
emmanuel_I'm using ubuntu and firefox and java plugin, but when I launch java applet window from firefox00:47
emmanuel_I cannot close the window!!00:47
emmanuel_somebody helps me?00:47
micahgemmanuel_: which version of Ubuntu00:49
emmanuel_firefox 3.600:49
micahgwhich version of firefox?00:49
emmanuel_and sun-java6-plugin00:49
micahgemmanuel_: which version of firefox 3.6?00:49
micahgemmanuel_: are you running firefox-stable?00:50
* micahg is looking00:50
emmanuel_firefox 3.6.300:50
micahgoh, yeah, we should probably look into that00:52
micahgemmanuel_: we have a few bugs on it, and I think it's fixed in Lucid00:53
emmanuel_lucid is the next version of ubuntu?00:54
micahgemmanuel_: yes00:54
micahgemmanuel_: can you check /var/log/kern.log to see if there were any apparmor entries for firefox?00:55
* micahg will be back in a few minutes00:56
emmanuel_ok, wait!!00:57
emmanuel_no, there's no entry for firefox in log file00:58
micahgemmanuel_: ok01:24
micahgemmanuel_: that's good, at least it's not apparmor01:24
emmanuel_and then what is causing the problem?01:29
ccheneyanyone know where to get irc logs of this channel?01:49
ccheneyah i found it irclogs.ubuntu.com01:52
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BUGabundo_remoterufus fetch the paper :D08:53
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chrisccoulsonasac - OOPP is enabled by default for the flash plugin only atm, but it only works for the official 32-bit plugin (it just matches the SO name). do you think we should enable it for users using the 64-bit plugin too (which has a different SO name)? it seems to work quite well12:33
asacchrisccoulson: we shouldnt change that imo12:33
asacalso the 64bit one isnt even something official12:34
chrisccoulsonasac - ok, no worries12:34
asaclet mozilla do those decisions ;) ... less pain for us and we can always defer upstream if someone complains12:34
cwillu_at_workwhat are the odds that I would be able to build via "debian/rules binary" from an arbitrary "apt-get source" from the daily ppa?12:52
cwillu_at_workspecifically, patches fail to apply13:00
BUGabundo_remotechrisccoulson: asac: but can an user like me, enable it for any plugin , manually ?13:20
chrisccoulsonBUGabundo_remote, yes13:21
chrisccoulsonBUGabundo_remote, in about:config, you can adjust the dom.ipc.plugins.enabled preferences13:22
chrisccoulsonso, dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.libflashplayer enables it for the the flash plugin (the last part has to match the SO name of the plugin)13:22
chrisccoulsonyou can create preferences for any other plugin13:23
chrisccoulsonor you can just use dom.ipc.plugins.enabled to enable it for all plugins13:23
chrisccoulsonasac - xulrunner-1.9.1 is gone \o/13:35
asacchrisccoulson: congrats ;)13:39
cwillu_at_workfta, got a second?14:38
gnomefreakif i preint a spreadsheet will it print the lines automaticly or do i need to choose an option?16:00
micahggnomefreak: probably depends on the programs16:00
BUGabundo_remotegnomefreak: for OOo you need to _draw_ them16:02
gnomefreakmicahg: its just tax information i need to print and i would like to save it in a spreadsheet so i have the table printed16:02
gnomefreaktell mew ther eis an option :( im opening it now to see16:02
micahggnomefreak: try print preview before printing to see if it's enabled16:03
gnomefreakmicahg: BUGabundo_remote thanks16:03
gnomefreakwell that didnt work like i had hoped16:06
gnomefreakok not seeing anything that would help printing tables16:10
gnomefreaki had a different options window when hit print maybe in there?16:10
micahggnomefreak: I don't have time to look now, maybe in a couple hours16:11
gnomefreakmicahg: thanks, ill let you know if i find it16:11
asacchrisccoulson: i will commit somthing to the ubuntu1 UNRELEASED ffox for armel16:13
asacwe need to get that in as a cherry pick for lucid still16:13
asacchrisccoulson: maybe check if you have anything that still needs to get in lucid upload16:14
asacthen we can cherry pick on top of the last 3.6.3 and upload tomorrow16:15
asac(and hope it still gets in)16:15
gnomefreakam i still here?16:23
gnomefreaknot sure how to word this16:26
