
lfaraonekees: hey, did you have a chance to look at uploading the branch attached to bug 538471 to karmic-security?00:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538471 in autokey "autokey: insecure use of temporary files (Data Corruption, Local Denial of Service)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53847100:29
crimsuncarstenh: fixed & uploaded, thanks.00:31
arandIs there an easy way to do the intent of "patch -R < 1.patch > 1_reverse.patch" ?00:36
carstenhcrimsun: thanks for the quick fix :)00:37
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lfaraoneFor GPL projects, all of the project source files do not need a GPL header and authorship information, do they? (http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/6891 doesn't make sense to me)01:26
jdonglfaraone: they do.01:26
lfaraonejdong: mk. a "this package is free software, you may..." in README isn't enough?01:27
jdonglfaraone: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Copyright Information01:28
jdongFor all files it must be clear under which license they fall. Source code files should usually have a short comment at the top which points out the license.01:28
carstenhjdong: this doesn't sound correct and your link does not justify your statement, nor does common sense01:51
jdongcarstenh: what doesn't sound correct? that each source file should have a copyright header stating its license?01:51
jdongfeel free to get someone else here to clarify that point, but that was always my understanding of what the archive administrators expect to see.01:52
carstenhjdong: well, should != must01:52
jdongcarstenh: should as in I've had several packages rejected in my 3-4 years of packaging around here for that reason :)01:52
jdongso should \approx must.01:52
carstenhjdong: do you know an example (without looking it up, this wouldn't be woth the effort)?01:53
jdongcarstenh: examples are hard to find in that archive rejections usually are handled by a private email from an archive admin, and the history is not recorded in LP01:55
carstenhjdong: i wanted more example for a rejected source than the rejection itself01:56
carstenhbut only if you remember a name without looking it up01:56
jdonglooking on REVU should give you plenty of examples01:56
ScottKcrimsun: Why did you change the VCS stanzas in topgit?01:57
carstenhzcat (shell script) in bzip2 is a trivial example for a gpl source without gpl header01:57
ScottKThere are pleanty of cases where the GPL header is missing.01:59
ScottKThese are bugs and should be fixed.01:59
ScottKAs long as the upstream intent for licensing is clear and well documented, then the lack of the header won't get a package rejected from the archive.02:00
ScottK !rejected != bug free02:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:00
crimsunScottK: pitti started me doing it some time ago02:32
ScottKcrimsun: OK.   We had a discussion about it on #ubuntu-devel.  I hadn't seen it before.02:32
ScottKSeems like overkill to me for minor package changes.02:32
ajmitchapache2 is where I'd seen it before, packaging changes are a bit more in-depth there02:33
ScottKMakes more sense to me in that kind of context.02:33
ScottKIn Kubuntu we replace the Debian ones with pointers to our own.02:33
crimsunScottK: I'm happy to revert it, but I do it from force-of-habit these days.02:34
ScottKcrimsun: No, it's fine.02:34
ajmitchScottK: we don't need to subscribe -release for minor changes yet, do we?02:40
ScottKajmitch: Not for bug fixes in Universe, no.02:40
ajmitchgreat, ~ubuntu-archive it is02:40
ScottKajmitch: If it's an upload, you can just upload and it'll get reviewed in the queue.02:42
ajmitchit's a sync02:42
ajmitchand it's just to fix a FTBFS, so probably low priority02:42
psusiYES!@ got e2defrag working with extents02:43
ScottKajmitch: No, we want those.02:44
ScottK(I hope you were being sarcastic)02:44
ajmitchScottK: low compared to needing to get something fixed ASAP for release02:44
ajmitchA package that works but can't be rebuilt cleanly can probably be fixed in a SRU02:45
ScottKI think having a maintainable archive for LTS is very important.02:45
ajmitch& with only a few days left to get fixes in, you probably want to make the most of that time02:45
ScottKOTOH, the builders are sitting idle right now.02:46
ajmitchThat's unusual, noone has uploaded gcc & OO.o today?02:46
ScottKgcc was yesterday.02:46
* ajmitch shouldn't leave fixing stuff so late for 10.1002:47
