
=== JaMa|Zzzz is now known as JaMa
=== hrw|gone is now known as hrw
=== XorA|gone is now known as XorA
saeedpersia: ping10:48
persiasaeed: ?10:51
saeedpersia hey10:51
saeeddoes hibernate work for you on dove?10:51
persiaI don't have a dove board, so both "yes" and "no" seem like the wrong answer to that :)10:52
saeedanyway, I noticed that sound settings are not restored after hibernate10:53
JamieBennettpersia: saeed: going by what was said in the meeting yesterday, no would be the right answer10:53
persiasaeed: Which sound settings?10:53
saeedvolume, mute, etc10:54
saeedI mean hw settings10:54
persiaAh, hrm.10:54
persiaericm_: Any ideas?10:55
saeedwhich part of the system should restore those settings after hibernate resume?10:55
hrwsaeed: add "/etc/init.d/alsa start" to after-resume scripts?10:56
saeedhrw: where are those scripts located?10:57
persia/etc/pm/sleep.d/ but I don't see any on my lucid installs, making me thing there is another solution somewhere10:57
hrwsaeed: no idea - I do not have any machine running ubuntu10:57
loolhrw: Let us limit discussions to Ubuntu approaches here though  ;-)10:58
hrwmonday will be funny day - working on ubuntu/arm without having usable machine for it10:58
loolhrw: Eh, you don't have any laptop/desktop running Ubuntu?10:58
hrwlool: Debian on desktop, Debian on laptop10:59
XorAif does is an ASoC board then ASoC layer should restore sound exactly as is10:59
loolhrw: I personally dual boot Debian on my laptop10:59
loolWith a shared /home10:59
hrwlool: with 80GB hdd I have dual boot Debian/winxppro10:59
hrwconsidering buying asus ul30 as new platform so kubuntu will land there rather11:00
persiaXorA: so `/sbin/alsa --force-reload` shouldn't be required?11:00
saeedXorA: the dove has two sound cards (AC97 and i2s), both of them are asoc11:01
kaouthialool: Do you use Ext2fsd?11:01
XorApersia: no, the machine/codec driver should restore11:01
* XorA doesnt have a dove or even know what it is11:01
loolkaouthia: No11:01
persiaThat explains the lack of /etc/pm/sleep.d/50alsa in lucid.11:01
XorAbut I did used to maintain ASoC11:01
loolnever heard of it11:01
kaouthiaHow do you access your /home from your windows partition?11:01
loolkaouthia: I dont use windows11:02
XorAhrw: I do my ubuntu work on fedora here :-D11:02
loolit's a dual boot of debian and ubuntu11:02
kaouthialool: Ah okay11:02
* lool needs to disappear for an hour11:02
hrwlool: both reside on same crypted lvm?11:02
persiaXorA: How does that work?  I didn't know most of our development scripts were available for Fedora (or do you work in a chroot/VM)?11:02
persiahrw: No reason they couldn't, given appropriate bootargs11:03
XorApersia: VM combined with native on zoom2 board11:06
persiaXorA: ah, yeah, VM is plenty sufficient.11:06
persiaIs the Zoom2 fast enough to use for development directly?  I was under the impression it was a bit RAM-low.11:07
saeedXorA: can you explain how should machine/codec restore settings after hibernate?11:07
XorApersia: I recompiled xf86-video-omapfb with no real issues, havent tried kernel yet11:08
XorAsaeed: look at the drivers in sound/soc/*11:08
persiaNo need: that you are using it for that indicates it's sufficient :)11:08
saeedXorA: what I'm missing, is how can the driver get those parametes from?11:09
XorAsaeed: because the driver wrote them to the codec11:09
XorAsaeed: it remembers themk11:09
saeedXorA: but after hibernate, the driver will be loaded as from reboot11:10
XorAsaeed: Im not very familiar with ubuntu on arm, I work on a different distro where we dont power down the chips11:12
saeedXorA: but hibernate usually powers down the system, right?11:13
persiaIndeed.  That's the usual difference between "suspend" and "hibernate".11:14
saeedXorA; please note the resuming from standby (suspend to ram) works fine to me11:14
* XorA has never hibernated an arm in that case11:15
saeedXorA: I think it's the same on x8611:15
hrwhibernate as susped-to-disk-and-power-off?11:15
hrwnever did that on arm either11:16
saeedactually mainline kernel doesn't support that, we have added that functionality11:16
persiaOn boot, we seem to use /sbin/alsa-utils to restore state with alsactl.11:16
XorAhrw: ever feel we have walked into a strange new world :-)11:17
persiaMight need support for that around hibernate in pm-utils11:17
persiasaeed: Do you know if it works on x86? with Ubuntu?  You might be hitting a general bug.11:17
persia(or powerpc)11:18
saeedpersia: no11:18
hrwXorA: life without new challenges starts to be boring11:19
persiahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting definitely has notes on working around hibernation issues.11:20
hrwXorA: I returned from fosdem with devboard which I did not even connected serial yet11:20
XorAhrw: hehe11:20
hrwXorA: thinking about giving it for a friend as a gift11:20
* XorA is just trying to fix the zoom2 kernel so serial is not needed11:20
hrwnice improvement over arm7tdmi which are high tech at his company ;D11:21
ograXorA, have you seen bug 567260 ?11:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 567260 in xf86-video-omapfb (Ubuntu) "xserver-xorg-video-omap* fail due to no /dev/fb (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56726011:21
XorAogra: thats what I fixed11:22
ograwe have another two days for a fix11:22
persiasaeed: Do you also lose settings on reboot?11:22
XorAogra: I can post patch to bug11:22
ograso it if it goes into archive tomorrow or friday we can have it in final11:22
saeedpersia: no11:22
XorAits a one liner11:22
ograXorA, cool, please do so11:22
* persia looks for another bug11:22
XorAgimme a few mins to replace kernel on zoom2 to extract bug11:22
hrwoneliners are usually the most amazing changes11:23
hrwI remember curses of one developer after his 4 hours of attempts to solve build error which I solved with oneliner for makefile11:23
ograpersia, you want a bug ? i have plenty11:24
persiaogra: Do you have one about sound and hibernate?11:25
* persia is looking for a *specific* bug11:25
XorAogra: that bug is already detailing my one liner11:25
persiasaeed: Try adding /etc/pm/sleep.d/50alsa as indicated at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting#Getting%20ALSA%20to%20work%20after%20suspend%20/%20hibernate and see if that works.  If not, it might give some hints on a path to resolve it.11:25
ograpersia, nope, but since i joined the installer team yesterday i can provide you with 100's of installer bugs if you are desperately in need for a bug :P11:26
suihkulokkihrw: one particularry fun online fix that took one day to locate..11:26
suihkulokki-char foo;11:26
suihkulokki+signed char foo;11:27
persiaogra: I have code that generates lists of unfiled bugs on a regular basis already, if I'm just hunting bugs :)11:27
saeedpersia: I'll try11:30
XorAOTG working on boot awesome11:31
persiasaeed: If that doesn't work, please file a bug (`ubuntu-bug audio`)11:31
ograXorA, which kernel ?11:31
XorAogra: it works on all linux-omap kernels11:32
XorAogra: specifically on my zoom211:32
ograXorA, not ubuntu then11:32
XorAogra: you guys could add it11:32
ograXorA, out kernel team uses mainline only on omap11:33
ogratahst why the omap kernel is actually .33 and not .32 like the rest of ubuntu11:34
persia(except fsl-imx51)11:34
XorAogra: your not allowed to patch at all?11:34
hrwogra: so torvalds tree instead of linux-omap tree?11:34
persiaOh, and -rt11:34
ograpersia, which is why i said omap :)11:34
ograhrw, right11:34
ograXorA, we are11:34
persiaogra: "rest of ubuntu" was my picky point11:34
ograamitk, backports/cross ports bits and pieces11:35
hrwXorA: Debian policy was: mainline kernel + backports from mainline. probably same/similar for ubuntu11:35
saeedpersia: it didn't work, I'll fill a bug11:35
hrwXorA: pain for omap11:35
persiasaeed: Thanks.11:35
ograhrw, well, whatever is maintainable, if amitk decides a certain patch from -omap is valuable that will also be pulled in11:35
ograits up to our kernel maintainer ...11:35
ograi'm only a consumer and tester ;)11:36
XorAogra: http://git.openembedded.net/cgit.cgi/openembedded/tree/recipes/linux/linux-omap-psp-2.6.32/0042-musb-allow-host-io-without-gadget-module.patch11:36
NCommandereggonlea: you aorund?11:36
amitkXorA: the idea is to further the mainlining of omap by using mainline kernels. I've talked to Tony about this and he agrees. linux-omap is more like a buffer to mainline.11:38
XorAamitk: I know this, linux-omap diffs have rapidly decreased over mainline11:39
eggonleaNCommander: yes.11:39
amitkand yes, i need to find time and pick out the right patches from 34-rc or linux-omap to unbreak OTG11:40
XorAamitk: see patch above :-)11:40
amitkXorA: thanks, I shall11:44
XorAamitk: Im unsure of the pushed to mainline status, but Ajay is the TI USB guy11:44
hrwamitk: http://cgit.openembedded.org/cgit.cgi/openembedded/tree/recipes/linux/linux-omap-psp-2.6.32/ is worht checking anyway11:44
* XorA really hopes ubuntu speeds the mainlining of zoom2/3 patches11:45
