
benkevansburwood: You can't have that mindset yet.. because activex HAHA.. wine implementation of some required apps.. just aren't there :(00:00
sburwoodYou know what I mean00:01
benkevanI know :).. I'm just some literal poopoo head00:01
sburwoodletting B Gates get rich by ... well I don't need to explain00:01
PatrickDKdamn, after booting my lucid system is using 29megs of ram :(00:03
aciculaheu, thats bad how?00:04
Jordan_UPatrickDK: Did you miss a zero or two? That doesn't sound bad to me.00:04
PatrickDKtakes 32seconds to boot00:05
PatrickDKJordan_U, nope00:05
Jordan_UPatrickDK: What's your normal usage after boot?00:06
iconmefistodid you mean to type :) ?00:06
sburwoodA last question before I go to sleep (it's 1am here) ... My wife has a yahoo.fr e-mail address.  I can install hers in Thunderbird.  I have an e-mail on yahoo.com.00:06
Jordan_Usburwood: Yes.00:06
aciculaPatrickDK: just a bare install booting to bash i suppose?00:06
benkevansburwood: ditch the wife.. problem resolved.. haha.. jk00:06
sburwoodWhile I put in the correct password, it refuses00:06
PatrickDKonly things running are rsyslogd, inetd, sshd, ntpd00:06
PatrickDKhave 4 network interfaces bonded00:06
PatrickDKand it's going into use as a firewall, running lucid00:06
sburwoodno, I'm on my 3rd and this one is a keeper00:06
Jordan_UPatrickDK: Are you counting cache?00:07
PatrickDKjordan, including cache, it uses 65megs on boot00:07
Jordan_UPatrickDK: Ah, as a dedicated firewall I can better understand your concern.00:07
PatrickDKwell, it's more, I don't want to be wasting memory uselessly00:08
PatrickDKlike plymouth, and all the other stuff00:08
aciculaits not wasted, its got cool stuff like code in it00:08
PatrickDKneed to use my ram for bgp tables00:08
aciculayou could maybe save a bit by reducing the kernel size/loaded modules?00:09
iconmefistosburwood: have you tried yahoo.com instead of yahoo.fr ?00:09
PatrickDKacicula, looked at that some, don't see any modules I don't need00:09
sburwoodMy wife has a yahoo.fr account.  Mine is an yahoo.com account00:09
PatrickDKkill psmouse module, save 63k :(00:09
sburwoodbut I will try that00:09
aciculaPatrickDK: well you can slim down the kernel a bit or perhaps disable some functions that free up memory, or switch to something like dietC for the library00:10
PatrickDKacicula, I'm not that concerned, I was more or less, happy :)00:10
PatrickDKI was expecting like 100megs or more on boot, used00:10
Jordan_UPatrickDK: The modules you have loaded are of course modules being used, but there is a lot compiled into the kernel that you don't need (not that it's worth it to roll your own)00:11
PatrickDKand going though that much of a pain, also asks for upgrade issues00:11
aciculaPatrickDK: nah, on boot you have loaded basically loaded an uncompressed kernel, parts of libc, modules and a few programs00:11
aciculaoh yeah custom kernels and different libc will probably break a lot00:11
aciculaor require a different more customizeable os00:11
Jordan_UI would never touch libc on a production system.00:12
PatrickDKmy bigest module, is the 100k e1000 driver00:12
lucas-argdo we have any gui for changing gdm theme?00:13
aciculahow are you determining the size an individual driver requires?00:13
Jordan_UPatrickDK: Yes, but how big is the main kernel image itself? Again, the modules you currently have loaded are probably required (or they wouldn't have been loaded in the first place) but stuff compiled in statically is another story.00:13
PatrickDKhmm, generic-pae or server kernel00:14
PatrickDKoh, same thing :)00:15
aciculano not same thing00:15
PatrickDKI just did a package info00:15
PatrickDKserver is an alias for linux-image-generic-pae00:15
aciculageneric-pae is i assume desktop oriented with pae?00:15
ZykoticK9lucas-arg, not in the default repo no - you could try the gdm2setup which exists in a PPA - but i wasn't able to successfully change the theme with it either.  Good luck man.00:16
benkevanHummm.. why does uname -i show "unknown"00:16
aciculaheu are you on 32bit?00:16
PatrickDKya, 32bit with pae00:16
lucas-argok thanks00:16
ZykoticK9benkevan, i see the same thing on my system as well00:16
PatrickDKacicula, I'm on x86, not the x64 lucid00:17
benkevan2.6.32-21-generic-pae > x86 also00:17
aciculaah yeah it maps to server-amd6400:17
aciculaon x6400:17
aciculaiirc the server image uses different defaults for the scheduling stuff, not sure if that applies for the generic-pae kernel00:18
PatrickDKthis is the server image00:19
aciculaThe 32-bit server kernel supports up to 64 GB of memory; the desktop kernel, a mere 4 GB00:19
aciculayeah i guess its meant for server use then too, even though its labelled generic?00:19
PatrickDKit's just the same kernel, compiled with a few options more for servers00:22
PatrickDKI guess we need a slim server kernel option00:22
PatrickDKlike without fancy video/framebuffers, no sound, no joystick, no mouse, ...00:22
PatrickDKthat would probably be good enough00:23
aciculai suppose most of that is a module already00:23
PatrickDKwell, lots of it is00:23
PatrickDKbut the hooks still have to get compiled in00:23
TecnoBratdoes it really make any difference with CPUs these days?00:24
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PatrickDKtecnobrat, yes, always00:24
PatrickDKwhy buy new servers, just to get 10% performance out of a new server that is 50% faster00:24
PatrickDKwhen you could be getting 50% better performance (or close to it)00:25
PatrickDKwell, 110%, instead of 150%00:25
PatrickDKof what your old servers did00:25
TecnoBratyou are saying that not compiling with those hooks is going to give you a 50% performance gain?00:26
PatrickDKand for a kernel, it's really not hard to make a different build00:26
aciculawhy would module hooks cause that much performance loss00:26
wastreli'm leaving this channel00:26
PatrickDKI didn't say that00:26
PatrickDKI was countering you, why care, with ....00:26
PatrickDKthere is no point in getting sloppy, just cause the hardware can handle it, we will suffer performance loss00:27
PatrickDKthat is what starts00:27
PatrickDKthen you end up with windows, and have to upgrade your system for ever release cause the old system is utterly incapable of running it at a reasonable speed00:27
TecnoBrat10 years ago kernel compile options made a huge difference, but CPUs were much less powerful .. I'm just wondering how much those actually make a difference now00:27
PatrickDKtecnobrat, well, this compuer is 10years old :)00:28
PatrickDKyes I know, everyone running ubuntu is using an i7 system00:29
PatrickDKdual cpu 1.2ghz p3 :)00:29
PatrickDKand I really do perfer to stick with it, as it's been stable, and working perfectly, and I have lots of spare parts :)00:30
PatrickDKinstead of getting a cheap replacement00:30
PatrickDKthat has like an i5 or something in it00:30
TecnoBratwonder how that compares to my revo 1.6ghz dual atom00:30
PatrickDKI'm sure mine uses more watts :)00:31
TecnoBratI don't think thats even a question, lol00:31
* PatrickDK blames his slackware upbringing00:31
PatrickDKnothing like 16years of slackware to ingrane kernel compiling00:31
TecnoBratyea, the one I have uses 8W of power00:32
PatrickDKmine is using 250watts power, with 7 15k 36gig scsi drives, 4gig ram, dual 1.4ghz cpu's00:33
TecnoBratthe CPU I mean00:33
PatrickDKoh cpu, I think they are 50watts00:33
PatrickDKoh, only 32.2watts :)00:34
PatrickDKeach :)00:34
TecnoBrat"It required an average of 27 watts while running our processor-intensive Cinebench 10 benchmark test with a 1080p video playing in the background."00:34
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ubnbeta2hey, is flash mouse clicks (youtube/etc) broken for anyone else?  I had this problem on the last (9.10) ubuntu release...00:45
Zelozelosubnbeta2, are u using a 64bit os?00:48
ubnbeta2https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/410407 so it's a bug from jaunty days00:48
ubnbeta2Zelozelos, yes00:48
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/410407)00:48
Zelozelostry this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135859100:48
Zelozelosit works great for me00:48
Zelozeloswell now anyhow00:48
ZykoticK9ubnbeta2, if you want to fix the currently installed flash see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/clicking-in-flash-not-working00:49
ubnbeta2what a huge and long standing bug, why no official fixes?00:54
iconmefistoZykoticK9: is that your site?00:55
ZykoticK9iconmefisto, yup00:55
mininessiebroadcom wl.ko invalid module format00:56
ZykoticK9iconmefisto, more of a personal permanent pastebin then an actual site though ;)00:56
mininessiebroadcom wl.ko invalid module format00:56
guitarguyHi, has anybody figured out the plymouth issue under nvidia proprietary?00:56
mininessiehelp broadcom wl.ko invalid module format00:56
ZykoticK9guitarguy, what's not working?  Plymouth has been working with nvidia proprietary for a while now.00:56
ZykoticK9!repeat | mininessie00:57
ubottumininessie: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.00:57
mininessiehelp broadcom wl.ko invalid module format00:57
Jordan_Uguitarguy: You can't use KMS with the nvidia proprietary driver, so it's not possible to have a full resolution splash.00:57
guitarguyZykoticK9: nope, it's not working properly00:57
ZykoticK9Jordan_U, if you manually specify a resolution it's possible00:57
Jordan_UZykoticK9: Only what VESA supports00:57
guitarguyJordan_U: i dont want a full resolution splash, i want a working splash00:57
Jordan_Uguitarguy: In what way is it not working?00:58
PatrickDKwhy even bother with a splash at all?00:58
PatrickDKI just delete plymouth00:58
ZykoticK9PatrickDK, +1 for the first comment00:58
guitarguyJordan_U: It looks terrible, like a 2bit color mirror image00:58
PatrickDKfirst comment in what?00:58
ZykoticK9why even bother with a splash at all?00:58
PatrickDKheh, I always disliked splash, ya pretty and all00:59
PatrickDKbut I like to see the text scroll :)00:59
guitarguyPatrickDK: yep, my thought exatcly, but if your solution is to delete everything you dont need, then that is not a solution at all00:59
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PatrickDKguitarguy, well, if I could apt-get remove plymouth, I would00:59
Jordan_Uguitarguy: That's a limitation of plymouth when using user mode setting. You won't get higher bit depth before release though they may choose an image that doesn't lend itself to banding.00:59
PatrickDKbut can't, so have to delete manually, and all is good with the world :)00:59
guitarguyPatrickDK: i  understand, my lappy is working great even without it, but it's just that touch that makes you feel you are starting ubuntu that gets me01:00
guitarguyPatrickDK: i liked it alot in karmic, it works with a live cd in lucid, but not on a install01:01
PatrickDKthe only thing that is annoying me right now, on lucid-server01:01
PatrickDKis when it boots, the text scrools01:01
PatrickDKthen right before the login prompt, it clears the screen :(01:01
guitarguyJordan_U: why at all did they change u_splash to plymouth? what was wrong with usplash?01:01
PatrickDKusplash had many annoyances and limitations01:02
ZykoticK9guitarguy, that's "progress" for ya01:02
guitarguyPatrickDK: and plymouth doesnt?01:03
Jordan_Uguitarguy: plymouth has an active upstream and will be supported for the life of 10.04 LTS, they didn't want that burdon for years since usplash was an Ubuntu only project.01:03
ZykoticK9guitarguy, or that's "regression" for ya ;)01:03
mininessiehelp broadcom wl.ko invalid module format01:03
guitarguythat's just annoying01:03
guitarguyso nothing can be done than to wait for the release and hope they fix it?01:04
guitarguyi dont want bigger resolutions, or higher depths, i just want it to works as it works with a liveCD01:04
guitarguyZykoticK9: like01:05
ZykoticK9guitarguy, if you use nouveau you'll get the splash as you want it - but no 3d goodness with the nvidia proprietary in Xorg01:05
aciculamininessie: are you insmod(ding) or modprobing?01:06
guitarguyZykoticK9: i know, and it's a terrible choice, that i would never make01:06
guitarguyZykoticK9: it's not just about me, i just want a working OS, which ubuntu has given me so far, but it's about the skeptical friends who would see this and never go the ubuntu way just for that question: "Hey, why is the Ubuntu so crooked and bad-looking and unreadable and...?"01:08
guitarguyZykoticK9: Ubuntu, as in the lettering at the splash01:09
gartralwhats a good burntest program for linux?01:09
ZykoticK9guitarguy, if your friends can't see past the splash - they will certainly find other show stoppers while using linux.01:09
mininessieacicula: insmod01:09
guitarguyzykoticK9: true, but when somebody is skeptical at start, that somebody just needs that little punch to go all the way, so this is a serious issue if ubuntu wants to attract new users01:10
ZykoticK9guitarguy, i believe it's an nvidia issue - not really an ubuntu issue01:11
aciculamininessie: try modprobe, or are you trying to load a custom compile job?01:11
aciculawma9spdmo what package is that codec in, mplayer is missing it but so is totem it seems01:11
c0verti show my friends compiz and it usually works to make them try it01:12
mininessieacicula: its for wireless01:12
guitarguyZykoticK9: well, all was good with usplash. Nvidia didn't make the change to plymouth :D01:12
nishanthany one know how to run plymouth-solar?01:12
aciculamininessie: yeah thats sortof implied01:13
ZykoticK9nishanth, sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth01:13
guitarguynishanth: do you have solar installed?01:13
aciculaguitarguy: dont complain about lacking support here, but at nvidia support ;) maybe they'll fix their drivers01:14
nishanthguitarguy: i have installed it but it does not work01:14
guitarguynishanth: well then sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth01:14
guitarguynishanth: and select your theme01:14
guitarguyacicula: i am not complaining about anything, just changing the boot-splash-handler while the previous one worked fine is a little unprecedented for. My father always said, don't fix something that is working.01:15
aciculaguitarguy: well the answer given makes sense, the usplash system was not going to be supported for the duration of the lts01:16
nishanthguitarguy; how do i make my selection..... i typed in 10 and it didnot do anything.....it displayed the same msg to make my selection again01:17
iconmefistodo you need to do update-initramfs after changing plymouth theme?01:17
guitarguyacicula: nvidia drivers are working fine. Compiz is on, and all the effects are working01:17
Jordan_Uguitarguy: Did you father have to maintain code that no other distro cared about for the life of an LTS release instead of standardizing on plymouth that is being actively developed and used by everyone else?01:17
ubnbeta2is the nvidia driver what cause the default splash to get messed up and use a lower resolution?  I noticed after doing updates my splash went crazy.  Before it was full screen (2560x1600)01:18
droid7i noticed this too ^01:18
c0vertit's not the nvidia because my ati does it too01:18
ubnbeta2seems it's doing disks checks every time on boot now also...01:18
PatrickDKok, I dunno why my lucid desktop has no issues01:18
guitarguyJordan_U:oh, plymouth is actively developed? ok then, maybe somebody will come up with a fix01:18
Jordan_Uguitarguy: You can't just "not fix what isn't broken" with code. Things change, usplash will break, the Ubuntu devs don't want to waste time continuing to fix it when ther is an option that is better in *almost* every way.01:19
PatrickDKbut my lucid-server has nothing but issues looking for the root fs :(01:19
PatrickDKon almost every other boot01:19
c0vertmy lucid has no issues besides the crappy resolution at boot lol01:19
PatrickDKI thought it went away, but is back :(01:19
guitarguyPatrickDK: are u using nvidia drivers?01:19
PatrickDKguitarguy, like I said, SERVER01:19
PatrickDKI install geforce cards in all my servers :)01:19
guitarguyPatrickDK: oh, right, kudos to you01:20
CarlFKhow can I install sun-java6-jdk on lucid?01:20
c0verticedtea lol01:20
PatrickDKhmm, I guess I will kill uuid, and see if it's stable01:20
ZykoticK9CarlFK, add the Partner repo01:20
PatrickDKI can't have a server 4 hour drive away, that only boots 50% of the time01:21
c0vertfrom what i can tell, they left the actual java packages for us 64bit users but deleted them for 32bit?01:21
CarlFKZykoticK9: thanks - I think I know waht athats about01:21
ubnbeta2also, my cursor isn't working in all apps, I'm using white-glass large and many apps and desktop I get standard white small cursor, some like firefox and different ares like text boxes work01:21
ZykoticK9CarlFK, blue message at top of http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/java if you are unclear01:21
guitarguyhaving the same issue as ubnbeta2, some apps its DMZ white, other it's DMZ black01:22
CarlFKZykoticK9: thanks much01:22
droid7is there an actual ppa listing I could use for the kernels? http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/01:23
tawdhey, i did a clean install of 10.04 recently, and have noticed that my internet is extremely slow.  is this a bug or just something on campus?01:23
guitarguytawd: campus, probably, OS rarely has sth to do with bandwith01:24
tawd<guitarguy> k, yeah, if it's not the os, it's gotta be the provider.  thanks!01:25
johnjohn101i reported a problem yesterday about losing my left mouse button using 10.04 in vmware. it seems to be related to having chromium up and running at the same time01:25
c0vertdroid7, i'm getting faster speeds than usual if anything01:25
guitarguytawd: np, try it out on another hotspot, see if it makes a difference01:25
droid7c0vert, wrong guy ? :p01:25
c0vertindeed, damn vodka01:25
droid7heineken :)01:26
tawd<guitarguy> might do that next week, will check it out01:26
c0vertdon't drink and linux.01:26
guitarguyc0vert: dont drink and anything near a keyboard.01:26
PatrickDKjohnjohn101, I have that issue01:27
PatrickDKthought it was karmic though01:27
Jordan_Ujohnjohn101: If it's convenient would you mind telling me if you have a /dev/disk/by-id/ directory in your lucid VM?01:27
PatrickDKI don't have chromium running01:27
tawdalso, i installed 10.04 on a friends computer, and for some reason grub2 won't let her log into Vista.  anyone have any experience with this?01:27
guitarguytawd: how did you install ubuntu? over vista, or ubuntu first?01:28
tawd<guitarguy> vista was installed first, then ubuntu01:28
droid7rm -rf vista01:28
johnjohn101jordan_u: it's my work computer and I don't have any access to it now.  will you be on this channel tomorrow?01:28
guitarguytawd: what option did you select when installing ubuntu?01:29
Jordan_Ujohnjohn101: Yes.01:29
guitarguytawd: side by side?01:29
johnjohn101patrickdk.  it seems like I can almost reproduce it by having chromium up and then opening a hundred windows.01:29
tawd<guitarguy> i manually set up the partitions so that i could give different partitions to /, /home, and swap01:29
Jordan_Utawd: Do you see a menu entry for Vista at all?01:29
tawd<Jordan_U> there is a list for the vista recovery thing01:30
tawd<guitarguy> sorry, what were you asking01:30
guitarguytawd: the same as Jordan_U :D01:30
PatrickDKjohnjohn101, mine is simpler to reproduce01:31
guitarguytawd: at grub, can you select vista, do you see it?01:31
PatrickDKand I have no windows open :)01:31
droid7you can repair grub through a live cd; or it might be a bug01:31
tawd<guitarguy> there is an option for a vista recovery thing, but i'm not sure if it's the OS.  it doesn't allow her to log into windows01:31
johnjohn101patrickdk, do you know if there is an issue for this?01:31
PatrickDKhaven't bothered me enough yet :)01:32
guitarguytawd: login to ubuntu, and see if the partition where vista is installed is still there01:32
guitarguytawd: use Gparted01:32
tawd<guitarguy> it is.  she can mount it from ubuntu01:32
guitarguytawd: try updating grub01:33
Jordan_Utawd: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo os-prober"?01:33
johnjohn101patrickdk, what are your steps to reproduce, is it only on vmware?01:33
tawd<Jordan_U> sadly i can't at the moment.  i may be back on here later tonight when i have it in front of me01:33
tawdi've done a lot of research, played around with  "sudo fdisk -l sda" and adding those entries to grub, but all i get is the recovery screen.  maybe vista needs the recovery cd?01:34
guitarguytawd: i think that grub is broken, if it is vista, it should have a (loader)01:35
guitarguytawd: i've been dualbooting with 7, the menu entry states Windows 7 (loader)01:35
droid7vista && win 7 use the same loader01:35
tawd<guitarguy> hmm, ok.  should i use synaptic to uninstall grub2, then reinstall it?01:36
tawdor use another program to boot?01:36
guitarguydroid7: my point exactly, so when trying to boot in vista, the menu entry should be Vista (loader) or similar01:36
droid7Windows (loader)01:36
guitarguytawd: try updating grub first01:36
droid7but i wouldn't use that as a switch01:37
droid7arch has just Windows for their vista/win7 (just for thought)01:37
guitarguytawd: sudo update-grub01:37
tawd<guitarguy> k, i'll try that one later01:37
guitarguytawd: if that doesn't help, dont know what else you could try then reinstalling vista and setting up grub again :D01:38
tawd<guitarguy> what is the other one, lilo?01:38
droid7tawd, could you post your grub config on pastebin?01:38
tawd<droid7> it's for a friends computer, which i don't have in front of me at the moment, sorry.  going from memory01:39
iconmefisto!tab | tawd01:40
ubottutawd: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:40
droid7tawd, it's no problem.01:40
droid7tawd, grub 2 ?01:41
tawdiconmefisto, wow!  thanks lol.  didn't know that01:41
guitarguytawd: dont think that you can change the loader without reinstalling ubuntu01:41
tawddroid7, yes, grub201:41
guitarguytawd: anyway, youll need the alternate cd to do that, if i remember correctly01:41
droid7tawd, tell him to make his /boot/grub/grub.cfg entry for windows look like this (http://pastebin.org/163506). Only replace (hd0, 1) with w/e partition it is.01:42
CarlFKhow do I find a PPA for jython release?  I found this. which isn't that https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/jython/trunk01:43
tawddroid7, that's what it does look like, just without the  "insmod ntfs"01:44
iconmefistodroid7: but that grub.cfg will be updated with new kernels, etc01:44
ubnbeta2grub2 doesn't use that config anymore, you need to edit /etc/grub.d and /etc/default/grub01:44
droid7iconmefisto, for the moment, it's best if he can at least boot :)\01:44
droid7actually, how often does grub update it's cfg syntax?01:44
droid7(real question not trying to be an ass)01:45
tawddroid7, everytime "sudo update-grub" is run i think01:45
ubnbeta2every time you install a new kernel, update-grub will be called and override anything you manually put in /boot/grub/*01:45
aranddroid7: On each kernel update, on every update-grub.01:45
droid7ah that's what you meant01:45
iconmefistodroid7: anything that triggers update-grub (kernel upgrades, for a start01:45
droid7my misunderstanding01:45
tawddroid7, you can make a new file though, like a lot of people make 11_Windows file, make it executable, then it runs when "update-grub" is called01:46
iconmefistothere is a /etc/grub.d/40_custom where you could put the windows loader section01:46
tawdyeah, 11_Windows, or 40_custom01:46
iconmefistoand then in /etc/default/grub add GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true01:47
droid7that's weird though. 10.04 configured mine  and it seems to work without a hitch.01:47
tawdshould i take my chances and redo a fresh install on her computer to maybe get grub2 to recognize it correctly?01:48
tawdthe problem is that vista won't run (isn't an option) after i shrank the partition to make space for ubuntu01:49
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub201:49
droid7tawd, you should be able to update grub via a live cd or copy over a .cfg01:49
droid7you could always skip grub and go with something else too01:49
gartraldroid7: it would seem that those of us who had earlier grub installation dont suffer from this loss of windows partition bug01:49
droid7gartral, all for the better eh :P01:50
gartraltawd: can you boot windows usin a recovery cd?01:50
tawdgartral, probably, i've had mine partitioned for 2 years, and upgraded to 10.04 flawlessly01:50
guitarguygartral: i have the new grub, dualbooting, never had an issue01:50
gartraltawd: then you sholdn't see this issue01:50
droid7if only ubuntu had rolling release *tear01:50
tawdgartral, not sure if she has a vista recovery cd, i could look for one01:50
gartralguitarguy: im still running 1.98beta201:50
gartraltawd: trinity recovery toolkit is a good second option01:51
tawdgartral, the problem is on a friends computer, not mine.  mine works very well with 10.0401:51
ZykoticK9gartral, 1.98 = grub201:51
gartraltawd: ahh01:51
gartralZykoticK9: ok..01:51
tawdgartral, oo, good idea, i have a few versions of trinity laying around01:51
guitarguyzykoticK9: damn, you type fast, i just wanted to say that :D01:51
guitarguysure hope plymouth gets fixed on LTS01:52
guitarguyi think i modified the initframs, any idea how to return them to default?01:53
iconmefistosudo update-initramfs -u ?01:54
guitarguyiconmefisto, trying that now01:55
guitarguyiconmefisto, tnx01:55
iconmefistoguitarguy: that -u means "update the initramfs". update-initramfs --help for other options01:56
gartraltawd: all is well ihope?01:57
tawdgartral, yeah, her computer will boot ubuntu fine, it just can't seem to boot vista, i'm just wanting to fix this for her01:58
tawdthat and a biochem test friday lol01:59
tawdgartral, she can even mount vista from ubuntu to access her old files, just can't seem to boot it yet01:59
guitarguytawd: start with a ubuntu liveusb or cd, and copy the grub.cfg from the live usb to the installed ubuntu02:00
Jordan_Utawd: The output of "sudo os-prober" could clear up a lot.02:01
guitarguyJordan_u: tru02:01
tawdJordan_U, yeah :( I'll get that in a bit, I think she has a night class right now02:01
iconmefistoI don't see how grub.cfg on a livecd would have any info about windows partitions though02:02
gartralhow does one tell apt too look for and install all suggested packages for an application?02:03
tawdguitarguy, gartral, droid7, i'm about to go get in front of the computer with the grub2 problem.  i'll be back in like 10 minutes02:04
tawdoh yeah, and Jordan_U  ^^02:04
guitarguyiconmefisto: that's what i did, when i ruined my grub, an no os could boot :D02:05
gartraltawd: good luck02:05
robin0800tawd: silly question but have you run sudo update-grub this should probe for offer operating systems and add them to the grub menu02:06
guitarguytawd, cya02:06
droid7tawd, sounds good02:07
guitarguyanybody with a plymouth-nvidia-splash solution? :D02:07
c0vertguitarguy, i don't think it's just nvidia as my resolution goes to crap too02:11
iconmefistogartral: you mean install recommended packages?02:11
guitarguyc0vert: it's not the resolution, it's like the ubuntu logo is mirror imaged and various colors appear, all but the right ones02:12
iconmefistogartral: sudo apt-get install --install-recommends <package>02:12
gartraliconmefisto: yes! ty02:13
gartralhmm.. cant play youtube videos02:13
droid7good stuff here http://wiki.linuxhelp.net/index.php/Apt-get_Guide02:13
gartrali click play and they sit there02:13
ubnbeta2after some updates my boot is always checking my drive for errors, don't think that is normal...02:14
c0vertgartral, 64bit?02:14
gartralc0vert: i7 860.. yea02:14
c0vertlet me see if i can find the guide yet again lol02:14
droid7yeah i've noticed this too (check drive) although it's instant. must be some erroneous check02:14
ZykoticK9gartral, http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/clicking-in-flash-not-working02:15
tawdok, i'm back on the computer with grub2 problems02:15
c0vertgartral, if that doesn't work try this which seems to be working for everyone too http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135859102:15
droid7i thought that clicking issue was fixed already?02:15
iconmefistotawd: maybe pastebin the grub.cfg to begin with?02:16
c0vertthe guide i posted was to get flash working good in general. but it seems to fix peoples problems too02:16
tawdiconmefisto, where is that located?02:16
guitarguytawd: did you ran sudo update-grub?02:16
PatrickDKhmm, as far as I can tell, lucid-server with grub2 seems much more stable without using uuid's02:17
iconmefistotawd: /boot/grub/grub.cfg02:17
Jordan_UPatrickDK: define more stable.02:17
tawdguitarguy, just did02:17
guitarguytawd, and sudo os-prober?02:18
tawdiconmefisto,  http://pastebin.com/LihgM9Me02:19
moesIn the wiki there is a procedure to upgrade Hardy 8.0.4 to Lucid 10.04...Is that the stable Lucid02:19
gartralZykoticK9: your fix broke flash entirly02:19
c0vertgartral, try mine lol02:19
Picimoes: Lucid is not yet released, so no.02:19
ZykoticK9gartral, i'm sorry but i'm affraid you must have done something wrong02:20
moesPici, thanks02:20
tawdguitarguy, output of that is /dev/sda2:Windows Recovery Environment (loader):Windows:chain02:20
Picimoes: Wait until the 29th :)02:20
ZykoticK9gartral, many people have followed those directions successfully02:20
PatrickDKJordan_U, it doesn't fail to find root 50% of hte time, at boot02:20
ZykoticK9gartral, but following c0vert directions will install 64bit flash (which is different)02:21
arandmoes: Mind that Lucid is unreleased and not stable proper, you can do the upgrade using "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" or "update-manager -d" But expect appropriate breakage.02:21
PatrickDKnot using lvm at all, only using /boot as primary partition, and swap and / as logical02:21
c0vertZykoticK9, he's on 64bit so i think it would make more sense no?402:21
guitarguytawd,  hmmm, that output sounds good02:21
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tawdguitarguy, so you think it might need a recovery cd, like trinity or a vista cd02:22
guitarguytawd,  the windows is on another hard drive, right?02:22
ZykoticK9c0vert, ya i suppose - it is a alpha/beta flash, and the Ubuntu 32bit version works fine for me, but for others maybe the 64bit flash is better (i've never bothered myself)02:22
ZykoticK9c0vert, the clicking issue only affects 64bit systems02:22
tawdguitarguy, no, same harddrive, just a different partition02:22
c0vertZykoticK9, i experience a little lag watching HD videos on youtube (720p) i wonder if i downgraded to the 32bit if it would help02:23
Jordan_Utawd: Can you pastebin the output of "ls /mnt/Boot/"? (where /mnt is the mountpoint for Vista's partition).02:23
mazda01i compiled xbmc 9.11 in lucid and I had no set content options when I hit "I" on the video source I jsut added. I also noticed that there were no default scrapers. did I configure it incorrectly?02:23
ZykoticK9c0vert, doubt it - flash is poor no matter what you do -- but video card and internet speed are biggest factors02:23
c0verti have very fast internet. i'm thinking the graphics drivers may be a little lacking compared to windows7 i guess02:24
ZykoticK9c0vert, ati?02:24
gartralZykoticK9: 1) im usin chrome, not ff. 2) the firefox i DO have isn't an official ubuntu build. also. im running a upgrade from 9.10>10.04. so any number of variables could be wrong here02:24
c0vertyeah. raedon hd 320002:24
guitarguytawd: this part is confusing to me from the grub n /dev/sda202:24
ubnbeta2flash on linux sucks period.  I've got a i7 920, GTX 260 and it still lags fullscreen.  Funny thing is if you turn off hardware acceleration it sometimes works better.02:25
ZykoticK9gartral, i use chromium as well02:25
tawdJordan_U, ls: cannot access /dev/sda2/Boot: Not a directory02:25
guitarguyflash and linux? water and oil02:25
ZykoticK9gartral, that fix works for firefox/chrome/chromium (just not opera)02:25
ubnbeta2I hate flash, wish youtube html5 worked for firefox02:25
gartralZykoticK9: not chromium. the actual Chrome from the google labs page >.>02:25
tawdJordan_U, guitarguy, i'll pastepin the output of my "sudo fdisk -l sda" in a sec02:26
gartralZykoticK9: who uses opera today anyway? unless your on dialup02:26
c0vertgartral, did you try the guide i posted?02:26
ChogyDanubnbeta2: watch the google io conference.  If they release that codec, it will work eventually02:26
ZykoticK9gartral, i'm always surprised by the number of opera fans out there - i'm not one of them02:26
mazda01i compiled xbmc 9.11 in lucid and I had no set content options when I hit "I" on the video source I jsut added. I also noticed that there were no default scrapers. did I configure it incorrectly?02:26
gartralc0vert: not yet, im still looking it over making sure the changes are sane compared too my setup02:26
c0vertfirefox + adblock plus + noscript = heaven for browsing02:27
guitarguyc0vert,  dont forget flashblock02:27
Jordan_Utawd: Can you pastebin the output of "ls /mnt/boot/"? (where /mnt is the mountpoint for Vista's partition). If there is no /boot directory try looking in any other ntfs partitions you may have. (if there is an ntfs partition you can't mount, that would explain everything).02:27
c0verti've found very little use for flashblock with adblock and noscript already installed02:27
gartralc0vert: theres a noscipt and adblock for chrome too02:28
guitarguyc0vert,  i use it when i open multiple tab youtube videos, normally they would all start at the same time, this way i control them :D02:28
ChogyDangartral: there is noscript for chrome?02:29
ubnbeta2I don't trust google enough to use chrome. :p  They already data-mine the hell out of our searches and gmail02:29
iconmefistobut adblock for chrome still downloads the ads, and hides them02:29
c0vertlast tme i used chrome there were no addons02:29
iconmefistoubnbeta2: so use chromium-browser02:29
tawdJordan_U, what's the command to find the mountpoint for vista02:29
