
Vantraxghostofmybrain, can you ping your router00:13
shahanI need help for LAMM installation00:54
phillwshahan: one moment00:54
phillware you on 9.10 ?00:55
shahanLAMP Server installation00:55
shahanphillw: yes.....00:55
phillwcolorlessprism: wrong !!!!00:56
colorlessprismnot enough p's?00:56
phillwuse tasksel00:56
Flare-Laptopphillw: I hate tasksel00:56
Flare-Laptopit removes stuff!!00:56
shahanI have already installed system>synapticmanager>..........00:57
phillwflare, it just happens to work for lamp :-)00:57
Flare-Laptopphillw: yeah well, last time I used it, it removed dovecot00:57
shahanphillw: It works!  This is the default web page for this server.  The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.00:57
phillwshahan: in that case, read the thread i posted and follow it on to ubuntu where i sorted out a really screwed up install.00:58
shahanphillw: but I cannt run the phpmyadmin00:58
phillwhow did you install phpmyadmin ?00:58
phillwFlare-Laptop: and what does dovecot have to do with LAMP ?01:00
Flare-Laptopdovecot is the mail server01:00
Flare-Laptoptasksel told apt-get to remove it01:01
Flare-Laptopand I didn't want it to do that01:01
phillwnah,, you you don;t want to use that :-D01:01
shahanphillw: sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin01:03
shahanphillw: but it says "Not Found  The requested URL /phpmyadmin was not found on this server. Apache/2.2.12 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 80"01:03
phillwshahan: it will not link up, you need to use synaptics for it to work01:04
phillwshahan: ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134986301:04
shahanphillw: I already installed it, the phpmyadmin.01:04
shahanphillw: but not working01:05
phillwread the entire thread01:05
shahanphillw: ok01:05
phillwshahan: that is why I tell people to use tasksel01:06
shahanphillw: hmm01:07
phillwthey don't have to pick up the bits after the instructions they were using messed up & come here for help01:07
shahanphillw: when system asked for root password I just pressed "forword". Didnt set any password01:09
ghostofmybrainVantrax: yes, I can ping the router. how do I make it stop pinging now? lol01:10
phillwshahan: at what point did it ask you for a password, and in which version of the installtaion of either lamp or phpmyadmin?01:11
shahanI dont know the version....01:12
shahanphillw: I just installed from synaptic>Edit>Mark packages by task01:12
Vantraxghostofmybrain, hit Ctrl Z01:12
Vantraxor was it Ctrl C01:13
shahanphillw: then just selected the LAMP server for installation01:13
phillwshahan: ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8657508&postcount=2901:13
phillwi do not know where you are up to, but if you have lamp on, that will reset phpmyadmin01:13
Vantraxghostofmybrain, have you made any changes to the network config on your box?01:13
ghostofmybrainVantrax, No, the only thing I've done is assigned it an internal IP01:15
Vantraxyou assigned it at the PC end01:15
Vantraxor at the router01:15
shahanphillw: Deconfigure database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common?01:15
shahancheck or not?01:15
phillwshahan: have you installed phpmyadim ?01:16
shahanphillw: I  m in synaptic to remove it01:16
shahani installed it by sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin01:16
phillwyes, remove it, then use synaptic to re-install it01:16
ghostofmybrainVantrax, I assigned it at the PC end01:17
phillwusing apt-get fails01:17
shahanin synaptic I selected to remove completely01:17
shahanphillw: but a box has come01:17
phillwshahan: yes01:17
phillwbox   ?01:18
shahanphillw: A check box with "Deconfigure database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common?"01:18
shahanphillw: will I check it?01:18
phillwtell it yes, get on with it01:18
shahanphillw: tnx01:20
shahanits working now01:20
shahanphillw: another problem01:20
shahanphillw: what is my username and password?01:21
Vantraxghostofmybrain, remove that and let it DHCP01:21
shahanphillw: phpmyadmin username and password?01:21
phillwshahan: I am good, bit I'm not that good ;-)01:21
Vantraxghostofmybrain, if you staticly assign an IP it will never appear in the routers DHCP list, as it will not DHCP01:22
shahanphillw: I dont know my phpmyadmin password01:22
phillwshahan: whatever you set up when you installed the system01:22
shahanphillw: username what? root?01:23
phillwwhen you set up the mysql system you would have been asked to a password & verify it01:23
shahanphillw: yes...but I forward that without giving any password01:23
phillwyour 1st name via phpmyadim is the root one, the 1st task when you get logged oon is to make new user01:24
ghostofmybrainVantrax Hmmm, interesting01:24
shahanphillw: !!!01:25
phillwshahan: root as name password should be your own password01:25
shahanphillw: do u have teamviewer installed in ur system?01:26
phillwshahan: nope01:26
phillwhave you got on to your sysytem?01:26
shahanphillw: http://www.teamviewer.com/download/index.aspx01:26
shahanphillw: if u install it it will be easier to help me :)01:27
shahanphillw: please01:27
shahanphillw: its a remote access software01:27
Vantraxghostofmybrain, wish i would have known that first up, could have told you that straight away01:27
phillwi cannot do that, i vary on my internet & cannot be there 24/701:27
shahanphillw: ok...sorry :(01:28
LizardK|ngcan someone please help me get ALSA without pulseaudio to work in karmic?  my soundcard shows up in lspci, and in /proc/asound/cards but i can't open alsamixer: "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory"01:28
shahanphillw: will I delete LAMP? and install again?01:28
shahanphillw: to get password?01:28
phillwshahan:  the forums & here on irc are the best places to ask, there will be some one who can help available as fast as there is01:29
LizardK|ngits really starting to frustrate me (and my dog, as he missed his walk tonight because i was trying to get the sound working)01:29
shahanphillw: from tasksel?01:29
shahanphillw: will I remove it?01:29
shahanphillw: my LAMP server?01:30
phillwshahan: which part can you not access ? phpmyadmin should let you in with root & your passwird01:30
VantraxLizardK|ng, i dont think you can do it without pulse, or at least ive never seen it01:30
LizardK|ngi did it yesterday when i installed the system01:30
shahanphillw: now everthing is ok...but I dont know which one is mine username and password01:30