ograzoom and beagle hopefully11:46
hrwogra: beagleboard needs first really stable working version11:47
* amitk disappears for lunch12:01
* ogra lols about XorA's patch for omapfb12:08
ograXorA, i tought you had added any kind of autodetection12:08
ograi know asac tries to add that before final12:09
XorAogra: I may code that up one day, but for now I just need lucid running12:20
loolhrw: ecryptfs actually12:59
shashiogra: do you know why omapfb instead of fbdev is used as reported in 567260?13:02
hrwlool: it crypts files but not filesystem - right?13:03
loolhrw: It's a filesystem on filesystem13:03
loolso it crytps filesystem objects in filesystem objects13:03
loole.g. a dir to a dir and a file to a file13:03
hrwok, I prefer crypted lvm - handle also swap so I do /boot + crypto-lvm(/ + swap)13:04
ograshashi, its not used by default atm, only if you install the omapfb package13:10
shashiogra: ok thanks....i was inputing some comments/ thoughts in 56726013:11
ograshashi, thanks :)13:12
hrwok, tickets for uds bought/booked13:14
ograclap clap clap13:15
ogralooking forward to meet you there :)13:15
rcn-eehrw, i was looking at the musb host/device patch, haven't tested it yet, but how's it working for you?13:24
hrwrcn-ee: I did not updated my beagle to this kernel yet13:24
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
ericm_saeed, could you update your resume from suspend status to bug 551491?14:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 551491 in linux-mvl-dove (Ubuntu) "BSP update for Marvell Dove kernel LSP 5.1.0 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55149114:32
* ogra_beagle wipes this install and starts over with the latest image hoping all is fine now14:52
hrw(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "bmi-lcd-ts" (type: TOUCHSCREEN)14:53
hrwother omap3 board14:54
amitkhrw: what board is this?14:59
hrwbug 2.014:59
amitkstandard image?14:59
amitkor custom kernel?14:59
hrwno ubuntu14:59
hrwamitk: I am returning device on days so no ubuntu tests for it15:00
amitkogra: you said something about the new image allowing me to install to sd itself?15:04
ograamitk, the netinst one, yes15:05
amitkhow do i put a custom kernel on those?15:06
ograamitk, pos-install15:06
ograyou cant do it in the image15:06
ograd-i is closely built with the kernel15:07
saeedericm_: done15:09
zumbiamitk: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/Modify/CustomKernel15:19
amitkzumbi: ?15:19
ograzumbi, heh, thats ancient15:20
zumbiamitk: are not you asking how to use d-i with custom kernel?15:20
ografrom a time where d-i was still on two floppies15:20
amitkzumbi: ohh right. :) thanks, i'll take a look15:20
ograamitk, d-i changed completely ... thats even pre-ubuntu15:21
zumbiamitk: ogra is right, looks old15:21
ograits for 2.4 kernels :)15:21
zumbiogra: do you know a more up to date doc?15:21
amitkhehe lol15:21
ograand its a hell lot of work even if i knew a doc15:21
zumbiamitk: i would like to have efikamx (iMX51) in mainline kernel15:21
zumbiogra: using kernel-wedge?15:22
amitkzumbi: want to submit patches? pointers to git tree? pointer to someone that has hardware?15:22
ograinstalling the existing image and just issuing dpkg -i linux-image .... *.deb is definately easier and a lot faster15:22
zumbiamitk: i have hardware, the bad thing is they use freescale SDK15:23
amitkzumbi: that is fine if you don't mind wiping it over ;)15:23
zumbiogra: right, for efikamx, i wanted to add it to flash-kernel which hooks kernel-package15:23
zumbiogra: then use somethin similar to rootstock15:24
ograflash-kernel hooks kernel-package ??15:24
ograflash-kernel is really only to set up the bootlaoder15:24
ograyou shouldnt abuse it for other stuff, rather create a new tool that flash-kernel can call15:25
zumbiflash-kernel (debian version) calls mkimage on vmlinux and initrd15:25
zumbiI thought that was the best way to do for porting a new device15:26
ograbut it doesnt do anything with kernel-package15:26
zumbikernel-package provides me with a vmlinux and initrd, then flash-kernel could get me the right thing I need (uBoot format)15:27
ograand i dont think we even support kernel-package in ubuntu15:27
ograi might be wrong though, amitk might know better15:27
zumbikernel-package is a great tool15:27
ograbut i guess it doesnt properly hook into the ubuntu infrastructure15:27
zumbiuhm.. that's sad15:28
zumbiyou don't even need a debian_dir, it creates it for you15:28
ograyes, thats the scary part15:28
