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BUGabundo_remoterufus fetch the paper :D08:53
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mrcurringtonCan feature design complaints be reported as bugs?16:04
zeroseven0183And if you can include a screenshot, better16:08
zeroseven0183{if necessary}16:09
mdlueckI was asked to switch to this channel... Need to file a Lucid installer bug. What log files should I grab before I reboot the VM session?18:23
mdlueck>Today's daily (20100419.1) is still broken trying to use xfs on / and /home, ext4 on /boot. Gets an error trying to format the / partition.18:24
arandmdlueck: "ubuntu-bug ubiquity" should grab a fair bit of the installer stuff...18:25
mdlueckHow can I get a term window open since I booted directly to the installer, bypassing LiveCD mode? Ctrl+Alt+F1 gives errors that gtk is not available when I try to run GUI programs from there.18:26
mdlueckIs there some hot-key to get a shell open from inside the installer?18:27
mrandmdlueck: does ctrl-alt-D show the desktop?18:30
charlie-tcamdlueck: files in /var/log/installer  and  /var/log/dmesg.log18:30
arandmdlueck: hmm, ubuntu-bug doesn't need a gui, can report the bug via elinks or lynxs if necessary, or if you can go to the link given from another computer, I think...18:30
mdlueckmrand: ctrl-alt-D does nothing... I moved the installer window out of the way, no icons appear if that should have done so18:31
mdlueckcharlie-tca: I can go to ctrl-alt-F1 and grab those couple of files for sure, should that be enough?18:32
charlie-tcaAs long as they are there, that is normally enough. look in /var/log/installer and make sure something is there, though18:32
mdlueckarand: I tried running "ubiquity --debug" which complained about gtk not being available18:33
charlie-tca /var/log/installer should have a partman log18:33
charlie-tcaThat usually works for these issues18:34
arandmdlueck: Well that's expected, since ubiquity is a gui app18:34
yofel_mdlueck: do you get a run dialog if you press alt+f2?18:34
mdlueckcharlie-tca: there are files in /var/log/installer thought no mention of error trying to format the / partition xfs18:35
mdlueckchecking /var/log/messages18:35
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mdlueckI do not see errors via tail of /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog18:36
mdlueckpertaining to trying to format the root partition xfs18:36
mdlueckyofel_: alt+f2 does not bring anything up18:37
mdlueckcharlie-tca: not partman log in /var/log/installer18:38
charlie-tcaIs there one in /var/log ?18:39
mdlueckcharlie-tca: debug dm version (is the complete file list in that dir) checking /var/log18:39
mdlueckI have one in /var/log   checking for an error message18:40
yofelmdlueck: if you can store files somewhere, then you can run 'apport-cli --save <file> ubiquity'18:40
yofeland file the report later from a working live session18:41
charlie-tcaGoing to need /var/log/syslog too then18:41
mdlueckyofel: networking seems to be up, so can scp out of this vm18:41
yofelapport seems to collect syslog, partman, casper.log, oem-config.log, /var/log/installer/dm and /var/log/installer/debug18:44
pascal80bdmurray: can you extend my membership for ubuntu-bugcontrol?18:45
mdlueckyofel_: I tried 'apport-cli --save apport-cli.log ubiquity'  Lots of output to the console, no file in the current directory18:47
yofelsudo maybe?18:47
mdlueckSeems to be doing the same thing18:47
yofelhm, works here though18:48
pascal80jcastro: hello, can you extend my membership for ubuntu-bugcontrol?18:48
pascal80pedro_: hello, can you extend my membership for ubuntu-bugcontrol?18:48
mdlueckyofel_: the man page does not seem to have the --save switch listed18:49
pedro_pascal80, hello, what's your lp id?18:49
yofelmdlueck: o.O? the manpage shows '       apport-cli [ --save file ] symptom | pid | package | program path | .apport/.crash file' as one usage info18:50
pascal80pedro_: hi, it's pascal-devuyst18:50
mdlueckyofel_: I am running 9.04 as my host OS, maybe the syntax has changed since then18:51
bdmurraypedro_: are you on it?18:51
pedro_bdmurray, yeah18:51
yofelmdlueck: well, you were supposed to run that on the lucid system (tty is fine)18:51
yofelmdlueck: while  *running* lucid18:52
pedro_pascal80, all done, thanks for your work18:52
mdlueckI did, I just did not assume that the man page is available via the lucid live CD, so I went to my host OS to look up the man page18:52
yofelah, apport has changed a lot since 9.04, we didn't have --save back then I think18:53
yofelmdlueck: you can even run it without --save, you can select save to file later, will be stored in /tmp then18:53
mdlueckSo, networking IS working, origionl Q then, what should I grab to help debug why / can not be formatted xfs?18:54
mdlueckOK, will try yofel18:54
pascal80pedro_: thanks a lot!18:54
trijntjeIndicator applet stops showing transmission in Lucid after a while. How can I find out if this is a indicator-applet or Transmission bug?18:57
mdlueckI tried to zip up some logs... I get some I/O errors against the ISO image running in the VirtualBox VM session. That is really strange.18:59
yofelmdlueck: did you check the md5sum of the iso?19:06
mdlueckyofel: zsync checked the md5. I rebooted, erased the virtual HDD, and now zip works properly, so zipping up some logs.19:07
mdlueckyofel: not apport-cli reports no pending reports, yet the / partition failed to format19:11
mdlueckyofel: I zipped up all of /var/log subtree19:11
yofelmdlueck: does formatting it by hand with mkfs.xfs work?19:11
mdlueckAaahh, mkfs.xfs command not found!19:13
yofelmeaning xfsprogs should be missing19:14
yofelmaybe ask in #ubuntu-installer if they're aware of it19:14
mdlueckWill do, thanks!19:14
mdlueckOr shall I return to +1 since this is lucid testing?19:14
yofelnot sure, this should be mentioned in the iso testing tracker at least19:19
mdlueckyofel: Where is that so I may do so.19:20
yofelmdlueck: xfsprogs is not part of the default system, but it should be included on the iso19:20
yofelmdlueck: ask in #ubuntu-testing would be best, today is rc testing so someone should be there19:20
mdlueckyofel: Used to "automagically" be selected if a partition used xfs19:21
mdlueckOK, thanks, off to -testing19:21
yofelmdlueck: yes, but for that it needs to be included on the iso, check with 'dpkg -l xfs*' if it's installed there19:22
mdlueckyofel: that just comes back with x11-xfs-utils19:23
yofelhere's what it gives on my pc (no xfs): http://pastebin.com/iqkbMCfu19:24
mdlueckyofel: Like I said I got the impression that the installer adds xfsprogs if a partition is formatted xfs, but still the installer needs to have it available for use19:25
mdlueckyofel: So shall I open the bug against "ubiquity (Ubuntu)" and explain that xfsprogs seems to be missing from the live/install CD?19:27
yofelI'm not sure how the isos get created, but if you get no answer in -testing for a while please do that yes19:28
mdlueckyofel: OK, will do. Thank you SO much!! :-)19:29
jwhitlark I saw something about testers needed for the x.org bug.  If you need 64-bit testers, please give me a link to more info and I'll help out.20:24
micahgjwhitlark: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Testing/GEMLeak20:25
geniimicahg: Are testers needed for nv driver?20:32
micahggenii: idk details20:32
micahggenii: you can ask in #ubuntu-x20:32
geniiOK, thanks20:33
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