cwillu_at_workgnomefreak, select a range of cells and format them with a border?16:26
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: ? i didnt see any of that. looks again16:27
cwillu_at_workgnomefreak, this is in ooo?16:27
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: yep16:27
cwillu_at_workyep, it's actually available directly from the toolbar :)16:27
cwillu_at_workin the tool bar with the font, near the right, maybe 4th icon back, there's a dropdown of a square16:28
cwillu_at_workwant a screenshot?16:29
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: i found the border selection there are ~8 choices but looking for range16:30
cwillu_at_workselect the range, and then hit the one with each line solid16:30
gnomefreakmerge and center cells is there but greyed out16:30
cwillu_at_workit's the weird thing on the left16:30
gnomefreakthe flame looking icon on the far left lower bar?16:32
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: screenshot would be great16:32
cwillu_at_workhttp://cwillu.com/files/Screenshot-Format-Cells.png and http://cwillu.com/files/borders.png16:32
cwillu_at_workI'm hoping that we're talking about the same thing :)16:33
cwillu_at_workasac, is there some trick to building firefox from our deb source that I'm unaware of?16:34
gnomefreaki found a way to remove the grid and add it i think i found something very very bad with browser :(16:34
cwillu_at_workI would have expected that the packages on a ppa were built from the same source as you get when you apt-get source it from the same ppa?16:35
cwillu_at_workgnomefreak, ?16:35
asaccwillu_at_work: no ... apt-get source firefox; cd firefox-*/; sudo apt-get build-dep firefox; debuild -b16:35
cwillu_at_workasac, are the nightlies broken for 3.7 right now?16:36
asaccwillu_at_work: if they build in ppa then no ... otherwise yes ;)16:36
asacthey were broken a few days ago16:36
asacchrisccoulson has that on his list (working up from fixing first 3.6 on hardy etc.)16:36
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: galoen opened >20 pages with it crashed start or dont start browser. and i dont see where you found that option :(16:36
asaccwillu_at_work: most likely xulrunner 1.9.3 would need fix first16:36
asaccwillu_at_work: feel free to help out ... submit patches etc.16:37
asacits usually rebasing patches we carry because upstream either landed them, part of them or something unrelated that interferes with our code touched16:37
cwillu_at_workgnomefreak, select a range of cells, right click -> format, then the borders tab16:37
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: i cant find select range anywhere16:38
cwillu_at_workgnomefreak, no, select a range by clicking and dragging16:38
cwillu_at_worklike you'd select a block of text16:38
gnomefreakby dragging it highlites the blocks16:41
cwillu_at_workand then right click and hit format16:41
gnomefreaki think i found that at least :)16:43
cwillu_at_workyou never print all grid lines, you just select which grid lines you want (and how you want them to look if you care)16:43
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: will my setting stay or do i have to change it everytime (same doc or different doc)16:44
cwillu_at_worksilly gnomefreak16:44
cwillu_at_workit's not a document setting, it's a setting on the cell (with a convenient way to do a bunch of cells at the same time)16:45
* gnomefreak not good at fun docs ;) i stick with word processor or editer more than anything16:45
cwillu_at_workyou could change the default template, but you don't want to do that16:45
gnomefreakshit that means i have to change it everytime16:46
cwillu_at_workyou saw the toolbar shortcut right?16:46
cwillu_at_workthe grid lines are just for display, and you can even turn them off there :p16:47
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: yeah i saw it if you mean the one that says boarders when hovering16:48
cwillu_at_workwhat are you trying to do?16:48
cwillu_at_workat all browser related? :p16:49
gnomefreakyeah i didnt think of it at the time16:49
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: no its tax info (at least the next one is this one is testing16:49