amitkzumbi: it might work for mainline kernels, but not for 'managed/supported' kernels.15:29
amitkbut it is something the kernel team plans to look at in our sprint next week15:29
zumbiamitk: it works for efikamx, kirkwood sheevaplug, and some others15:29
amitk(whether we should support it or not)15:29
ograzumbi, FSVO works15:30
zumbiwhat is FSVO?15:30
amitkzumbi: sure, but we don't support that HW, so why would we care? (to be blunt)15:30
ograzumbi, as rootstock "works" to create an image15:30
ograyou will never get the same as you have with a real install with rootstock ...15:30
ograand you will never get a proper ubuntu kernel package with kernel-package15:30
ograso its "some system that looks like ubuntu" in the end15:31
amitkzumbi: though I would love for our kernel to support multiple boards with a single kernel tree.15:31
ograzumbi, FSVO -> for some value of15:31
zumbiwell, I would like to find a way to have an embedded-installer which suits ubuntu and debian15:31
zumbiwhich handles all this bootloader, kernel details15:31
zumbibut it seems hard to find a consensus15:32
ograyou cant do it with the concept of a distro15:32
ograyou can only get close to it15:33
ograi.e. like rootstock15:33
ograbut effectively you will always have a bunch of differences to the real thing15:33
zumbiyes, it is hard to be generic.. :-/15:35
persiazumbi: At least in Ubuntu, we explicitly say we aren't building "embedded", so want d-i to just do the right thing.  This approach happens to be viable for a huge volume of hardware that others may consider "embedded".15:41
persiazumbi: Rather than building a new embedded installer, what might be helpful is improving the image modification tools in a way that one can easily swap the installed kernel.15:42
persiaAnd improving the kernel packaging scripts to make it easy to convert an arbitrary git tree into a packaging tree.15:42
saeedNCommander: ping15:43
asacogra: what is different compared to ubuntu if you go for a properly seeded rootstock fs and combine that with the kernel/bootloader packages?15:45
persiaasac: All the base config stuff.15:45
asacpersia: baseconfig like oem-config?15:45
ograasac, debconf15:46
ograrootstock surely doesnt seed all of debconf properly yet15:46
asacogra: what pieces are missing there?15:46
persiaasac: So, the base-config package went away, and the installer handles that.  I ended up spending many months fixing a million little issues with moblin-image-creator and we determined it was easier to make ubiquity work for MID than to continue tracking down all the special cases.15:46
asacogra: so its a matter of tweaking seeds?15:46
ograasac, no idea, i never made an effort to check that15:46
persiaasac: No, base-config like the *REALLY OLD* debian package.15:46
ograits a matter of integrating rootstock better with debconf15:47
asacpersia: right. but thats now oem-config?15:47
ograand using d-i modules instead of scripts15:47
persiaasac: Not at all.  There is no relation between those packages.  oem-config does *some* of the configuration post-install.15:47
asacogra: how do we know that d-i and ubiquity do all the same?15:47
ograthats the reason why i switched to oem-config by default15:47
zumbipersia: i agree on improving the kernel packaging scripts, but which ones? (debian, ubuntu, kernel-package, kernel-wedge,.. just reate yet another one)15:47
persiaBut oem-config expects a d-i base install.15:47
ograit does a good bunch of that using d-i modules15:47
asacfor me it feels like there is deviation anyway, though you would call both systems "ubuntu"15:47
ograpersia, it brings it15:47
ograand removes it after it ran15:48
persiazumbi: Ummm.  I'm going to have to defer to the #ubuntu-kernel folks at this point :)15:48
ograasac, right, but target has to be to minimize the deviation15:48
persiaogra: No, it runs *some* d-i components.  Some stuff never gets run in oem-config.15:48
ograasac, which the step to oem-config did for example15:48
asacogra: right. just wanted to point out that quite a lot of details are probably not relevant for "ubuntu"15:48
asacogra: yeah. for me a rootfs + oem-config is ubuntu ;)15:49
ograyeah, might be15:49
asacthats how we ship stuff to production somewhere too, isnt it?15:49
ogranobody researched yet if/what additional pieces are missing in a rootstock install15:49
persiaasac: In terms of use of the "ubuntu" term, no, but we expect there to be a large number of small bugs with a rootstock-based install (just as there are many known bugs with vm-builder installs, or any other tools that aren't d-i)15:49
