub3rst4rshould i report it on the website?06:51
igcmwhudson, spm: how frequently do new loggerhead releases roll out?06:55
mwhudsonigc: changes to ~launchpad-pqm/loggerhead/devel are rolled out within 24 hours06:55
igcmwhudson, spm: could we get trunk rolling out to edge.codebrowse.* say?06:55
mwhudsonigc: trunk as in lp:loggerhead ?06:55
igcand only change the production version when new LP versions go live?06:56
mwhudsonigc: i think the sysadmins would be mildly uneasy at that; there are community (as in "not employed by canonical") people who can and do commit to the branch06:56
mwhudsonigc: currently there is no 'edge' codebrowse06:57
mwhudsonbazaar.edge.launchpad.net/~user/product/branch/changes goes to the same loggerhead instance as bazaar.launchpad.net/~user/product/branch/changes06:57
* spm can forsee a new RT in his immediate future...06:59
igcmwhudson: right. So what's your opinion on introducing a new test instance of loggerhead?07:00
poolieso i'd like to get changes coming into loggerhead a bit faster07:01
poolieconsidering the oldest mp is about 15 months :)07:01
pooliebut not in a way that will cause undue headaches for OSAs or lp users07:01
poolieistm an edge branch would be good07:02
poolie(== "it seems to me")07:02
igcspm: I updated that rt ticket with a better set of verbs07:03
igcspm: to grep for07:04
mwhudsonigc: sounds good to me07:04
mwhudsonigc: the memory usage is under control now it seems so running two on the same box doesn't scare me too much07:04
spmigc: yarp, saw that07:04
mwhudsonpoolie: +1 to more movement on loggerhead07:05
pooliebut even then, it probably should only be merged to by canonical staff07:05
mwhudsoni've been pretty slack :/07:05
poolielifeless: fwiw codebrowse does not send cacheabilty headers atm07:05
lifelesspoolie: I know; mwhudson and I have discussed it a fair bit07:05
poolieit would be interesting to set up a caching reverse proxy07:05
lifelesshe had an experimental branch at one point, I believe07:05
mwhudsonpoolie: i just replied to your mail on that subject07:05
SazpaimonI added a few .po files from my project to add to my translations list, and its been a while and theyre still listed under "needs review"07:07
Sazpaimonwhat gives?07:07
igcspm: any input on a second loggerhead instance? It would be good to use the "test" one (accessed via edge) to collect some more detailed usage stats soon, so I'd want the logs for the 2 instances to be separate. Sound feasible?07:11
spmigc: hrm. not sure I follow exactly. which usage stats exactly? As the ones I've been grabing for you are from apache; and we don't need a separate LH instance to have 'edge' of that.07:14
igcspm: just thinking (incoherently) out loud07:15
* spm makes out like a teddybear in the corner...07:15
igcspm: I was thinking custom (internal) logs for extra info07:15
igcspm: but maybe the apache ones will tell me everything I'm curious about once I dig a bit deeper into them07:16
spmsure. that should work - just create a new edge apache fe, and modify to your hearts content07:16
spmigc: BTW. I *meant* to tell you. the 2nd field in those logs has been appropriated. That's time to return (everything) in micro seconds. ie 10^-6.07:17
spmit will tend to lie for images/css etc as they'll get pipelined; but be fine for html07:17
spm*** FYI. Codehost coming down shortly for a Cherry Pick. downtime should be < 1 minute ***07:50
spm*** FYI. Major Problems with the Librarian Server atm. No ETA, hopefully < 10-15mins ***08:41
jameshproblem solved now?08:51
jameshat least the page that was timing out earlier seems to be loading properly now08:52
spivspm: codehosting ssh seems to be having trouble too, is that related?08:54
spmspiv: unf when the librarain goes it clobebrs everything badly. we're restarting everything atm...08:54
spmand I mean *everything*08:54
spivspm: ah, back now?  I was getting publickey denied and connection reset...08:54
spmparts yes08:54
spivspm: ah good, expected collateral damage then :)08:54
spmheh, something like that08:54
spivWell, better than discovering a whole new operational issue at 5 to 6 ;)08:55
phuang<phuang> my PPA seems be locked. all build failed by uploading failed09:34
phuang<phuang> Here is one build. https://launchpad.net/~shawn-p-huang/+archive/ppa/+build/170107709:34
phuang<phuang> anyone can help me?09:34
spmspiv: :-) the days work ends when the smoke clears. and not until.09:35
wgrantspm: Looks like process-upload.py on cesium left a lock around, maybe due to the librarian outage?09:37