* gnomefreak goes for smoke before thye next bunch of crap16:50
gnomefreakbe back in a few16:50
cwillu_at_workthe office world desperately needs a firefox16:51
gnomefreakfirefox needs to get fixed first ;)16:55
* gnomefreak guessing i need to use line 1 to name each column?16:55
cwillu_at_workspreadsheets aren't tables, you only get structure if you make it yourself :)16:57
cwillu_at_workthey're the dynamic programming languages of the data world16:57
cwillu_at_workin other news, can somebody tell me why pbuilder recommends a mail daemon?16:57
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: it doesnt its one of the depends that does16:59
* gnomefreak looking to find out what one it is16:59
gnomefreakif you mean qmail its fakeroot17:01
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: IIRC there is way to only grab deps using apt/aptitude17:01
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: --no-install-recommends should work17:03
cwillu_at_workgnomefreak, I know, I just think it's a braindead recommends17:03
cwillu_at_workat most it should be a suggests17:03
gnomefreakas i have learned that is a change on debian side (also sucks) since we dont have packages that they use as suggest17:04
gnomefreakhe loeft?17:12
gnomefreakasac: did the latest FF daily fix the slow/hanging/pretty much not usable17:13
gnomefreakstill no tb daily but that is least of my concerns17:15
gnomefreaknope not fixed17:27
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* gnomefreak takes a break finally 18:57
chrisccoulsonhey micahg - did you manage to fix the symlink issue?19:35
micahgchrisccoulson: I have the fix, I didn't get a chance to test yet19:36
chrisccoulsonok, no worries. we're pretty frozen now anyway ;)19:36
micahgchrisccoulson: k19:36
micahgchrisccoulson: I figured you'd probably upload tomorrow or Friday anyways19:37
gnomefreakmicahg: seems latest daily of 3.6 still very slow/hanging or whatever its called. not important just thought i would let you know19:46
micahggnomefreak: why is it not important?19:47
gnomefreakmicahg: its been like that for ~1week. would be nice to have it fixed before release but im not sure if stable is having same issues19:48
gnomefreakand i know you have a shit load of work on your to do list19:48
micahggnomefreak: well, we aren't releasing OOPP until after final Lucid release19:48
micahggnomefreak: out of process plugins19:48
micahggnomefreak: that's in the security PPA ATM19:48
gnomefreakoh never heard of that19:49
micahggnomefreak: they backported the functionality from 3.719:49
DimmuxxI've been using that one for a day now and it seems to work great19:49
micahgand will release with 3.6.419:49
Dimmuxxmuch better flash performance19:49
micahgDimmuxx: I'm glad, please let us know if there are any isssues19:49
Dimmuxxmicahg: will do19:50
gnomefreakmicahg: ah ok. well FF isnt the only one that is doing it. epiphany seems to be the only one that works fine. not sure why either even galoen and arora and both FF19:50
* gnomefreak hasnt played with SM2 or 1 but i have to assume pretty much same19:51
gnomefreakoh yeah i did hear about OOPP just didnt relizer what it was called19:51
* gnomefreak saw it in mailing list a while ago 1 month or so19:52
micahggnomefreak: galeon is gone from lucid, epiphany is webkit based now, I think Arora is also webkit19:52
gnomefreaki have galeon installed19:52
gnomefreakmicahg: its still in Lucid from what search gives me19:53
micahggnomefreak: take a look at this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Testing/GEMLeak19:53
micahggnomefreak: do you have the transition PPA enabled?19:54
micahg!info galeon lucid19:54
gnomefreakmicahg: i dont think i do19:54
gnomefreakmicahg: it was removed it seems19:54
micahggnomefreak: :)19:55
ubottugaleon (source: galeon): GNOME web browser for advanced users. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.7-1ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 530 kB, installed size 1480 kB19:55
gnomefreaki guess search saw it since i have it installed19:55
gnomefreakpolicy shows dpkg line no archive lines19:55
* micahg kicks ubottu for giving outdated info19:55