shahanphillw: in phpmyadmin page01:31
LizardK|ngit was mostly working and i was trying to make it fully working and destroyed it01:31
zeroseven0183LizardK|ng: Did you try working on a different kernel?01:31
LizardK|ngno, its the same kernel01:32
LizardK|nganyway, i have libpulse001:34
LizardK|ngand trying to install pluseaudio gives me unmet dependencies01:35
phillwshahan: if you can log on, you need to read up on how phpmyadmin works www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-81n_vuwug01:35
LizardK|nggod i screwed this up01:35
LizardK|ngmaybe i'll just reinstall01:35
shahanphillw: tnx01:36
shahanphillw: hey...do u know how to download youtube in ubuntu?01:37
shahanphillw: youtube video01:37
shahanphillw: I have reinstalled the LAMP with a mysql root password01:39
shahannow its working01:39
shahanphillw: tnx mr. for ur kind01:39
shahanHow to download youtube Video in ubuntu 9.1001:40
phillwshahan: its sad, that it is so easy, but that google still posts up the wrong instructions :-(01:40
shahanphillw: yes....01:40
shahanphillw: however....next time I will configure it easily :)01:40
shahanphillw: do u know how to download youtube video in ubuntu 9.1001:41
phillwshahan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats.  get the driver pack from there " click here to get ..."01:43
shahanphillw: I can run .....01:44
shahanphillw: I want to download video from youtube01:44
LizardK|ngno one can help me?01:44
phillwif you have firefox as your browswer i am told that there is sometihng that can be added, but i have no experiance of it01:45
phillwLizardK|ng: wb, how may i help ?01:46
shahanphillw: I got a simplest way01:49
LizardK|ngi am trying to get alsa working again it is just failing01:50
LizardK|ngand i'm totally frustrated at this point01:51
LizardK|ngi keep getting alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory01:51
phillwLizardK|ng: can you give me some specs of your computer & I will go have a look for you01:51
LizardK|ngand i ate some bad salad and turkey :(01:51
LizardK|ngits a dell latitude 620, 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01),01:52
LizardK|ngrunning karmic01:53
LizardK|ngwhat else do you need?01:53
phillwdell is handy, as there is a dell section on the main forum, they're pretty active.. give me a min to dial it up01:55
phillwLizardK|ng: , trust me, they're pretty darn good over there :-)01:56
LizardK|ngit was mostly working yesterday and i had to screw with it for the last bit, instead of just restarting my app when needed01:57
phillwLizardK|ng: from what i have seen, you should make  Seperate home directory, that way you can 'play' with operating systems?02:01
LizardK|ngapparently, its my kernel02:03
phillwLzrdKing: can i recommend www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome02:03
LizardK|ngwhat are you talking about?02:03
LizardK|ngwhat are -pae kernels?02:03
phillwkernels -- huh, installs, huh ..... a safe /home :-)02:04
LizardK|ngi'm trying to gwrt sound working02:04
LizardK|ngwhats that have to do with /home?02:04
LizardK|ngdamn, laptop battery is about to die, wifes gonna be home soon, and we have no sound on our htpc02:06
phillwLzrdKing: well, in my experiance when people get 'fed up' they just re-install, so having a seperate /home menas you keep all your stuff?02:07
LizardK|ngi have nothing in /home02:07
shahangoing to study ....02:08
phillw(02:06:55) LizardK|ng: damn, laptop battery is about to die, wifes gonna be home soon,  So it appears02:08
shahanbey for now02:08
phillw(02:07:35) LizardK|ng: i have nothing in /home02:09
LizardK|ngphillw, are you making fun of me?02:10
LizardK|nghere is my /home: alsa-info.sh  boxee-  boxee-  Downloads  NVIDIA-Linux-x86-190.42-pkg1.run  Xsession02:10
ghostofmybrainis there a quick way to see if DHCP is enabled?02:12
LizardK|ngaplay: device_list:223: no soundcards found...02:14
shahanphillw: hi02:16
shahanI copied a file on /var/www/Wordpress02:16
shahanbut "Forbidden  You don't have permission to access /wordpress/ on this server. Apache/2.2.12 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 80"02:16
shahanthis is appearing02:17
shahanphillw: what can I do now?02:17
shahanphillw: how to set permission?02:17
shahanproblem with LAMP02:20
shahanLAMP and phpmyadmin02:20
shahanany one here who can help me?02:21
phillwshahan: you are not using ubuntu ?02:22
shahanphillw: what happened to me?02:22
phillwshahan: you installed your lamp other than what i said to do, so you need to ask the person who gave you the instructions02:24
shahanphillw: the way I followed instructed by ubuntu support documentation02:25
shahanphillw: that was the official procdure of the ubuntu02:25
phillwyou can 'try' the tasksel installation to over write it.02:25
pedro3005phillw, chown?02:26
=== bgs100 is now known as bgs000
phillwshahan: I have had a 'row' over the documentation, but we are stuck with it for the time being02:26
shahanI have already overwrite it02:26
shahanphillw: now following ur instruction02:27
phillwshahan: get a terminal session and use tasksel02:27
shahanphillw: I have used tasksel to install LAMP02:28
shahanphillw: now all the thing is ur procedure02:28
shahanphillw: !!!02:33
phillwshahan: ???02:35
shahanI have copied wordpress folder into /var/www/02:36
shahanphillw: but the browser now says "Forbidden  You don't have permission to access /wordpress/ on this server. Apache/2.2.12 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 80"02:36
shahanphillw: why?02:36
phillwshahan: ls -al /var/www02:41
shahanphillw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/419569/02:42
phillwshahan: is that via your browser ?02:47
shahanphillw: yes02:48
shahanphillw: I run the command u gave in terminal02:48
shahanand this is the output of this command02:48
phillwlet me just check on how much permissions that should be given02:49
shahanphillw: ok02:51
phillwis this only on your system that no one from the web has access to ?02:53
shahanphillw: yes02:54
shahanphillw: no one access02:54
phillwneeds 644 access,02:56
shahanphillw: how to do it02:57
phillwtell me the output of ls -l02:57
shahanphillw: ok02:58
shahanphillw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/419577/02:58
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
ZeRoDeAtH50435what is the force command for installing on 64 bit06:05