ScottKBetter late than never.02:48
* micahg has a fix if a sponsor wants to upload :)02:48
micahgbug 56273702:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562737 in libjdic-java "Update libjdic-java for xulrunner-1.9.2" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56273702:48
ScottKajmitch: ^^^ - If I upload it, I can't review and accept it.02:49
* ajmitch spots java in the name & runs :)02:49
ScottKIt'll be fun.02:50
ajmitchfetching now, it may take some time to testbuild02:50
micahgajmitch: it's a one line change in rules :)02:50
micahgajmitch: builds fast :)02:50
ajmitchbut will probably require 100MB of packages to build it02:50
* micahg doesn't recall02:50
ajmitchand worse, it requires xulrunner-1.9.2-dev just to run the clean target02:51
* ajmitch hates packages that do stupid stuff in clean:02:51
micahgajmitch: just trying to make sure it can build :), file a bug w/debian if you don't like that02:51
* ajmitch is not on a fast connection at the moment02:52
ajmitchI'll have to leave it until later02:53
micahgajmitch: k, no rush02:55
ScottKajmitch: You'd have to move to fix that.02:55
ajmitchScottK: DSL isn't too bad at home, as long as I fetch from a NZ mirror02:56
ScottKGood point.  I forgot about local mirrors02:56
* ajmitch isn't at home right now, but will be in an hour or so02:56
imbrandonxulrunner for :clean03:01
ajmitchimbrandon: it's more the use of ant for everything03:03
* ajmitch may have misread the requirement for the xulrunner package, but ant is annoying03:03
micahgajmitch: no, I think it actually uses xul inside the package03:05
ScottKAny MOTU here who cares about syncevolution working might want to investigate Bug #528326 and make a recommendation.03:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 528326 in libsynthesis "Sync libsynthesis from debian sid" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52832603:09
crimsunScottK: makes more sense to sync syncevolution from testing.03:39
* maco giggles at that sentence03:40
ScottKcrimsun: Please say so in the bug if you haven't.03:42
ajmitchis that still possible to do so now?03:42
ScottKI got yours on the list I gave to slangasek already03:42
ajmitchah, it was libsynthesis that got synced from sid, not syncevolution03:43
ajmitchScottK: I meant in reference to that specific case, where got synced03:43
ajmitchbut I got confused as to which package was synced :)03:44
ajmitchbut thanks for passing on the other sync request03:45
imbrandonok so i got a question that may seem a little off but google is giving me too much info04:44
imbrandoni want to format an external usb drive with a filesystem that can handle usb permissions BUT is graceful on ripping it out without unmounting it04:45
imbrandonextX dosnt seem like it would be graceful on a unclean dismount04:45
jdongimbrandon: ouch, you're probably gonna have to find that next to the good tasting diet soda and fat free donuts...04:47
jdongthe caching semantics on USB externals are apparently horrible at guarding against any sort of unexpected disconnect04:48
imbrandoni dont really care about nthe file integrity ( wont hold anything important ) mostly just dont wanna have to fschk it every other mount because i yanked it04:49
jdongwell the cache is blind to data vs metadata. it'll lose both without discrimination :)04:49
jdongand some of the kinds of corruption that'll cause will likely be irreparable via fsck even.04:49
crimsunif you really don't care, ext4 or btrfs04:50
jdongyeah it's not a pretty picture04:50
jdongI don't recommend btrfs04:50
jdongit still oopses all over the place with any metadata corruption04:50
jdongand it relies on barrier semantics to prevent said metadata corruption04:50
crimsunhence the "if you really don't care"04:50
ScottKAnd if jdong doesn't recommend something, you really don't want to use it.04:50
jdongI'd have to say ext4 is your best choice04:51
jdongphysical block journaling should minimize corruption, and the fsck is one of the fastest.04:51
imbrandonfat32 does what i want as far as not having to fsck the damn thing, but no unix permissions support sux04:51
imbrandonok, ext4 it is then04:52
jdongwell fat32 technically needs to be fscked way more than ext3/404:52
imbrandonhehe well the mounter dosnt complain about it04:52
jdongyou can have all kinds of fun structural issures with dirty fat32's04:52
jdonglol no the mounter doesn't complain04:52
