
slangasekbdrung: we generally expect the archive to be in sync with the ISOs during RC validation, so either you'd need to get sign-off from the responsible listed on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseManifest for a respin this late, or it waits until after RC00:00
bdrungok, waiting is the solution. i just wanted to make sure that it hits the final release00:01
bdrungslangasek: thanks for the information00:01
ScottKbdrung: Is upstream planning to accept those changes or are the potientially permanent Ubuntu diff?00:03
bdrungScottK: they want to adopt the icon - two patches are cherry-picked from upstream00:03
bdrungno permanent ubuntu diff00:04
slangasekScottK: opendkim in00:12
slangasekjust sponsored python-virtualenv, would appreciate a review00:21
slangasek(when it lands in, say, 5 min)00:21
ScottKThe means you have time to review opendkim, right?00:27
slangasekScottK: already did it00:27
ScottKJust noticed.00:27
ScottKDon't see virtualenv yet00:28
slangasekoh, because I failed to build with -sa00:30
* slangasek tries again00:30
doko__slangasek, lamont: what about the glib2.0 update (fixing the sparc build). lamont, or did you have some kind of hack in mind?00:31
ScottKIt would be nice to start sooner rather than later on all the retries that would follow that fix.00:32
slangasekdoko__: not accepting it during RC validation; I realize that's going to set us back on retries, but I need the board clear for now00:34
slangasekdoko__: oh, but do please upload it if you have the fix - I thought the glib2.0 in the queue was the one you meant, but that's pitti's dbgsym fix00:38
slangasekedubuntu rebuild started00:52
slangasekis there anyone around who can do wubi testing?00:52
slangasekcharlie-tca and davmor2 both reported that wubi was "not present" on the Xubuntu desktop ISOs; but I can definitely see it on the ISO, and don't have Windows around to test with00:54
slangasek^^ there we go01:01
doko__lamont, slangasek: glib2.0 uploaded01:02
slangasekdoko__: thanks01:03
sbeattieslangasek: what did they mean by doesn't appear? I have an old win2k8 server prerelease instance that sees the wubi autorun instance with the iso inserted.01:18
slangasek15:52 < charlie-tca> When you try to install using wubi, it does not appear in any menu01:19
slangasek15:53 < charlie-tca> I put the desktop cd in the drive, there is no wubi to select01:19
* cody-somerville wonders if xscreensaver's 'New Login' feature being broken is a good enough bug to do an upload.01:19
slangaseksbeattie: so if you're seeing the wubi menu, your guess is as good as mine01:24
slangasekcody-somerville: are you asking, or just wondering? :)01:24
sbeattieslangasek: has xubuntu been respun since then?01:24
slangaseksbeattie: 20100419 is the latest01:25
cody-somervilleslangasek, Wondering with the hope someone might suggest if it is or not. I've tried asking mr_pouit a few times but he hasn't gotten back to me.01:25
slangasekno respins because I haven't seen anything I could fix by respinning01:25
sbeattieslangasek: oh, okay, I was going to try with 2010041801:25
cody-somervilleslangasek, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/xscreensaver/ubuntu/revision/16 is the change to fix it01:26
slangasekcody-somerville: oh, well, it's a bugfix so the release team wouldn't block it, but I think it's for you guys to decide if it's worth the upload01:26
ScottKslangasek: virtualenv accepted.01:57
slangasekthanks :)02:00
sbeattieslangasek: I get wubi with 20100418 xubuntu daily-live i386 cd as well.02:06
slangaseksbeattie: ok; we'll have to wait for them to resurface and give more detail, thanks for double-checking02:06
slangasekogra: omap netbook respun, finally; spent too long waiting for acorn to get its act together02:45
ScottKslangasek: Some additional Unverse syncs for you if you have a moment: http://paste.debian.net/69990/03:23
ScottKslangasek: Additional binary removals due to the lack of Python2.5: autodocktools mgltools-opengltk03:30
ScottKslangasek: revised list: http://paste.debian.net/69994/03:44
slangasekScottK: syncs running05:30