znxtchI played with Compiz advanced effects.  I got in over my head so I deleted the Compiz advanced effects package in an attempt to restore everything to default appearance settings.  Everything looks like it has returned to normal EXCEPT my window minimize and maximize animation. I tried going to System>Pref>Appeareance and setting the display settngs back to 'Normal'.  But it did not work.  My windows have a very fast shimmying effect and then they06:14
znxtch"suck" to06:14
znxtch<znxtch> the bottom of the screen.06:14
znxtchDoes anyone know how to turn this off?06:14
swoodyznxtch: well, in that Preferences menu, you can either turn off the effects completely, or you'll probably have to go back into CompizConfig Manager and undo the changes manually :/06:17
swoodyI don't know of an easier way offhand06:17
znxtchCompizConfig is the big ass one right?06:18
swoodyznxtch: yep :) And please watch your language here, it may not be busy right now, but this is a family-friendly channel :)06:19
znxtchOh give me a break.  That is how I best convey myself.  Why should my societal norm be censored to fit yours?06:20
znxtchJust kidding06:20
znxtchThank for the help06:20
swoodyznxtch: haha, well this isn't for me, we do have young users around here, so we would like to keep things clean :)06:21
swoodyznxtch: and it's np :)06:21
znxtchYou know if profanity is really that big of a concern to you I suggest you take a good look at the world we're living in and. . .shutting the fuck up.06:22
* znxtch waits for a kick06:22
swoodyznxtch: I understand what you mean, and believe me outside of IRC I have the mouth of a sailor, but again, this is for the good of the channel, not my personal opinion :)06:24
znxtchYou sound like a communist, "for the good of the channel"06:24
znxtchin other news. . .06:24
znxtchI reinstalled compiz config06:25
znxtchI had the random effects checked06:25
znxtchunchecked it06:25
znxtchI'm back to normal baby!06:25
swoodyvery good to hear :)06:25
znxtchThank you.  For the motherland!06:25
swoodylol, it's np :)06:25
paultagznxtch, why, you want a kick? ;)06:32
paultagznxtch, Nah, I like you, kid. You seem goofy and likable06:32
paultagznxtch, you best listen to swoody though, he is our IRC op :)06:32
paultagand he is a chargen his lazers06:32
swoodyno, I wasn't going to kick, just want to remind everyone that it's a family channel is all :)06:33
znxtchFamily channel?06:33
znxtchI think you're delusional.06:33
swoodyfamily-friendly :)06:33
znxtchirc server in a room about linux06:34
rww!guidelines | znxtch06:34
znxtchi mean i dont imagine seeing many 8-12 year olds06:34
rwwoh, no bot in here, nvm :)06:34
znxtchand once theyre 13, if theyre american, you know theyre already sexually active and smoking marijuana06:34
znxtchso. . .06:34
paultagznxtch, c'mon man. I'm with you but take it back, dude06:35
paultagthrottle *06:35
paultagyou don't have to take it back. I agree with you06:35
paultagjust tone it down znxtch06:35
znxtchthe dude abides06:35
znxtchand this room is quality06:35
znxtchso ill censor myself so i can stay06:35
paultagit really tied the room together DID IT NOT?06:35
paultagAM I WRONG?06:35
znxtchyou all banded against a common enemy06:35
swoodythanks znxtch, we really appreciate it :)06:35
* znxtch feels oppresed06:35
paultagHelp, Help! I'm being oppressed!06:36
swoodylol, well we are communists ;)06:36
MadameTockYou should feel oppressed.06:36
swoodyI mean....06:36
paultagAye, we sure are06:36
znxtchlinux and the open source community is kind of communist06:36
znxtchthe whole idea06:36
paultagznxtch, it's not kinda communist06:36
paultagznxtch, it is communist06:36
paultagznxtch, marxism, to be exact06:36
znxtchi think more people like it than they'll admit,  theyre is just such a sitgma nobody will say that like communism...or marxism for you paultag06:37
paultagznxtch, indeed the idea of no private property and sharing the resources of a pool of citizens is straight from marx. Indeed people can take what they want and give back what they feel is right06:37
paultagznxtch, I am a marxist :)06:37
znxtchi havent decided where i stand, i do think we're being globalised by a totalitarian government slowly but surely though06:38
paultagand we are taking down capitalism -- nonfree software06:38
* znxtch just pulled an fbi agent off his current assignment06:38
* znxtch is now being watched06:38
znxtchand what am i doing about it!?06:38
znxtchim tinkering with a new os on my computer06:38
znxtchstaring into the brightly colored screem06:39
paultagWell, that's a night fur me06:41
paultagcheers all :)06:42
Raidsongbrightly colored screens make me happy06:42
Raidsongnight paultag06:42
* znxtch remember he has work06:42
znxtchIt's almost robot time.06:42
znxtchgosh darnit to hector!06:42
znxtchis that better?06:42
swoodymuch :)06:43
swoodythank you :)06:43
znxtchi'm here to bend to the masses will06:43
paultagznxtch, P.S. are you in Dulles, VA, 201166 USA ?06:43
znxtchhaha no, that was random06:44
paultagYou are bullshritting me06:44
paultagznxtch, Just checking. Thanks, good night :)06:44
znxtchWhy do you think that?06:44
znxtchIs that what my IP is showing?06:44
paultagyes znxtch, and if it's wrong then you are either using an out of state ISP and that is fine, or you are using a proxy06:45
paultagznxtch, just checking to see which it was06:45
znxtchMust be a proxy, I'm not even in the U.S.  right now06:45
paultagznxtch, night :)06:45
znxtchwere you trying to digitally intimidate me06:46
swoodyhaha, no I don't think he was :)06:47
gradjegelukt MFHP07:58
gradjeje kunt ook /help intikken MFHP, dan krijg je alle mogelijke opdrachten te zien08:00
CugelThis is an English-speaking channel, gradje.08:01
gradjei'am so sorry08:02
=== lukjad007 is now known as lukjad86
phillwMFHP: in what way ?11:02
MFHPsorry try to get some help information about the IRC commands example /join etc.11:04
phillwMFHP: www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html11:07
MFHPGonna take a look, thanks!11:08
* phillw it would be /help ;-)11:10
znxtchyou here buddy>13:29
compiledkernelznxtch: probably not.13:38
shahanI have a problem on installing a game from Debplay15:25
shahanhttp://i714.photobucket.com/albums/ww145/shahan011/Screenshot.png it is appearing15:26
shahandont know why15:26
* LzrdKing facepalms15:47
LzrdKingwell i think i fixed my audio error and if i did fix it, it was something realllllly stupid :P15:47
