
KB1JWQPici: I can't rightly fathom that kind of lunacy.00:18
PiciKB1JWQ: I can barely... but I don't know why he expected us to know how to fix it.00:21
KB1JWQPici: He was hoping we had an automated "boot from this CD, run the 'fix my stupid crap' utility, that'll go through dpkg and verify the entire install.00:22
KB1JWQTechnically couldn't he figure out what .deb provides it and force a reinstall of that package though?  Good luck getting the system to a state where that's doable though.00:22
ubottuTypos_King called the ops in #ubuntu (Perlfection)00:24
geniiBah. Is there some !medibuntuisoffline  yet? ;)04:42
Flannelmedibuntu is offline?04:43
IdleOneFlannel: that is the word04:44
IdleOneI am pretty sure that autoremove doesn't mess up a system but just to be sure, did I just have that person uninstall over 50+ packages?04:45
IdleOneFlannel: I doubt it04:45
h00kFlannel: everyone is all zomg medibuntu is down! I haven't heard anything as to why or how long it's down for04:48
IdleOne"over 50+" redundancy for redundancies04:48
h00kYou know, #ubuntu can be stressful05:30
h00kI'm just throwin' that out there05:30
Myrttino kiddin'05:33
geniiHm perhaps !medibuntu should temporarily point to https://bugs.launchpad.net/medibuntu/+bug/565810 where there are some alternate mirrors listed05:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565810 in medibuntu "packages.medibuntu.org not available" [High,Confirmed]05:39
jussiok... this doesnt read right to me... [07:46:48] <#ubuntu:tripelb> sudden urge for Chocolate mneptok05:47
persiajussi: You've never had an urge to dip mneptok in a vat of boiling oily liquid full of poisonous chemicals?05:48
jussipersia: lolo05:48
mneptoki'll withhold the Ron White chocolate reference.05:49
persiaIt's a good day :)05:51
elkyh00k, you're only just noticing this now?05:54
elkyikonia, aetr is our friend from yesterday, yeah?06:35
elkyrocket16 must be csaba or whoever it was playing the "you're offtopic" game06:36
bazhanggoing to remove him06:36
rocket16Hello respected friends,06:42
rocket16We're having a serious issue of #ubuntu channel,06:42
rocket16Two people, namely bazhang and billy2007, were discussing Offtopic things like "Bazhang how are you?" and "Billy2007 I am fine, how are you?", and when I requested them to stop, Bazhang (who is somehow a Operator) banned me,06:43
rocket16I request the attention of the Operators on this matter.06:43
rocket16Respected Operators, please consider the matter,06:44
geniirocket16: An exchange of greetings is not offtopic. In fact the bot has even a greeting.06:45
rocket16genii: Thanks, but continueing the greeting might be offtopic. And billy2007 was using words like "idiot" there, which might be a little disconcerting on such a nice official channel.06:46
geniirocket16: Users who carry on extended conversations unrelated to the topic of the channel, etc would be considered offtopic. Their exchange had to do with a previous conversation regarding support of a webcam issue, and not offtopic. Calling someone and idiot perhaps is not nice but one use of it and no escalation does not necessarily fit the criteria of abuse or non-family-friendly language. Much worse is heard during an episode of The Simpsons for06:51
genii example which is considered a family show.06:51
mneptoknot to mention that bazhang warned billy2007 about such language, and billy2007 apologized.06:51
mneptokand that user's behavior is not the issue here. yours is.06:52
ubottuThe operation succeeded.06:53
rocket16Respected Operators, I respect your decision, but the things like calling others as "idiots", and misusing someones Operator powers, are all these welcome in a support channel?06:53
mneptokother users' behavior and the bhavior of operators is not the issue here. yours is.06:54
* mneptok really, really doesn't like repeating himself06:55
rocket16But, did I do anything wrong? When one does wrong with other, the other has a right of self-defence, as stated in Law. Sorry mneptok if I disappointed you,06:56
mneptokIRC networks are not courts of law.06:57