jdongbut it's a far more hazardous situation04:52
crimsun7 minutes to take advantage of the newegg 80 GB intel X25-M SSDSA2MH080G2R5 for US$214.99 ;-)04:53
jdongesata is probably better04:53
jdongbut I don't assume change-of-interface is an option04:53
imbrandonwell this thing is gonna just be sneakernet use mostly , for movies and such between my wii and my laptop and desktop04:53
imbrandonjdong: and no, i have a cheap usb enclosure i'm ussing on my 2.5in sata western digital 320gb drive ;)04:54
imbrandonbut its easy to stick 100gb of movies on to watch on the wii04:54
jdongyup :)04:55
imbrandon( and the kids cant scratch the disks )04:55
imbrandoncrimsun: wow, i wish i had the money, just seen what you said about the ssd04:56
imbrandonthe next laptop i purchase i'm going to get a ssd for ( even if i have to buy it seperate and replace the internal drive )04:56
imbrandoni could just splurge on wired networking for the wii and keep the drive perm attached, lol04:59
imbrandonthat would seem to easy though04:59
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dholbachgood morning08:24
joaopintoanyone familiar with packages which include upstart scripts ?08:25
persiajoaopinto: I've seen a few: generally dh_installinit does the right thing.08:31
joaopintobug 530179 needs some love08:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530179 in virtualbox-ose "[lucid] vboxsf mounts defined on /etc/fstab cause errors on boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53017908:33
joaopintothe vboxsf support module needs to be loaded from  a startup script.  prior to mountall08:33
persia*prior* to mountall?08:34
persiaAh, reading the bug log: along with starting mountall.08:35
persiaOK.  So have you tried with a local /etc/init/virtualbox-ose-guest-utils.conf ?08:36
joaopintowell, was trying, but failed and I was too tried to debug it08:36
joaopintobut I guess it will be easier for someone with upstart scripts experience08:37
joaopintoI find upstart scripts hard to debug08:37
persiaAh.  I know lots about how to deploy them correctly.  I know much less about the contents/08:37
joaopintoI will need to ping  Scott08:38
persiaHe's exceedingly rarely in this channel: -devel might be better.  That said, it may just wait on him to respond to the bug, based on the last comment asking him for input.08:39
joaopintoas i understood that last comment will cover the error aspect of the bug, on the mountall, not the packaging issue :)08:41
persiaOh.  I read it as asking for input on the content of the upstart script that should be included.08:41
joaopintopersia, ops, you are right08:42
joaopintostill about the vboxfs issue, if there are packages providing filesystems from external modules we may get the same problem08:51
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Roobarb-WorkScottK: ping11:59
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tarzeaucould someone take ppa packages and get them into official ubuntu if they are perfect, lintian like?15:54
c_korntarzeau: packages are not included from PPAs. you want to upload them to http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/ for REVU15:55
warsocketwho is responsible for revu here?, the wiki siad I should state it here if my upload wont show up in REVU15:56
tarzeauc_korn: thanks, i'm looking at that page15:57
tarzeauc_korn: and that's for already in but newer version packages, and completely new packages?15:57
sistpoty|workwarsocket: which package?15:58
warsocketgsmartdimmer_0.0-0ubuntu1 in full15:59
sistpoty|workwarsocket: hm, can't find such a package, not even in the rejected queue16:00
sistpoty|workwarsocket: do you still have a .upload file?16:00
sistpoty|workwarsocket: can you pastebin it please?16:00
warsocketSuccessfully uploaded gsmartdimmer_0.0-0ubuntu1.dsc to upload.ubuntu.com for ubuntu.16:00
warsocketSuccessfully uploaded gsmartdimmer_0.0-0ubuntu1.tar.gz to upload.ubuntu.com for ubuntu.16:00
warsocketSuccessfully uploaded gsmartdimmer_0.0-0ubuntu1_source.changes to upload.ubuntu.com for ubuntu.16:00
jpdswarsocket: That went to ubuntu, not REVU...16:01
sistpoty|workwarsocket: ah, you didn't dput to revu, but to ubuntu (it'll just get silently dropped there)16:01
warsocketthe wiki siad dput automaticlly would upload it it the right oplace16:01
warsocketbut ill have a look how to change that16:01
warsocketthank you16:02
sistpoty|workwarsocket: dput revu <changesfile>16:02
warsocketok tmx16:02