slangasekScottK: autodocktools, mgltools-opengltk removed05:30
ScottKThe two recent Universe uploads in queue are mine if you could have a look ....05:38
ScottKNo rush.05:38
* slangasek gets a FTBFS mail for OOo/armel and screams05:39
slangasekSession terminated, killing shell...make: *** [debian/stampdir/binary-arch] Terminated05:39
slangasek ...killed.05:39
slangasekBuild killed with signal 15 after 150 minutes of inactivity05:39
slangaseklamont: ^^ why did satinash screw us over?05:40
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ttxGood morning07:17
aramorning ttx07:28
ttxslangasek: you don't have any plans to respin the server ISO, we can safely work on test coverage ?08:09
slangasekttx: no plans to respin08:36
ttxslangasek: ok08:36
evslangasek: I've replied to your comment in bug 558488, but I'd like to get feedback on my suggestion before I go ahead and make that change.09:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558488 in ubiquity "(Lucid beta) Should use 10.04 LTS, not 10.04" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55848809:59
slangasekev: hmm, sounds risky to me, precisely because other things may parse it10:02
evunfortunately I think all we have are risky options, but I'm open to further suggestions10:02
evI guess we could hardcode it for just this release10:02
slangasekI think that would be least risky, yes10:03
evright, I'll work on patches to ubiquity and casper that do just that10:04
slangasekalso, I don't think anything sets DISTRIB_ID for flavors, does it?10:04
slangasek(if it does, that's buggy, because this is a conffile)10:04
slangasekbefore we entirely rule out editing of DEBVERSION, I guess I'd like to have cjwatson's take on it10:04
evDISTRIB_ID> ah, my mistake for assuming that it was set for flavors.10:05
slangasekreally, the only place you can distinguish is in the install media; once you've installed, it becomes muddled10:06
slangasekbut .disk/info also includes the lavor name, doesn't it?10:06
evah, wow10:06
evor something like that10:06
evway too many characters10:07
evanyway, yeah, we can just check the first field of .disk/info10:07
* slangasek puts mountall to the rack. TELL ME YOUR SECRETS10:08
cjwatsonmy worry about doing it in ubiquity etc. is that it's hard to tell between LTS and non-LTS flavours there10:09
cjwatsonchecking DISTRIB_ID seems ... likely to be messy10:10
cjwatsonand yeah, what slangasek said above10:10
cjwatsonin that case what I mean is "checking .disk/info for the flavour name seems ... likely to be messy"10:10
cjwatsonI think I'd be more comfortable with a flavour-specific change to DEBVERSION, THB10:11
cjwatsonso, um - do CD-based upgrades from hardy actually work right now?10:12
cjwatson  hardy)10:12
cjwatson    export PREV_CODENAME=dapper # need to support upgrades from previous LTS10:12
cjwatson  lucid)10:12
cjwatson    export PREV_CODENAME=karmic10:12
cjwatson    export CODENAME=hardy10:12
cjwatson    export CODENAME=lucid10:12
cjwatsonhmm, maybe that doesn't matter since there's no release-upgrader-* in either hardy-backports or karmic-backports10:13
sbeattiecjwatson: erm? I haven't done a hardy->lucid cd only upgrade yet for rc, but at least for the ubuntu-server amd64 iso, I know it's worked for the last two betas.10:15
* sbeattie has an amd64 machine that has a NIC that hardy's kernel doesn't recognize.10:16
evcjwatson: ubiquity> So to be clear, you think that we're okay to risk breaking tools that parse .disk/info over just hardcoding a check for ubiquity and kubuntu like so for a single release? http://paste.ubuntu.com/419733/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/419736/10:18
everr ubuntu and kubuntu10:19
cjwatsonsbeattie: 10:13 <cjwatson> hmm, maybe that doesn't matter since there's no release-upgrader-* in either hardy-backports or karmic-backports10:19
cjwatsonsbeattie: accounts for this working10:19
cjwatsonev: the only thing I know of that actually *parses* .disk/info is wubi; otherwise, I believe parsing it to be very rare.  Can you think of anything else?10:22
cjwatsonthat said wubi would actually break if we inserted LTS there right now, but the regex is easy to fix10:22