guitarguyc0vert, yep, chrome has extensions now02:29
STiKAnyone here get ubuntu one to actually sync files?02:29
guitarguytawd: just use Gparted and see which partitions are ntfs02:29
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ubnbeta2iconmefisto, eh?02:30
ChogyDanSTiK: yeah, by switching to Dropbox  :(02:30
iconmefistoubnbeta2: chromium rather than chrome02:30
STiKlol well I already have that.. I take it ubuntu one sucks?02:30
Jordan_Utawd: If it's mounted "mount", if not then run "sudo blkid" to list the available partitions then "sudo mount /dev/sdXX /mnt02:30
iconmefisto!info chromium-browser02:30
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.0.342.7~r42476-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 11478 kB, installed size 38368 kB02:30
ubnbeta2iconmefisto, yeah, but why, it's still based on chrome.02:31
iconmefistoubnbeta2: chrome is based on chromium02:31
ChogyDanSTiK: I think it messes with the modification times, poorly02:31
droid7chrome == chromium-browser + google stuff02:31
droid7google stuff == auto updater, brand, icons02:31
iconmefistochromium is also noticably faster than chrome02:31
STiKOh... well I will just stick to dropbox then02:31
droid7chromium > chrome :)02:32
guitarguyubnbeta2: google is not the only one that data-mines, facebook, myspace, and probably every other social site does the same. I dont really bother about that, i dont use credit cards over internet, and i am not concerned if any average joe reads my mails02:32
tawdguitarguy, Jordan_U, gparted says that /dev/sda2 is the ntfs where vista should be located02:32
ubnbeta2well, still too google for my liking, it's got google all over it.02:32
guitarguytawd: that means that you got 2 hard drives02:32
ubnbeta2guitarguy, and I don't use any of those sites. :)02:32
iconmefistotawd: that /dev/sda2 seems like it's a windows recovery partition02:33
guitarguyubnbeta2: i use firefox for the great RSS support, as RSS Ticker add-on02:33
guitarguyubnbeta2, it rocks02:33
tawdiconmefisto, and that is what boots, but not vista02:33
ubnbeta2guitarguy, from what I've read, facebook is the worst.  But I don't use any of them, and don't like having google mine what I do so I use scroogle02:34
guitarguyubnbeta2, but on ubuntu, chromium just feels right :D02:34
iconmefistotawd: you could try putting http://pastebin.org/163506 in /etc/grub.d/40_custom then run sudo update-grub02:34
tawdiconmefisto, ok, be back02:35
guitarguyiconmefisto, tawd, i would not recommend that02:35
tawdguitarguy, ok02:35
guitarguyiconmefisto, tawd, instead of windows 7 loader, type in what os probe returned to you02:36
guitarguytawd, windows 7 (loader) is for windows 7, you have vista02:36
iconmefistoguitarguy: the name on the menu doesn't matter at all. you can name it anything02:36
tawdguitarguy, the title atm is not really an issue just yet02:36
guitarguytawd, you could try it, they do use the same loader02:36
guitarguyiconmefisto, just that i tried renaming and lost it in the grub02:37
iconmefistoI'm wondering whether os-prober is ignoring the vista partition because it's not clean (needs chkdsk -r). if so, that's not good02:38
tawdiconmefisto, guitarguy ok, i added that, now what?  reboot?02:38
guitarguytawb, have you determined that02:38
guitarguytawb, the vista is on the first partition?02:38
iconmefistotawd: have you done sudo update-grub?02:38
guitarguytawb, or better yet02:38
tawdiconmefisto, i did02:39
guitarguytawd, on which partition is your vista?02:39
iconmefistotawd: you should see that in /boot/grub/grub.cfg now02:39
droid7what does ls /dev show02:39
guitarguytawd: is your vista in your first partition?02:40
Jordan_Utawd: If you pastebinned the output of "ls /mnt/boot" for all your ntfs partitions I missed it (my internet connection is a bit flakey at the moment)02:40
gartralc0vert: no luck.02:40
c0vertso i'm 4/5 for people trying that method now lol02:41
tawdboth /dev/sda1/boot and /dev/sda2/boot are not directories02:41
droid7tawd, what does "ls /dev" list?02:41
ChogyDanc0vert: have you tried BFS with flash?02:42
c0verti don't even know what bfs is?02:42
guitarguytawd,  on which partition is your vista?02:42
tawddroid7, http://pastebin.org/16362602:43
ChogyDanc0vert: brain fuck scheduler.  It is a patch against the kernel02:43
tawdguitarguy, it looks like /dev/sda202:43
IdleOneChogyDan: keep the language clean please02:43
droid7tawd,  is it a SATA driver or an IDE drive ?02:44
Jordan_Utawd: That's not how you access files. Please pastebin the output of "sudo umount /mnt; sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ && ls /mnt/boot; sudo umount /mnt && sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/ && ls /mnt/boot"02:44
tawddroid7, not sure02:44
guitarguytawd: then what iconmefisto, pasted to you to put in grub.cfg is wrong, replace the /dev/sda1 with /dev/sda202:44
ChogyDanIdleOne: sorry.  Not sure how else to refer to it though02:44
c0vertChogyDan, from what i'm reading it's for mobile devices?02:44
droid7tawd, do a "ls /dev | grep sda"02:44
IdleOneChogyDan: with less swearing :)02:44
Jordan_Udroid7: sudo blkid is easier and generally more usefull02:45
c0vertIdleOne, that's the actual name for it, not entirely his fault02:45
ChogyDanBrain Foo Scheduler!02:45
PatrickDKjordan, think this might be my issue, it's very very odd02:45
ZykoticK9IdleOne, i think ChogyDan should get a pass on this one -- there is a wikipedia entry with the same wording (only time the f word is acceptable here)02:45
PatrickDKwhen I installed this using the partitioner in the lucid installer02:45
PatrickDKit set my root partition at sector 6102:45
guitarguytawd, are you reading me?02:46
PatrickDKinstead of 6302:46
tawdJordan_U, http://pastebin.org/16363302:46
droid7Jordan_U, thanks for the tip.02:46
tawdguitarguy, yeah, just a sec02:46
PatrickDKtotally not 4k sector friendly at all like I have always seen linux do02:46
Jordan_Udroid7: You're welcome.02:46
IdleOneChogyDan: ahh well ok I guess02:46
IdleOnec0vert: ZykoticK9 thank you02:46
guitarguytawd,  did you replace /dev/sda1 with dev/sda2 in grub.cfg under the windows 7 loader?02:46
droid7this isn't a mystery if he knows what order the OS's were installed and the listing of sda{0,9}02:47
guitarguytawd, and dont forget update-grub when you save th changes02:47
tawddroid7, http://pastebin.org/16364002:47
ChogyDanIdleOne: yeah, I dunno.  I blame Con Kolivas02:47
tawdguitarguy, yes i did, and ran "sudo update-grub"02:47
psusiPatrickDK, what do you mean always seen linux do?  old default was sector 63 which is not 4k sector friendly.. in lucid it should now start at exactly 1 mb, sector 204802:48
guitarguytawd, try rebooting now02:48
guitarguytawd, fingers crossed02:48
ChogyDanc0vert: I've been playing with BFS a bit.  I get a bit better performance with flash..02:48
PatrickDKpsusi, sector 63 is 64 sectors in (sectors start at 0)02:48
Jordan_Utawd: "The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0)" I think that's your problem. You need to boot into windows and run chkdsk before grub will be able to mount the partition to detect that windows is installed there to let you boot windows...02:48
droid7tawd,  do you know if windows was installed before linux ? (or first OS to be installed)02:48
PatrickDK64 is divisable by 8, 4k friendly02:48
PatrickDKand mine is starting at 61, so 62 sectors skipped02:49
PatrickDKI installed from a daily build, 2 days ago02:49
tawdJordan_U, but i can't get into windows lol.  droid7, yes windows was installed first, then ubuntu02:49
psusiPatrickDK, err, sorry, meant sector 6202:49
iconmefistoJordan_U: that sucks. if the partition is not clean, it should still detect it, so you can boot windows and fix it.02:49
droid7tawd, do a "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt" and then do a "ls /mnt" if it didn't give any errors02:49
PatrickDKpsusi, well, every othre system I have (like 30 of them)( starts at sector 6302:49
psusidefault was off by one for 4k drives, which is why wd made a utility for people to run to fix it on their drives02:50
Jordan_Uiconmefisto: How can it detect that windows is installed there if it can't look at the files?02:50
PatrickDKpsusi, yes, for windows xp, and as wd said, it was fixed for a very long time in linux02:50
guitarguydroid7,  he can access the partition, view the files, he just cant boot into vista02:50
PatrickDKand this isn't a 4k drive but still,02:50
tawddroid7, ls /mnt02:51
tawd$AVG  BOOT.SDI  SOURCES  System Volume Information  WinREPartition.ini02:51
PatrickDK36.7gb drive, 255head, 63 sector, 4462 sylinders02:51
psusiPatrickDK, I don't think so... worked the same on linux for the same reason... old custom was to start on cylinder 1, and the disk says it has 63 sectors per track02:51
PatrickDKsda2 start 6102:51
droid7that doesn't look like windows02:51
iconmefistoJordan_U: it can, it just doesn't. a conservative policy, to not risk data loss on a foreign filesystem02:51
droid7unless it's an older version < vista02:51
tawddroid7, this is vista02:51
PatrickDKfdisk clearly says, partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary02:52
droid7guitarguy, ok, if he knows the partition number than editing grub should be no problem. If it doesn't work then it's something buggy with grub?02:52
tawddroid7, well, this is ubuntu, but the windows is vista02:52
psusiPatrickDK, and what created this partition?02:52
Jordan_Uiconmefisto: Grub itself is actually usually fine mounting such a partition, it's linux that is refusing (and thus os-prober is failing to detect windows)02:52
guitarguydroid7, i think the line where vista should sit in grub got deleted somehow02:52
droid7tawd, i know, i mean WinREPartition.ini and BOOT.SDI look strange02:52
PatrickDKpsusi, lucid installer02:52
psusiPatrickDK, fdisk creates them on cylinder boundaries, so it would go with sector 6202:52
droid7guitarguy, in that case I can give him my windows grub section and he has to replace the partition number02:53
iconmefistoJordan_U: right, and I don't think it should do that, since it makes it hard to boot windows and fix the partition02:53
psusihrm.... lucid should now be using 1mb alignment like vista....02:53
c0vertChogyDan, http://ck.kolivas.org/patches/bfs/supported_features.png i suppose that explains it eh02:53
PatrickDKpsusi, I'm attempting to figure out why booting my system only works 50% of the time02:53
guitarguydroid7, he already did that, only possible thing here is that tawd made a mistake while pasting it into his grub02:53
PatrickDKunable to find root fs02:53
guitarguytawd, can you paste your grub now?02:53
PatrickDKseems to work perfect without using uid02:53
PatrickDKall my other systems use uuid02:54
tawdguitarguy, which part02:54
ChogyDanc0vert: yeah  I suppose so   :)02:54
psusiPatrickDK, grub2 should be using uuid02:54
PatrickDKeven this one, before I wiped out jaunty, and put lucid on it02:54
guitarguytawd, the whole grub02:54
droid7tawd, do "sudo vim (or gedit) /boot/grub/grub.cfg" and replace the window section with http://pastebin.org/16366002:54
guitarguytawd, let me compare it with mine02:54
droid7tawd, then save it , reboot, and post results02:54
PatrickDKhmm, mine is, and only 2 days old install image from the website02:55
iconmefistotawd: if you put that stuff in /etc/grub.d/40_custom then it will appear in grub.cfg02:55
droid7post it in grub.cfg02:55
droid7forget all custom stuf02:55
tawdguitarguy, http://pastebin.org/16367002:56
guitarguytawd, one sec02:56
PatrickDKpsus, ya, in grub.cfg, linux /vmlinuz-.... root=UUID=.....02:56
Jordan_Udroid7: The grub.cfg is read only by default.02:56
droid7Jordan_U, ... sudo.02:56
psusiPatrickDK, what exactly happens when you fail to boot?02:56
Jordan_Udroid7: Gedit will still refuse to write to it, try.02:56
Dr_Willisany changes made to grub.cfg get lost next time you rerun update-grub02:56
droid7custom configurations only hurt those who don't know what's going on02:57
Dr_Willisso youreally DONT want to edit grub.cfg02:57
PatrickDKpsusi, grub starts, kernel starts02:57
droid7edit vanilla02:57
PatrickDKthen it lists the drives (without patitions)02:57
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub202:57
Jordan_Udroid7: You can override it with ":w!" in vim but I don't think he's a vim user and it's a bad habit.02:57
PatrickDKand says, vfs unable to locate root fs02:57
psusiPatrickDK, that sounds like you didn't load your initrd02:57
PatrickDKhmm, dunno why02:58
droid7Jordan_U, if you sudo vim <file>, you are editing it as if you were root02:58
iconmefistotawd: it looks good to me. try booting. if windows boots, you should run chkdsk /f02:58
c0vertChogyDan, can you just patch or do you have to recompile..or is there an ubuntu repo for it, i think i shall try it02:58
PatrickDKthe boot before it worked perfectly02:58
psusiPatrickDK, you have any unusual disk config?  raid or anything?02:58
guitarguytawd, you here?02:58
ChogyDanc0vert: yeah, in my ppa02:58
tawdguitarguy, yes02:58
PatrickDKand I have /boot on a 500meg partition at start of drive02:58
droid7tawd, change the (hd0,2) to (hd0,1)02:58
guitarguytawd, in your grub.cfg02:58
droid7** change the (hd0,2) to (hd0,1)02:58
tawddroid7, i already have that in my 40_custom02:58
ChogyDanc0vert: let me know how it goes02:58
iconmefistodroid7 and guitarguy: he already has that02:59
PatrickDKpsusi, nope, just a normal disk, with a /boot in partition1 and swap and root in logical 5,602:59
droid7tawd, as I mentioned, ignore all custome crap02:59
guitarguytawd, scroll down till you see a menuentry ''Windows Vista"02:59
droid7always edit the defaults02:59
droid7grub.cfg is the central config location02:59
tawdiconmefisto, guitarguy droid7, i will reboot and see what happens02:59
droid7tawd, good luck02:59
guitarguytawd, wait, didnt finish02:59
iconmefistodroid7: you shouldn't edit it though. that's what the grub.d scripts are for02:59
droid7iconmefisto, says who?03:00
tawdguitarguy, if rebooting doesn't work, i'll be back to try more stuff03:00
guitarguytawd, you here?03:00
droid7never rely on custom scripting03:00
guitarguytawd, just paste this03:00
guitarguyinstead of this03:00
guitarguymenuentry "Windows Vista" {03:00
guitarguyset root=(hd0,2)03:00
guitarguychainloader +103:00
guitarguytawd, you should have this03:01
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droid7a developer creates an application with specifics. use them unless you are 100% sure you know what you're doing03:01
iconmefistodroid7: the grub.cfg file itself says that "DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE"03:01
tawdi know, you want it to be hd0,1, but it looks like vista is on hd0,203:01
guitarguymenuentry "Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1)" {03:01
guitarguyinsmod ntfs03:01
guitarguyset root='(hd0,1)'03:01
guitarguysearch --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 7ce4a360e4a31c0003:01
guitarguychainloader +103:01
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:01
psusiPatrickDK, weird... because what you describe is what happens when you try to boot the kernel with no initrd... it tries to mount the root fs itself and can't do that without the help of the initrd03:01
droid7iconmefisto, yes, for the target audience who doesn't know what's going on03:01
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:01
crimsunIdleOne: does Sound Recorder work?03:02
c0vertChogyDan, can i pm you, gonna get yelled at if i keep offtopic here03:02
droid7grub 2 looks at /boot/grub/grub.cfg or menu.lst. STICK TO THOSE03:02
IdleOnecrimsun: let me try03:02
vininimdroid7: grub2 looks at /etc/grub.d03:03
iconmefistodroid7: grub.cfg is recreated by grub.d scripts03:03
IdleOnecrimsun: yes Sound recorder works perfect03:03
PatrickDKpsusi, so then I have a grub2 issue loading initrd sometimes03:03
PatrickDKstill makes no since why it would work 50% of the time :(03:03
droid7ugh you guys are over complicating things03:04
Jordan_Utawd: (hd0,1) is most likely where vistas /boot directory is, and thus where vista's bootloader is.03:04
guitarguydroid7, tru03:04
vininimfollow official instructions, editing /boot will break with updates03:04
robin0800droid7: and etc/default/grub03:04
awcAfter having removed the "quiet _______" from the kernel in the grub screen, in booting my laptop, i find that it hangs at "Adding 3004112k swap on /dev/sda6 Priority:-1 extents:1 across:3004112k"  Earlier it was suggested that i do a file system check on my drives, and as far as I can tell they came up clean. The next thing suggested was to look at my logs, at which point I had to leave, and we got no further.03:04
ZykoticK9awc, "quiet splash"03:04
droid7you're on a beta channel03:04
awcthats the one03:05
awcThats what I am running03:05
droid7you edit things as they are needed03:05
Jordan_Udroid7: You are wrong. Ask in #grub if you don't believe me or just look at the all caps warning at the top of the file not to edit it directly.03:05
ZykoticK9Jordan_U, +103:05
vininimdroid7: no, you follow the usual procedures of a stable distro. That's how you test03:05
vininimif he can't fix by doing the OFFICIAL procedure, he should report a bug03:06
droid7never mind03:06
guitarguyJordan_U, ZykoticK9  if you look at it that way, nothing in ubuntu should be edited directly, thats why the sudo protocol is used03:06
droid7maybe I am making a bad decision trying to help ubuntu users03:06
vininimdroid7: you are suggesting quick hacks that will break with updates03:06
droid7vininim, it's not a hack. it's how things are done03:07
tawdguitarguy, droid7 , iconmefisto, i booted the on that appeared in 40_custom, and it said "BOOTMGR is missing, press ctrl-alt-del to restart"03:07
droid7just because X configures to Y doesn't mean an edit to Y is wrong03:07
iconmefistodroid7: helping isn't the problem. it's the specific issue, editing grub.cfg directly03:07
guitarguyvininim, and the next grub update comes when?03:07
guitarguytawd, open your grub.cfg03:08
vininimany update on kerneles03:08
guitarguytawd, where it says windows vista03:08
droid7just because Ubuntu (and all associates) say X is correct, doesn't mean it is03:08
guitarguytawd, replace the whole section with this03:08
droid7grub.cfg is the location where grub looks03:08
droid7if you edit it correctly it will do it's job03:08
guitarguytawd, http://paste.ubuntu.com/419581/03:08
Jordan_Udroid7: It's not how things are done with grub2, I've submitted patches to those scripts, and am the developer of super grub disk. Trust me, you're wrong. Please stop giving bad advice to users.03:09
droid7Jordan_U, I find that very hard to believe.03:09
vininimdroid7: this a support channel of Ubuntu Comunity, I think it's inline with Comunity CoC to follow official instructions03:09
droid7Jordan_U, revision number, and a link to the patch?03:09
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .03:09
iconmefistodroid7: what more do you need to change a belief?03:10
droid7belief is a disease03:10
awccool, once you guys are done trolling eachother care to help out?03:10
PatrickDKdamn kids03:10
droid7it's the accumulation of action that amounts to anything03:10
tawdguitarguy, reboot again now?03:11
droid7awc, state your issue and those who can help, will03:11
guitarguytawd, did you update grub?03:11
droid7(or should ) :p03:11
guitarguytawd, if so, reboot03:11
crucialhoaxWhere does 10.04 store the recycle bin and devices icons?03:11
tawdguitarguy, if i update-grub won't it overwrite the change i just made?03:11
robin0800tawd: yes03:12
guitarguytawd, save the file, open terminal, update grub03:12
Jordan_Udroid7: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/grub-devel/2009-12/msg00276.html03:12
tawdguitarguy, hold on, i'm going to add it to 40_custom first03:12
guitarguytawd, the update-grub is not for overwriting, it;s meant to put the changes in grub.cfg in use03:12
crucialhoaxWhere does 10.04 store the recycle bin and devices icons? I have all the icons compiled together for a custom set, I just need the recycle bin and devices.03:13
awcZykoticK9, you suggested earlier that i look at my logs in /var/log/messages anything in particular that i should look for?03:13
guitarguyJordan_U, vininim, iconmefisto, i too have edited the grub.cfg with no problems whatsoever, and like i said, nothing in the ubuntu type of os should be directly edited, that is why they implemented the sudo protocol03:14
tawdguitarguy, kk, going to reboot now03:14
ZykoticK9awc, sorry it wasn't me03:14
guitarguytawd, k, good luck03:14
awcahh ok03:14
droid7Jordan_U, I stand corrected. Thanks for providing proof03:15
droid7Jordan_U, was it accepted?03:15
Jordan_Udroid7: Yes.03:15
crimsunIdleOne: I can't find any record of it affecting other distros; is it only reproducible in 10.04 LTS?03:16
crimsunIdleOne: I do note several audio-related bugs in their upstream bug tracker, however03:16
IdleOnecrimsun: don't have 9.10 installed to try so I don't know if it affects other versions03:17
iconmefistocrucialhoax: you're looking for just the icons?03:17
tawdguitarguy, i still got the same BOOTMGR is missing03:18
tawdguitarguy, message03:18
crucialhoaxiconmefisto: Yes, I using 2 different sets and making my own, I am missing the trash icons and devices and the path in which they go.03:18
guitarguytawd, then, the last thing i got to say is that your boot.ini is corrupted in your windows03:18
gartraltawd: what kind of computer is this?03:18
droid7Jordan_U, Just as a note, doing so does not make reason for avoiding grub.cfg03:18
Jordan_Utawd: Interesting, do you have a windows install CD available?03:18
PatrickDKpsusi I have the errors on screen now (as much as didn't scroll off)03:19
tawdgartral, this is a toshiba laptop03:19
PatrickDKRAMDISK: gzip image found at block 003:19
PatrickDKlist of all partitions:03:19
tawdJordan_U, i could ask the owner if she has one when she gets back from a night class03:19
PatrickDKno filesystem could mount root, tried: ext3 ext2 ext4 fuseblk03:19
guitarguytawd, your boot.ini file is corrupted, you need to access it and edit it03:19
gartraltawd: satilite or what?03:19
tawdgartral, yes03:19
awcAfter having removed the "quiet splash" from the kernel in the grub screen, in booting my laptop, i find that it hangs at "Adding 3004112k swap on /dev/sda6 Priority:-1 extents:1 across:3004112k"  Earlier it was suggested that i do a file system check on my drives, and as far as I can tell they came up clean. The next thing suggested was to look at /var/log/messages, however i have no idea what I am looking for.03:20
Jordan_Utawd: Did you say that you could boot the recovery partition?03:20
crimsunIdleOne: given the other reports, I'm inclined to think it's an upstream engine issue. Sorry.03:20
tawdJordan_U, yes, that seems to be the only vista thing i can boot03:20
gartraltawd: modle number03:20
MrDowntempoWhat is the best video chat for 2 users of lynx?03:20
Jordan_Utawd: Can you try running chkdsk from there?03:21
tawdJordan_U, if i could get to a dos terminal :(03:21
IdleOnecrimsun: I had this problem bout a month back then it fixed itself and now it's back again. I don't use mumble very often so I don't know exactly at what point in time it got broke. thanks for looking into it though :)03:21
MrDowntempogoogle chat thru empathy keeps failing03:21
Jordan_Utawd: ##windows might be able to help you there.03:21
guitarguytawd, you need to edit the boot.ini file in your vista partition03:21
droid7the windows bootloader is hosed03:22
droid7you need to run fixmbr03:22
droid7then reinstall grub03:22
gartralawc: when skimming logs. you never start off by knowing what your looking for. this is why you skim the logs.03:22
iconmefistotawd: do you have a vista disk to repair it?03:22
tawdgartral, A215-S474703:23
virtualdwhy is medibuntu down?03:23
awcthanks gartral then any suggestion as to who i can have look at them?03:23
iconmefistovirtuald: there are mirrors you can use till things are back to normal03:23
tawdiconmefisto, i don't, but the owner might have one, or i can see if the campus IT would have one03:23
droid7you need to get a windows disk, go to the command prompt, and run "bootrec /fixmbr", boot up a live cd, and fix grub03:23
iconmefistovirtuald: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/medibuntu-repository-down-what-to-do.html03:24
crucialhoaxWhere does 10.04 store the recycle bin and devices icons? I have all the icons compiled together for a custom set, I just need the recycle bin and devices.03:24
iconmefistocrucialhoax: look in /usr/share/icons03:24
crucialhoaxiconmefisto: Nothing is there. There are only 3 paths that the Ambiance theme uses ubuntu-mono-dark, Humanity-Dark, and gnome, neither of which have the icons.03:25
gartralawc: yourself. unless you feel like posting potentially hazardous data too a pastebin. go read your logs and look for anything that says error, warning, or panic03:26
awcok, thanks03:26
virtualdiconmefisto: thank you.. no eu mirror apparently03:26
droid7tawd, ignore these people telling you to edit files left and right. Just because they edit some bash scripts doesn't help the situation. It seems to be that you're bootloader for windows is messed up (grub doesn't officially overwrite it, just points to it). You'll need to get a windows disk to repair the bootloader (it will overwrite grub), then you'll need to boot up a live cd (or reinstall) and fix grub (which you can do by googling  "03:29
droid7reinstall grub" or similar)03:29
crucialhoaxGot the trash icon. /usr/share/icons/Humanity/places03:29
tawddroid7, ok, i will see what my campus IT can do, they are generally decent with windows, but don't know much about linux.  together we probably could get this working normally again, thanks!03:30
carbm1Curious... has there been much discussion on how much more memory Lucid Lynx uses? My P4 3.0, 512MB RAM Laptop ran Karmic like a dream. I upgraded, yes I know its still not stable, and now it takes longer to boot and starts at 88% memory full.03:31
droid7tawd, it's rather tragic that this has gone to where it has. It's a rather simple fix (assuming you're windows install isn't corrupt). Either way, the best of luck.03:31
guitarguytawb, so sorry dude that no solution was found03:31
awcpulseaudio[1545]: sink-input.c: Failed to create sink input: too many inputs per sink. <-- so far thats all i see in my messages03:32
guitarguytawb, sure hope you find a way to fix this, without going full throttle (reinstall)03:32
tawddroid7, yeah, she can mount all the files from ubuntu, just can't boot it03:32
voss749carb, how much memory do you have installed?03:32
tawdguitarguy, it'll be ok03:33
carbm1tawd, I stepped in late... I fix a lot of issues like that... but I didn't see your original question.03:33
droid7tawd, yes, which is indicating that the windows boot loader is corrupt03:33
tawdcarbm1, lol  because we've been going at this for 2 hours03:33
carbm1voss749, 512MB. 498 usuable.03:33
voss749carb, Id check for processes you dont need.03:34
awcbrb, just thought of something to try03:34
droid7you need a windows install disk (vista/win7) and an ubuntu live cd ( to keep with their configurations )03:34
tawddroid7, yep, i'll do that sometime later this week or maybe next week, this week is full of biochem03:34
carbm1voss749, I've looked through System Monitor but there isn't a single item using a large amount... its 1 or 2MB here or there.03:35
voss749Also carb, the release candidate is coming out thursday, try updating on thursday and see how it goes03:35
guitarguydroid7, tawb, peace out ppl03:35
droid7guitarguy, cya03:35
guitarguydroid7, tawb, and take care03:35
tawdok, thanks everyone!  good luck and see you guys later03:35
droid7tawd, do it when you'd like. I'm just trying to filter out the "do it the ubuntu way" from doing it "the way it's supposed to work" way. No hard feelings :)03:36
carbm1voss749, anxiously awaiting! .. I'll wait til then to complain. :-)03:36
voss749carb,  which beta are you running?03:38
vengerwith netboot - task "Large selection of font packages" seems to cause Select and Install software to fail03:38
d34dh4ckanyone else use snes9x-gtk?03:44
myk_robinson!bug #55763503:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557635 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Intel GMA X4500HD - LCD Brightness Control no longer works" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55763503:45
myk_robinsonany of you guys have the problem listed in bug #557635? Please add your comments to the bug report so we can get this resolved.03:46
PatrickDKpsusi, think I found my issue, going test03:46
gartrald34dh4ck: yo, pm ok?03:46
PatrickDKbad harddrive (board)03:47
PatrickDKor better yet, bent pins on the scsi cable (now that I was going replace it just to be sure)03:49
voss749You know somethings off when you toss a pill in your mouth and miss. :) hehe03:50
carbm1voss749,  I upgraded last night and its barely usable.03:52
awci remembered that I had to change my hard drives to run in compatibility mode for a windows install some days ago, I hust changed it back to AHCI(?) anyways it made no difference, booting still lags at the same point even after letting it sit for some 5 minutes just to make sure it wasn't me03:57
=== bullgard is now known as bullgard4
awcThat is, its still hanging at Adding xxx k swap on /dev/sda6 Priority:-1 extents:1 across: xxx k04:02
awcWhen I boot up my laptop it hangs at "Adding 3004112k swap on /dev/sda6 Priority:-1 extents:1 across:3004112k Any suggestions?04:19
vengershort of extracting module-init-tools, how can i get blacklist.conf to be recopied? i tried apt-get install --reinstall module-init-tools but it did not readd blacklist.conf to  /etc/modprobe.d/04:19
vengerawc, consider booting a live cd and reruning mkswap or commenting it out until you can boot04:20
awcI'm on a live cd right now04:21
vengerso the livecd hangs?04:21
awcthe live cd is fine04:21
awcits booting off the hard disk that hangs04:21
vengerthen mkswap /dev/sda6 or mount your root and comment it out04:22
awc(live cd is of 9.04, but I'm running 10.04)04:22
venger*if* you are sure sda6 should be swap04:22
vengerfdisk -l /dev/sda may shed some light showing partition type of swap04:23
awcCannot open /dev/sda <-- the error i get after fdisk -l /dev/sda04:24
vengerdmesg | grep sd (use pastebin)04:24
awci'm a bit of a n00b at these things04:25
vengeryeah, well google can fill in the gaps04:25
awcahh, true04:25
awcone sec04:25
vengertry sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda04:29
* awc facepalms04:29
awcsda6 is infact my swap partition04:30
vengerok so you are realizing you were booting to wrong partition?04:31
awcerm no04:31
lucas-argim trying kernel 2.6.34rc5 am i crazy or my video card works better on this than in 2.6.32?04:31
vengerawc, then paste your output04:32
vengerlucas-arg, nouveau?04:32
lucas-argvenger: intel gma x310004:32
lucas-argthe only thing is that in docky the lockscreen button tells me to restart the system so im not sure what keeps updating or something...04:33
vengerawc, err it looks like you have sda2 and sda5 overlapping04:35
awcvenger, that ^^ is what yoiu were looking for right?04:35
gunkstaanyone know how to change the GDM theme in lucid? Evidently someone decided the theme management tool was too complex for gdmsetup.04:36
lucas-argscreen resolution its better on 2.6.34 too... im amazed04:36
awcvenger, how can i change/ fix that?04:36
lucas-argthe only thing i hate is flash... man its cpu braking04:38
gartralUMM i cant access my cdroms04:40
mxe5Hi - I get this error when I try to do updates - http://imagebin.org/93807 - Any idea's how to fix this ? ?04:41
gartralbash: cd: /media/cdrom: Permission denied04:41
geniimxe5: medibuntu is currently offline04:42
mxe5genii, Do I need to do anything then - or just ride it out till it's back online ?04:42
lucas-arggunksta: gdm2setup its in launchpad04:43
vengerawc, you don't know how the /dev/sda2 was created?04:43
geniimxe5: Basically it's a waiting game at this point04:43
awci suspect that it is a leftover from the switch from ext3 to ext404:43
awchowever i have no idea how or when it happened04:44
awcI remember looking at the hard disk utility and noticing the overlap some weeks ago, but i paid no real attention to it04:45
vengerawc, can you mount your root from live sd?04:47
venger /sd/cd04:47
awci believe so04:47
vengerawc, do it so you know its in tact04:47
mxe5genii, Is it being updated - Not sure what's going to happen with it - or ? ? Correct me if I'm wrong but is Medibuntu the repository for restricted codecs etc. ?04:47
gunkstalucas-arg, thanks.  The ongoing de-evolution of some Gnome apps never ceases to amaze me.04:47
gartralbash: cd: /media/cdrom: Permission denied04:48
gartralUMM i cant access my cdroms04:48
vengerawc, then next, do a swapon /dev/sda604:48
geniimxe5: Since it's not an officially supported repository, hard to know what the exact issue is or when it will be resolved. The packages usually found there are for playing DVDs04:49
mazda01gunksta, all i did was install xdm and upon doing that it asked me which display manager i wanted, xdm or gdm. that's all04:49
awcvenger, i can find it via the gdm, but i'm quite at a loss as to how to reach it via the terminal04:49
vengerawc, sudo mkdir /mnt/a && sudo mount /dev/sda5 /a04:49
mxe5genii, ah - ok - got it - so not a big deal right now.04:49
awcmkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt/a': File exists04:50
lucas-arggunksta: its a matter of new apps development... ubuntu might put gdm2setup by default some day04:50
vengerawc, then do the second04:50
awcmount: mount point /a does not exist04:51
vengermy bad; /mnt/a04:51
awcmount: can't find /dev/sda5/a in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab04:52
vengerawc, err type mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/a  ......04:52
gunkstaIs there a way to change this via the command-line?04:53
awcand now back to mkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt/a': File exists04:53
vengerawc, i'm not sure what all your doing.  did the command we were discussing mount root or not04:54