warsocketk, done16:02
warsocketnow I hope to see it in 5 mins,  thanx for the help16:03
warsocketPackage is for "Maverick" but only packages for "lucid" are currently accepted.16:06
warsocketI thought lucid was alredy closed?16:06
shadeslayerit is16:06
shadeslayerarchive is frozen....16:06
warsocketso basicly I cant upload my package to a single distro16:07
lfaraonewarsocket: you have to wait for lucid to be released before uploading to maverick.16:07
warsocketlucid is frozen maverick is not yet active16:07
shadeslayerwarsocket: yes,what you can do is upload to your PPA16:07
shadeslayerthat way you can get out new packages16:08
shadeslayerwarsocket: then port them to maverick and upload16:08
warsocketerm stupid question maybe16:08
warsocketwhats a PPA16:08
shadeslayer!ppa | warsocket16:09
ubottuwarsocket: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.16:09
warsocketoh ok I get it tnx16:10
shadeslayerwarsocket: support in #launchpad16:10
warsocketyou btw have soem experience with gambas16:10
warsocketI also have a error that i cant have build depends when creating a package for all architectures16:10
warsocketbut the build depends on gambas2-dev16:11
warsocket*was just a long shot16:11
warsocketbut tnx for the PPA will have a look16:11
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fabounetHi there !22:21
fabounetWe have some last-minute bug-fixes for the Lucid package of Cairo-dock, and we need someone to ack these so that they can be pushed in Lucid.22:21
fabounetPlease see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cairo-dock/+bug/568083 for the complete description of the fixes.22:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568083 in cairo-dock "Please update Cairo-Dock to v2.1.3-10" [Undecided,New]22:21
matttbethis 'little' release is important because it fixes a crash with libxml22:24
matttbeonly appeared on Lucid22:25
matttbeand this crash appears when the user changes theme, or with weather applet, etc.22:26
persiaSo, looking at the bug, it seems all bugfixes, which typically means no barriers to upload.22:29
persiaThe bug seems to indicate lp:ubuntu/cairo-dock should be uploaded, but the last revision there is fom 2009-10-0522:29
fabounetyes, it's only 3 nano versions that we wish to push into the Lucid package22:29
persiaIs that branch accurate, or are there updates?22:30
matttbepersia: there was a bug with lp:ubuntu/cairo-dock22:30
persiaWhat's the bug?22:30
persiaOr do you mean bugs in the software in that branch?22:30
matttbeno a bug with the branch... in fact there is no rev1122:31
matttbeI already have reported this bug22:31
persiaOK.  How would rev11 get there?22:32
persiaWho pushed it?  Where?  When?22:32
persia(and what's the bug you reported about the branch?)22:32
matttbethis bug was confirmed by James Westby22:32
persiaI believe it's a bug :)22:33
persiaI'm just trying to collect enough information to 1) make sure that either processes are followed, or I can tell you what needs doing, and 2) get the necessary bits to upload something.22:33
matttbeI don't know where is this rev :)22:33
persiaOK.  How do you know that it existed?  Do you know if it exists somewhere else?22:34
matttbeit exists on my branch : https://code.launchpad.net/~cairo-dock-team/cairo-dock-core/ubuntu22:34
persiaThere's a revision 12 there too.  Is that also something that should be uploaded?22:35
matttbethe rev 11 was the version 2.1.3-6 of CD => http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/cairo-dock22:35
matttbeand the rev 12 fixes some other bugs (and a crash with libxml)22:36
persiaSo rev 11 is the current state of the repository, and rev 12 is the desired state?22:36
matttbeyes :)22:36
persiaOK.  There's two things I'd like to see then.22:37
persia1) Please link the branch and the bug.22:37
matttbeoh yes, sorry :)22:37
persia2) Please submit a merge proposal for lp:~cairo-dock-team/cairo-dock-core/ubuntu into lp:ubuntu/lucid/cairo-dock22:37
persiaNext: this also affects the cairo-dock-plug-ins source?22:38
persiaErr, "cairo-doc-plugins"22:38
fabounetyes for the plug-ins, it also contains some bug-fixes22:38
persiaOK.  Please also link that branch, and submit a merge proposal from that branch into the lucid branch.22:39
matttbeok, the two branches have been linked22:39
persia(Yes, this is busywork since I'm going to upload, but this procedure also causes automated notification, which *should* reduce your need to come hunt folks in IRC in the future)22:40