LzrdKingi installed xvncserver which is a separate X server but i really wanted to install a vncserver that would let me see my existing X session16:01
phillwLzrdKing: I'll bet your sound problem was not as embarrassing as mine was (I had it on mute in preferences) ;-)16:07
LzrdKingno, that was something  i was actively checking since Master needs to be muted for sound to not comeout of the internal speakers16:09
LzrdKingno, its working, but the boxee config xml file had in there that it was not, so boxee had no sound; i renamed the file and it created a new one with the right settings16:10
LzrdKings/no its working, but//16:10
LzrdKingi don't know if its working, i can't see or here  the display16:11
LzrdKingi installed the wrong vncserver this morning16:11
LzrdKinghow can i install a vncserver so that i can see my already running X desktop?16:18
shahanhello everybody16:20
shahanI am in problem16:20
shahanneed help16:21
shahandownload realeted problem16:21
LzrdKingwell you have internet access16:22
shahanLzrdKing: I have internet access16:23
shahanLzrdKing: yes16:23
shahanLzrdKing: I am using it right now16:23
LzrdKingso what is download problem?16:23
shahanLzrdKing: I tried for downloading a game from playdeb.net16:24
shahanLzrdKing: I am using ubuntu 9.1016:24
shahanhttp://www.playdeb.net/software/0%20A.D. I tried for this game16:25
LzrdKingdid the .deb come down?16:25
LzrdKingshahan: did the .deb come down?16:29
shahan_LzrdKing: no16:30
shahan_I just go to the linik16:30
LzrdKingwhat happened when you clicked the link?16:30
shahan_the the game named 0 A.D. - A war/economy strategy game16:30
shahan_"0 A.D. - A war/economy strategy game"16:30
shahan_LzrdKing: then clicked on "Install this now"16:31
shahan_LzrdKing: what can I do now?\16:33
zeroseven0183The game reminds me of Age of Empires16:33
zeroseven0183I checked the homepage and it says it's still in alpha release16:34
zeroseven0183"not a playable game yet" and "meant for developers only"16:34
cluelessnewguyit is on playdeb as a download, but as an alpha its not worth it16:35
cluelessnewguyeven if it did work16:36
shahan_zeroseven0183: is there any good game16:36
shahan_zeroseven0183: for playing in ubuntu16:36
zeroseven0183Interesting game but yes, as of now, it's not worth it (as cluelessnewguy said)16:37
phillwshahan_: tux racer seems popular :-)16:37
zeroseven0183I'm not a gamer but I like Tuxracer16:37
shahan_phillw: hi16:37
zeroseven0183phillw likes it too16:37
phillwhi shahan_16:37
shahan_phillw: nice to meet u16:38
phillwis your lamp all behaving shahan_?16:38
shahan_phillw: will I get tux racer in ubuntu?16:38
shahan_phillw: in playdeb.net16:39
phillwi think it should be in the ubuntu software center ?  I'm not in 9.10 at the moment16:40
zeroseven0183Yes, it is.16:41
zeroseven0183The name is Extreme Tux Racer16:41
shahan_phillw: I am looking for a small but excellent graphics game in ubuntu16:41
shahan_phillw: yes...its working good16:41
phillwshahan_: as zeroseven0183 says you can try that one - i've never uploaded it, but it does seem popular :-)16:42
shahan_phillw: which one?16:42
phillwshahan_: (16:41:14) zeroseven0183: The name is Extreme Tux Racer16:42
phillwshahan_: get it via the ubuntu software center, it will do all the hard work for you & just pop it onto your computer :-)16:43
shahan_phillw: :)16:43
shahan_phillw: I played this game.... kids game16:43
phillwthat's probably why it is popular, we're all kids at heart :-)16:44
cluelessnewguyX Tux Racer WINS!16:44
shahan_phillw: hahaha16:44
shahan_cluelessnewguy: yes....16:44
phillwI have a penguin at play.clubpenguin.com/miniclip.htm (just don't tell anyone)16:45
cluelessnewguyRacer got me through some very boring lectures16:45
phillwcluelessnewguy: my penguin and puffles have got me through many boring hours when baby-sitting pubs with no customers :-)16:46
cluelessnewguyI wish I knew a bartender that played Tux Racer... I would go there all the time16:47
phillwI'll have to get it for next pub i go to16:48
phillwshahan_: that link has all the miniclip games16:49
shahan_all are big size games16:49
phillwshahan_: all the miniclip games are flash based, so very little to download16:49
shahan_my speed is not good16:49
shahan_phillw: hey....16:50
shahan_did u use TeamViewer any time?16:50
phillwshahan_: no, i have not.16:50
shahan_in playdeb.net16:50
shahan_phillw: it is used for remote access computing16:51
shahan_phillw: I am looking for a guy for testing this in ubuntu16:51
phillwshahan_: i have enough  troubles with this one !!16:51
shahan_phillw: I used to in Windows16:51
shahan_phillw: with what?16:51
phillw3 test systems on my computer, i am just about to replace one of them so i can write the instructions for how to install one of them.16:52
shahan_phillw: do u have idea about editing the boot menu?16:53
phillwshahan_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:54
shahan_phillw: grub?16:54
phillwthat is your boot menu with ubuntu16:54
shahan_phillw: tnx16:55
phillwGNU GRand Unified Bootloader16:55
phillwhi ibuclaw16:59
ibuclawhi phillw - what are you buying?17:03
phillwibuclaw: buying ?17:04
ibuclawphillw, what are you selling?17:07
phillwi have some cd's of alpha releases for sale, no longer needed :-D17:08
ibuclawooh, I'll buy that at a high price stranger17:08
ibuclaw(evidently you have not played Resident Evil 4)17:09
phillwthe alpha1 of 10.04 has the advantage of working with huwaei usb 3G devices ;-)17:09
phillwibuclaw: no, i'm strictly a http://play.clubpenguin.com/miniclip.htm  person :P17:10
ibuclawphillw, do you know which module interacts with the device?17:11
phillwsadly not, just that they broke them both in 10.04 and 9.10 :'(17:12
ibuclawphillw, actually - try an upgrade17:13
ibuclawubuntu have gone and done the unthinkable at the last moment17:13
phillwibuclaw: i keep all my test systems updated, it's the 1st thing i do when i log onto them.17:15
phillwunthinkable ?17:15
ibuclawphillw, oh wait ... ignore me - I have one too many ppas in my sources =)17:19
* ibuclaw saw 2.6.34 and was all confused for a minute there17:20
ibuclawbut anyway ... phillw - what module controls the 3G card?17:20
phillwi would assume it is under the control of the network manager as that's where the 3G device used to show up, but it's just seeing the 'virtual cd' and not the device anymore,I've installed usb-modeswitch to no avail17:22