ograasac, not sure, thats something only OSG can answer15:49
persiaasac: Nothing called "Ubuntu" ships without a d-i installer to my knowledge.15:50
persiaI know of specialised remixes that use other installers (the one for the Netwalker is an example).15:50
ograand the proper approach for rootstock might also be to run d-i with a preseed file for the second stage15:51
hrwguys: if I boot x86-64 from 10.04b2 cd can I make bootable pendrive?15:51
ograinstead of the script it uses atm15:51
persiaDoing that makes it just a normal install.15:51
persiahrw: Sure.15:51
asacpersia: i would like to see those bugs ;)15:52
asacat least one example15:52
ograasac, as i said, nobody actually researched the differences15:52
persiahrw: You might have to play some games to tell usb-creator to make the pendrive based on the cd in your drive though.15:52
persiaasac: I'll dig up a URL.15:52
ograasac, you would have to diff the debconf DB between a real install and a rootstock one15:52
ograi'm very sure there *are* differences ... just dont knwo which15:53
persiaasac: http://www.sharp.co.jp/support/ex-data/recovery.sh.tar.gz15:54
persiaasac: http://www.sharp.co.jp/support/mit/doc/install.html has instructions with screenshots (in case you don't read Japanese)15:55
asaci wouldnt be able to follow that instruction ;)15:57
hrwasac: http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A//www.sharp.co.jp/support/mit/doc/install.html&hl=pl&langpair=auto|en&tbb=1&ie=Shift_JIS15:57
* hrw hails JS menu in bookmarks toolbar15:58
persiaheh, cool.  Japanese->English translation with polish controls15:58
hrwbookmarklets saves lot of time15:58
hrwpersia: s/hl=pl/hl=en/?15:58
persiahrw: If I didn7t already know what the buttons did, yeah :)15:59
=== XorA is now known as XorA|gone
hrwpersia: before google translate I used "Excite Japan" translator16:00
hrwit was like 'put url', select 'shelf->something', press button16:00
persiaOh, if you skip the hl= bit entirely, it chooses your default once.16:00
persiahrw: Excite Japan does a slightly better job with the text, but is less good for web pages.16:00
hrwtime passed, less to do with japanese websites, so google is enough for me16:01
hrw~curse sharp16:01
plarsGrueMaster: hmm, I may have spoken too soon on the dove suspend/resume.  The first few times it worked for me but seem to be hitting a problem now16:02
persiaThe Netwalker is actually a nice bit of kit.16:02
persiaAnd they seem to be supporting it some.16:02
persiaNo idea if it sells well enough to keep that (likely needs more overseas orders to justify worldwide release)16:02
hrwnetwalker is ugly...16:03
persiaYeah, it's a bit large, and it doesn't convert, and the A key is in the wrong place, but other than that, it works.16:04
hrwand it is imx...16:04
persiaWell, I guess.  I'm more interested in something I can actually put in my pocket and use than which is the best technology inside.16:06
hrwI have big aversion to xMB kernel patches16:06
persiaAs long as all the other SoCs aren't available as 4-5" handhelds, how cool they are isn't so important.16:06
persiaI just use the stock kernel, and keep hoping someone will package a newer kernel.16:06
hrwpersia: I have n900 for playing16:06
persiahrw: You don't even want to get me started about the shortcomings of that device :)16:07
persiaNice internals though.16:07
hrwpersia: I just hope that netwalker team does not have anyone from zaurus teams16:07
persiaI've no idea.16:08
hrw2.4.18-crappix (OE/OZ internal name for 2.4.18-embeddix) was total disaster from sharp16:08
persiaDunno.  It ships a kernel that works with Ubuntu, which is all I require in a kernel.16:08
hrw2.4.18 + arm + pxa + others + bunch of others + wext updates + irda updates + bunch of fixes + bunch another ones16:08
hrwand only first 4 parts were from sharp16:09
persiaFor this one, amitk said he managed to upstream most of the patches.16:09
* amitk looks up16:11
zumbiamitk: where is imx51 mainline branch?16:11
amitkzumbi: in linus's tree? :)16:11
zumbiamitk: we have efikamx stuff http://gitorious.org/efikamx/linux-efikamx16:11
zumbiamitk: i do not see any mach-mx5 in linus' tree16:12
zumbi2.6.33 was looking via lxr16:13
amitkit went in in 2.6.3416:13
zumbioh! ok, sorry16:13
ograamitk, argh !16:15
ograamitk, read error on /dev/mtd2: cannot allocate memory16:15
ograthast where ubiquity dies now :/16:16
persiaThat's flash-kernel-installer16:17
amitkogra: i thought you got mtd write working...16:18