* genii ponders /dev/sda5/a04:54
awcthe mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/a ?04:54
awcas far as i know yes04:54
vengerok so ls /mnt/a shows your root filesystem?04:54
vengerawc, ok now type this:  umount /mnt/a04:56
vengerawc, then, swapon /dev/sda604:56
awcswapon: /dev/sda6: Device or resource busy04:56
c0vertumount first04:57
vengerpaste swapon -s04:57
awc/dev/sda6                               partition30041120-104:58
vengerok so the livecd has no problems with your root and swap04:58
awcwas the command "paste swapon -s" or "swapon -s"04:58
vengerawc, use this whole string: mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/a && cat /mnt/a/fstab04:59
vengerawc, then pastebin the output04:59
awccat: /mnt/a/fstab: No such file or directory04:59
vengercat /mnt/a/etc/fstab05:00
vengeri know what i want to type yet it doesn't always translate :)05:00
vengerawc, paste output for: blkid05:01
awcvenger, http://pastebin.com/02GAamv905:02
=== FFForever-Away is now known as FFForever
bullgard4My Chatzilla version in SeaMonkey is My Chatzilla version in Firefox is 0.9.86. How can I obtain this newest Chatzilla version in SeaMonkey?05:06
Gryllidait's the latest one for linux, what's up?05:08
Gryllidaput the whole problem here05:08
vengerawc, i dont see a problem other than the overlap in your parititions05:10
awchmm ok05:11
awcyou mentioned something earlier about booting to sda6 which should not have been happening05:11
bullgard4[Chatzilla for SeaMonkey] Apparently all channel logging is written in one file named /home/<username>/tmp/chatzilla/logs/$(network)/channels/$(channel).2010-04-20.log. In this file the channel names which I subscribed to are not logged. The names '$(network)' and '$channel' are not resolved. How to fix this?05:11
vengerno that was me getting a handle on your view of the problem05:11
awcahh ok05:12
vengeri'm the guy on the other end, i only see what you show me05:12
awcyes, i know the feeling05:12
awcwell, I'll give it a boot, and if it doesn't work then i'll be back sometime tomorrow, I've got to sleep at some point :D05:13
vengerawc, its up to you to know whether you need that extended partition05:13
awcanyways, thanks for the help05:13
awcas far as i know i don't05:13
awcbut i'd rather wait i think05:14
vengerawc, seeing as root works and swap works and the overlap encompasses both of them i'd say its better off not there05:14
awci'm not quite sure how it works, so correct me if I'm wrong05:14
awcbut could some file be saved only on one partition and not the other?05:15
vengerclarify what you are asking05:15
awcie if i remove the one partition will some of my files get deleted?05:16
vengerawc, as long as a correct representation of your partition boundaries remains, it shouldn't be an issue05:18
awcok, thats what i thought, but i just wanted to make sure05:18
awcso how do i get rid of the one partition then?05:18
vengerawc, in your case perhaps gparted05:20
vengerwell if it doesn't confuse itself05:21
vengeryou'd use fdisk, are you really familiar with it05:22
awcwell gparted has it as a tree05:23
vengerawc just try your boot again05:23
awcwill do05:23
bullgard4[Chatzilla for SeaMonkey] Apparently all channel logging is written in one file named /home/<username>/tmp/chatzilla/logs/$(network)/channels/$(channel).2010-04-20.log. In this file the channel names which I subscribed to are not logged. The names '$(network)' and '$channel' are not resolved. How to fix this?05:24
thebishophow can i manually set backlight brightness in Lucid?05:26
kklimondayou can check if you have /sys/devices/virtual/backlight/acpi_video0/05:28
kklimondaif so there should be a brightness file you can use05:29
g0r3_0f_g0dhi all05:30
Gryllidahi ask the question straight away05:31
g0r3_0f_g0dyeah , gwibber is crashing on me all the time , you guys exeperience similar issue?05:33
DanaG/sys/class/backlight is a more preferred path.05:33
=== ubuntu is now known as awc
awcno change I'm afraid05:34
g0r3_0f_g0di did apt-get update , apt-get dist upgrade to get more updated package but still gwibber lives for like 5 seconds and dies , no core file nothing just notification window05:34
g0r3_0f_g0djust wondering if it's for all of you as well or just my config05:35
vengerawc did i hang on swap again?05:35
vengerawc, mount your root and comment it out for now05:35
iconmefistog0r3_0f_g0d: you could try to apt-get purge it (to remove its settings) and then install it again05:36
awcok, how do i do that?05:36
g0r3_0f_g0dpurge , ok05:36
g0r3_0f_g0dso upgrading keeps the settings , ah of course05:36
vengerawc, mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/a  then use nautilus to navigate to /mnt/a/etc/fstab and find the swap line, comment it out and save05:36
vengerawc, or see if your root is already shown in nautilus05:37
iconmefistog0r3_0f_g0d: apt-get remove also keeps the settings. purge removes it, and deletes any settings05:37
g0r3_0f_g0dright , cool , good to know thx05:37
awccomment using # like python right?05:40
vengerawc, yes there are already other comments in the file05:40
awcit won't let me save the changes05:41
awcstates that i don't have permissions nessecary05:42
vengerawc, you are user05:42
vengerawc, sudo gedit05:42
bazhanggksudo gedit venger awc05:42
vengernot sure why you need gksudo if you are doing it from terminal :)05:44
bazhangits a graphical app05:44
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)05:45
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
vengeryour link doesn't indicate all or nothing, the concern you have lies with an app like firefox running as root, not an editor and it isn't being called from a launcher05:47
iconmefistovenger: so you're arguing there should be a list of exceptions?05:51
Jordan_Uvenger: Any type of GUI app can cause ICEauthority problems if run with sudo instead of gksudo, it just happens that gedit doesn't.05:51
vengerwhile i agree gksudo has its uses, making sudo gedit from terminal a non viable isn't one of them :)05:52
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awcwell, we've made changes for the better or worse I'm not too sure05:53
awcinstead of hanging at that adding swap stuff05:53
awcit now says "Done." in the exact same place05:53
vengerawc, it just means swap wasn't the hang05:53
awcso should i edit that file back to the way it was?05:54
iconmefistoimo, sudoedit /some/file is the way to go. it won't cause any problems, it's quick, and works no matter what DE you use05:54
vengericonmefisto, i didn't really mean to be argumentative, i spend most of my time in cmdline and use vi the most so i don't always know proper ubuntian05:55
theadminNo release delay assumed so far?05:55
iconmefistovenger: sure, understood05:56
bullgard4[Chatzilla for SeaMonkey] Apparently all channel logging is written in one file named /home/<username>/tmp/chatzilla/logs/$(network)/channels/$(channel).2010-04-20.log. In this file the channel names which I subscribed to are not logged. The names '$(network)' and '$channel' are not resolved. How to fix this?05:57
vengerawc, need some way of seeing your boot message output05:58
awcyou mean what it says before it hangs?05:59
vengerawc, i assume your power off at that point so you may be able to pull /var/log/syslog from livecd05:59
venger /your/you06:00
awcwant me to paste bin it?06:01
vengeryou took your roots log not livecd's log right06:01
vengeryea pastebin it06:01
Zelozelosi totally messed up, i accidently deleted my usr/share/applications folder :(( what do i do now?06:05
Zelozelossofar ive managed to get to synaptic and reinstalled gnomi-everything i could, and nautilus06:06
Jordan_UZelozelos: dpkg -S /usr/share/applications/06:07
Jordan_UZelozelos: That will tell you all of the packages that you need to re-install06:08
awcvenger, line 204, might that be it?06:08
Zelozelosomg what a list rofl06:08
Zelozelosthank you Jordan_U06:09
Zelozelosi ws trying to mark everything for reinstallation but that was a daunting task, i ws making a lis of the stuff that would show an error then leaving them out06:10
LSD|NinjaAnyone having an issue with the display going to sleep and not waking up again?06:12
vengerawc, i'm not sure, have your tried disabling splash?06:14
awci think thats what i've been doing06:14
vengerawc, or boot single user?06:14
awcI hit the "e" key as i enter the grub06:15
awcand remove the line quiet splash06:15
awcwhat do you mean boot single user?06:15
ubnbeta2is 10.04 using plymouth by default?06:15
geniiubnbeta2: Yes06:15
vengerawc your grub isn't generating recovery menu items?06:15
ubnbeta2genii, cool, so I just need to install solar theme then. :)06:16
awcyes it does06:16
vengerok so have you tried one of those06:16
awclol, nope06:16
awcwell, thats next i suppose06:17
awcbrb then06:17
Ken8521is there any difference between sudo update-grub and sudo update-grub2 ?  they both seem to do thesame thing.06:19
ubnbeta2doh, just read there is problems with nvidia binary drivers. :( http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2009/12/lucid-to-use-plymouth-non-intel-users.html06:20
kklimondaKen8521: update-grub2 just calls update-grub06:20
jaldharHello.  I thought the problem with boot hanging was fixed?  I just upgraded from jaunty to lucid and I am having this problem (unfortunately on my root partition.)  Oddly enough it doesn't happen if I boot into the 2.6.31-18 I luckily had laying around06:21
kklimondaubnbeta2: there is no problem per se - it's just you get either shiny boot or working 3d06:21
ubnbeta2kklimonda, um yeah, non-working 3d is a problem06:21
Ken8521kklimonda, ok, i thought so, just wasn't sure06:22
ubnbeta2kklimonda, can't use the open source driver for boot only?06:22
kklimondaubnbeta2: no06:22
gartralis there a way to quickly reconfigure flash-installer? or re run it?06:23
vengergartral, i'd probably do apt-get install --reinstall flash-installer06:24
vengerhard to say what's proper ;)06:24
LSD|NinjaSpeaking of, any particular reason why Lucid is still persisting with the retarded "32-bit in a 64-bit wrapper" method for Flash, other than the immediately obvious (deliberate sabotage)?06:25
vengeror dpkg-reconfigure if that is what you need06:25
gartralnspluginwrapper: no appropriate viewer found for /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so <.< HUH?06:25
kklimondaLSD|Ninja: there has been no stable 64bit flash release yet nor is it supported by adobenor supported by adobe06:25
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SandGorgonall ye who have kubuntu 10.04 - please install kdebase-workspace-dbg  and generate better crash reports... please06:27
awcno change06:27
awcits back to the Adding xxx k swap on/dev/sda606:28
LSD|Ninjakklimonda: Yeah, but the supposedly unstable and unsupported 64-bit Flash they have now is infinitely more reliable than what being supplied. At the very least it would be nice to not have the existing Flash package not dependent on half the desktop packages so as to provide the end user the choice06:29
ubnbeta2dang, what's up with a 17GB swap!?06:29
kklimondaLSD|Ninja: I don't really get what you mean by "not have the existing flash package.."06:30
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava06:30
rwwIt's not like these instructions are horribly difficult and need a package.06:30
LSD|Ninjakklimonda: I mean that if I try to remove the flash package that installs as part of *-restricted-extras packages, it wants to remove a whole bunch of other stuff as well06:31
gartralSandGorgon: anyway to install kde and kubuntu base stuff without changing the boot/logon theme?06:31
iconmefistogartral: when you install kubuntu-desktop, you should be asked if you want to use kdm or gdm (when kdm is installing)06:32
LSD|Ninjabut anyway, flash isn't what I really need help dealing with. I'm more interested in why display power management seems to have regressed 10 years.06:32
iconmefistogartral: so you would choose gdm06:32
gartraliconmefisto: will it still change the boot logo like it did in karmic?06:32
rwwLSD|Ninja: flashplugin-whatever is a recommend of the restricted-extras packages, not a depend. removing it should not force the removal of other *-restricted-extras stuff in a sane package manager.06:32
SandGorgongartral, I think so - plymouth themes will be updated. but I guess you can change it back06:33
iconmefistogartral: not sure, since plymouth does the bootsplash now. but if it changes, you can change it back06:33
kklimondaLSD|Ninja: probably something between new X, new drivers and KMS? you would have more luck asking at #ubuntu-x (but most Ubuntu-X folks are already/yet asleep)06:33
awcwell, thanks for all the help guys, but I really ought to get some sleep06:34
iconmefistogartral: sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth (I think that's right. someone correct me if not)06:34
awcI'll be by tomorrow, you can be sure of it :P06:34
ubnbeta2why did the installer make a 17GB swap?06:34
gartralwhat's the difference between kubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-kde4-desktop, other than the obvious kde3/4 thing?06:34
iconmefisto!info kubuntu-kde4-desktop06:35
ubottuPackage kubuntu-kde4-desktop does not exist in lucid06:36
iconmefistohmm. didn't think it existed06:36
SandGorgon!info kubuntu-desktop06:38
ubottukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu Plasma Desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.170 (lucid), package size 24 kB, installed size 52 kB06:38
rwwgartral: I believe Hardy used KDE3 by default. Thus, kubuntu-kde4-desktop was made to provide KDE4 for Hardy users. Since later versions of Ubuntu used KDE4 in kubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-kde4-desktop was changed into a virtual package provided by kubuntu-desktop to transition people.06:38
SandGorgon!info kubuntu-desktop | iconmefisto06:38
ubottuiconmefisto: please see above06:38
Ken8521has kde gotten any better?06:39
rwwKen8521: since when?06:39
iconmefistoKen8521: absolutely06:39
Ken8521oh.. 6.06?...lol06:39
rwwKen8521: very much so06:39
Ken8521i tried it for about 2hrs w/ 9.10.. and i thought it seriously sucked06:39
iconmefistoeven from 4.3 to 4.4 is a great improvement06:39
rww10.04's KDE version is less buggy than 9.10's.06:39
Ken8521well, not just that, it seems so much slower06:40
iconmefistoKen8521: slower than gnome, you mean?06:40
LSD|NinjaOne last thing that's bothering me: How do you get the address bar (as in the one you can actually type into) back in Nautilus without pressing Ctrl+L? You used to be able to click somewhere in the bar and it would switch, but has that been removed? Not that big a deal, but I'd just like to know what the score is.06:41
Ken8521LSD|Ninja, that has been annoying me as well.06:41
gartraliconmefisto: i think he was making a 4.3/4.4 reference06:41
bp0LSD|Ninja, agree that is annoying06:41
iconmefistogartral: sounds like he meant kde vs gnome06:42
Ken8521gartral, well, i've always found KDE slower than Gnome... Kde3 being no exception.. but kde4 considerably worse06:42
iconmefistoKen8521: I foud kde4 much faster than kde3!06:42
Ken8521hmm, i'm gonna reinstall on my laptop tomorrow anyway, whats the command to install the full kde desktop?06:43
LSD|NinjaIt probably wouldn't bother me is Nautilus' handling of network shares wasn't so godawful, but since it is I'm always having to manually type certain things when I'm dealing with network shares and it's bugging me it's not as convenient as it used to be06:43
gartrali like gnome-shell, save for two showstoppers >.>06:43
iconmefistoKen8521: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:43
gartralKen8521: part of it sould be your graphics card06:44
kklimondaLSD|Ninja: the button was removed - you can edit gconf settings and set the address bar as a default option06:44
gartraliconmefisto: what graphics card do you have?06:45
iconmefistogartral: ati on both desktop and laptop06:45
AmnesianTo show the address bar in Nautilus type "/" (forward slash)06:45
gartraliconmefisto: OUCH theres a problem06:46
iconmefistogartral: hasn't been a problem for me for a long time (radeon drivers, not fglrx)06:46
gartraliconmefisto: ahh, i like my gtx 275 :)06:47
Ken8521gartral, my graphics card is iintel, but i thought it sucked just as bad w/ my 512mb nvidia.06:47
gartralKen8521: some nvidia cards just suck. the nv200 chipset is a beast, and it's portion of the drivers are playing nice with lucid SO far06:49
LSD|NinjaG200 could have been better, nVidia (or anyone else, for that matter) just didn't expect ATi to bounce back so quickly after the mess that was the 2000-series.06:50
Ken8521gartral, my card is a 7900... know its not the greatest, nor is it the worst, i've played plenty of Linux FPS's with it w/o any issue at all.06:51
gartralLSD|Ninja: ATI cards overheat. like a bitch on dog's day in summer. GTX 2x5s run cooler. though i did have to change the fan array.06:55
bp0kklimonda, re button removal: that sucks.06:55
Ken8521bp0, button removal?06:58
Ken8521oh nevermind.. i see06:58
bp0ive installed the realtek r8168 nic driver, and k10temp, and they are listed in the hardware drivers list with the nvidia driver...07:00
LSD|Ninjagartral: The original 65nm G200s didn't run particularly cool, either as I recall. What I was getting at though was the G200 was complex, difficult to produce and not really the all-conquering speed demon it could/should have been. nVidia's strategy though was that to keep it in the high end where they could price it accordingly and simply rename the G80/G92s in the low/midrange. It would have worked if ATi hadn't released the 4000-seri07:00
bp0what happens if i choose deactivate07:00
LSD|NinjaHmm... whered did that cut oiff?07:00
bp0on one of those i built instead of installed with the tool07:00
DanaGAnd NV releases drivers that can kill hardware.... the fact that that's even POSSIBLE means THEY'RE DOING IT WRONG.07:00
kklimondaLSD|Ninja: "It would have worked if ATi hadn't"07:01
LSD|Ninja"It would have worked if ATi hadn't released the 4000-series leaving them holding the bag with one architecture that was a generation out of date and another they were barely able to produce. They forced the G200 into 55nm production far too early which only made it worse." is how it should end07:02
gartralLSD|Ninja: 200 char freenode limit, yea07:02
ubnbeta2irc wasn't designed to have people type out paragraphs, only one line at a time.  But channel "rules" want you to do it that way.07:03
LSD|NinjaFunny thing is, the success of the 4000-series, it's flow-on into the 5000-series and nVidia still not fully having it's stuff together is the only thing really keeping AMD afloat right now.07:04
ubnbeta2please don't start a fanboi war07:05
hypatiawe didn't start the fanwar, it was always turning but the tweets keep burning07:06
LSD|NinjaBuying ATi put AMD something like $5-6 billion in debt that they were only able to pay around half of by sselling their fabs. Not only that, but with having to keep pace with Intels price cuts being their only real weapon against Core 2 and without the stabilising effect of profits from ATi, their losses would have been far greater than they were. They'd have been forced into bankruptcy.07:11
bazhangplease keep it on topic here; #ubuntu-offtopic for chat07:11
hypatiabazhang: sorry, was just feeling inspired :)07:16
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wcgary83does anybody know of a quality apparmor profile for transmission on Lucid? is it safe to run the 9.10 profile?(I doubt it...)07:41
kklimondathere is an apparmor profile for transmission? :)07:45
kklimondawcgary83: just try it in the complain mode and see what happens07:46
wcgary83I use the profiles on bodhi zazen's webpage, they work great! no transmission profile yet...07:46
kklimondaah, it confines transmission to Downloads.. that's.. ugly07:49
vegahmm, trying to make a 1:1 copy of a cd, but brasero exits with an "error", then ask to save log file but the log is empty07:49
kklimondaI mean what about people who use language other than English :)07:49
vegahow do i make a 1:1 image on the command line?07:49
kklimondaI guess that's the shortcoming of apparmor07:50
wcgary83that is true... but it works, I can't complain.  I'm not running torrents constantly anyways-07:51
kklimondawcgary83: you should just try the 9.10 profile and see how it works07:51
wcgary83I'm gonna experiment with it for a little, probably gonna enforce it and play around...07:52
wcgary83it's so overwhelming all these profiles, it's like what would happen if I just enforced all of them!08:00
Ken8521i'd suspect a tear in the space-time continuum08:01
Ken8521sorry... watching back to the future08:01
Ken8521hey Jordan_U do you know anything about getting grub to boot a USB device?08:03
Ken8521grub2, that is08:03
Jordan_UKen8521: With a BIOS that supports booting from USB or with one that doesn't?08:10
Ken8521Jordan_U, one that doesn't08:10
Ken8521i've read on some threads on Ubuntu forums, you can set grub up to search a USB drive and boot it, so you can use it as a "Live USB"... ike you would on a machine that will boot usb08:10
Jordan_UKen8521: The usb code in grub2 isn't very mature right now so it's just as likely to succeed as to fail (but the worst that can happen is grub freezes). To use grub's usb support "insmod ohci; insmod uhci; insmod usbms"08:11
ActionParsnipYo yo yo +108:13
DanaGmy bios supports sdhc-card boot, interestingly enough.08:14
Jordan_UDanaG: I have Ubuntu installed to an sd card, it's so odd to see that tiny thing and know it has a full bootable Ubuntu install on it.08:16
Ken8521Jordan_U, i tried VMC's suggestions in this thread... didn't work... does it look right?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145747608:16
Jordan_UDanaG: My cat could accidentally eat my Ubuntu!08:17
DanaGoh, and with SDXC (hope we can get Linux support), it'll support huge cards.08:17
Ken8521i got a similar message to the poster in that thread, that i needed to load the kernel08:17
DanaGgoogle for sdxc08:17
ActionParsnipDanag: or any other search engine08:18
Jordan_UKen8521: That post only covers loop booting from an iso, he mentions that grub has usb support but his menu entry just covers iso booting.08:19
Ken8521Jordan_U, yeah, thats all i wanted to do... boot an ISO, so i could use it to install to a hard drive08:19
Jordan_UKen8521: From a drive that's supported by your BIOS?08:20
Ken8521the bios on my pc does not support usb booting08:20
ActionParsnipKen8521: there are floppy images you can use which you can boot to to then boot usb/cd/whattever08:21
Jordan_UKen8521: Then add to that menu entry "insmod ohci; insmod uhci; insmod usbms; set root=(usb0,1)"08:21
Ken8521i was under the impression, that even if a BIOS didn't support USB booting, Grub2 could handle it.08:21
ActionParsnipKen8521: grub2 will :)08:21
Ken8521Jordan_U, ok.. and should i just add that to the end?08:21
Jordan_UKen8521: Yes, it just take a little extra.08:21
Jordan_UKen8521: To the beginning (within the menu entry, so on the line after the "{")08:22
Jordan_UKen8521: And don't be surprised if your computer just freezes when you select the menu entry :)08:23
Ken8521Jordan_U, so using that post as an example... it would look like this  http://paste.ubuntu.com/419694/08:24
Jordan_UKen8521: Yes, but put it on a new line (so starting at line 2). As it is it should work but looks really ugly :)08:25
Ken8521i'm gonna try that....08:25
Ken8521one more question... :)08:26
Jordan_UKen8521: Oh, and it's not sdb,1 its (usb0,1)08:26
Ken8521that was gonna be my next question08:26
Ken8521what he said about subsituting sdb,1, w/ hd1,1 didn't make sense08:27
LSD|NinjaDoes GRUB2 use sd* now? Or is still a noob trap?08:27
LSD|NinjaI'm not embarrassed to say I fell into it when they were starting the move to SCSI terminology for ATA stuff08:28
Jordan_ULSD|Ninja: Usually you just search by UUID actually. But normal devices are (hd#,#)08:28
Jordan_ULSD|Ninja: If you use grub's built in ata drivers (bypassing the BIOS) then the devices are (ata#,#) and if you use grub's USB drivers they are (usb#,#) but searching by UUID always works and is recommended.08:29
Ken8521well i'm gonna go try this real quick, brb08:30
blue1028 days to go08:38
Ken8521_Jordan_U, well, my PC froze.. :)... but it was still saying disk not found, kernel nt found08:42
=== Ken8521_ is now known as Ken8521
Jordan_UKen8521: grub 1.99 should have much more stable usb support, so I guess you'll just have to wait.08:45
oneirosFadeMorning folks08:45
Gorlistmorning, bit of a odd question. installed 10.04 a few weeks ago and set my desktop backdrop to lovely close up of a big green leaf (which came with ubuntu) - since then its disappeared and disappeared from the list!08:48
Gorlistoes anyone have a copy of it08:48
Ken8521_of what?08:48
=== Ken8521_ is now known as Ken8521
Ken8521Jordan_U, well, it froze up08:49
Ken8521thats a promising feature though, i think08:49
BUGabundo_remoterufus fetch the paper :D08:53
tdnWhen will 10.04 be released? Is any date planned yet?08:54
LSD|Ninjatdn: 29th April, but consider waiting until October for 10.1008:54
BUGabundo_remote!schedule | tdn08:57
ubottutdn: A schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule08:57
BUGabundo_remoteLSD|Ninja: LOLOLOL08:57
SwedeMikeLSD|Ninja: what's exciting in 10.10 ?08:57
LSD|NinjaSwedeMike: besides 6 months of bug fixes and updates? Not much :P08:57
Jordan_USwedeMike: We might find out the misterious feature that will use the newly free'd title bar space on the right!08:58
SwedeMikeJordan_U: that IS exciting :P08:58
kklimondaLSD|Ninja: well, if you put it this way we should never install and ubuntu and just wait for devel+1 hoping that bugs are fixed ;)08:58
m0RrELSD|Ninja: 3 weeks after release the worst bugs are fixed08:59
Ken8521Jordan_U, lol, well then i'll have to move the "new feature" to the left... cuz i hated the buttons on the left.09:00
LSD|Ninjakklimonda: Hell, even waiting until October and upgrading to 10.04 then would be better than expecting all the little bugs and regressions in 10.04 to be fixed in little over a week. Every LTS is like this, they go right down to the wire and launch in whatever state it's in at that point because they know they have 3 years or whatever to fix it properly09:00
BUGabundo_remoteactually 10.04.109:00
SwedeMikelooking at the number of bugs in debian stable, I'd say a lot of bugs actually never get fixed at all until new release, and then we have other bugs. it's the way of life :P09:01
BUGabundo_remoteyou do know that only *critical* bugs are fixed, right?09:01
Ken8521LSD|Ninja, to me though...10.04, is far more stable stable than 8.04 was09:01
BUGabundo_remoteno package changes or new funcionality , ok?09:01
Ken8521even in its current stage09:01
SwedeMikeI mean, most of my bugs are left hanging around in launchpad until 2 years later someone asks me to test the new release to see if it works there.09:01
Jordan_UKen8521: I'm sorry, it's not a left compatible feature. Among other things the balance will be wrong so your windows will wobble very awkwardly.09:01
BUGabundo_remoteSwedeMike: +109:01
LSD|NinjaKen8521: 8.04 was an absolute mess. I still can't believe they let it go out with a beta version of firefox because they didn't want to hold up the release.09:01
SwedeMikeand 10.04 goes out with a heap of new functionality, seems to be the way of life as well.09:02
BUGabundo_remoteLSD|Ninja: WRONG09:04
Jordan_UKen8521: It will be like jello, with a limp.09:04
BUGabundo_remoteFF 3.x was sent cause upstream would not maintain previous stable version for the duration of the LTS09:04
kklimondaLSD|Ninja: releasing 8.04 with beta Fx was better than alternatives09:04
DamasceneI wonder since when the kernel become a non genuine ubuntu package09:04
LSD|NinjaBUGabundo_remote: I was basically told as much by a dev 2 years ago09:05
Ken8521Jordan_U, lol09:05
joaopintoLSD|Ninja, and actually that beta was quite stable, specially compared with the stable firefox of that time09:05
LSD|NinjaBUGabundo_remote: (about not wanting to delay the release that is)09:05
kklimondaDamascene: it got removed from archive09:05
yofelDamascene: -21 is the current one, -20 is too old and is alredy removed09:05
joaopintoLSD|Ninja, the release schedule is not subject to software schedule, that would mean no release, since every program as its own schedule09:05
joaopintoI mean, the distro release09:05
kklimondaDamascene: it's a bug (or rather a shortcoming) of the apport - it just doesn't know if package was installed from 3rd party source or just removed from archive already.09:06
BUGabundo_remotejoaopinto: actually it is: gnome release cycle09:06
joaopintoBUGabundo_remote, I mean in general terms09:06
kklimondaLSD|Ninja: and it was a good decision - we would have to delay 8.04 for 2 or 3 months because of the single package09:06
joaopintoI know it's gnome guided09:06
BUGabundo_remotejoaopinto: but its not! ir realy depends on gnome09:06
BUGabundo_remotesee 6.06 for example09:06
Ven]nouyes, :)09:07
kklimondaLSD|Ninja: 6.06 was still supported on desktops so there has been no pressure on people to upgrade09:07
LSD|Ninjakklimonda: Not really. It was only about 3 weeks until the stable version arrived and for people who'd been on 6.06 for two years previous and were going to use 8.04 for two years after that it was insignificant.09:07
ouyeshi all, what are your feelings running 10.0409:07
Jordan_UBUGabundo_remote: To be fair, they decided that 6.06 would be an LTS when they were already pretty far into the cycle.09:07
LSD|Ninjaouyes: So far, a typical LTS (Less than Stable) release09:07
joaopintoBUGabundo_remote, the 6.06 delay was not related to gnome at all, as far as it was communicated09:08
Jordan_UBUGabundo_remote: It probably could have been released on time if they had planned it to be LTS from the beginning.09:08
kklimondaLSD|Ninja: actually it was more than 3 weeks (Fx 3 was released at June 17th and 8.04 at April 26th or something like that)09:08
ouyesVen]n, LSD|Ninja  i am looking forward to the release on 29th09:08
joaopintothe only thing that concerns me at this moment for this LTS is plymouth and friends09:09
LSD|Ninjakklimonda: I could have sworn the updates came sooner than that, but I may be wrong. Eitehr way, it would have been an insignificant delay (and would have given you a chance to polish it up a bit more) given the 2-3 year lifecycle09:09
ouyesVen]n, LSD|Ninja i put more care on the performance than the beauty of GUI(gnome)09:09
joaopintoLSD|Ninja, any delay is significant when you have release plan09:10
joaopintoLSD|Ninja, it would also still be affecting the current release, because the delay would cascade09:10
kklimondaLSD|Ninja: but it would mean less time for 8.10 - devs went this road with 6.06 and it simply didn't work out.09:10
Damascenethanks kklimonda09:11
Ven]nouyes, for me, 10.04 seesm a little bit faster on my netbook09:11
kklimondaI really think we should just relabel standard releases as Betas and LTS as "official" releases ;)09:11
Damasceneany way I just updated yesterday so this is weird09:11
Damasceneand I always see this bug after reboot09:11
Ven]nand I also like the color change :p09:11
Jordan_UAnyone in here running lucid in VMware? I'd like to know if this affects all VMware users: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/56514609:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565146 in grub2 "grub-pc postinst fails to install grub to devices not listed in /dev/disk/by-id" [Undecided,New]09:11
Ken8521kklimonda, naa... i think Ubuntu has a pretty good way of doing things myself.09:11
LSD|Ninjajoaopinto: The problem here is they really don't. Just a series of loosely define dates they always overrun. Except for that final release date. They never miss that. Even if it's on the last day of the month and the product is a steaming pile it will be released.09:11
ouyesVen]n, you are running gnome of 10.04 on netbook?09:12
Ven]non a usb key09:12
Ken8521LSD|Ninja, really though.. how many ubuntu releases, have been a "steaming pile".09:13
Ken8521I didn't care for 9.04... i thought it had a lot of bugs at release, same w/ 8.0409:13
Ken8521but for the most part, they did work09:13
joaopintoLSD|Ninja, I don't agree with you, for this release there are public reports with progress reports, and things have been reaning quite good as far I could see09:13
kklimondaKen8521: I think Ubuntu is less polished than it should be because of 6 month shedule. Some of it is a price we are paying for being just a Linux distribution but for example ubuntu one and ayatana related work could use some polish (especially in this cycle)09:13
kklimondathere are always lots of bugs at the release time :)09:13
joaopintoLSD|Ninja, if you have a different view then probably you should switch to a distribution whose policy matches your view09:13
kklimondaLSD|Ninja: we don't overrun freezes and other dates - the Beta2 slip was only one day.. and really unlucky ;)09:14
Ken8521kklimonda, yeah... all in all though, i think 10.04 is going to be very solid09:14
Ven]nkklimonda, beta2 slip?09:15
kklimondaKen8521: depends on hardware09:15
oneirosFadePersonally, I've only had a very few serious gripes w/ Ubuntu since I started using it a few years ago.  Most things I notice can either be easily worked around, or are just matters of taste.09:15
Ven]nthe beta2 had a lot of bugs?09:15
kklimondaVen]n: it was released a day later and just after that we got a bad updates that weren't fixed immediately because of some factors.09:15
Ken8521kklimonda, well that could be said about any releas09:16
kklimondaKen8521: but this time we'll get even more complains09:16
kklimondaKen8521: all old intels are in a terrible shape and we have an ugly memory leak in X server09:17
LSD|NinjaKen8521: They've all been going downhill since 7.10, but my beef with the LTSs is they make this huge fuss of long term support and stability and then never deliver.09:17
Ken8521LSD|Ninja, i see what you're saying...09:17