ibuclawphillw, I would start at the lowest demoninator and work my way up the stack17:23
phillwthe lowest demoninator is the update of both the 9.10 and 10.04 series, that's a long haul !!17:25
phillwibuclaw: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9035596&postcount=317:25
ibuclawphillw, I meant start at testing for a driver error, then work up into userspace + application faults.17:26
phillwibuclaw: i wouldn't have a clue as to how to go about that, I'd be happy to help probing things if i was asked & told what to check17:28
ibuclawphillw, what is the device Manufacturer/Product ID ?17:29
ibuclawyou can obtain that via 'lsusb' after you insert the device17:30
phillwhuawei E156G, but it appears to affect many of the huawie range17:30
ibuclawmeans absolutely nothing to me ^-^17:30
phillw(if not them all, I've not seen some one report that there's work)17:30
ibuclawI can't grep "E156G" in the kernel source and expect a result17:31
phillwBus 001 Device 004: ID 12d1:1003 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E220 HSDPA Modem / E270 HSDPA/HSUPA Modem17:31
phillwthat's the annoying bit, lsusb can 'see' it17:31
ibuclawphillw, only means that it is detected - not annoying just yet...17:32
ibuclaw(if it weren't detected - then it would probably be an ex-device or an underpowered / dead port)17:33
phillwI'll gladly put off my re-booting if you want me to try things out17:33
phillwibuclaw: it's happily flashing blue (means it is alive and can see the 3G network)17:33
phillwthe system just pops up the window "Removable media is inserted" Type of medium 'windows software'17:35
phillw<< i don't have usb-modeswitch on this installation, but will get it if you think it may help (it doesn't on 10.04 'main'), i'm currently on lubuntu17:37
ibuclawphillw, okies - think I got the driver for it. :s17:43
ibuclawlsmod | grep option17:43
ibuclaw(not *entirely* sure of it's name though)17:44
ibuclawgrep CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_OPTION /boot/config-`uname -r` # will tell you it is a module17:44
ibuclawphillw, if it is there, then you can move onto udev detection (at least, I think it should output something in this case).17:46
ibuclawjust remove the device, wait 10 ~ seconds then run:17:46
ibuclawsudo udevadm monitor17:46
ibuclawensure that there is no activity, then insert the device17:46
ibuclawyou can pastebin for reference.17:47
phillwis that a module ?17:48
ibuclawy = builtin, m = module17:50
phillwk, i'll set up the udevadm monitor and pop the result over to pastebin, give me a couple of minutes :-)17:51
ibuclawand btw - fyi, how I got that was via:17:53
ibuclawgrep -iRl 12d1 drivers/17:53
ibuclawphillw, and btw - fyi, how I got that was via:17:53
ibuclawgrep -iRl 12d1 drivers/17:53
phillwgrrr.... blooming closing tabs, let me pull my logs for the command17:54
ibuclawwhich returned "drivers/usb/storage/unusual_devs.h"17:54
ibuclawand "drivers/usb/serial/option.c"17:54
ibuclawthen grep'd for 'option.o' using the same method17:55
ibuclawand that got me to the Makefile + CONFIG_* name17:55
phillwibuclaw: you may as well be speaking chinese :-\17:57
phillwi vaguely follow you17:58
shahanphillw: problem again18:23
shahannow with internet speed18:23
ibuclawinternet or firefox =)18:31
shahanibuclaw: internet18:32
ibuclawshahan, name an example18:32
shahanibuclaw: I heared that internet becomes slow in 9.1018:32
shahanibuclaw: now its happeneing with me18:32
ddecatori never had that o.o18:33
ibuclawshahan, mind games shahan18:33
swoodythe only thing I can think of offhand is ipv6, but that's not new to 9.1018:33
shahanibuclaw: games shahan? :-)18:33
swoodyI disabled ipv6 and apt-get updates and Firefox are much more responsive now18:33
LzrdKingcan anyone help me with ALSA? aplay -l finds no sound cards, but i DO have a soundcard18:34
ddecatorswoody: +18:34
ibuclawshahan, well, you have a ping of 1.51 seconds from where I am18:34
shahanibuclaw: how have u check it?18:34
shahanibuclaw: now I am in Windowx XP18:34
shahanibuclaw: due to slow internet connection in UBUNTU 9.1018:35
LzrdKingohhhh wt.... when X is running: no sound; exit X, sound comes back18:35
ibuclawshahan, what applications do you exhibit the slowness from?18:35
shahanwhen browsing I get very slow speed18:36
ddecatori'm betting ipv6..18:36
ibuclawstill could be a firefox issue18:36
ibuclawthere are plenty of guides to speed-tune it.18:36
ibuclawshahan, what speed is your connection (as far as you recall)18:36
ibuclawyou can check that against http://www.speedtest.net/18:37
ibuclawand also compare it with the results in Ubuntu18:37
shahanibuclaw: hmm...thats a good idea.18:37
shahanibuclaw: tnx for the idea. let me check18:38
ibuclawyou can also look at http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/the-ultimate-guide-to-speeding-up-firefox-3-5/18:39
ddecatorshahan: it may also help to use FF 3.6: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable18:39
ibuclawnote some things from item 5 downwards18:39
ibuclawbut in general, in your about:config settings, try setting:18:41
ibuclawbrowser.cache.offline.capacity  = 018:41
ibuclawbrowser.cache.offline.enable = false18:41
ibuclawnetwork.http.max-connections = 9618:42
ibuclawnetwork.http.max-connections-per-server = 3218:42
ibuclawnetwork.http.pipelining = true18:42
ibuclawnetwork.http.pipelining.maxrequests = 818:42
ibuclawshahan, make a note and away you go =)18:42
shahanibuclaw: ok18:43
shahanibuclaw: tnx18:43
shahanibuclaw: good night18:43
shahangoing to sleep18:43
shahansee u tomorrow18:43
ibuclawkk, bye18:43
LzrdKingcan anyone help me troubleshoot ALSA *under X*? when X is running, aplay -L returns nothing, aplay -l returns "aplay: device_list:223: no soundcards found..." and alsamixer returns "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory".  immediately when i kill X, alsamixer opens, aplay -l shows two STAC92xx devices (digital and analog) and aplay -L shows 7 analog devices, 1 digital device and null19:06
phillwibuclaw: knock, knock19:17
LzrdKingphillw: can you help me out?19:19
phillwLzrdKing: i'm not familiar with alsa things, if you tell me what the problem is I will gladly go and have a look for you.19:20
LzrdKingwhen X is running (nvidia drivers), aplay -L returns nothing, aplay -l returns "aplay: device_list:223: no soundcards found..." and alsamixer returns "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory".  immediately when i kill X, alsamixer opens, aplay -l shows two STAC92xx devices (digital and analog) and aplay -L shows 7 analog devices, 1 digital device and null19:20
