
bdrungvish: where can i checkout the ubuntu-mono branch?00:03
thorwilkwwii: hi! your posts appear double on http://design.canonical.com11:46
vishthorwil: well, of course , he is twice as important ;)11:47
kwwiithorwil: indeed they do11:47
kwwiifunny that11:47
kwwiibut not all of them11:47
vishany kde folks around?11:48
vishnot ex-kde ;p11:48
kwwiihehe, I am still involved in kde :p11:48
kwwiiin case anyone hasn't seen them yet12:12
kwwiiInkscape 0.48 About Screen12:13
andreasnhttp://theartcontinuum.deviantart.com/art/Unimount-Uniscape-159892099 heh12:19
andreasnthis one is a bit nice http://hrum.deviantart.com/art/inkscape-0-48-16074166712:22
kwwiiandreasn: intresting12:22
kwwiiall in all, there are quite a few good ones12:23
thorwili was more impressed with previous contests12:24
andreasnthere are a couple that is almost there, but not quite12:28
andreasnhttp://foxbit.deviantart.com/art/Inkscape-0-48-Image-Contest-158808358 <- this one is a bit like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50BBNZ-ejjU&feature=related12:30
thorwilyeah, just lacks being awesome12:31
andreasnlike a 80:s broadcast company logo12:32
darkmatteryay. now I have a wad of gauze up my nostril and I've cleaned the blood off my keyboard12:35
darkmatterwas not12:36
thorwilhrmpf. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IsraeliTeam/NewLogos201012:38
darkmatterlol. team jew!12:38
thorwil19 entries and i would eliminate every single one of them (entries, not creators)12:40
* thorwil is depressed12:40
darkmatterthat wasn't a racist remark btw. it was an observation. the logo shouldn't scream at the user. I mean isn't this supposedly the era of clean and tasteful?12:42
thorwildarkmatter: didn't take your comment as anything but humorous. i don't see screaming as the issue, but rather cramming stuff into tiny circles (drawing the logo large and then forgetting that it will be shown much smaller in most cases)12:43
darkmatterthorwil: aye.12:44
andreasnthis is what I did for the Ubuntu Sweden logo for a poster. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/184285/ubuntu-sverige.svg12:46
andreasndoes the loco logos have a tendency to get complicated?12:47
thorwilandreasn: they have a tendency to be stuff added / crammed into the basic ubuntu logo12:48
kwwiiandreasn: yes, but we are going to include info on how best to make other logos12:48
andreasnkwwii, good12:48
andreasndo it quick, or let people know you are intending too. The Swedish team already started a thread doing various odd things on their forum12:49
darkmatterthorwil: canada would be easy. replace the 'heads' on the logo with maple leaves. score! \o/12:50
andreasnI guess you have that release thing you need to finish first though :)12:51
thorwildarkmatter: nah, a southparkian canadian 2-part head instead of the circle12:51
* kwwii gets lunch12:55
islingtonlike the new website kwwii16:02
kwwiiislington: cool16:13
knomethe new website is crap16:13
knomeoops :P16:13
knomeno, i really wait for the complete transformation16:14
kwwiiyeah, indeed16:14
vishislington: hi ,you use Kubuntu , right? could you have a look at this bug > Bug 566996 .. not sure what happened there , i use ubutnu16:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566996 in humanity-icon-theme "Bug in humanity-icon-theme: Using KDE (from Kubuntu 10.04) + Humanity icon does not show kmixer or related icon on system tray." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56699616:16
vishhmm what website are you folks talking about...16:17
knomevish, microsoft.com16:17
vishknome: wow , that looks nice indeed ..16:19
islingtonvish installing it now16:19
vishislington: thanks..16:19
kwwiivish: my guess is that they were ported to indicators16:20
kwwiivish: I run kde, I'll check as well16:20
vishkwwii: neat thanks.. might be the change , but the icon does exist for the indicators as well16:21
kwwiihrm, the last update killed that machine16:22
kwwiisome problem with the encrypted home dir16:22
islingtonwhere are the lucid packages online again?16:24
islingtonnvrmind found it16:24
islingtonvish in  /status/*/ some symlinks are pointing to nothing16:31
islingtonthey are audio-volume-high, audio-volume-low audio-volume-medium16:32
vishislington: you mean the .png symlinks?16:32
vishthat was to solve a blurring problem in gnome :s16:33
vishrather in gtk*16:33
islingtonthose pngs are needed to show the volume image in kde16:33
vishislington: in the karmic version we just had the svg icons there , the png symlinks were added recently in lucid..16:34
islingtonalso needed :audio-volume-muted.png16:34
vishis to just render the icon as a png and install it , rather than using the symlinks ..  ;)16:35
vishislington: btw , the symlinks just point to the svg , somehow that is the way gtk likes it  :)16:36
islingtonlet me see if any of the svgs show up gimme a sec16:37
islingtonyeah all the indicator icons are screwy16:39
islingtonbattery, network,16:39
islingtonsome of the weather icons show up16:40
islingtonworse I think in kde 4.5 plasma is going to draw those icons16:40
islingtonvish are you sure the symlinks for the pngs is correct? all the other svg symlinks give me a preview16:51
islingtonwriting a list of the symlinks needed17:04
AoP|Bossany pixel artists here?17:04
AoP|Bossdoesnt matter how experienced, im making a game and i need someone17:05
AoP|Bossanyone? :P17:05
AoP|Bossbleh ok17:06
AoP|Bossanyone interested in doing graphics for an open-source game?17:06
* thorwil wonders how hard it would be to turn etherpad into a wiki17:10
islingtonvish will add more as I find them:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/humanity-icon-theme/+bug/566996/comments/817:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566996 in humanity-icon-theme "Bug in humanity-icon-theme: Using KDE (from Kubuntu 10.04) + Humanity icon does not show kmixer or related icon on system tray." [Wishlist,New]17:38
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vishislington: actually it is a hack.. the symlinks are just named as .png , otherwise the icon becomes blurry , in the volume button , it is a bug in gtk18:00
vishwe could just add the rendered png , but i'm not sure we will get an update for lucid :s18:00
vishislington: do mention any other symlinks we require , we will add them18:02
islingtonvish dont add png symlinks, kde is reading svg symlinks fine18:07
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vishyeah , i'll just add them as files..18:11
islingtonwhere are the weather icons located?18:25
vishislington: they are in the status folder19:34
vishislington: are you asking about the 22/24px weather icons? well , we dont have them yet ;p19:35
vishonly the 16 and 48px are there ..19:35
islingtonvish ah cool19:54
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=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic

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