persiaOK.  I see both branches.  Each should have a merge proposal.22:41
persia*also*, the bug shoud get a cairo-doc-plugins task: "also affects distribution"..."Ubuntu"/"cairo-dock-plugins"22:41
matttbeok, merge proposal done22:42
matttbeproject added!22:43
matttbethanks :)22:43
persiaNow, as soon as the branch discovery tool runs, this would show up on http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/22:44
persiaAnd if you get it on that list, the sponsors know they are supposed to upload it.22:44
persiaThis isn't a guarantee it gets uploaded (or reviewed) sadly (lack of developers checking the list), but it can let you confirm that you've followed the right procedure to request the sponsoring.22:44
persia(and most of the time should save you a visit here to catch someone).22:45
persiaNow, I've no idea if it will actually appear there, as I plan to try to figure out how to upload it now, and I may succeed before the sponsoring report includes it.22:45
matttbeok, so we just have to wait for a new sponsorship22:45
matttbedo we have to add some tag?22:46
persiaAnd the sponsor should be assigning themselves when they claim it, so you will get bugmail saying that something is happening.22:46
persiaNope.  No tags requied.22:46
matttbegreat :)22:47
Laneygood reminder22:48
* Laney does some sponsoring22:48
* persia gets sick of watching bzr download at 20KB/s and does it the old way22:49
YokoZarpersia: Wine upstream's sound guy commented on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openal-soft/+bug/56507122:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565071 in openal-soft "[lucid] Freeze Exception Request: OpenAL minor version bump" [Undecided,New]22:49
Laneywhat are the semantics of the ubuntu branches request on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~voronov84/ubuntu/lucid/ubuntu-dev-tools/lucid/+merge/23577 ?22:49
matttbeDo we need to add subscribers? SRU Verification, ubuntu-sru, etc. ?22:50
LaneyDoes it mean "Uploaded to Ubuntu?"22:50
persiamatttbe: A merge proposal should automatically appear in the sponsors report.  You can also subscribe ubuntu-sponsors if you attached a debdiff.  We're currently supporting two workflows.22:50
YokoZarpersia: I want to SRU wine 1.2 when it fully releases in about 2 months to Lucid.  So we either put OpenAL 1.12 in now or do it then  (and in the meantime I bundle openal 1.12 in the wine ppa and test it there)22:50
persia(because some people find bzr easier to use, and some people like http being 100x faster)22:50
Laneyshould we be cherrypicking important fixes now?22:51
persiaYokoZar: Thanks for getting the testcase: I'm completely satisfied (but I'm not on the release team, so you need someone else's ACK)22:52
persiaLaney: We're only allowed to upload bugfix stuff now: cherrypicking may be the easiest way to do that.22:52
Laneypersia: I mean scanning the sponsoring list for "important" bug fixes22:52
Laney(the sponsoring overview page doesn't make this easy)22:53
persiaLaney: If you like.  Alternately, just go through all of it, and milestone some of it for ubuntu-later22:53
LaneyI don't know what that milestone does, but alright22:53
persiaI think it means we'll do it later (post-release).22:54
persiaI may be mistaken.22:54
persiaBut obviosly, pick the important stuff first (but don't fuss too much about it if it's good bugfixes)22:54
persiaGrrr!!!  bzr is painfully slow, and LP is giving me 502s trying to make LP use bzr locally and give me diffs over http.22:55
LaneyI'm lost22:57
Laneyhow can I subscribe to a merge request so that I can ask the submitter a question?22:57
* persia has no idea, and just comments in bugs22:57
matttbepersia: do you want that I add a diff a both branch?22:58
LaneyI'm so out of touch with this stuff.22:58
LaneyJust clicked through to the bug after asking if it should be deferred and it looks like the package has been uploaded already.22:58
persiamatttbe: No, I'll work around it.  Thanks for the offer.22:59
Laneybut the merge proposal is still pending22:59
* persia routinely fights with LP, but is generally quiet about it, but 100x was too much to take today (2MB/s vs. 20KB/s)22:59
Laneypersia: It's the libticalcs stuff that it seems you looked at. These merge requests can be close out, right?23:00
persiaLaney: Then just mark it merged.23:00
LaneyI thought it was supposed to be automatic, hence the confusion23:00