rocket16Also, my behaviour wasn't anything, for which I was to be banned, :( Was it?06:58
mneptokyou warned other people repeatedly about being off-topic. US law (where many Freenode servers are hosted) has stringent protections for free speech. you seem to have no problem understanding speech is limited in #ubuntu. attacking other users and ops is no different. it's not "self-defense." it's "being needlessly hostile."06:59
rocket16To the other Operators: Respected Friends, this is a serious issue. If people like bazhang go on banning people, the Ubuntu IRC will be a frightening experience to most people. Please consider my request,06:59
mneptokwe'll consider it.07:00
mneptokwill there be anything else? if not, we do not allow idling in this channel.07:00
rocket16mneptok: Really, thanks for your help.07:00
rocket16Ok, if you direct me to leave, I suppose I must. But please consider your decision, and whatever you say, I'll accept. But a request, that is being voiced by me, is for a common cause.07:01
rocket16Thanks mneptok and genii, and others, for their attention and time.07:01
bazhangmneptok, thanks for discussing with him07:02
mneptoknp np07:02
elkyRight, because it's not already frightening to have people willing to harass the ops. I know I'm frightened when people are willing to harass the police, you know, the people who can put them in jail.07:03
bazhangthis is the same fellow who claimed conversation in #ubuntu-offtopic was pollution, and tried to silence users there as well07:03
elkyHe seems to be missing a sizable portion of logic.07:03
mneptokRP64 needs a new drug dealer.07:04
geniimneptok: What, no sprechen si deutsche?07:04
mneptok"sie" :P07:05
geniiDamn, got me07:05
mneptokund, ja, iche spreche. aber ...07:05
bazhanghttp://pastebin.com/kXNabNi6 tried to PM him before removing, he just responded now07:08
elkyfor the lulz no doubt.07:09
bazhangbot-sentry prevented him from responding I guess07:09
elkybazhang, which is clearly why he eventually did reply, right?07:10
bazhangelky, the response was after parting this channel07:11
elkybazhang, that he PM'd you at all indicates he at least knew you PM'd him.07:11
bazhangelky, ah right, I missed that sorry07:12
elkyAlso, the lack of bot sentry the second time ;)07:12
bazhangtrue :)07:12
jussiJust had  a quick PM with theadmin about recomending linux mint.07:16
jussiok, my knowledge is really lacking. I hope this isnt a forkbomb...07:21
jussi[09:20:39] <theadmin> frankie_: Just don't be afraid when you see something like id |sed "s/^[^(]*(\([^)]*\)).*/\1/"07:21
tsimpsonit's not, it's regex :)07:22
jussiright :)07:22
* jussi slinks off somewhere else...07:22
tsimpsonmatches something inside of parentheses07:22
genii3am, good night08:00
jussinini genii08:02
dholbachgood morning08:24
rocket16Hello, as a regular user of Ubuntu IRC, I request the attention of Operators to ban Bazhang, from #ubuntu channel. Please consider the plea, and take measures.08:36
rocket16Please consider the matter, for it is serious. As an impartial viewer, you'll probably see that what he's been doing, is no less than misusing #ubuntu-offtopic and #ubuntu channels. So, if you don't ban him immediately, a steady fall of Ubuntu users using the IRC is inevitable. For sake of this marvellous OS, (I am not requesting anyone, for people here aren't that great to be requested, what is evident from their previous activities) do something, pl08:42
rocket16mneptok: Also, as for your kind information, in reply to "IRC is not Court-room", on rule of IRC, is the fact that one can't misuse it. People like bazhang and billy2007 get to the top, because of blind supporters, like many of the Operators, who even did not take a look at anything going on the main channel. And I am sorry to say, please stop favouring those ill people, for helping and supporting bad makes one bad as well.08:44
rocket16Thanks and Bye.08:44
tsimpsonrocket16 is currently ban evading08:50
tsimpsona ban on *!*@ was set08:50
tsimpsonI guess I just volunteered to speak to him08:51