spmoh cesium. that's soyuz. nothing important. it can wait till tomorrow.09:38
bigjoolscesium doesn't run p-u09:39
bigjoolswell, apart from builds09:39
bigjoolsif that's what you mean?09:39
wgrantIt is what I mean.09:39
bigjoolshow do you know? :)09:39
spmactually.: Apr 21 09:39 process-upload-buildd.lock Wed Apr 21 09:40:09 BST 2010 <== so not related to lib outage09:40
wgrantWait. Isn't that really recent?09:41
spmwell. perhaps not *directly* indirectly is a diff issue.09:41
spmyah. the lockfile there right now (well a few mins ago) was only a min old09:41
wgrantOK, so maybe it's fixed itself.09:41
spmsoyuz? FIX  ITSELF? I fall about with much mirth laughing and finger pointing at bigjools :-P09:42
spmand promptly get punched in the nose...09:42
wgrantHey, buildd-manager doesn't kill itself tooooooo much any more...09:42
wgrantphuang: If you retry those builds, they will probably work.09:43
phuangwgrant, ok.09:43
phuangJust resubmitted builds.09:45
wgrantspm: Um, there aren't two buildd-managers running, are there?09:46
wgrantThere was another of those errors at :37, which is alarmingly close.09:46
spmthat would be levels of evil...09:46
spmdoesn't appear to be. trwisted ftpmaster and a process-upload. are the only two running atm, both are newish.09:47
spmhrm. both are before the lib fail too..... that's not good.09:47
spmbigjools: mthaddon: I'm calling shenanigans. killing both and restarting builddmanager. see ^^ for why09:49
wgrantUm, so p-u is old, but keeps updating its lockfile?09:49
bigjoolsspm: both of what?09:50
spmI call busted.09:50
spm1000     30888  5.5  8.1 588688 168660 ?       Sl   08:58   2:42 /usr/bin/python2.5 /srv/launchpad.net/codelines/current/bin/twistd --pidfile /srv/launchpad.net/var/ftpmaster-buildd-manager.pid --python /srv/launchpad.net/codelines/current/daemons/buildd-manager.tac --logfile /srv/launchpad.net/production-logs/buildd-manager.log09:50
spm1000     29861  0.2  7.7 494488 160600 ?       Sl   08:30   0:11 /usr/bin/python2.5 scripts/process-upload.py -Mvv --context buildd --log-file /srv/launchpad.net/builddmaster/incoming/20100421-083058-1701007-3368908/uploader.log -d ubuntu -s lucid -b 1701007 -J 20100421-083058-1701007-3368908 --context=buildd /srv/launchpad.net/builddmaster09:50
spmbigjools: ^^09:50
wgrant... ew.09:50
wgrantIs that server BST or UTC?09:50
* ajmitch guesses that's not a good thing?09:50
spmthat's ~ 15 before the librarian went; on proc-upload. BST.09:50
spmthe buildd mgr looks about right time wise; but a restart can't hurt.09:51
* wgrant spits and curses at servers that are close, but not quite UTC.09:51
bigjoolsour code does not cope will with the librarian disappearing09:51
mwhudsonspm: so the librarian _was_ borked then?09:51
spmmwhudson: yup. really borked.09:51
bigjoolsspm, mwhudson: squid went bang I thought?09:51
bigjoolsor is this something else today?09:52
spmmwhudson: unf I didn't notice it when we were debugging. but the clue was right in front of me. I guess I just wasn't looking for it. :-/09:52
spmbigjools: codehost had a h/w fail; librarian apparently oomk'd.09:52
spmyeah. only not so much. :-(09:52
bigjoolsthat's special09:52
spmwhole bunches of special09:53
wgrantspm: Is p-u looking a bit less ill now?:09:53
bigjoolsspecial with a cherry on top09:53
spmwell, the times are better; but this is soyuz. 'ill' is relative :-P09:54
* bigjools is hurt09:54
* spm gets the feeling bigjools will share the hurt next allhands...09:54
bigjoolsare you going to Brussels?09:54
* thumper wonders when the next all hands is09:55
spmUDS? no. we did our IS Sprint there as a scouting trip tho.09:55
spmThere are some *excellent* restaurants in the nearbyish area. Waterloo.09:55
spmOne steakhouse is good enough to pass on brekky and lunch to ensure you have room09:56
spmheh. myself, nafallo, stefan and agy (an aussie, swede, american and south african walk into an italian restaurant in belgium....) went to one very swicho looking restaurant, that wasn't too badly priced, and VERY good.09:57
Nafalloan american living in canada should mind you ;-)09:58
spmlets not confuse matters even more :-D09:58
jkakarIs there any reason I'd want to set a 'Driver' on a Launchpad project... I think I knew why this might be some time ago, but I've forgotten and it's not very obvious from the UI what it means.09:58
spmjkakar: I think it's to share perms around, without a group. but... guessing. :-/09:59