persiaLaney: I haven't looked at them in a really long time, and I'm not sure.23:00
Laneyok then23:00
persiaI thought it was all automatic, and I wonder if kamalm submitted additional changes.23:00
persiaBased on what I see of merge proposal management in other projects in LP, I have the impression that updating a branch on which there is an active merge proposal ends up updating the merge proposal, so if someone doesn't purge all their branches regularly and give them new names, and the merge proposals aren't cleared regularly, there may be confusion.23:02
geserLaney: merge proposol get auto marged "merged" when you push the (packaging) branch back to LP, an upload alone does only update the (packaging) branch but doesn't update the pending merges (the upload doesn't contain any info about done merges)23:02
persia(note that I really like how merge proposals work in projects in LP: I just don't understand how they work in Ubuntu)23:02
Laneygeser: So the uploader didn't push back to lp?23:02
geserif the MP is still pending, then yes23:03
Laneyok then23:03
persiaOh :(  Then I'm probably breaking it by not waiting for bzr23:03
geserI usually do "bzr bd -S", test-build, "bzr mark-uploaded", "bzr push", "dput"23:04
Laneyyeah, that's the workflow23:05
LaneyI usually forget the tag though23:05
persiaSomeone else want 568083 then?23:05
* persia is unwilling to download 59MB at 20KB/s23:05
LaneyI'll see how fast it downloads23:06
persiaLaney: If it's slow for you, I have all the code locally, and can process it easily, just not with bzr.23:06
Laneybzr init-repo is the trick to make it share state isn't it?23:06
matttbepersia: sure that you don't want the (bzr) diff :) ?23:06
geserLaney: yes23:06
persiamatttbe: I have the diff already.23:06
matttbeok great23:06
persiamatttbe: https://code.launchpad.net/~cairo-dock-team/cairo-dock-core/ubuntu/+merge/23889/+preview-diff/+files/preview.diff is an example diff URL.23:07
persiaWhat I lack is the bzr metadata.23:07
Laneypersia: It's fast here; I'll take it23:08
geserLaney: re subscribing to MP: have you tried to add yourself as reviewer?23:11
persiaLaney: Thanks.23:11
Laneygeser: No (it's not clear that that's what it does)23:11
Laneyshould "bzr diff ../branchtomerge/" work?23:12
geserno, that would show the diff for the file "../branchtomerge"23:13
Laneycan I do it like that?23:13
geserwhat diff do you want?23:13
Laneybetween the branch I'm on and the branch I am about to merge23:13
Laneyor do I just merge it and then check from there?23:14
gesereither that or as branchtomerge should have a common accestor with the branch you are on: bzr diff -r12323:15
Laneyyeah I thought it would be able to figure that out23:15
geserperhaps "bzr diff --old a --new b" works too23:16
Laneybzr diff lp:... would have worked I think23:16
geserthat works too23:16
Laneywhich isn't too different to ../someotherbranch23:16
geserif you do this often, you could branch lp:... and do "bzr diff --old ../lpbranch" to save network traffic23:18
LaneyI usually branch the thing that needs sponsoring and the packaging branch23:19
geserme too, in that case bzr diff --old ... should work23:20
Laneyfrom which branch?23:20
geser"cd sponsorbranch; bzr diff --old ../pkgbranch" or "cd pkgbranch; bzr diff --new ../sponsorbranch" (although I only use the 1st and never tried the 2nd)23:22
Laneywill try it in a minuet23:22
persiageser: Do you know if there's a good way to make https://code.launchpad.net/~voronov84/ubuntu/lucid/ubuntu-dev-tools/lucid/+merge/23577 go away?23:33
LaneyDo we care about not-binnmuable-all-depends-any?23:33
persiaAh, Laney appears to have already fixed it.23:33
persiaLaney: Not enough to upload to Lucid at this point.23:34
Laneypersia: I don't know, I think maybe that should stay open until the package is uploaded23:34
persiaLaney: That makes sense.23:34
Laneypersia: but you could push to the lp:ubuntu/ubuntu-dev-tools branch to make it go away23:35
persiaWell, except that I merged in on top of DktrKranz's stuff, which wasn't there and doesn't share revision history.23:36
ajmitchsurely there'd be some shared history that'd be used as an ancestor?23:37
persiaajmitch: None whatsoever.23:37
persiaajmitch: Because the one branch is where we've always done work and the other is constructed based on the history of uploads.23:38
ajmitchhow annoying23:38
ajmitchand you get file conflicts when trying to merge, I suppose?23:38