tsimpsonhello rocket1608:56
rocket16Hello tsimpson,08:56
tsimpsonlet me just get a log for the original ban08:56
tsimpsonrocket16: ok, do you know why you were banned in the first place?08:58
tsimpsonbazhang: ping btw08:58
Flannelrocket16: I removed you from #ubuntu because you were ban evading.  Having a conversation here doesn't affect your status there.08:59
rocket16Yes, I know, I asked bazhang and billy2007 not to discuss offtopic, and also, billy2007 called me "idiot", for which I requested him not to use such language.08:59
tsimpsonrocket16: I'm looking at the log, I don't see where they were offtopic09:00
rocket16tsimpson: They were simply using things like "Hello, how are you", and what I did, was just a formal offtopic alert,09:00
tsimpson2010-04-21T05:20:36 <billy2007> bazhang, you here?09:01
tsimpson2010-04-21T05:20:52 <bazhang> billy2007, hi09:01
tsimpson2010-04-21T05:21:15 <billy2007> bazhang, i was speaking to you the other day about my webcam i dont know if you remember09:01
tsimpsonI don't see that09:01
rocket16Flannel: Sorry, I tried to close #ubuntu in my IRC, but it crashed.09:01
Flannelrocket16: No worries, figured I'd just give you some assistance09:01
tsimpsonthe next relevant message is from you: 2010-04-21T05:21:54 <rocket161> billy2007: bazhang: This is the Support Channel. Please don't make offtopic discussions here.09:01
rocket16tsimpson: But I did nothing wrong, and the other day, I was warned when I just said "hello" to a person.09:02
rocket16tsimpson: Yes, but wasn't that offtopic? Like saying "hi" and "hello" etc?09:02
tsimpsonbut that is clearly a continuation of support afaiks09:02
rocket16Flannel: Thanks09:02
jpdsping / pong ... support.09:02
tsimpsonbilly2007 was also wrong in somewhat provoking you, but that's a separate issue09:03
rocket16tsimpson: Right,09:03
tsimpsonthen, however, you became off-topic yourself09:03
rocket16tsimpson: I agree, Billy2007 started the issue again,09:03
rocket16tsimpson: But languages like "idiot", are they welcome in #ubuntu?09:03
tsimpsonno, but as I said, it's another issue we'll deal with09:04
rocket16tsimpson: Oh, sorry for not getting it, I understood09:04
tsimpsoncarrying on a conversation about how you think someone is off-topic is, itself, off-topic09:04
tsimpsonand you were asked to stop before being removed the first time09:05
tsimpsonyou then rejoined and continued again09:05
tsimpsonand also threatened someone09:05
tsimpsonwhich is also not appropriate for #ubuntu09:05
rocket16tsimpson: Yes, but however, I did nothing wrong, really. I just asked ubutto to send then an alert, and they simply removed.09:05
tsimpson2010-04-21T05:36:31 <rocket16> bazhang: Continue misusing your Operator status, and you'll get the result,09:05
rocket16tsimpson: But why should he always kick people? That is not right, he did that multiple times, in a previous issue09:06
tsimpsonyou were removed because you were asked to stop the discussion about who was/was not off-topic09:06
rocket16tsimpson: The ubuntu offtopic channel, is made unfit because of people like bazhang there, who kick new users from there (after they protest against slangs used by AtomikSpark)09:06
tsimpsonwhich is an off-topic conversation09:06
tsimpsonlet's deal with _this_ issue first09:07
rocket16tsimpson: Oh, very sorry, an urgent issue here. Please excuse me for five minutes, :(09:07
rocket16I am rejoining soon after09:08
tsimpsonyou were asked to stop the discussion, and were removed for continuing. when you re-joined you still continued and said something which could be persevered as a threat09:08
tsimpsonafter that, you were then banned09:08
tsimpson9am, still waiting for the caffeine to kick in :)09:09
rocket16tsimpson: But in return, please consider what Blly2007 said, "idiot" and so,09:19
rocket16tsimpson: If the rules are so strict, why shan't he be banned?09:19
tsimpsonrocket16: Billy2007 was warned while you wern't there09:19
rocket16tsimpson: Also, you yourself said that the issues are not related09:19
rocket16tsimpson: I see, my apologies,09:20