Ken8521i don't agree, but i see what you're saying09:17
LSD|NinjaDrop the pretense, and it wouldn't bother me so much09:18
kklimondaLSD|Ninja: and yet I hear people saying how great 8.04 has turned out lately09:18
joaopintoI personally don't care about the "LTS" status, that's an enterprise oriented concept, with no interest for a home user09:18
nzmmlts doesnt mean bug free, just means they'll fix the bugs you report for 5 years (or whatever it is)09:18
Q_ContinuumQuestion, I'm looking at setting up a server in the next short while, figured I'd just wait for 10.04, but is there any reason I couldn't install "beta" now and just upgrade to final code when released?  (i386(09:19
LSD|Ninjanzmm: "release first, fix over teh 3 year support period"09:19
joaopintoLTS is most usefull for servers09:19
nzmmhence long term supprt, not never ever fail release09:19
SwedeMikenzmm: some of the bugs.09:19
ouyesi will customize my own ubuntu installation cd after the release,  i wish the 10.04 would not let me down09:19
kklimondaQ_Continuum: no reason not to do that other than beta being beta :)09:19
SwedeMikeQ_Continuum: install it now and keep it updated, there is no reason to wait really09:19
joaopintoLSD|Ninja, so your suggesting is, "fix before, never release"09:20
Q_ContinuumFigured as much, that box just means I have to burn a CD - old AthlonXP box.  Does anyone have a pre-configured VM appliance for netbooting...?09:20
nzmmsee funny thing is people got fed up with debian as well, so basically nothing will satisfy eh?09:20
joaopintothere is no such thing as "it's ready", that is a vague definition which changes from person to person09:21
Jordan_Unzmm: It's not neccisarily the same people.09:21
LSD|Ninjajoaopinto: The nature of open source development makes that massively impractical, I realise that. A better suggestion is as I said before: just drop the pretense. Drop this LTS nonsense and release teh way everyone else does.09:21
joaopintoLSD|Ninja, LTS means support, not stable, you know about that right ?09:22
joaopintoLSD|Ninja, the support is not a pretense, is a real fact, it is being provided09:22
joaopintoSability is hard to measure, support is not, they have pretty much described with type of support is provided.. critical and security fixes09:22
Ken8521nzmm, i think folks got upset w/ Debian because 4.0 was in beta for what?.. over a year. maybe close to 209:23
ubnbeta2I have to agree, I'd rather have them wait until things were stable and working before pushing a release out the door every six months.09:23
LSD|NinjaThe first 6 months of "critical" updates are basically fixing stuff they let through because they knew they wouldn't make the launch date09:23
Ken8521maybe the answer is instead of releasing every 6mo, releasing every year?09:23
nzmmKen8521:  sorta what i was on about, but unno me just providing a bit of drama09:24
joaopintoevery new release is expected to be more stable, LTS releases are expected to be supported for longer09:24
ubnbeta2how about releasing when ready?09:24
kklimondaubnbeta2: it's never ready09:24
kklimondaubnbeta2: there will always be bugs, it's a matter of deciding if they are critical to the release itself.09:24
Ken8521ubnbeta2, its in a constant stage of tweaking, updating, fixing, etc.. like kklimonda  said, it is never ready..09:24
joaopintoLSD|Ninja, those critical updates are the same problems wich affect all the other non LTS releases, the fact is that for LTS you get those fixes for a longer time09:24
kklimondafor example if there were a bug in the installers that eats your data then the release would be put on hold09:25
jwallingI;m on 8.04 LTS and waiting for 10.4 LTS to be "stable" - maybe June?09:25
ubnbeta2kklimonda, I disagree, you can set a mark, wait for things to get fixed, and then release.  Say release X will have version x.y.z of whatever, and only do patches09:25
nzmmits lts, you dont have to use it right away, no one is forcing you to install it, use it in a year, maybe then it will be 'ready'09:25
nzmmproblem solved09:25
kklimondaubnbeta2: what do you mean by mark?09:25
joaopintothe LTS prepare time is the same as a non LTS release09:25
kklimondaI actually believe that the next LTS should be a better one in terms of stability. ;)09:26
ubnbeta2kklimonda, target versions of software, firefox 3.6, gnome 2.6, or whatever.09:26
joaopintoubnbeta2, right, meanwhile you find version x.z.z is more stable than you change your goal09:26
nzmmor fixes are backported cos its lts?09:26
kklimondasome of them09:27
LSD|Ninjanzmm: some fixes aren't backported even in a non-LTS09:27
joaopintoonly critical and security fixes are backported09:27
nzmmi realise09:27
kklimondait's actually harder to get a fix into non-LTS than into LTS09:27
joaopintoI personallly would prefer a rolling release :P09:27
joaopintoI prefer small changes, easier to identify, easier to fix09:28
kklimondaas LTS is supported for 3 years it's easier to justify non-critical fixes09:28
ubnbeta2then release it when everything is read, not because it's time and you must force it.09:28
ubnbeta2joaopinto, not how it works09:28
kklimondaubnbeta2: that's how debian does it09:28
kklimondaubnbeta2: and no one uses stable debian on desktops09:28
ubnbeta2I do like ubuntu, I came from Gentoo, but it's a bit much to have new releases break so much for so long.  9.10 still isn't working for my hardware that worked in 8.xx and 9.0409:29
kklimondaubnbeta2: it's always a tradeoff between stability and new features09:29
LSD|Ninjakklimonda: the issue here is that Ubuntu says they're trying to rise above that tradeoff when they aren't any better than anyone else09:29
ubnbeta2ah, I do miss the days of gentoo, you could have a stable system, and only unmask packages that you wanted unstable.  Just got tired of keeping the system working with gentoo.09:30
DamasceneLSD|Ninja, did you try fedora?09:30
joaopintoLSD|Ninja, you know there is an enterprise backing up Ubuntu right ? You don't how enterpises sell their products right :) ?09:30
kklimondaLSD|Ninja: the main selling point of LTS is long support and not "stability since day one"09:30
joaopintothey sell support09:31
LSD|NinjaBelieve it or not, I actually appreciate tha tUbuntu is at least trying here, I just don't believe they're trying hard enough and it's really starting to show09:31
ouyeskklimonda, what you mean by "stability since day one"?09:31
kklimondaLSD|Ninja: really?09:31
joaopintothey don't name it "Long Term Stability"09:31
kklimondaLSD|Ninja: please, it's simply not fair - they really work around the clock trying to fix all the issues09:31
kklimondaLinux ecosystem just makes it really hard09:31
joaopintoLSD|Ninja, if trying hard enough is to wait for firefox to come out of beta, or application Foo , I don't agree with you09:31
kklimondaouyes: well, for example lts->lts upgrades may be postponed if it's decided that the new LTS isn't ready for people who like safety ;)09:32
kklimondaouyes: some bugs are already milestoned for the 10.04.1 release09:33
kcj1993how is lucid goingZ09:33
LSD|Ninjajoaopinto: The firefox thing is a fairly extreme example of the problem, granted, but at the same time if it takes weeks after the release date for things to even remotely calm down (as it did with 8.04 and will almost certainly happen with 10.04) then what was the point in releasing it those few weeks or months ahead of schedule, especially over a 2-5 year support lifecycle?09:33
kklimondakcj1993: good, bad - depends on your hardware and applications you use09:34
kcj1993faster than 9.10Z09:34
kklimondakcj1993: depends on your hardware :)09:35
kklimondakcj1993: but yes, it's faster09:35
joaopintoLSD|Ninja, what makes you believe that delaying would turn the final result any better ? Waiting those weeks is a clear sign that Ubuntu fails to manage a project, a project has timelines. I am not clear on what do you expect to gain with more a few weeks.09:35
ubnbeta2releasing a product when it's not ready is just as bad09:36
joaopintoLSD|Ninja, specially when a significant part of the problems that show up on the initial release weeks are from users which did not participate on testing, and would never do it before the release day09:36
ouyesi am wondering how many people are running ubuntu right now  all over the world09:37
kklimondaLSD|Ninja: firefox isn't really a good example - there is not a single other project that unfriendly to distributions (especially those that have releases and aren't just rolling back new versions as they come)09:37
Damascenejoaopinto, +109:37
nzmmlast estimate was 12m09:37
joaopintoDamascene, talking about problems on LTSs, your RTL issue. make sure you kick some developers early after lucid ;)09:38
Damascene:) sure, I'll try to as soon as possible09:39
kklimondaubnbeta2: as opposed to Apple or Microsoft Linux distributions don't have a luxury of waiting for something to be "ready" for the release.09:39
ubnbeta2kklimonda, debian was linux last time I checked... they do it.09:39
kklimondaubnbeta2: and they pay a steep price for that09:40
joaopintoubnbeta2, yes, and they have an insignificant user base09:40
joaopintonot that they care much about it, it's not their main purpose09:40
DamasceneI think we should monitor fedora release as they have the most recent packages09:40
ubnbeta2kklimonda, you just said "linux distros don't..."09:40
ubnbeta2I'm sure they are not alone either, I don't monitor all the others out there09:41
ubnbeta2really, I came to ubuntu because "it just worked"09:41
ubnbeta28.04 was great for me, even 8.10.  9.04 was okay, but 9.10 horrible.09:41
SandGorgonubnbeta2, ahh... would you want to join my i-hate-plymouth party ?09:42
ubnbeta2SandGorgon, hehe, looked at that issue today too. :)09:42
SandGorgonI have 10 bucks down for a non-plymouth, non-kms version of 10.04 - SERIOUSLY09:42
joaopintonot having due dates is terrible, different parties will keep disputing the release date09:42
joaopintosomething you can only afford when you have too much money to waste... (hint: MS)09:43
kklimondaubnbeta2: debian made the fact that they release when ready their selling point - I don't think any other distribution does it.09:43
ubnbeta2why are you guys so extreme about it?  Just saying don't force a strict 6mo release, you can still set some firmer targets, you don't need to be all other side of the spectrum about it.09:43
* BUGabundo_remote wonder how long the Release ranting will last, so I can turn the higlight back on09:43
joaopintoubnbeta2, there are nothing as firm as dates, dates are objectives, other goals are not09:44
ubnbeta2kklimonda, I think RHLE does very similar, they code freeze versions and release when everything is tested as much as possible.09:44
joaopintolol BUGabundo_remote09:44
BUGabundo_remoteSandGorgon: ill join it09:44
SandGorgoni personally think that way too much time was spent in looking at issues like button placements and snazzy startup screens, when I would rather that it be spent on drivers09:44
SandGorgonBUGabundo_remote, :)09:44
DamasceneI see many things are discussed over and over. why don't someone create a wiki page with everyone idea and thoughts09:44
Damasceneif there is some thing new just add it09:45
BUGabundo_remoteno, seriously! I've purged plymouth like 8 times this cycle09:45
SandGorgonDamascene, there is already a way - Bubuntu Brainstorm... but nothing came of it.09:45
BUGabundo_remoteand the sucker keeps coming09:45
BUGabundo_remotedon't you just hate when an OS makes decisions for you ?09:45
joaopintoSandGorgon, except that is much harder to work on drivers, it depends on different skills, and on information which sometimes is not provided by vendors09:45
kklimondaubnbeta2: but they prepare point releases that bring new features to the current stable release.09:45
DamasceneSandGorgon, wiki isn't like  a brainstorm09:45
joaopintodrivers are tied with 3rd party vendors, unlike design which is free09:45
SandGorgonjoaopinto, true true... however a very LARGE number of problems were "things worked in 7.10, 8.04 ...but not in 9.10". These problems are low lying fruits09:46
kklimondaSandGorgon: but the button placement (or rather design) and drivers are not being worked on by the same people09:46
Ken8521BUGabundo_remote, lol, plymouth is an enigma that never dies09:46
Ken8521i didn't know it could be removed though.09:46
joaopintoSandGorgon, right, but I feel there the problem is more the lack of testing, developers usually only care about their own machines :P09:47
ubnbeta2well as I said, they did some major changes to hal/evdev in 9.10, it broke things for me and several others.   I guess not enough to make a difference.09:47
SandGorgonkklimonda,  you are right, of course. But I just think the direction should have been driver cleanups.. etc.09:47
joaopintoplymouth can be removed manually, but it will also disable mountall, so it's an ugly hack09:47
Ken8521joaopinto, hmm, whats mountall?09:47
joaopintothe boot process depends on mountall which depends on plymouth09:47
Ken8521ubnbeta2, 9.10 wasn't to bad IMO, 9.04 was a train wreck.09:47
joaopintoKen8521, it's the utility which mounts all your filesystems early on boot09:48
Ken8521joaopinto, hmm, that seems like it would be pretty importantt09:48
SandGorgonmy favorite is a bug I filed and debugged where 10.04 would'nt install on certain motherboards (while 9.10 would). I debugged it to a check (in Casper maybe) for floppy drives. On disabling it in the BIOS, everything worked... this was not fixed or even looked at09:48
ubnbeta2Ken8521, funny, 9.04 worked for me.  9.10 was the wreck for my systems. (6 total)09:48
joaopintoKen8521, well, you could replace it with a manual mount -a, but is not as safe and complete as mountall, as it handles cases like file system check, etc etc09:48
kklimondaSandGorgon: there aren't that many people who can work on these things and they all already work for other corporations ;)09:49
Ken8521joaopinto, i see09:49
Ken8521ubnbeta2, i think a lot o fit, boils down to what hardware you have...09:49
SandGorgonI filed a brainstorm for taking legal counsel to validate that patents on font hinting have finally expired (that was a long brainstorm). IT would have taken Linux as a whole to a different level of looking-good-ness09:49
joaopintohw oriented developers are rare and expensive09:49
kklimondaSandGorgon: well, I don't think there is a single developer working for Canonical that still have access to floppy drive ;)09:49
SandGorgonkklimonda, you know what - neither do I09:49
joaopintowhile any kid can write a python app with some buttons on it :P09:50
Ken8521joaopinto, but can he put the buttons in the upper right?09:50
SandGorgonkklimonda, but somehow even latest motherboards have support built and activated... and 10.04 croaks on that09:50
joaopintoKen8521, that's not a developer issue, that's the design team09:50
ubnbeta2Ken8521, while I'd agree for stuff that never worked, having working hardware on three older releases and then breaking it, and ignoring or closing bugs reported as invalid is bad management.09:50
Ken8521joaopinto, i'm teasin... i laugh cuz so many people get so worked up about that, when it takes 2sec to change the way you want it09:50
kklimondaSandGorgon: it doesn't do it on every hardware for sure09:50
joaopintoKen8521, if you don't like the current positioning you must be out of fashion ;)09:50
SandGorgonkklimonda, correct... but it does on every Gigabyte G61 series..09:51
Ken8521ubnbeta2, i agree..09:51
Ken8521joaopinto, i HATE the buttons on the left09:51
Ken8521i agree w/ everyone else, shuttleworth has mac envy..lol09:51
kklimondaubnbeta2: you have to remember that "we" don't break hardware - upstream projects do.09:52
joaopintoKen8521, I really don't care, my brain is stil smart enough to rember "right - left" :D09:52
joaopintolol, the way around09:52
kklimondawe just take a hit for that :/09:52
SandGorgonI would'nt mind giving a hundred bucks or so for rdesktop support for Win Server 2008 (no it doesnt as yet) and for out-of-the-box webcam support with skype09:52
ubnbeta2kklimonda, nope, you did.  You changed hal and evdev support to something else.09:52
ubnbeta2kklimonda, it wasn't broken in evdev/hal09:52
JSundKen8521: sure, it's easy to fix if you know how to do it, but most people will only look at the settings available from the GUI and as far as I know, you can't change the button order from there in a default installation09:53
joaopintokklimonda, please don't make the barrier "we" vs "upstreams"09:53
joaopintowe also break things09:54
Ken8521joaopinto, not really a brain issue, its just my brain is programmed to look in the upper right, i've done it for 15yrs.. i managed to unprogram windows from my brain, but not the buttons..lol09:54
joaopintowe fix some and break others09:54
Ken8521JSund, google will tell you in about 10sec how to use the GUI to change it.. don't need a ton of CLI command, if thats what you mean09:54
kklimondajoaopinto: it's the only way to stay sane ;)09:54
JSundKen8521: but you still have to run a command not available in the default menus to access that GUI09:54
Ken8521i'm trying to install arch in Vbox right now... that is a headache.09:55
BUGabundo_remotesomething funky09:55
joaopintowhen things are broken there is allways that fight09:55
Ken8521JSund, i've always wondered why Gconf-editor wasn't in the menu system09:55
JSundimho it should be an option under System -> Preferences -> Windows09:55
joaopintolike the PA fight09:55
BUGabundo_remoteafter removing HAL my system boots *MUCH* faster09:55
SandGorgoneven the ongoing direction of 10.10 is "social" - facebook, twitter, etc.09:55
JSundKen8521: probably because gconf-editor requires some understanding of underlying parts of the system09:55
joaopintoSandGorgon, marketing09:55
kklimondaubnbeta2: actually hal has been deprecated (and replaced) by X.org and other projects too so it's not like we've done something different..09:55
Ken8521JSund, probably09:56
kklimondajoaopinto: but it's still good to remember that a lot of decisions aren't made by Ubuntu itself. People tend to forget that.09:57
SandGorgonI think linux's direction should be towards consumption and creation of content - good audio, cam, ebook support should be where it needs to go. How else can it stand up against the other great fruity*nix09:57
joaopintoSandGorgon, I sure those words on a release announcement look much better than "Your system will no longer freeze when doing Y" :P09:57
SandGorgonjoaopinto, :) I admit that.. true.. however "increased compatibility with thousands of new printers, scanners and webcams" sounds good as well09:58
joaopintoSandGorgon, people take that as granted on a OS ;)09:59
SandGorgonjoaopinto, sigh... you should sometime read the blog post (and more importantly the _comments_) on Jonathan Blow's website, when he posted about his inability to port Braid to Linux because it lacked low latency sound. Stuff like that really is the reason why we dont have better games on linux10:01
joaopintoSandGorgon, oh sound+linux = FAIL10:01
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.10:02
ubnbeta2pulseaudio = FAIL10:02
joaopintosorry, I mean I feel that sound related support on Ubuntu as been a long standing problem10:02
SandGorgonjoaopinto, low latency sound and pointer control = fail. Maybe (I'm not sure here), jackd would be the logical way forward - I always keep waiting for Ubuntu to throw in its support behind something other than pulse10:03
kklimondaSandGorgon: don't wait - jump in and offer your help10:06
kklimondai wonder why does this statement ends most discussions ;)10:08
BUGabundo_remoteits hard work, to WORK on something10:09
ubnbeta2kklimonda, you think it does, but doesn't.  I've actually done things like that.  I re-wrote the entire audio control system for "tvtime" that was using OSS to use ALSA and have device controls.  The patch was never accepted by the author, I didn't feel like forking it myself.10:09
BUGabundo_remote*if* you are going to fix it, you are not going to discuss about it, you are busy fixing it10:10
ubnbeta2so it's often more complex then just "jumping in."10:10
BUGabundo_remoteubnbeta2: true, also10:10
kklimondaubnbeta2: every contribution should start with a discussion.10:11
ubnbeta2in an ideal world, open source would be just that.  People add good ideas and contributions to projects.  But to often, like with XFree86 -> xorg, people get in the way.  My hope for ubuntu would be that they value the community more.10:13
ubnbeta2kklimonda, it did, he said go ahead, patches welcome, so I did it, and then he decided he didn't want it since he wasn't using alsa or knew anything about it.  Kind of the go away "patches welcome" and didn't mean it.10:14
kklimondaubnbeta2: well, then it was obviously either a miscommunication or simply a bad luck.10:15
SandGorgonkklimonda, I am ... last 2 weeks. I filed more than 16 bugs - most of them with detailed analyses. I dont know how effective I would be with origramming, but I dont mind trying10:15
SwedeMikeubnbeta2: I was involved in discussions on mplayer list as well regarding that, some said "implement it and then we'll decide" which I think is bullshit if they already have decided to not accept it.10:15
ubnbeta2kklimonda, as I said, people say "patches welcome" sometimes and me go away since many people will and not come back.10:16
SandGorgonkklimonda, I think that is a very good point you raise. Win7 (a brilliant OS IMHO) fixed thousands of bugs becuase it's beta builds sent back a huge amount of data necessary for debugging.10:16
kklimondaSandGorgon: we already have more data than we can either process or make use of to fix bugs10:17
SandGorgonI dont mind running an extremely verbose OS or debug enabled (at the cost of performance) if it helps people - but a  lot of people cannot contribute patches back10:17
kklimondaSandGorgon: unfortunately Ubuntu is at the point when we have much more users (most of whom aren't experienced linux users) than developers.10:18
SandGorgonkklimonda, what do you suggest then - bug bash where a lot of "doesnt work in X but worked in Y" bugs are dealt with ? that would be brilliant10:18
kklimondaSandGorgon: I don't suggest anything - there is no good way of dealing with this problem10:19
Ken8521kklimonda, very well said10:19
Ken8521i know what will fix it10:20
Ken8521Canonical sell Ubuntu to Microsoft.10:20
kklimondaSandGorgon: I can't even say "Canonical should just employ more good developers" because there aren't that many good developers with a good understanding of various Linux bits who are looking for work10:20
SandGorgonkklimonda, nope.. not that - how do you better harness all these people who are passionate about linux, but are not full blown developers. That problem, if solved, would be amazing - it could even be as simple as lead developers getting together on a particular day and helping everyone (a lot of repeated questions!) on how to debug and fix their own problems.10:22
kklimondaSandGorgon: actually we have classes for people interested in either bugfixing, writing new code or doing any other work for Ubuntu.10:23
SandGorgonkklimonda, is that worldwide ? You guys have no clue how big Linux is (and getting to be) in Asia - where not only do big computer makers sell _all_ their stuff without Windows, but it is impossible for a large part of the population to afford windows.10:25
kklimondaSandGorgon: they are on IRC so I guess it's worldwide10:26
SandGorgonkklimonda, I did not know about these classes - this is news and I would be very interested.10:27
ubottuThe Ubuntu Classroom is a project which aims to tutor users about Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu through biweekly sessions in #ubuntu-classroom - For more information visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom10:27
* ubnbeta2 ins't in the US10:37
ubnbeta2or the northern hemisphere either. :p10:38
SwedeMikeSandGorgon: it's interesting how many computers are sold here with MSDOS or Linux (I'm in Bangkok atm) to keep the prices down.10:39
hifimsdos? O_o10:39
hififreedos by any chance?10:39
SwedeMikeyes, msdos. ( or freedos, I don't know)10:39
SwedeMikeit says msdos in the ads10:39
BUGabundo_remotewhat are ppl expected to do with MSDOS?10:43
SwedeMikewhen you see 300USD computers including windows is a big increase in price of the product10:43
SwedeMikeBUGabundo_remote: see that the computer POSTs before they leave the store, probably.10:44
SwedeMikea big problem here as far as I can deduce is that people the ninstall pirated windows and don't get windows update working, so a lot of people get p0wned and then spread malware10:44
SandGorgonIn India, I see a lot of Ubuntu computers sold from stores.. it is still a tie between Fedora and Ubuntu10:46
SandGorgon99% of the people who dont use linux do it because of driver problems (bluetooth, webcam, card reader, *fingerprint reader*, printer, scanner) or that OO sucks when it comes to MSOffice10:48
oneirosFadeWait, OOo sucks?10:48
oneirosFadeNobody bothered to inform me of this. :(10:48
BUGabundo_remoteOOo rocks10:48
SandGorgononeirosFade, try Softmaker Office and then u'll see a really viable office replacement on Linux10:48
SandGorgononeirosFade, I actually deploy these, so I know10:49
oneirosFadeSandGorgon:  MSOffice replacement insomuch as...?  What is your criteria?10:49
SandGorgononeirosFade, compatibilty. The rest of world is still on MSOffice - in a significantly large number of cases, OO doesnt play nice with those documents.10:50
oneirosFadeWell, I'm not in an enterprise environment, so MSO can eat a bad sector10:51
SandGorgontrust me.. I tried to deploy Ubuntu at an accounting shop - they loved it. But in the end Office won out. Softmaker is much better, so I may be able to push a lot more installations now10:51
oneirosFadeOOo has given me no problems, and a PDF is a PDF, a printed page is a printed page :)10:51
SandGorgononeirosFade, Excel is the real killer I suppose, followed by DOC. PPT is not that critical10:52
TrewasI don't need to use office software much but I find OOo pretty horrible compared ms office, I think overall (features etc, even compatibility) it is ok, but wrt all the small usability things ms office is *much* better10:53
sveinseThunderbird seems to have lost all its handling of mime types on my system. If I go into Preferences->Attachments the Content Type list is empty. I need to provide action for *every* program, including for http links...11:03
sveinse(I have upgraded Karmic to Lucid on amd64)11:03
Damascenedo you know a good way to create animated gift11:11
AnxiousNutAtC-PCim running lubuntu beta2 from live USB but it cant play .ogv!11:12
AnxiousNutAtC-PCsorry it can, but not correctly! i get huge pixels11:15
Ven]nhow can I see whats going on while shutting down the system? the dots just keep going11:17
Ven]nand it wont shut down11:17
xapelDoes anyone know the status of the windows port of the ubuntuone client?11:20
mungojerryare the new lucid wallpapers designed for widescreen only? it looks really bad on my non-widescreen dual monitor setup11:22
joaopintoxapel, is there a windows port ?11:25
BUGabundo_remotehalf the time11:26
BUGabundo_remotenow if only I could cut that to 50% again11:27
BUGabundo_remotert @brionv: Clever... looks like the Ubuntu 10.04 installer does an IP-based geo lookup to guess your timezone :D11:27
BUGabundo_remotehumm I never saw this11:27
Ven]nhmm.. something prevents my ubuntu from shutting down.. how to fix? :)11:28
BUGabundo_remote$ sudo halt ?11:28
=== Ken8521_ is now known as Ken8521
Ven]nlemme try again11:29
Ven]nthe dots just kept going and going11:29
BUGabundo_remotewhich dots?11:29
Ven]nthe ones showing when you shutdown11:29
Ven]nnow I typed sudo halt11:30
Ven]nand I see the ubuntu logo and 5 dots11:30
xapeljoaopinto: Not a working one, but I know there was an effort to create one11:30
Ven]nred, red, red, red, red, white, white, white, white, white11:30
joaopintoxapel, never heard about it11:31
Ven]nhow can I find out whats not shutting down properly11:31
BUGabundo_remoteVen]n: ctrl+alt+f1 ?11:33
Ven]nnothing happens11:33
vishanyone using kubuntu here?11:33
Ven]nBUGabundo_remote, can I specify something so Ill see text instead of the image?11:34
Ken8521vish, naa.. whats wrong?11:34
BUGabundo_remoteVen]n: on boot, at grub, remove splash ?11:34
Ken8521well thats silly, kubuntu+1 is invite only11:35
vishKen8521: could you mention the icon names used by the volume icons in Bug #56699611:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566996 in humanity-icon-theme "Bug in humanity-icon-theme: Using KDE (from Kubuntu 10.04) + Humanity icon does not show kmixer or related icon on system tray." [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56699611:35
joaopintoBUGabundo_remote, you can't remove "splash"11:35
Ken8521vish, i dont even know what you're talking about... i don't use kde.11:35
vishKen8521: there is /no/ kubuntu+1  , this channel is for all+1 variants ;)11:35
Ken8521was just curious what was wrong11:35
vishKen8521: pff ;p11:35
Ven]njoaopinto, any suggestions then? :)11:35
Ken8521vish, well when i tried to enter it, it said it was invite only11:35
joaopintoVen]n, try booting and shutting down in recovery mode11:35
vishKen8521: thats because you are logged in here.. if you quit this channel and try to enter K+1 it will redirect you here :)11:36
Ken8521hmm, not sure how that happened11:37
Ven]njoaopinto, should I login and everything?11:37
Ven]noh well.. doing it11:37
Ven]nim at command line now11:37
Ven]ndoing a sudo halt11:37
Ven]nacpi error: no installed handler for fixed event11:38
joaopintoVen]n, blocked ?11:38
joaopintoI mean, did it shutdown ?11:39
Ven]nlast thing is that acpi error11:39
joaopintowell, try the booting with the "noacpi" option11:39
BUGabundo_remoteVen]n: $ubuntu-bug linux then11:39
joaopintoI guess you should file a bug report anyway11:39
mrpi just did some updates and reboot now when i boot into ubutu it locks up at the login screen and doesn't allow any input?11:40
Ven]njoaopinto, but it used to work11:41
joaopintoVen]n, new kernel, new problems :P11:42
Ven]nseems to be same issue11:43
Ven]nhes using 9.10 on thumb drive on a dell mini 9, im using 10.04 on a thumb drive on a dell mini 911:44
Ven]nI added noacpi  to the last line of the normal boot. didnt change anything11:46
duffydackVen]n,  is this with a mini 9 you are having problems?11:47
Ken8521don't those have realtek wireless?11:48
duffydackOdd, I installed alpha3 and have had it on since.. works fine.11:48
Ven]nKen8521, think most have broadcom11:48
Ken8521my netbook has atheros, so i was just curious.11:49
sweetI would like to add a boot option to my grub2 menu  that launches only a console, I've googled it but haven't found a clear solution for my problem....11:49
Ken8521you'd think they would have put a wireless device in them(if they come stock w/ linux) that typically works out of the box..11:49
duffydackmost dells ive seen are broadcoms.. i have 3, all bcm11:49
Ken8521duffydack, are they hard to get working? i know they used to be11:50
Ven]nhmm, I tried a halt in recovery mode of the 2.6.32-21 kernel now, it stops at "modem-manager: caught signal 15, shutting down"11:50
Ven]nthat kernel wont shutdown either11:50
Ven]nim pretty sure both shut down properly yesterday :p11:50
duffydackKen8521, the mini9 came with 8.04 (dells custom) and i put every ubuntu version since on it, all easy with wifi..11:50
Ven]nKen8521, you can use the STA driver for wifi without issues11:51
Ken8521hm, cool11:51
Ven]nbut STA doesnt support monitor mode11:51
Ven]nsome proprietary driver11:52
Ven]njoaopinto, removing splash and quiet removed the splash btw11:58
sweetI would like to add a boot option to my grub2 menu  that launches only a console, I've googled it but haven't found a clear solution for my problem... anyone?12:00
Ken8521sweet, well even to launch a console, it has to build the OS12:01
Ken8521otherwise, your console will be about as useful as a blinking cursor12:02
sweetKen8521: I know but it shouldn't launch xorg...12:02
sweetKen8521: I need a clean boot option without graphics, networkmanager, ...12:03
Ven]njoaopinto, uhm, reboot works, shutdown does not12:04
Ken8521sweet, hmm, seems plausible, but i dunno how12:05
PatrickDKyou just need to edit /etc/init/gdm I would think12:06
PatrickDKto not run at a certain runlevel12:06
PatrickDKand boot into that runlevel for console only12:06
mungojerrysweet, you need to boot to runlevel312:07
mungojerrywhich doesn't run X12:07
sweetmungojerry: any idea how to add this option to grub2?12:07
yofelmungojerry: that doesn't work anymore, and RL 2-5 are the same for ubuntu anyway12:07
mungojerryreally, i thought that add 3 to the end  linux /boot/vmlinuz line12:09
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
mungojerryyofel, that is confusing!12:10
yofelwell, some distributions had a X-less RL3, but for Ubuntu 2-5 were always identical12:10
yofelnow that we use upstart it's different again12:10
yofelI know, upstart isn't very well documented yet, more workhours went into development12:11
sweetmungojerry: can you help me out to add boot option to runlevel 3?12:14
mungojerrysweet, yofel has pointed out there were some changes with upstart, i thought it was still the same as redhat distros, so i don't know, i'm afraid12:15
yofelI asked in -devel, maybe they know more12:17
dwhiteI'm running Lucid on a Dell Laptop - last night after updating, it's battery ran down and it shut off - after starting it back up it will not connect to the network - ifconfig just shows the loopback - when I boot the same machine to windows it finds the network no problem - any Idea how to get eth0 back?12:18
judgenööh, where do i find /etc/modprobe.d/aliases nowdays? Or is there and simple way of disabling ipv6?12:18
petersoncan i give my feedback here?12:19
yofelpeterson: depends on what, we can give you support if you have issues, but this is not the right place to report issues to the developers12:19
iconmefistocan't you just add the word text to kernel line?12:19