persiaNo, you can't merge.23:38
persia"No common ancestor" error.23:39
ajmitchnot without some forced hackery, I think23:39
ajmitchat which point you'd probably run into those conflicts23:39
persiaTo my knowledge, bzr has no file-content-comparison merge feature directly.23:39
persiaGiven a common ancestor, you can init a bzr branch on the common ancestor, branch that branch, apply monolithic patches to both sides, and then use bzr merge to reconnect.23:40
persiaThis is annoying, but works nicely, if you like how bzr merges.23:40
* persia doesn't happen to like bzr merge at all, but mostly because of the format of the conflict markers, rather than anything about how the algorithms work23:40
ajmitchmerging with no common ancestor is done against revision 0..-1 or similar, I think23:41
persiaWhen I tried it, bzr gave me an error, so I constructed a series of patches that did the right things, and applied those with interim commits.23:42
persiaSomeone with more patience or less joy in building patch series may have better luck.23:43
ajmitchmuch patience is required at times, I think23:43
* persia will eventually be assimilated23:45
* micahg gave up on bzr merge for archive merges after it didn't delete files properly23:46
Laneyoh, bah, I forgot to do merge-package again23:47
LaneyI hope there's not much difference between merge and merge-package23:47
persiaI think merge-package is upstream tarball aware or something.23:49
ajmitchpersia: I've been stuck in my old-fashioned ways of not using bzr for package branches23:49
persiaajmitch: Then you too, will someday, be assimilated.23:50
YokoZarScottK: what's this about Wine being a part of Ubuntu studio seeds?  I can't see any rdepends for it anywhere23:50
persiaI actually like using bzr and debcommit for native packages in bzr (e.g. u-d-t, installer stuff, etc.)23:50
persiaYokoZar: Because of the VST plugins.23:50
YokoZarpersia: you mean the ones that don't build at all at the moment because we're waiting on the Wine update?23:51
persiaYokoZar: RC will be out *really soon now*23:51
persiaYokoZar: Yeah, but we're not going to get enough testers to handle a DVD respin in time for RC.23:51
Laneymatttbe: Uploading cairo-dock23:51
Laneythanks for your work23:51
Laney(please fix that lintian error for the next upload)23:51
matttbemany thanks Laney !23:52
matttbeLaney: which lintian error?23:52
YokoZarpersia: what I mean is as I understand it ScottK waited on my wine1.2 package update because of ubuntu-studio, but I needed to do that update (and then another wine one) in order to prevent the VST FTBFS23:52
Laneythe one about it not being binNMUable23:52
Laneymatttbe: run lintian -i blah.dsc and you'll see it23:52
YokoZarpersia: so it's a mystery to me how the Ubuntu Studio image is being built at all if it actually depends on it23:53
persiaYokoZar: Right, so in fact the piece that was affeted was completely broken.  That said, it's not critical enough to respin the images and make the testers test again.23:53
matttbeLaney: don't forget 'cairo-dock-plug-ins' ;)23:53
Laneysurely not, I'm looking at that one now23:53
persiaYokoZar: It fails to include that bit, which is a bug.23:53
matttbeLaney: great! thank you very much :)23:54
YokoZarpersia: ok, makes sense.  I'm just a bit uneased that I didn't notice this problem before, and we're pretty much at the last possible moment here23:55
* YokoZar should start using Ubuntu Studio...23:55
persiaYokoZar: No point  reinstailing: the main bit you'd notice is the VST stuff: if you have *some* VST host, you'll encounter the entirety of the bugs.23:56
Laneymatttbe: Are the plugin dependencies on cairo-dock-dev tight enough?23:56
persiaBut the upload can surely happen as soon as RC is released.  It's just that if it happens now, and the images are respun, they won7t get tested, and there will be no US RC.23:56
Laneyit says that they will work on any future version of cairo-dock-dev23:56
matttbeLaney: you have to compile CD-plug-ins with the same version of CD (core)23:57
Laneymatttbe: yeah, that's not what the build-dependency says23:57
matttbecairo-dock-dev (>= 2.1.3-9)23:58
Laneythat would be satisfied by any future version23:58
Laneydo you need a << too?23:58
matttbeLaney: should it be cairo-dock-dev (= ${source:Version}) ?23:58
Laneynope, as they could be different23:59
Laneyshould that be -10-lucid anyway?23:59

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