cjwatsonmost things just display its contents or similar10:23
cjwatsonor log them10:23
cjwatsonso yeah, I think my personal preference would be to change .disk/info and fix wubi's regex10:23
evwell, and ubiquity and casper, but yeah, I can't think of anything else that would10:24
cjwatsondo they parse it?10:24
evubiquity does10:24
cjwatsonmm, casper does some minimal parsing10:24
cjwatson./scripts/casper-bottom/10adduser:55:RELEASE="$(cut -d' ' -f1-2 /root/cdrom/.disk/info 2>/dev/null)" || RELEASE=""10:24
cjwatsonthat wouldn't break, but it probably ought to be changed, since we want that to show LTS as well10:25
cjwatsonand same in ubiquity/ubiquity/misc.py10:26
cjwatsonon the flip side, changing .disk/info would mean that we wouldn't have to change things like cdrom-detect10:26
cjwatsonin wubi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/419742/ looks sufficient; I've checked all the callers and it doesn't display the version anywhere, it's just checking it against isolist.ini, so as long as we leave version in isolist.ini alone, we can just ignore "LTS ", I think10:30
cjwatson(actually, http://paste.ubuntu.com/419743/ is clearer isn't it)10:30
evHow does this look for ubiquity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/419744/10:31
evwubi> looks good10:31
cjwatsondon't you want the assignments outside the parens?10:32
everr wow, I'm way off the mark today10:32
cjwatson>>> test('Ubuntu 10.04 "Lucid Lynx" - Release Candidate i386 (20100419.1)')10:33
cjwatson'Ubuntu 10.04'10:33
cjwatson>>> test('Ubuntu 10.04 LTS "Lucid Lynx" - Release Candidate i386 (20100419.1)')10:33
cjwatson'Ubuntu 10.04 LTS'10:33
cjwatsonlooks fine to me with that syntactic correction10:33
cjwatsonwubi change committed - can you publish an updated wubi.exe at some point?10:36
evI'll do it now10:36
cjwatsonBTW, one reason I prefer it this way is that it's really quick to revert things just in cdimage if it goes wrong10:39
cjwatsonwhich admittedly would put us out of compliance with branding, but that's probably true with just about any failure mode here ...10:44
* slangasek nods10:44
cjwatsongrr, I didn't realise the translation import queue was quite so far behind10:47
slangasekdpm mentioned it was slow; how bad is it now?10:48
doko_slangasek: is there a buildlog left from the OOo build?10:48
cjwatson"1-50 of 19038 results"10:48
cjwatsonit's backed up to the 16th10:48
slangasekdoko_: no, I restarted the build because the log was useless - it just hung after outputting openoffice.org-core10:48
slangasekdoko_: so the only relevant output is what I quoted in scrollback10:49
cjwatsonthough it is catching up; it's up to late on the 16th, and it was only up to sometime on the 15th last night, so that's rather more than one hour per hour10:49
ograslangasek, hrm, seems acorn didnt have the new livecd-rootfs or my fix didnt work, there is no vmlinuz file in /boot10:50
slangasekcjwatson: I don't follow all the implications - is that going to impact the ability to export langpacks in a timely manner this week?10:50
slangasekogra: the actual build was on clementine, acorn stiffed me10:51
ogralamont, can you check the livecd-rootfs version on clementine ?10:51
ograslangasek, ok10:51
slangasekogra: as for not having the new one - perhaps I wrongly assumed that the 'buildlive base; build-livecd-base' cronjob helped with this10:51
slangasekI can retry it, clementine isn't doing anything else10:51
slangasek(and lamont won't be around for a few hours, I'm sure)10:52
ograslangasek, i thought so too, but it might actually be a cronjob10:52
slangasekogra: hah - build-livecd-base doesn't know about armel10:52
slangasekblast, and I just restarted the build on clementine10:53
ograheh, ok10:53
slangasekwell, that doesn't really seem to do anything useful on the buildds anyway... maybe this second build on clementine will work10:56
ograi'll check once there is an image10:57
cjwatsonslangasek: I *think* imports and exports are largely independent11:07
slangasekbut it may impact the up-to-dateness of the langpacks we export?11:07