ograamitk, it works with d-i16:19
ograamitk, worst is that i dont actually read at all16:21
amitkogra: is dd able to read/write?16:22
ograamitk, seems its fw_setenv thats failing to write16:22
ograyes, its dd able16:22
ograbut mtd2 holds the uboot config16:22
loologra: Are you passing fw_setenv a mtd or a mtdblock device?16:23
ograi only dd to ntd3 and 416:23
ograecho "/dev/mtd2 0x0000 0x20000 0x20000" > /target/etc/fw_env.config16:23
ogralool, ^^^^16:23
loolsounds good16:25
loolISTR the u-boot tools are using mtd calls for io16:25
loolwhich would fail on mtdblock16:25
ograi wonder if i need to wipe it like the other ntd devices before writing16:25
ograi dont zero it out at install time16:25
ograwhich i do with mtd3 and 416:25
persiaogra: Have you looked for smarter tools in mtd-utils than dd?16:27
persiadd isn't precisely eraseblock aware.16:27
hrwflash_eraseall + nandwrite -p?16:27
hrwfirst cleans mtd, second writes with padding16:28
loologra: Oh you're dd-ing to mtdN?16:28
loologra: To write kernels and initrd, you'd better write them directly to mtdblockN16:29
persiahrw: Yes, that was what I was thinking, assuming it's NAND.16:30
ogralool, i'm just doing what all other arches in flash-kernel do16:32
hrwpersia: I do not remember when last time I used NOR16:32
hrwmostly NAND or OneNAND recently16:32
persiahrw: My netwalker has redboot on NOR, but I don't have any interest in changing it, since the behaviour is sufficient for me.16:32
ogralool, flash-kernel was minaly a copy/paste job with some adjustments16:33
ograi can reliably reproduce fw_setenv breakage though16:33
ograandi suspect it is because uboot-envtools was never recompiled16:34
persiaogra: copy&paste of dd against NAND isn't best, even if it's the same as something else.16:34
ograpersia, it is the same code for *all* platforms in flash-kernel16:35
ograpersia, rewrite flash-kernel if you feel it behaves wrong :)16:35
persiaThen I say it's all dangerous at best, and likely bad.16:35
persiaMaybe, after I deal with other things.16:35
ograi'm just using the existing functions in there16:35
ograand flash-kernel isnt my problem16:35
persiaBut dd against NAND significantly reduces NAND life.16:35
ogramy problem is flash-kernel-installer16:36
ograanyone having an idea ^^^^ ?16:39
ubot4Debian bug 512589 in uboot-envtools "fw_setenv: Cannot malloc -131072 bytes: Cannot allocate memory" [Normal,Fixed]16:42
* ogra is desparate16:48
ogralool, any idea ?16:50
* ogra doesnt get why it works in d-i 16:50
ograi have done about twenty netinst installs now and never hit it16:51
ograand three -server16:51
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ograpersia, btw, looking at the code, flash-kernel translates /dev/mtd to /dev/mtdblock at some point16:54
ograso the writing goes to mtdblock16:54
ndechi. i'd like to be mount the daily .img file on my desktop, instead of using dd to write to SD card, e.g. I want to update the kernel in the .img file. i tried mount -t vfat -o loop xxx and it does not work.  how can i do that?16:55
* persia is slightly mollified16:55
persiandec: You need to use losetup and kpartx: there are multiple partitions on the image16:55
* persia digs up a reference16:55
ograthere arent16:55
ograthere is just one16:55
ndecogra: that's what I thought...16:56
* persia is confused16:56
ograbut hwat persia said is still true ... either mount with offset or use kpartx16:56
persiandec: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2008/10/mounting-kvm-disk-image.html16:56
ndecogra: what is the offset? what is the right command?16:56
ograyou need to use an offset that omits the MBR16:56
persiaogra: Ah, so there's only one partition, but it is a partition.  That makes sense.16:56
ograi think something like -o offset,512 or some such16:56
ograor offset=51216:56
loolndec: use kpartx16:58
persiaOooh, `kpartx -av foo.img` is supposed to just work.  That saves effort.16:58
ndecogra: thx. sudo mount -t vfat -o loop,offset=512 is working!16:58
persia(remember to use `kpartx -dv foo.img` later)16:58
ogramount -o loop,offset=512 imagefile.img /mountpoint shoudl work16:58
loolYou have to losetup it first16:58
amitkogra, why don't I see omap images here? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/lucid/16:58
persialool: Not according to the comments on kirkland's blog16:58
ograamitk, because they are ports and not officially supported in lucid16:58
loolpersia: actually it works, but you can't tell what name it will have16:59