LzrdKingoh and sound doesn't work under X19:21
ibuclawLizardK|ng, try:  sudo lsof /dev/snd/*19:23
ibuclawboth with and without X19:23
ibuclawand pastebin results19:23
ibuclaw(note, you can redirect output to a file using > file19:23
ibuclawphillw, who's there?19:24
phillwibuclaw: was that trace of any help ?19:25
LzrdKingibuclaw: ok, nothing to pastebin19:25
ibuclawphillw, is it supposed to be a block devices? :s19:26
ibuclawlooks like udev is treating it as sdb / sr1 to me :)19:26
phillwibuclaw: I have no idea? but the complaint is that after an update to the *buntu system, they stopped working19:27
ibuclawLizardK|ng, in both X and without X?19:27
LzrdKingibuclaw: yes, both commands returned nothing19:27
ibuclawok, is pulseaudio running when are in X?19:27
LzrdKingpulseaudio is not installed (only libpulse0 is)19:27
LzrdKingdo i NEED pulseaudio under X?19:27
ibuclawno, you shouldn't need it19:28
LzrdKingeveryone who tries to help me asks that19:28
ibuclawthat is the only excuse I have for working w/out X == OK, and w/ X == !OK19:28
LzrdKingand when i say no, they say "well thats all i can think of"19:28
ibuclawLizardK|ng, touche19:28
LzrdKingoh, you did too19:28
ibuclawI honestly don't know anything else that should even remotely touch audio devices19:29
LzrdKingcould the vnidia video drives be affecting anything?19:30
ibuclawdoubt it19:30
ibuclawLizardK|ng, do you have /dev/dsp* devices?19:31
LzrdKingjust /dev/dsp whether X is running or not19:32
ibuclawok, try starting your favourite audio player19:32
ibuclawie: rhythmbox19:32
ibuclaw*from the commandline19:32
ibuclawApplications -> Accessories -> Terminal19:33
ibuclawthen try playing a random song19:33
ibuclawdoes anything debug-wise get outputted?19:33
LzrdKingwith or without X running?19:34
ibuclaw(can also check ~/.xsession-errors for any output too)19:34
LzrdKingi guess with19:34
ibuclawLizardK|ng, unless you use a CLI music player, ie: mpc / mpd. =)19:34
znxtchwhat is the console command fort deleteing a program?19:35
LzrdKingi use boxee, which won't play any sounds19:35
LzrdKingbut i will patebin what aplay gives me19:35
ibuclawznxtch, sudo apt-get purge package-name19:35
ibuclawznxtch, if you don't know which package a program belongs to19:36
ibuclawdpkg -S program-name19:36
ibuclawor:  dpkg -S $(which program-name)19:36
znxtchi installed it from a .sh19:36
znxtchif that going to be something diff?19:36
ibuclawah, yes - it will be =)19:36
ibuclawwhat's the app?19:37
znxtchif it helps it was second life19:37
znxtchi wish i had made a second thought and never installed it19:37
ibuclawdo you know where it installed itself?19:37
znxtchyes in /opt19:37
ibuclawznxtch, kk should be easy then19:37
ibuclawfirst thing to do:19:37
ibuclawls -l $(which second-life)19:38
* ibuclaw is presuming that is the name of the app19:38
LzrdKingibuclaw: http://pastebin.com/1HzQGQn3 when i run aplay with X running19:38
znxtchme@computer:/opt$ ls -l $(which second-life)19:38
znxtchtotal 419:38
znxtchdrwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4096 2010-04-21 20:08 secondlife-install19:38
ibuclawI take it 'second-life' isn't the name of the app then =)19:39
ibuclawznxtch, I have no honest clue what name it is - so I'll leave you to figure that one out.19:40
ibuclawI presume it must start with 'sec'19:41
ibuclawyou can use TAB to try and auto-complete the command19:41
znxtchonly file it finds is the intall19:41
ibuclawbash will give you a list of choices if more than one is present19:41
ibuclawah K :P19:42
znxtche@computer:/opt$ secondlife-install/19:42
znxtchapp_settings/ character/    fonts/        lib/          secondlife19:42
znxtchbin/          etc/          install.sh    res-sdl/      skins/19:42
ibuclawznxtch, what happens if you run it?19:42
znxtchill see19:42
* ibuclaw notes a bin directory19:42
znxtchumm command no found on 'secondlife-install'19:43
ibuclawoh, I see what you did ...19:43
ibuclawznxtch, just type in 'sec' and press TAB twice19:43
ibuclawnothing else19:44
znxtchnothing else19:44
ibuclaw(you probably typed in 'ls sec' last time)19:44
znxtchme@computer:/opt$ secondlife-install/19:44
znxtchbash: secondlife-install/: is a directory19:44
ibuclawznxtch, okies no obvious symlink in /usr/bin then - I'll give up there19:44
znxtch"secondlife" is in the directory called secondlife-install19:45
ibuclawls /opt/secondlife-install/bin19:46
znxtchme@computer:/opt/secondlife-install$ ls /opt/secondlife-install/bin19:46
znxtchdo-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin  linux-crash-logger.bin  llplugin  SLVoice19:46
znxtchlibllkdu.so                         linux-updater.bin       SLPlugin19:46
ibuclawhmm, ok, nothing there then. =)19:47
znxtchwhen i run secondlife19:47
ibuclawznxtch, is Second Life in the applications menu?19:47
znxtchfrom the secondlife-install dir19:47
znxtchits opens second life19:47
LzrdKingif i run a sound tool as root, like "sudo alsamixer" when X is running, it works fine19:48
LzrdKingso why do i need to be root to run alsamixer when X is running but i can be a regular user when it's not?19:48
znxtchit in the apps menu19:48
znxtchbut i cat install it from ubuntu software center19:48
ibuclawLizardK|ng, that is a very good question ... what group perms do you have?19:48
ibuclawznxtch, k, and running:  ls /usr/bin/sec*19:48
ibuclawoutputs "no file found" ?19:49
LzrdKingibuclaw: on alsamixer?19:49
ibuclawLizardK|ng, in general19:50
ibuclawLizardK|ng, the command is 'groups' iirc19:50
znxtchls: cannot access /usr/bin/sec*: No such file or directory19:50
ibuclawznxtch, ok then19:50
ibuclawsudo rm /opt/secondlife-install19:50
LzrdKingwaaaiit... i must not have added user to the group properly19:51
znxtchme@computer:/opt/secondlife-install$ sudo rm /opt/secondlife-install19:51
znxtchrm: cannot remove `/opt/secondlife-install': Is a directory19:51
ibuclawznxtch, hehe19:51
ibuclawsudo rm -r /opt/secondlife-install19:51
LzrdKingibuclaw: audio is not shown as a groiup for user, even though it is in /etc/group19:51
znxtchand its gone as hell19:52
znxtchlets see if its still in the menu19:52
ibuclawznxtch, then check the applications directory for the menu item19:52
ibuclawls /usr/share/applications/sec*19:52
znxtchls: cannot access /usr/share/applications/sec*: No such file or directory19:52