cjwatsonthe reason I care was that I was hoping to get a last-minute installer translation fix in, which is dependent on an import of d-i translations - but not the end of the world if it doesn't11:07
* slangasek nods11:07
cjwatsonmaybe for the odd few upstream translations cycling through, although I noticed a huge pile of kde-i18n being imported11:07
cjwatsonI'd expect it to catch up fairly quickly when it hits the freeze11:08
cjwatsonbut just a guess11:09
lamontslangasek: acorn had multiple remaining issues, which I believe are all fixed, one of your livecd runs is now going, the other I killed since it was a dup11:59
slangaseklamont: ok - how about logfile visibility?11:59
lamontwhich machine and what url are you trying and not succeeding with?12:00
lamontfrom which ...12:00
slangaseklamont: antimony; was getting 404s before?12:00
lamontand sample URL?12:01
lamonttry now?12:03
slangaseklamont: there we go - thanks12:06
ogralamont, is livecd-rootfs 1.114 currently installed on either of  the amrel livefs builders12:06
ograelse we dont need to bother to rebuild omap yet12:07
lamontogra: both - acorn had 1.112 until moments ago12:07
lamontomap is building with 1.11412:07
ograsweet, thanks :)12:07
slangaseklamont: on which buildd is it building with 1.114?12:20
slangasekright, thanks12:30
lamontwtf is up with oo.o/armel?12:50
lamontI refuse to believe that it took > 2.5 hrs to do:  dpkg-deb: building package `openoffice.org-core' in `../openoffice.org-core_3.2.0-7ubuntu3_armel.deb'.12:50
hyperairit might have =p12:51
hyperairwait, 28M is kinda small..12:51
lamonthyperair: if so, pushing it back to the top of the hill for another 2-day run at the problem probably isn't the answer12:52
hyperair2 days huh12:52
hyperairthat sounds painful12:52
lamontyeah - it's a good thing they modularized the build so that it's not one big monolithic takes-forever pile, eh?12:53
lamontoh wait.  that was just from my dreams12:53
slangasekman, dreams about OOo, that's really taking your work home with you12:58
ograoh, come on, its not two days ... only 40h or so :P13:16
mvolamont: and the funny thing is that we may need another OOo upload before final13:25
mvo(maybe not so funny)13:26
ogramvo, what ?!?13:27
mvobug #566584 and bug #51672713:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566584 in openoffice.org "unpack/configure order violation triggered by OOo pre-depends" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56658413:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516727 in openoffice.org "breaks dist-upgrade: E: Couldn't configure pre-depend openoffice.org-core for openoffice.org-filter-binfilter, probably a dependency cycle." [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51672713:28
mvothe alternative is to remove ooo-evolution and ooo-filter-binfilter during the upgrade (well, before it starts)13:29
ograbah, sigh13:30
lamontWTF does oo.o pre-depends something?13:32
lamontwell, other than the obvious, I suppose. but still SHEESH13:32
mvolamont: it pre-depends on TEH WORLD13:32
lamontmvo: it IS the world.13:32
mvolamont: like -core, that needs the full gstreamer, all of gnome etc13:32
* ogra is happy we dont use it in any armel images anymore13:32
lamontI'd really like to see the size of that beast treated as an RC bug for lucid+113:33
mvolamont: don't ask why, I still have bad dreams from looking at it13:33
mvolamont: I *hope* that I found a solution, _rene_ helped a lot to explain me why certain stuff is needed (or done in the way its done)13:33
mvobuy him a beer if you see him13:33
lamontoh, goodl13:34
slangaseklamont: is acorn still going?13:38
slangasekUnable to fetch squashfs sort list; using a blank list.13:39
slangasekbut no output from mksquashfs after that13:39
ogradidnt we quietenm that down ?13:39
stgraberslangasek: do you have the URL to what will be the release announcement and release notes for RC ?13:39
lamontthe Unable... is normal13:39
slangaseklamont: yes, the lack of output afterwards is not13:39