gnomefreak  Installed: 2.0.7-1ubuntu419:55
gnomefreak  Candidate: 2.0.7-1ubuntu419:55
gnomefreak  Version table:19:55
gnomefreak *** 2.0.7-1ubuntu4 019:55
gnomefreak        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status19:55
micahggnomefreak: right, we updated it for xul192 then dropped since upstream is dead and don't want to keep updating19:56
gnomefreakmicahg: makes sense19:56
* gnomefreak needs to find a web browser that i can depend on until FF is fixed19:56
micahggnomefreak: FF stable in Lucid works fine for me19:57
micahgFF from security PPA works too19:57
gnomefreakso its only daily?19:57
micahggnomefreak: so it seems, if you have specific issues, see if someone can reproduce19:57
gnomefreakmicahg: it was reproduce by a few people (they have been coming in here the past week or so19:58
micahgchrisccoulson: I have one more conkeror upload before release with xul192 fixes, should I wait till last minute or have it ready in the next day or 2?19:58
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i can upload conkeror as soon as it is ready, it'snot constrained in the same way as thunderbird19:58
gnomefreakGEM issue does not affect non-free drivers i am assuming nvidia-common is the non free driver19:59
micahgchrisccoulson: right, the thing is, I don't know if the devs will find more critical xul192 fixes19:59
micahgchrisccoulson: so is it worth waiting to see if they find more stuff, or just upload and upload again if they find mroe?>19:59
chrisccoulsoni think i'd rather just upload it20:00
micahgchrisccoulson: k, I'll have it ready tomorrow and ping you with the bug #20:00
gnomefreakIIRC ther eis also a bug on it that i saw a few days ago or yesterday sorry been reallly busy so days are merging into one20:00
gnomefreaki guess i try using stable and see if i cant pin it20:01
micahggnomefreak: if you find the bug # let me know, if it's not an issue in 3.6.4 though, but only 3.6.5pre, I'd prefer to wait on it till after lucid release20:01
gnomefreakok ill do email in a few minutes20:02
gnomefreakare we waiting for a fix for tb3 t6o land  in daily?20:02
gnomefreakdamn typing is getting bad20:02
gnomefreaktb3 to20:02
micahggnomefreak: fix for what?20:02
gnomefreakmicahg: i dont know i just havent gotten an update for it yesterday or today20:03
micahgthe only thing that would be missing ATM is the foreign language dictionaries20:03
micahggnomefreak: no updates upstream20:03
* gnomefreak doesnt see that very often20:03
micahggnomefreak: if we had 3.1 and 3.2 working, you'd see updates I'm sure :)20:04
gnomefreakgood point i didnt know we srtarted 320:04
micahggnomefreak: after Lucid release, I'll get the 3.1 and 3.2 dailies going20:04
gnomefreakmicahg: ok cool20:04
micahggnomefreak: comm-central is branching soon :)20:04
gnomefreakdidnt they just do that not to long ago20:05
gnomefreakat least for SM20:06
micahggnomefreak: well, they bumped main version to 3.2 a while ago, but didn't branch20:06
micahggnomefreak: so, now there will be a comm-192 for TB31 only20:06
micahggnomefreak: SM is jumping straight to xul19320:07
gnomefreakfor 2.1?20:07
micahggnomefreak: yep20:07
gnomefreakseeing as its been on 1.9.120:07
gnomefreakim fairly sure 2.0 is as well20:08
micahggnomefreak: SM20 and TB30 are xul19120:08
gnomefreakwhat PPA other than daily has 3.6.4?20:09
gnomefreakffox35 PPA?20:10
micahggnomefreak: daily has 3.6.5, security has 3.6.4, stable/Lucid has 3.6.320:10
micahggnomefreak: ffox35 PPA is the transitional PPA for xul conversions20:10
gnomefreakok thanks maybe i can fix this than20:10
gnomefreakso i dont need it anymore :)20:10
micahggnomefreak: yeah, I don't suggest having that in sources unless you're testing migration stuff20:11
gnomefreakmicahg: i had it #ed out once i found it20:11
gnomefreaki keep incase someone askes20:11
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
micahgnikolam: I have a couple more issues before I push Seamonkey to a PPA for testing20:23
nikolammicahg, if anyhow I can help, just tell me what.20:24
micahgnikolam: testing once I finish would be great :)20:24
nikolammicahg, will there be hardy, karmic and interpid?20:25
micahgnikolam: TBD20:25