petersonHi any developers here?12:20
yofelpeterson: what's your issue anyway?12:20
judgeniconmefisto: oh yeah forgot that part, thanks.12:20
yofelpeterson: some are here yes, but I doubt they will just answer you if you call them12:21
yofelhm, giving the runlevel on the kernel line seems to still work even with upstart12:23
yofelat least /etc/init/rc-sysvinit.conf looks there for a custom runlevel12:24
mungojerryyofel, does init 3 still give console only?12:25
mungojerryor requires some customising?12:25
Dr_Willisi dudent think init 3 did the console only - for  quite some time....12:25
yofelmungojerry: no, as I said, ubuntu never configured it like that12:27
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yofelmungojerry: from -devel: <cjwatson> yofel: on Debian-based systems, runlevels 2, 3, 4, and 5 are identical by default, and left to the sysadmin to customise; in particular runlevel 3 does not mean "boot without graphics" by default12:29
Dr_WillisYou could tweak the /etc/init/gdm.conf file i guess to make it not start on runlevel 3 if you wanted.12:30
yofelyep, hope they make that easier at some point (for 12.04 maybe...)12:31
joaopintothere is no console mode right now, except for the recovery console option12:32
Dr_WillisIt would probrly break plymouth.. so they cant do it.12:32
Dr_WillisIm not even sure what 'recovery' console does thats different.12:32
Dr_Willisother then not starting gdm/kdm/whateverdm12:32
alvinSingle user mode12:32
yofelsingle user mode with root shell without need of password, that's different than a X-less login12:33
alvinI didn't follow the discussion. Don't tell me they broke that? Recovery mode can come in handy sometimes.12:33
yofelalvin: they did not, we were discussion if X-less runlevel 3 would be possible12:33
Dr_WillisYes - but is it actually stoping other services? or just stopping gdm, and doing  a root terminal?12:33
Dr_WillisIve never compared whats started in recovery mode. vs  normal (no gdm) mode.12:34
alvinHmm, like the good days where you logged into your system and only started X (startx) when you needed it.12:35
balachmarHi, I get the following errors when installing a few (3) packages: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly_0.10.14-1_i386.deb: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES', which is also in package debconf-i18n 012:35
balachmarDoes anybody know what can cause this?12:36
Dr_Willisthe 2 packages are both conatining the same file.. which is a little odd.12:38
balachmarDr_Willis, yeas I assumed as much, could you maybe verify this on your machine? Then I will file a bug.12:42
yofelbalachmar: do you have a custom debconf package?12:42
Dr_WillisI just updated/upgraded and dident have that problem.12:42
joaopintoalvin, recovery mdoe does not start X12:42
Dr_Willisim on 64bit also.12:42
yofelbalachmar: I'm on i386 but I have both packages installed here already fine...12:43
yofeland the gstreamer package has the same version as you have12:43
yofelwhat's your debconf-i18n version?12:43
balachmaryofel: I didn't change anything myself to the debconf package, so it shouldn't be custom right12:49
balachmarwill check the versions in a moment12:50
balachmarplugins-ugly : 0.10.18-1ubuntu1 and debconf-i18n : 1.5.28ubuntu412:52
balachmaralso using i38612:52
hemanthanyone here playing with fglrx ?12:54
LademordHey all, lucid was working fine yesterday, but today some 'notification applets' or something (including the network manager) crash on startup, which leaves me unable to connect to the internet. I needed to boot Win7 in order to just get in here12:55
Dr_WillisLademord:  Hmm. No issues like that here..  Doing updates now..12:55
Lademordhmm.. now that I think about it, maybe the no-internet-connection issue was related to my router freezing... But in any case, stuff in the notification area still breaks, and for some reason the theme (metacity, folder look etc.) keeps reverting back to the old, grey GNOME look12:57
Dr_WillisTry making a new user - see if it affects them also.12:57
LademordI'll try that, thanks12:59
c0vertis it a known issue when i close my lid on my laptop it can't recover?13:07
Dr_Willisc0vert:  i got idnetical issue on my netbook13:07
oneirosFadec0vert:  You has swap?13:07
oneirosFadeAppropriate swap, that is13:07
Dr_WillisI set mine to just turn off the light. and it still crashes/locks up hard13:07
c0verti let ubuntu do its thing, it seems to be large enough13:08
JSundc0vert: what is your setting for closing the lid - suspend to ram?13:08
oneirosFadeI have an issue where when I unplug or plug back in, it locks the desktop, then when I put in the pass to unlock it, it goes into sleep mode13:08
c0vertsuspend, yes13:08
oneirosFadeOnly just now thought of it13:08
JSunddoes suspend to ram work if you don't close the lid?13:09
JSundwhat model do you have? some computers have known problems with suspend to ram13:09
c0vertit's an amd6413:09
JSundwhat model is the entire computer? there are usually other parts that affects the ability to suspend to ram13:11
c0vertacer 5535-628013:11
om26erwhich command will show me all the boot messages13:12
c0vertit would work fine on previous versions of ubuntu. unless it was hibernating and not suspending by default13:13
JSundc0vert: according to https://wiki.edubuntu.org/LaptopTestingTeam/Old/acerAspire5535 it seems as if it doesn't work13:14
c0vertjdobrien,  that's weird because it worked in 9.* unless like i said it was set to hibernate by default?13:16
c0vertJSund even13:17
BlaDe^hi since updating to lucid my wireless doesn't work. it always drops connection13:18
BlaDe^the only way to get it back Is a shutdown and reboot. just restartin doesn't fix it13:19
BlaDe^in the kernel log it days ath5k phy0 gain calibration timeout and spans it on different frequencies13:19
JSundc0vert: strange... unfortunately, I can't recall where I found troubleshooting guides for suspend issues13:20
c0vertBlaDe^, you can't fix it with ifconfig or iwconfig?13:20
BlaDe^negative even ifup and ifdown or modrem and modproe didn't fix it13:21
BlaDe^I came here a few days that's what was suggested13:21
BlaDe^also updated the backport wireless package13:22
c0verthmm, using the native driver?13:22
BlaDe^on kar13:22
c0verttried ndiswrapper to see if it works any better?13:22
BlaDe^on karmic it was all fine since updating it drops after like 15mins at best13:23
BlaDe^nope I haven't13:23
BlaDe^would you like to see the kernel log?13:23
c0vertnot really, i wouldn't know what i'm looking at13:23
c0vertare you fully updated?13:23
BlaDe^up to a few days ago,13:24
BlaDe^hard to update it keeps dropping13:24
aphoidHey,  I'm trying to run 10.4 beta Netbook remix on a thinkpad X40.  If I install the 10.4b1 CD, it works (although the 3d launcher is slower than it was on alpha 3), but if I let Synaptic update, the screen goes blank on boot.13:25
aphoidIt is unresponsive:  I can't use ctrl-alt-f1 (etc) to get to a command prompt.....13:26
coz_aphoid,  mm completely blank?13:26
BlaDe^c0vertt how do I check?13:26
c0vertBlaDe^, uname -a works13:26
BlaDe^yeah i'm on 2.6.32-2113:27
aphoidI see the boot process starting and the Ubuntu splash appears momentarily, but other than that, the screen is just black (not disabled:  I can see that the backlight is still on.13:27
c0vertwell one thing on google says the guy disabled his wifi card in the bios, let ubuntu load up, shut down then reenabled and it fixed it13:27
BlaDe^for me?13:28
c0vertBlaDe^, yea13:28
BlaDe^ok I'll try that13:28
aphoidMy wifi light does flicker for a bit, so I don't think the machine is completely dead, but it is unresponsive to keyboard/mouse.13:28
c0vertBlaDe^, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-947974.html it's here13:28
BlaDe^I'm on my iPhone ATM but Ill try to read it13:29
c0vertaphoid,  can't switch using alt-f1 f2 etc?13:29
c0vertBlaDe^, it doesnt matter just try it lol13:29
jo-erlendhow do I upgrade ubuntu server to lucid? I have a vm I'd like to test.13:29
h00kif I were to look for ipv6 support, where would I check to make sure it's enabled on Lucid?13:29
Picijo-erlend: do-release-upgrade -d13:30
jpdsh00k: Enabled? It's always enabled by default.13:30
c0verth00k,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv613:30
h00kjpds: that's what I thought13:30
coz_jo-erlend,  did you try   sudo update-manager -d13:30
aphoidc0vert, nope.  Nothing.  The keyboard doesn't seem to do anything (capslock keys are unresponsive too.13:31
c0vertaphoid,  can you boot in to failsafe?13:31
BlaDe^c0vert I don't think my bios supports disabling f hardware13:31
aphoidI don't have a grub menu.  is there a way to force one to appear on boot?13:31
c0vertgood question, i've never had to try13:32
c0vertBlaDe^, that's weird..13:32
aphoidIt normally just boots straight to the launcher.  (I have an SSD, so it normally takes only about 20 seconds to cycle.....13:32
BlaDe^I set network boot to off that's the only thing which mat13:32
BlaDe^may do it*13:33
sabi was trying to delete some thing from my home folder but i cant,i got a crash prog??what happened?i m a new user can anyone please help me?13:33
c0vertBlaDe^, that's a totally different thing13:34
sabagain before starting my ubuntu it was giving me some msg like "broken file;can not be wirte"13:34
yofelaphoid: you can show the grub menu by holding left shift pressed after the bios screen13:35
BlaDe^ah ok I figured as it didn't work13:35
c0vertBlaDe^, are you using the madwifi drivers?13:35
mgjI plan to upgrade to 10.04 as soon as its released, should i install 9.10 or the 10.04 beta2 ?13:36
ToxinPowemgj: rc tomorrow13:37
yofelmgj: upgrade from where?13:37
mgjfrom a fresh install13:37
h00kOh, Ubuntu Wallpapers Extras had an ititial release today13:37
c0vertfresh is key13:38
h00koh, it looks like it's the ones that were in Karmic13:38
mgjhmm, i probably should wait till tomorrow13:38
yofelmgj: fresh install isn't an upgrade, and use a daily iso if you want to try it today13:38
mgjbut if i install today.... 9.10 or 10.04 beta2 ?13:38
ToxinPowerc tomorrow I'll choose :s13:38
mgjyofel: I mean, i want to upgrade the install to 10.04 asap13:38
mgjToxinPowe: patience is not my strong side im afraid13:38
yofelmgj: yes, try a daily iso and if you have issues with it use 9.1013:39
yofelthere won't be much of a change between todays daily and the rc tomorrow13:39
micha_Hi, is there a technical cause for libgl1-mesa-dri to depend on libdrm-radeon1 ?13:39
mgjAlright, thanks.... Kindda surprised you recommend the daily iso instead of beta2 tho13:39
yofelmgj: a LOT has changed and been fixed since beta213:40
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/13:40
Dimmuxxdaily iso is release candidate/final more or less now13:40
yofelmgj: and todays daily builds are the candidate images for the rc tomorrow, they might be identical if they don't change anything13:41
aphoidleftshift does get me to the Grub menu, but now I'm getting some weird, unrelated to linux after holding down "shift" too early.13:41
BUGabundo_remoteyofel: and a lot broken too :)13:41
robin0800yofel: seen no updates last two days13:41
yofelBUGabundo_remote: not much for me, or do you mean gnome related?13:41
BlaDe^covert no ath5k I think13:42
BUGabundo_remoteyofel: you lost your 'coma' bag? or are just word hungry?13:42
BlaDe^I havnt installed anything custom13:42
mgjyofel: i see13:42
BUGabundo_remoterobin0800: same here13:42
yofelrobin0800: there were some, but only stuff that not many people use13:42
BUGabundo_remoteother then daily ppas, I haven't got any updates13:43
sabbefore starting my ubuntu it was giving me some msg like "broken file;can not be wirte";i was trying to delete some thing from my home folder but i cant,i got a crash prog??what happened?i m a new user and using lucid; can anyone please help me?13:43
yofelBUGabundo_remote: well, KDE still work fine here, takes a bit longer to login though13:43
robin0800yofel: daily is dated 19th !13:43
yofelrobin0800: oh, you're right13:44
charlie-tcarobin0800: because it is the pre-RC release being tested for tomorrows release13:44
mgjBUGabundo_remote: the daily iso has broken stuff in it, 1 day from becomming a release candidate? Thats cutting it kindda close. What kind of broken are we talking about?13:45
zetheroois Lucid pretty good and ready?13:45
robin0800charlie-tca: might as well wait then13:45
aphoidBios issue was apparently a self-test....  The Ubuntu issue appears to be kernel related.  If I use GRUB to do a normal boot into 2.6.32-20, it works fine, but if I do the same with 2.6.32-21, it exhibits the same lockup.13:45
charlie-tcaor use it, because at this time, it doesn't look like it will change for the RC13:45
yofelsab: errr... huh? before starting would be when your pc was turned off, so *when* exactly? and can you give a bit more details what you got?13:45
aphoidIf I "recovery" boot into 2.6.32-21 and then manually "startx" at the command-line, I get the same lockup.  I guess I'll uninstall the most recent kernel13:47
dp_I'm using lucid, and for the past 2 days, there've been no updates to packages via apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade; is that right?13:47
yofeldp_: depends on what you're using but it's possible13:48
dp_just seems strange13:48
yofelnot really, we're in pre-release freeze13:48
dp_usually come in in the mornings, and have ~50 package updates13:48
dp_didn't know that13:48
yofeldp_: see the status field on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid13:49
dp_yofel: which means that only bug fixes will be allowed, right?13:50
Dr_WillisYep - with a few exceptions perhaps.13:50
hadoopi want to delete a file from my home folder,but i cant,can any one please tell me how to do it?13:51
dp_makes much more sense now13:51
Dr_Willishadoop:  check the ownership/permissions   to see why you cant.13:51
Dr_Willishadoop:  then if needed use 'sudo rm filename'13:51
dp_yofel: has 11.x started?  I'd go to that ;)13:51
yofeldp_: see the bottom of https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/lucid-changes/2010-April/date.html to see what was uploaded last13:51
mgjyofel: Im kind of worried about BUGabundo_remote's comment about the daily iso being broken compared to beta2. Something you can confirm/deny? I know its beta and all, but i still prefer "working" over "Shiny but broken"13:51
aphoidWhere should I look for a log of a kernel panic or the like?13:52
yofeldp_: huh? not even 10.10 has been started yet as 10.04 isn't even out yet :P13:52
hadoopDr_Willis, even i tried with sudo but its giving me this error,......hadoop is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.13:52
dp_yofel: well, isn't 10.10 still lucid?13:52
Dr_Willisa beta 2 install would need like another 500mb of updates to even be up to date. :)13:52
mgjThats fine, i got broadband =P13:52
dp_or will it be m<something> ?13:52
yofeldp_: no, 10.10 is maverick meerkat13:52
Dr_Willishadoop:  you need to use sudo as your admin user. the first user you made13:52
dp_yofel: ah.  so there aren't sources for maverick at all, right?13:53
BlaDe^c0vert still here?13:53
hadoopDr_Willis, even i tried from admin user but i was unable!!and i got a crash programme !!13:53
yofelmgj: not that I know of, I haven't tested the iso lately, maybe you can get feedback in #ubuntu-testing13:53
BlaDe^http://pastebin.com/APF2pDmp <- that's a log from today13:53
yofeldp_: no, they will be created a few days after lucid is out13:53
BlaDe^http://pastebin.com/gNSCGKML <- that's a log from a few days ago when I came here trying to fix it13:53
dp_yofel: figured.  alrighty, thanks!13:53
Dr_Willishadoop:  be more clear. If your admin user had that same error message.. then  it wasent the admin user..13:53
c0vertBlaDe^, try madwifi13:53
Dr_Willishadoop:  what is the filename anyway?13:54
BlaDe^can I get that via apt?13:54
BlaDe^i did a search for it but was't there13:54
c0vertno idea i don't use that13:54
hadoopDr_Willis, its hadoop13:54
c0vertBlaDe^, you can however try ndiswrapper though13:54
BlaDe^and how do I do that?13:54
Dr_Willishadoop:  so 'ls -l hadoop' shows what permissions/owner of the file?13:54
duffydacknetbook remix installed since beta1, all updated, still getting plymouthd error after bootup. nothing bad happens, it just comes up in panel as an alert.13:54
c0vertBlaDe^, just google ndiswrapper ath5k13:54
hadoopDr_Willis,-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 44575568 2010-04-21 13:51 hadoop-0.20.2.tar.gz13:55
hadoopDr_Willis, i m novice user dont know that much13:55
mgjyofel: Will try, thank you13:55
BUGabundo_remotemgj: I never said such a thing. please re-frame from assuming I said anything like that. I consider it ofensive! :(13:55
Dr_Willishadoop:  so 'sudo rm hadoop-0.20.2.tar.gz' should remove it.. if hadoop is the sudo rights user.13:56
mgjBUGabundo_remote: dont lie, "BUGabundo_remote: yofel: and a lot broken too :)"13:56
jo-erlendPici, thanks. I got disconnected, but that worked.13:56
yofelmgj: well, *I* didn't notice much of that, but I use Kubuntu too, so I don't notice any gnome related breakage13:57
yofelmgj: we did have a few issues since beta2 indeed, but most of that was fixed13:57
BUGabundo_remotemgj: no where in there I refer to daily iso!13:57
hadoopDr_Willis, i am getting some weired msg before starting ;like before starting ubuntu its giving me "broken file;can not write"13:57
BlaDe^hadoop I get that too13:58
BlaDe^broken pipe I think it says13:58
mgjBUGabundo_remote: Then you misread something. Im sorry, did not realize that. It was a direct response to "A lot have been changed from the beta2 to the daily iso".13:58
hadoopBlaDe^, whats that?13:58
BlaDe^not sure13:58
om26erWhy is my swap memory in use (so much)?13:58
mgjyofel: Yeah i could imagine. I basicly just want an installer that works without too many problems. Can always upgrade to the newer and better once the system is installed13:58
BUGabundo_remote$ free13:58
BUGabundo_remoteMem:       4060216    4005308      54908          0     172200    213293613:58
BUGabundo_remoteSwap:      4883752       4036    487971613:58
om26erThe netbook have 1gig ram consumes ram is 353 and consumes swap memory is 90013:59
BUGabundo_remoteom26er: I don't see much use13:59
BUGabundo_remotememory leak somewhere?13:59
BUGabundo_remoteom26er: what does atop 'm' say?13:59
mgjdamn.... my laptop with 256mb ram doesnt even use that much swap13:59
patdk-wkconsumed swap is 4megs :)14:00
mgjpatdk-wk: talking about om26er's 900mb swap usage14:00
om26erBUGabundo_remote, what is that?14:00
patdk-wkoh hehe I just realized that was bug's post :)14:00
patdk-wkheh, I don't have swap usage14:01
* duffydack boots lucid cd, chooses usbstick as install device, thinking is it really that simple14:01
patdk-wkI did some lucid-server pxe netboot installs last night, they went good14:01
patdk-wkmuch much faster than older pxe netboot's14:02
om26erthe used swap is increasing rapidly now its 1GB14:03
patdk-wkwell, what program is causing that?14:03
om26ernot sure, just closed all running programs14:04
patdk-wkI have always had firefox chew though ram, have seen it using >12gigs a few weeks ago14:05
vilinypatdk-wk: thats impressive14:05
patdk-wkwell, 8gigs ram in this machine, and 8gigs swap14:05
patdk-wknormally only 3gigs ram in use14:05
mgj200 tabs of youtube or what?14:05
patdk-wkno, only 8 tabs14:05
patdk-wkno youtube14:05
patdk-wkin fact, no flash tabs open :)14:05
vilinymine maxes out at 300mb usage14:06
jakexksom26er, something is obviously leaking memory14:06
* om26er kills X14:06
patdk-wkviliny, mine normally sits around 300megs, but after a week or so, goes to 1-2gig14:06
patdk-wkbut I haven't seen it climb >3gig before14:06
patdk-wkI restarted firefox yesterday, currently at 224megs14:07
om26erand now back to normal14:08
om26erPreviously I was having a problem which came after beta1 where my hard drive acted mad. Today I installed Lucid with swap so now I know what the problem is :)14:09
patdk-wkheh, I has having all kinds of odd isues last night :)14:09
patdk-wkcome to find out my scsi cable was bad :(14:09
BluesKajhey folks14:16
* glance just hates that mountall daemon....14:20
joaopintoglance, mountall is not a daemon, it's an utility :)14:21
glancemountall --daemon <- thats a daemon.14:21
joaopintoand you better love him :)14:21
alvinneeds some holy water14:22
joaopintono it's no, it will not turn into a "debug" when you use --debug :)14:22
glancefor some darn reason, mountall never emits the signal filesystem ...14:23
glanceand do i have any way of logging in to the machine before that?14:23
glanceof corse not.14:24
joaopintoglance, is it blocking boot ?14:24
joaopintothere is a bug reported about that14:24
joaopintoanyway you may be interested in: http://handypenguin.blogspot.com/2010/04/when-recovery-mode-fails-to-boot.html14:24
joaopintolet me check the bug br, it does emit because its prompting on a mount error14:25
joaopintobut you can't see it because plymouth did not start yet14:25
joaopintoand plymouth is waiting for mountall :D14:25
glancei know how to break into a machine...14:25
joaopintoyou are most likely getting bug 50788114:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507881 in plymouth "Plymouth doesn't show messages sent before the splash screen is visible" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50788114:26
joaopintowhich should be fixed post RC freeze14:27
glancethere it hangs14:27
Dr_Willisim scared we will be seeing plymouth updates uptill release day :)14:27
joaopintoglance, right now it hangs on any fs related error during mounts which happens too quick14:28
BluesKajno updates for 2days here , Dr_Willis , and medibuntu seems to be down , still.14:29
Dr_Willisi got a mirror for that. :)14:29
joaopintoDr_Willis, I am scared with plymouth/mountall on the LTS, but let's trust the developers :)14:29
alvinor bug 56391614:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563916 in plymouth "[details.so] No prompt for [S]kip or [M]anual recovery on server boot" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56391614:30
BluesKajDr_Willis, care to share the mirror ?14:30
alvinHmm, there's also no message about what goes wrong. It's not only the [S]kip and [M]anual. The missing filesystem is also missing.14:30
alvinNo idea why it's called 'mountall'. before mountall, I had more mounted filesystems.14:31
Dr_Williswas on a webupd8.com artical on the newsa feeds14:31
Urdais there a way to prevent 10.04 from automouting my Windows Partitions? I don't care to use them in ubuntu and I don't want to seem them :\14:36
joaopintoUrda, are they configured on /etc/fstab ?14:36
Urdajoaopinto: nope, just my linux partition and swap14:37
joaopintohum, right i have no idea, but it' also mounting for me14:38
Urdajoaopinto: and since those are ext4 and swap ... Windows can't seem them no matter what so all good there. But Ubuntu shows "Windows 7" my main part, and System Reserved the windows special part14:38
Urda. /media/Windows 7/ and /media/System Reserved/14:38
Guest29868Hi all14:39
Guest29868How do you calibrate a touch screen in 10?14:39
judgenHow do i get the rhythmbox system tray icon to work?14:41
BluesKajDr_Willis, thanks for the mirror, but why the separate medibuntu.list ?14:48
joaopintoit's a good practice to keep repositories on their own .list14:49
BluesKajI just added the debs to the sources.list after getting the key14:49
BluesKajgood practice , how ?14:49
joaopintoBluesKaj, because you have configuration fragments instead of a huge messed up list :) ?14:50
judgenwhere is the setting to get rhythmbox into the systray?14:51
Guest29868I have my touch screen working on ubuntu 10.4 but its been detected inverted the up and down and left and right and vice versa is there anyway to fix this?14:52
glancesomethimes mountall doesn't mount all systems in fstab14:52
glanceex. now i have a boot with mountall -v , and one filesystem isn't mounted.14:53
BluesKajwhat's messed up about all the sources in one list . joaopinto ?14:53
joaopintoBluesKaj, sources are easier to manage if they are kept on their own group files14:54
joaopintokeeping the sources.list only for the official repositories14:54
BluesKajmanage by who ... i prefer to manage them in one list but , to each his own I guess14:55
joaopintoright, good practice does not mean everybody must follow it, it means it is recommended for most people14:55
joaopintothere is a lof of people ignoring best practices :)14:56
atilacan anyone redirect me to some info about adding/replacing a networkcard/driver.. using nvidias on ubuntu 10.04(im a complete beginner @ linux)14:58
judgenjoaopinto, I also prefer to have them in one file, so i dont have to edit alot of files when altering my lists in cli.14:58
yofelatila: NETWORK card from nvidia o.O?14:59
judgenyofel, probably the realtek chipset found in the nvidia mcp's.14:59
yofelhm, didn't know about them14:59
judgenyofel, its just a realtek network card anyways.14:59
yofelglance: and *which* filesystem isn't mounted now14:59
duffyI need to ssh into a box, but its a wireless network and only connects wirelessly when logged into a session, i want it to connect without being logged in ?15:00
glanceit mounts all of them exept one.15:00
glancewe have a /lap with all our localy compiled software , that lives on a separate lv15:00
yofelwell ok, and what's that one? we have issues with usbfs and vboxfs and possibly others at the moment15:00
joaopintoglance, does it mount from an sulogin prompt ?15:01
glancei have hacked tty6.conf to start the getty earlier, and when i just issue mount /lap it mounts it, and all the signals propagate and the boot continues15:01
joaopintoglance, hum, that is odd, and seems to be a new problem, make sure you file a bug report15:03
glancein the output from mountall -v --daemon i can find that it figures out that "/lap is local"15:03
glancebut i can't see any traces that it fsck's it and tries to mount it15:03
glancehttp://pastebin.com/NVWXUS7Y <- boot.log15:04
joaopinto /lap is being skipped on the mountall loop, there must be a bug there15:06
joaopintoglance, the bug report would really help :)15:08
mikebeechamis there a general preference whether KDE is 'better' than gnome?  I know that better is a difficult term to define...is it just a case of overall aesthetic, or do the different distros do different things?15:08
joaopintoglance, try mountall --debug15:09
BluesKajmikebeecham, they are the same distro , but use different desktop environments15:10
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors15:10
mikebeechamBluesKaj: so it would be just down to plain taste for what the end  user 'sees'15:10
mgjI was trying to help a friend over the phone the other day. He wanted to make a backup of his ntfs drive. He got it mounted, he could copy files from it - awesome. However, he got "permission denied" when trying to copy any files from the "Documents and Settings" folder. This seems very, very strange to me, anyone have any ideas? And btw, sudo did not solve it15:10
mikebeechami'm tempted somewhat by KDE at the moment, as a designer I appreciate the aesthetic...but not sure if it's worth the jump from gnome15:11
mgjmikebeecham: can't know without trying =)15:11
BigRedS_mgi, NTFS restrictions? AIU, the protected homedirs in Windows is implemented in the filesystem15:11
joaopintoglance, your manual mount was after mountall was completed15:11
mikebeechammgj: true15:11
mgji personally prefer fluxbox/gnome over kde, but im no designer15:11
mikebeechammind you, I've not found ANY nice KDE themes as yet15:11
BigRedS_mgi, though I thought the ntfs modules ignored/got round it15:11
mikebeechamand I've tried on kde-look and deviantart15:12
BluesKajmikebeecham, not exactly , there are some different apps that do similar jobs and both desktop share some apps , but they just look different .I 've tried both , but i prefer kde15:12
glancejoaopinto: im trying to trigger it with --debug now...15:12
glancejoaopinto: yes.15:12
mgjBigRedS_: AIU.... will need to look into that. Yeah, i thought ntfs-3g didnt care what settings windows might've set either15:12
glancejoaopinto: or, still running15:12
mikebeechamBluesKaj: interesting...not sure yet what to do15:12
mgjBigRedS_: but apparently not, which surprised me and i could not help him =/15:12
mikebeechamI guess with Lucid I can download the KDE desktop and boot into either at login15:12
BluesKajmikebeecham, what are on now. gnome ?15:12
BluesKajare you on ?15:13
BigRedS_mgj, AIU = As I Understand15:13
mikebeechamBluesKaj: gnome...have been since I migrated to Linux complete15:13
mgjoh lol, thought it was a mechanism windows used for permissions on ntfs partitions =S15:13
mgjmikebeecham: you can do that in 9.10 as well15:14
BluesKajok mikebeecham . whynot install kubuntu-desktop , then you can choose which one at the login15:14
mikebeechamBluesKaj: yeah15:14
BluesKajone can run both gnome and kde side by side15:14
mikebeechammind you..again, if there are no themes that will please my eye it could be a bit of a wasted journey!15:14
glancejoaopinto: triggerd the same bug but with another filesystem.15:15
BluesKajno fun if you don't try :)15:15
mgjmikebeecham: nothing is ever wasted. At least you will probably learn something =)15:15
mikebeechammgj: true15:15
mgja bit of a stretch to call it a jouney tho..... aptitude install kubuntu-desktop -> log in using KDE session -> try it out..... =)15:16
mikebeechamgoing for it!15:16
atilayofel.. sry for my afk.. but yes.. its seems to be an onboard nforce card from nvidia on my hp 6140.se15:16
mikebeechammgj...just gone for "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"15:16
mgjshould be fine15:16
mikebeechamare there any good themes sites, apart from the two I mentioned earlier?15:17
mikebeechamor are they the main two?15:17
mgjdoesnt gnome/kde have a built-in theme downloader these days?15:18
duffyis it iface eth1 inet (auto or dhcp) for dhcp?15:18
mikebeechammgj, not sure15:18
mgjthe auto keyword just enables it at boot afaik15:18
mgjmikebeecham: me neither15:19
atilacan anyone redirect me to some info about adding/replacing a networkcard/driver.. using nvidias on ubuntu 10.04(im a complete beginner @ linux)15:19
atilasorry for the repeat.. but i was force to an afk15:19
=== FFForever-Away is now known as FFForever
hypatiaatila: you should mostly just need to do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg at the console after you reboot15:20
hypatiaand then if oyu want to install the proprietary drivers, do it in the gui15:20
BluesKajhypatia, it's anetwork card not graphics15:20
BluesKajatila, is your computer a laptop ?15:21
atilanah.. desktop15:21
atilahp 6140.sc(swedish)15:21
hypatiaBluesKaj: haha, oops, i saw nvidia and it overwrote network card in my mind :)15:21
BluesKajatila, run lspci in the terminal , look for network controller or some such15:22
atilasays "Atheros Communications Inc. AR5413 802.11abg NIC"15:23
joaopintoglance, I am looking at mounall source code, nodev devices are supposed to have a "nobootwait" behavior15:23
atilabut the thing is that, it doesnt work15:24
joaopintobut I assume an attempt tomount should be made15:24
atilawireless works with no probs15:24
atilawhen it comes to terminal-stuff.. im sooo lost15:24
BluesKajatila, how are you connected to the internet with the hp 6140 ?15:25
atilawirless card works fine15:25
atilaits just the eth0 thats messed up15:25
atilai get an ip number.. but thats it15:25
atilaand im not connected with my eth0 to any router15:26
Ken8521lol, now there's a change of pace, wireless works, but eth0 doesn't..lol15:26
atilai know.. wierd15:26
BluesKajatila, the eth0 is set up in your /etc/network/interfaces , check out what's listed there15:26
atilabut i guess its a cheap crap card hp choose to use15:27
atilacant even find that dire15:28
BluesKajheh, I have the opposite problem , my belkin usb card won't connect with any of the network managers available15:28
atilainterface doesnt exist o.015:28
BluesKajatila, alt+f215:28
atilaauto lo15:29
atilaiface lo inet loopback15:29
BluesKajatila, then in the terminal run , sudo dhclient eth015:29
glancejoaopinto: mountall is still running when i issued the "fixing" mount-cmd15:30
atilaanything i should look for?15:31
BluesKajatila, now run  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart15:31
BluesKajatila, any output ?15:32
glancejoaopinto: found something this time. the last status before it hangs is that it waits in a "try_mount: /lap waiting for device"15:33
shadeslayeris anyone using KDE+Gnome in lucid?15:33
shadeslayerboth on the same machine.... how is the compatibility?15:33
shadeslayerlike does gksu pop up instead of kdesudo dialogs in kde,etc15:34
joaopintoglance, which does not match with the source comments, it was not supposed to wait for the device :)15:34
glancenodev is a filesystem option, not a device-option...15:34
BluesKajshadeslayer, I ran both for a while ,but it became a bit busy ., dupe apps etc15:34
glanceit means that , "this device can't contain block or char files"15:34
shadeslayerBluesKaj: eh?15:35
joaopintoglance, right, but which per the comments on the source is treated as "don't wait for the device to be available"15:35
shadeslayerBluesKaj: like 1 app has 2 menu entries?15:35
* glance just shakes his head15:36
BluesKajwell 2 apps that do the same thing , I guess15:36
* shadeslayer likes the twitter integration with the top bar...15:36
shadeslayerBluesKaj: oh.. i can handle that...15:36
joaopintounless I am reading the source wrong :P15:36
BluesKajtwitter...bah humbug15:36
shadeslayerBluesKaj: any way to confine KDE apps to KDE and gnome apps to gnome?15:36
shadeslayerBluesKaj: hehe15:36
BluesKajdunno shadeslayer , wish i knew15:37
Ken8521shadeslayer, i think there is, but i'm not 100%15:37
Ken8521i wish i was sure, cuz that is one thing i hate, is the mixing of the two OS's.15:37
joaopintoerm, wait, there is a nodev from cat /proc/filesystems15:37
joaopintowhich is not related to the nodev on fstab15:37
BluesKajKen8521, they are the same OS, just diff desktops15:37