slangasekstgraber: announcement: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/RCAnnouncement; release notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes; tech overview (which may have been what you meant by release notes): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/TechnicalOverview13:40
ograslangasek, yeah, there should at least be two additional lines13:41
stgraberslangasek: thanks13:41
ograi think the progressbar will only be shown after it finished though13:41
lamonthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/419834/ <-- slangasek: thoughts?13:42
slangaseklamont: 22min without further output - so is that build still doing something, or did it die a mangled death?13:42
slangaseklamont: is that the mksquashfs?13:42
lamontroot      6663 92.4 50.3 308968 241044 ?       Sl   13:20  20:28          \_ mksquashfs /build/chroot-livecd/ livecd.ubuntu-netbook-omap.squashfs -sort livecd.ubuntu-netb13:42
lamontand the right side of my terminal window for the *snip*13:43
slangasekdoesn't look very healthy to me :/13:43
slangasekwell, let's let it run for another .5h or so13:43
ograprobably use a bucket with water if the alarm clock doesnt suffice :/13:43
lamontslangasek: about to run kids to school, will be afk for closer to 1.25h13:43
ograi really wonder what kind fo boards they sent you ...13:43
lamontfigure ~7am pacifc13:44
ograwhy dont we see all these issues on our dev boards13:44
lamontogra: run livecd-rootfs in a lucid chroot on lucid on your boards?13:44
lamontdo you, that is13:44
ogralamont, i did that once, yes13:44
lamontogra: slangasek does it all the time.13:45
ogranot atm, since i'm focused on omap, but for getting a squashfs to play with i do such stuff13:45
ogralamont, but on your silicon13:45
ograi dont get why you see these many issues on these new bbg3's13:45
lamontmaybe we're just lucky?13:45
lamontanyway, afk kids->school13:46
slangasekhah; so I fix plymouth so that it will actually send mountall a 'c' when the user wants to cancel a fsck13:50
slangasekwhich uncovers a crasher bug in mountall13:50
slangasekapparently I'm the first person to ever hit this code path13:51
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cjwatsonslangasek: FYI the beta-2-relnoted bug regarding RAID arrays larger than 2TB still exists14:07
slangasekcjwatson: argh?  I thought I saw that the bug was closed - not so much?14:08
cjwatsonlooks like I need to rebuild a generated file; in the meantime, I'm restoring the technicaloverview note14:08
slangasekah, you've just reopened, ok14:08
cjwatsondiscovered as part of attempting to disentangle the hopelessly unintelligible dogpiled bug 52740114:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527401 in partman-base "grub-installer fails to install on a raid1 array" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52740114:09
slangaseklamont: ah, must've been buffering or something; omap build finished successfully now14:14
stgraberslangasek: updated the release announcement for edubuntu. We still have some annoying bugs, I'll release note them and an updated edubuntu-artwork package should be uploaded soonish (so we can test that extensively post-RC).14:22
ograslangasek, \o/14:23
slangasekstgraber: could you please consolidate that into 4 paragraphs or fewer?14:24
evI imagine it's too late for Lucid, but can we get upgrade tests for wubi in 10.10?14:33
evin the iso testing tracker, that is14:33
evara: ^14:34
araev, noted14:34
araare ubuntu studio cds always that big???14:35
arathat does not fit in a CD, that's for sure14:35
slangasekyes, it's meant to be a DVD image14:37
araslangasek, ok :)14:37
araslangasek, thanks14:37
lamontslangasek: yeah - I think it does some serious processing, and doesn't bother to flush stdout14:49
ograslangasek, i'm happy to report that 21.2 has vmlinuz in /boot :)15:00
* ogra now hopes there are not other bugs he didnt find yet15:01
ograrunning an install now ... i'll know more in ~2h15:01
ograyay for speedy HW15:01
cr3hi folks, I would appreciate if someone could have a look at bug #567568 in case it might be considered release critical15:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567568 in checkbox "Candidate revision checkbox_0.9.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56756815:07
