
=== ara_ is now known as ara
=== ara is now known as Guest45645
=== Guest45645 is now known as ara_
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CIA-3migration-assistant: evand * r97 migration-assistant/ (debian/changelog ma-script-utils): Skip comments in /etc/fstab.09:35
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4100 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/misc.py): Check for LTS in the release name (LP: #558488).10:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558488 in ubiquity "(Lucid beta) Should use 10.04 LTS, not 10.04" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55848810:36
CIA-3partman-auto: cjwatson * r316 ubuntu/ (4 files in 3 dirs):10:43
CIA-3partman-auto: Run clean_method before starting autopartitioning instead of in the10:43
CIA-3partman-auto: middle of performing a recipe, and call autopartition just once for10:43
CIA-3partman-auto: multi-disk partitioning. This means that methods applied to partitions10:43
CIA-3partman-auto: of physical disks in RAID recipes are applied to all disks rather than10:43
CIA-3partman-auto: just the last one (LP: #566965).10:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566965 in partman-auto "preseed with RAID and GPT fails to set bios_grub flag on first disk but does set it on second so install fails" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56696510:43
CIA-3partman-auto: cjwatson * r317 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 89ubuntu710:45
evcasper LTS fix> does this look reasonable enough: http://paste.ubuntu.com/419763/11:09
cjwatsonyeah, that looks ok11:10
evcool, thanks for the review11:11
CIA-3casper: evand * r811 casper/ (debian/changelog scripts/casper-bottom/10adduser): Check for LTS in the release name (LP: #558488).11:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558488 in ubiquity "(Lucid beta) Should use 10.04 LTS, not 10.04" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55848811:12
CIA-3casper: evand * r812 casper/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.23611:15
ograhmm, joining the installer team certainly raised my bugmail by 20%11:45
cjwatsonwe usually warn people to filter ...11:47
evmy bad11:53
ograheh, no, i'm fine :)12:07
ograits just 20%12:07
evcjwatson: what do you make of bug 536673, given the latest logs?  Do you think something like this is reasonable (http://paste.ubuntu.com/419787/), or should we drop the "|| exit 10" from hw-detect?12:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 536673 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashed with InstallStepError in configure_hardware()" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53667312:08
davmor2ev: can you look at something quickly?  on the help me boot option on wubi in xubuntu it is going straight into the installer and bypassing the try xubuntu/install xubuntu screen is this known?12:12
cjwatsonwait, what12:16
cjwatsonsomething is more wrong than that12:17
cjwatsonGO should never give you "30 question skipped", that's from INPUT - the debconf protocol is out of sync here12:17
cjwatsonexcerpts from further up:12:19
cjwatsonApr 21 09:40:28 ubuntu ubiquity: + _db_cmd GET hw-detect/load-ide12:19
cjwatsonApr 21 09:40:28 ubuntu ubiquity: + RET=true12:19
cjwatsonApr 21 09:40:28 ubuntu ubiquity: + return 012:19
cjwatsonApr 21 09:40:28 ubuntu ubiquity: + _db_cmd PROGRESS START 0 1000 hw-detect/detect_progress_step12:19
cjwatsonApr 21 09:40:28 ubuntu ubiquity: + RET=false12:19
cjwatsonApr 21 09:40:28 ubuntu ubiquity: + return 012:19
cjwatsonand further up still:12:20
cjwatsonApr 21 09:38:36 ubuntu ubiquity: return: 74: Illegal number: #12:20
cjwatsonit almost looks as though m-a is throwing the protocol out somewhere12:20
cjwatsondo we have a 'ubiquity -d' trace of this anywhere?12:21
evunfortunately not12:22
evand I cannot reproduce it12:22
evI'll ask for a set now12:22
cjwatsonI've left a comment12:24
ara if I find several inconsistencies in edubuntu's slideshow, which package should I file the bug against?12:24
ara any idea?12:24
evah, sorry I just did the same12:24
cjwatsonheh, np12:24
evara: ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu12:24
evunless they created their own12:24
persiaNot according to my apt-cache at least.12:25
evindeed, mine either12:25
araev, but it is different from ubuntu's12:25
* cjwatson hunts12:25
evdavmor2: looking into it12:25
cjwatsonara: seems to be in edubuntu-artwork12:26
persiaara: edubuntu-artwork12:26
ara(it is looking really bad, by the way)12:27
cjwatsonogra: can you confirm my closure of bug 556441?12:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556441 in initramfs-tools "Incorrectly identify blockdevice for mmcblkXpY" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55644112:30
evdavmor2: can you pastebin your wubi log somewhere?12:30
davmor2ev: will it be in there?  http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/DesktopWubi this is when you run cd helper from the Try or Full install.12:32