ndecamitk: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-live/current/16:59
loolpersia: so it's inconvenient in scripts16:59
persiaamitk: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/lucid/main/installer-armel/current/images/omap/netboot/omap/16:59
ograpersia, is right as usual :)16:59
persiaogra: That's not a good reason.  The issue is that someone in cdimage (hint) needs to add the links to the template script.16:59
persiaogra: I'll dig you up a patch tomorrow if you're stuck (we can't land it until post-RC anyway)17:00
amitkndec: looking for netboot images, not netbook ;)17:00
ograpersia, well, if i'm allowed to, i'm not sure what the status on supportability is here17:00
loolamitk: these are in the archive directly17:00
persiaogra: omap is *already* on cdimage.17:00
loolamitk: we dont copy them to cdimage anymore17:00
persiaogra: The issue is that they aren't likely to get to release17:00
amitkright, just found out lool17:00
loolamitk: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/lucid/main/installer-armel/current/images/17:01
ograpersia, i'm currently more worried about the fs_setenv bug that i cant solve17:01
looloh right17:01
ograi have no idea whats wrong17:01
persiaogra: Go fix that.  I'll give you a patch once the cdimage freeze lifts.17:01
ograand that it works flawless in d-i doesnt help17:01
ograpersia, i'd love to, but i have no idea whats going on there17:01
persiaamitk: Could you file a bug against ubuntu-cdimage about the missing netboot links?17:02
ndecogra: if I want to change the bootargs in boot.scr, do I just edit the file with emacs or do I need to regenerate something?17:03
asacndec: usually i remove the stuff from top, and then run mkimage ... again17:04
asacafter editing17:04
asacthat works quite well17:04
plarsGrueMaster, saeed: are either of you able to reproduce the suspend/resume problems I just updated the bug with on dove?17:05
GrueMasterplars: bug #?17:05
asac_hey. had reconnect17:05
plarsGrueMaster: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-mvl-dove/+bug/55149117:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 551491 in linux-mvl-dove (Ubuntu) "BSP update for Marvell Dove kernel LSP 5.1.0 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,In progress]17:05
asac_if something was written i didnt get it17:06
* ogra had a OOM on his laptop17:06
ogralucid sucks17:06
asac_ogra: hmm. i didnt hear that ;)17:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 565981 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "[KMS] gem objects not deallocated (affects: 15) (dups: 2) (heat: 96)" [Critical,Confirmed]17:06
ograpitti just mailed -devel about it17:07
GrueMasterplars: What do you mean by "enable audio"17:07
ograi have to reboot once a day and see a lot of sad faces in chromium every day17:07
asac_ogra: chromium != lucid ;)17:08
ograasac_, so with the fw_setenv bug i doubt we can have netbook for lucid17:08
ograasac_, chromium is just fallout17:08
ograin the end my whole desktop dies17:09
plarsGrueMaster: unmuting the hp jack17:09
plarsGrueMaster: so that audio works17:09
GrueMasterOk, might want to clarify that in the bug report.17:09
plarsGrueMaster: not sure that it's related, but I think it's about the only thing I did between the time it worked, and stopped working17:09
GrueMasterOtherwise it sounds like audio is disabled by default (it isn't).17:09
plarsGrueMaster: not truly disabled, no, you just can't hear anything til you do that17:10
GrueMasterYes, you can if you have the right hookup.17:10
ograasac, another reconnect ?17:11
GrueMasterI have a 2 RCA-to-mini female cable for just this purpose.17:11
GrueMasterJust because the platform is designed with different audio jacks than normal desktops doesn't mean audio is disabled or not working by default.17:12
GrueMasterBabbage has a special connector for laptop speakers and defaults to that (I'm still looking into the HP jack single channel issue on it though).17:13
hrwhave a nice rest of day17:13
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* ogra has a screwed rest of day now :( after realizing the netbook image wont work 17:14
asacogra: no i was connected through a second irc client until i was able to get my new ip ;)17:18
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plarsGrueMaster: oh, ogra resolved that this morning17:18
GrueMasterresolved what?17:19
plarsGrueMaster: use the hdphone jack instead, make sure it's set to audio output stereo17:19