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ograin-target: Read error on /dev/mtd2: Cannot allocate memory16:20
* ogra cries16:20
aranetwork-manager is not being included in ubuntustudio's cd16:21
arano worries, it is there16:23
jdstrandare server ISOs scheduled for a respin or can I go ahead with my testing on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/20100419.1/lucid-server-amd64.iso16:30
* ara wonders how not installing network-manager is seen as an improvement (http://ubuntustudio.org/KarmicKoala)16:35
jdstrandslangasek: ^ (regarding server isos)16:35
pittiara: urgh, we had n-m on server ISOs before? that sounds kinda wrong..16:38
arapitti, I am talking about ubuntu studio16:38
arapitti, :)16:38
pittiara: ah, I misread jdstrand's comment :)16:39
jdstrandheh, sorry16:39
jdstrandttx: do you know if the server isos need a respin? I want to test 20100419.1 but don't want to waste testing on it if it is going away16:42
slangasekjdstrand: there are no respins planned16:43
jdstrandok cool16:43
slangasekin general, respins will be marked on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all as such16:44
jdstrandslangasek: excellent, that was my next question :)16:44
ograslangasek, so i guess omap has to skip netbook for RC ... i seem to hit that http://paste.ubuntu.com/419902/ and have no idea why16:49
ografunnily it works flawless in d-i16:50
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highvoltageslangasek: sorry to do it again, I uploaded another edubuntu-artwork package. this one should be the last one.19:54
mvoslangasek: if you could have a look at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mvo/openoffice/3.2.0-lucid/+merge/23875 that would be much appreciated, this should solve two OOo upgrade issues. I did some testing already and will continue tomorrow with more21:34
sbeattieslangasek: crap, live images are missing xfs and jfs utilities: bug 56802421:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568024 in ubiquity "xfsprogs,jfsutils missing from install / live CD, can not use XFS,jfs during installation" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56802421:35
cjwatsoner, wot21:36
cjwatsonhow'd we screw that one up?21:36
sbeattieDunno, I thought we hit that in the alphas, but got it fixed.21:37
cjwatsonlooks like it may have been broken by the live-common seed split21:38
cjwatson'cept I don't entirely see why21:38
cjwatsonPackage: xfsprogs21:38
cjwatsonTask: kubuntu-live, kubuntu-netbook-live, xubuntu-live, mythbuntu-live, netbook-live21:38
cjwatsonsame for jfsutils21:38
sbeattiecjwatson: what's the difference between casper/filesystem.manifest and casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop?21:38
cjwatsonubiquity removes anything in the former but not in the latter after copying the filesystem to the live system21:39
cjwatsoner, to the installed system21:39
cjwatsonthe difference between those two sets includes such things as the installer itself21:39
cjwatsonah, I see the seed bug - slangasek, unfortunately the archive has to be told explicitly when a task spans multiple seeds like this21:40
cjwatsonthere's a Task-Seeds field21:41
mvosbeattie: I uploaded https://edge.launchpad.net/~mvo/+archive/openoffice/+packages with the fixes we talked about. you can help by installing it once the ppa2 version is build (probably in +7h or so :/)21:41
sbeattieah, okay. xubuntu may be somewhat okay, as on it's livecd the former includes xfs-progs|jfsutils, but not the latter.21:41
cjwatsonyes, kubuntu kubuntu-netbook xubuntu mythbuntu (ubuntu-)netbook are all unaffected, per the Task line above21:41
cjwatsonaffects ubuntu and edubuntu21:43
* mvo just noticed that ooo actually only took 3,5h to build, not bad21:43
cjwatsonI imagine this will increase livefs size a bit21:46
cjwatsonseeds fixed21:47
slangasekhighvoltage: do you mean that you want a respin of edubuntu for the new artwork upload for RC?23:53
slangasekstgraber: ^^23:53
slangasekcjwatson: Task-Seeds> sigh :/23:55

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