evright, in windows open %TEMP% and grab the latest wubi log12:34
davmor2ev: Right ev I'm going to wipe the current wubi log and start it again so you get a nice fresh log rather than the mile long one I currently have :)12:53
davmor2ev: paste.ubuntu.com/41981213:08
ogracjwatson, yup13:10
ogracjwatson, sorry, missed to put the bug number into changelog13:11
cjwatsonthat's ok13:11
ograhmm, in fact i didnt even know about that bug13:11
ograwasnt properly triaged :/13:11
evdavmor2: and the syslog from after you've been booted straight into the installer, if you can13:35
davmor2ev: I got a feeling I know what this is down to you know.  xubuntu still has the old menu system in place so doesn't need the "welcome" screen for selecting try me or install.  If they then used the code from Ubuntu for booting that might be the cause right?13:49
cjwatsonmaybe-ubiquity should only be added if hidden-timeout is set in gfxboot.cfg13:51
evI would think that it would boot straight into the live desktop, not the install13:51
cjwatsonoh, but straight into the installer, that would be only-ubiquity13:52
evindeed, which isn't set by wubi as far as I can tell13:52
cjwatsonI don't know which boot option this particular UI thing is bound to13:52
davmor2ev: http://pastebin.com/HPubqbvF13:52
davmor2ev, cjwatson: Yeah but the current method for booting ubuntu goes straight to ubiquity and you get the welcome screen that then says try without install or install correct?13:54
evinteresting, why on earth is automatic-ubiquity still set13:54
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evdavmor2: yes, but that's because we explicitly set maybe-ubiquity on the kernel command line13:55
davmor2ev: so do you want a bug on that one?14:24
evyeah, just preparing an instrumented wubi for you to test now14:24
evdavmor2: can you run this and post a new log? http://people.canonical.com/~evand/tmp/wubi-r185-test1.exe14:26
evdon't worry about restarting into Ubuntu14:26
evobvious take the same steps as before14:27
davmor2ev: do you want the old record on there or a fresh log?14:28
evquite confused as to how automatic-ubiquity is sticking around, but this will hopefully give me a clearer picture14:28
eveither way14:28
evI'll be able to pick out the needed details14:28
davmor2Do I need to drop it on a cd to get the menu up?14:32
davmor2ev: it's going straight to wubi install from the exe14:39
everr sorry14:43
evwubi --cdmeny14:43
evthat is, win+r C:\path\to\the\wubi.exe --cdmenu14:44
davmor2ev: no cd detected :(  shall I just drop it on a cd inplace of wubi?14:54
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4101 ubiquity/ (2 files in 2 dirs):14:55
CIA-3ubiquity: Hide the keyboard query dialog when we encounter an error parsing14:55
CIA-3ubiquity: the keymap decision tree (LP: #553087).14:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553087 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashed with Exception in read_step() while guessing keyboard-layout" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55308714:55
* ogra is impressed how fast partman comes up in ubiquity on armel ... every other module is dog slow, but partman is a breeze :)15:18
davmor2ev: http://paste.ubuntu.com/41988015:25
davmor2ev: is that okay now?16:24
evdavmor2: I think I have enough to go on for now, thanks16:25
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=== stevemaresca is now known as icarus901
CIA-3user-setup: evand * r221 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.28ubuntu717:21
CIA-3partman-target: evand * r795 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 64ubuntu917:22
evdavmor2: can you please file a bug for the wubi issue so I don't lose track of it?17:36
evit's very odd -- I can't see how the output in your log matches the code, but I'll keep at it17:37
davmor2no probs17:38
davmor2https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/567969 hope that makes sense I added the logs from earlier as well17:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567969 in wubi "Wubi's help boot cd options goes to ubiquity automatic" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:51
Andreashi, i have a problem with the install of ubuntu on my hp compaq dc 7100 desktop computer. i have tried different versions (hardy, karmic, lucid) and i have always the same problem. i can access my hdd (connected via sata) without any problems on the live desktop. but the installer don't recognize my hdd or any partition on it.19:50
=== kusum1 is now known as kusum
cjwatsonAndreas: can you put the output of 'sudo lspci -vvnn' from a live desktop somewhere, please?21:28
cjwatsonAndreas: I assume you mean the text-mode installer21:28
cjwatsonor not?21:28
CIA-3ubiquity: superm1 * r4102 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py):21:42
CIA-3ubiquity: In OEM user config, don't change the last page's button to "Install"21:42
CIA-3ubiquity: to avoid confusion.21:42

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