plarsGrueMaster: on imx51, the single channel problem17:19
GrueMasterok, I'll try it here.17:19
ograGrueMaster, HDSET -> mono phone headset, HDPHONE -> headphones (my guess)17:20
ograyou could probably take a look in the docs though to confirm that17:20
plarsGrueMaster: seems that there's no good way to get input though17:21
GrueMasterplars: Why not plug a headset into the imx51 and try it that way?  I have one here I can try.17:39
GrueMasteroops, different plug.17:39
plarsGrueMaster: hmm? I'm not following.  I did try it and it worked for me17:41
GrueMasterI was referring to the input.17:43
plarsGrueMaster: I tried it briefly without success, but admittedly have not had much time to spend on it yet17:43
GrueMasterIf that is a headset jack, then it should be able to work with a standard phone headset (proficed the plug is the same size).17:43
plarsGrueMaster: ah, no I was just trying with a normal mic17:44
GrueMasternormal mic might be wired wrong for this.17:44
plarsogra: based on your previous comments, I assume the FlashKernel errors from Ubiquity on omap are still to be expected?17:51
GrueMasterplars: I can get recording working on my babbage using the mic from my babbage 1 plugged into the internal connector.18:05
* Martyn has audio working on the tegra2 .. but using a USB adapter18:06
MartynI'll need to keep hacking away at the linux driver for the SoC based hardware18:06
GrueMasterMartyn: USB audio is a completely different driver set.18:06
GrueMasterStill alsa, but not soc audio.18:07
MartynGrueMaster: Yep!18:07
MartynGrueMaster: But I needed it to work temporarily :)18:07
Martynso it was a good interim solution18:08
MartynI nearly have the tegra2 built in audio working.. there's an issue with the buffer I'm trying to solve18:08
Martynbut I definitely have the mic input working now18:08
ogra_cmpcplars, yes and i have no idea how to fix it :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/419902/18:34
ogra_cmpcit doesnt occur in d-i installs at all18:34
plarsogra: something, probably in ubiquity, is trying to grab a huge chunk of ram it seems18:35
plarsogra: any chance we could fiddle with the compcache percentages and make it happier?18:35
ogra_cmpcplars, well, at that point there is even real swap available18:35
plarsogra_cmpc: but order 5 is 128M right?18:36
plarsogra_cmpc: that is clearly going to fail under our current setup18:36
plarsno matter how much swap we have18:36
ogra_cmpcubiquity calls swapon dirctly after partitioning18:36
ogra_cmpcwe use 128M compcache, right18:37
ogra_cmpci wonder if we need it at all now that we run in only-ubiquity mode18:37
ogra_cmpcRAM should be sufficient to get through to the installer18:38
plarsogra: ram only? or back to 25% compcache?18:39
ogra_cmpcplars, if you want to test that you could swapoff ramzswap after partitioning on tty18:39
ogra_cmpcor even before18:39
ogra_cmpci wonder if we probably hit a general compcache issue here18:40
plarsogra_cmpc: yeah, will give it a try.  Is swapoff enough to make it let go of that memory?18:40
ogra_cmpcrmmod probably too18:40
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plarsogra_cmpc: ok, I did the swapoff and rmmod early (right after booting) and still got a couple of page_alloc failures early on, but I was able to complete the install!19:50
ogra_cmpcplars, dang ... not sure how to special case that in a nonintrusive way that slangasek accepts19:54
ogra_cmpci'll think about it we cant do anything before RC anyway19:54
plarsogra_cmpc: I'd like to experiment a bit... I'm wondering if we could tone down the 50% to something like 35% and get away with it19:55
ogra_cmpcplars, thanks a lot for the test !19:55
plarsogra_cmpc: at the very least, we have a cumbersome workaround19:55
ogra_cmpcsure, play if you like19:55
ogra_cmpcvery good work !19:55
plarsogra_cmpc: I'll open a new bug against casper on this, rather than recycle the old one, unless you feel different?19:57
ogra_cmpcyeah, do that19:57
plarsI think circumstances have changed enough that just tacking it on and reopening the old one would be confusing19:57
ogra_cmpcthough the question is if slangasek will allow it or not19:58
ogra_cmpcand i also think it might really be specific to the omap kernel19:58
ogra_cmpci.e. .33 obviously has a new compcache implementation, there is very likely a reason for that19:59
ogra_cmpcwould be intresting to see what a babbage board does in the same case if you boot with mem=256M20:00
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