bigjoolsspm: some hands is in brussels just before UDS09:59
wgrantjkakar: s/Driver/Release manager/09:59
jkakarwgrant: Okay, that helps a bit... but what will I be able to do that I can't do now, once I specify a person/team that owns this role?10:00
wgrantLets them deal with milestones, releases, nominations, etc.10:00
wgrantWithout giving them full project privs.10:00
spmbigjools: wgrant: proc-upload looks much happier. I call Cheerful; and head in a vaguely dinnerwards direction.10:00
wgrantspm: Thanks for unbreaking.10:00
jkakarHow bizarre... so basically, unless I care about holding back privileges, I shouldn't have to worry about this, right?10:01
wgrantjkakar: Exactly.10:01
spmwgrant: np, enjoy your birthday, hope 1. the loot was excellent; and 2. there is cake10:01
wgrantIrrelevant for all but the big insane projects.10:01
jkakarwgrant: Awesome, thanks.10:01
jkakarwgrant: Oh, happy birthday. :)10:02
=== henninge_ is now known as henninge
phuanghi wgrant12:27
wgrantphuang: Hi.12:29
phuangAll builds in PPA completed successful. but all binary packages are waiting for publication for a very long time.12:29
wgrantmthaddon: What's cron.publish-ppa doing?12:29
* bigjools looks at the log12:30
bigjools"Could not claim lock file."12:30
wgrantAs usual.12:30
wgrantIt sort of feels like something is holding the old librarian connections still...12:31
wgrantWhich is a bit odd, if it was restarted.12:31
cody-somervilleIs loggerhead having trouble? I keep getting 'Please try again' when trying to browse a branch.12:45
jmlcody-somerville, what happens when you try again?12:47
cody-somervillejml, 'Please try again' but just tried *again* after that and it worked12:51
jmlcody-somerville, I've seen this behaviour before -- I think it's a known bug12:52
jmlcody-somerville, something to do with caches being populated12:52
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ubuntujenkinshello, I have just registered blue prints here https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/quickshot but they haven't been sent to the quickshot devs mailing list. Where is the setting that i need to change?14:39
zygahi, is there any feature that would make it possible to track my "personal" assigned bugs vs "non-personal" assigned bugs? (my work)15:46
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glenhey. how to avoid some stupid other developing removing revisions: 6 revisions were removed from the branch.17:19
gleni.e if he forgets to do bzr pull before commit and push17:19
maxbglen: push will not do that17:21
maxbDo you perhaps mean push --overwrite?17:21
glenhe said he did merge17:21
persiaOnly social controls can address push --overwrite17:21
maxbIn that case, I suspect the truth is that no revisions were removed, but some where renumbered17:21
glenyes. renumbered down17:22
maxbIn that case, you may be interested in a somewhat underdocumented Bazaar setting called append_revisions_only17:22
glenyes :)17:22
glenwhat he did was: bzr commit; bzr push (which failed); bzr merge; bzr commit; bzr push17:22
=== EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: EdwinGrubbs | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
maxbRight, this is understandable.17:22
maxbUnfortunately there is no command line UI for setting append_revisions_only. However, you can do it with a fragment of Python code.17:23
maxbWait a moment whilst I remember it17:23
glenso if this setting is enabled, how the developer should behave, the same except the numbers don't go down?17:23
maxbThe developer will be denied the ability to push the result of a merge which would cause renumbering17:24
glenso how he should behave to overcome problem?17:25
maxbInstead, it is necessary to push the result of merging your work into the existing public branch *not* the other way around17:25
glennuke his local copy and checkout again? or how?17:25
EdwinGrubbsbarry: is this possible? are there directions for this? https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+question/10794317:25
maxbglen: 'cd a-clean-branch-of-the-upstream-public-branch; bzr merge ../the-local-branch-with-my-work; bzr commit; bzr push'17:26
thopiekarmrevell: ping17:27
mrevellhello thopiekar17:27
thopiekarWho is the audience of your blog? , mrevell17:27
mrevellthopiekar, It gets syndicated on Planet Ubuntu but mostly it's just people who use Launchpad and are interested enough in LP to read about new features and interesting projects using it.17:28