rocket16tsimpson: I did not see that warning, but such a word is heinous here09:20
rocket16tsimpson: Also, people like bazhang should not misuse their powers. Why did he kick me? Because Billy2007 asked him, isn't it?09:21
tsimpsonno, because you were off-topic09:21
rocket16tsimpson: Such a person is unfit to be an Operator of such important a channel.09:21
rocket16tsimpson: I did not continue the discussion, and just asked ubutto once. But Billy2007 started it again,09:21
tsimpsonafter being removed, you di...09:22
rocket16Sorry, I got disconnected.09:22
tsimpsonrocket16: after being removed, you did continue09:22
tsimpsona remove is the 2nd form of warning you ignored09:23
tsimpsonyou were asked to stop, you were removed, and finally banned after continueing09:23
rocket16tsimpson: But why should any person have the right to kick any person without any reason? Also, please pay attention to what Billy2007 said, that is no less than a quarrel "Now say, how was I offtipoc"09:23
tsimpsonas I said, he was told to stop09:24
rocket16I said nothing, when they were discussing about a topic-related issue. But Billy2007 started the offtopic discussion again09:24
rocket16But he did not, he continued, to offend me with "idiot", and he was not kicked, but I was,09:25
tsimpsonyou re-joined and continued, then posted a threat-like message09:25
rocket16That is not a threat, for information. That was a simple thing, which meant "Stop misusing your powers, or the results won't be fine."09:25
tsimpsonno, I'm looking at the log now. you were removed, the first thing you did after re-joining was 2010-04-21T05:36:10 <rocket16> billy2007: Hey, last warning to you, watch your language.09:25
tsimpsonthere was no message to you after you re-joined09:26
rocket16Sure, I did, as a reply to "idiot"09:26
rocket16But before it was, I could not get the chance of answering to "idiot"09:26
tsimpsonyou shouldn't have responded to it at all09:26
rocket16Might be, sorry09:26
rocket16But that really offends anyone,09:27
tsimpsonwhich is why he was told to stop09:27
rocket16So, that was a saying, asking him to stop, which he ignored, and continued to plead bazhang to ban me,09:27
tsimpsonI can assure you, you were not banned because someone ask for you to be09:27
rocket16But did he stop? No, he kept on saying ill things to bazhang, which bazhang did.09:27
tsimpsonthat's not how it works09:28
tsimpsonthat you were banned and that someone asked for it are coincidental09:28
rocket16My question is, will I ever be allowed to rejoin #ubuntu? Or else, I'll feel sorry, but no problem, I'll leave #ubuntu for ever.09:28
tsimpsonif you can agree to follow the rules, an keep in mind that discussing someone being off-topic is also being off-topic09:29
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines09:29
tsimpsonfor reference ^09:29
rocket16A misunderstanding between an user and operator, will always give the operator the greater hand, and so did get bazhang.09:30
rocket16I see.09:30
tsimpsonthat's why this channel exists, so we can discuss and come to a solution09:30
tsimpsonif you agree to the rules, and learn from this experience, you can certainly re-join #ubuntu09:30
rocket16I see. I definitely agree to the terms,09:31
tsimpsonrocket16: ok, you are free to participate in #ubuntu and part this channel. thanks for coming here to discuss it09:32
rocket16And I did too, but after what I saw, and how people like bazhang and billy2007 behave, (Especially bazhang, so he misuses his Operator powers, for which he is required to be removed from Operator, it is a responsibility, as said in the guidelines. But however, all of you people, do your tasks nicely, leaving bazhang, who keeps on using his privileges in a wrong way.09:33
rocket16So, it is better for me to quit #ubuntu, but as an advice, please don't allow people like bazhang as Operators, for this will have a negative impact on the entire community.09:34
tsimpsonwe'll keep your concerns in mind and deal with operators internally09:34
rocket16So, I guess it is the time to leave #ubuntu, and permanently.09:34