Ken8521i wanna try kubuntu 10.04, but i typically despisde KDE, so i don't want to leave it intertwined w/ gnome15:38
Ken8521BluesKaj, i'm aware of that15:38
Yahwehshadeslayer, there's very few kde or gnome apps, there's a lot of Qt and GTK apps, KDE is made in Qt, gnome is made in GTK, GTK apps can run in KDE, Qt apps can run in gnome15:38
Ken8521ok, mixing of the two desktops then15:38
shadeslayerYahweh: i know...15:38
haavarosHi! Is the x11 record extension fixed in 10?15:38
Ken8521x11 record extension?...lol, thts one i never heard of15:39
BluesKajI don't mean to be picky Ken8521 , but you're the 2nd person to say that today...don't wanna confuse the newppl15:39
shadeslayerYahweh: what im asking is,is it possible to seprate the two? confine Qt to gnome and GTK to gnome15:39
Ken8521Yahweh, ?.. you have to ask?15:39
thiebaudeKen8521, im going to try ubuntu studio 10.04 beta 2 to see if it fixes my problem15:39
shadeslayerYahweh: ive been down the kde gnome mix up lane... its horrible15:40
Ken8521i agree w/ shadeslayer i'd love to be able to "separate" the two.15:40
Yahwehshadeslayer, they operate independent of each other15:40
Ken8521thiebaude, hmm, i doubt it will what makes you think it will?15:40
Yahwehyou don't have to have KDE installed to have qt apps15:40
shadeslayerYahweh: i understand,but i want to seprate them :P15:40
Yahwehshadeslayer, they're already separated15:40
judgenshadeslayer, you could set the kde application path to something else or you could install 3 different partitions with the system on them, and then have the /home one a third partition.15:40
thiebaudei'll try and see what happens15:41
shadeslayerjudgen: bah...15:41
Ken8521Yahweh, are you just playing dumb?.. surely you can understand what he's saying15:41
YahwehKen8521, No, I do not understand15:41
Ken8521Yahweh, when you install KDE "beside" Gnome... all the KDE apps, get put into yoru gnome, likewise if you install Gnome beside KDE.15:41
Ken8521he wants them separated15:41
Yahwehoh, then it's a piss poor description of his issue15:41
Ken8521Yahweh, not really, i understood him perfectly15:42
Yahwehthe apps are no different15:42
Yahwehit's just some use Qt, some use GTK15:42
Yahwehwhy should they be separate?15:42
Ken8521Yahweh, you still don't get it15:42
shadeslayerYahweh: because Qt apps dont go well with GTK themes15:42
Yahwehwhy would a Qt app use GTK themes?15:42
thiebaudethats for sure15:42
shadeslayerthey simply look horrible15:42
Ken8521Yahweh, when he installs KDE... it's gonna put a crapload of apps in his Gnome menu, or if he installs Gnome, its gonna put a ton of crap in his KDE menu15:43
judgenshadeslayer, afaik there is gtk-qt and qgtk to remedy that if its just the looks-15:43
Ken8521that annoys me, more than the themeing issue15:43
judgenand the menus can be set to different paths.15:43
shadeslayerjudgen: yeah i have qtcurve etc to correct that,but it still looks out of place...15:43
Ken8521my Gnome menu goes from being a small, organized menu, to a 5 column mess15:43
shadeslayerjudgen: a natural example would be open office in KDE and gnome15:44
Yahwehdon't install big metapackages then15:44
Yahwehproblem solved15:44
shadeslayerjudgen: kubuntu actually uses a open office kde theme to make it look integrated.. and yet it looks messy15:44
BluesKajyup , that's whay I went with one desktop, themes aren't that important to me , and prefer the kde "look" to thegnome  "cartooney thing". :)15:45
Ken8521Yahweh, have you ever installed KDE on a Gnome system?15:45
Yahwehfor nearly a decade now15:45
Ken8521ok.. then for whatever reason, either you're being intentionally dense, or something... you're not seeing what shades is saying.15:45
Yahwehthis entire 'we call ubuntu with KDE kubuntu' thing is new to me15:45
joaopintoglance, you are right, I was confusing /proc/filesystems "nodev" with the mount "nodev " option15:45
Ken8521BluesKaj, but kde just always feel like i'm runnimng through water15:45
iconmefistoanyone know why my tty's don't start on boot? if I do sudo initctl list | grep tty  it lists all the tty's as "stop/waiting"15:46
Ken8521thiebaude, what makes you think ubuntu studio is going to fix your shutdown issue.. it hink they are the same kernel15:46
judgenKen8521, what particular kde apps do you use that you prefer over the gnome equivalents?15:46
BluesKajKen8521, slow ?15:47
thiebaudei dont really know Ken8521 , but i think i will just go ahead and use studio15:47
shadeslayerscreenshot time :P : http://imagebin.ca/view/kk522d4q.html15:47
Ken8521judgen, k3b, ktorrent, thats all i can think of at the moment, but there's a couple15:47
shadeslayernow look carefully,the arrows in OOo on the right and koffice on the left15:47
Ken8521thiebaude, never cared for studio personally.. have you looked at Mint?15:47
judgenKen8521, you dont like transmission or brasero or even nero burning rom?15:47
thiebaudeyes, i do like mint alot15:48
thiebaudemint 815:48
Ken8521judgen, i hate, HATE brasero.. transmission doesn't bother me... actually here lately i've used it more than ktorrent15:48
Ken8521thiebaude, mint is solid.15:48
shadeslayerthe windeco and the file,edit,etc menus in OOo and koffice... koffice blends in perfectly....15:48
thiebaudeyes it is15:48
thiebaudeout of the box ready to go15:48
Ken8521judgen, i don't like nero, i like Gnomebaker, its pretty good.. frankly i can't understand why they put brasero as the burner, over Gnomebaker, but go figure15:49
judgenKen8521, ahead had a pretty nice price for Nero Linux 4. But ofcourse that "not free" thingie might get people turned off.15:49
thiebaudei like brasero alot15:49
thiebaudebeen using it a long time15:49
Ken8521thiebaude, only thing I don't like, is the "default" menu system.... but thats easily remedied in about 20sec... so i don't sweat it15:49
thiebaudeyes it is, i changed it before to an ubuntu menu15:50
Ken8521judgen, i wouldn't have a prob paying for software, although i admit I've gotten spoiled the last few years by just being open up a package manager and download software i need.15:50
Ken8521thiebaude, thats honestly, the only thing i can think that i don't like about mint.15:50
Ken8521but i consider it a non-issue, since its a 10sec fix.15:50
tarzeauwhere's the team that takes official packages into ubuntu?15:51
tarzeaudo they ever look at ppa repos?15:51
Ken8521tarzeau, well, i would consider that unlikely, since its a PPA15:52
shadeslayertarzeau: no they dint15:52
shadeslayertarzeau: you might want : #ubuntu-motu15:52
shadeslayerthats where most of the maintainers are15:52
Ken8521what does PPA mean anyway?15:52
tarzeauthank you15:52
judgenwould be nice to have a way to uninstall gnome completley after installing xfce though.15:52
tarzeaupersonal package archive, Ken852115:53
Ken8521oh ok.15:53
shadeslayertarzeau: btw theres no rationale to look into PPA's,new packages are only introduced when upstream releases new versions15:53
Ken8521i got package archive.15:53
tarzeauKen8521, shadeslayer: well i put my newer update packages there, that i didn't find a sponsor in debian yet15:53
tarzeaushadeslayer: i wouldn't mind ubuntu having better, more updated packages...15:53
shadeslayertarzeau: or when debian introduces new packages,in which case they are automagically synced15:53
shadeslayertarzeau: newer is not always better15:54
shadeslayertarzeau: and thats why we have PPA's15:54
Ken8521judgen, well, Gnome and Xfce are fairly intertwined, but i agree w/ you15:54
tarzeaushadeslayer: well, when the maintainer says so and they were tested?15:54
judgenshadeslayer, exactly, I like vlc but i still want to use 0.86* due to the fast skip ahead and all the other niceties.15:55
tarzeaushadeslayer: but i can't get any stats who is using my ppa15:55
shadeslayertarzeau: well in that case we look at 2 things, 1) Has debian testing introduced the package and 2) At what stage of releasing ubuntu are we,if the archive is frozen then its a big no,thats why we have adopt a upstream15:55
shadeslayertarzeau: #launchpad15:56
tarzeaushadeslayer: the point is in debian it's hard to find a sponsor, they're overloaded, so the whole thing getting it into sid, then testing takes a lot more time15:56
BluesKajatila, how goes the eth0 connection ?15:56
shadeslayertarzeau: you might want to look at REVU and Adopt a upstream15:57
* shadeslayer installs ubuntu-desktop15:58
tarzeaushadeslayer: ok thank you, that's what they said in ubuntu-motu too15:58
shadeslayertarzeau: :)15:58
* Ken8521 infects shadeslayer's PC with Windows Vista15:58
mikebeechamso tried KDE15:59
mikebeechamno go15:59
* shadeslayer is already infected with vista :(15:59
Ken8521mikebeecham, whats wrong w/ it15:59
shadeslayermikebeecham: whats the issue?15:59
Ken8521shadeslayer, lol, poor fella15:59
shadeslayerKen8521: hehe... i rarely use it15:59
awcwell, I'm back. Booting hangs at "Adding 3004112k swap on /dev/sda6 Priority:-1 extents:1 across:3004112k" It hangs both on the regular boot and the "recovery"15:59
mikebeechamKen8521: I guess I'm just used to gnome...it all looks very Windows-esque15:59
mikebeechamthe whole pop up menu from the 'start' button is a big turn off for me16:00
shadeslayermikebeecham: yeah,but you can say gnome looks macish16:00
mikebeechamnot at all16:00
Ken8521mikebeecham, i think thats my main issue w/ KDE16:00
Ken8521other than its slow.16:00
shadeslayermikebeecham: you can change the orientation to the top :P16:00
mikebeechamshadeslayer: you would need to install a finder bar to make it look like mac16:00
shadeslayerKen8521: KDE slow? \o/16:00
mininessiei need some help with ubuntu i getting sh:grub instead of the normal grub menu i did the wubildr and that didn't work16:00
mininessiei need some help with ubuntu i getting sh:grub instead of the normal grub menu i did the wubildr and that didn't work16:00
mikebeechamgnome is uniquely linux, I would say16:00
BluesKajatila, try this tutorial for eth0 networking without using a gui network manager ...works well on my old compaq pc : http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/16:00
mininessiei need some help with ubuntu i getting sh:grub instead of the normal grub menu i did the wubildr and that didn't work16:01
mikebeechamkde is a cross between windows and mac...I think they tried to help as many people as poss transition to linux with kde16:01
shadeslayermikebeecham: heh... KDE has a better release cycle and introduces more features in every release,whats gnome last major release?16:01
Ken8521mikebeecham, i think it has *some* similarity to the old mac interface... but i agree w/ yo.. Gnome is Gnome.  KDE has Windows envy16:01
joaopintoawc, does the cursor move when you type ?16:01
mikebeechamshadeslayer: I'm not bashing KDE, as it's purely down to personal taste...I'm sure they release many more updates, etc16:01
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.16:01
Ken8521shadeslayer, i personally don't need "latest greatest".. i like clean and functional16:01
mikebeechamI'm just saying that a lot of the design interface put me off16:01
mininessiei need some help with ubuntu i getting sh:grub instead of the normal grub menu i did the wubildr and that didn't work16:02
shadeslayer!patience | mininessie16:02
awcjoaopinto, YES16:02
ubottumininessie: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.16:02
mikebeechamI'm an interface designer, so these are the elements I tend to look at first16:02
awcsorry for the caps16:02
joaopintoawc, it's most likely related to bug 50788116:02
Ken8521mininessie, ther'es been some issues w/ the wubi installer.16:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507881 in plymouth "Plymouth doesn't show messages sent before the splash screen is visible" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50788116:02
awcjoaopinto, is there a fix?16:02
mininessieKen8521: aw16:02
joaopintoawc, not published yet, probably only after the RC16:03
mikebeechamalthough I cannot now put my pointer back to default for some reason..it's stuck on the kde one in gnome16:03
joaopintothere is a workaround on the bug report16:03
Ken8521mininessie, did you try to upgrade a 9.10 to 10.0416:03
awcwell that would be nice, as I'll have to get in my system to do updates16:03
mininessieKen8521: i have been using 10.04 since beta 216:04
iconmefistoanyone know why my tty's don't start on boot? if I do sudo initctl list | grep tty it lists all the tty's as "stop/waiting"16:04
Ken8521mininessie, did you clean install 10.04 w/ wubi?.. or did you upgrade 9.10?16:04
judgenhehe im installing vlc 0.86 right now on lucid...16:04
mininessieKen8521: do i replace wubildr in drive c: or what16:04
Ken8521mininessie, i honestly have no idea.. i stay as far away from wubi as possible16:05
mininessieKen8521: i upgrade from 9.1016:05
mininessieKen8521: well without it i couldn't get ubuntu installed16:05
Ken8521mininessie, why'st hat?16:05
awcthanks joaopinto its almost certainly that, I've been trying to get usb support for VB16:06
mininessieKen8521: idk mybe because i am trying to do it on a macbook pro16:06
Ken8521mininessie, is it an intel?16:06
gpmanrpiI am running lucid upgraded from karmic, and it seems to be crashing on the gdm login screen.  I can start x as any user except for one on my box and I think that might be part of the problem.  Any advice on where to look for what is causing the problem?16:06
Ken8521awc, usb should work pretty good in the "non free" virtual box16:06
mininessiemininessie: maybe its the mid summer 2009 version16:06
awcthats what i have16:07
joaopintoawc, http://handypenguin.blogspot.com/2010/04/upgrading-to-lucid-with-virtualbox-usb.html :)16:07
Sensivajoaopinto's Website Title: Random thoughts and experiences with Ubuntu: Upgrading to Lucid with Virtualbox USB support renders the system unbootable16:07
Ken8521and usb doesn't work?16:07
Ken8521mininessie, does it have Windows on it(bootcamp w/ mac?)16:07
PiciSensiva: Please disable that script in this (and other ubuntu) channel(s).16:07
SensivaPici done16:07
PiciThanks :)16:07
mininessieKen8521: yes i put windows xp on it16:08
Ken8521mininessie, then unnless you've done some very strange things i don't know about, its likely an Intel Mac16:08
jshriverAnyone know how to start the Wireless network manager that's in the top corner16:08
Dr_Willisnm-applet i think16:09
z0rt|workjshriver: i think it is gnome-network-manager16:09
Ken8521it didn't start when you booted up?16:10
BrimstonesFor Lucid you should add SQUID 3.x16:11
awcwell, I'll if that works16:11
Brimstonesas ACL names have changed a bit itll give many questions otherwise16:11
PiciBrimstones: squid 3 has been in the repositories for a while.  Its under the package name squid316:12
BrimstonesAha, but squid 2 is the default. Same thing as people will use  >= 2.7 then16:12
PiciWell, we wouldn't want to break people's setups if apt forced them to upgrade from squid 2.x to squid 3.x16:13
BrimstonesPici: You know that these changes are inevitable.16:14
jshrivernope command not found16:14
BrimstonesPici: Sooner or later users/admins will have to update their confs16:14
BrimstonesMaybe you can automate it16:15
BluesKajbbiab , gonna switch to the laptop16:15
awcjoaopinto, it worked!16:15
PiciBrimstones: Looks like thats how debian is naming their packages, so until squid(2.x) is dropped there, we probably won't be changing anything.16:15
Ken8521awc, sing the hallelujah chorus.. :)..16:16
BrimstonesIts just a matter about removing "acl name all IP_NETMASK_HERE". Then theyll have to add "bytes" in 2 places or so.16:16
awcGee I was up until 2am last night in here ad we couldn't figure anything out16:16
iconmefistoanyone know why my tty's don't start on boot? if I do sudo initctl list | grep tty it lists all the tty's as "stop/waiting"16:16
Ken8521awc, were you having the vbox booting question or something?.. i remember you having quite an issue...16:16
jshriverhrm says nm-applet is running but is not showing up in the tool bar at the top16:17
BrimstonesPici: Ok, ill see if it can be dropped. I also dont think apache 1.x should be used as per the Apache foundations raccommendations.16:17
awcyes, my boot was hanging16:17
Ken8521thats right16:17
Ken8521something about usb and vbox16:17
iconmefistojshriver: kill it, and start it again16:17
awcwe all thougth it had to so with my swap or something16:17
jshriverI tried, it's part of NetworkManager tried killing tha tprocess too but even after kill -9 it just autospawns16:17
jshriverhappened after last update16:19
awcok now a slightly smaller problem, which I would like to deal with now rather than later when it may cause more problems16:19
awcI have a partition which overlaps 2 other partitions16:19
mininessiesh:grub 10.04 grub help16:20
BigRedS_awc: what?16:21
Ken8521awc, how in the world is that possible?16:21
awc(I'm using the Disk Utility) there is the "Extended" -- /dev/sda2 and then my ext4 partition and swap partition16:21
awcI have absolutley no idea16:21
BigRedS_awc: Ah, so you have two primary partitions in an extended partition16:21
BigRedS_that's right and normal16:21
BigRedS_If I've interpreted it correctly.16:21
awci think so16:21
Ken8521yeah, thtas normal.16:22
awcahh ok16:22
Ken8521i do't think that actually means you have overlapping partitions.. that would be something to see..lol16:22
awcsomething was said last night which made it seem to me that it was abnormal16:22
BigRedS_Check the wikipedia article(s) on extended partitions and/or disk partitioning. IIRC there's a reasonably good explanation of what's going on in there16:22
mininessiesh:grub 10.04 grub help16:22
* BUGabundo_remote puts helmet on16:23
Picimininessie: Is that a question?16:23
BUGabundo_remote" I’ll outline the arc of our work on indicator menus to date, and the trajectory we expect it to follow. We’re about a year into the effort, all told, and I think it will take another 18 months before we can consider it baked. It should be done by 12.04 LTS"16:23
BUGabundo_remoteoh god.... one more year of this :S16:23
mininessiePici: i need help i tried to wuildr fix and it didn't help16:23
Picimininessie: Please ask your question in a full sentence all on one line with as much details as you can.16:24
awcwell, I've just deleted my windows partitions, how can I add the reclaimed space to my ext4 system?16:24
BUGabundo_remoteawc: gparted ?16:24
mininessiePici: i am running ubuntu 10.04 i used wubi to install 9.10 and upgrade to 10.04 now instead of the regular grub i am getting sh:grub and something about tabbing16:25
mininessiePici: and i already tried the wubildr fix and that didn't help16:25
Ken8521awc, are you removing windows for good?16:26
Ken8521congratulations. :)16:26
awcworks better in VB anyways16:26
Dr_Willis'oh the humanity!'16:26
Ken8521awc, what do you still need windows for?16:26
awcif I absolutley HAVE to use it that is16:26
awcerm, nothing?16:27
awci have an ipod, and its been acting up lately16:27
Ken8521awc, i have to have to sync my zune...16:27
mininessiePici: can you help me16:27
Picimininessie: I cannot, but perhaps someone else here can.16:27
awcit freezes everytime I try and play music16:27
Ken8521awc, i sync my ipod via itunes in vbox as well...16:27
awcya, rythmbox isn't quite there yet16:28
Ken8521awc, gtkpod is pretty good, if you've used it.16:28
awcso anyways how can I add the unallocated space to say sda2?16:28
awctried that, it refused to accept my ipod16:28
awcits a 3rd gen touch16:28
Dr_Willisgparted lets you resize partitions.16:28
Ken8521oh ok..16:29
Dr_Willisdelete the windows.. enlarge the linux16:29
Ken8521yeah, gparted, you should just be able to use the little slider to enlarge the partition16:29
awcahh ok16:29
thebishopis there a way to move a logical partition out of it's extended "bubble"16:29
Ken8521it takes forever though, depending on the amount of space16:29
Dr_Willisissue may be if its primary/logical partiions.. and you proberly want to do this from a live cd.16:29
iconmefistoor create a new partition instead of resizing. much faster, and less risky16:29
Dr_Willismake new partition, move home to it :)16:30
Ken8521iconmefisto, that probably would be smarter16:30
awchmm, gparted won't let me slide anything16:30
alvinIf you feel up to it. Learn LVM. Partition (actually volume) resizing will be much easier and faster.16:30
Ken8521awc, are you on your install, or on a live cd?16:31
Dr_Willisissue may be if its primary/logical partiions.. and you proberly want to do this from a live cd.16:31
awcI'm on my install16:31
Ken8521if you're on your install, its likely cuz its mounted16:31
iconmefistoawc: partitions can't be mounted when you change things. livecd is good for this task16:31
awcahh ok, thats why16:31
Ken8521awc, you'll have to do it from the live cd16:31
awcahh ok16:31
awcwell, thanks for the help guys16:31
mininessiei am running ubuntu 10.04 i used wubi to install 9.10 and upgrade to 10.04 now instead of the regular grub i am getting sh:grub and something about tabbing16:31
TecnoBratawc: yea it has to be unmounded16:32
iconmefistoawc: but if it's just your windows partition, unmount it, then delete, create new partition16:32
awcahh ok16:32
Ken8521awc, you could do what iconmefisto is suggesting from your install.16:32
Ken8521it would just be a separate partition16:32
awcahh ok16:32
Ken8521which isn't a big deal reall16:32
awcall the same partition would be better no?16:33
iconmefistoawc: still usable space though16:33
Ken8521awc, not really better or worse, it would just a separate partition, but the space would be just as usable.16:33
awcmininessie you will have to update grub16:33
mininessieawc: how because i am running 10.4 and tried the wuildr fix but that didn't work16:34
awcI had the same probelm a few days ago, I used a live cd and did a GRUB-update16:34
Ken8521awc, on a wubi install?16:35
awcohh wubi, sorry no16:35
Ken8521awc, unfortunately, wubi is... well. wubi.16:35
thebishopmy Mouse preferences utility doesn't have a Touchpad tab.  How can I get it?16:35
mininessiewhat would be nice is if i had a real live cd or had a perfectly burned cd16:36
mininessiebecause i tried to burn a dvd of 9.10 and it didn't run like the live cd16:37
mininessiedoes anyone know how to burn ubuntu 9.1016:38
Ken8521mininessie, well, what happens when you burn the cd?16:38
Ken8521how are you burning it, etc..16:38
mininessiemininessie: nothing out of the ordinary its when i install it i have problems16:38
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:39
Ken8521so you burn the cd, and boot it ok, but the problem comes when you install from it?16:39
Ken8521i have never md5'd a live cd...16:39
Lord_Rahl? for anyone. how do I remove the home folders for the desktop?16:40
Ken8521i think the keys for burning a proper live cd, is obviously, 1. quality media, and 2. burn it slow.16:40
Ken8521Lord_Rahl, the home folders?16:40
ojiihi everyone16:40
ojiiI tried to disable my touchpad using `/usr/bin/synclient TouchpadOff=1Ì€ and it did disable it, but only for about 3 seconds16:41
ojiianyone know how i can really disable it?16:41
Ken8521ojii, do you not have a touchpad tab inb sys/pref/mouse?16:42
ojiiKen8521, ?16:42
iconmefistoojii: there's a little app called touchfreeze you may find useful16:42
Ken8521ojii, nevermind, i forgot it doens't allow completely disabling the touchpad16:42
ojiiwell what i'd actually love is that the touchpad is disabled when i plug in my mouse, but the udev script i found doesnt seem to work16:43
ojiiso i tried if the command has any effect16:43
ojiiand it doesn't seem to work (properly)16:43
ojiii'm on a mbp 5.1 btw16:43
Ken8521ojii, most laptops have a keyboard combination that disable the touchpad?.. i that just not acceptable?16:43
Lord_RahlKen8521, one sec uploading screenshot16:43
ojiiKen8521, this is a macbook, it can't even boot from usb, so i doubt it has useful keybindings16:43
Ken8521ojii, mine is function key f716:43
Lord_RahlKen8521, http://tinypic.com/r/msyp8x/516:43
Ken8521ojii, never used a macbook, dunno16:44
ojiiKen8521, F7 is 'previous title' (media)16:44
Ken8521Lord_Rahl, so whats the problem?..16:44
ojiiKen8521, i tried this: http://linuxtidbits.wordpress.com/2007/10/27/switch-automatically-mouse-and-touchpad/, should that generally work on lucid?16:45
ojiilike the udev stuff and whatever16:45
Lord_RahlThe folder on the desktop are in my home folder. I do not want them on my desktop but I can not find where to tell it not to display them there16:45
Ken8521Lord_Rahl, can you delete them?16:46
Ken8521ojii, wel,l that from 07.. theres been so many changes to ubuntu since then, i'd be surprised if those instructions still apply16:46
ojiiyou know a way to do that by any chance?16:47
Lord_RahlKen8521, nope not a option. I thought it was in gconfig-editor but I can not find the option16:47
Ken8521ojii, don't know if there still is, but there used to be a tool in the repositories, called gsynaptics, that worked for controlling touchpads.. but in addition to installing it, you had to add some things to xorg.conf16:47
ojiifunny thing is if i disable touchpad in system->preferences->touchpad it also "auto-reenables" itself16:47
Ken8521!info gsynaptic16:47
ojiiKen8521, isn't the "touchpad" entry in preferences menu gsynaptics?16:48
ubottuPackage gsynaptic does not exist in lucid16:48
Ken8521ojii, no, it is a separate utility.. the touchpad entry on /pref/mouse.. doesn't let you turn the touchpad off... gsynaptic did16:48
ojiigreat, in gsynaptics the "enable touchpad" checkbox is unchecked, however my touchpad works16:48
ojiiKen8521, i just entered gsynaptics in a shell and that very app opens16:48
Dr_WillisOn the plus side.. aparently the synaptics people are working on some better linux drivers/support. :)16:49
Ken8521yeah, you need to make some entries to xorg.conf to make it work16:49
ojiion my other notebook i can just do "sudo modprobe -r psmouse" and touchpad is gone, on this one i cant16:49
ojii(that's why i don't want to generally disable it, since I don't know how to reenable it from shell)16:49
ojiiand touchpads on MBP's are veeeery sensitive16:50
Ken8521ojii, now it was a while ago, but when i woudl disable my touchpad w/ synaptics, i would make an entry like this in my xorg.conf  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=97542116:51
Ken8521ojii, note the 'InputDevice" is the one i'm talking about16:51
Ken8521the one w/ synaptics touchpad16:51
mikebeechamhi guys, I've just removed kubuntu-desktop, but it's left me with some issues...I wonder if I can get some help:  1) Cannot get rid of the Kubuntu splash screen, 2) Cannot put my pointers back to Ubuntu default16:52
mikebeechamcan anyone help?16:52
Ken8521ojii, the one in post #8, is the one i'm taklung about.. sorry bout that16:52
Lord_RahlKen8521, I found the answer for knowledge sake : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/desktop-showing-the-contents-of-home-folder-on-desktop-in-fedora-8-a-649528/16:52
ojiiKen8521, my xorg is http://dpaste.com/186192/16:52
Ken8521Lord_Rahl, not sure how you did that, never heard of that one16:53
iconmefisto_mikebeecham: choose your splash: sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth16:53
Ken8521ojii, try adding that section for the synaptic touchpad, and see if that lets you disable your touchpad16:53
mikebeechamiconmefisto_: I just want the one that came with Ubuntu Lucid back again16:53
Lord_RahlKen8521, remove KDE and install Gnome maybe screw it up16:53
Ken8521thats how i used to have to do it on a very old laptop,16:53
Lord_RahlKen8521, thanks16:54
iconmefisto_mikebeecham: then choose the ubuntu one. you should be presented with a list to choose from16:54
ojiiKen8521, just add it or merge it with the existing mouse entry?16:54
Ken8521ojii, just add it, thats what i would do(if you were going to try that)16:54
ojiiKen8521, okay let me restart x then16:54
ojiicu in a while hopefully16:54
Ken8521lol, ok16:54
mikebeechamicon thanks...I was only presented with one Ubuntu one out of 3...so I guess we'll see when I reboot16:54
ojiiguess i have to enable ctrl/alt/backspace first16:55
Ken8521ojii, i think you'll have to actually restart for that to take effect16:55
iconmefisto_mikebeecham: still here?16:55
Ken8521could be wrong though16:55
mikebeechamiconmefisto_: yup16:55
iconmefisto_mikebeecham: not sure if this is necessary, but after changing plymouth theme: sudo update-initramfs -u16:56
ojiiKen8521, now i got synaptics to run (?) what do i do?16:56
ojiican i modprobe -r it?16:56
iconmefisto_mikebeecham: so you just had the ubuntu splash theme listed?16:56
Ken8521ojii, open the gsynaptic package, and there should e a button to disable your touchpad.16:56
mikebeechamiconmefisto_: 3 options, 2 were for kubuntu and one was for Ubuntu16:57
ojiiKen8521, how would i re-enable it from shell?16:57
ojiialso it auto-enabled itself again16:57
Ken8521ojii, now that i don't know.16:57
Ken8521ojii, so you want it off when you start your laptop?16:58
ojiiKen8521, if i know a way to enable it, yes16:58
ojiienable it without a mouse that s16:58
Ken8521ojii, i guess i don't understand, i just install gsynaptics, and its controlling(turning on/off) my touchpad fine..16:58
ojiiKen8521, yea i can turn it off, for 5 seconds...16:59
geekphreakhello all16:59
Ken8521oh i see, enabling it w/o a mouse16:59
Ken8521that could be an issue16:59
Dr_WillisTheres a way to use the numpad as a mouse16:59
geekphreakhey guys question, after update did anyone have issues with kopete-cryptography plugin not installing?16:59
Ken8521ojii, what about this.. open a terminal w/ the keyboar dcommand(i can't remember what it is, i never use it)17:00
geekphreakDr_Willis:  you here muuuuuuuuu :p17:00
Ken8521then type gsynapcis17:00
ojiiKen8521, yea but how would i do anything in gsynaptics?17:00
Ken8521then use the down arrow key on your laptop, to highlight the check box for "enable touchpad".. and hit the spacebard17:00
ojiialso this whole discussion is pointless when i can't even disable it in the first place17:00
Ken8521i just did it like that and it worked fine17:00
Ken8521i thought you said it disabled?17:01
geekphreakhi Ken852117:01
Ken8521hi geekphreak17:01
ojiiKen8521, it disabled it for 2-5 seconds17:01
iconmefisto_ojii: maybe give touchfreeze a try? it lets you disable touchpad17:01
Dr_Willisi alwyas look for laptops with touchpad off buttons. :)17:01
Dr_WillisYou did check to make sur theres no fn-whatever keys to disable it? :)17:02
Ken8521Dr_Willis, lol... mine has that as well17:02
ojiiiconmefisto_, i did, but i don't just want to disable it during typing, i want it gone for good when i have a real mouse plugged in17:02
Ken8521actuall, i thought most laptops had that17:02
ojiiDr_Willis, this is a macbook pro, the keyboard is pretty useless17:02
Dr_WillisI belive the touchpad on after 5 sec thing. is because the hw manager is seeing/reactivating it.. or so ive seen mentioned in some chats in this channel last week17:02
iconmefisto_ojii: you can disable completely. just not automatically when mouse is plugged in17:03
geekphreakojii:  though mac hhad good products17:03
lontradoes it make sense that i haven't received any update on 10.04 for a couple of days? i.e. are updates starting to slow down as the release nears?17:03
Dr_Willisojii:   Apple decided you DONT need to disable it.. so they have to be right! :017:03
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  lies and marketing. :)17:03
geekphreakDr_Willis: oh ok :)17:03
ojiiDr_Willis, yea... they also decided that booting from USB is bad. but that resizing (mounted) partitions on runtime is good...17:04
Ken8521you guys wait, shuttleworth is gonna be the next steve jobs17:04
Ken8521almost is already17:04
ojiiKen8521, shuttleworth kicks steve's tiny little ass17:04
aciculalontra: yeah17:05
Ken8521i believe jobs has been sick for quite some time(cancer?) so that might be why he is frail17:05
ojiii'm giving up and going to have a beer with a mate, because beer > apples17:05
aciculahmmm beeer17:06
ojiithanks for trying to help me tho Ken8521 and Dr_Willis17:06
iconmefisto_beer leads to apples?17:06
Ken8521ojii, sorry, hope you work it out.17:06
aciculaapples leads to trees17:06
lontraacicula: thanks17:06
ojiiKen8521, i heard hammers are pretty useful to disable mousepads...17:06
Ken8521iconmefisto_, i think its "beer is better than apples".. as in, apple computers17:06
lontrayup steve jobs has pancreatic cancer ... a nasty nasty thing17:06
Ken8521ojii, lol... if thats the case, i got a 12ga that will disable it as well.17:06
Ken8521lontra, yeah, thats one of the bad ones17:07
geekphreakojii: right, but make sure you are insured :)17:07
ojiigeekphreak, not my notebook :D17:07
iconmefisto_what's one of the good ones?17:07
Ken8521iconmefisto_, true... but there's some that can be dealt w/ far easier than others..17:07
iconmefisto_Ken8521: yeah, I know. doesn't look good for him if that's what he has17:08
lontrahe's clearly a fighter and wealthy to have had pancreatic cancer so long and still be alive17:08
Ken8521lontra, unfortunately.. i've got experience w/ family and cancer, and pancreatic is one of those that takes its time under most circumstances.17:09
Ken8521but.. 5yrs seems like an exceptionally long time17:09
lontraKen8521: really? i had a friend whose dad died of that in like 1 year after diagnosis17:10
allganduanybody found bug in the kernel update?...lucid not loading after restart?17:10
lontraallgandu: not here17:10
Ken8521lontra, yea.17:10
Ken8521allgandu, don't think so, its been working fine for me.17:10
allganduwhats your kernel version and also how do i check my kernel version in CLI...?17:11
iconmefisto_uname -r17:11
Ken8521allgandu, uname -r  or uname -a should show your kernel version17:11
allgandu2.6.32-20-generic... this is stable for me .. the one i updated to doesnt load17:12
iconmefisto_allgandu: how far does it get?17:13
allganduKen8521, what is your version of the kernel?17:13
Ken8521-21 generic17:13
Ken8521working fien for me17:13
allganduiconmefisto_, it stops on before the init frames17:13
crucialhoaxHow can I change the Ambiance theme color for the panels?17:14