ibuclawLizardK|ng, kk:  sudo usermod -a -G audio19:52
znxtchits still in the apps menu ill try to rn it19:52
ibuclawLizardK|ng, or:  sudo vigr (and edit it manually)19:53
znxtchokay it just stuck in the menu19:53
znxtchthe program is gone though19:53
ibuclawLizardK|ng, then logout / login19:53
znxtchwhat a a great learning experience19:53
znxtchi will NEVER19:53
ibuclawznxtch, ls /usr/share/applications/[sS]*19:53
znxtchinstall a .sh again19:53
znxtchoh we're still going lol19:53
LzrdKingohhh, i missed the logout/login part19:53
ibuclawznxtch, the menu item still needs removing =)19:53
LzrdKingnow i see audio19:54
ibuclawznxtch, might check /usr/local/share/applications/* too19:54
znxtchi removed it via GUI19:55
znxtchconsole is still scary to me19:55
ibuclawznxtch, that is fake removing it =)19:55
ibuclawit is still present (add another user, and it will popup again)19:55
* znxtch opens term back up19:55
ibuclawznxtch, I presume you removed it via the menu editor?19:56
LzrdKingibuclaw: before i thank you profusely, let me check boxee19:56
ibuclawznxtch, if it helps, you can open nautilus19:56
ibuclawznxtch, then browse to /usr/share/applications19:56
znxtchi dont know what nautilus is19:56
ibuclawthe file browser....19:57
znxtchoh im dub19:57
znxtchdid i metion im on day 4 of linux rebirth19:57
znxtchits a bright and scarey new world19:57
phillwznxtch: when ibuclaw has got you sorted, head over http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1052065  for a good guide19:57
znxtchokay im there via nautilus19:58
znxtchno second life19:58
znxtchthere are 3 f-spot icons though19:58
znxtchis that normal?19:58
ibuclawznxtch, ok, up one directory and go to  /usr/local/share/applications19:58
LzrdKingibuclaw: it appears to be working; i won't know for sure till i get home tonight but thank you thank thank you19:59
ibuclawLizardK|ng, no probs19:59
ibuclawpermissions ... the problem and cure for all oddities19:59
znxtchi see Second Life20:00
ibuclawznxtch, awesome20:00
znxtchyou are psychic20:00
ibuclawnow, in the terminal20:00
LzrdKingibuclaw: i still have the question of why X running or not mattered20:00
ibuclawls /usr/local/share/applications/*20:00
znxtchme@computer:~$ ls /usr/local/share/applications/*20:01
ibuclawLizardK|ng, loggining in via direct shell is very different to logging in via a DM. That is all I really have to say.20:01
LzrdKingno DM, just startx20:02
ibuclawheh. hardcore =)20:02
LzrdKingoh it is20:02
LzrdKingthats why i'm running X on a server install to begin with20:03
ibuclawznxtch, grep "Icon" /usr/local/share/applications/secondlife-viewer.deskto20:03
ibuclawznxtch, excellent, the icon is already removed then20:04
LzrdKingi'm running just the bare minimum to run boxee, HTPC software20:04
ibuclaw LzrdKing, well, beyond "Linux is a strange little being" can't really give any explanations.20:05
znxtchwhat just happed?20:06
LzrdKingibuclaw: its not a completely fair comparison, but running boxee under windows or a wubi install of desktop ubuntu, it would choke horribly on local HD content20:06
LzrdKingnow, running it under openbox on ext4, i can STREAM hd20:06
ibuclawznxtch, sudo rm /usr/local/share/applications/secondlife-viewer.desktop20:06
ibuclawznxtch, and you are done! =)20:06
ibuclawznxtch, 'grep' is a command to grep the contents of a file20:06
ibuclawI honestly can't explain it better than that... lol20:07
LzrdKingits a search20:07
ibuclawLizardK|ng, aye, I have openbox on all my setups20:07
LzrdKingibuclaw: but ONLY openbox, no DE20:08
LzrdKingor DM20:08
ibuclawwell, XFCE, KDE and GNOME are DE's20:08
ibuclaweverything else is a WM20:08
znxtchibuclaw, you are awesome.  i stand ready and waiting to one day return the favor, whatever it may be.  even if that day never comes.20:08
LzrdKingznxtch: ibuclaw's great, isn't he?20:09
ibuclawznxtch, do you happen to live in Europe?20:09
LzrdKingibuclaw: i only have 105 processes running on the machine20:09
ibuclawbeats my 12820:09
ibuclawthen again ... I *am* running an intensive make process20:10
ibuclawand probably have one too many VTE's open20:10
znxtchhaha not in europe20:10
ibuclawoh... and the wonderful chromium takes up a process each20:11
ibuclawLizardK|ng, closing all that brings me down to 104 :P20:12
* ibuclaw getting competetive now20:12
ibuclawoh wait ... 10320:12
ibuclawps -el | wc -l20:12
ibuclawthat number - 120:13
LzrdKingoops, i'm actually at 100 with boxee running, but i also have an xterm (until boxee will start properly on startup) and a vnc server running20:13
LzrdKingi mean 11020:13
LzrdKingyours is going down and mines going up20:13
ibuclawznxtch, then you have no chance of returning the favour. ;)20:13
ibuclawznxtch, on the brighter note, feel free to stick around, have seen many a people grow over the years20:14
LzrdKingps -ef |wc -l gives me 112, but one is the ps and the other ic thw wc20:14
ibuclawLizardK|ng, yeah, that is why I use -l instead of -f20:15
ibuclawwell... partly why20:15
LzrdKingopps, i did -el20:15
znxtchIs there a way to "hide" my IP on IRC?  I would like to be able to reserve some privacy if possible.20:20
ibuclawznxtch, you can /j #freenode20:20
ibuclawand ask for a mask20:20
swoodyznxtch: if you have your name registered already, you can request a cloak in #freenode20:21
ibuclawyou need to register though, and wait for about a fortnight20:21
ibuclawthey aren't very leaniant at giving people clocks20:21
znxtchCool I dont mind waiting.  I just dont like a room of 1000 people being able to narrow down on my location lol20:21
ibuclawznxtch, use a proxy? :)20:21
znxtchI don20:22
znxtchdont know how20:22
ibuclawznxtch, ok, anyway, have you registered your name?20:22
znxtchI'm lazy20:22
znxtchI havent used IRC in like 10 years20:23
znxtchI've got to get NickServ friendly again20:23
ibuclaw/msg NickServ register20:23
ibuclawI think arguments are <secret password> <email@account.com>20:24
znxtchYou know20:24
ibuclawbut don't do it in here =)20:24
znxtchI just want to share this20:24
znxtchI'm sitting here thinking to myself20:25
znxtchWhy didn't I switch to Linux earlier?20:25
znxtchI've been missing out20:25
znxtchI feel like everybody knew about some really cool bar and didnt give me directions to the party20:25
ibuclawyou haven't missed much.20:26
ibuclawThis year is still the year of the Linux Desktop (just like last year, and the year before, and...)20:26