tsimpsonthat is up to you09:34
tsimpsonrocket16: if there is nothing else, please part this channel09:35
rocket16I have decided to take away my name from #ubuntu, and so shall I. But as an admirer of this fabulous OS, please remember this occasion. Thank you tsimpson, for your help. I would have liked to stay in #ubuntu much longer, but because of bazhang, I am leaving. Bye, and thanks again.09:35
tsimpsonok, thanks09:36
rocket16tsimpson: Thank you,Iam doing this already. No need to ask em again and again.09:36
tsimpson@mark rocket16 -ops conversation in reference to the ban on *!*@
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:36
bazhangwhoa sorry to be away.10:31
bazhangtsimpson, my apologies10:31
tsimpsonbazhang: don't worry about it, I think I got the message across10:34
ubottuiceroot called the ops in #ubuntu (abou_7anash_009)10:41
ubottumc44-#ubuntu-offtopic has no aliases - added by LjL on 2008-02-05 23:21:33 - last edited by bazhang on 2010-03-21 11:09:3611:21
jussi!forget mc44-#ubuntu-offtopic11:21
ubottuI'll forget that, jussi11:21
jussiI thought it was agreed that there were to be no vanity factoids.11:21
bazhangthere are still a few more around as well11:24
ubottuMostly just statistics and mc44, but yeah.11:25
jussiyeah, that one is different11:25
bazhangalso !pony11:25
jussipony is fine11:25
jussibut ones that are !$name11:26
Seeker`so "mc44 is..." is wrong but "...and mc44" is fine?11:30
jussiSeeker`: factoid that are there for the sole purpose of an individual, ie !mc44 are not correct.11:30
Seeker`well, that !lies one seems fairly personalised11:31
Seeker`I just don't see what the objection to !mc44 is if you can have "personalised" ones, as long as they aren't !<name>11:34
Seeker`jussi: ??11:36
tsimpsonanyway !lies should be !lies-#ubuntu-offtopic, same for !maybe11:41
ubottuSee !lies11:47
jussielky: when you wake up/look in take a peak at: http://www.linuxfordevices.com/c/a/News/HP-Compaq-AirLife-100-on-US-website/11:47
Seeker`jussi: ?12:01
Seeker`would something like "!superop is Oh no! A Super Op is about! watch out, it might be bazhang" be acceptable?12:02
Seeker`jussi: ^12:08
bazhanganyone see poutine in -ot?12:08
Seeker`bazhang: spoken to him?12:09
bazhangSeeker`, he was told before about 04012:09
bazhangerr o4o12:09
Seeker`ah, you aren't an -offtopic op?12:10
gordi has an eye out now12:11
elkyjussi, niiice, an absurd mouse pad though, but veeery nice12:22
jussiSeeker`: not really. lemme think about it some12:23
elkywith android as the default OS? very interesting12:24
Seeker`jussi: or to put it another way, would "!mc44 is <reply> Mostly just statistics and mc44, but yeah" be acceptable?12:29
elkyIMHO no.12:33
elkyi'd s/mc44/caek/ for !lies to be honest.12:34
elkymuch funnier12:34
h00kPici: I don't know...what is going on13:02
jussimorning txwikinger14:31
txwikingerhi jussi14:31
funkyHatI think mc44 is definitely funnier than caek14:41
jussis/mc44/politicians/ ?14:43
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:02
* genii scrapes the crud out of his eyes, makes some coffee, and tries to stay focused15:22
h00kway to be.15:22
Piciikonia: I don't think you saw this yesterday, but I thought you'd get a kick out of it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/419524/15:23
ikonialets see15:24
ikoniaha ha, where did that come from ?15:25
PiciSomeone in #ubuntu who wanted help fixing his system.15:25
ikoniaI'm secretly glad I did miss that15:28
* elky snorts ginger beer all over the place.15:29
elky"Hi, I changed everything. Why doesn't my system work anymore?"15:29
PiciEr, folks it may be best to bring Nece228 in here or talk to him in pm. -offtopic is getting a bit well.. offtopic.15:30
PiciPlus we don't need every op thats around to pounce at once :)15:31
ikoniaI'm not watching so go for it15:31
geniiI'm still trying to wake up15:32
jussiso, can someone explain to me why when you send an email to people and theywrite back using the spelling "Jussy" even though its correctly spelled right there in front of them?15:33