allganduKen8521, iconmefisto_ also 2.6.32-21 doesnt provide powersave or cpu scaling options... in fact it disables it17:15
Dr_Willisfor panels - cant you right click and customize the image/colors?17:15
crucialhoaxDr_Willis: I can, but then it leaves a black area then the system theme is the rest, I want to change the Ambiance theme itself. The panels are grey I would like something darker.17:16
ZelozelosJordan_U if you're still here, it was a success, all my stuff has been restored17:22
mikebeechamiconmefisto_: worked a treat!!  Now, do you know how I can get back to my default pointers?  I've gone into appearance settings, but no choice works...it's stuck on oxy-white17:23
iconmefisto_anyone know why my tty's don't start on boot? if I do sudo initctl list | grep tty it lists all the tty's as "stop/waiting"17:23
iconmefisto_mikebeecham: can't be much help there. I'm gnome-ignorant17:24
mikebeecham...and the period of time from logging into using the desktop has slowed right down to around 40 seconds or more17:24
mikebeechamsince installing kubuntu-desktop17:24
Ken8521mikebeecham, thats the kubuntu effect on Gnome...lol17:24
mikebeechamKen8521: but surely I've removed all of the kubuntu elements?17:25
Dr_WillisIve seen befor where you select a pointer theme.. THEN need to logout/back in17:25
Dr_Willis they are supposed to change on the fly.. but sometimes that dosent work17:25
BrimstonesTO Whom may fix it: The installation of the server PROFTPD in LUCID FAILS To create the servers Runtime Directory so the server CANNOT Start. Make sure that the package "PROFTPD" creates its runtime directory /var/run/proftpd (Tested 2 weeks ago)17:25
mikebeechamok, will try that...be right back17:25
Ken8521mikebeecham, dunno, to me, KDE is like a virus, even when you remove it, there's still some of it in there17:25
iconmefisto_mikebeecham: what did you do to remove kubuntu?17:25
charlie-tcaBrimstones: filed a bug, right?17:25
Dr_Willisif you change pointers.. you might notice thet some apps use the new ones.. and the apps running befor you changed still use the old.17:25
mikebeechamiconmefisto_: uninstalled via a command that Dr_Willis gave me17:25
Dr_WillisIt can get all confuseing17:26
Dr_WillisEven with default gnome - ive seen this pointer issue17:26
Brimstonescharlie-tca: Not any bug ive seen listed. Please check this in for me.17:26
Dr_WillisIf you think KDE is bad.. try instlling KDE+Gnome+Lubuntu :)17:26
charlie-tcaI can't actually, but if you have the issue, you should file a bug so it does get fixed17:26
Brimstonescharlie-tca: Id rather not as it would cut into my coding time.17:27
iconmefisto_mikebeecham: maybe some of kde is still in place? does   kcmshell4 mouse  start the kde mouse config?17:30
mikebeechamiconmefisto_: nope17:31
Brimstonescharlie-tca: Install proftpd on Lucid, try to start it. Wont work. Try to start it with debug level 9: proftpd -nd9 ... no such directory /var/run/proftpd ... upon creating this directory: mkdir -p /var/run/proftpd all things are good.17:32
mininessiedid you know edubuntu is no longer going to be edubuntu17:33
Brimstonescharlie-tca: I upgraded from karmic from having a previously working proftpd17:33
Ken8521mininessie, no, had not heard that.17:34
Ken8521whats happening to it?17:34
charlie-tcaBrimstones: that's nice. The whole idea of running pre-release is to file the bugs found so the developers can find out and fix them17:34
mininessieKen8521: they kind of got mad at ubuntu for something i don't remember what for the guy who created thisweekinlinux told me17:35
Brimstonescharlie-tca: Coders run them to adjust their sources to the new releases. / Greets from GAdmintools.org17:35
Ken8521mininessie, so it may not go away, it just may become "edudebian" or "edufedora"17:35
BrimstonesEUDUCATIONS could be cool ? :)17:36
BrimstonesEUCATIONS ?17:36
Ken8521i think schools really miss out on the opportunity to put computers on desks, by enslaving themselves to MS17:37
BrimstonesKen8521: This is changing rapidly17:37
Ken8521even if they pay a drastically reduced price, its still more than free17:37
Ken8521Brimstones, how do you figure?17:38
BrimstonesKen8521: Our police and parts of the military, as well as the US, Spain, German and French instances are changing or have already changed17:38
Ken8521had never heard that17:38
BrimstonesKen8521 you must pay attention.17:39
iconmefisto_Brimstones: "our police" is where?17:39
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.17:39
Ken8521only "police" here in the US that I amware of that uses Linux, is BART in California17:39
BrimstonesSweden, France and others17:39
Dr_WillisHmm.. Got KDE and gnome both installed. and i can change mouse curor themes on the fly just fine in gnome.17:39
mininessiei personally like gnome over kde17:41
Dr_WillisI do have my KDE4 desktop rather neatly tweaked on thos desktop box. but in some ways i like gnome better.. but in MANY other ways i perfer kde. :)17:42
BrimstonesKen8521: The most recent and coolest request for some of the code i create came from the us navy.17:42
Dr_Willisim just waiting for the HUGE  deal that the next gnome will be. :) lets see if they really rock the gnome boat.17:42
dr3mroplease help me i use ubuntu lucid and videos on mozilla firfox using totem plugin audio starts musted how to make it start at high level17:43
Dr_WillisHmm. I do see the 'pointer issue' where some apps are still using the old pointer.17:43
om26erdr3mro, its a bug17:43
Dr_WillisIn this case a Wine app. is defimnaly not using the pointer theme i selected17:43
dr3mroom26er, will it be fixed before final release17:43
BrimstonesDr_Willis: Old pointer ? /lol17:44
om26erdr3mro, no17:44
Dr_WillisBrimstones:  yep.  not all apps use the pointer i selected in the theme.. Hmm.. Wine app seems to still use the default white pointer.17:44
dr3mroom26er, is there a work around17:44
BrimstonesDr_Willis: Heh17:45
om26erdr3mro, not that I am aware of but there might be.17:45
Dr_Willisnight all17:46
dr3mroom26er, that is a serious usablity problem and why not be fixed before final release ... for how long ubuntu will be released with bugs in final release ..17:47
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om26erdr3mro, its an upstream issue it depends on them to fix17:48
joaopintoom26er, let's stop the blame game, it's relevant where the bug is ;)17:49
joaopintoirrelevant I mean17:49
dr3mroom26er, .... bad upstream17:49
joaopintonever heard of that bug before, is it affecting everyone ?17:49
joaopintoom26er, do you know the bug nr for the problem reported by dr3mro ?17:52
* om26er had a system crash :)17:53
johnjohn101jordan_u:  are you around?17:53
om26erone of those days I will go back to karmic17:54
joaopinto<joaopinto> om26er, do you know the bug nr for the problem reported by dr3mro ?17:55
om26erjoaopinto, not the bug number but the descrition but lp have not opened here for two hours now17:56
johnjohn101ok, i just lost my left mouse button again in 10.04 in vmware17:58
johnjohn101was resizing pidgin17:59
mdlueckToday's daily (20100419.1) is still broken trying to use xfs on / and /home, ext4 on /boot. Gets an error trying to format the / partition.18:02
mdlueckAnyone else using xfs to test with?18:02
mdlueckAnd what logs should I collect up from the failed install?18:03
mdlueckGuess everyone is @lunch or something. Pls reply with suggestions, I will check back at my desk now and then.18:10
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gnomefreakmdlueck: we are not all at lunch, im just really really busy but i would say file a bug on it using the command ubuntu-bug ubiquity   it will add the logs to it.18:17
gnomefreakim not sure if it will be anohter package but i would start there they will change it as needed18:17
mdlueckWhat sort of logs should I keep from this failed install?18:18
mininessiewhy is ubuntu so buggy18:18
mdlueckShall I log it against ubiquity?18:18
gnomefreakmdlueck: use that command it will upload them for you than you will see what ones to keep but off hand i not sure18:18
gnomefreakmdlueck: open terminal type ubuntu-bug ubiquity18:18
gnomefreakthan follow prompts18:19
mdlueckHow can I get a term from the installer? I launched directly to the installer, not via LiveCD.18:19
marienzwild gues: ctrl+alt+f218:19
marienzbut wait for better answers before trying ;)18:20
mdlueckCtrl+Alt+F1 term window gives an error message trying to query ubiquity --debug that gtk is not available18:20
mdlueckSo I think I must be in a term window instead of full screen text mode18:20
gnomefreakmdlueck: ok than file it by hand or try anohter daily image (tomorrows or what not)18:20
mdlueckHas been broken for over a week at this point, this xfs same issue18:21
mdlueckI would like to get it logged in the system18:21
gnomefreakmdlueck: your better off asking in #ubuntu-bugs on how to file it and what logs are best18:22
mdlueckWill do, OK with filing by hand, but what logs should I attach18:22
mdlueckWill switch there, thanks gnomefreak18:22
* gnomefreak back to paperwork18:22
mdlueckhee hee hee18:22
thebishopthere's supposed to be a Touchpad tab in the Mouse config tool, but I'm not seeing one.  What can I do about this?18:22
EagleScreenyes thebishop i have it18:23
thebishopEagleScreen, i have touchpad, but no tab18:24
EagleScreenthat is really strange18:24
thebishopEagleScreen, yeah, i really want to enable the no-click-while-typing feature18:25
EagleScreenthebishop: if you are in this channel, it is because you have Ubuntu 10.04 + Gnome 2.30.0, true??18:25
thebishopEagleScreen, i'm running Beta218:25
thebishopGnome 2.30.0 is correct18:25
TecnoBratI know a little OT .. but figured people might wanna know.  Don't let McAfee update, or it will break your windows machines.18:25
TecnoBratIf you don't know what I'm talking about .. search for mcafee on twitter :P18:26
Ken8521TecnoBrat, anyone still using Mcafee or norton on a windows box, needs their head kicked in18:26
SebbohHello, all.  I've got a 10.04 workstation here. I disabled my onboard audio device.  Now I'd like to get rid of pulseaudio, and anything else that I don't need because I don't have/want a sound card.  But, apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio wants to remove ubuntu-desktop, which I'd like to keep (especially since I'm on 10.04 and things could change, eh?), so what should I do?18:26
thebishopmy policy when running windows is no virus scan, stick with free software applications18:27
TecnoBratKen8521: or a system file quarantined causing the system to never boot again! :P18:27
Tux^hi all, i did a successful upgrade to beta 1 from 9.10 some time back. But since few days, when i allow the regular updates (via update manager), ubuntu fails to boot ! i just get the initial screen with "ubuntu" logo and then it takes me to a black screen18:27
Tux^i have also tried to do a clean install of beta 2, but after the update again same problem18:27
Ken8521thebishop, well, there's some good free antivirus out there.. avast is good... but i typically dont use av either. i just keep a fresh iso backed up so if my vbox gets infected somehow, i can delete and restore18:27
EagleScreenSebboh: ubuntu-desktop depends on pulseaudio and pulseaudio-esound-compat, you you can't remove them without removing ubuntu-desktop, anyway, wahy removing pulseaudio?18:29
thebishopEagleScreen, the really weird thing is 2-finger scroll works properly18:30
thebishopEagleScreen, vertical scroll that is.  i'd like to enable horizontal scroll, disable tap to click, and enable the thing that prevents clicks while typing18:31
EagleScreenthebishop: check you haven't a broken Gnome installation18:32
thebishopEagleScreen, how to check?  I haven't done anything that would break it18:32
SebbohI disabled my sound card, EagleScreen.  I see no need to waste resources on audio packages on this system.  (Remember, too, that I have to download periodic updates for these packages--that's wasting the mirror's bandwidth, too.)18:33
TecnoBratKen8521: vbox has a great snapshot feature... thats what I use :)18:33
EagleScreenthebishop: jusnt di a full upgrade: sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude full-upgrade18:33
Ken8521TecnoBrat, i've never explored that to much, but thats a decent idea... i'll have to look at it18:33
EagleScreenSebboh: if you want remove pulseaudio without ubuntu-desktop, you need a patched ubuntu-desktop package18:34
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EagleScreenthebishop: check you have gnome-control-center 1:2.30.0-0ubuntu418:40
ActionParsnipYo yo yo18:42
EagleScreenhi ActionParsnip18:43
BluesKajyo ActionParsnip18:43
thebishopEagleScreen, it says 1:2.30.0-0ubuntu4 in synaptic18:43
ActionParsnipHow come Ubuntu has taken off only recently when Linux has been around for ages18:43
EagleScreenthat is the official version, and it shoud have the Touchpad tab18:43
ActionParsnipDid someone just get it right or is it simply bloated enough to mass appeal to all. I don't get it at all (not that its bad)18:44
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BluesKajActionParsnip, methinks the word "linux" scared a lot of potential users away , but now the ease of installation and the apps that just work is the reason18:47
BluesKajand word of mouth on the net18:48
ActionParsnipBlueskaj: but mandriva has a good installer for apps and so does mother debian...18:48
zonkerscan I get some help with a problem i'm having with 10.04?18:49
iconmefistoplenty of support available too. that must appeal to new linux users18:50
joaopinto!ask | zonkers18:50
ubottuzonkers: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:50
Lokithat didn't work :p18:50
Lokijoaopinto: you don't know about GMA500 drivers do you?18:50
joaopintoLoki, no18:51
zonkersso, with 10.04, I when I'm resizing a window, sometimes my left mouse functionality goes away18:51
joaopintozonkers, is that a real install or vmware ?18:51
ActionParsnipIconmefisto: its always been there though. There has been documents on linux for ages with guides etc18:51
ActionParsnipZonkers: is that with effects enabled?18:51
zonkersjoapinto: it's with a vmware install and no effects18:52
joaopintoActionParsnip, it was not so big and so structured as it is today, linux was much more underground18:52
zonkersactionparsnip: I can almost recreat it at will.  seem like if you resize over another window, it happens18:52
ActionParsnipJoaopinto; I guess18:52
joaopintozonkers, file a bug report, but it could be vmware related18:53
ActionParsnipZonkers: i'd ask in #vmware to see if its a known glitch, if not log a bug18:53
iconmefistoActionParsnip: but not as good as ubuntu's, esp. for new users. it's a very welcoming community18:53
zonkersi'm not seeing any issues with 9.1018:53
patdk-wkhmm, I can't get my left mouse button to act up at all today :(18:53
ActionParsnipIconmefisto: gentoo community is very welcoming but gentoo can be scary for new users18:53
joaopintozonkers, that doesn't imply it's an Ubuntu issue, it could be a problem with the vmware graphical driver and the newer Xorg18:55
iconmefistoActionParsnip: I've thoroughly "converted" 4 non-techie people with ubuntu (kubuntu, actually). I doubt I could have done it with something like gentoo18:56
zonkersjoaopinto: i just would like to report it somewhere so someone with better skills than me can look at it18:56
ActionParsnipIconmefisto: I've "converted" folks with mandrake 7. But most use ubuntu or fedora now (go figure)18:57
thebishopso I read that Hal is 100% out of Lucid, is that correct?18:57
iconmefistothebishop: as I understand it, it's not necessary, but still in repos18:58
mininessieis ubuntu still in pre-release freeze18:59
thebishopiconmefisto, the reason I ask is I'm looking at this tutorial (9.10) for enabling multitouch synaptic touchpads: http://blog.mfabrik.com/2009/10/11/setting-up-multi-touch-scrolling-for-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala-linux-on-asus-eee-1005ha-netbook/ -- it didn't work, so I wondered if that's because Hal config files are no longer checked18:59
mininessieis ubuntu still in pre-release freeze18:59
zonkersi guess I'll reload tomorrow's version to see if it's been fixed. It's driving me crazy cause I have to reboot all the time18:59
iconmefistothebishop: it seems kubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop still uses hal19:01
thebishopiconmefisto, well, i'm using Gnome19:02
managerhi all - i'm currently running ubuntu 9.04 - i want to know what the main differences are between 9.04 and 10.04 except for kernel updates and slight gui change?19:07
hudnixCan't upgrade from 9.10: 'E:Couldn't configure pre-depend openoffice.org-core for openoffice.org-filter-binfilter, probably a dependency cycle.'19:08
darthanubismanager, check the webpage in the topic19:08
Picimanager: The release notes for Beta 2 that are in the topic would be a good start.19:08
ActionParsnipManager: there are lots. I suggest you check the ubuntu site for "what's new"19:08
hudnixshould I just uninstall openoffice?19:09
zonkersjoaopinto: it's similar to this issue.  http://lists.mandriva.com/bugs/2010-03/msg00224.php19:09
whiterabbit(ATI driver + Lucid + HDMI) Does anyone have a working hack to kill underscan? It's back, and old hacks no longer work19:09
managerPici: ActionParsnip: thanks19:10
ActionParsnipWhiterabbit: does the ati driver now support xorg 8.5?19:11
mickepHi, after upgrading from 9.10 to lucid today, the volume is very low and if I raise it, the sound is very bad. Any ideas?19:11
BluesKajmickep, make sure your ctrls in alsamixer are all at least 75%19:12
whiterabbitActionParsnip: Not sure; I assume so19:13
ActionParsnipMickep: run; sudo lshw -C sound ,websearch for the product line to see if there are bugs logged too19:13
BluesKajsometimes they drop to low levels or even off after upgrades19:13
mickepBluesKaj: Master and Speaker are set to max and PCM to about 90%.19:13
mickepI remember the volume was low in 9.4 and then it got up to a nicer level in 9.10. I guess it is back (or even lower) now.19:14
mickepActionParsnip: Is it the line "product: 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller" that is interesting?19:15
mickep(btw, thanks)19:15
ActionParsnipMikep: search the web, there may be bugs stating it as a known issue and bug19:15
gbear14275anyone here able to talk to power management (specifically battery management)?  I have questions about setting charging thresholds for my new li-ion battery.19:16
BluesKaj!intelhda | mickep19:17
ubottumickep: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto19:17
gbear14275are there any gui's available to help set charging profiles for my battery?  If not, how can I set my charging profiles?19:17
ActionParsnipGbear14275: are you running lucid?19:17
mickepBluesKaj: Thanks, I'll go through that19:17
gbear14275I am, beta 219:17
BluesKajmickep, hope it helps19:18
ActionParsnipGbear14275: then #ubuntu is not the place to ask, it is here19:18
gbear14275ActionParsnip: sorry, I am asking in multiple forums as I believe the problem is not version specific per se19:18
gbear14275ActionParsnip: but would be happy for anyone to help me find some help19:19
mdlueckBack from #ubuntu-bugs with the discovery that mkfs.xfs is missing on recent installer CD's. That is why I can not successfully use xfs for lucid installations. It was suggested I inquire if it is known to be missing.19:19
hudnixFixed it. If anyone's interested, having openoffice.org-filter-binfilter installed will break the upgrade with a dependency problem.19:19
gbear14275ActionParsnip: you aware of any gui's to help with power management or aware of any upcoming changes in lucid which may help in this department?19:20
ActionParsnipGbear14275: could look in preferences under power possibly. Not something I've ever bothered with tbh19:21
whiterabbitAnyone prior users of "aticonfig --set-pcs-val=MCIL,DigitalHDTVDefaultUnderscan,0" found a working lucid hack?19:21
osmosisflash on 64 bit doesnt appear to be working for me19:21
osmosiswith firefox19:21
whiterabbitNot working in which respect?19:21
mickepBluesKaj: I realized that was probably not the right info I gave. I rather have a Creative USB speakers.19:21
ActionParsnipOsmosis: put the .so file in $HOME/.mozilla/plugins19:21
osmosiswhiterabbit, I put the .so file in my  .mozilla/plugins/ dir. When I relaunch firefox, still no flash support.19:22
mininessie umm i burn the cd and it runs but i have problem when try to install itr fully as not using wubi it shows a white ubuntu logo nd does do anything19:22
ActionParsnipOsmosis: you MUST remove the flash packages you have installed or they will conflict and obviously you must be using 64bit linux19:22
mininessiedoesn't not does19:22
gbear14275ActionParsnip: I have... very generic controls... nothing to help with setting up charging profiles.  The reason I ask is I would like this new battery to last longer than a year and a charging profile would be very useful19:22
ActionParsnipMininessie: did you md5 test the iso?19:22
Lord_Rahlwhere is the interface tab?19:23
mininessieActionParsnip: yes19:23
osmosisActionParsnip, good idea, but I havent installed any flash packages. clean lucid install, daily build today.19:23
ActionParsnipMininessie: good :). Tried some boot options?19:23
mininessiei know it works because the wubi option came up19:23
ActionParsnipOsmosis: cool, make sure you get no output from: dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf19:24
gbear14275I do have a separate question about eventual upgrade.  Do the files in my home directory pose any risks to botch up a lucid install?19:25
osmosisActionParsnip, yes, all those have no matches.19:25
ActionParsnipGbear14275: no they simply hold settings which should float over to lucid19:25
Zelozelosmanager there are a bunch of things that are diff, what you will see is mostly gui stuff, but theres a lot of stuff in the background that is working better/faster/smarter19:25
ActionParsnipOsmosis: great. Can you give the output of: uname -a19:26
mikebeechamhi guys...does anyone know where I can download the Ubuntu default mouse theme?19:26
mickepBluesKaj, ActionParsnip: I guess I came across http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg2060184.html . It is indeed a weird scalin in the volume applet.19:26
ActionParsnipMickep: apt-cache search human | less ,may help19:27
mickepActionParsnip: that was for mikebeecham, right.19:27
* Zelozelos should remember to scroll back down when hes away for a while19:27
mikebeechamhi ActionParsnip19:27
ActionParsnipMickep: yeah d'oh19:28
mikebeechamI thought that by deleting my default theme it would restore upon login..it did, kinda!19:28
ActionParsnipMikebeecham: see the above command19:28
Lord_Rahlwhere is the interface tab? if it is not there how can I turn off text beside icons19:28
mikebeechamActionParsnip: a little confused19:29
ActionParsnipMikebeecham: run: apt-cache search human | less19:29
ActionParsnipMikebeecham: one package may have the pointers19:30
ActionParsnipI gotta jet. Peace19:30
mikebeechamok, I have run that and get a shedload of stuff...what I can see is  Humanity-Icon-theme19:33
mikebeechambut not sure what to do with this list?19:33
mikebeechampah..nothing there can help:(19:40
mickepBluesKaj: Applying Luke's tip at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/531063 solved my sound problem. Thanks for your assistance!19:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531063 in linux "Lucid: Scale wrong for audio volume (for USB046d:0a04 speakers)" [Undecided,Won't fix]19:46
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=== GIMP|Alexia_Deat is now known as GIMP|Death
Zelozelosis there a way to increase the hotspots size for resizing windows19:47
BluesKajmickep, glad to hear it :)19:50
QwellSo, now that you've made my nano unusable by adding colorization...  How do I remove that garbage?19:58
mickepIs it impossible to connect to MSN these days? (pidgin/empathy/aMSN all fail)19:59
charlie-tcaQwell: I would guess change the options in /etc/nanorc20:03
Qwelland how, precisely, would you propose I do that?20:03
guntbert!attitude | Qwell20:03
ubottuQwell: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:03
Qwellguntbert: my editor was changed so that I'm unable to read it.  I'm allowed to have a little attitude.20:04
charlie-tcause an editor20:04
guntbertQwell: not here if you want help - please20:04
charlie-tcaQwell: that attitude doesn't really apply, since none of us actually did that to you20:04
z0rt|worka sense of entitlement is not an attitude to have in an open source support community20:05
judgenWhere do xfce4 store wich windowmanager it is to use on login?20:08
QwellIs accessibility just not high on ubuntu's list?  I mean, every release I have to report bugs from default behavior changing.  Now it's gone as far as my editor - that's just too far.  really.20:10
Qwellthis has nothing to do with entitlement20:10
guntbertQwell: please stop your ranting - no developpers here  -- we can and will try to help you20:11
Qwellguntbert: Then where are the developers?20:11
Qwellthey need to hear the rants.20:11
guntbert!bug | Qwell20:11
ubottuQwell: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:11
mb999Hi. Anybody here know of issues with rhythmbox on 10.04 beta 2? Segfault in gstreamer.20:21
AcePreshawi cnat wat to 10.0420:22
Goldstanzahello room20:25
mb999Hi. Anybody here know how to fix issues with rhythmbox on 10.04 beta 2? Segfault in gstreamer.20:26
Goldstanzai am having a strange problem with my lucid system20:26
Volkodavany tweaks needed for ext4 for SSD ?20:48
UnNaturalHighHi, I have tried to file bug reports for my Fn + brightness keys but they are always marked invalid. Does anyone know how I can get a bug to be marked valid?20:51
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BigbrumbrumHello! :) What does the command mountall do?20:53
guntbertBigbrumbrum: mounts all devices which are in /etc/fstab20:54
Bigbrumbrumo snap20:54
SensivaBigbrumbrum it mounts filesystems at boot20:54
Sensivaman mountall for more info20:54
Bigbrumbrumit doesnt work on my computer...20:54
Bigbrumbrumwhat to do?20:55
osmosisVolkodav, not that i know of. but im not experiencing any issues.20:55
LinuxGuy2009Hey guys I have been running Lucid on my netbook and my desktop here since beta1 and the web page loading in Chrome and Firefox takes like 3-4 times longer than my parents old P4 box. I just did the trick from 9.10 with specifying a DNS server in the network manager applet window and it doesnt help much at all. Is this something I should just accept as the new norm and move on or is this a known issue etc?20:55
LinuxGuy2009They are running 9.04 on the P4 box BTW.20:55
osmosisUnNaturalHigh, Function key is built for the BIOS. doesnt have anything to do with Ubuntu.20:55
UnNaturalHighosmosis, I think it does, it used to work prior to 9.1020:56
UnNaturalHighin 9.10 is stopped working, I filed a bug report, and then it was marked invalid20:56
robin0800Bigbrumbrum: usually because what you want to mount is not in /etc/fstab20:56
UnNaturalHighI then tried 10.04, filed a bug report as it did not work, and it was marked invalid20:56
UnNaturalHighosmosis, seems like a regression to me20:57
osmosisUnNaturalHigh, i couldnt adjust the screen brightness using the brightness applet because the BIOS didnt have an interface for the OS. So I was forced to manually set the brightness using the Fn keys.20:57
Bigbrumbrumbut wth, it doesnt mount anything, i cant even find my hdds.20:57
LinuxGuy2009UnNaturalHigh: Are you having trouble with a keyboards multimedia keys or something?20:57
osmosisUnNaturalHigh, until a bios update came up, which fixed it. now both ways work.20:57
UnNaturalHighLinuxGuy2009, Fn + F6/F720:57
osmosisUnNaturalHigh, which would be for??? all laptops are different you know.20:57
UnNaturalHighToshiba Satellite A50020:58
LinuxGuy2009UnNaturalHigh: Fn key is not used by an operating system I dont think. Thats a bios feature i believe.20:58
UnNaturalHighThis makes no sense that if it was a bios feature that me updating Ubuntu would have any effect on it.20:59
LinuxGuy2009UnNaturalHigh: Oh an update made it stop working?20:59
osmosisUnNaturalHigh, for volume? brightness? sleep mode?  what is F6F7 for?20:59
Volkodavosmosis there are tweaks needed for performance and lifespan20:59
UnNaturalHighI updated from 9.04 - 9.10 it stopped working and continues to not work in 10.0420:59
Volkodavosmosis:  http://newyork.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8215179!21:00
LinuxGuy2009UnNaturalHigh: Highly recomend a clean install. I know this isnt windows, but sometimes things like that can happen.21:00
UnNaturalHighosmosis, F6 = brightness down and F7 = brightness up21:00
UnNaturalHighsigh, really a clean install21:00
alvinBigbrumbrum: I agree on the wrongly named 'mountall', but if your HDD's are not found, it's usually grub.21:00
LinuxGuy2009UnNaturalHigh: I dont even mess with updating releases cause of dumb stuff breaking like that.21:01
UnNaturalHighthe only clean install I am doing is to windows 721:01
osmosishow can I troubleshoot flash not being recognized. I have the .so in the right dir. Firefox says its not installed.21:01
LinuxGuy2009UnNaturalHigh: Well thats your call dude.21:01
UnNaturalHighsigh, I am going back to work21:01
Bigbrumbrumalvin: But i got my hdds mounted in grub, windows and ubuntu boots :P and when i run ubuntu in recovery mode he says mountall command failed21:02
LinuxGuy2009osmosis: 32bit or 64bit installation?21:02
LinuxGuy2009osmosis: Easiest way is go to adobe website and download the deb and dpkg -i *.deb21:03
osmosisLinuxGuy2009, 6421:06
LinuxGuy2009osmosis: Think there is a alpha or beta 64bit deb available.21:06
obscurant1strelease date?21:07
PiciApril 29th21:07
LinuxGuy2009april 29 for lucid if thats what your asking21:07
duffydack64bit flash works fine for me.21:07
ojiihow would i tell lucid to use scim per default for all inputs?21:08
obscurant1stPici, LinuxGuy2009 thx, thats what i asked!21:08
LinuxGuy2009obscurant1st: wont be long bud ;-)21:08
alvinI heard a rumour about recovery mode no longer working, so I don't know if that can be trusted. On the other hand, if you can get into recovery mode, your HDD is indeed found.21:08
alvinor is it grub recovery?21:08
osmosis_here it is:  http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/64bit.html21:11
ubuntuI am currently having problems while installing Lucid.21:12
BigbrumbrumI can find my ubuntupartition, but no others, note that i can find them in gparted21:16
narselon I just upgraded to lucid and I'm getting an "Fatal: Root visual is not a GL visual" error when I try to start compiz and nautilus only loads the desktop variation21:16
geniinarselon: Intel graphics?21:18
geniinarselon: open source driver or proprietary?21:18
osmosisrunning fresh lucid daily build, I get random lockups. Can't drop to a terminal or anything.21:18
narseloni've been using open source drivers for several releases without a a single issue21:18
alvinBigbrumbrum: Are we talking about partitions, or LVM volumes? What filesystems are on them?21:19
Bigbrumbrumwindows partitions.21:20
narselonso in other words yes, I'm still using open source21:20
geniinarselon: May want to investigate: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/565981 and if applicable perhaps afterwards https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Testing/GEMLeak21:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565981 in xorg-server "[KMS] gem objects not deallocated" [Critical,Confirmed]21:20
osmosisi wish there was a better way to troubleshoot random crashes on linux.21:21
alvinAh, can't help you there. I don't run Windows. Not recognizing NTFS after an upgrade sounds weird though. Maybe you should investigate and file a bug.21:22
ubuntuI am trying to install Lucid Lynx ona 40GB partition and I am currently running a live USB and when i run the install it hangs on step 321:23
eponymI'm on a ThinkPad X200s that was given to me with a fresh install of Lucid. I had the fancy visual effects setting on (from Appearance) and it was working fine. I wanted to use Compiz' Grid plugin, so I installed some packages to get the settings manager, I got Grid working, but I lost title bars. I tried installing Emerald, but after that, Grid stopped working. Now, I can use Metacity with no effects, or if I select 'None' or 'Extra' i21:24
eponymt goes to Compiz+Emerald. I'm not sure what to do.21:24
Bigbrumbrumwill do that alvin, thx!21:25
eponymI want Metacity with Compiz + Grid to work, or at least be able to turn up the visual effects without switching to Emerald21:25
ZykoticK9!emerald | eponym21:26
ubottueponym: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.21:26
eponymI believe you! I want it gone.21:27
LinuxGuy2009emerald is cool though.21:28
eponymBut how do I get compiz working with metacity again?21:28
ZykoticK9eponym, you might want to install fusion-icon that will give you a panel icon to change the windows manager and decorator21:28
LinuxGuy2009eponym: Install "fusion-icon"21:28
eponymThanks, I'm trying that.21:29
bushbabyanyone know how to get b43 driver working from disk?21:29
mickepCan other poeple connect to MSN? I cannot succed in pidgin/empathy/aMSN.21:29
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: Checked hardware drivers dialog window?21:30
Kleviyes i can mikau21:30
luismmontielgmickep, try emesene21:30
Klevier Mickp21:30
bwallumhas legal man cometh?21:30
luismmontielgI can un pidgin/empathy/emesene21:30
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: yes, nothing listed.. not even propietry..21:30
Klevimy bad mikau21:30
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: What adapter do you have? BCM4312 for example?21:31
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: BCM4311 I know it works fine because i'm currently using it on my 9.10 partition that i'm using at the moment..21:31
mickepstrange, I wonder what goes wrong here, then.21:31