micahgnikolam: intrepid not20:25
micahgjaunty Maybe20:26
nikolamwell interpid , lts is most important. to have it as backport at least later.20:27
nikolaminterpid is 10.04?20:27
micahgnikolam: intrepid is 8.1020:27
micahgnikolam: almost EOL20:27
nikolamoh , sorry :) I am better with numbers20:28
nikolamthen 8.04 , 9.10 and 10.04 for now ;)20:28
micahgnikolam: well, 10.04 if I make it, then probably 8.04, 9.04, and 9.1020:29
nikolamok, I will quit chatting, just would like so much to duplicate steps in .deb making whan you finish20:29
nikolam(i dont care much about 9.04, those guys are mostly on 9.10 anyway, till 10.04)20:29
nikolamok :P20:30
chrisccoulsonasac - do you want me to merge http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.6.head/revision/586 in to the lucid branch? (or do you want to do that?)20:33
gnomefreakmicahg: when you are done let me know ill test as well20:34
micahggnomefreak: k20:34
gnomefreakmicahg: ubottu will be updated soon  it runs on a cron20:36
micahggnomefreak: k20:37
gnomefreaksoon == sometime in the next day or so20:37
ccheneyasac: iirc the last thing we discussed fixing for gtkentry for epiphany was to use all the functions from the new version for it but override in the init class for them?20:44
ccheneyasac: so that means i need copies of eg GtkEntryBuffer too, i think?20:44
ccheneyi seemed to have removed that but i guess that was a mistake, i still have a copy of the old code so can add it back20:45
ccheneyyea i don't see any mention of removing it before, so i'll add it back20:49
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_depres
=== BUGabundo_depres is now known as BUGa_depressed
* micahg hugs BUGa_depressed21:09
micahgchrisccoulson: BTW, there will be at least a build2 for Firefox 3.6.421:09
* BUGa_depressed hugs micahg back21:10
cwillu_at_workBUGa_depressed, why are you depressed?21:32
BUGa_depressednot on public #21:33
* cwillu_at_work hands BUGa_depressed a bug that's soon to be fixed, and offers him the opportunity to mark it as "Fix Committed", hoping that that will lift his spirits21:34
* BUGa_depressed reminds cwillu he has been to lazy to apply to bugcontrol21:35
cwillu_at_workI've already been neglectful of my xorg triage volunteering21:36
* BUGa_depressed his cwillu with a stick http://acidcow.com/pics/20100420/acid_picdump_10.jpg21:39
* cwillu_at_work is poked :(21:40
* cwillu_at_work wasn't poked21:41
asacccheney: the idea is to derive the class from the GtkEntry class shipped by gtk21:48
asacand overload all functions with the new implementation21:48
asacchrisccoulson can probably help with that too as he knows how the gobject class system works21:48
asacits not only functions, but also you need to override signals and properties21:49
asacthose are syntax wise a bit trickier to do, but start with the funcs and once you get to the properties ask21:49
ccheneyyea i think i need copy of gtkentrybuffer for that to work and had previously deleted the code for it from my newest attempt, but copied it back in21:50
ccheneyfrom what i could tell reading where we were discussing it last time i had tried something that wasn't good in redoing the whole gtkentry file and so copied the old version from before that back in and working on getting the overrides done correctly now21:51
ccheneyargh i broke my patch somehow, dealing with this annoying giant patch without breaking builds is hard22:05
ccheneyapparently it was a quilt pedantic issue of some sort, popping worked fine22:07
chrisccoulsonyeah, i can probably help out with any gobject stuff, but not tonight (not feeling too well still). feel free to drop me a mail with anything you need any help with though, and i can pick it up in the morning22:08
ccheneychrisccoulson: ok will do once i get it to the point where its just failing on the object related parts again22:15
ccheneywow it looks like it actually built :)22:42
ccheneynow have to do the overrides if it did actually build 'properly'22:42
ccheneya few more fixes left from warning messages then on the overrides22:43
ccheneyhmm should probably test in hardy again before doing any more changes22:47

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