knomejussi, because of Daviey, Pricey and elky15:34
knome(and Popey)15:34
topyliit's one of the perks of having a finnish name. the variations can be endless!15:34
elkyWhatever you say, knomey.15:34
knomeelky, ;]15:34
popeypffft, some people still call me popeye15:34
knomepopey, lol15:35
elky...the sailor man.15:35
h00ktoot toot15:35
popeyI puke on boats.15:35
popeynot a good popeye15:35
jussiThis time it was Marianna from canonical, but it seems to happen quite often...15:35
knomeis puking on boats some kind of new hippie/anarchist trend?15:36
elkyknome, yes, his stomach is revolting against his act of being on a boat.15:36
* knome was imagining popey on a pier and puking all over the luxury boats15:37
* knome takes a quick nap15:38
elkyYeah, it's terribly rude of him. How would he like it if those boats puked on him.15:39
popeyone did once. :(15:40
popeydiesel, all over me :(15:40
gnomefreakdont we have an op or 2 that maintains ubuntuforums16:20
Picignomefreak: the channel or the forums themselves?16:21
gnomefreakforums them selves16:21
PiciPrice-y, mac-o16:21
* txwikinger sends popey(e) some spinach16:22
gnomefreakthere are alot of forums channels so i figured i would start here16:22
gnomefreakPici: ah nevermind i found what i was looking for16:24
gnomefreaktsimpson: are you one of ubottu maintainers?19:56
jpdsgnomefreak: Yes.20:04
gnomefreakjpds: you too?20:04
jpdsMe, not so much.20:05
gnomefreak!info galeon lucid20:05
ubottugaleon (source: galeon): GNOME web browser for advanced users. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.7-1ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 530 kB, installed size 1480 kB20:05
gnomefreak^^^ outdated20:05
gnomefreakwe no longer have it20:05
persiaJust needs a cache update: this is likely a cronjob somewhere.20:09
jpdsSeriously Launchpad, make it easy to find why a package was deleted by default.20:11
jpdshttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/galeon - no info20:11
persiaBut it's secret :)20:11
jpdshttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/galeon - no info.20:12
persiaDormant upstream, effort to maintain due to xulrunner (LP: #553049)20:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553049 in galeon "Remove galeon from archive" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55304920:12
persia(from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/galeon/+publishinghistory )20:12
jpdsAha, le +publishinghistory.20:12
gnomefreakupstream no longer maintaining it AFIK20:17
gordoh wow. galeon still existed?20:21
Piciaww.. dillo isn't published anymore either20:24
persialucid: now with fewer browsers :)20:24
gnomefreakoh and kazehakase was also removed some time ago20:28
PiciAcePreshaw: Hi, how can we help you today?21:06
AcePreshawcan i be a op im ubnutu?21:07
AcePreshawor here21:08
ikonialets have a look at your history21:09
PiciAcePreshaw: We actually just finished our recruiting drive for new operators.  So, we probably will not be looking for any for a bit.  If we do, will will make an announcement on our mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-irc21:10
AcePreshawim not in it21:10
PiciYou can sign up, its open to anyone.21:10
AcePreshawcan i be a op21:11
ikoniayou're not a good listener21:11
PiciAcePreshaw: We are not currently looking for new operators.21:11
AcePreshawim too21:11
ubottuAcePreshaw called the ops in #ubuntu-irc ()21:12
ikoniawhy did you do that21:12
AcePreshawi want do look21:13
ikoniawhat ?21:13
ikoniaAcePreshaw: is there anything else you need for the operator team at this time ?21:14
AcePreshawim soz21:14
AcePreshawno soz21:15
ikoniaAcePreshaw: ok, well if you don't need anything more, could you please leave the channel as this channel has a no idle policy so that users with a problem can be helped21:15
AcePreshawok bye21:16
Mamarokwhat does soz mean?21:17
PiciI think...21:17
h00kit's so clear now!21:17
knomelike what21:18
Piciokay, now I'm really going afk21:20
knomehave fun21:21

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