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: Make sure you have main, universe, restricted, multiverse all enabled to see all packages in the repos.21:32
bwallumIs the rc iso available yet?21:33
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: Thanks, didn't think of that.. I'll go try that out..21:33
EagleScreenLinuxGuy2009: for Broadcom BCM43xx, just install the package bcmwl-kernel-source21:33
LinuxGuy2009bwallum: April 22 for RC21:33
mickepluismmontielg: even emesene fails. I wonder if I got some lib wrong or so.21:33
arandLinuxGuy2009: Oh man is it rc already?21:34
bwallumis it ready?21:34
luismmontielgmickep, maybe its your lan? or msn account?21:34
LinuxGuy2009arand: Yeah 22nd21:34
zonkerswhen will RC be pushed out to the update manager?21:34
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.21:34
LinuxGuy2009zonkers: just keep current updates installed and you will already have RC21:35
zonkersi'm just bumming out about this vmware bug21:35
arandzonkers: the actual RC-change will likely just be a ranaming of the distro version string to not read "testing/beta" or whatever it is at the moment21:36
arandzonkers: reported?21:36
zonkersi wasn't sure how to report.  I need to create a launchpad id?21:36
EagleScreenzonkers: yes you need21:37
arandzonkers: yea...although, is the bug in vmware itself?, in that case, well it's up to vmware to fix it I guess, not ubuntu...21:37
federicoI got a problem with the swap performance in lucid, I got 1gb for the swap partition, and sometimes it get up to 50% full21:37
federicoIs this a common problem?21:38
EagleScreenfederico: some application is eating the RAM21:38
bwallumIf I download the daily iso will I have the equivalent of the rc?21:38
EagleScreenfederico: use 'top' command to try to find out which one21:38
zonkersarand. I'm not sure who owns the bug.  I lose my left mouse when I resize a window. random and intermittent for sure. it's in a vmware session. there is a similar bug for mandriva21:38
federicohow do i use it?21:38
EagleScreenbwallum: more or less yes21:39
EagleScreenbwallum: what is the RC expected?21:40
duffydackbwallum, tho the last daily was 19th..  not a lot has changed tho as far as updates have gone..21:40
EagleScreenwhen is it expected?21:40
federico   1 root      20   0 23704 1336  836 S    0  0.1   0:00.65 init21:40
federico23704 is the virtual ram i think21:40
bwallumThe schedule date for the RC is 22nd, I caught a tweet that said it was out already21:41
zonkersarand: it looks like it's been fixed. bug #545298. Can you tell me when this will be pushed out?21:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545298 in xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse "left mouse button unresponsive when running as VMware server guest" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54529821:41
narselonis it possible to roll back updates?21:42
zonkersi'm not sure what fix comitted really mean21:42
charlie-tcazonkers: probably will be out before lucid is released21:42
federicoi think ti's a bug, because even if I close all my aplicattions the virtual memery keeps the same size21:42
federicoi hope they fix this on the next release21:43
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: Back, I've got partway there.. The drivers are listed in hardware but won't install from cd and without internet access i can't use apt-get for b43-fwcutter either..21:44
arandzonkers: well according to slanasek: Confirmed as appropriate for lucid; will take this at the earliest opportunity, either before RC in the event of a respin, or after RC otherwise.21:44
robin0800federico: http://techie-buzz.com/foss/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx-hit-by-major-memory-leak-problem.html21:44
charlie-tcazonkers: will be fixed probably friday21:44
federicothanks robin21:44
arandzonkers: committed means the patch is "ready but not released" kind-of21:44
zonkerscharlie-tca: thanks so much.  it's been a pain in my testing21:45
EagleScreenthis could be already the RC version http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/21:45
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: Make sure the install CD is listed as a repo source.21:46
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: Or manually search for and install the package from the CD package pool.21:46
narseloni guess to clarify is there a way to remove all updates from a single ppa?21:47
luismmontielgppa purge21:47
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: CD is listed. how would i go about installing from pool?21:47
luismmontielgsudo ppa-purge ppa:theppa21:47
federicowow, it seams to be a mayor issue with the xorg update21:48
narselonwhat would i type for xorg-edgers/ppa ?21:49
luismmontielgthat, I guess21:49
narseloni get could not find opackage list21:49
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: Browse the CD in nautilus and use dpkg to install21:50
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: or double click to install with gdebi.21:51
narselonnow it works21:51
zonkersspeaking of vmware, do you think ubuntu will ever have the copy/paste activated without having to launch vmware toolbox?21:52
federico i love the new notification system, but seams like evolution is not working well for me, i only get configure mail, and no other options21:52
federicothis is still under development, or I'm doing something wrong?21:53
joaopintozonkers, that is not related to ubuntu, it is really related to vmware per si21:55
duffydackzonkers, I got tired of using patches to install the program/tadditions and I see its still needed, so i`ll keep my vbox21:55
gspence___has anyone experienced problems with the network speed of lucid lynx...i'm not talking internet speed but actually slow connection when transferring files over samba on eth0? any suggestions?21:56
zonkersjoaopinto:  I believe opensuse has this feature built in already.21:58
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: hmm strange.. this has now morphed into a new issue, the dvd is not mounting..? ( I had to burn to dvd as i had no cd's about..) It worked fine earlier..21:58
joaopintozonkers, that is very unlikely because that can't be implemented at the OS/Application level, it is vmware which needs to transfer the data to/from the VM to the OS21:59
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: sudo apt-cdrom add21:59
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: Think thats right. Im tired21:59
joaopintobushbaby, check "dmesg" when you insert the cd22:00
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: Outputs "Repeat this process for the rest of the CD's in your set". Double thanks for your time if you're tired!22:01
osmosisIm getting an hard freeze on two different laptops. one with 64, other x86. Both running fresh installs of lucid daily builds.22:01
mikkelgjI just installed the 10.04 beta2, and it correctly identified my nvidia video card. However, i get an error when trying to install the restricted drivers: http://pastebin.com/xe0Wp3pk22:02
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: haha no prob. Just umm refresh your package lists and try hardware drivers again,.22:02
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: might grab em off the disc for you now22:02
bushbabyjoaopinto: I get flooded with unknown keycode pressed as i'm using a dell.. yes to resolve this issue.. DVD seems to have mounted, could be a dodgy burn?22:03
mikkelgjAlso, im kind of confused. The restricted driver applet gives me 2 options: Version 173 of the driver, and "current (recommended)" of the driver. I picked the recommended version, which then gave me that error.22:03
bushbabyjoaopinto: yet to resolve this issue.. *22:03
VolkodavShould I restore the backup to another harddrive  from liveCD or I can do it while booted?22:04
BUGa_depresseddoes lucid run on my laptop? http://2urb.sl.pt22:04
Volkodavlike so tar -xvpzf /home/test/backup.tar.gz -C /media/new_drive ?22:04
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: Installation failed see /var/log/jockey.log  --> file reads repeated File repository update fails..22:05
narseloni was here earlier and I'm still having compiz problems22:05
arandmikkelgj: But does it work?22:05
mikkelgjarand, no22:05
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: check you /etc/apt/sources.list22:06
mikkelgjthe error even stalls the restricted driver applet22:06
arandmikkelgj: Hmm, the "current" is 195 as far as i know..22:06
EagleScreenBUGa_depressed: sure it will22:06
mikkelgjarand, something seems way off. "ERROR: update-alternatives: warning: skip creation of /usr/lib32/vdpau/libvdpau_nvidia.so.1 because associated file /usr/lib32/nvidia-current/vdpau/libvdpau_nvidia.so.1 (of link group gl_conf) doesn't exist."22:07
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: cdrom listed in sources.list, terminal output from install fails as cannot connect to remote site fro download, however without internet how is install possible? prehaps use propietry to get package?22:07
mikkelgjwhy would that file not exist?22:07
BUGa_depressedEagleScreen: thanks for confirming22:07
arandmikkelgj: yea, I don't know why though...22:08
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: oh try disabling all repos but CD22:08
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby:DVD I mean22:08
narseloni'm still getting the message "compiz (core) - Fatal: Root visual is not a GL visual"22:08
gspence___can anyone give any suggestions what would be causing a slow ethernet connection - ran a few updates on lucid lynx install and now it seems the network is "crawling"  when copying files over samba (connection is eth0) max speed things seem to be transferring is 100kb/s22:09
yofelmikkelgj: do the vdpau files properly exist in /usr/lib32/nvidia-current/vdpau/ ?22:10
mikkelgjyofel, No, /usr/lib32/nvidia-current/ is empty22:11
mikkelgjim currently trying to get all updates available now, before re-attempting to install the driver22:11
mikkelgjshould probably have done that in the first place but yeah...22:11
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: According to deb install it's already installed but Network Manager returns "Device Not Ready" and Hardware Drivers says its not installed22:12
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: do you have one listed as STA driver?22:12
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: Yes, the propietry Driver is listed as STA22:13
mikkelgjyofel, maybe i should be using that Version173 instead? Even though the other one is "recommended"....22:14
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: STA is the only one I have to install on my Dell Mini 10v to get the BCM4312 to work.22:14
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: try that one.22:14
yofelmikkelgj: what's your graphics card? 173 is legacy as 195 doesn't support older cards22:14
mikkelgjgeforce 8600gt22:15
mikkelgjguess i dont need legacy then22:15
yofelnope, you should use current (195)22:15
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: Installing from hardware drivers seems to call a patch deb package from CD(DVD)22:15
mikkelgjAny idea why im getting that error, selecting the 195 version?22:15
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: yes there are dependencies that will be installed and patch is one of them.22:16
ugliefroghow do i find the password encryptin menu item22:16
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: And fails on install, I tried manually installing linux_wlan_ng package from cd and that disabled wireless..22:17
the_studentIf ubuntu 10.04 doesn't work woth my itouch, is it new baseband?22:17
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: ok look on the DVD with nautilus. Look in the package pool for the packages. Manually install them.22:18
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: that seems to be working.. could be a Hardware Drivers issue??22:18
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: What worked STA driver?22:19
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: ok i've run into an issue.. Hardware Drivers wants to install package bcmwl driver from disk but the package does not exist??22:20
the_studentIf ubuntu 10.04 doesn't work woth my itouch, is it new baseband22:21
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: look on the cd and install it yourself if you have to22:21
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: that's the problem though.. that package is not on the cd in pool??22:21
LinuxGuy2009the_student: 1 sec ill look on my CD22:22
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: Apologies i found it..22:22
mikkelgjyofel, you seemed to be on the right path to solving my nvidia issue, asking about files in a folder which i dont have. Any clue on how to fix this?22:22
the_studentLinuxGuy2009: Any info?22:23
yofelmikkelgj: check the output of 'dkpg -L nvidia-current' if it lists the files and try to reinstall the package, the files exist here22:23
yofelmikkelgj: dpkg -L22:23
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: Installing bcmwl drivers fails as there is no internet connection??22:24
LinuxGuy2009 the_student: info about what?22:24
the_studentYou said 1sec22:25
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: 1 sec22:25
mikkelgjyofel, it lists a lot of files, but none in /usr/lib32 tho22:25
yofelodd, here's my listing: http://paste.ubuntu.com/420058/22:25
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: installing archives for dkms seems to require a connection for archives... No worries i'll wait..22:26
yofelmikkelgj: are you on i386 or amd64?22:26
yofelah, I'm using amd6422:26
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: /media/Ubuntu 10.04 i386/pool/restricted/b/bcmwl22:26
mikkelgjyofel, ahh okay. Seems like i have everything else, except the lib32 files22:26
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: install that22:27
LinuxGuy2009/media/Ubuntu 10.04 i386/pool/restricted/b/bcmwl/bcmwl-kernel-source_5.60.48.36+bdcom-0ubuntu2_i386.deb22:27
yofelmikkelgj: you should have files in /usr/lib and /usr/lib64 then I guess, maybe the package wrongly assumes that it's on 64bit22:27
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: that's what i did. It still seems to install b43-fwcutter?? (according to terminal)22:28
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby:/media/Ubuntu 10.04 i386/pool/main/b/b43-fwcutter/b43-fwcutter_012-1build1_i386.deb22:28
bjsnidermikkelgj, are you on 32-bit or 64-bit?22:28
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby:Just satisfy each dependency as you go.22:29
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: There is only like 4 or 522:29
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: That's the issue, two of the packages. namely b43fwcutter and bcmwl fail for lack of internet connection.22:30
Ken8521bushbaby, dont have an ethernet cable for 3min?22:30
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: You dont need an internet connection if you manually install them. All dependencies of the packages in the CD pool folder are all there.22:31
mikkelgjbjsnider, 32bit22:31
bushbabyKen8521: Unfortunately not. unless i can connect through another box??22:31
mikkelgjyofel, maybe? I dont have any files in lib64 either tho22:31
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: if its jumping online again then that means you didnt disable all the repos/22:31
Ken8521bushbaby, like LinuxGuy2009 said, i think the depenedencies for that package are on the CD, so just make sure your CD is in your repo list22:31
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: That's what i would have though but the installation fails and says explicitly cannot connect to site . No internet connection22:32
EagleScreenthey could be in the Alternate CD, but not in the Desktop CD22:32
LinuxGuy2009remove all other repo sources so it goes only to the CD22:32
Ken8521eagles05138785, i believe the alt. cd can also be a repo.22:32
LinuxGuy2009Ive installed these myself all the deps are there22:32
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: It worked seamlessly for me on 9.10 so i've no idea why it's not working from cd here??22:33
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby:All repo sources removed but CD/DVD>22:33
LinuxGuy2009Pastebin your sources.list if you need to22:33
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: yes, i have followed all the above steps..:\22:34
bjsnidermikkelgj, is that a clean install from the beta 2 cd or an upgrade?22:34
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: I can confirm that my sources list is completely commented bar the CD line22:34
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby:Now browse to the packages I mentioned the locations of and double click one. It should say in gdebi that some other package is required. just find the new package that is needed on the cd and then try and install that first,22:35
mikkelgjbjsnider, clean install22:35
mikkelgjbjsnider, I just finished getting all the updates available, i will reboot and then give it another try22:36
Ian_Corneanyone got the xorg memleak?22:36
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: I have done this. the b43fwcutter package requires openwrt for install. and bcmwl relys on b43fwcutter..22:36
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: yes and they are all on the cd22:36
Ian_CorneI'm up 5h and no leak yet22:36
Ian_Corneor at least, I don't notice it yet22:37
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: no, openwrt asin a site that the deb package is trying to get archives from..22:37
vledIan_Corne: no leak here22:37
Ian_CorneThis does not affect cards using proprietary drivers or not using DRI2. Intel will always be affected since DRI2 is used with and without KMS, ATI uses DRI1 without KMS.22:37
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: no packages should be getting anything online if you had indeed removed all repo sources.22:38
vledIan_Corne: I'm on Intel; it's a Macbook 2,122:38
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: please pastebin your sources.list?22:38
Ken8521bushbaby, you are using a 10.04 live CD, right?22:38
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: If i had connection on the system i would..22:38
LinuxGuy2009Ah true22:39
Ken8521doesn't make sense, you should be able to apt-get the broadcom driver, w/ your CD as the only source22:39
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: delete your sources.list completely. start it over22:39
bushbabyKen8521: I installed to a new system from liveCD it's in a seperate partition22:39
vleddoes anybody see a permanent high load?22:39
bushbabyLinuxGuy2009: ok22:39
LinuxGuy2009vled: no I dont see anything unusual here22:40
vledmy load is typically .90, never lower than .622:40
vledi upgraded from 9.10.22:40
LinuxGuy2009vled: thats not high at all22:40
yofelvled: I had intel graphics driver leak issues which caused a load of 20-30 here, but that seems to have been fixed22:40
Ian_Cornewhich is wied as I'm not doing much22:41
vledI also run a desktop that typically does 0.02 at idling22:41
LinuxGuy2009bushbaby: sources.list gone now?22:41
bushbabyunfortunately i have to go but thanks for help so far i shall try again later.22:41
vledyofel: I had nothing that extreme!22:42
yofelvled: well, my system was pretty unusable then, but that was a bu22:42
yofelvled: I have a server with a load of ~2.5, my EeePC runs at ~1 and my desktop at ~0.522:43
mikkelgjbjsnider, yofel, what the hell..... Apparently ubuntu just threw that error for no apparent reason. At least it claims that the driver is now installed and activated.22:43
vledI am generally very happy, but I would like to go the load down a bit. I'm not sure how it affects battery life.22:43
vledThere are many daemons running... shouldn't hald have gone by now? Or was that just a marketing story?22:44
yofelvled: for battery life 'powertop' is a nice app to check what's running22:44
Blue11ahh this explains a lot:  http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ODE3MA22:44
vledyofel: thanks! installing now...22:44
yofelvled: ubuntu doesn't  need it by default, but many apps like pitivi or KDE start it when needed22:44
mikkelgjyofel, but how can it be activated and working? That error sounded critical enough for it not to be22:45
vledyofel: I'm sure I've got hald running even right after startup. I should check what triggers it then...22:45
yofelvled: HAL is started by dbus if an application tries to access it22:46
Milos_SDIs it safe to do Read/Write benchmark from Disk Utility on disk where are root and home partitions?22:46
yofelmikkelgj: maybe it was just ignored, seems  like it tried to create x86_64 alternative on an x86 system which obviously won't worrk22:47
vledyofel: thanks for explaining. It's all kind of new to me.22:47
mikkelgjyofel, hmm22:49
pasjdhfUbuntu thinks my system has a floppy drive when it doesn't. How do I fix this?22:50
Milos_SDIs it safe to do Read/Write benchmark from Disk Utility?22:51
yofelMilos_SD: I don't know what Disk Utility is, but it should only use the free space for benchmarks22:51
Milos_SDI aks becouse it aks if I'm sure I want to do that, and for Read benchmark doesn't22:51
vledanyone know where /etc/modutils went?22:51
ojiihow would i tell lucid to use scim per default for all inputs?22:51
Milos_SDyoasif, System -> Administration -> Disk Utility :)22:52
Milos_SDit is there by default22:52
yofelMilos_SD: I use KDE, so it's not there by default here ;)22:52
yofellet me check22:52
yofelMilos_SD: ok, I don't know, the message could  be improved :/22:53
pasjdhfHow do I get rid of a phantom floppy drive?22:54
cozziemotohey guys...installed secure-delete and it doesnt have the usual options nor does it have any man page  and in other versions of ubuntu it does... anyone use secure-delete here?22:54
yofelvled: I have /etc/modutils/ here (setserial has a file in there)22:54
vledyofel: who owns that file?22:55
yofelvled: 660106 4.0K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 651 2008-11-06 00:06 /etc/modutils/setserial [part of setserial: /etc/modutils/setserial]22:56
vledyofel: ok, as long as that is still used, that's good.22:58
yofelcozziemoto: odd, secure delete hasn't changed much since karmic actually the only change worth to mention is "* Rename smem to sdmem to avoid name clash with smem package"22:59
h00kI was talking to some people about possibly chromium causing a memory leak, turns out it was probably the xorg that was just announced :)23:00
h00k*that I just found out about23:00
git__how fast is the memory leak?23:00
git__does it occur within the hour?23:00
mewshican someone help me get my wireless working under lucid?23:00
h00kgit__: I don't know23:01
zonkersholy cap memory leak???23:01
yofelbug 565981 ?23:01
psdfhgUbuntu thinks my system has a floppy drive when it doesn't. How do I fix this?23:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565981 in xorg-server "[KMS] gem objects not deallocated" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56598123:01
Ken8521mewshi, whats your wireless device?23:01
Ken8521mewshi, did you activate the restricted driver?23:01
h00kyofel: perhaps23:01
ZykoticK9The mem leak even made it to slashdot -- glad i'm using proprietary nvidia drivers23:01
mewshiCrap.  Thank you!23:01
h00kZykoticK9: yes, that one.23:02
Ken8521mewshi, lol23:02
h00kyofel: that'd be it23:02
yofelh00k: try the fixed package in x-updates, and add the results of your test to the wiki page23:02
zonkersi wonder if that will push back the release date23:02
h00kyofel: that's what I'm doing now. Should I do this with the proprietary drivers or nouveau?23:02
mewshiit doesn't show up under restricted drivers.23:03
yofelnouveau I guess, as the proprietary driver have their own glx libs23:03
yofelso they should be fine23:03
h00kyofel: ah, the problem I had before was memory related but I'm using nvidia. oh well, off to test this.23:03
mewshiKen8521, any other ideas?23:03
Ken8521mewshi, are you sure?23:04
yofelodd thing is I haven't rebooted for a while and have glx 1.4 running on intel, the memory useage is fine, but the gem object count keeps increasing23:04
mewshisystem -> administration -> hardware drivers, right?23:04
yofelbut memory stays at 100-200MiB23:04
Ken8521mewshi, yea23:05
Ken8521mewshi, 32 or 64bit?23:05
bjsnideryofel, it should increase until it gives up and dies23:05
yofelbjsnider: well, not here, maybe I'm running some version from before the leak occured, I only used  suspend the last few days23:06
bjsnidernot if your glx version is 1.423:07
* h00k removes proprietary driver23:07
mewshihow do I get my wireless working? XD23:08
yofeloh wait, I have compositing disabled at the moment in kwin as I was running on battery a lot lately, guess that's why I'm fine :D23:08
Ken8521mewshi, does the machine have non-wireless internet?23:08
mewshino, i'm connecting with my brain :P  Of course it does :)23:08
Ken8521you don't have to be a smartass, i thought maybe you had booted to windows when it didn't work23:09
Ken8521if you're so damn smart, use your brain and google23:09
mewshiOh, come now XD23:09
vledyofel: thanks for the help! load is still high but maybe I'll sleep easier now ;-)23:16
h00kyofel: I think mine are climbing.23:17
yofelwell, 1 isn't high really, and I think it depends on your hardware, the 1 on my EeePC has less stuff running than the 0.5 on my desktop23:18
vledtrue that. I've got tons running.23:18
yofelh00k: could be, I have not GL app running at the moment, let me enable compositing again and check23:18
h00kyofel: in this bug, do the numbers *NOT* drop?23:19
yofelh00k: that I don't know, but for some reporters the numbers got high enough to cause an integer overflow (negative byte count)23:19
vledHas anybody had problems with ssh-agent not getting started anymore?23:20
h00kmine have floated between 302 and 294, I'll keep a watch. I'm pretty sure my netbook was affected, also23:20
h00kyofel: thanks for the info23:20
yofelok, kwin compositing on again, let's wait and see23:21
osmosislucid is unstable on ATI video cards. using both free and proprietary drivers.23:22
sdesti havent had any issues with video23:23
chorselucid runs stable on my ATI chip using the free default driver.23:23
sdestthe worst i get is my wireless randomly disconnecting non stop23:23
vledsdest: this is worse than before, or with other systems?23:27
sdestis what worse?23:27
vledyour wireless23:27
sdestdoesnt happen at all in windows, never happened before i upgraded to lucid23:28
sdestubuntu wise that is23:28
h00kyofel: do you know what the number has to approach to die?23:28
vledI've noticed something similar. My wireless runs fine, and then after a while it disconnects. I have to disable/reenable the card to get connected again.23:28
sdestmines through a usb thing, so i just yoink it out, and put it back in, sometimes it doesnt, other times i need to reboot23:29
yofelh00k: no idea, I guess when you run out of memory, the gem memory usage has increased here since I enabled compositing, but it seems that some objects do get freed and it doesn't increase very fast23:30
h00kyofel: I do notice some get freed, but I can raise them a lot by rolling over docky a ton23:30
vledsdest: anything from iwevent?23:30
sdestno idea about that, how would i check23:31
vledrun iwevent on the commandline. It will show some events.23:31
sdestright now it just says waiting for wireless events23:32
vledbut I find wireless problems notoriously hard to debug23:32
sdestshould i leave it running?23:32
vledyeah so nothing much is happening.23:32
vledevery now and again a scan request.23:32
yofelh00k: ok, it does seem to be increasing here, I don't have much memory here at the moment, (2GiB RAM without swap) and not much free so I should run oom at some point23:32
sdestyeah it just did a scan request23:32
yofelI had ~220MiB used after enabling compositing, not gem is up to 370MiB23:33
h00kyofel: this will be hard for me, I have 3GiB RAM (and 3GiB swap)23:33
sdesttoday its only happened once so far, but usually it occurs way more than that, it seems totally unpredictable23:33
yofelh00k: well, I turned swap off after trying to debug I think this exact memory leak, but it seems I worked around it without noticing by  disabling compositing23:34
AmunRaHello! How can I move the window buttons to the right?? -- I tried the ":minimize,maximise,close" setting.. after a reboot no effect23:35
h00k!controls | AmunRa23:35
ubottuAmunRa: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d623:35
vledh00k: you could of course run with less memory, just tell grub that mem=256M23:35
h00kvled: I...could give that a shot, yeah.23:35
equivochi, is there a way to fix a "Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)" without reinstall? i'm on 10.04 and got that problem 3 days ago upon update/upgrade23:36
AmunRais that going to be the case even after beta?? I really don't think this is a good idea23:36
foxmulder881equivoc, I had the very same issue after an install and was not able to fix it but fresh install.23:36
equivochmm :-(23:36
h00kAmunRa: yep.23:37
AmunRaoh dear23:37
h00kI'm up to 40megs23:37
AmunRaI've been using a mac for the last two years and buttons on the left still annoy me!23:38
yofelI'm at ~440MiB now23:38
AmunRa(in fact this is a mactel I'm installing on)23:38
h00kyofel: how many objects do you have?23:38
mininessieis the rc out yet23:39
yofelnice, the kwin 'opening firefox' animation seems to have added +30MiB to that23:39
foxmulder881mininessie, still b2.23:39
h00kyofel: http://pastebin.com/p3XZJ45n23:40
h00kyofel: I'm not sure what the other numbers represent23:40
yofelh00k: I had that object count even with a lower ram usage before, I guess that was caused by me running it for a few days without rebooting23:40
foxmulder881I'm waiting also for RC to upgrade my server.23:40
h00kyofel: so, I suppose I'm not exactly sure what to report23:41
vledfoxmulder881: so once it's out, it's just 'aptitude upgrade' or?23:41
the_dark_warrioI'm having trouble to turn Ubuntu on. It starts a disk check and stops at 74%23:41
the_dark_warrioany hints?23:41
yofelwell, it does seem to have a memory leak here, I'll test the fix later23:41
yofelI'm at 500 now...23:42
foxmulder881vled, I'll be fresh installing.23:42
h00kyofel: mine isn't that high at all, but my uptime is only 29 mins23:42
yofelh00k: well, I had 3days uptime with ~150MiB ram used by gem, I turned GL compositing on for 20min now and I'm at 50023:43
frewsxcv-workhal fails to start for me, any ideas? Starting Hardware abstraction layer: haldinvoke-rc.d: initscript hal, action "start" failed.23:44
h00kyofel: you're using 'object bytes' as reference?23:44
yofelh00k: yes23:44
yofelfrewsxcv-work: it's not a system service anymore, hal get's started by dbus if an application needs it23:44
frewsxcv-workyofel: sorry, i'm not running ubuntu+123:45
h00kyofel: I'm at 386mb23:45
yofelh00k: the object count varies, but it does keep slowly increasing too, was at ~11k when I enabled compositing and now I'm at 1185023:46
h00kyofel: it does, it slowly decreases here as well, but it's still up to 466723:46
yofel11900 with 590MiB used...23:46
ChrisC_Hi the channel.23:46
KB1JWQChrisC_: What do the logs say?23:46
ChrisC_I need some help.23:46
ChrisC_What am I supposed to do with the logs?23:47
ChrisC_I think my problem possibly a simple one.23:47
ChrisC_You see I boot up fine, then when it gets to the GDM nothing but a blank screen.23:48
KB1JWQChrisC_: Out of curiosity, if you don't know enough to answer that question, why are you running a pre-release version? :-)23:48
ChrisC_I was impatient.23:48
KB1JWQLucid is not released, nor is it stable.23:48
ChrisC_And out of curiosity.23:48
KB1JWQChrisC_: I presume you have backups?23:49
ChrisC_Can I get help here or not?23:49
ChrisC_Yes I have backups.23:49
ChrisC_But I think I might br23:49
KB1JWQChrisC_: Drop it to console, see what the logs say.23:49
h00kyofel: 405mb, looks like I have it here, pretty definitely.23:49
ChrisC_Arhhh, that's what I want to do, how?23:49
leagrisIs itsafe or usable to use btrfs now for data partitions and or system boot partition ?23:50
equivocis there a way to fix a "Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)" without reinstall? i'm on 10.04 and got that problem 3 days ago upon update/upgrade23:50
ChrisC_How can I access Grub before boot, I can't remember which one it is F7 or something else.23:50
KB1JWQleagris: I'd give it another revision or two, but I'm conservative like that.23:50
yofelh00k: I'm at 620 now, after dropping caches free tells me I have 120MB RAM left, so I should run out soon23:50
KB1JWQChrisC_: Hold down Shift.23:50
KB1JWQChrisC_: But dropping it to console should work if GDM is misbehaving.23:50
h00kyofel: I'm pretty sure that if this continues, I'll be at the same point23:50
ChrisC_I have tried that and it's not worked.23:50
h00kthere we go.23:51
ChrisC_My theory is it's my graphics card miss behaving.23:51
leagristhanks KB1JWQ23:51
ChrisC_I have an ATI Radeon any known issues there?23:52
eremitehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJFsv_eWzkI  has an interview with Linus Torvalds, incase anyone was interested.23:52
h00keremite: that's more suited for #ubuntu-offtopic23:52
eremiteh00k: it was one sentence.  Cry about it.23:52
yofelh00k: http://paste.ubuntu.com/420086/23:53
ChrisC_I'll press shift and see what grub says. brb. Cheers.23:53
AmunRahello! what is the recommended course of action when 10.4 comes out... I'm running beta2.. would I need to re-install?23:55
h00kAmunRa: nope, just keep it up-to-date and you'll be right there with it23:55
AmunRagood to know, thanks23:55
AmunRathere's a taskbar rendering bug.. where should I report it?23:56
AmunRa(I get two bluetooth icons and no wireless icon)23:57
tenochslbAmunRa, i have no wireless at all23:57
AmunRatenochslb, are you saying this is a known issue?23:59

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