znxtchNickserv says, " You have taken steps in ensuring that your registrations are not exploited."20:27
znxtchnickserv takes itself pretty seriously eh?20:27
ibuclawregistering names is a serious businnes :P20:28
ibuclawonce registered, people can take that name away from you if you haven't used it for a prolonged period of time (ie: 4-6 months)20:28
ibuclawI've seen people complain when they return20:29
hobgoblinI would20:29
znxtchMARK THESE WORDS!20:30
* ibuclaw too20:30
znxtchif you ever see me complaining about losing a nickname on IRC20:30
znxtchshoot me in the face20:30
znxtchi mean directly in it20:30
compiledkernelibuclaw: every year is the year of the Linux desktop20:30
compiledkernelI just stopped paying attention to it.20:30
ibuclawcompiledkernel, when we implemented SMP (yes, I say 'we' like we are a football team), I was so certain... ;)20:31
compiledkernelcertainty aside, any strides in dhe Desktop makes what was done previously seem infantile.20:31
compiledkernelErgo any future year is the year of the linux desktop20:31
ibuclawI actually find myself asking "Why didn't I switch to ArchLinux earlier?"20:32
compiledkernelibuclaw: I tend to aggree.20:32
compiledkernelbut for a variety of different reasons.20:32
ibuclawwith the exception of dpkg missing, I really can't find anything to argue against it20:32
compiledkernelbut the reality of it all is more its just safer to use Debian pure when you have to, and Arch everywhere else.20:33
ibuclaw(need dpkg for building gdc)20:33
compiledkernelI tend to use Debian pure for app servers, Archlinux for core services, and Archlinux for Desktops.20:33
ibuclawwell... minimum I need is to run ./debian/rules configure20:33
ibuclawthen just switch to builddir and run make manually from there20:34
compiledkernelgdc is that important to you?20:34
ibuclawcompiledkernel, I'm only the maintainer in Debian + Ubuntu...20:35
compiledkernelthe D programming language20:35
ibuclawit's a fun language20:35
compiledkernelas entertaining as C, but not stupid like C++?20:36
ibuclawquite that, yes.20:36
ibuclawcertainly brought the fun back into programming for me (very much like people say for python)20:36
ibuclawhowever, I'm a can't learn / won't learn python sort of person.20:37
compiledkernelare you using the AUR pkg for gdc?20:37
ibuclawcompiledkernel, haven't actually looked into making one, though have thought about it.20:37
ibuclawand there is not one in the repos iirc20:37
compiledkernel3 exist20:37
compiledkernelin the aur20:38
ibuclawam not aware of that then20:38
compiledkernelsent you the two you need20:38
compiledkernelibuclaw: you really need to learn to use AUR.20:38
ibuclawcompiledkernel, aye, got them20:39
ibuclawthose are old versions20:39
compiledkernelwell then yes20:39
* znxtch pays $5 for a cloak20:39
znxtchbefore i submit this20:39
ibuclawhttp://bitbucket.org/goshawk/gdc/wiki/Home is the new home20:39
znxtchis the cloack system flawed20:39
compiledkernelsomeone should do a pkgbuild for it then20:39
znxtchis some hardcore 15 yr old japanese kid stillgoing to get my ip and cruch me20:39
ibuclawcompiledkernel, I'll add it on my TODO list then =)20:39
compiledkernelznxtch: Im not 15 , nor japanese. However, at a netsec geek, I could be tempted to do so.20:40
compiledkernelznxtch: but your probably safe.20:40
* znxtch would rather be joining a project for a cloak20:41
* znxtch coughs up some $20:41
ibuclawznxtch, there are easier free routes to doing that. =20:42
znxtchI'm cheap!20:42
znxtchI mean20:43
ibuclawa basic cloak would be ~nick@username20:43
znxtchI'm listening. . .20:43
compiledkernelznxtch: just tor, its equally effective.20:43
ibuclawbrb, going to make some food20:44
znxtchyoure going to make food20:45
znxtchand leave me all exposed in the open20:45
znxtchwithout explaining the free route20:45
znxtchyour sick20:45
* phillw swarms in and attacks znxtch20:45
znxtchim paying20:46
znxtchscrew it20:46
znxtchmaybe ill buy some pale/sarving progammer a cheeseburger and a mt dew20:46
compiledkernelmt dew20:47
compiledkernelIll have to add that to my fact generator.20:48
znxtchfact generator?20:49
compiledkernelznxtch: hold on20:50
* znxtch holds on. . .tightly20:50
compiledkernelznxtch: http://gwos.org/doku.php/random:facts20:50
compiledkernelthere you go20:50
ibuclawznxtch, oh, I see you have been priveleged20:50
ibuclawvery few make it there.20:50
compiledkernelibuclaw: he gets it first you know20:50
znxtchoh YES!20:50
compiledkernelthat means he has sufficent warning20:50
ibuclawI can't even spell privileged right...20:50
znxtchthis looks like a good read20:51
znxtchbrb going to check this out20:51
ibuclawznxtch, is also a very good site (if you are a gamer)20:51
compiledkernelyes znxtch20:51
compiledkernelyou need to look at the base domain http://gwos.org20:51
ibuclawtry not to stumble upon any subdomains though20:51
ibuclawor search for the term "bad fsck"20:52
compiledkernelby the way ibuclaw there is a new poll out there, will you kindly vote in it please.20:52
ibuclawor whatever it is20:52
ibuclaw"fsck bad exit"20:52
znxtchUnix was coded by compiledkernel back in 1765 and with just a piece of paper and a pencil.20:52
ibuclawcompiledkernel, looking at the poll results, I see your site attendee's are biased.20:53
compiledkernelI believe this channel's favorite rule is 51). One day long a ago a brilliant scientist, capable of understanding how the universe worked walked into his office, talking to his co workers he looked at his computer and saw a link from Compiledkernel. We know this man today as Steven Hawking.20:53
znxtchHey Afterfall looks cool20:54
znxtchis it20:54
compiledkernelfor some reason20:54
compiledkernelafterfall is real popular20:54
compiledkernelI dont really get why20:54
znxtchit was just the first thing i clicked on20:55
znxtchyou know what game id like to see on linux20:56
znxtchmaybe one of you smart people could do it20:56
ibuclawcompiledkernel, well ... people like fallout 320:56
znxtchan old 2-d game called ARC (Attack Retrive Capture)20:57
compiledkernelfallout 3 blew20:57
compiledkernelfallout was always meant to be a turn based game, not stupid Bethesda's idea of a stupid shooter.20:58
=== bgs000 is now known as bgs100
phillwibuclaw: do you have a spare minute in PM?, I'll await a reply22:12
LzrdKingok, going home! thanks again ibuclaw!22:15

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