glenmaxb: and later cd ../the-local-branch-with-my-work; bzr merge, to get back on track on original dir?17:29
glenbzr merge <upstream_url>17:29
maxbglen: Normally you would pull, not merge, from upstream at that point17:29
glenah. ok17:29
thopiekarok, I asked because I really what to provide as much as possible information for your audience in which they are interested in.17:29
thopiekarmrevell: ^17:29
mrevellthopiekar, I think the posts that are most appreciated are those with loads of technical detail. It's a blog read mostly by free software developers :)17:30
maxbpython -c 'from bzrlib.branch import Branch as B; b = B.open("bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~maxb/udd/dev"); b.set_append_revisions_only(True)'17:32
maxbglen: ^ There is an example of me turning on append_revisions_only for a branch I own17:32
maxbBy the way, you may wish to address pure-Bazaar issues in #bzr, not #launchpad, as you will have a wider pool of people to offer help there.17:32
glenmaxb: ah, i tought this is launchpad specific setting17:33
glenbecause i've heard of the append_revisions_only setting somewhere17:33
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs, losas know how to import mboxes. assign the issue to them17:41
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs, I will, since I see the page17:41
EdwinGrubbssinzui: ok, thanks17:41
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mtaylorkiko: are you interested in knowing when ppa has sporadic issues like 2010-04-21 08:32:37 INFO    creating lockfile19:13
mtaylor2010-04-21 08:32:37 DEBUG   Lockfile /var/lock/process-upload-buildd.lock in use19:13
barryEdwinGrubbs: i'll respond to that question19:23
ehmdotmicroI am currently unable to log into staging.launchpad.net. A bug has been filed here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-identity-provider/+bug/566778. Can anyone help?19:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566778 in canonical-identity-provider "login.staging.launchpad.net crashes on login" [Undecided,New]19:52
tyarussoFor a commercial project, with the paying to use Launchpad for it, is it possible to use our own domain name to access that as well?  Or would we need a local installation for that?20:07
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azoptyarusso: I don't believe it's possible20:08
sshawis it possible to trigger a rebuild in launchpad without rechecking in a package? or do packages auto rebuild when the package that they depend on is checked in?20:55
geserif your package is in DEPWAIT it will be retried automatically again once the missing build-dependency is available20:57
sshawI wonder if my build-dependency stuff is off20:57
* sshaw looks into it20:58
ZarathoustraHi chan21:56
Zarathoustraflacoste: salut !21:56
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ZarathoustraMany many thanks to flacoste who succeded to solve my account creation poblem and whom karma lot increase tonight with 4 new bug report ;-)23:20
Zarathoustrabye chan!23:20
squisherHey, I created a new ppa, and uploaded packages to it. How long does it usually take until launchpad.net shows the activity?23:38
wgrantsquisher: You should receive an email within five minutes.23:39
squisherI hadn't signed the code of conduct before I uploaded, maybe that's why it's not showing up?23:39
wgrantAs long as you signed the package with a key known by Launchpad, you should still have received a rejection notice by email.23:39
squisherah, I hadn't added the key yet either23:40
squisherI'll just try to reupload it I guess23:40
squisherwgrant, thanks23:41
squisherhm, I must specify what distribution to build for in the changelog file?23:48
wgrantsquisher: You're not using 'dch' to create the changelog?23:54
squisherwgrant, I used debchange. I'm not actually on ubuntu right now, but I want to package something _for_ ubuntu23:54
wgrantsquisher: That's the same tool.23:54
squisherah ok23:55
wgrantIt would have put a default series in the changelog file.23:55
wgrantBut yes, you need to change it if the default is unsuitable.23:55
squisherwell, launchpad rejected it with unstable in there :)23:56
wgrantRight, unstable isn't an Ubuntu series.23:57
squisherok, now it complains  'Upload rejected because it contains binary packages.'23:58
squisherdput uploaded not only th esources, but also the generated .debs23:58
wgrantUse debuild -S rather than just debuild.23:59

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